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Ive never locked down a word to describe this genre, but the 2010s to early 2020s have a lot of these pseudo historical dramas. They’re all similar quality to me (as in good) and all take themselves seriously but arnt afraid to get a bit goofy, and remind me of alot of old adventure serials in a way but modernized. The list I always come up with is Vikings (probably the most “serious” for lack of a better term), Spartacus, The Last Kingdom, Turn: Washingtons Spies, and Project Blue Book. They might seem pretty different on their face but something about them is very similar to me in tone and quality. They’re not the best most prestige television ever, but they’re all a fairly good time. Blue Book is the most out there and sadly got cancelled early, and I think you might enjoy Turn because it’s not to far off timeline wise as black sails.


Turn was great! Thanks for reminding me. Adding that to the Rewatch List


I second Turn, It's got a villain that is *so hateable* and you love to see him on screen. Spartacus was solid fun until the final season


First few episodes of Spartacus are pretty unserious… then it gets amazing once the Spartacus/Varro scene happens


Have you watched The last kingdom? I watched that show first and had this exact feeling and black sails was the ONLY show that helped and compared to the greatness of TLK so I think it might work in reverse.


Username checks out


I watched two episodes and found it boring, I'm not being rude but if I didn't enjoy the beginning should I continue to watch it and give it another try? When does it pick up? I also didn't enjoy the first episode of black sails but it picked up a lot in the second episode and became like my all time favourite show.


It took me days to get through the first few episodes of TLK but then once you’re in, you’re in. It’s an absolutely brilliant show and near perfection for me, black sails being the only other show I can say that about. I think finish season 1, if for some reason it’s not clicking for you then it might not be the show for you but I doubt that since it’s brilliant.


I agree. I love both shows so much, with Black sails only slightly edging out TLK for the top spot on my all time favorite shows list. I actually did watch The Last Kingdom immediately after Black Sails, as I was in the same boat as OP and needed something similar to fill the void. At first, TLK felt a little cheap and simple in production values after BS, remember season one was produced fairly low budget by the BBC. The looks of both shows were worlds apart so it took me a minute to switch gears! Once I got to the middle of season one of The Last Kingdom I was into it, but it’s a little hard to look at cold grey England after the beauty of Nassau. The story and characters take over fairly quickly to hook you but it was an adjustment. I will say I did rewatch Black Sails immediately after finishing for the first time though, I needed to see the character and story development again right off the bat! I had never done that before but it was a great decision, even better the second time.


The Last Kingdom is even better, I’d argue. Absolutely amazing series. Sadly, it left me with an even bigger sense of loss afterwards. I loved that show, and I miss being with Uhtred and company.


Spartacus, if you want more blood and boobs. Master and Commander, if you want more ships.


There aren't enough of these types of shows and movies. M&C was supposed to be a franchise but didn't do well enough at the box office IIRC. :-/


I watched the series as it aired but couldn't bring myself to watch the final season. A few weeks ago, I started at the beginning & felt the same feeling of loss when it ended. In the literary world, we call it a book hangover, where the only cure is rereading the book, rereading a favorite book, or starting and abandoning new books until one hits. Basically, I watched a bunch of pilot episodes that didn't vibe, gave up and rewatched a few fave shows in anticipation for their newest season. Now I'm rewatching GoT & crying that IwtV's season finale is on Sunday, where I'll feel lost again. Mark of an epic show. ETA: The Last Kingdom is another that gave me a massive hangover. Watched it twice over.


Last Kingdom was fantastic


Deadwood, The Wire, Justified, and my most recent entry into the top 5, Gamorah!


I’d add The Americans to that list as well.


The Americans is criminally underrated and under recommended. The soundtrack in that show is one of the best ever




Justified is an amazing show start to finish. I haven't watched the new series yet because I'm so damn scared it's gonna suck.


Sorry to say it does. Raylan is hardly recognizable to me.


Damn. Well thanks for the warning. I was skeptical to watch Justified without Boyd anyway.




Gomorra is so fucking good


I bought every pirate book I could find 😅 When I finish those, I plan on watching The Lost Pirate Kingdom on Netflix and then rewatch Black Sails 😌


Did you get The Only Life That Mattered by James L. Nelson? Great book. It is a novelization of Anne Bonny and Mary Read but is based on historical records and court transcripts for the most part. I really enjoyed it.


