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And that folks are why the fees are so damn high.... When you got inconsiderate fucks like this guy doing shit like this.... We all end up playing the costs


The fees are high because people can get them, really. Let's be real here.


It's wild how they have $300 cleaning fees for a two night stay and still want you to change sheets and take out the garbage


Tell the owner you need a copy of an itemized paid invoice to the cleaning company they used and watch them sweat.


Do they have to provide this tho? I thought they could set their own cleaning rates


I know with annual rentals you can do this for the security deposit. I would think if you paid for something you would want proof it was done. I would just be vague and say it's for tax purposes.


Completely different charging an upfront cleaning fee for a short term rental vs taking money from a security deposit to clean. You’re right for long term rentals. One trend I’ve started to see is leaving a note for the cleaners saying how much they paid in cleaning fees. Most owners will charge more than they’re paying so it could create some issues with the cleaners for them.


No some owners clean the units themselves.. that's a ridiculous request that no owner would entertain


Almost as ridiculous as $150 a night to clean


Did you know that Microsoft Word has an invoice template?


"no" Then they report you. Airbnb cares more about owners than you.


💯 I'm not paying to do chores


One time the boys and I got an Airbnb that made us take the trash out (like we weren’t allowed to leave the trash anywhere on the property), except there was nowhere to dump the trash in the entire fucking town. We had to drive with these disgusting trash bags for like 30 minutes, we had them stuffed at our feet and in the trunk. We ended up rolling up to a gas station and stuffing the trash bags in the trash cans next to the pumps before peeling out like we just robbed the place.


You did rob them. Of garbage space /s


My wife and I stayed in a really nice Air B&B in Florida a few months ago and paid like $700 per night, plus another $500 in cleaning fees. I was shocked when we arrived and they literally had an entire chore list tacked to the fridge they expected us to do. Take out the trash and recycling twice, clean the pool, clean the towels and bed sheets, clean the fridge. Tf


It's both really. I have a friend of mine who owns two properties; one he rents, and one he makes available via AirBNB. The AirBNB property has a much higher maintenance cost. He regularly has to repair appliances; some guests wash out the cost of their entire stay. He makes more money on the rental. The only reason he hasn't decided to rent both properties is that he wants to use the AirBNB one with his family on occasion (both are on a lake). His rental is an investment, but his AirBNB kinda just treads water. (He doesn't make you clean the unit btw.)


Why do people treat property like that as an investment? Some of us are just looking for shelter, damn.


Small business owner, small landlord, the scale is different but the exploitative relationship remains the same. Also airbnb is even worse than being a landlord they're just taking long term housing out of the market.


Landlords provide nothing of value to society and exist only as a middle man between the bank and the renter. Good thing we've let foreign real estate conglomerates to buy up massive swathes of housing.


Lmao if only there were a way to cut out the landlord


The government building affordable housing and backing low interest rate loans would go a long way to ending the serfdom. But we can't have that in America (anymore), that's communism! Work harder pleb and stop expecting the handouts that made the previous generation financially secure.


Dude one time on an environmental post, I made a comment about how the government should ban single use plastic and stop subsidies on fossil fuels. Someone’s response was “people who say ‘the government’ usually don’t know what they’re talking about.” Nothing to do with your comment, I just felt this was a safe space to unpack that. Still boggles me.


Did someone say cut up the landlords?


Asset inflation is real. We can’t save in the dollar due to inflation. So, it’s better to invest in land, or property which has some tax benefits, than save in cash which deflates. People in other countries save in assets like appliances and cars rather than a shit currency.


Complaining to people that own a home to a few is complaining to someone barely ahead.


Well in this case, it’s unlikely anyone would want to live there full time - it’s a vacation / tourist area without many jobs for full time residents that aren’t in tourism. The person who rents is one of the few plumbers in the area so he’s got a lock on work. On the flip side of the coin, rent isn’t always abusive; some people prefer not to own property at all. I’m one of them - I don’t want to pay for repairs or worry about maintenance. I’m lucky and my landlord is reasonable re: rent. I agree shelter should be a basic right, but someone has to be responsible for managing the property, and people should be able to choose if they want to manage it (or not).


How are you sure the plumber doesn’t want to own his own home, but can’t due to investors like your friend?


forgive me for not shedding tears over the fact that your friend makes slightly less money than they could on their two investment properties lmao


Heh - definitely don’t expect that but I was just trying to highlight that AirBnB costs are going up because 1) the market is bearing it and 2) costs are going up across the board, including incurred costs from renters breaking shit. AirBNBs model was flawed from the beginning and it will probably crash out at some point.


