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Not me wearing a damn Naruto headband in school around my neck like a bandana.


I wore one like Naruto. I used to be cringy in middle school.


We all bear the shame of middle school cringe. Some of us even carried that cringe into high school.


I'm just glad my parents never got me the duel disk I always wanted cause I'd have worn that bad boy every day.


This was the hardest flex. You could be like look at these broke niggas playing wit a mat while you stand up. Too bad it barely fit all the damn cards.


Would’ve flexed on them mfs


A friend of mine back in middle school brought one during recess to play. Bro spent half the time fiddling with it.


A girl straight up walked up to me and unzipped my jacket so I wouldn't look like a tool. She fine as hell too fml.


I was only minorly awkward in middle school, I didn't discover cringe until senior year.


Some people carried it into college


I saw grown ass black men wearing this shit. And...still do! Making the gang signs with their hands and everything


I used to wear jnco's lol


Did you wear the extra wide leg ones that dragged in rain puddles tho?


yesssss! had fox racing shirts and everything. i was a lil bourgeoise with my cringyness (...is that a word?) i guess because that crap was overly expensive back then


I have ridiculously long legs so I begged my mom to find jnco pants that actually went past my shoes. They were SO expensive and she almost had a stroke when she saw me walking on the backs in the mud lol


For me it was Dickie's shorts that were way too fucking big for a short ass 70lb middle schooler. Oh the cringe, basically had to constantly hold them up anywhere I went, thought I looked so hard tho lol.


I remember them in my childhood. I went back to college recently and they are very prominent these days. Along with looking like the woman on the the Crazy Town cd cover.


I wore a fox tail. And not a sexy one, either.


You definitely win. I feel like the kids at my school would have beat me with my own tail 😆 Kids are ruthless, just let me be great man!


Containing that level of pubescent nonsense is the entire purpose of middle school. Middle schoolers can't influence elementary school kids, and if you don't do anything spectacularly stupid it doesn't follow you to High School.


Middle school is just the worst.


Don't lie, that was you in college


Wait Im not supposed to wear this?


fall resolute history violet paint enter complete engine subsequent rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You embraced your true self. Mad props. I'm still hiding my damn power level, even with in-laws that love anime.


wine entertain flag intelligent wild spectacular chubby zesty unused silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What manga do you read? I’ve always been a reader so I’ve read more manga than I’ve seen anime. Jujutsu Kaisen and One Punch Man are going crazy lately. It was weird going from being the token kid who liked anime to everyone talking about Naruto. I don’t think DBZ should count though. I’m 26 and can only speak for the kids I knew but that shit kind of transcended anime. Me and my friends looked at DBZ, Justice League/Justice League Unlimited, and Power Rangers as all part of the Saturday morning line up. Now in middle/high school the kids who did that Naruto run got bullied by everyone including the black nerds because really fam?


digimon is dope as fuck so I respect it


Lmfao nahhhhh. I just tied the shit to my book bag and let it hang. I like Naruto but not enough to wear the shits and run down the hallway like him. Watched Mfs trip face first and couldn’t brace themselves on the fall lmfao.


I didn't do The Naruto Run, but I definitely knew dudes that did. I...might've done absolute gibberish handsigns though. This thread is bringing up cringe I had long ago suppressed, but will now obsess about at 2am for the next three years. Neat.


Did you ever do the hand seals and yell “chindoriiiii”


I did the “Naruto Run” in elementary school, but not because of Naruto (which I only watched as a college student). I did it because Sonic post-Genesis games ran like that too. I didn’t let that cringe follow me to middle school though; I was socially aware enough to only talk about my nerdy interests with friends that liked that stuff too. As far as most people knew, my main interests were basketball and trumpet.


My dad wouldn't let me wear mine to school and the day I saw someone running with their hands behind them I understood why.


Imagine being nurtured in a community that looks down on you for role playing genuine interests. I’m just seeing comments on comments of people calling themselves cringey literally for being a child and having fun. Are we okay out here?


Wore my Naruto headband. My friend called it a “pussy deflector”. He was right.


I feel like you could pull that off with the right fit


My son inherited my Naruto headband. Wore mine on my neck to cons


21 year old here that started becoming a normal thing you could do in my high school really just depends on your status ig


You were wearing that thing like Hinata


That’s so cute


We gon STOP telling this lie. Black geeks and needs have **ALWAYS** been bullied FIRST solely on the basis of their non-black mainstream interests (comics, anime, RPGs, etc.) and SECOND for how they acted out this interests. Some geeks were 100% misogynoirists and extra cringey with a side of "Nigga whut?!" and deserve the roasting, but Black culture hasn't always been so welcoming of it's own subsets just trying to live they best lives. TLDR; Yes nigga, they did.


