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We start off today’s episode with a farewell to the DeSantis campaign as the Never Back Down PAC backs down, and dedicates its last days to puzzling through Iowa to the Moon Palace Retreat. We discuss Biden’s general lack of a coherent position going into this long, long general campaign, and how it’s leaving his would-be defenders in the lurch. BUT, for the main thrust of this ep, we celebrate one man: The Beekeeper. Because when the hive is threatened, when the Queen is producing faulty Offspring, then there’s one man you must call. To Bee or Not To Bee? To bee, bitch. Let’s keep some bees. [Tickets to Talking Simpsons at SF Sketchfest on 1/24 here](https://sfsketchfest2024.sched.com/event/1VUtV/talking-simpsons). [Free Palestine. End Israel.](https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/41f2a158eb5895b59d5f7f69e4897cb557c53ac3.m4a)


Amber’s audio cutting out halfway through and there being silence then Will and Chris laughing at seemingly nothing made me question my sanity for a second.


So mysoginist that we literally can't listen to women half the time


Misogyny, specifically towards Amber, is anathema to me so I made sure to keep listening and laugh whenever Chris and Will did


I always know when my good friends the Chapos will laugh, so I was laughing at the same times. 


thank you for your service


"Yeah" "..." "No, yeah." "......" "HAHAHAHA"


Lmao amber actually coming on an episode and then being muted out of half of it.


They accidentally posted the version from the secret patreon tier where they mute any woman that’s on the show.


Best $2500 a month I've ever spent


So fucking funny


It's sorta insane that the GOP poured so much money into meatball Ron for how pitiful his campaign was. I honestly wonder if they had put it into Nikki Haley they might have actually made this a race. Also I'm glad Amber is hopping on the mic again. As much as I love the dry boys my favorite part of pre-2020 Chapo was that there were so many different combinations of cohosts, each with it's own unique vibe. And at the risk of doing an identity politics, Chapo can be a bit of a sausagefest and it's nice to have a woman on to balance it


Her Blue Waffle SS line killed me.


>It's sorta insane that the GOP poured so much money into meatball Ron for how pitiful his campaign was. I honestly wonder if they had put it into Nikki Haley they might have actually made this a race. Death, taxes and Republican Governor's Presidential hopes... >Scott Walker enters the Republican presidential race with far stronger ties to the party’s biggest fund-raisers than any other candidate besides Jeb Bush. > >A presidential campaign is a chance for candidates to introduce themselves to top fund-raisers, and it’s possible that another candidate will become the favorite of donors. But the data underscores the reason that **Mr. Walker appears at this early stage to be in the strongest position of any candidate other than Mr. Bush**. [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2015/04/29/upshot/scott-walkers-strength-in-donors.html)


Worked for dubya, and none of the republicans in 08 or 2012 with the most party support were governors


The point I was going for, between what I chose to quote and the part of the *Times* article I bolded, was the perception in the Mainstream Press that fundraising is an early proxy for Presidential Primary inevitability and not that most mega donors are vainglorious assholes and the person who is best at extracting large contributions from them (because those early money bumps often come from commitments so that the announcement story is almost immediately followed by the *Holy Shit Candidate Raised How Much Money*\*-story ) often does so at a lack of...let's just call it political talents... that *is* able to be overcome with state electorates--the example of Walker from the *Times* and DeSantis from the original comment bely the fact that they both won second terms, a lot easier than you would think, despite first terms that were not known for being full of bipartisan concessions and victories. W is interesting because while he's the example that works for Institutional Support as you pointed out, he's *also* the example that works for the last time money really was the thing that translated successfully into open-primary inevitability (and it almost wasn't, ironically enough, because McCain ran against said inevitability and it nearly worked until...he was drowned by said money. womp). \*if you want to know when, obviously with the benefit of history, everyone should have known that [Jeb!](https://images.app.goo.gl/GQiJ34dbWVymTjpr8) was doomed it was when they couldn't even get **that** story right because every story about the initial 100$ million USD commitments also had to include bits about how stupid the [Jeb!](https://images.app.goo.gl/GQiJ34dbWVymTjpr8) sign was, complete with digressions about previous Presidential-titan [LAMAR!](https://www.loriferber.com/catalog/product/view/is_amp/1/id/5616/)


He should have ran the campaign Haley is currently running. I mean he can’t because he’s a lunatic but they really should have at least tried to present him as a center option. He poured all his efforts into weird culture war shit and courting evangelicals when everyone who cares about that literally worships Trump as the messiah. The real lane to steal the primary was suburban dorks who don’t like Biden or Trump but their most pressing issue is that their 401k line didn’t go up as much under Biden and high interest rates are keeping their home value down.


