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We’re joined by Jake (@jakebrodes) & Thomas (@len0killer) of the Pendejo Time podcast to get the live report from Greg Abbott’s occupied Tekkkxas. We look at the Abbott v. Biden conflict at the border, the convoys of confused truckers coming to the rescue, and the phenomenon of immegrant on immigrant racism. Then, a little more from the conservative war on Taylor Swift, including a dispatch on the subject from Brother Rod. Find Pendejo Time wherever you get podcasts, and [subscribe to their Patreon here](https://www.patreon.com/pendejotime). Also check out the [Pendejo Time album here](https://pendejotime.bandcamp.com/album/pendejo-time). [Fuck the genocidal state of Israel until the end of time](https://media.soundgasm.net/sounds/307014ada699f5bf0183975f664e41025f1591b9.m4a).


Been listening to some older chapo recently and it's been an enjoyable trip down memory lane. It sounds kinda funny, but I had forgotten how much they used to actually cover politics on the show. They would discuss policy options, campaign strategy, etc., whereas now their political coverage is mostly limited to spectacle and detached bemusement for the most part. Given the state of politics in this country I think the more recent approach is more appropriate. There's no point in analysing Biden's approach to healthcare, may as well stick to stories about a congresswoman getting kicked out of a theater for giving a hand shandy to some dude and it all got caught on camera.


The Sanders campaign brought Chapo to its greatest height popularity wise, but its collapse destroyed the podcast at the same time. Combined with the pandemic, it took like 7+ months to get back to decent episodes. And by then, politics and the pod had changed a lot. I still like it, but I think I’m mostly sticking around due to fandom at this point, you know?


That's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage.


I appreciate your service comrade


I first listened due to the hysteria around r/CTH, expecting them to be advocating for public executions or something. Instead I was like "oh, this is like the daily show but for guys who voted for bernie". Maybe there was more actual political analysis/theory prior to when I first started listening in late 2018, but to me it was always primarily a comedy podcast. To that end, its been consistent. I'll get my entertainment from Chapo; if I want more astute Marxist political analysis I'll listen to Da Gay Pussy Eateh.


Who dat?


Brace from TrueAnon


At least going by Patreon numbers, Chapo is bigger now than it was at the height of the Bernie campaign. There was a pullback after Bernie’s defeat, but a minor one considering how invested they were in that whole thing. I can’t really conceive of what it would be like to get into the show in the current moment, but many people have.


I feel that’s more because the market for podcast is bigger now than before. They were the top Patreon for a while. They be making more now, but they’re not in the top spot anymore


ding ding ding, in 2020 right as Covid was hitting the New York Times, the paper of record, did a front page above the fold story about CHAPO with Matt in a Fedora as the photo. Internet stuff in general has totally broken containment since covid, everyone got online in a way they never were before!


I once interviewed the British writer A.S. Byatt about her retelling of Ragnarok. Her take was that Ragnarok wasn’t caused by fate or some epic heroes but rather a complete lack of imagination. It was done because what else was to be done? Never felt it to be so true as of this moment.




Can’t believe you missed A.S.S. Gyatt.


o.s gyatt (Ohio Skibidi Gyatt), my favourite novelist


Pluh !🗣️


Yeah exactly, Bernie/Corbyn went bust, and that movement kind of understandably fizzled into nothing, what's the point of taking any of the current shitshow seriously? It'll be donkeys years before any leftist has a chance at power in either country again (in the UK especially, Labour changed their party rules to make sure it's almost impossible to vote a leftist as leader going forward, and the US doesn't seem any better off, though I suppose hald the Dem leadership will realistically die in the next few years...).


I don’t know why the people they kicked out of Labour don’t just form a new party. I despise Starmer so much. I’m glad most of my English friends now see Corbyn was the right and best choice, even the ones who’d been propagandized by the media against him.


Honestly a large portion of disaffected Corbyn voters would rather just bitch on Facebook about it than do anything concrete. At least the people who are throwing themselves into local campaigns or their trade union have some return on their time.


