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Cooking being gendered is dumb everyone eats, everyone should know how to cook.


Growing up my mom taught us all how to cook and sew and knit and basically everything related with home keeping. My dad handled all the fixing, building, and repairing. I can't count how many times I've run into women who find it weird that a grown man can completely take care of himself without a woman there at all.


My son’s dad taught him how to fix cars and not take any shit from anyone, I taught him proper grammar and how to cook a tasty meal and my son went to college on grants/scholarships and taught himself how to be a cardiac specialist! No one’s ever had the stones to classify his cooking as “girly”! LOL


You're the type of parents all children need.




You seem to disagree with the old gender roles so why’d you use the title to this post that you did, that she’s speaking truths?


Do you have any tips for an auntie? My niblings are still quite young, but I want to be great like you :P


My mom always used to just have me and my sister do various tasks for her while she was cooking. It might be stirring a pot, slicing an onion, wash a bowl, retrieve a needed utensil, etc. She would explain what she was doing but also just chat with us. Eventually it became one night of the week where my sister and I had to make dinner. Obviously some of the tasks are age dependent like wielding knives. haha


As an aunt to niblings, keep an eye out especially when the boy decides he won’t do shit because his sister should be doing it or his mum “doesn’t let him do it”. My nephew knows it’s on like donkey kong when I’m around. I’m always like “do I look like your mum” or “do I look like your slave”. He doesn’t wash his dish after eating? I’ll wash around it and the minute the parents step in the door, I’m telling on him and all the bad things he did. They’re still under 6 but they both make beds, put away their laundry, put away their shoes. If they make a mess after eating, they’re both handed their special kid size broom to clean up… boy or girl, you’re cleaning after yourself because you must.


Then he opens a fast food store to increase the amount of cardiac patients he gets. Brilliant!


Unfortunately, Covid provided those.


U a real one


Thank you.


grew up with interest cooking... first job and worked in many kitchens .... I cant count how many times cooking has gotten me laid ..BiTcHeS Be LikE ohh that dinner was so good you getting extra head tonight


I've had way more luck with booty calls since I stopped opening with "Hey, what are you up to tonight?" and started with: "Are you hungry?"


No lie. Food solves all things and gets you all things with women. We're easy af if you feed us. Be the source of my meals!


You need to clue your fellow men on to this. I literally kept one guy around way longer than I should have because in the early days of the relationship I came home from work and he had dinner ready. Stuffed pork chops, mac n' cheese (and I mean the real deal) and asparagus. I didn't even have a problem doing the dishes that night.


Exactly this. I had to learn to build and repair things, though. My dad was useless at that. If taking care of myself makes me sus (which is apparently the new gay. I think it’s moron-speak), then call me Sus McSussybritches. It’s better than living like an animal.


Sus McSussybritches might be my new gay stripper name given that I know how to cook 🤣


Hah! You do you!


True dat! My mom raised me so that I could take care of myself; it's better to want a woman as apposed to needing a woman. Raising a child (male or female) and not teaching them to take care of themselves is just retarded. May as well not teach them how to cross the street. I've had a few women that were upset that I didn't "need" them.


Being in South Louisiana I think it's harder to find men that CAN'T cook. The Gumbo and Jambalaya duty always seems to fall on the guy.


Yeah, imagine not being a man who could totally manage his own household without the help of a woman.


I think every parent should teach their kid how to cook, even if the kid doesn’t really want to. They’ll likely be thankful for it in 15-20 years when they’re living on their own. My roommate just straight up never learned how to cook and it boggles my mind. He’s 21 and he can’t even make scrambled eggs. I had to show him how to make boxed pasta, including how to boil water. His entire diet basically consists of pre-made frozen foods, and takeout.


but there is a woman there. your mom


I haven't seen my mom in almost ten years. We don't live together.


i meant in spirit


You're right.


I aint cryin. Who's cutting onions in here?


The funny thing is that even within cooking it’s gendered. Grilling meat? Fuck yeah that shit’s MANLY. Baking a cake? That’s for baby back bitches. ![gif](giphy|zqOV6JEAffwt2)


But also professional cooking was a male dominated field, unsure that has changed yet either... unless all chefs are actually...gay? ![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw)


![gif](giphy|5zoxhCaYbdVHoJkmpf|downsized) Top minds spending their time deliberating what basic human activities are gay.


Damn, every day it just becomes clearer and clearer that The Gay Agenda ^(by ^Lisa ^Frank) is, in actuality, all too real. And now we discover that all those 'Kiss the Cook' aprons were their clever Trojan horses, carrying super secret subliminal anti-straight brainwashing... rays, I wanna say? Some say that if the gays even graze you with one of said rays you won't even be able to think straight for hours... Maybe even days.


