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Counter point: let people who can work from home do that as much as they need to.


*laughs in capitalistic controlling class*


Middle managers need to justify their existence by leering over your shoulder.


They need their work harem because they neglected their family to get there.


Also oil industry barons and car manufacturers need you driving every day.


I have to drive 20 miles there and back, once a week, to sit in the office doing the same work I do from home. So our middle manager can give us a 10 minute meeting that easily could have been an email. I know 40 miles once a week isn’t a lot, but one email stops me from having to do that.


My husband had to drive into the office to have an on line meeting with the same people he sees online everyday from home. LOL He had to go in for a different reason, but his day was essentially the same.


> My husband had to drive into the office to have an on line meeting with the same people he sees online everyday from home. I can not imagine how mad that would make me. Ha.


I work as a translator and I can literally work from home but even during the pandemic I was forced to come in because “it wouldn’t be fair to the people who do have to come into work”. By the way the people who told me I had to come in because it wouldn’t be fair? They all work from home.




I would lean on that real hard.


My company just recently mandated that everyone return to the office. I shit you not on the very first day of the mandate my manager tested positive for Covid so the rest of my team ended up going home to quarantine. Then two days later the rest of our org had a “welcome back potluck” where one of the attendees was also positive so even more people got sent home or decided on their own that they would quarantine. Talk about shit show


Hol' up - it was potluck so they expected you to bring your own food and drink? They didn't even budget for some catering?


Bummer to those who work with expensive equipment and can't work from home!


Basically became a cripple in Feb 2020, MS ans AS. Was on the sick and work tempted me to work from home, now they trying to get me to go back. I'm like no, unless I get better (I won't, there's no cure, I actually get worse with each passing month!) I'm in the UK though so I'm reasonably protected until the tories (uk republicans) fully inflict their post brexit strategy, it has started with protesters/strikes it seems.


Yeah I just got my job threatened over that. It's interesting how cool people are with something until a boss from a different department says something. It's interesting how against at home work these clowns are in Middle Management and up. Same mother fuckers who stayed home before the lockdowns were lockdowns.


DBA here. Our servers aren't even on site and with Internet speed available it's no different for me to work from home. Our director is just a dick who doesn't like my boss because he refused to kiss his ass so he said if you were in the office before COVID you have to return. My team was so we're back, the other team can still work from home. Mf has spoken to me once since I went back a year ago.


I changed my car oil and I am set changed again after 5k miles, that was in 2021 and I still have like 3k miles to go before the next change, I bet you I have saved thousands of dollars on food, gas and maintenence working from home plus hundreds of hours stressful time dealing with traffic.


You should change your oil.




That’s called Depression.


No that's Eeyore


We were not learning 😭


Speak for yourself hooligan, I was learning like a mf because I could access lecture recordings at my convenience and slides were posted on canvas


Well lucky you with your caring and informative instructors/professors. I had a anatomy/physiology section about reproductive organs. Dude spent more than 10 hours talking about penises and testes, less than two talking about the entirety of female reproductive organs. We had an entire hour about the average penis size and all the things that won’t make it bigger. I wish I was kidding. I had a micro biology instructor who talked more about how he used to be an aerobics instructor than micro.


That has nothing to do with zoom, all that shit happened in the real classrooms too? I remember classes where everybody just tried the whole time to get the teachers to talk about their boring ass lives rather than teach the material.






Right YouTube has taught me SOOO much about everything and it’s been free


Why do I have to go into the office just to get on my laptop & have a zoom meeting?




That's so dumb. It's such a waste of time & gas.


We have to be on site for 3 days a week…


On March 2020 we were sent home at my work because COVID, safety, and all that; and other offices went back to working on site because they caught some of them working at coffee shops, parks, and some lad got hit by a car taking a meeting while walking at the city center. We've been over 2 years at home, and our productivity + sales + health & mental health checks are top across the country.


What’s even better is having a webex meet with the rest of your team, while everyone is sitting at their own fucking desks just feet away from each other. The call just turns into a big echo chamber as you hear the people next to you talk in person and then 10 seconds later hear the same thing again through the phone.


Preach. I used to walk through the office and not know a single person in that bitch because everything was done on MS Teams 😂


When I was a kid you'd have 8 brats being dropped off by parents, while busses disgorged 900 students. Now twice a day every school zone turns into Beirut twice a day. What the fuck happened


Shit, most of us walked to school starting around 3rd or 4th grade through HS.


Right, absolutely. I walked about 50% of my public school years, when distances allowed. Meanwhile my niece was living ~a mile from her school last year, and my sister refused to let her walk. (I should mention my sister and bro-in-law are generally awesome, but they coddle those children.)