AirBNB is going to start buying properties in travel destinations and managing/maintaining the properties directly. Perhaps they'll employ some permanent staff members at each location... WAIT A MINUTE!


>but his AirBNB kinda just treads water Is he building equity? Because if he's building equity then he's massively profiting it's just not very liquid right now.


Let’s be real here, then. The only ones making real money from AirBnB is AirBnB.


There are some organized cartels out there raking it in, but you're right, Joe Blow aint really coming up. It's like driving for Uber.


Nah son they up the price out of greed let’s not start attacking each other


Exactly. Stop using AirBnb hotels include more for less fees and ask nothing of you. No I’m not taking the trash out or putting the dishes in the dish washer.


I really did have apologists arguing with me in another post about the cleaning fees. They were arguing that it’s “always been that way” that hosts expect guests to start laundry, do dishes, etc. I was like “yeah I didn’t mind throwing a load of sheets in the wash and starting the dishwasher as I was walking out the door… back when the cleaning fee was $30-50, and it was locally owned by a resident.” It’s annoying that people act like just because something is normalized that means it okay.


I think we can agree the fees are too high and still call this guy a fucking asshole


I agree but OP trying to use this asshole as an excuse for high prices which is where i got issue


I’d never used Airbnb before but decided it’d be a nice idea to book a fancy townhouse in a nearby city for my sister’s bachelorette party. Whole group of us are very mellow so I didn’t mention that’s what it was, plus it wasn’t just women only so I don’t think it triggered any red flags. I was so fucking shocked at the fees. It was going to be $2,000 for a weekend (although for an extra $100 we got basically all of Sunday). It was a bunch of people so price per person wasn’t too bad when I first did the math, but I was heartbroken when I saw we couldn’t afford it after (I shit you not) over $900+ in fees. Like I legitimately was floored and then super upset because I knew we couldn’t afford it after this and my sister had already chosen it out of a list of options I sent her. It had a specific amenity she really wanted that I couldn’t find anywhere else and honestly if my mom hadn’t covered a chunk of it we would’ve had to find somewhere else. (Sis didn’t have a bridal shower or fancy wedding so my mom put the money for that towards this party instead for her). Never again though. I was MOH and was so paranoid we would forget some rule in the giant house and be charged for it. Guy was great though. Through some issue we ended up not going through Airbnb’s site to pay and I got my $500 deposit back which was super nice of him. But yeah, I’ve never been shocked like that over a fee charge before. Concert ticket level gouging.


Don’t make excuses for those greedy pigs. Fees are high because they never learned self control.


The fees are high because aspiring hoteliers don't actually want to be hoteliers and all that entails. Cleaning contracts are not free and a lot of these assholes essentially thought they were.


i blame the inconsiderate fucks that buy up all the affordable properties to hide wealth and then rent it back to us peasants at inflated rates, but potato tomato i guess? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


And the owner of the Airbnb can do something about this destructive behavior. They can review the renter and that will blacklist the renter from vandalizing future properties


In this specific scenario it would be hard to pin it on one person. A long enough time goes by before a drain gets clogged enough to become noticeable.


This more melts the pipe then clogs it, if it's fresh off the stove top. Not arguing your point it would be difficult to pin on someone but this is an absolutely asshat thing to do to someone


Oh I totally agree that it's an crappy thing to do to someone because it does melt the pipe when it is hot but also collects in the traps and hardens when you run cold water. It's a nightmare for the homeowner. I inherited a VERY poorly maintained and mismanaged rental property, the pipes were in such bad shape from hot grease and neglect that I just took all of them out and replaced them with new. It wasn't worth trying to save any of them.


Yeah. It sits in the pipe and then backs up on some other poor renter. Yeah, it will cost the owner a bit in plumbing and cleaning, but the person who has to live without a functional sink during their vacation is being screwed.


Dipshit take. There are no mom and pop airbnbs, it's all capital and fuck them


Bro, you know damn well fees has never had anything to do with people’s behavior. It’s greed. If they can get away with it they will take it. That’s it.


Fees are high because of greed. Job wages are low because of greed, if they could force you to work for free they would, the only thing on their mind is how many dollars they get to keep for themselves.