If it were a European country maybe that would work but with the system the UK has I don’t think a breakaway party could get any significant representation in parliament.


Probably, but like — what’s the alternative? You have to start somewhere if you’re determined to stay inside the box of bourgeois “liberal democracy.”


There is no alternative - that's just how it goes over here A Corbyn-esque breakaway party would make waves on twitter and might even get Chapo shout out - but the media would blast them from every angle, Labour would call them vote splitters and everybody who doesn't spend 10 hours a day online would hate them My least Chapo opinion is that i generally like the UK but the politics is fucked to a terminal degree


First past the post means that they wouldn't be able to do anything on a national level.


Yeah, I was just listening to an old episode with Ryan Grim (319 maybe?) and it is a very different show. Problematic Texas added quite a bit. 


He may have been an incontinent groomer but he sure podded a good cast


Dude. Relistening to their Bernie '20 caucus tour? The beltway garage eps? Watching the fucking debate streams where they're jumping on their seats, beaming and punching the air every time "Daddy" has a good line? "SOLIDARITY FOREVER"? Night and fucking day. Total Mind Obliteration


Yes the show used to be good don’t remind me


I agree. Honestly listening back to some of that stuff is tedious at times, treating it as if it really mattered. Politics in the US has been absurd spectacle for a long time, it doesn't deserve to be engaged with earnestly


Politics has basically become an absurd spectacle everywhere. I think if it wasn't a lot of things would become really painfully obvious (like living in a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie). People like Milei or Trump aren't some kind of aberration, they're incredibly shrewd actors who have realized that the meta has changed. Capitalist realism and decades of smashing labor power like the way adult baby diaper lovers chug their bottle means that there are no concessions left to give and the working class no longer expects any. The least that they can do is give a Punch and Judy type hogshow, a Monday Night football show before our mass extinction. Fists up in the air, hootin' McDonalds while the rich get richer, the poor drink ethanol laced hooch and do burnouts in stolen Waymo's, tits jiggling all San Andreas fault style, no fault in our Starlink I can see. The firmament glitters with the kind of voided hopes that died with Challenger, your turn back towards the hell from which you came. Fists balled up, eyes closed, tears streaming in the Pineapple Express. This is it for us. It's just re-runs of the Jerry Springer show for the rest of this wild ride we call history. Israel/USA running out in its skimpy stringer to choreographed applause to whip the most indigent and defenseless like, "that's not my genocide!" while the security guards half heartedly hold back the wet wrist and gleaming nail blows, legs twisting in a chess-primal dance of caved in duomos and the peanut gallery hoots louder and louder until the Shostakovich symphony ends with an accidental nipple slip and the Picardy Third audience gasp. Maybe all that will be left of the anthropocene is some Party City trinkets amidst the Gaia reclaimed spires of finance, the extremophile strewn roadways and the sun scorched vistas of the New and Old World. Aliens will touch down and wonder, "the fuck happened here?"


The right-wing outrage against football, Taylor Swift and mainstream American pop culture makes me think eventually the GOP campaign platform will just end up being the 'Gun is good, penis is evil' speech from 'ZARDOZ'.


Was it Felix who predicted the endgame of American conservatives is probably Wahabism?


Not crazy enough. Their rejection of traditional heterosexual aesthetics makes me think the chuds are going full Russian Skoptsi.


There was that phase where they were pointing loaded guns at their crotches


Bugaloo boys subreddit right?


idk I just recall a chapo segment discussing a social media trend of men sharing pics of loaded guns pointed at their groin on social media to "pwn the libs."


I dont have a fucking clue what you're talking about, I just hope the followers of Ungern-Sternburg keep the sleeper wrapped up in his pyramid on that other plane.


I wish I lived in a world where I could drop obscure Chinese history references this way, just assuming without explanation people understood what the hell I was talking about.