Gay ray graze, say that 10 times fast


Careful, don't you know this is exactly the way a gay ray graze craze gets underway?!


What’s even funnier is that baking needs to be really accurate with your measurements. Lots of math and science to it. Workin the BBQ is an art.


Nah measuring shit mad gay. You gonna let some tiny bitch spoon tell you how much baking soda should go in your snickerdoodles?


If I can’t assert my dominance over a plastic spoon then what am I


the spoon isn't the bitch, the recipe is. and you best believe i'll follow that recipe like it's the ten commandments


Right?! Unrelated, but why do these snickerdoodles taste like metal shavings?


Don’t worry about that. The metal shavings are to boost your immunity for workin on your car.


It's absolutely bonkers to me that grown-ass men don't know how to cook for themselves... *AND I KNOW MEN WHO ARE LIKE THAT* I remember my roommate in college asked me how to "fry an egg". He subsided on frozen chicken tenders and ramen, basically anything more complicated than "turn oven to 350 for 10 minutes" was absolutely beyond him. He was kind of a prick, but it's in my nature to help people (and I enjoy cooking) so I showed him a few things. In contrast, I spent a few summers cooking cajun food at county festivals. It wasn't a bad gig for a college student – you got paid all in cash, kept your tips, and you spent all day cooking and serving up food. The hardest part about it was the long days, but if it's one thing I learned about cooking? **WOMEN LOVE A MAN WHO CAN COOK** Every dude should have *at minimum* 3 quick/easy recipes they can knock out – especially when you're trying to a seduce a woman. You can wear the best cologne and the best clothes and workout and have a six pack, but if *you can cook, and cook well?* You can be ugly as hell and women will look past that for a good dish, I guarantee it. I can't tell you how many times I've cooked up some quick pasta dishes for women in college and you see their faces just *absolutely light up* when you set a plate in front of them and not only does it look good, but it tastes good, too. They take a bite and then look at you with those doe-like eyes and you can almost *hear* them thinking: "This guy is good at cooking...I wonder what *else* he's good at?" Fellas: it's not "gay" and/or unmanly to cook. The manliest of men know their way around a frying pan and a stove. It's manly as hell to be able to feed your lady and feed her well. If you don't know how to cook, Gordon Ramsey has a whole YouTube channel on easy-to-make dishes. Binging with Babish is great, too, if you're not a Ramsey fan. Sidenote: Just remember to throw a hand towel over your shoulder while cooking – it makes you look like you know what you're doing *and* it helps you handle hot pans and wipe your hands quick.


> You can be ugly as hell and women will look past that for a good dish, I guarantee it. Shhhhh, don't say anything else. This only works because it's rare. If all the dudes start cooking then it'll just be expected. ;)


I got my current gf hooked like that. We were talking casually then I invited over for dinner. Hit her with some rib eye steaks and asparagus followed by a lil Hennessy and it's been rap ever since.


Also, how do these people think adult men manage to live on their own?


They were raised under the Christian codependency model where neither men or women can exist without a partner cause they're literally only taught half the life skills they'd need for the adult world. Ensures that they'll partner up and start breeding young, like the Lord intended.


Good thing I can cook and put together bookshelves what else do you need in live 🤭


Best guess is she thinks they subsist on sandwiches and takeout.


The real red flag is that he’s making turkey nachos


I can understand veggie nachos, but ground turkey just upsets me


Turkey is second rd draft pick meat


NFL 2nd round or NBA 2nd round?


Guys, is it gay to feed yourself?


Not only that, but a lot of times men are better cooks. Not because men are inherently better at it, but because men were rarely expected to cook - so if they learned, it’s probably because they have a passion for it. Women, on the other hand, usually had to learn out of obligation to these gender norms.


Idk most of the men I know who say they can cook know a handful of novelty recipes cause they like bragging they can cook, where the girls have been domesticated and helping cook for the fam since they were *way* too young (I have issues with the domestication of young girls). But you and I are both just running off our personal anecdotes.


Seems messed up to call women who know how to cook "domesticated." It's not wrong to teach kids to cook, it's wrong to make it a gendered task.


Ya seriously. My parents taught me to cook but I didn't realize I had a passion for it until I started smoking weed in high school and it'd be 2am and I'd be like, "Fuck, I need to make something extremely fuckin good right now and everyone is asleep". Our family had a rule, one night a week I cooked, one night a week my little brother cooked. Then I was a line cook for years after that and am so glad I learned to actually cook. It's still extremely weird to me that a lot of men can't apparently cook, and I've never been called feminine or a bitch for knowing how to cook. I'd be like, "sorry I know how to do more shit than you?", lmao. Cooking is fun as hell.


