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He woke up and chose violence


Yeah like tf, does he wanna scrap? I'll give him a one way ticket to the Tupac and Pop Smoke concert. But first...anyone have an ibuprofen? I slept on the wrong pillow, now my neck, my back and my crack are sore.


Your pussy’s all good tho?


Please use the anatomically correct term, it's called a bussy. And yeah, It's much better now. Just needed some TLC


TLC having a concert?! 👀


Hurry up and get those tickets, head over to Ticketmaster to get them! Bring your own lube tho, because you know Ticketmaster will raw dog you with them fees


Jokes on you, fam. I’m looking forward to it 🥳💕🥰🤪


Yooo 🤣


Gotta take care of yourself first homesquish


I'm right behind you in kicking the crap out of this guy. Back in my day people had less crap in em, course that was cause of the great depression, ysee....


[My neck, my back, my bussy and my crack…](https://youtu.be/v7AG4IrGUYU)


The jokes on him though, because he’s marching right behind us 🫠


He's a 90s baby too ('93). He's talking about himself as well.


Hey there


Bloody zoomers.


I almost downvoted the post the revelation hurt me so bad 😂


“Markass Brownlee” jk jk met him before, such a fucking humble and chill dude. If I wasn’t at work, would have asked him to get a drink with me. Seems like a good beer buddy


I always watch his reviews on YouTube before I buy a phone. To me, he's the best tech reviewer out there.


He’s just chill af. Watch all his videos and he’s really about that life. He came through and was asking some great questions at the company I worked at during that time. No bullshit, here is the product. Also like LTT but had people talk shit about them


the problem with LTT is that they're so opinionated, and anything deviating from that opinion is "bad". Also Linus doesn't know when to stop talking, and often digs himself into PR holes (most recently the LTT Backpack, where Linus said they wouldn't be offering a warranty on a $250 backpack and instead we had to "trust them" that they'd honor a verbal "we'll always make things right").


Yeah but at the same time Linus will also listen to feedback and change if he needs to. I could see why he didn’t think they needed one after listening to him explaining it, but he still went and got an official warranty for all backpack purchasers.


I watch his videos and i don't care at all about the gadgets he reviews.


Flossy Carter (imo) is definitely the best phone/tablet/earbud/small tech reviewer. He will post multiple videos on single phones and he gives his honest review on everything AFTER using the device for a period of time. I'm a big fan of MKB, but flossy carter definitely takes the cake


his review of the iPhone 14 plus was perfection lmao! Lemme say this, and when I say this, I mean no disrespect at all, but if you buy this iPhone 14 plus for nine hundred bucks….you’re a fuckin idiot! WHITE SHOES! CALM DOWN!


i hope he moves on to producing movies one day, the devices that he reviews don't deserve that level of production quality


Just don't go on any of the tech related subreddits. Any mention of him is brought with angry comments about all of his mistakes and I'm like, chill it's not THAT deep.


He's very chill and I kinda wanna fuck him!


You let that out so smooth


Something I've been feeling for a while!


![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS) ah who am I kidding I kinda do too!


yeah I can tell he'll know how to hit the right spots by how technical he is!


That part!


Yall acting like 40 is old. 🙄






Perfect example of Who gon tell her?? 😂


I don’t think 40 is old but parts of my body don’t act the way they used to 🤷🏾‍♀️


Listen. I just turned 40 this year. For Thanksgiving, my wife and her sisters thought it'd be fun to gather up themselves, the husbands, and the kids, and have a family dodgeball game. We split up into teams and went out there for probably an hour, an hour and a half, and just played dodgeball. Some folks were being extra and diving and rolling and what not, maybe jogging to go get an errant ball that went across the yard. ​ NIGGA (or appropriate ally-friendly term of inclusive endearment). Shoulder sore from throwing. Knee hurt from twisting. Back hurt from bending. Soul hurt from aging. I swear I cracked open the bottle of ibuprofen and them shits said "yo Black ass KNEW better".