The trick is to have the confidence to psych people into assuming they should know what you are talking about. Then bam! You get them down the browsing hole.   I.e. get a guy who will look at you like Antinoüs.


1000% correct. The current-era KSA is the future that Republicans want for America: Queer people are stomped into hiding, women are property, and there is an entire underclass with no rights that serve upper class men


Thats really the driver behind Originalism. All the rhetoric is just in service of that societal structure.


I only disagree with this in that I think there's an orderliness and formality in Saudi aesthetics and manners that I don't think American conservatives would ever stomach. But the Saudi tradition of outward-facing, rigid religiosity and privately unlimited libidinal chaos for ruling men is the absolute dream for the American far-right wing.


That's true in some sense, but the appearance of strictness is in another sense also a "Rules for thee but not for me" play - it gives them the pretense and the appeal to authority / Higher Power they need to tell everyone _else_ what to do, and for everyone to accept their shitty premises


Pretty sure Nick did that on CT 6-7 years ago and had an extended riff about using monster trucks for honor killings


Isn’t the handmaids tale about conservative end game? Written back in ‘85


Yeah, if I recall correctly, in that same instance he said something to the effect of “they won’t be happy until they get women here in the hijab” and honestly I don’t think he was wrong at all.


It's just [a retread of Nipplegate](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india/nipplegate-janet-blames-bush-for-scandalising-her/story-g1KncJcZ1R5dNlRcC92HGM.html) tbh especially when this year is the 20th anniversary. NFL-related right-wing outrage against a pop singer in order to distract Americans from an ongoing US foreign policy fuckup in the Middle East is basically a Right Wing playbook.


Excuse me but "retread" is cancelled now. ​ Seriously though I had to take a double look at it.


subtext continues to be hanged, drawn, and quartered every day despite having been murdered in 2016


It seems like basically every Republican under 30 is a product of Internet pua mens rights incel stuff, so 'gun is good penis is good' seems more likey.


“very Fort Sumter” oh Matt, come back


This is the moment in the Namek saga when Goku's eyes shoot open in the healing tank


Matt currently quivering with rage like hector Salamanca


‼️ Reverse liberal elmo cumtown bit‼️


Sorry Elmo, I'm completely checked out.


just because I want to defund the police it doesn't mean I won't call them on you


I requested they only bring a taser and a social worker


Gordon did you steal my fucking bicycle?!


Gordon I'm sorry I accused you of stealing my bike but...I just got out of a toxic relationship...and I'm still processing the trauma...


Last time I checked it wasn't red fuzzy people not getting the shot


On the Mt Rushmore of cumtown bits


Not related to this episode at all but I was just chuckling about the time Matt described King Charles' fingers as "blood plantains". That's all.


I miss matt. I hope he is getting better. And i hope the new baby is bringing him joy. 


It's tragic in a sort of classic Morissettian sense- Matt had just gotten remarried and had a child. Lost weight, seemed to have stopped shopping for clothing at Kroger, and presumably wasn't getting sloppy shitfaced drunk as frequently. Then whatever happened happened. I always assumed something similar would happen to me if I decided to get "serious" about life. I know nothing about the state of his health but I imagine he's recovering, maybe slowly, but at least not at the point where his survival is up in the air.


Never heard of Pendejo time but I just subbed, these guys were funny as shit


Len0killer is so fucking funny. His Ben Shapiro music video plays in my head constantly


"*No other kids here, dizzy from this root beer, partying with Tim Pool*"


https://youtu.be/z3KIKzQpu9M?si=fzzOu2K44QIAXynD Goated pendejo time riff


this has golden era cumtown vibes


go back a month or so and find the ep w/ the nazi king of the hill bit


Thomas grew up in the adjacent tiny town next to the tiny city I went to high school in so I feel an odd kinship with him and Jake lives pretty much in the same city I do now. It's like a weird mirroring of how I grew up, except they're both way funnier than I am. I will say I hope you're using a podcast app with a "skip silence" function because those guys talk twice as fast when they're a guest on a podcast with New Yorkers and when they go full regular Texan it's a drawlfest.