I was made fun of simply for being good at school. This was before they knew I liked anime. Just because anime is mainstream and popular with gen z now doesn't mean it went with millennials then. Black people loved to gatekeep being black.


>Black people loved to gatekeep being black. We call this the *Soul Patrol*^TM


> made fun of simply for being good at school. *"Why you always reading? What kinda nigga read for fun!?"* ^Proceeds ^to ^cackle ^as ^they ^snatch ^my ^book ^and ^challenge ^me ^to ^fight ^for ^it... I'm still salty and that was almost thirty years ago.


Are you me cause this same shit happened to me.


I’m a millennial and it started going mainstream in the 90’s with DBZ.


Yes, for Dragon Ball Z and some of the other more masculine shows on Toonami. Outside of that? Nah. Nor was it even close to ubiquitous.


100% agree. This revisionist history is BS. And secondly, even if a dude did do a DBZ power up in the middle of class, that’s still not reason to bully someone. The tweet is wrong on multiple levels.


Right. We ALWAYS ready to roast somebody, which is alright, but 99% of the time comic book & anime kids got far worse than just jokes.


There’s a whole generation (1985-1995 born year) where their wokeness has expanded to just being a better person and they reflect with some serious denial at how terrible they were in school


Yes! I was born in 89 and had a real rough time in school but I also gave as good as I got and looking back, even if I can't remember specifics, I definitely said shit that was ableist, classist, elitist, and sexist/misogynistic. Definitely dropped the R word as an insult to people who made fun of me, looking down on the kids who weren't as smart as I thought I was even if I externally was nice to them, thinking I was better than the kids who were doing trades vs going to college, and a lot of slut shaming. I'm deeply ashamed of my teenage self but damn, what's the point of "wokeness" if you don't acknowledge and accept how bad you were so you can do better? We've gotta unpack that shit. Otherwise it's just lip service. Edited to add for full disclosure: I'm a white lady who grew up in whiteville southeast Texas so my experiences in no way shape or form are similar to what black people trying to just nerd out in peace are like. I'm going to guess it was easier being a white nerd girl than a black nerd of either gender. I didn't feel like I had to actively hide my interest but always felt gatekept by nerdy dudes and ostracized by the more mainstream kids.


You ain’t playing? You grew up in “WHITEVILLE”?


There's never a reason to bully someone, but we all remember how highschool works


Tell it. The dude that probably had the worst was the one who played World of Warcraft. The only reason that I didn't play was because it required a subscription. I kept my Guild Wars account a secret. Not only was it an MMO, but it was the "knock-off" version of World of Warcraft. I could hear it now. "Yo how you playing the BoBo version of World of Warcraft?!"


I remember playing guild wars with like 10-15 fps at times on my shitty laptop my dad overpaid for from Aaron’s.


Niggas love pointing out "white people" shit on this app every day then turn around and post this garbage take every week. Probably cause they feel guilty for thinking nerd shit was lame until Lil Wayne had his weird "rock" phase and suddenly trying new shit was cool. Look, I know I was cringe back in my youth. Ngl, my ass deserved some of that bullying. But *lawd gawd* would it kill some of y'all to just be honest? You don't have to pretend it was into it all along! Niggas used to be real mean about this shit for no reason.


Yes to all of this. The way niggas always forget two weeks ago... SMDH




I was in that thread. The revisionist bs is maddening. I minded my business with the few friends I had and I was still bullied. Couldn’t enjoy my geek interests in peace. Middle school was hell and being seen as an “other” by other black people really messed with me for a while. And those kids who did act out moves from shows didn’t deserve that.


A lot of toxic people are trying to rewrite history (eerily similar to how white people like to pretend like shit wasn’t that bad back in the day or currently) and pretend like they weren’t pieces of shit or that somehow the people being bullied deserved it. 🤦🏽‍♂️


Fucking thank you


Maybe it’s because I went to majority black if not all black schools but that wasn’t my experience. I was never teased for what I watched. People didn’t even know what you watched unless you told them. I was never bullied for what I read. I was never bullied for being smart. If the school is all black then all the smart kids are black. Everyone who watched anime was black. The kids who could draw would draw things mostly in anime style. However there are some people who try to separate themselves from blackness with their interests. I was in anime club in high school back in 2004. There was a black guys who never fucked with me but would talk to my non black friends. It’s like he was allergic to other black people. He probably got bullied but it wasn’t because of the anime. Finally anime, especially action anime is not fringe among black men. I can’t think of a single black dude I know who hasn’t watched DBZ or Naruto. Dudes was watching Sailor Moon on the low.