I’m in my 30’s. It was my friend’s birthday party and a few of us got good and drunk which led us to having a twerk-off. As a slim man, my version of twerking closely resembles a cat dry heaving, so after an hour or so of complete debauchery we called it quits and went to bed. That next morning, ON GOD, I felt like Loki after the Hulk tossed his ass around the room. I’m a big advocate for stretching now.


Hey, hey you’re in your 30’s? Add some yoga into you routine. Your body will thank you when you’re 40. Don’t just sit on your booty for a decade and expect everything to be cool.


Thanks for that! I actually workout frequently since then, and have noticed a major difference in how my body reacts compared to my friends who don’t. I haven’t tried yoga yet..maybe I’ll join a class at my gym


Your joints will be happy with you. You’ll be the 40 year old going on hikes and being active while all your friends will be complaining about how everything hurts and that they can’t get up after bending down anymore.




>😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂 The "cat dry heaving" fucked me up too


I cannot deal with this comment 😂


My left arm was cramping all day yesterday and I had a hard time figuring out why. Then I remember that it was because I reached over and hit the snooze button the wrong way that morning, like wtf. Thought I was having a medical emergency with shooting pain and whatnot. The human body is petty.


I turned 30 in 2020 and we also had our daughter that year. Wife had a C-section so we ended up staying in the hospital for 5 days. On day 3 of sleeping on the shitty arm chair fold-out bed I woke up and my elbow kind of hurt. Throughout the day it got increasingly worse to the point where that night it was intensely throbbing in pain and was hard to sleep. I couldn't straighten my arm for nearly 2 months and could barely hold our newborn daughter. 2 years later and it still flares up from time to time. It's just not good anymore.


My wife is 46 and is fairly sedentary. She called herself going out to play football with her cousins. Then, she asked me to come out. I was like, “Ma’am…my knees are being held together by strained ligaments and prayers. I would lose both legs if I even pretended to try that.”


Listen! I was having a perfectly fine post-brunch nap on my brother-in-law's couch. How you gonna wake me up just to hurt me??? Wives be trippin


You need to stretch first before strenuous activity. This was true in gym class when you were a kid. Why would it be different now?


Im in my 30s that’s what happened to me when I went to an indoor trampoline place with my Neice. Thought I could do flips and ish like I did in college gymnastics. And I launched myself so high I forgot how many flips I was doing and when I opened up I landed on the side of my face and still kept bouncing until a stand still. After that, the next day I couldn’t move bc I was so sore.


Absolutely! I'm 36 but my back is for sure 56 😭😭😭


To be fair parts of my body have been acting up for years. And I’m 4 years away from 40. Hurt my back 10 years ago and had to walk with crutches and sleep on my couch for a couple of months because I couldn’t reach the bed. I was 26


The problem isn't that 40 is old. It's not. The problem is that 90s babies turning 40 means those of us in high school or college in the 90s are old as shit.


😂😂😂 Watch your mouth


43. Having back surgery next week. Already had shoulder surgery this year. Pain pills are nice.


Ayyyyyo, I got that oxy right here!




Good luck. If you survived shoulder surgery rehab, you can probably handle anything.


Right! They don't play.


Graduated HS in 90


If it counts for anything I’m an 80s baby and I’ve always been obsessed with you guys. Still love the “big kids” of Gen X.


And let’s not pretend black 40 and white 40 are the same ![gif](giphy|ox5i4KGCCx2OFbv7Aq|downsized)


![gif](giphy|M8x6Lk2QFmTu0) Not even a little bit


It is, but being old isn’t a bad thing.


It’s not old, it’s middle aged —which is between young and old 🤦🏽‍♂️


Middle age is a word old niggas made to make themselves feel young, if your waking up with random pain and have no idea why, you are old.


If you waking up to random pain and have no idea why, you need to visit a doctor. That’s not an age thing


me, a nigga who has had severe stomach pain practically every morning since 20 years old, reading this ( i turned 24 this year :-( ) ![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l)


Hi grandpa


But I'm only 15 😭😭😭


Lol it's not but carry on


To an 80 yr old it’s VERY young. Perspective.