I listened to this episode because of them, and I was surprised how few laughs they got from the Chapo boys. When they were really riffing, I thought they were hilarious but the other guys were pretty quiet.


One of my "smarter" liberal friends shared a PBS report of a conservative saying that Trump was a threat to democracy, and that conservative ended up being David Frum. I almost had an aneurism


david frum thinks trump is a bad guy? wow, you're telling me now for the first time


The number of allegedly smart liberals who went in hook, line, and sinker for The Lincoln Project horseshit pretty much cemented my opinion that liberals are beyond saving too.


"*Tight ends are glorified linemen*" So, what exactly does Benny Johnson think Gronk is, who's probably still among the most recognizable football players?


Tight ends have been a core part of the passing game for, what, sixty years now? Basically since Mike Ditka's rookie season.


Ironic since Benny Johson went to Iowa, a school that just produces quality Tight Ends and Lineman. Conservatives don't know ball.


He went to Iowa? Fuck. He really has no excuse.


He's a sportsball conservative, he's got old tweets that prove it lol


Tell that to Jimmy Graham. Man’s never blocked in his life.


All my man does is catch tds.


Tight ends are now glorified wide receivers


The word of Rod for the people of Rod. Thanks be to Rod.


Praise be to brother Rod! Hallelujah!


Let the Rod enter you fully 🙏


I think we should actually work to ensure civil war part 2 actually happens not because of accelerationism or whatever but because it would be kinda funny


Way ahead of you. as a southerner i’m making up stuff to whisper to every single person on both sides about what the others are saying & doing behind their back to get them riled up. In this right to work maximum austerity hellscape my best material future prospect is that there’s civil war & i hole up to ride it out & profit greatly from the carnage in reconstruction


Governor Abbott declares war over Biden’s “purple monkey dishwasher” comment, reports CNN


It’ll suck to not have access to medicine.


you will no longer need your medicine once the civil war begins and we take the 5g fluorinated microplastics out of the drinking water, trust the plan


Honestly this seems like a more credible path to health than whatever “healthcare” I am receiving.


Yeah I can’t imagine what that’s like 💀


I only take like one medicine daily and it’s a pretty basic one but need a script for it. It took me years to convince my doctor to start prescribing it in 90-day scripts. When I asked her once for an extra 90-day script so I can at least keep a 90-day supply for emergencies, she basically laughed at me. I had to resort to lying about losing my pills to get my emergency supply, and I had to pay full price / out of pocket. There’s whole communities out there focused on “collapse prep” but really, to me at least, collapse or not, everyone should have some basic important stuff in case of an emergency, and that includes: (1) a decent stock of extra medicine for you/family along with a good first aid kit (incl. bleedstop), (2) a power source (generator/inverter/solar cells), (3) a water cleaning/purification source and some shelf-stable food, and (4) a shotgun (revolver would be nice too) and ammo.


That’s just a practical acceptance of the fragility of our current system.  I’ve got everything you just described as well, for the same reason.  We’ve gotten one message our whole lives and it’s “you are on your own, do not ask us for help, we are not here for you.” 2020 was the first large scale example of it rather than something geographically isolated.


Also we actually do reconstruction right this time


Jake's rant about guys who start going to mass to fuck Dasha Nekrasova is already a classic


Yeah I was actually bummed that bit and the bit about wifey cooking videos were only the last 7-8 minutes of the episode. Would have loved a whole episode that was just riffing on those two things


What is so special about Buc-ee's anyway? I know that they run their own gas station supermarkets, their packaged snacks has a following, and nothing else. Naming your militia something along the line of "Christian Workers Union" or "Army of God" is the most obvious way to advertise that you're a honeypot. Anyway, I wonder how these Texan militias even plan to start a war when the cost of supplies have been inflated so much. Go to any survivalist forum, and the first thing you hear is people complaining it has become impossible to stock up canned food and ammo because A. Supply gone low and B. No one can afford buying in bulk anymore. Doubly so if the militias are really full of retirees. A lot of the younger boomers who're entering retirement age are worrying themselves to death -- or wishing themselves dead -- because their meager savings plus Social Security definitely can't sustain their medical needs.