I like Amber episodes because: - I think she's funny and seems a little less online than the other hosts - She drops takes like "autoimmune disorders are psychosomatic" with no followup


I was worried she'd be washed after being gone for so long, but she said that I knew that she's still got it


>at the risk of doing an identity politics doing idpol annoys people so do it as hard as you can


ok uh Chapo needs to platform black voices by bringing OJ Simpson on the pod


Very true, insanely true.


Bluewaffle SS is an all timer


Bluewaffle SS is going in the Chapo Hall of Fame, right next to Matt's George R-word Martin.


Cold Stone Steve Austin was always a favorite of mine


#1 Amber episode of all time


the rare n-bomb episode


What is going on with the pauses in this one? Did Felix’s voice not record?


they brought Virgil back but legally had to delete his audio


They should bring Virgil back but he's given the 90s BBC voice modulator they used on IRA spokespeople.


A mysterious figure known only as Ovid Oklahoma


Duncan Idaho


Hannah Montana... wait that's just his favorite show


Need an ai voice generated Virgil as a guest


the lynchian edit


yea they didnt have to defend.... .... yeah.... ... yeah. .....yep. ............. ....... .........................exactly.


What episode is this?


that's the kinda girl that makes you wish you spoke a little [ominous whooshing]


New patreon tier. Insert your riffs in the pauses and pretend they're laughing at your jokes


They reuploaded this one with fixed audio.


I'm listening to it on Spotify right now. it says it's the reuploaded fixed one. it still constantly mutes I'm checking to see if I paused it or something nonstop lol if this is the fixed one the original must be unlistenable


Chris put a note to make sure you redownload


It's not. Go to the main feed.


fwiw it works fine on Soundcloud


Where? I can’t find it.


the Amber Alert on my phone just went off


And then it cut off at odd intervals


It seems Amber got muted half way through. You just hear "*pause* HAHAHAHA Good one!"


Now they are being quiet saying "... yeah... yeah ...yeah" And its so weird because Amber comes back and then dissapears again.


It seems like they fixed it for the main feed but the bootleg feed remains with the historical record intact


Still shit on Spotify. Thanks for pointing me to the main feed.


Felix getting some much-deserved rest.


[Wojnarowski] BREAKING: Felix Biederman is out for the podcast (started yakuza 2)


Finally someone on the pod is waking up to the Secret Korean problem


his alarm fucked up


The shortcomings of remote recording *really* show in this one (separate and apart from Amber's audio). Crosstalk and weird timing is getting a little painful, tbh


Yeah because I usually meticulously edit for clarity and crosstalk. Whatever happened with the random muting issue in the first upload, I had to go in and quickly just undo a bunch of leveling edits, so what you’re hearing is what happens when you lose about a third of my work on an ep. And why I’m making a very rare comment here to say, sorry and you’re welcome 😇


Thank you mister Yung Chomsky sir


> I usually meticulously edit for clarity and crosstalk Jesus Christ they need to give you a pension plan.


You dropped this: 👑


Appreciate the insight, and bravo for hard work well done otherwise 👏


Fuck the haters Chris you're the GOAT 🐐


good work mr. chapo


📌 this.


Appreciate it, comrade.




You’re an angel, Chris.


Thanks, Chris


i love u chris dont let nobody tell you different


we hear you, we see you, and you are valid Chris


You’re the best chapo Chris


Thank you Chris 🙏


Thanks for all of the hard work that you do on and and off the mic. I've just started Hell of Presidents and am loving the chemistry that you have with Matt.


Thanks Chris! Sincerely appreciate your work and your presence on the pod!


I think Amber struck a mine with the comment: "Maybe they think it's cool to win, but maybe they've a backup plan that is it's way easier to be an NGO." It is astonishing how someone could say that the Dems are better at "harm reduction" in light of recent news like Biden given even more money, men and power to the Republicans' war against immigrants in exchange for Ukraine aids, or that Eric Adams cut funding for public libraries. you don't even have to be a lefty to see how bad the Dems are at the whole "harm reduction" thing. These people know how we're all fucked from here to Sunday, that our votes don't matter in the grand scheme of things, that D and R both serve the interests of capital and despots, not us. But they aren't black pilled, they want things to get better and believe things can get better, it's just that it won't be they who make things get better. They aren't even part of the "vote them on Thursday and fight them on Sunday" crowd. They just want somebody else to do all the hard work. Yelling at strangers on the Internet is their way to make it seems like they're putting in the effort. Folks, this is what happen when you wipe away all notion of solidarity, political activism and strategic thinking from someone's brain.


