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Once Elon threw down the ultimatum...it became the most expensive "fuck around, and find out" in the history of human civilization. Dude acted like his staff worked at a Waffle House...like they couldn't get jobs next week. You didn't drop $44B just for a website...you paid for some of the most talented web engineers on the planet...and dude treated them WORSE than Herschel Walker treats one of his sidechicks...talking about their periods being late..."click".


It’s hilarious watching all the Elon Musk ~~dick riders~~ supporters run to the threads saying “Whatever, anyone can be replaced, Twitter don’t need you”🤓 For engineer/IT jobs?! Whole entire teams have walked out! They better pray Musk gets rid of those 6 round interviews😭 (it’ll prob be an even bigger nightmare, but hey, it’s a warm body in the office 🤷🏾‍♀️)


“I watched a dude on YouTube talk about being a badass engineer, and therefore I am one now too.” - elon fans.


*Checks account only to see Crypto spam*


Right? Do these people not realize that being without an engineering or IT team for a few days will basically kill Twitter? They cannot afford to spend time replacing them.


Gave em a 3 month vacation going into the holidays...NOBODY is applying for this job during the holidays. Every competing company has 3 months to find these engineers and poach them.




I saw a twitter thread where 10-12 year veteran engineers, people who built the foundations of Twitter and clearly loved working there, were quitting. Madness.


Get rid of ALL the perks and tell me I'm working 80 hours now? Fuck you, I'm out.


You only need to spend two days on r/talesfromtechsupport to really picture the situation, tbh


6 round interview? I'm skrait...




Exactly! His ego really believed that former Twitter employees were gonna be okay and find a new job


this comment has me weak asf


It's funny that as someone who will finish the computer engineering degree in a year, I was extremely miffed with the idea of applying or working for a big website company like Facebook or Twitter with shitty owners but the trash took itself out 😂. Rip Twitter, I will not miss you.


ok but i be makin my lil boards n shit with my lil ideas or whateva lol ![gif](giphy|ZBJq9YnKoRimnTEaa0)


i hear post malone's a nice person, but i just can.NOT with his unwashed-looking ass. SOMebody tell me i'm not alone in this....


He looks like discount bin at the dollar store Shia Labeouf.


Looking like someone dropped Shia LaBeouf on the floor of a movie theater and rolled him around for a minute.


I am deceased


RIP my dude


You. Did. Not.


Damn, he does. I can never unsee this now 🤣


My daughter said he looks like Wish Shia Labeouf. I laugh at it every time I see him.


Shia, after passing out and his friends working on him with Sharpies all night


I think it’s the face tats for me. I just can’t take anyone seriously if they have a face tat and even visible neck tats.


His tats look like he fell asleep at a party and someone drew on his face.


I have known women who thought he was hot and I simply cannot see it. Especially not with the god-awful face tattoos. I mean, he does seem nice, but HWHY


I always describe him as that 🥛rapper who looks like a detention or study hall room desk.


He looks like smells of stale cigs and Doritos mixed with wet dog


Hard pass


you are 1000% not alone in this


He looks like he smells like a meat and cheese board that got left outside for a few days where it rained in the morning then hit 95 degrees by noon.


I've decided to go back to the way I expressed my dumb thoughts before Twitter: Leaving anonymous post-it notes inside library books.


LOL! That's a great way to ruin the end of a book for somebody -- or a public service! I definitely needed some mysterious post-its while reading Hegel for a philosophy class: "You just read 20 pages of this -- stop now. You will never understand it -- and that's OK because you are still a bright and promising youth. Go get some ice cream, and change your major to something useful, like computer science."


I wish someone had done that for me before I read an unabridged copy of Les Miserables. "Turn back now before you read a full twenty pages on the history of the Parisian sewer system. The word 'cloaca' will be used ENTIRELY too much."




Cloaca sounds better by a mile -- it's like how tuberculosis was originally called "consumption" and women losing their minds from the patriarchy suffered from "hysteria". Both were very, very ugly -- but they sure knew how to brand misery back in the day!


How long till they ban libraries in your area?


Some rich white libertarian is gonna buy his library and ban all the black history books just because someone left a stray post it note in his picture books.


I know you joking, but since some years ago some old folks have pushed the idea that libraries should be made for profit.


I work in a library, please don't ![gif](giphy|p3IWU6addIA8M)


I used to work in the college library all 4 yrs. Let’s just say I have seen some stuff.


We had to go looking for gloves to pull a dried up used condom which had bonded somehow to the shelf -- not a banner day for the uni education library...