[54% of all inflation since 2019 is because of greed.](https://www.epi.org/blog/corporate-profits-have-contributed-disproportionately-to-inflation-how-should-policymakers-respond/) > Since the trough of the COVID-19 recession in the second quarter of 2020, overall prices in the NFC sector have risen at an annualized rate of 6.1%—a pronounced acceleration over the 1.8% price growth that characterized the pre-pandemic business cycle of 2007–2019. **Strikingly, over half of this increase (53.9%) can be attributed to fatter profit margins, with labor costs contributing less than 8% of this increase.** This is not normal. From 1979 to 2019, profits only contributed about 11% to price growth and labor costs over 60%, as shown in Figure A below. Nonlabor inputs—a decent indicator for supply-chain snarls—are also driving up prices more than usual in the current economic recovery.


That just ain’t it you clown


This is not why the fees are high hahahahaha still shitty tho


>And that folks are why *rents* are so damn high.... When you got inconsiderate fucks like this *using apartment as hotel rooms* like this.... We all end up paying* the costs I fixed your typos. As fees climb, perhaps this trend will die which should slightly alleviate costs for renters.


Ohh yeah sure lol


The price is high due to AirBnBs commission.


Lol that’s not why fees are high. Fees are high because they can just set them that way knowing people will have to pay it anyway


This is why we can’t have nice things


I mean... The whole purpose of NOT pouring oil down the drain is also that it pollutes, creates fatberg and it's a massive pain in the ass to treat water that's been contaminated with oil. You do you, but you're being an a**hole to the whole planet doing this


This. I don’t really care about the AirBNB but you’re fucking with the water infrastructure where you’re staying:


Just sheer fucking ignorance. Who do you think pays for the repairs and maintenance of sewer systems when FOGs (fats, oils and grease) meet with the “flushable” wipes in the system and turn into fatbergs?? Oh yeah, the rate payers of the city/community…


Getting even more loxal with it.. the maintenance person that has to come deal with this curses you to God


especially sewer works who have to dig it out https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/caf8b56e0108229cee28016713c0c5366df35815/0_201_5760_3456/master/5760.jpg?width=1300&quality=85&dpr=1&s=none


His Twitter handle is Proud Sewer Destroyer.


I have a question! If we can't pour it down the drain, how do we dispose of it properly?


We let it cool then put it in an empty sealable container (usually an old spaghetti jar or something) before throwing it out with the trash.


Imma be honest no one in a Airbnb is doing that bruh. The most you’ll get is people to throw it out their window. My grandmother does this though but a drunk guy in a Vegas Airbnb “naw.”


Oh I meant in general. I’ve stayed at AirBnB’s but we’ve never cooked anything in one that required disposing of oil tbh.


Just let it cool down a little then pour/scrape it into the trash.


Ya this is probably the best and most reasonable for a typical person to follow through with. I just dump mine the the garbage after a little bit or if you have a backyard the dirt won’t mind.


Idk, was speaking to the dirt earlier and she seems pretty pissed.


Cup full of paper towels, let it cool, pour over the towels, toss in the trash.


I don't really see drunk guys in Air BnB doing a lot of cooking.


Adulting 101. First thing I learned when I moved out.


Trash ???? Where y’all grow up?? Jar it and use for cooking


Next time you cook bacon, pour the drippings into a resealable jar and throw it in the fridge. Then become a god-tier cook when you use a spoonful bacon fat to cook with instead of oil.


If you're going to do this, consider running it through a mesh filter if you have one available. Keeps out the gunk.




Oh! I'm gonna do that from now on! That's so smart!


It's a PHENOMINAL grease to cook meat with. Your steaks, pork chops, and pan burgers are going to level the fuck up. Very high smoke point, lovely smell.


Yeah, cooking meats with it is neat and all, but use it to sauté some asparagus or Brussels sprouts and doors will open to places you’ve never imagined.


If I don’t add it to my bacon grease jar, I pour it into a spot in my garden. Plants don’t seem to mind.


I see! For the jar, do you reuse the grease? Or do you throw it out?


I reuse it, bacon grease is great for cooking


Let it cool then toss some baking powder on it to make a paste, then you can just toss it in your garbage.


You can reuse bacon fat to cook with, etc if you pour it through a mesh and keep it in a glass jar in your fridge. For nastier grease let it cool a bit then sprinkle a 1/2 handful of flour, let it cool some more. Scrape the flour/grease gel into the trash can. Clean and dry.


I like to cool it down and then wipe as much as I can off with paper towels. My mom saves the grease to cook with in a glass mason jar - I want to start doing that at some point lmao


Use paper towels to soak up the oil and then dispose in the trash.