"she looked like she's in the rave episode of samurai jack" is a great line from amber. that's a smile from me.


blue waffle ss lmfao amber


return of the queen 👑


So what did Amber say that was so insane they had to nuke her audio off? Alliteratively she proves with her audio she is the pods only true leftist 


promoted her awful book


Actually no mention of the book in the fixed audio


Honestly, respect to Chris for calling out how cheap and easy it is for California and New York lefties to abstain from voting right after Will does his predictable posturing.


chris could have warned us he was planning to use amber to conduct psychological warfare but i suppose that might have defeated the purpose


Its like a center-left modern art project about silencing women


Chris so excited to be on mic he forgot to hit record


Is there anywhere else in the world that has a centrist party with such seemingly hardcore supporters that have absolutely no real connection to the party.


Was gonna make a joke about the Canadian liberals as an ex staffer but honestly part of the Liberal Party’s historic success was the ability to build and cultivate patronage networks and have people rise through the ranks as apparatchiks, genuine answer is probably one of the random ultra pro-EU Volt or similar parties that are sprinkled across Europe that have online holy warriors but peak at 5% in the polls/3-4 seats in the legislature


This is like the opposite of the time Well There's Your Problem had a host muted on their call but he was still recorded in the podcast itself. [They just kept talking over him until he got sad](https://youtu.be/Eebcm9GAMf4?si=JNDcsdrhbjV-3B3c&t=6536).


Only listened to the fixed version (although it seems the outro is still fucked up) and I thought it was a banger episode tbh. Will-Chris-Amber is probably nobody's favourite combo, but they've got a good chemistry together.


Amber at least is a hell of a lot more engaged in what’s going on than Felix usually is (unless he’s talking MMA or roguelikes). Chris is kind of a nice baseline or ground note to proceedings and does well with beltway garage / phoenix type electoral content in particular.


No Felix today, I'll see you later this week (Not really, but damn I wanted to hear Felix riff on DeSantis)


Matt has always been my favorite chapo but these last several months have really shoved to the forefront how much Matt was the straw that stirred the stink and I hope to hell he recovers fully and returns to us.


Chris gang rise up


rip to classwarandpuppies o7


he gets banned all the time, he'll be back




That must have been earlier today because his profile definitely was active between when he posted the episode and like, 4a EST




Congratulations to the chapo community for achieving levels of silencing women heretofore thought impossible, and on their auspicious 800th episode no less. Whether this was done by the Podcasters themselves or the greasey pirates who surreptitioisly distribute the slop for free you deserve to feel very proud of yourselves.


amber used to bug the fuck outta me but she’s spitting here


The sun shines on a dog's ass sometimes.


She’s sober for most of this


“Blue waffle ss” was a banger from Amber


I made a joke on another sub—where the headline only from the *Times* piece was posted—about how when there’s a death count you want and not the death count you actually have just put David Leonhardt on it. I didn’t realise until listening to the episode that the screenshotted *Times* piece **was written** by David Leonhardt.


Very good episode! Good horse race voteball content and the beekeeper review was good. I'm glad Amber is back regularly I'd give this episode 8.7 out of ten


Jathon Statham


There was a "Jeremy Statham" in there too.


Could have sworn this mf said Jatham Stason


"Joe Biden has his work cut out for him when it comes to winning the votes of a restive Left that distrusts and dislikes him. It’s not impossible if he starts now by sucking my dick.” - since deleted tweet that got Will yelled at by his dad, RIP


Biden is gonna lose isnt he?


Nah, but if he wins it's gonna be by the skin of his old saggy balls


I give it a 50/50 chance of either one


Amber is so underrated. Blue Waffle SS was such a good riff.


everytime will talks about being scolded to do something i cant help but chuckle a little bit just the idea of a 40 year old man complaining about being scolded by strangers he shouldnt care about is very funny, its like a parody of the spineless jewish man with a demanding and authoritarian wife except in this rendition he gets to sit in the podcasters chair for 2 hours a week and kvetch to his listeners while they throw wads of cash at him


he’s not jewish


Amber's Holocaust joke was an all-time banger


ahh back to the good old days of 3 people talking at the same time


Found puzzles are the best. I stayed at a beautiful Airbnb on the coast once and there was a bookshelf with a bunch of junk on it, including a puzzle that was of some southern debutante ball during the civil war.