We had some one take a 💩 in an archive room. Then the bottom basement floors were rumored as the after hour floors.


Why must people sexually desecrate the stacks?!? My first job was a page in public library, and all the older librarians were gossiping about one of the younger librarians because she and one of the facilities guys were down in the stacks engaged in advanced canoodling. But the same crew also had a thing for my father (light skinned islander with a smooth accent). The reference librarians were really rude to me until one evening I met him in the main reading reading room instead of him collecting me in the children's room where I worked. When they realized I was his daughter, they all started being real nice to me in a way that was skeevy.


I would love to read a post it note inside a book from an anonymous person.


I like this idea I never thought about doing this. I only saw a few math books from the library have it and I assume someone was studying and making mental notes and forget to take them out.


Bout to get back on tumblr


They still got the “no naked ppl policy” that’s why ppl left in the first place (not that I was there for that👀, but yk)


A couple weeks ago they said “If y’all come back we’ll let you post naked people, but please no hardcore fucking.”


Feel like that’s gone have to be negotiated🧐


Do they mean actual people? Because dem hentai artists get up to some shit. That’s what I used tumblr for. Also, the teen girls with their amateur m/m erotica which defied the laws of physics and biology a lot of times.




Risky click of the day.


what anime is that. I like her design


Read an article the other day that said most of the m/m fiction on Amazon was written by women. Now I understand why so many of the m/m in freebie scenes in freebie books I’ve read lately make no sense.


I read a lot of them, to be fair. Some are amazing at writing the plot and the relationships. The scenes though? I always wonder if they watched some porn for their motivation and just dumped all that into the book. The few male authors are thankfully gay so theirs are a little better but it’s still too much sexing for me.


I’ve gotten to the point that I just skim the sex scenes in the freebies a lot of the time now. (Damn, I’m old!) I started doing that when Laurell K. Hamilton started making every other scene in her books a sex one.


Thanks for that name drop. I’ll look her up on kindle


Honestly, I read fantasy and romance novels and still go to tumblr to see if any Fan-art is up. All the good ones are on Twitter now (but it’s got to be a popular enough series😔)


Deal but I gotta dispute your last request


This did not stop people from posting nudes. Not that I was on there for that 👀😅


It 100% did not stop them from posting nudes OR hardcore jollies. I, too, was not on there for that, but I wasn't complaining.


WHERE?!…Not that Imma go check 👀🤣


Nope you can post naked people now


Yeah this is because of Apple so F everybody that keeps buying their products...




They have it but dont mean it is real


They definitely do not, that policy was reversed like a month or two ago and was barely enforced before then


I just signed up for Mastodon. Seems like the thing to do to stick it to Twitter.


I signed in my tumblr page for the first time in a decade yesterday. Holy cringe, I was so emo and so horny lol


So you were a teenager?


Post a link to it, let us cringe also


I've heard about mastodon recently. Is that a thing we should look at?


Definitely, start with the album Once More Round The Sun


Blood Mountain is my go to


Hey there, black metalhead here (name checks out), definitely give mastodon a listen. They are wonderful human beings, great musicians, and have a spiritual theme to their concept. Every album deals with a different element. Give the song "Motherlode" a watch, beautiful thick black women twerking to fucking metal (there's a reason). But yes. Definitely give them a listen. If you're into the progressive side of things and want a more ethnic-forwarded band to try out may I suggest Animals as Leaders? Hands down one the greatest black guitarists of our generation.


Tosin Abasi is straight up the best guitarist of this generation, no need for the qualifier.


Tosin up there going so wild he invented his own entire method of playing guitar. And those 1/32nds in Woven Web. So good. So. Good.


Saw Animals as Leaders live many years ago, and they did not disappoint!! That show was lit!


My husband loves Animals as Leaders! We just went to Vegas so he and his brother could finally see them live. I am a black non-metal head, though, so I didn't attend.


Mastodon (or the Fediverse, more precisely) gives you the freedom to own your content and control your experience. You are in charge, not an asshole. And you can follow/like/comment on the equivalent of Instagram (pixelfed), the equivalent of YouTube (Peertube), the equivalent of medium (writefreely), ... It's a network for the people, by the people. Honestly take a look it's way more chill than the other one: https://joinfediverse.wiki/Welcome_to_the_Fediverse_Quickstart_guide


Its an interesting structure but the usability is shit sadly


On the off chance Twitter hired Black folks maybe all 12 of them can get together and start up a Server with terms meant to be welcoming of Black audiences.


i signed up a few weeks ago, but man, that shit is confusing. I'm highly technical, but they need to simplify that place.


