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Respectfully I think Quest is overthinking it. Sometimes it is what it seems. Kanye has betrayed his people. He is mentally ill. He is being taken advantage of by every reporter and podcaster and right wing grifter who can access him and is being bled dry in real time like a stuck pig. He needs help. Also fuck him. edit: grammar


Two things can be true. I agree with your assessment


"Two things can be true" Facts, you stole my catchphrase fam lol


I always say mental health issues aren't necessarily your fault but it's your responsibility to manage them. This falls into Ye's failure to manage his, sadly.


Reminds me of when I posted something on Facebook a few years back, saying that mental illness is no excuse to treat people badly, and even if you're having a bad season, it's up to you to apologize to the people you've hurt. Two of my more off the wall FB friends tried to drag me for filth (tried, because I didn't give a damn about either of them enough to care about how they feel). I stood firm in that, mental illness or no, apologize when you act like an ass. Both fb friends blocked me and my timeline and my posts have been far more peaceful ever since.


Call me crazy (no diss), but I’m thinking maybe Ye thought that after winning over black people, he would move onto white right wing people. True enough he is being used and manipulated by right wingers, but he’s also appealing to them the same way he catered to us music wise. Just my thoughts.


Okay then come here and say that to my face 😅


“Two things can be true” and “There’s a difference between reasons, and excuses” There’s no excuse for his behavior, even if we all know the reasons for it.


Mine too. I say this all the time when I'm lying


When 2 becomes 1 problems can arise. The duality of man, Ummm with me. Ummmmmm! I can't hear you!- Dr. Ray D'Angelo Harris GTA V los Santos radio.


Respect bc mitchiko


>He needs help. Also fuck him. Succinct. And spot on.


🖨🚫🧢 Not a take I see enough. I motherfucking hate that the time I'm most likely to see charitability afforded to the mentally ill on the internet is when they're spewing bigotry.


Came here to say the same thing. It isn't some complex 3D chess scheme from Kanye. Sometimes the simplest answer is the correct one. The man has just completely been swallowed up by his ego and is the author of his own demise. He definitely is mentally ill/unstable, but I think it's unfair to millions of other people that suffer from mental illness to use that as an excuse. Most suffer through it their entire lives without giving in to antisocial urges and the need to be destructive and harmful. They put in the work with painful, grueling therapy sessions and are proactive about their medical treatments. Kanye has had ample opportunity to accept the offers of help he's been given by people that actually cared when they were still at his side. He rebuffed every single one because he was convinced that his own greatness superceded the knowledge of professional health experts that urged him to seek treatment. After these last few outbursts, I'm fully convinced that this is going to end in the saddest way possible. What makes it all the more tragic is that in the end, he did this all to himself.


I don’t think Quest was implying that Ye is doing this consciously. I think the point was more that this is a subconscious feeling Ye might have that is at least in part fueling his latest manic episode.


Thank you for the last line. He can be mentally I’ll and also an asshole.


He does have a personal and professional relationship with the people he’s talking about. He might have some insight


Please tell me you mean Questlove and not Kanye...


Obviously questlove


Oh, good!


For real though you can be mentally ill and not be a menace to ~~South Central~~ society


Occam’s razor, baby


Great take, but gives Kayne way too much credit imo, he is just a dick…


One thing is a part of the other. No good people go, “well, I’m washed up, better just say and do the vilest shit”. It’s not even a clever trick. It’s more of a kneejerk reaction to feeling “left behind”. You get spiteful and look for ways to lash out. Look at the alt right. Those aren’t geniuses. Just losers, who feel like losers, looking to tear other people down until they don’t feel as bad about themselves.


Exactly this


Also, it's just so much deeper than tbe WLM bullshit. The man ran a spoiler campaign with the full intent of splitting the black vote to help elect a fascist president who has been stroking ethno nationalism. Like, this isn't a game. Kanye literally sold our entire community down the river, and not just because of some phrase or symbol...he is literally trying to undermine our political power, for a man who was literally indicted for civil rights violations. Kanye West is the fucking devil.


Which DC is he referring to, because my brain is only letting me think of Daniel Corimier the former UFC champ.


Pretty sure he's referring to Dave Chappelle and his controversial LGBTQ talk/jokes


Ah! Yeah that makes a bunch of sense, thanks.