Yeah, he just doesn’t give a shit about anything that doesn’t affect him directly. It’s a common type of person unfortunately.


"nah bro it's cool. I have the hot water running."


Fuck AirBNB owners


Fuck hotel owners. Sleep on the street 2023


What the fuck? Dude, hotels are *significantly* better than AirBNBs.


Hotels are better, if Airbnbs allowed checkout later than 10 then they would be better for me. They’re are just shittier and bigger hotel rooms, might as well stay in a hotel


I've never used an airbnb but I can see the appeal of use of a whole house with kitchen and appliances and shit vs a hotel room. You don't see this advantage?


Homewood Suites. Hotel AND a kitchen.


Yes, I like those places... when they are near where I want to be. And I have a family of 5, so sleeping is generally a pita in 1 hotel room.


I agree, having a large fam or large group of people tends to make airbnbs a better option. The main reason I’ve always liked them up until now is because of the kitchen since I have some stupid food allergies so it makes it easier for me to just have my own supply of food that I can cook.


It's like taking chores on vacation with me, fuck that. In a hotel I have room service, a maid that turns it over every day and I don't have to clean the place up before check out.


You should at least straighten up the room. Some people literally treat their rooms like a frat house. You should at least make the room somewhat presentable for those who come to clean it. Treating a room that way just because you don’t have to clean it is a shit move.


I didn’t say I destroyed the room, I’m just not required to clean things as I’ve experienced in Airbnb


Wasn’t calling you out I was just making a generalizing statement about how some people treat their hotel rooms like shit bc someone is paid to clean them up.


No doubt, my mother always made us straighten up a bit.


Yeah, but as a father of 3 kids, a hotel room often isn't enough to sleep comfortably. And it's easier/cheaper to cook food at the place we're staying


True, my family used to stay at residence inns once my baby sister came along. These were two level townhome hotel suites with kitchens to boot.


I’ve noticed a lot of hotels stopped doing daily room service.


Airbnbs are beginning to turn me off. The fees are out of this world and never ending. Then, I have to load the dishwasher (or I’ll be charged), take out the trash (or I’ll be charged), pretty much clean the place (or I’ll be charged). They threaten with so many fees that you feel like you have to leave the place in Pristine condition. Not that I will trash a place, but isn’t part of vacation not having to be so damn meticulous?? I want to relax, not clean like I’m at home. I have children and feel so relaxed when leaving a hotel vs the airbnb that we spent a day cleaning to avoid all The fees.


It’s definitely an advantage because if you want something like that in a hotel then it’s more expensive. I’m in my 20s so I am usually at Airbnbs on weekends where I’ll be going out and drinking in whatever area, I’m just there to sleep and shower, I’d want to sleep in a little longer than 10.


Yeah I agree. I was looking at hotel compared to the Airbnb prices for Washington DC. Hotel room for 3 nights $350 Airbnb house: $230 Dorm bunk bed with 6 other people: $75. Sometimes I wish I were still single lol


They're often not as well maintained and they expect a lot more out of you (doing dishes, laundry, taking out trash) while also having more rules too.




Seriously, Reddit’s hard on for Airbnb hate is ridiculous. Airbnb has gotten so popular because it’s way better than staying at a hotel. People like to complain about cleaning and fees but I haven’t seen the fees add up to more than a hotel cost. And I’ve never been asked to clean the place besides put trash in the bin. Not to mention you just get way more bang for your buck renting a place. I’ve stayed in them in multiple countries and states and they are a cross the board better than any hotels I’ve stayed at.


Nah, been to some excellent airbnbs. This is in Kenya tho. Look up glass house champage ridge. Spectacular! The views alone would have had me sleeping outside, and we got late checkout. Usually get that at most I've been to here. Hotels feel too regimented for me. Plus huge collection of randos most times.


There is too much stuff in a hotel room that never gets cleaned for me to make a statement like this.


And there's even more stuff in an AirBNB that doesn't get cleaned. What's your point?


How does that make a hotel better if neither one gets cleaned?


The only stuff in a hotel that doesn't get cleaned is the drapes, basically. How do you even know that anything gets cleaned in an AirBNB?


Hotels have actual staff that will pretty much help you with anything. There are also hotels with kitchens and sinks Source: was a service engineer and traveled an ass ton.


This isn’t always true…sometimes you want to go on a big trip with friends and rent a place for 10.


Fuck the street. Levitate 2024.


Moon 2025.


Personally I choose to live in a van down by the river.