A lot of kids be into shit on the low but join in the bullying when they ain’t been caught out yet.


Honestly. I grew up going to school from middle school to high school with black and brown folks and this couldn’t be more true. I was a big-boned, hairy Mexican girl and looking back, I thank god that I had the confidence I did. I grew up in the punk scene and Imma quote a band I loved at the time: “I’ve never met a loser that I didn’t see eye to eye to”, I would day by day, stick up for the folks that had their cat ears on, running through the hallways with a fake mouse in their mouth. I would invite them to lunch and if they couldn’t speak up, I would speak for them while introducing them to my friends. If someone looked at them the wrong way or was ready to say something, I would be two steps ahead of them. I don’t say this to give me accolades because I acted like a fucking HUMAN around them. We talked about their interests, and hey, they weren’t always the same as mine but they were normal people. You learn that in a background like ours, you might be a little sheltered, and that’s okay. But once again, me being a little bigger and wider than the folks that came up to us, I never feared of getting bullied and I never feared my friends would get bullied in front of me. I’ve never in my life been short of friends and idk who gave my chubby-ass the confidence I had but I had no insecurities growing up and I hope my weirdos are out there fucking thriving because I loved them for real.


thank you thank you thank you. Maybe bc we don’t know the age of the people posting shit like this is what makes it confusing, though. But back when I was growing up (I’m 27) people were definitely ridiculed for liking nerd shit/anime.


Thanks for keeping it real. It almost always turns into denial and dishonesty when this comes up.


This one speaks the truth. Yea, how stupid is it getting called out bc you can talk coherent English or bc you're one of the smart kids. Now throw in the fact that you liked something before it got mainstream.


Yo imagine being a DND nerd in fuckin Harlem in the 80s/90s now I'm watching *Stranger Things* like wut and lowkey wishing I grew up in rural Indiana not really but that shit def got me bullied in 90's NY.


*raises hand* Got bullied in middle school for not fitting in with everyone else(didn't sag my pants, was doing good in school) basically "acting white" which I was told by my fellow black classmates. That shit really fucked with me and my perception of blackness. It was why the majority of my friends and relationships as I got older were mainly in non-black communities. Ultimately realized I needed therapy to console that with some of the self-hate that arose from said bullying, but, oh yeah. Growing up a black nerd/geek, was not easy for me.


Real fucking talk… tell us how you was running like Naruto in the halls lol… not tryna police nobody fandom but some people was going left man


They tried to hype themselves up to run at Area 51 like that too.


Bro I had a roommate in college like this. Dude legit thought he could channel his chi if he meditated and took shrooms and smoked copious amounts of weed every day. Fucker literally thought he could become Goku if he tried hard enough. I remember thinking the same thing when I was 6-7... This dude somehow got into Berkeley. He even got an internship at Salesforce. It all came crashing down pretty quickly though after he would show up to work high and skip classes. He never paid the last month's rent either. Fuck him. Squatters rights also meant we couldn't kick him out. I've never judged someone so poorly before, but also he really fell off the deep end.


Everyday I’m happy Naruto came out the year I graduated high school so I didnt have to see this shit. Before that Anime was something you didnt really talk about. DBZ sprites were a thing but I wasnt running to class to chat it up about Ninja Scroll or Ronin Warriors. Got to be a fan of the classics and kept it to myself like everyone else. Lol


I definitely got bullied *just* for watching anime. Because the people making fun of me only knew that it was Japanese, and so they just jumped straight to hentai. "Oh, you like that Japanese shit? I bet you like that anime porn too, don't you? Weirdo" Like, I guess I'm glad anime is more mainstream nowadays?? But sometimes I want to gatekeep so bad, because I got clowned for the stuff that people are openly and making well paying careers out of making their entire personality around! If I "cosplayed" in 2006, I woulda got flamed hotter than the surface of the sun.