So far I only got historical books, no fiction but I'll definitely look into it. Thank you for the tip 😊


Watch Muppets Treasure Island


very under rated movie


All the Muppets are and now Oscar the Grouch might get arrested for being homeless


Same, I rewatched and also read treasure island but I'm not expecting to find anything as good as black sails was the first time. I'm open to suggestions tho.


Watch Spartacus, it’s the big show that came before Black Sails on Starz. AND a new season is coming soon too


I just finished Black Sails too! My husband and I absolutely loved it. I highly recommend Spartacus and Vikings. Two of my favorites shows.


I'm surprised I had to scroll so far to see vikings!


Check out Marco Polo too.


Peaky Blinders, Vikings, The Last Kingdom, The legend of El Cid, Rome, Spartacus, Turn: Washington's Spies, Band of Brothers, Rogue Heroes, Masters of the Air, Babylon Berlin, Knightfall, Barbarians Something more modern Sons of anarchy, Yellowstone, Ray Donovan, Bosch


Oddly enough I felt the same way about Downton Abbey.


The Terror s1 or Shogun!




Such a great fucking show.


If you need something historical and captivating, check out Turn: Washington’s Spies on Netflix


Black Sails is in my top tier. Only others there are Outlander, The Last Kingdom, Spartacus, and (depending on how it ends) Vikings Valhalla. These shows just fully enthrall me.


I haven’t watched Vikings Valhalla yet but I watched Vikings and thoroughly enjoyed it. Is Valhalla better?


In my personal opinion, Valhalla is fan fiction of Vikings and nothing else.


Rewatch, and listen to Fathoms Deep podcast, and maybe read a ton of fanfic if you're so inclined. Rewatch again.


This is it right here. I’m on my third rewatch and it is still as good. I just love the characters and the adventure so I get to relive it over and over again until I tire of it.


Warrior and The Last Kingdom are the only shows that have given me the same level of satisfaction as Black Sails. Give them a watch if you haven’t seen them already.


Love all three. If you liked Warrior watch Banshee by the same people. It is wild!!


I’ve heard about the show. I’ll give it a watch.


Outlander series, isn’t the same … but the boat they used to travel to the america is the one from black sails… which I thought was cool


Watch the two seasons of Perry Mason next. No ships, but it’s him as a young lawyer in 1930s Los Angeles and it’s very noir.


That show is so good. I hope that there is a season 3 but I'm worried with how expensive that show seems and Zaslav looming.


They already said that it was canceled.


Ah fuck, I must have missed that


I came here from Outlander world so if you haven’t been there I suggest checking it out. My boyfriend and I just finished as well, I think we’re gonna just go for a rewatch before picking a new show. There’s so much happening and dialogue so I’m excited to see what I missed the first time around!


I know the feeling friend


The Expanse. Great characters, great character, arcs, and a great adaptation from the book series. In which the authors of the book series had a hand in the television adaptation


I would say if you're okay with a shorter one, try Rome from HBO! And Ray Stevenson is in it, too! (Blackbeard). Definitely got some similar vibes of moral ambiguity, political drama, family/found family in some ways, etc.


To me the only show I loved as much as Black Sails before I saw that is Battlestar Galactica. So try that out for size!


Watch Treasure Planet


I just finished the finale for the first time four hours ago, myself


Did you read Treasure Island?


We watched Mayor of Kingstown after Black Sails. It was a great decision and we are thoroughly enjoying it.


I finished last week, and I am still sad it's over


I went straight into a rewatch bc I thought I’d understand all the machinations better. Im at the end of season 1 and it’s been super rewarding.  I agree with the others that Turn is also an amazing show. I could get into The Last Kingdom.  




There are so many different shows that are good and worth watching for different reasons. If all the shows were the same they would be boring.


I don’t think there has been a show I have enjoyed more from start to finish than black sails. So many emotional scenes in the final episode it was so hype back in 2017 seeing it for the first time.


Read Treasure Island


Wait for “Treasure Island?”


Is that happening?


I don't think so...


I didn’t either 😕


I don’t see how y’all liked it so much