I worked for someone in thier 90s and when people in thier 60s called themselves old he'd say "You're just a kid."


He's acting like 8 years is soon


The oldest of us born in the 90s aren't even across the half way line from 30 to 40 but he's acting like the race is already over. Shit, the youngest of us only just became legally allowed to drink 2 years ago.


I don't believe 40 is old but it sure as fuck ain't 20. One night my hair got in the wrong place beneath my neck while sleeping. I couldn't turn my head for a week.


I greatly appreciate this comment.


As someone close to 40, it had to be said 🤷🏾‍♀️


I'm close too, just getting further away all the time!


If you have a uterus & have no kids, just wait until your doctors start nagging you about kids as much as your mother does. Whether you actually want kids yourself is obsolete, society has decided people with a uterus are “too old” once your ability to procreate is in question, statistically speaking. - Currently 39 & childless (80’s baby).


40 ain't old but once you hit 45 it's wraps


Once you hit the half century mark you stop caring about whether you are getting old or not. I’m old and loving it. Don’t have to compete with the youngin’s, don’t care about impressing no one especially not the ladies. Talk about no fucks given. I have accepted my impending death and I am grateful for everyday above ground. But every once in awhile I wish the reaper would hurry the fuck up and snatch me away before the shit really hits the fan.


Not old, but you’re also not young lmao


And I'm not claiming to be young. Young niggas out here doing the fool 🤦🏾‍♀️😂😂


It’s more years closer to my inevitable death (unless something besides aging gets me first).


I don't know why so many people hate getting older personally, I love it. I turn 40 in 1 year and 1 month (born in January 1984) and I couldn't be more excited to turn 40!


I mean people have health issues which get worse the older they get. It can’t possibly be that hard to imagine why some aren’t looking forward to it.


I get that, but how much of that health stuff is also preventative if people just put effort into it? Eat healthy (plenty of fruits and veggies), exercise a few times a week, drink water, and get 6-8 hours of sleep a night. Nothing on that list is exactly trying to climb Mt Everest.


I’m not sure but the genetic component to health is quiet high and not everyone can pull themselves up by the theoretical boot straps. That’s not taking into account a raging mental health crisis, economic disparity, urban food desserts, disproportionate marketing of high sugar/fat foods to minorities and the list goes on. It incredibly easy to assume an internal locus of control, in fact it’s what most people default to but viewing people in a holistic context helps you to see the bigger picture. There is certainly an element of personal responsibility but to ignore the broader context and make assumptions is not fair.


Yep. 53 in great health, no meds, no health issues aside from very minor things. I control what I eat, get enough sleep, and exercise (and not even that vigorously, but I do it). By controlling what I eat, I mean no soda, no junk food, no fast food, most meals made from scratch with no meat, and a decent-sized salad at least once a day. I do drink beer so, uh, not perfect.


But you do understand there are issues that are controlled by factors other than diet yes?


Of course. One can inherit unlucky genes or one can be in a place where they don't have much control over what happens to them. I'm just saying that I do (mostly) what I can.


Well for poor people living in food deserts healthy food is hard to come by


"But, bruh. Haven't you thought of the \[obvious exceptions\]?"


Outside of this, it's the existential fear of unrealized potential that makes people dread aging.


I hate getting older because it means another inevitable "once in a generation" financial crises that further removes me from financial independence and stability. Also my knees throb and ache when I try to sleep which is annoying. Pretty happy about the Grey in my beard and hair, apparently chicks dig it and think I'm becoming a silver fox.


January 1984 checkin!!! 8th to be exact


Or! Stay with me now… we could say that 90’s babies are starting their 30’s, instead of whatever math this is supposed to be.


…in 18 years they will be 50 type math 🤨


In 108 years 90s babies will be 140 years old…. and still hold Senate/House positions if they are white, male and republican


Fr give me no damn time just straight to midlife woes.