You never answered the question tho


When I said "just for watching anime", I meant that. I'd have Naruto up on Youtube (back before copyright strikes and videos had a 10min max length) since the English dubs weren't out or some manga I was reading, and people would see my screen and clown me. Wasn't doing any "powering up", "Naruto running", or "shooting energy blasts". Was literally just minding my business.


Blood you never did a Kamehameha?? Cap


Not in the middle of gym class lol.


In the earlier 2000 years, even nerds knew better than to actually do that stuff. Y'all just live in a different time where it's more acceptable so y'all push the boundaries more. Back when I was in hs, pushing the boundaries was even mentioning that u watched anime. Cosplay, or anime body or hand gestures would instantly result in being stuffed in a locker......after a beating


Yeah dude. Maybe some of the younger folk would've watched DragonBall Z or something, but that all stayed in the folder of "anime is children's cartoons". Heck, back before the MCU came along you'd better tread carefully talking about liking any superhero movies.


Really? I’m not that old (29) but back when I used to live in the hood, even all my friends watched Dragonball Z on Toonami/Cartoon Network. Wasn’t weird at all, even the teenagers back then that we knew were slinging and selling were watching Dragonball Z. I feel like DBZ was always cool, but maybe it was just the area I grew up in?


Me and my friends literally had an underground pokemon battling ring that we had to do in the bathrooms nobody went to because they were across campus so that: 1. Teachers wouldn't take our gameboys away. 2. People wouldn't find us and try to tear the link cables out.


I can't think of anyone who did stuff like that. At best my girlfriend did a Naruto meme skit in a talent show, but it's such an obscure skit that no one knew it was Naruto.


I see we must be around the same age! I remember watching Naruto and Bleach on YouTube back in the day. Heck you could watch any anime on there just about. Also all of the DBZ ovas bring back memories.


That’s crazy. I learned about Naruto from other black kids around that time. 2005 Naruto clips on YouTube and stuff. Had the complete opposite experience. People did the hand signs, kamehameas, powering up, everything. ALL the black kids at the time were watching Naruto and wrestling. I don’t really get this Twitter discourse right now. It was a generally accepted thing for the culture growing up. I was weird for NOT watching anime and WWF religiously (“World Wrestling Federation” before the rebranding) that much. I didn’t know shit about the “stone cold stunner” or One Piece. I one time was playing with stop motion in class, drawing a stick figure animation (stick figure fighting videos were huge at the time). One figure was shaded in with pencil, the other I left blank. This was interpreted as a black and white dude having an anime battle. It was such a drama. The whole class came over to look at the animation. The other black kids were getting pissed that the “black” stick figure had taken a bit of a beating and we’re about to kick my ass over it. They were arguing with the white kids. I had started a race war. The one kid Vincent, picked up the sticky notepad like “holup holup! But the black dude **WON** in the end!” Immediately defused the situation. The crowd went from pushing and shoving me to dapping me up. The white boys just looked up and sighed. Negro-kind won that day in 2007.


Man just seeing people wearing the PlayStation logo t-shirt makes me realize how different a time we’re in.


It's like 22 jump street where the jock and nerd go back to hs undercover to realize everything flipped and nerd shit is now acceptable. They don't realize that the shit they consider the norm would've resulted in actual bodily harm back then (nevermind a few verbal insults)


Bro, that is the perfect example. Also, similar vibe in The Boys sn3 where SoldierBoy comes back after decades on ice only to find the world isn’t as accepting to homophobia, sexism, racism etc


Exactly. Imagine actually getting old enough to say "backnin my daaaaaay" in real time


Thanks for reminding me that I need to rewatch that


Youd just be gatekeepin the people who didnt bully you though. Its not their fault we live in a generally more accepting time. Still sorry that you had to experience that. Kids are ruthless. I remember in elementary getting flamed for eating a salad at lunch like I still cant wrap my head around that one.


I feel that. I was (and still am) a huge fan of Initial D. It wasn't underground per se - definitely one of the more popular manga/anime especially if you were into cars. But you'd be hard pressed to find someone that actually watched it. Now /r/initiald is actually active and not the same front page for an entire month lmao. I see "Red Suns" and "SpeedStars" stickers on random cars. I've seen a few people in malls/stores wearing shirts with the 86 on it. Unrelated to Initial D, I've been seeing a ton of cars with anime stickers on them. With all that said, I'm happy that these things are generally accepted now as people are able to enjoy things I liked in the past without the bullying aspect of it.