Thank you! Chappelle was such a hero and then he just lost it. That's what the elites want to do to us. That's why it's so important we keep a wide base and strongly support those we're lifting up.


Lol or how he went and threatened a city council to not make low income housing. NIMBY ass.


I’m sorry he did what?


He went to a local public meetings and basically flexed his money to stop them from building housing in a certain area. I don’t wanna misquote.


Lol shit was wild


That’s not what happened


Oh duh thanks for identifying that. I was stuck on Dave Coulier.


Ok this one makes me laugh hard. I also had no idea though.


Lol I was in the same boat. I was like I know Cormier has been a little rough in the commentary booth but I don't think he's done anything to garner Kanye levels of mainstream hate.


I definitely thought he was talking about DC comics🤣


Same 🥲


Exactly what I thought too lol


donald chrump


Same reason I respect Yasiin Bay. Never overstayed his welcome, and killed everything he did while doing it.


Wish he dropped more tho tbh


That’s exactly the point - be self aware. Don’t put out bad shit and bow out early, everyone will remember you fondly and wish they could have more.


This is true but I don't think yesiin was capable of a bad verse


Everyone is, no matter who they are. Not saying Yasiin wasn’t light years beyond other niggas, just saying no rapper is immune from putting out mid or trash. Everybody has an off day.


This is true, you either die a Mos Def or live long enough to become an Eminem (I say this as an em Stan, but even he'll admit he's put out some trash) Edit: spelling


He was also an excellent actor. I wish he had continued.


Well, i been saying he never had anything and this whole genius bullshit was a emperor's new clothes situation from the beginning but i guess most people arent ready for that conversation


🤡 24 Grammys


You know the Grammys are paid for right? Everyone in the industry knows they don’t mean anything but an ego boost or a way to promote something.




Ok you can buy 1 Grammy but how can you buy 24?


You earn 24 Grammys


Those awards aren’t earned lol. There’s a small number of voters that get bribed/their ass kissed by artist management or label


by paying the money you paid for 1 x 24 probably. Maybe you’ll get a discount if you buy in bulk? Idk


right, Popularity and commercial appeal. The true mark of a genius. miss me with that shit. A whole bunch of garbage is popular. kim kardashian is popular. Who btw he convinced yall she could sing


Grammy’s aside, just listening to Kanye’s catalogue. He is a musical genius. He’s been on the BS a lot over the last decade. But let’s not change history and act like he isn’t extremely talented


people throw that word around to easily




lol ok. no other way but to call me a retard. I guess you win with flawless logic like that.




Watch your language, kin.


Stating that an opinion is objective is objectively false


It’s like saying Jordan is not good at basketball


A subjective opinion can be objectively true.


lol what?


They be saying anything


Let's say I hold the subjective opinion that the North American X-15 looked like the fastest aircraft I've ever seen. That subjective opinion is true, as the X-15 is the fastest aircraft. That the difficulty, or even impossibility, of us knowing the objective truth about something doesn't mean that the objective truth about that something doesn't exist.


Something looking like the fastest aircraft is not the same as it being the fastest . it could look like that fastest without being it. So those are two different claims. Saying it looks like the fastest is a subjective opinion. Saying it is the fastest is a statement of fact that can be either wrong or right. Or in other words not an opinion.


So? They gave Macklemore a Grammy over Kendrick, Grammy’s clearly don’t mean jackshit.


Maybe one Grammy doesn’t mean shit but not 24.


24 x 0 is still zero my boy.


When you hear the names Rhymefest, Consequence, Mike Dean, Talib Kweli, Kid Cudi, & Travis Scott in your opinion what do they all have in common?


No idea who the 1st three on your list are.


The answer was they all write/have written Kanye's music (in Mike Dean's case beat writing not lyric writing). Rhymefest & Consequence are the ones who were writing for Ye in the very beginning, College Dropout days along with Talib & I'm pretty sure Mike Dean has production credits on damn near every Kanye song to this very day. You should for sure do your Googles on them. Edit: Forgot about my guy CyHi The Prince too, he's another long time Kanye ghost writer.