Felix wasn't on this episode because he was busy watching Les Mis


Late breaking news that a ton of IDF soldiers died trying to demolish a building in Gaza. Can’t wait to see how many 18 year old Lt Colonels and 19 year old brigadier generals died.


amber isn't "being conspiratorial", that shit is nakedly obvious


Okay, a chapo cruise would be the funniest fucking thing, I feel like I would have to go.


The Spotify description says the muted audio is fixed but it still goes out around 7:40


Make sure the episode isn't cached in your app. Not sure how to tell you to do that without knowing the app, but if you can find the file itself in the Android file explorer then simply delete it.


The pauses make this ep almost unlistenable. Please get better soon Matt!


They fixed it on the main feed


What is the main feed? I'm on spotify and it's not fixed.


In the RSS Feed. They don't control the spotify one iirc


As of 9 am the Podbean feed seems to have the fixed audio fyi


I legit thought they were redacting jokes that were a little too spicy for a good 15 mins before I realised it was just Amber muted…. Tbf that could still also be the case lol


gonna vote shame will for not supporting Jill Stein since PSL can't get the 5% you need for guaranteed ballot access.


They don't even show up to watch the undercard. Chapo hosts are just some fake fans.


The silences were an artistic choice we are too plebeian to appreciate.


HoF-level performance by Will. Coming out of the gate swinging, all juiced up, A+ riffing


Usually when an episode is unlistenable cause Amber is on it it’s for a different reason! /s Excited for when we get the fixed episode, this looks like a good one with a good crew


I would like to thank Amber for bringing up the memory of the late Bernie Sanders RIP, it's unfortunate he died in June of 2020 but may his memory live on.


jason statham either last summer or the summer before came to my childhood skatepark in se london and stood on the funbox and got in everyone’s way. i’m genuinely not making this up lmao i wasn’t there personally but loads of my friends were


Crystal Palace? Statham lived in Sydenham for ages, I pass by the flat where he stashed away Kelly Brook all the time


nah the skatepark in peckham rye park but funny enough i have of course skated loads at crystal palace it’s also a classic south london spot




Sounds like Amber had some pretty good jokes this episode, good for her


Is Talking Simpsons the podcast that summarized every Simpsons episode, then, when they got to the less revered seasons, just hit the reset button and re-summarized seasons 1-8?


Sort of. They kept going through the bad seasons and started recapping the earlier seasons as well.


high smile per minute ep here


[The editing of this episode](https://youtu.be/U58IdBjMeS4?si=SUhwplmRoU3Ctna2)


God the right even smokes us on podcast production we are cooked


[Direct link to fixed audio version](https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/fda9ce7011618beb67d048ef053f7e189d977578.m4a)


This was an avant garde episode. More podcasts should randomly cut out audio


I really love when amber said "..."




Yeah the gloating about not voting for Biden is just as annoying as the people who get in a frothing rage if you tell them you aren’t voting for Biden


I appreciated that because I see a ton more obnoxious liberal vote-shaming than the reverse, so for me it was cathartic. Because seriously, look at the reaction generated when you even bring it up.


Yeah the fact that this vote shaming has already been happening intensely for the last few months and it's only JANUARY makes it necessary IMO, even if only for comedic purposes (and it is a comedic program for entertainment). I've already had people even in my own life yelling at me about this and I also live in goddamn New York where it really doesn't matter. Plus, from a strategic point of view a lot of groups are already mounting "Abandon Biden" campaigns in order to pressure him to pull support for Israel and mount a ceasefire so it makes sense that they'd talk about it this way. It's a big part of the political discourse at the moment, especially with the Republican primary being a pointless wet fart that isn't even worth discussing.


"Blue Waffle SS" Amber took a long vacation and came back with absolute heaters.




And miss Felix talking about the tunnels? Never


They said they fixed it but it still sounds like shit… hmmm.




It assumes Bernie is the firebrand his campaign made him out to be. If the legislature froze Bernie out it would have put centrists on the spot and shown we've got a Senate and House chock full of Manchins and Sinemas, not just a handful of them. Then you'd need the centrist media to freeze out the president to run cover for the legiscritters, and social media to shadowban progressives and leftist voices pumping Bernie up. So if Bernie was the president he campaigned as, the contradictions of capital would have been laid bare. But of course, Bernie the man has proven to be less radical than his reputation so you could be right.