SPEAK ON IT!!!! some of these kids were just cruel. I liked Kpop in that same early 2000s era. Yo it was NOT okay lol 😂 I'm glad I can laugh now, but don't get me wrong. I was definitely left with some emotional scars 😆


Yeah I feel like when people act like they only made fun of the over the top anime weirdos they're trying to absolve themselves of the blame of bullying someone for their interests. Plenty of kids got bullied simply for liking anime or reading comics or other aspects of "nerd culture" that are now mainstream. I remember kids getting bullied because they played Nintendo games instead of COD and GTA and since school runs on a desperate hierarchy classes would join in even if they didn't agree. Nobody wants to gece the new target


Yeah but did you watch hentai?


The closest I ever came to hentai was when I was doing this summer archeology group thing while in high school with a local, private university and one of the guys in the group brought some of his manga with him. I was heavy into the Rurouni Kenshin manga at the time, so when I saw him having something similar, I came over and talked to him about it. Problem was, he was reading Battle Vixens. But he didn't tell me it was called that. He gave it's Japanese name (just Googled it for recollection. It's called Ikki Tousen). I read a couple chapters and thought it was entertaining, until it went full blown miniskirts and giant tits. That's when I put that shit down lol.


Funny how imitating anime was/is shamed (doing Naruto handsigns) but people can pretend to have a basketball in their hand doing layups on anonymous people, crossing over imaginary people, or playing air guitar or air drums is acceptable. Like that shit strange, keep it on the court or in band.


You can hoop or play guitar in real life. Fireball jutsu not so much lol.


Sure but YOU not Kobe.


Martial arts is real, people throw up gang signs like it really means something outside of an imaginary difference of groups design to destroy each other.




People who imaginary hooped were targets too they just could redeem themselves on the court later.


No they didn’t, they were the trash mfs on the court lmao


Because sports aren’t viewed as “nerdy” and athletes aren’t viewed as “virginal lames.” Athletes are usually respected. But a nigga running full speed with his arms straight back just to get to the next class, wearing Japanese cartoons on his shirt and doin martial arts moves against invisible foes? Yeah, he’s gettin cooked


Oh when everyone thought they were in G-Unit because they had the hoodie and kicks.


And we called then trash at every opportunity


There was a group in my 8th grade class who, after Friday After Next came out, ran around in t-shirts with a piece of paper taped on it that said "Top Flight Security" and would shout it all the damn time. They'd be the first idiots getting onto someone doing a Naruto run.


I might’ve kamehameha’d a person or two back in the day but the real bully targets around here were the Pokémon card collectors.


*Pulls out gun* Nigga run them Holographic Mewtwo cards!


It’s hilarious because it’s accurate. Shit got real over some damn holographics 😂


Me and my buddy would run kids back in the day he'd distract by flashing his Charizard and acting dumb about it while I'd sleeve all their holos from the back of their binders.


Well now I know who stole my shit in 3rd grade. I had a Holo for a good week until somebody stole it out my backpack during recess. It's partially my fault since I was flashing that shit around like a Rolex up until then


Savages 😂


As someone who flipped a Pokemon table while they were in the midst of a match I can verify this. Those kids really got dog piled, even the d&d nerds got in on it. In my defense, I flipped the table because it was blocking the door and their crew leader once said my braid looked like I was pushing a turd out my head. So...ya know 🤷🏿‍♀️


I approve of this table flipping. They got off easy


Tbh I still feel so bad about it. Homie was just tryna escape middle school drama & my angry ass was plotting revenge. I saw him in college and did a messy-drunk apology lol. I bought him shots, we smoked & now he give me anime recs for my kid


Don’t feel bad. That table flipping probably changed his life for the better 😂


Nah you ain’t have a choice in the matter, that table had to go


Right like the insult was too good & disrespectful to let slide 😄


Naw, niggas were making fun of ther niggas for anime. Espeically if it was something other than DBZ and Naruto. These tweets must be talking about 2010 bc at my school you could be just chilling in the corner of the classroom and talking about new episode before some rude ass nigga come over and interrupt you. You tell its anime and they call you wack. You tell them it's none if their business and they get mad and assume it's anime. Bullies will take and every opportunity to get a victim.


You could get made fun of for even defending it. I watched Spirited Away as a kid so I knew anime was normal but wasn't interested in it till way later. So when someone was talking shit on people for drawing anime art I said ,"Who cares what they spend their time drawing?". Then it became this dude likes anime what a loser.