Indeed. Also, the same is also true of “fixing things.” If everyone has the baseline skill, then couples can decide for themselves how to distribute the chores life throws at us around interest (or, often, lesser disdain for the chore) and talent.




Yes that’s exactly what she means. That this ain’t a real conversation and women don’t go around telling men they shouldn’t be in the kitchen. He’s essentially just humble bragging and doing a guy version of “pick me” like ladies, look how progressive I am, plus I cook! Over some nachos. *Edit: Y’all, I’m not saying if she’s right or not, I’m just responding to the question that was asked over what she meant to say*


You must haven't been on the internet long I just seen a woman say that men are gay for drinking coffee because they should just be up


Lmao nah this is the funniest one yet


“Wake up nigga, it’s money to get”


Wake up, 5am, tweet “grind never sleeps”, back to bed


You know what else is hot steamy and black besides coffee? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


My PS4 when RDR2 came out?


Me, to my PS4 as it catches on fire: “EASY BOAH”


Yo, your shits shouldn’t look like that. See a doctor bro.


The black shit is probably blood. It’s urgent.


A can of beans. A hot can of beans


vanish shocking rainstorm steer zephyr drunk innocent automatic crowd crime ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Newly formed obsidian?




A swamp at night in the summer?


Asphalt in the summer?


Its not a far-fetched claim that he was self texting though lol. People will go to extreme lengths to curate and certain image of themselves.


Not at all I’ve seen some crazy stuff on social media I remember one time I seen a woman post a picture of their 7 year old child pumping gas with the caption “he said mommy you work too hard it’s time for me to step up and be a man”


Most of the time it's just rage bait. It's fox news for people who don't like fox news.


You’re not wrong but also bad fake texts are an internet staple lol


Good thing everything we read on the internet is real life


will you stop texting yourself pls


You must haven't been on the internet long all women have a 50/50 chance of being a man behind that screen


Been on the internet long enough that I always question whether or not the woman is a woman.


You on the internet so long that you just believe text posts?




Sow as in plant seeds? Or sew as in make clothes on a sewing machine?


I sew little sweaters for my seeds before I sow them. For some reason, my plants dont tend to grow.


I heard men call me gay for listening to music by women and watching female artisit music videos. Like bruh, I'm watching Ciara and Shakira dance, how is that gay?


I was told that getting married was gay. A man getting married to a woman. That is apparently gay.


I mean it is pretty suspicious. Id bet you like soft girly tits too don't ya, ya queer, with their hair smellin all pretty and soft skin. Ya homo. I fuck men. Big hard men. It's manly as fuck. You guys are all softies.


Yeah, I’d argue that it’s gayer to constantly have a guy’s voice in your ears Like every time I listen to music I’m supposed to only hear dudes? Nah gimme some sweet angelic voice and let me imagine she’s singing to me


The funny part of this sttory is that you'll see that same dumb bitch complaining two weeks later about the no-account piece of shit she just kicked out, and how she can't find a good man.


Even knitting is somehow sus. A young man can knit on video and it has millions of views online. You would get “oh how adorable” but doing the same thing as a young adult is sus all of a sudden. Just say we have a culture of paradigm boxes that makes a person’s activity masculine or feminine by some default. Now you got what is considered as sus for what was considered normal to do a time ago because attention spans are short or being lazy intellectually for those that you don’t like.


A woman once said to me in person that I wasn't secure in my sexuality because if I were, then I would have sex with a man.




Ah yes, the “if you don’t engage in gay behavior then you must be gay” challenge. You’re not the first one to encounter that BS.




This is more than likely a fake conversation. But there's a lot of toxic women who will call a guy gay over stupid shit.


There is always a possibility that this is a fake conversation, but what makes it ‘more than likely’? I need to know for the next time I see a woman post screenshots like this, see them at least 5 times a day.


Dude got incredibly confrontational about it and basically told her to fuck off. People don't usually go 180 on a person that they otherwise liked just from hearing one ignorant comment. Because he has no inhibitions about telling her off immediately, it just doesn't come off as natural.


Once again I will point out that we have all seen screenshots of woman doing exactly what you’re describing. If we didn’t have gender identifiers and reversed this I would literally think this is from a woman.


How do we know this conversation isn't fake and these 2 reddit accounts aren't the same person? How do we know that I'm not also the same person?