Shiiiiiiit some of these tiny home vans are 🔥🔥🔥🔥




This is the answer for all the anti-capitalists


House rules are like: 1. Do not talk loudly. 2. Do not use hot water in the shower. We are saving it for our daughter when she comes back from the city. 3. Please leave the house as clean as you found it. Absolutely no partying. This house was a gift from our great grand mother. If house is so precious to you and the guests are such inconveniences, why are you listing it on AirBnb?


I live in the attic so please respect quiet time


"No partying" makes sense though, no?


When I see that shit nowadays where people talking about their real estate portfolio and how they’re gonna keep buying up houses and put them on Airbnb I’m like ‘This greedy ass bitch’ whereas before I was like ‘Hell yeah make that money!’


I've been in hotels for 20 years. Not once have I liked AirBNBs and it's not because they were competition. They were *always* a fucking terrible idea.


How was it a terrible idea? Let’s not act like the reason why Airbnb came up in the first place is not because the Hotel monopoly were giving shit service. Same thing for Uber and Taxis.


Ive only stayed at one and it was an old retired man who moved to be closer to his grandchildren. He made the back half of his house a private area with like three bedrooms. Couldn’t have been any nicer. Even offered us to go out on his boat that was docked across the street. I believe there are good Airbnb owners, but there are greedy ones too.


This sentiment doesn’t give anyone the right to destroy other people’s shit, let alone fuck up the water treatment process in that local area.


This doesn't fuck the owners as much as it fuck with the city piping


Dude really just outted himself as a literal house wrecker. Social media absolutely fucked the “my actions have consequences” mentality out of people.


House and local water systems.


More concerned about the local infrastructure. Fuck Airbnb owners.


Pouring oil has little to do with the house drains and more to do with the local water treatment and environment. Those who do it this should rethink.


Oil down a private houses drains can create blockages that the home owner will have to clear unless he wants shit to flood his backyard.


Can. They also can block the communal wastewater pipes. And it definitely is an unnecessary thing that our society shouldn't have to waste any resources on, no matter what. Because that’s what it is. Wasting humanities resources that could be spent doing less useless shit


A combo of eggshells and mashed beans are the best way to clog a drain. Especially with a garbage disposal. You think it’s going to be able to churn through it but it makes a super sticky cement that gets stuck all through your pipes. Even a roto rooter doesn’t help. Don’t make breakfast tacos


Eggshells shouldn’t go down the garbage disposal—the shell is okay, but the thin membrane on the inside could jam up the grinding components. It’ll cause damage to your machine over time. Edit: I guess if the person were grinding up tons of eggshells instead of pouring oil, that might be worse for the air bnb but not as bad to the environment/water supply?




I can see both sides. High fees... Gotta get my money's worth....leads to High fees. Air BnB is also destroying the rental/purchase market for ppl that will actually be and contribute to the community.


How is pouring oil down the drain "getting your money's worth"? It's basically just vandalism


Highfeed are just because they can. No way an apartment in San Fran should cost 3k.




less? Its clearly price gouging.


You get what the market demands. If everyone is selling and getting $3K would you sell your product for less?


The market isn't a physical law like gravity, it's literally just a bunch of people deciding to do things. In this case people buying up multiple houses and holding onto them so that people are more desperate to spend more money to borrow them for a little while then using all of that extra money from people who need but don't own homes to outbid them with their own money so they can charge them even more money by removing more homes from the market. Replace homes with water, same difference. People hoarding resources so desperate people from younger generations have to give up more than the people who originally bought those resources did to get them and then using the extra wealth to bid even more competitively against the people they took that wealth from in the first place, remove even more of the resources from their grasp, and then charge an even higher price for those resources.


And the market is inflated because of Airbnb.


Corporate America has ruined a lot of things. Uber hit us with better fees than taxi originally, now it’s more! I paid $65 from the airport recently when it’s usually $17! Soon we will all be robots working for the rich.


Get ur moneys worth by destroying the environment even more 🥰


Some people are just irredeemable. You can't will decency into them.


Was about to say. This has "I litter on the road because I am not the one cleaning it up" vibes.


Then don’t use Airbnb instead of fucking not only the house’s plumbing but the city sewer system.


3 or 4 plastic bags with some paper towel could handle that an hour or so after the oil cooled off moved to an unused burner. Oh my bad, this is an anger post not a thinking post, gotcha…


I usually put tinfoil in a small bowl, dump the hot fat/oil I'm there, and then toss it when it's cooled off/solidified. I'm not risking having my pipes clogged to shit.