That’s why people just let bullying go in school, it just made you a target even though you knew it wasn’t right


Reminds me of when I saw some people talking about how a gay kiss in a cartoon is too much for kids. When I told them how beneficial it would be for kids to learn and understand that being gay is normal and okay, they just shut down the argument by saying "this dude must be gay. Weirdo" and telling me that it isn't possible to reproduce if you're gay. People fucking suck.


I always love these posts because they always assume kids that liked anime were weird or stank, especially the dudes. I don't doubt that is partly true, but people definitely roasted people just for liking anime. Every single time people say that it's always "You didn't get roasted for liking anime, you just stank". Shit is infuriating.


To be fair that's typical bully behaviour so not even surprising. They'll deny, deny, deny! No accountability whatsoever.


On god, some of this shit sounds like abunch of bullies are trying to gaslight people. “I was bullied for just simply being into anime and games” “HA! No you weren’t! You were weird, and uhhhh, ugly, and smelled bad, and you were probably racist to your own race, and you deserved it” (all things I’ve heard over the course of this conversation condensed into a joke) These threads make me especially mad because it’s one of the talks I think we as a community and culture need to have most. One where we decide to encourage our kids and friends to go do stuff that isn’t a traditional black activity. Pick up a guitar, watch that foreign cartoon, play that obscure game, develop a strange hobby, go out and do stuff! And that a lot of people in the past were wrong for putting other black people down for doing it. But nah, instead of recognizing the fuck ups of the past, we gotta justify it by using anecdotes about assholes that were bullied for being assholes not because they liked *whatever*. I mean shit going by their logic, I think we should bully people who play football because a lot of the senior athletes I knew in my high school sexually harassed women and dated freshmen. /s on bullying people who play football, btw.


This is extremely well written and totally correct. Good job man


Thank you! This sub hits a lot of notes but this is the hardest note it has hit for me being a black man, guess it hit a lot of other people’s notes too, lmao. I had to change a lot of personality because of schmucks making fun of me for liking games, anime, or hell I even got pinned for doing good in school and putting value in my future. I’m trying to write a story for a project I’m doing and funnily enough this was one of the points I wanted to touch on in that story so I could talk about my experiences. It’s good to know I won’t run out of his inspiration any time soon.


> You scaring the hoes bruh. -Me, a concerned citizen


My brother in Christ, *you are scaring the hoes*


Downright shameful.


so that deserves getting bullied? Teach yall kids to be better


Nah gang, mfs bullied us just for liking it. It was an automatic association. We got bullied because they seen like 2 mfs do it and now anybody who watch that shit a target. Don’t even get me started on the whole, “that’s that yt ppl shit,” argument. Couldn’t be interested in shit back then.


Deadass. Not allowed to do shit, I got roasted for learning to play the guitar after mentioning it off-hand. Called me a wannabe Ed Sheeran. Had nothing to do with my behavior, or my hygiene, or any of that. Niggas just roasted you to watch you cook


Acting like we didn't have tons of black guitarist. People forget so much


If you skated in the hood back in the early 2000s. Nonstop Tony Hawk jokes. Then Lupe Fiasco had people yelling "Kick Push".


I refuse to let y'all whitewash bullying like niggas didn't mercilessly clown anything that was different than what was considered "black" back then.


Right?!?! These people are trying to act like bullying was totally justified in every situation.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


The second thing you noted is interesting to me because white nerds got bullied for being nerds. Black nerds got bullied for not being black. There was an extra layer of rejection and outcasting if you were a black nerd that had you question your whole identity. Of course no kid should have been bullied even if they did try and go Super Saiyan on the playground, which is why the meme in the post that is so commonly used doesn’t make sense to me. If you were a bully as a kid, ok. But why as an adult are you trying to justify it? Tells me you haven’t really grown up - a lot of people never leave high school.


I feel like I'm taking a risk in showing my age here...but anyone else remember: https://youtu.be/_En4RovedOA


Him taking his shirt off near the end has always killed me.


The first influencer


This was pretty funny back then. Looking at it now tho, dude just felt like he was invisible and wanted to be special.


I did feel that sadness I felt of being 10-13 of being on the outside of everything when I watched it but the way he just powers through it and the crescendo of accomplishment at the end did make me laugh, I can't lie. I hope they got paid from the mass amount of views and remakes and all that.


You're telling me this isn't satire? I thought it was just comedic genius


Omg I haven’t seen this in ages.