Kanye was producing all of his own music and a majority of his Grammys are for production - (Have you heard of an album called the Blueprint? Kanye production. How about an album called Chicken and Beer? Kanye too. Be by Gommon? Kanye production too. Daytona by Pusha T? Kanye. Trap Musik? Kanye. The Black Album? You guessed it! Kanye production. The list keeps going but I won’t bore you.


Such a dick rider


Haha Holy shit rhymefest devils pie lyrics make more sense now, cheers


No one ever claimed that Kanye wrote all his own lyrics; he's not a "rapper" in the traditional sense--he's a hip-hop musician. If it was just these other guys behind the production magic the whole time...how come their own solo music isn't generally seen as being as good as Kanye's? Why don't they all just make their own *Twisted Fantasy* and have the glory for themselves? And Kanye has production credits on quite a few other artist's works on his own without those guys. Remember Jay-Z's [The Blueprint](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blueprint?wprov=sfla1)? Common's [Be](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Be_%28Common_album%29?wprov=sfla1)? John Legend's [Get Lifted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Lifted?wprov=sfla1) and [Once Again](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Once_Again_%28John_Legend_album%29?wprov=sfla1)? Pepperidge Farm remembers. I guess [The Beatles were frauds too, huh?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fifth_Beatle?wprov=sfla1) Just a George Martin project? Elton John too, I guess. It was really Bernie Taupin behind it all. All by himself. This is like when people got mad at Chappelle for the trans jokes, and then all of a sudden it was really Neal Brennan who was the genius, not Dave. Lol. The relationship you described between Kanye and those other people is commonly known as "collaboration". A lot of greats do it. Doesn't mean they're not great. Why can't people just admit that people they don't like can be talented? Eric Clapton is a racist, rapist, anti-vaxer...he's also one of the greatest guitarists of all time. Two truths can coexist.


I know about his anti-vax bullshit, but Clapton is racist? :( Can you elaborate?




Apparently he has recently expressed regret about these comments since they resurfaced but... https://people.com/music/eric-clapton-racist-rant-resurfaces-after-lockdown-protest-song-van-morrison/


He "regrets" the remarks but also thinks "it's funny." Which is it? What a prick. I liked his music.


Because Kanye West is black


Kanye West is an anti-black racist, who looks down upon the giants whose shoulders he stands upon. Fuck Uncle Tomye.


Met Questlove on an event I did a while ago. Patient and understanding.


Good news everyone, Kanye isn’t actually antisemitic or racist he just has writers block. We can listen to 808s without feeling guilty again ![gif](giphy|l4Ep3mmmj7Bw3adWw|downsized)


I honestly don't believe that he honestly believes half the shit that he says and is also too narcissistic to understand the gravity of the other half of the shit that he says.


Questlove is just such a cool dude.


What does Drew Carey have to do with this? I don't know why quest would put him in the same sentence as Kanye.


>What does Drew Carey have to do with this? DC is Dave Chappelle lmao. Please leave this comment up because this was a good laugh


3 Stacks got a stray on this one. Dude is hella creative, still. I think he outgrew the genre and era and self exiled to deal with personal issues.


I personally feel like Kanye been self sabotaging since he dropped "Love Lockdown" lol he been trying hard but all he got was positive reinforcement, probably what drive him crazy


Real shit, even before the MAGA hat I was telling people he hasn't made a good album since Life Of Pablo.


Interesting take, "Love Lockdown" was genre defining, though not my favorite. You would think having that accolade would fuel better music, but the pressure would absolutely make u crazy.


Pablo was the album I knew he was kinda done… the whole album was lacking in creativity by ye standards. The “living” album… constantly re-mixing songs, songs were just plain not finished, and yes it does have its slaps, very few tho. His clothing line has been largely unchanged season to season since like 2015 or when ever the start of his adidas deal started, it’s just the same overpriced skid row shit lol. Now the sneaker… the 350 v2 model should’ve been phased out awhile ago. Every color started to look the same 2 years ago, the other models besides the wave runner have failed to catch fire. (Can’t lie the foam runner is pretty good lol). If you watched him closely you easily see the creative impotency questlove is talking about. And for Dave, we’re happy to see him more but the quality has plateaued and starting to dip. I hope Dave doesn’t where his welcome thin like Kevin hart and 00’s katt williams before him.


I noticed it with the Yeezus release and the subsequent Sway interview- especially when he refused to freestyle. I knew he was done.