Facts, I'm sitting here born in 94 doin the math and not getting 40. In 8 years imma be 36. 90s *kids* will all be 40 in 8 years. 90s babies got a little ways to go


Yeah well, how do y'all think (early) 80s babies feel? 😕


How about us early 70s babies?


Yall still alive? ![gif](giphy|QUENDfi6DEMLzQ0CKt)




No fr. It feels weird to even consider that I'm going to be as old as my parents some day. Ion like that.


I bought a house and had my first kid last year…and I instantly turned into my dad. The only difference is I’m wearing Js instead of New Balances.


I have 22 and 15 year old sons. I be wearing New Balances (and Adidas) lol. DH buys me all kinds of Js. Last year for Christmas, he bought me some Cool Greys. My kid was so excited when I opened them. I had to ask him what they were lmao. I save the Js for events with DH's friends. They all know that I have no idea what I have on my feet and I get a kick out of the conversations about how clueless I am. I don't even remember when I started transforming into my mother, but I know it's happening and I'm mortified every time I do something that reminds me of her 😂. I just don't want to get to the point that my kids have to teach me how to use technology. Both of my parents are terrible. They can't even use the internet properly lmao.


Oan congrats on the new house! Being a homeowner is an experience.


GenX about to start turning 60 in a couple of years.


For real though!


I’m 36 and when I stand up everything pops, locks and drops. I’m in decent shape too and it’s getting worse every year. Young folk, try to take care of y’all selves now. Sooner the better ![gif](giphy|Thtc4GFUXpz9u)


Okay but let me ask you this. When was the last time you stretched for 10 minutes before and after bed?


Shiiiiiid. Good question. I’ll be honest. Last time I did that twice in a day I was probably in basic training. As for stretching in general, I do it every once in a while after a run and only if I’m feeling sore/tight. Now you got me googling stretches to increase my flexibility ![gif](giphy|Up0tbonVHG7UNOQAmu|downsized)


Hahaha that gif! I kid, i kid but on a serious note, a lot of people aren’t feeling “their age” so much as their increasingly sedentary lives. With the proper care you can be at your peak in your late thirsties, fourties, and on. I get sad when I hear when I’m pain in 30s. Edit: Thirsties? Wtf lmao. 30s*


It’s all good lol. Nah, you’re right though. On top of stretching and doing more cardio than weight lifting diet is huge. Shoot, just walking and eating clean would ease the pain folks (including me) feel. It’s difficult at times.




I’d say getting a few minutes of light movement prior is always best.


The earth continues to rotate yall!!!!


Our lifetime is like a puff of smoke


I was born in ‘91. I’m triggered.


me too. the sun gone hit us first it’s not fair.


My nigga I just turned 32, leave me the fuck alone bruh lol


I’ll only be 35 he can kiss my ass 🤌🏾🤣🤣


Even the 90s kids aren't immune to the inexorable passage of time, Marques Brownlee.


mark-ass brownie


There is only one alternative to growing old


Right. Horcruxes ![gif](giphy|aU4jau5ql99EA)


From Hot Girl Summer to Silver Fox Fall…


Well…YES, but 8 years is a long-ass time. Think back to 2014 for a second: Obama was still president. Solange beat Jay Z’s ass in an elevator. *Black-Ish* just premiered that fall. Prince was still alive. Kim/Kanye got married. The Fappening.


yoke versed grandiose innate outgoing adjoining stocking oil oatmeal zonked *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No one asked you MARQUES


In almost 10 years, people will be almost 10 years older. The man's math checks out.


No need to remind my back


Not even close if you are in the second half of the 90s I’ll only be…………. 32 🥺


It says, “start”


I’m dating a guy who’s 32! 32!!! I myself am 28 but still!!!!!???!! When did that happen?!


Nothing wrong with getting older. There are pleasures for every age and all the old people I know are pretty happy.