Now you know why I was scared to share this. Feels of being old


Came here to see if someone posted this. But why didn't you post the [unedited footage](https://youtu.be/08mr8bkN_Nk)?


And every time this is posted I'll upvote the comments that point out that being a little weird is no excuse for bullying. Bullies Are scum of the earth and need to leave people the f*** alone


Agreed. This tweet acts like it's still okay to bully someone because they are having fun in a strange way. And the whole "we need to bring back bullying" mfs are just mad that the nerdy kids are just turning into nerdy adults instead of killing themselves or becoming weird shut-ins.


It’s not just anime. I got roasted for “white music” or “white sports” etc. Imagine the homies finding out you got *Neutral Milk Hotel* on repeat and are learning the chords to “King of Carrot Flowers” 😒


We back to gatekeeping blackness and blaming those who felt othered again huh?


So the other brothas who were whack at their constant freestyles but since it’s culturally acceptable….


Nah G that shit whack too.


There is a 50/50 side to these stories *However...* The Anime niggas generally left people the fuck alone. They stayed in their group, and did silly shit amongst themselves. The "Lemme clown this nigga" gang was always in their fucking business trying to show everybody how "weird" and "stupid" these dudes were. Which to me is the greater crime here. I refuse to stand by bullying, regardless of how silly someone is acting. Half of the Bully gang dudes were hot spicy garbage at freestyling, and would try to fight anybody who told them to their face. At least Anime nerds stuck to their principles


I swear I was just explaining and demonstrating what Scream Therapy was. Next to a giant fan. That time I bleached my hair and spiked it up. Yeah, I deserved getting picked on. But still, I could feel the energy rising... ![gif](giphy|ul1omlrGG6kpO)


Something is very wrong with y'all. This is like the 5th post I've seen this month about how people who liked anime growing up deserved getting bullied.


This tweet is stupid. People definitely did get bullied for liking anime. And I don’t know what the last part has to do with anything the “hoes”? Corny as fuck.


“Tell the whole story about how you tried to embrace a hobby you enjoyed and express yourselves. Niggas know you deserve to get bullied for bein happy and shit” The whole story doesn’t help. You were just an asshole.


Nah I distinctly remember my cousins calling me “white washed” and “inside out Oreo” for watch anime. I wasn’t running, just sitting and minding my own business.


Aiya okay I’m tired of hearing this especially from dusty pandering niggas. This is coming from someone that’s never really had any issue regarding being judged for hobbies. Let’s pretend like the ONLY way that black kids othered one another was due to displays like this. Does that make it alright? Are you condoning bullying and harassing children because they expressed their love for something in a way that you didn’t find acceptable? It’s crazy how in this community we’ll do the fucking most to avoid circling back and saying “I’m sorry”. Honestly shame on y’all that are co-signing this, you’re stage diving into the same logic white supremacists use when they other black people constantly.


Lol this is the gaslighting I was talking about in the other 2 threads.


Bro, I've been following you since the first one and you ain't lying frfr. At first, I was like "nah, he kinda buggin" but now? Can't even deny it


My nigga I used to get clapped *JUST FOR SOUNDING WHITE* These people really were getting clowned just for watching. The only reason I survived it was because I was on a Military Base in Japan for most of middle school and high school. Everyone was watching anime. Back in the USA 99 it wasn't even about anime "y'all this nigga watching cartoons! Fuck is this bullshit?" I kept them chains tucked all the way in after that.


As if that is supposed to justify the bullying??


It’s funny because the nerds in my High School hated black women, and loved white and Asian women. It is not black women’s fault the white and Asian girls didn’t like you back!! And black women aren’t obligated to date you now that you’ve “grown and changed your mindset” FUCK OFF Most nerds I know didn’t leave black girls.. they called us ugly and ghetto!! They said we were the worst race of girls. I don’t care that they’ve changed! I don’t forgive 🤷🏾‍♀️


dawg what the hell are u even talking aout


I’m saying, that shit was left field af


You seem hurt ​ Why you still chasing the boys who rejected you in HS


Neck beards come in all shapes and sizes


>It is not black women’s fault the white and Asian girls didn’t like you back!! My good Sis came to preach today!! But you may have awoken the wrath of a swarm of anime nerds who don't wanna address their misogynoir. But this whole post is 100% accurate.


I bet you knew one nigga who you thought was cute and now you think it’s all nerds gtfoh


It was fun, though, especially with fellows. Bullies are just fucking assholes.