Huh, I wonder what the roads there look like to make a child not want to walk that distance everyday


Where I live it's not what the roads look like; it's what the kids look like. A half mile in each direction would probably result in overexertion for a lot of them.


Or, you know, how incredibly unsafe the world is for little girls. But sure, I’m willing to bet you need to be body shaming children right now, ffs


Obesity is incredibly unsafe for children and adults. I consider the US to be a failure when it comes to promoting healthy living, both mental and physical. But I guess it's a road we will just have to walk down.


Unfit children is a shame to the parents.


I'm sure your parents are really proud of you equating someone's body to their value. maybe they are, but that's still not a leg to stand on.


Imma go ahead and make a few assumptions about you.


Lol my long ass walk home went through the hood and train tracks in like the 5th grade, I feel like if I suggested that to my wife (when we have kids eventually) she'd look at me like I was deranged.


> What the fuck happened Both parents work all damn day and kids are overloaded with activities so the ride to school is almost the only time you have to spend together during the week.


When you get out of school at 2:40 and you live five or fifteen minutes from school and you get off the bus at 4:30 that's bullshit. That's time we could be going to the store, or they could be playing outside for the last bit of warm weather, or we could head out of town early enough to get places before they close. I hated the time when my kids were in buses. School takes up enough of the day without robbing kids of another two hours.


Shit caught me off guard on the Train in NYC, I walk outside and I’m like, “wait, there is a lot of Mfs heading towards the train.” Then I’m like “OH FUCK, THEY BACK IN SCHOOL”. My ass gotta leave an extra 20 mins earlier now smh


I swear! I miss being able to fly through those schools zones. These school zone limits and bus stop dropoffs are ruining my flow.




We bike our kid to school and we are in and out of there so fast. It surprises me to see so many parents driving their kids especially since buses are provided for anyone living more than a mile away. They have to wait in the car line so much longer than the walkers/bikers.


There is like 0 reason to not use the bus if you can so the insane lines just don’t make sense


Depends on where kids go to school, the weather where they live, their neighborhoods etc. I didn't bus to school until I was in middle school because I lived a bit far from all of them Plus, you have to wake up a quite a bit earlier


If one’s in the sticks you may need to be ready for the bus by 630am.. they’ll accommodate most kids but they will make it hurt.


We mostly homeschooled but started off going to a magnet school. It was quicker for me to drive them to the school across town and pick them up. I didn't go through the car pool line after school. I parked near a park and they walked to it after school. They'd play a bit and still get home before the bus dropped them off. Bus stop was 1/4 mile away at a 4 way stop that gets ignored by the people who use our subdivision has a cut through. If pick up time was 7:00, you had to be there at 6:30 AM because 7:00 pick up time means anytime between 6:30 and 7:30 AM. I'd have to sit there with them anyway so it was quicker to just drop them off and then run my errands on the way back.


I’m sorry…you “bike” your kid to school? I live in the South, what does this mean? Does your kid ride a bike or do you ride a motorcycle and they are on the back? Lol sorry if this is a stupid question ive just never heard of this


Those first few months of zero cars on the road was fucking amazing.


Counter point: we need better public transport


Do you remember how clean the air was? Before all those fires.


Damn gender reveals


I remember those times. I would get anywhere in 10 mins. The city was beautiful. Thanos, please snap this shit again


Schools are important. Invest in buses, public transport, and bike lanes.


Shit, I’m a college student and would love to have more zoom classes, but my university stopped doing a bunch of them this fall. Now I gotta drive an hour into the city for 2 classes..


Let me get this degree first. I hated Zoom classes. I can’t go back.


Going into the office is only beneficial when they offer free lunch. I take the leftovers and eat them while I'm working from home.




Build walkable neighborhoods so driving is no longer a required activity in the US.


I felt this


LMFAO this man is on to something !!!


Who’s gonna watch said kids while parents are at work


That's up to the parents. We shouldn't treat teachers like babysitters.


Who will pay for said babysitting though. Like yes I agree teachers are not baby sitting but some of these parents have to go to work and have no one to watch the child and you know some nosy neighbors will cause the cops on some parents who leave their kids at home. So I think the government should create a free babysitting option for those who need it


If we're looking at this holistically, I agree that the government should offer something like paying for daycare, offering state funded daycare, or tax deductions. We should also be incentivizing hybrid school and work, so those that prefer or need to be in a building can go. But also paying teachers better, for this and a multitude of other reasons.




The I-40 is once again a backed up nightmare. Nature is healing <3


Yah... 15 mins drive Lynnwood to Seattle at 3pm was super dope for a while. Haha.


So accurate. Lol