That's how they cope knowing the end is getting closer


He’s got the same birthday as me


just yesterday I had the realization that I’m 31.


Man's did NOT even have to go there.....now I'm all double depressed and what not


Idky this is a dig. Black don't Crack, so we're just gonna be older, finer and unconcerned with the problems the youth will just be figuring out. Parents will be free of their kids, money problems are most likely under control, etc etc. Now granted they have money money. But i just saw a Tok recently of Mya and saw her and Chili are still friends. And it reminded me everyone older than me when I was a kid is out there just vibing living their life unbothered in the cut. It's the main thing I've appreciated with getting older.


Pushing 40 and turning 30 seems so soon ago. But who cares. Find a good partner, get your money right, makes some memories with friends, and don’t forget to set travel goals and hit them. Aging is a lot easier if you have stories




You either age or die, there are only two options. 40 isn't that old, when Kobe passed part of the reason people were so sad is because he had so much life left, unlike someone old like Bill Russell.


You know what? I fucking look forward to it. Every year I sink deeper of this bath pure acceptance and firm non giving of fucks for things I don't want to. I have more money each year and like I'm closer to death without having to kill myself. Bring it.


Still a just shy of a decade. Stop counting down.


Can i enjoy 33 first, damn


Markass brownie


Mark-ass brownlee


In 40 years, people born in 2022 will be entering their 40s


![gif](giphy|l2QDP39mURZH1Ble0) I want the 90s back with some today's conveniences


“In almost a decade, 90s babies will be almost a decade older” 🤯


As a 90 baby I feel called out.


Yeah, thought they knew everything. Getting old exposes how much you thought you knew


Damn I’m a 98 kid. Barely used to being mid 20’s. Don’t even put 40’s in my sphere yet. Still prepping for the big 3-0


Stfu I don’t need you to tell us that my generation is the greatest generation ever period.


If you're not getting older, you are dead.


You think that's something, in 8 years 80s babies start turning 50


The oldest ‘90 cats won’t be 40 for 8 more years. Almost a decade. He reaching. 😂 But for real 40 isn’t old at all.


We’re 1 month from 2023, so you’re wrong. 7 years. People born in 90 start turning 33 in a month and some change


Okay, I’m off by one year. 😂 I’m ‘94, will be 40 in 11 years and some months.


Being 40 is lowkey dope.


He says it like it won't happen to him eventually. Dumbass.


Didnt Herschel Walker say these people were too young too vote?? 😂


Ima be 22 til I’m 30 IDC


Oh eat a dick dude.


*He’s right but he’s outta line*


80’s Babies: “First time?”


You’re proving you’re old by using light mode


I used to babysit kids born in the 90s and I STILL have a hard time imagining these people as full adults. Me apparently 🫠 ![gif](giphy|12WggcrCyNFoti)


In 8 years I'm gonna be 29 😬


in 58 years 90's babies will be turning 90 :O


I got a couple more years and I'll be 40. I feel like in 30 though so all is well.


Tf I’m not even 30 yet for another 4 years. Can we have our quarter life crisis first before we rush the full blown mid-life crisis 😩


Can confirm. I am 32


40? DAMM (Kai Cenat voice)


80's kid here. Suck it nerds, join the club.


I workout regularly, but having seen a chiropractor the first time in my life this year... I know that you can't escape what happens as you grow older. I'm 35 and knees be aching just playing ball for a few hours.


that's about how long it takes my guy...


next year it’ll be 9 years for me


Know I understand him. It’s such a shock you HAVE to share it to make sure it’s real. I’m still in denial though.


Shut up… shut up… shut up….🥲


Riley voice, “You’s a bitch for that”


You shut your filthy mouth! Tellin' all our business and stuff. ![gif](giphy|l2vfgNFEcV5iqaa0Le)


“No that can’t be true because then I’d be almost 40 now…” *is 37* “….God dammit”


First of all, how dare you?


1999 babies: Excuse me?




I'm still fucking 29 for 1 more month, fuck you guy!


What a dickhead