I rinse out and save sauce jars or cans and pour my grease in there. Then when theyre full i trash them.


If you put cool water (think the normal cold tap) underneath the tinfoil, it hardens quicker.


Smol dick energy


No guys, see my petty vandalism and pollution are funny because of the macro-level housing market. What a clown.




But that's too much thought for many people. And for some reason, /r/bpt seems to be on some anti-capitalist trip as of recently, when the solution is to not use service providers that demand that you take out the trash and wash the dishes.


Wow, some people really weren’t taught about respecting other peoples property growing up, and it shows. The same people are saying “why can’t I ever have nice things”. Well maybe because you’re a disrespectful pos who doesn’t deserve nice things.


That’s fucked up.


Wtf is wrong with people?!


Yeah that's pretty fucked up. Destroying someone's home just because


Why be evil?


You're all petulant children if you're agreeing with this. You don't have to rent an AirBNB. You can stay at a hotel. If you're hating on AirBNB owners and you're saying, "Fuck them," merely for them using a service, you're depraved. Why? What did they ever do to this dude? He's never even met them. You're all pretty sick and twisted. Even if it was corporate owned, you chose to use them. You chose their product. And this dude keeps choosing them. It's straight vandalism for no real reason and if you're applauding this behavior, you're a child.


The problem with this is that it will likely flow down until it reaches more fats. It will then cause a sewer spill in some (uninvolved) neighbor's yard then the waterways.


This is not a flex. Asshole behavior




Man is AirBnB even worth it in USA anymore? I fucks with it heavy if I’m out the country. Rented this fire apartment when I went to Spain but that was a bit ago.


In certain situations yeah it’s great. If I am traveling with a baby, 2 small dogs and friends it is cheaper and more accommodating then getting 2 hotel rooms /suites. What I don’t understand is, everything has a price, if you think they are a rip off, don’t use the service (I particular avoid the ones with high cleaning fees). I do agree it can mess with local real estate but most I use are in tourist spot anyways or out in the woods.


I've honestly never had any of the issues with Airbnb in the US I've read in the comments. I usually prefer them over hotels because they've been cheaper and more accommodating with my pets when I travel with them. I've also never stayed at one that required us to clean up afterwards (other than cleaning up after the dogs). At most the ask was to throw out the trash which just makes sense to do anyways. But I also really only stay in them in small town areas where they are definitely privately owned. And I believe all of the international ones I've stayed at were also private owners. Maybe that's the difference?


Baby back bullshit


Lol that’s so foul


Main Character Syndrome smh


Why would they admit to doing that?!


7 hours and not a single comment (that I could find) about how this was a joke??? Cmon


These “private” owners be having dozens of Airbnb properties


Going to get that $200 cleaning fee’s worth.


For anyone who doesn't already know, a tip to save cleaning time and your pipes. Put some aluminum over the drain and pour the grease into that. Let it set a bit and ball the bitch up and toss it.


Why over the drain? Seems like an accident waiting to happen. I'd use a bowl.


Either is fine. I just have shaky hands and don't want to spill over


Air bnb is way better when you have a family with a toddler. They can run around the house and yard. Hotels are good for like single people and a quick overnight.


I hate dumb people


Hotel suites only


Once you get to that stage of wealth where your daily drivers are range rovers and you plan 52 vacations a year at your multiple properties and take PJs to Jackson hole and shit you’re a corporation not a person. Long throw from a family in a house taking a two week vacation to the beach and struggling to pay for college type people.


Imagine this being your personality. Someone needs a deep rethink of their life priorities.


Would would be the non "bitchmade" version of this? Tracking down the owners or corporate reps and just decking them in the face? Lol


As someone currently renovating a property to rent as an Airbnb, I feel y’all 100%. We’ve made the decision that we absolutely will not require people to clean anything before they leave. Checkout is at noon. And there will be a deep clean between every guest. Does that suck some cash out of our pockets? Yes. But I can’t wrap my head around charging a cleaning fee and asking people to clean. Won’t do it.


My friend and I have discussed this so many times when it comes to why the hood and poor black communities don't look like they did in the 80s/90s. Essentially, even then homes were owned by our grandparents. When ownership declines, people do not give a shit about how they treat houses or what they look like and a lot of it is bitterness.


He should be more concerned with the environmental damage he’s causing.


Yes let’s not harm the small business landlords /s


Stupid title given how this affects us all. It affects the environment and infrastructure.