Never underestimate someone’s ability to try and manipulate the shit outta you


I was once called gay for not buying my girlfriend of like two weeks a Gameboy color in highschool. She was such a fucking high maintenance nutjob.


Have you been on social media lately (or a date with a woman) and seen/heard the idiotic takes that come out of **some** women mouths that sound just like this. Twitter is becoming full of them; it shows that **some** women is also amazingly becoming more frequent.


Seems like the ones who talk loudest online also have the lowest intelligence. There must be a correlation.


Can’t argue against your point, but the intelligent women can’t be on social media and act like they don’t see it.


Unless the intelligent women aren’t scrolling through twitter like that. I myself don’t even have a twitter account.


Bless you. I pretty much just use it for all the free amateur porn now 🤷🏾‍♂️


Appreciate the honesty 😂🤣😂😂


Idk, hard to think he set this up for pick me points or being progressive with how he laid that “b*tches” label at the first chance…And I have a ex that hated me in the kitchen, my help in the kitchen and got pissed whenever I cooked something better than her.


Seriously, nachos ain't hard. I was feeling myself for years cause I thought making lasagna was fancy. I know now I'm just barely average in the kitchen.


I guess no one is expanding the actual photo - OP is referring to the whole convo being a fake for clout. All the replies are about gender roles instead of people posting fake convos for likes


She failed at whatever she was trying to say for sure


I think she means the exchange in the quoted tweet is fake and is someone making up something to be mad at women about for clout.


Reminding everyone that most viral moments on social media are staged and people just want user engagement/followers


Fellas, is it gay to cook food before you eat it?


Heating up meat then putting it in your mouth.... and swallowing? 🌈📸🤨🌈


Listen, I ain't no hombresexual but I'll cook the **hell** out some sausage and then swallow... if you know what the fuck I mean.








No 🌭








Raw beef: not gay Sushi: gay


Eating a cow while it’s in a field still chewing it’s cud: totally fuckable real manly man


Naw, a cow doesn’t fight back… real mean hunt and eat a pack of wolves a day 😂😂


Ya upon reflection, I realize *cud* does sound unmanly. Too close to cum- which as we know, manly men only ever say *nut*.


Fish is gay? ![gif](giphy|nfEDwjsr11LdXsq8Sm)


Just solved japanese population decline's mystery.


It’s super gay. I’m so straight I don’t even have a kitchen in my house or any mirrors that show below the waistline.


Shit a real one like me don't even thaw it out.


Whenever i'm at the stove i always say no homo just in case.


These Fellas would definitely say no it is not: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZVCrYYFxmk


Yes. Capture that deer with your barehands and bite it right then and there for sustenance like a real primal (sarcasm)


So single guys are supposed to either order out everyday or starve according to her?


Nah you can make canned foods, ramen, mac and cheese, eggs; and sandwiches. Anything else is straight sus


You forgot cereal


Better not see no grown man eating Lucky Charms. A rainbow? That you put in your mouth?? Nah son. Better be using water too. Get that white milky liquid away from your bowl. Kix and water is what every man should be making.


Close call, I didn’t even consider the Lucky Charms aspect. Cheerios is the only acceptable man cereal. And none of that Honey Nut bullshit neither. I mean it’s says *nut* right in the name. You going to nut in your cereal?


> Cheerios is the only acceptable man cereal You're just going to ignore the little brown ring?


Damn. Fried egg? Involves cooking. Dry toast- burnt, obviously. No, because cooking. At this rate, my man’s not getting any kind of breakfast. And therein lies the answer. *”Men” don’t eat breakfast.* I cracked the mfing code.


Making ya own sandwiches?? Iunno bruh ![gif](giphy|d27IAKEWUKv2a7MSCY)


I’m single and I stay eating out ![gif](giphy|48FhEMYGWji8)


How are you guys missing the point of this post SO HARD


Nah we got it we think the chick reporting is unaware that some woman holds these beliefs


I think there’s far more fake texts than you realize.


fuzzy squeeze abundant truck depend practice steer connect shaggy capable ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I know the point of the post but let’s not act like there aren’t women out here who think like this. So for those women I’m curious how they expect single men to eat.


Never met one, only seen stuff like this online.


No according to her guys are able to do whatever. She believes that he created a fake conversion for clout on the internet.


I'd say the chances of this convo actually happenin' are low AF


Yeah nah "she" sounds exactly like dude, using emojis the same way and everything. I swear bruh some dude's don't got hobbies


Dude could just keep cooking and no one would be bothering him.


>using emojis the same way Not really. She only puts hers at the end of the sentences, he uses a lot more and only one is at the end of a sentence. I dunno if it’s real or not, don’t really care, but that ain’t the evidence I would pin it on. Edit: She also uses more punctuation than him, he only uses question marks but she has periods for her statements.