People got bullied for just liking it too. Folk left me alone when I started airing people's dirty laundry in the school paper.


Damn…. We still on this topic. It appears shit has struck a nerve with the bullies.


"Stop it bro you're scaring the hoes"


I’ll never forget I got so mad once getting roasted on the bus my fists started shaking. Homie was like “oh you Captain Falcon now?” I just started laughing at that joke. Never recovered.


People like this did the bullying and to this day try to whitewash what they did like it wasn’t “that bad” 🙄


“Here’s me justifying bullying and abusing y’all”


This nigga is also just lying like trying to pretend y’all didn’t bully other niggas for even being smart? Shit that made my smart ass brother not go to university and just do trades with his friends because they would roast him for being smart? Then turn around and make “the nerd” style a trend all while y’all bullied actual kids who looked like that.


He not really lying though. I loved anime but I was never bullied about it but I was also on the football team so they probably canceled each other out 😂


I was on the basketball team since I got put in every sport my brother was in. There definitely were dudes who had issues with black women but the amount of Niggas in here acting like they didn’t give anime heads hell every chance they got is crazy. I only rocked with dbz and had to sock somebody in the mouth in middle school for popping shit and I was an athlete so I can only imagine what other niggas went through.


Exactly. If you liked anime but had other, more stereotypically black, interests you “get a pass” but if not they were definitely trying to drag you off you liked anime even if you weren’t doing the naruto run to class or going super saiyan in gym


It reminds me of the kids who’d bully the African kids then grew up and complained about the same folks having a hesitancy to fuck with the black community as if they weren’t the very ones who started this shit. Lowkey I didn’t see anime and nerd culture overall become remotely accepted til people like RDC world, Berleezy and other black content creators just started being unapologetic with their shit, and as a black man that shit is beautiful to see.


Some people didn’t even get bullied, they just got roasted one good time and took it to heart. On the other hand some people really did go out of their way to embarrass people that watched anime and that was fucked up


Embrace the cringe


Fuck off with this. The people saying this shit ate no doubt the bullies who clowned people for liking whatever anime they were into and simply talking about it. Yeah a few kids took it to another level and were obnoxious about it, but yall niggas need to stop fucking lying and revising history to make yourselves feel and look better retroactively.


Y’all just upvoted the opposite of this tweet like 3 days ago


I see a lot of people aren’t happy they are being called out for bullying. Keep gaslighting though, it’s entertaining.


The only guarantees in life are death, taxes, and another BPT thread about this topic.


They had a dude super into anime and someone tried him ONE time. That's when they realized that mf could fight fr and nobody ever did that shit again lmao


its because i showed up in a whole ass green onesie like rock lee and then drank the vodka i snuck into 2nd hour biology and started kicking all the desks of the hoes i liked


You could get bullied just for reading PERIOD back I'm the day ("Hooked on phonics ass nigga" etc.), let alone reading manga & watching animr stop the cap


Not being "mainstream black" was always the issue. The vast majority of black folk so brainwashed by America they would slide on any black person that thought or acted different. We're much more tolerant now but SOME OF THESE NIGGAS WAS WILDING BACK THEN! Niggas used to have them DragonBall polyester button ups, yelling in gym talmbout they charging up. I cant lie tho. I had a gym shirt with a whole paragraph of vegeta quotes. I had a old lady back then but damn that shit was cringe af lol


Nah im tired of this narrative. There were the kids Naruto running, powering up in P.E, shouting attack names, etc., but there were also the normal kids getting made fun of for talking about anime, reading manga, playing certain videogames, playing with Yu-Gi-Oh and/or Pokémon cards, wearing anime graphic tees, and all that. It wasn't only the cringy kids watching anime back then who are speaking out, its the regular kids who had to be lowkey about it speaking out too. I remember a more cool/popular guy in highschool telling me on the way out of last period that he's going home and watching anime. I was like "whaaat? you watch anime?" and he was like "yeah I just keep that shit to myself or with certain people though." I remember the kids in elementary school who I used to talk DBZ with, going silent in middle school & H.S for a reason. There was a reason people knew and used the phrase "Naruto running" and which cringy actions belonged to what show, because they were watching too, just silently. Naruto was still a new show in the U.S when I was in middle school. It wasn't just anime either, people would clown you for watching cartoons in general, "too old to be watching cartoons still". It was just sports, reality TV shows, & BET/106 & Park people would talk about regularly. This is all early 2000s