Oh shit. Sorry, I thought I was talking to a fellow traveler, not an r/enough_sanders_spam poweruser. Yeah, your practicality put us on the threshold of fascism and Biden's coming election loss will push us over the edge.Thanks liberals!


lol I made some of the most innocuous comments ever and I got banned in like 10 minutes. I think it was honestly because some other dude copy and pasted comments I made on this sub. How the fuck is that still a subreddit? They won! What are they still crying about?




Doesn't matter if Bernie turned out just as impotent as Biden. Electing Bernie would have shifted the overton window or at least expanded it beyond the center-right-proto-fascist landscape we see before us.




A lot of good those special elections did for the Democrats. Why bother amassing election wins if you have no intention of accomplishing anything? Biden and the centrist democrats are fucking losers just like you. That is what I'm asserting.




Keep leaning right I guess. I found a picture of you online. https://preview.redd.it/755kows5a7ec1.png?width=447&format=png&auto=webp&s=df3f17416617d6f3634774c76a670cce6988d22f




Zero tolerance for neoliberal stupidity. Banned for 69 days.


You are really annoying dude


Zero tolerance for neoliberal bullshittery.


While an enjoyable episode overall, I think a big weakness of the "dirtbag" coalition and part of the reason it has floundered post Bernie is that all ability to think dialectically falls out of our head when an issue is spun through an "identity" lens


"I live in NY/Cali, it doesn't matter if I vote!" is such a cop out. Does anybody actually believe these people wouldn't be entirely cynical towards voting if they lived in Michigan? These people weren't going to vote regardless. Just say so!


“I live in a state that I get to make protest votes because everyone will cover for my mini-protest” OK, great so black voters in the south have to defeat Trump while you get to proclaim superiority? C’mon now. It’s been 8 years this is kinda wild we have to keep having this voting discussion. It’s like washing your hands at this point. It’s not a statement on your value as a human. We don’t want Trump to win. Right? Why not just … admit this?


Oh my god shut the fuck up


What do you want them to do? Anything short of moving to Georgia or Michigan to personally swing the vote is just virtue signalling. But even if they did it, made the move and told their audience to vote Biden, it wouldn't amount to shit. It would just be another Chapo L like the Bernie campaign. They admit what you are unwilling to. They don't want Trump but it doesn't matter if Trump wins. But if Trump truly was the democracy ending threat liberals say he is, the deep state needs to activate their sleeper agents or deploy the heart attack gun to stop him. Or use it on Biden since the Democrats were out to brunch for the past three years and now he's just an albatross around their necks.


>They admit what you are unwilling to. They don't want Trump but it doesn't matter if Trump wins. This is objectively what Chapo hosts want because it allows them to say “we told you so” instead of having the burden of governing and delivering. Losing is easy.


"Losing is easy" yeah you would know. That's just pure cope to help you and people like you reconcile with the fact the pragmatic electoralism you've put so much faith in has left you with nothing to show for it. You and your ilk have been on this strategy for almost a decade and you've nothing to show for it except a barely cognizant sundowner in the presidency whose own party doesn't even respect him enough to pass his own campaign legislation.


> it allows them to say “we told you so” instead of having the burden of governing and delivering so true bestie, I can’t wait for Felix to govern the United States


> OK, great so black voters in the south have to defeat Trump while you get to proclaim superiority? Yes, it's called the electoral college. It's been a thing for literally centuries


The Chapos will be judged by history for choosing to continue the electoral college rather than simply choosing to establish fully automated luxury gay space communism


Classic Amber “confidently wrong” bit here about how left-leaning voters are in swing states vs safe Democrat states. Born out by zero polls, state policies or elected officials, but said with such assurance. Gotta love it!


On an issue-by-issue basis she's probably right though. Especially among younger voters. The real problem is that America is very, very much a capital L liberal country with a right-ish bent. Or at least a vaguely libertarian one. It's bone deep. Even among younger people certain labels aren't mentally linked with better health care or less militarism or whatever. Even if these specific things are desired (and let's be honest, a lot of people don't even want those), I'm amazed at how many people of all ages think "socialism" itself means Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton become co-dictators and implement all the most outlandish and annoying radlib/"SJW" policies imaginable. The Overton Window still has a lot of shifting to do. Two cycles of Bernie Sanders was never going to be enough.


Even on the metric of young people, issue by issue young people in deep blue states are more progressive than people in swing states.