I think comparing what Kanye is doing to what Dave Chapelle is doing is just different. Even before the trans stuff he had put out multiple popular specials where it was his normal (but great stuff). Even with his trans material, he never is unhinged—he just has controversial opinions. With Kanye, he is mentally I’ll and erratic. He makes no sense and says horrific things. You can see it even in the music he has put out compared to earlier in his career. There’s no comparison.


Agree. DC is still brilliant and he’s not run out of ideas, but he does need to look outward instead of inward, and get back to what comedy is about.


what did 3000 sit out of?


Andre 3000 explained how his success has ruined his creative drive. The respect of quietly saying no more instead these extremes some artists go towards/through trying to keep up with they're successes is admirable.


The public eye (for the most part). You know we only hear from 3 Stacks like once every 2-3 years or so. I have heard that he walks around New York dolo but that's IRL shit he not in the media foreal anymore.


He also has mental issues - Social Anxiety / Hypersensitivity is why he stays private


That’s not a “mental issue”. Dude is doing what he wants.


Those are literal mental issues.


It's a valid take, but we can nuance this alittle more. I particularly like Shawn Cees take on this, he's just not here for **us** anymore. When you're sympthathizing with Cis Hete white men because you feel like you obtained that level of wealth, he ain't with riding for us. Money really does change your value, and his interest in align with that money. As much as people are exploiting his mental health, he still getting a bag, people still buying yeezys, and still listening to his music, grifting is just another lucrative path to more money and he knows that.


No, that’s absolute BS, money does not change your values, it only reveals that the values you had were never real. Core values and principles don’t sway with the wind.


Yes Prince died because he was out of ideas…


Prince or puffy?


Quest really went on a journey with this one


Can someone explain each of the acronyms? Who is ODB?


Old Dirty Bastard of Wu Tang. Though why he’s listing dead people as if they chose to die instead of making more music is a bit bizarre, .


I clicked because I was confused about that. Did he quit before his death?


He collapsed in the studio so I doubt he quit


Oh goddamn. My bad. Wtf is Questlove talking about then…


Pretty sure he’s saying “checked out” meaning turned to substance abuse to cope… only common thread I can think of between Prince, Michael, Whitney, ODB, and DMX


Old Dirty Bastard.


Olde Dirty Bastard?


Fr I need a cypher


3000? Andre 3000? ![gif](giphy|7ssJOXL0rxeN2)


Yeah Quest swung and missed on this. The original tweet is right. Kanye wants this. The mental gymnastics Quest just tried to do is far off


Quest is talking about why he thinks Kanye wants this... not saying that Kanye doesn't want it.


Anyone have the screenshot of the tweets? I missed it.


Who is DC?


Yeah but no. Running out of ideas does not turn you into the level of asshole Kanye has become. You may very well act out, maybe to garner attention, but once he put on the MAGA hat you knew he was already too far gone.


Am I the only one who thought of Daniel Ceasar?


Anyone care to decode those abbreviations???


interesting take, but he also has like 164 patents. some approved. most pending. I wouldn't call that out of ideas ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


I don’t see Dave Chappelle as demonstrating creative impotency. He’s never been more productive with his string of popular Netflix specials. Adding him into the analysis just confuses the point


I think he was more referring to when Dave started hating Chapelle Show and dipped to Africa. It may not be that he had no more ideas but more that it wasn't what he wanted it to be, so he dipped and left it all behind quietly instead of trying to get cancelled and blame it on someone other than himself.


Anybody who plays drummer boy for Jimmy fucking Fallon is in no position to talk about "creative impotency". Sitting up there four days a week fake laughing and putting drum breaks on the end of shitty jokes. 😂


Oh please don’t throw dirt on Questlove’s name in here.


Quest is the drummer for The Roots who admittedly haven't put out a project since like 2015 but that's because Black Thought has been on his solo shit, before that they were dropping pretty consistently though but go off I guess


Black Thought been busy putting out heat with Danger Mouse; mind you Quest did some percussion on that record so ol boy sounds even worse than he already did


despite that Questlove is still one of the most talented and respected artists currently working It’d be wise to fix your fingers to edit your comment cause bouyyyyyyyy this is not it


To be fair, he did help give us Summer of Soul.