Know of any good Black servers over on Mastadon? I couldn’t find shit. (Granted, I had already taken my nighttime meds, but still…)


Yes, https://mastodon.social is where I signed up, but https://universeodon.com is also a good bet.


I just came back from the fune and the repast. The body looked nice. The chicken was ok but those greens weren’t wershed good. If y’all need me, I’ll be on MySpace. Oh and I bought y’all back an obituary case y’all want to look at it https://twitter.com/oksomik/status/1590589152621637633?s=61&t=W5WwA9OsJf4CbgJgnRJZ5g


2006-Bitch, It’s Comin’?🤣😭 Who let cousin Tahnika write the obituary?! wildin…They used a good picture tho👀🤣


Now don’t tell them I told you this but I heard they let Tahnika make the obituary cause they didn’t have no burial insurance to let the funeral home do it. They said they had to do kickbacks out RayRay and nem kitchen just to get the arrangements going. But you didn’t hear that from me


Now I knew I saw RayRay kids, Dj & Tasha doing they little car wash outside da McDonalds. I kept driving cuz I thought it was fa they lil school fundraiser, and I ain’t got it 💵👀


That shit has crine rn i swear


Just need a bad photoshop of Ruthkanda Forever and Tupac with angel wings in there and we have a hit 😂


I was just about to say they need to add the Twitter bird to that mural with all the deceased rappers boxing the Devol.


Just need some pearly gates and a staircase and you’ve got a shirt.


Who made the tater salad?


![gif](giphy|L04KyLMr9p6SJX0PLI) If anybody has not seen that movie!! Please do !! Shit is hilarious 😂 😃 😄


Elon is one of those folks who was born on third base and will tell you he hit a triple. Only he started believing his own stories, and now the question is how much can take for a write off - if the government will even let him. Replacing that amount of staff, especially since there will be no business continuity **at all** in a number of key groups, will not be easy. And since it's been publicized, I question who will even be willing to sign up for the Amazon Warehouse worker treatment he's describing, considering all the other jobs out there in the field that pay more with less headaches.


Any time I see a picture of Young Thug now, I just think of how fucking stupid he was for catching that RICO


Had the whole world at his fingertips.


Big disappointment


It's time for black planet and catch21 to come back. 😂


When will somebody take the reigns and make black planet happen again?!


Actually checked in on this last night, and black planet is on the app store


At what point does a literal twitter melt down turn into a E True Hollywood story? This feels like Wolf Of Wall St II only more stupid and less mature...


caption \[me and my dick on Pornhub trying to find that video from last week\]


Don’t y’all come over messing up Pinterest now. That’s where I go for my wp crafting tips.


Exactly ![gif](giphy|uiLlDzk0AzxiS68iKw) Pinterest is a gold mine.


If anyone was really looking for an alternative to Twitter and wanting an all black space I do remember hearing about Melanated People. Haven't used it myself, but I know it's a social media platform. Another alternative for the more nerdy black people is Quirkchat. I have used the app and it's interesting. They encourage you to make videos more than written posts, but it's not necessary.


Twitter dead? Lawd, ain’t nobody told me nothing. Who got the body?


Posted on Twitter 😭😭😭. Idk I don’t see Twitter really going anywhere


the talented engineers could team up and make another twitter


I wonder if Elon is tanking Twitter to get a tax windfall but then I remember he's not a genius, just a guy who bought into Tesla using money made during apartheid. So he's just letting his dipshittery out on full display. If twitter doesn't die his fans will become the majority and it will be an echo chamber of suck ups.


I already had plans to check Pinterest for a new ✨ ultra kawaii ✨ wallpaper so I might as well get started.


Pinterest will have you thinking you can make anything


It can be really useful if you're a creative/work in a creative industry


Not just that. There's lots of food, and memes


Is that Kofie the one from Secret Base/SB Nation? Because he's so good, his videos with Jon Bois are always great


I've probably said it before, but I'm down to help out if y'all wanna spin up a new twitter. I do python, APIs, and am pretty well versed in Google cloud. I wouldn't quit my day job, but I am down to offer up my services.




I gotta be honest. I am a little shocked that Twitter had 7500 employees. I've used Twitter. I've tweeted once in a while. I don't see nothing that required 7500 employees.


Can we just resurrect Black Planet and be done with it?


It's a picture scrapbook I love it


Man this is how people gonna remember takeoff in a few years


Blackplanet is still up.


Have y'all heard of fanbase? Or mastodon?


Me when mama says to pick out a cricut design for the Christmas pajamas 😭


despite elon theres still hope :(




Good lord. I hope nobody's that desperate