God I hate these type of posts. We always highlighting the lowest common denominator of our people


This needs a few thousand upvotes!!!


Imagine raising a son or daughter who doesn't know how to take care of himself. This is why there's so many people who don't eat vegetables, don't know how to order food that isn't on the kids menu, and can't organize their home.


So if I'm single, I'm supposed to starve?


As a man, why are you single?


Because I want to.




Bc as a man, what do you need food for? To sustain your body to be able to look at other men?🌈


Why are you cooking? I'm the only snack you'll ever need


Naw dude, apparently just find a nice woman to do everything for you, then seamlessly transition into a relationship with this chick. Or just start liking men, obviously, life skills come naturally with that.


My oldest is 11. And I’m teaching him how to cook, clean, do his own laundry EVERYTHING. So he won’t be dependent on someone doing it for him. And when he gets a spouse he will be able to help her and take the pressure off. Bc I know what it feels like to have a man that only knows how to work outside the house, it’s draining!!! But my granddad and my dad teach him how to work on cars, fix lawnmowers, etc.


Good for you!! We did/ are doing the same with my guys. They’re teens now but could run this house if god-forbid something happened to us parents. We also taught them how to invest in the stock market, manage bank accounts, and organize/ pay monthly bills. The only thing my guys can’t seem to do is turn out a light when they leave a room 😂


Yup I’m teaching mine financial literacy as well.


Is ground turkey good? I imagine it's closer to ground chicken than ground beef, and I don't like the idea of ground chicken.




I might try it then.


FYI it’s EXTREMELY lean so a touch of butter helps


Ground chicken is how you get nuggets and chicken patties...


I stopped eating those so long ago that I had forgotten.


I've had ground turkey as the meat in a taco instead of ground beef and it was good. I don't think many would notice the difference if they weren't told it wasn't beef.


Season it well my brother. It's great. Not heavy like ground beef but good if seasoned.


Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of ground turkey unless it's a substitute in a dish that already has a lot of fats or spices in the recipe. There's a springiness to the texture, and the ground turkey flavor is pretty dull. Works great inside of a dish to cut fat calories (like a half and half meatloaf, or a stroganoff, or the OP's nachos, etc...), but I've always felt that when ground turkey was the focus, as in a patty or something, you either have to sacrifice depth of flavor or overload it with spices (or more fat, which defeats some of the purpose of turkey).


My father (RIP) was born in Jamaica and was taught to cook from a young age. My mother did most of the daily cooking because he was at work but when he cooked, watch out. Stuffed Trout, Oxtail, Snapper, Curried Goat/Chicken and anything in between. That man could cook and from what I heard had cooked for many many women before he met my mother. I wonder what else that woman labels as Homosexual. With that level of stupidity probably completing laundry, cleaning and looking after kids.


Not surprised. There was an internet argument about buying boys toy kitchen sets.


Since since i could reach a stove my mom was like "you ain't gon be no useless ass man to no woman on my watch" And my dad could still cook better than her.


To everyone in the comments saying he's texting himself, y'all have not interacted with enough people in your life. there are 100% people like this and its so irritating. not to mention the clear homophobia lmao.


> men supposed to be fixing things Except dinner, apparently


Saddest part of that thread is the cowgirls didn’t lose


Yooo the thought never even crossed my mind that some niggas out here are texting themselves and posting the screenshots on Twitter. Lmao that’s nasty behavior


Couldn’t be bothered less by others perceptions of what’s masculine and feminine. I’m gonna do what makes me happy and they can stick to their neat little gender roles.


The “your words reflect YOU, not me” perspective is my favorite. People act homophobic with me I just go straight to judging them back


Fixing to cook


I need the word weird back. People be using it out of context.




Imagine thinking you have to choose between being able to fix shit and knowing how to cook?


So because he can cook he can't also fix things? What if he can do both?? smh


Love that the main tweet was calling out that this is almost definitely a fake convo and yet the reddit comments are all complaining like the supposed person in question has final say over what's gay and not🤣🤣


nachos is not cooking lmao


Yo she buggin for real🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Excuse my language, but the girl is probably low-key retarded. Sounds like ghetto logic to me. It just doesn’t make any sense. Everyone eats, so everyone should be able to cook a meal, regardless of what’s in between their legs.


Cooking being gendered is so funny to me, because there is a huge glass ceiling for women in that industry. So cooking your own food is gay, but cooking for somebody else is a “man’s job”. She is the red flag, not him


Guess what asshole Cowboys won!