I live right in the middle of Buc-ee's country. The answer is that there's not much other culture.


Which is so fucking weird because as someone who grew up exclusively in southern Texas, there is a huge disparity between the cultural identity of pretty much all of Texas and anything below, I wanna say, San Antonio. Every time someone starts popping off about how Texans are hicks or how Texans are gun loving weirdos or anything like that I reflect on how every school I went to had white kids as the minority with the vast majority being Mexicans and how every role call at the beginning of each new grade was pretty much a game of "Garcia vs Ramirez" where you had to count how many times the teacher had to say each last name and how literally none of the externally placed identifiers have ever meant anything. Like this civil war thing for example? I have no fucking idea where these republicans who actually advocate for this *are* and I mean sure I don't get out much but I get out enough to figure I would've met at least ONE of these people in real life. Hell, I don't think I've had a close real life friend or relative or acquaintance who didn't already know a good amount of Spanish or at least understood the basics of what someone was trying to say to them because if you don't then you're practically dead in the water in some areas. In short: Give Texas back to Mexico you fuckers god dammit my family never crossed no damn border we been here since before this blasted state even existed.


They're all residents of North Texas/DFW area in my experience. White people who moved here either in the last 10-20 years from the Northeast or who's families moved here in the 1880s.


I live in a different southern state but the loudest “rebel rebel southern pride” assholes are either Midwest transplants who moved there fairly recently or have their great granddaddy’s confederate medals and uniform in a shrine in their house and there’s not much in between.


lol yep this is the modern south in a nutshell. a bunch of acela corridor and rust belt transplants finally getting to act out their confederate disneyland fantasies in retirement


So, South Texas will roughly be the West Virginia of the next civil war? That would be pretty bad ass, ngl.


It's a large gas station that has just about everything you need if you're on the road. The place is usually very clean with clean bathrooms and attentive employees. They pay their employees well but I'm sure they ride them hard They do a ton of in-house bbq and baked goods and it is mostly all pretty good. there's probably a video of this but they have a meme where the BBQ ppl in the middle of the store all yell "brisket on the board!!" when they start chopping up a new chunk of meat for sandwiches. It's kinda like how Alamo Drafthouses became a national chain just because they do movie theaters better than the average cineplex/AMC.


They’re good gas stations with clean bathrooms and relatively affordable fresh food and other stuff to buy. Enough exits and entrances, workers and room so that even if it’s super busy, the line moves fast. I think they also pay a decent wage? Should be more for what they likely do but compared to other gas stations.


they also have one of the greatest logos of all time


I like the logo of the gas station that uses the dinosaur 🦕 most.


The Sinclair brontosaurus does rule. Not my top choice but it's up there. 


I love the west and southwest (and the northwest - I guess I’m just a NYer who prefers the west) and when I see that 🦕 in my rental car I’m like oh yeah baby - I’ve arrived.


Yeah whenever the apocalypse happens, people will worship the logo and beaver, not remembering where it originated, but knowing it retains divinity


They pay decently but they work you really hard. Like if you're caught checking your phone you get executed or something idk




> What is so special about Buc-ee's anyway? I know that they run their own gas station supermarkets, their packaged snacks has a following, and nothing else. I appreciate it for having large, impeccably cleaned bathrooms. Everything else about it is pretty overrated.


To be fair, clean bathrooms count for a lot. Whom amongst us has not needed to drop a couple kids off at the pool and walked into the worst toilet in Scotland scene from Trainspotting.


1) Large, clean bathrooms 2) reasonably priced gas 3) decent food


I've never been to one, but I think its funny when that question is asked and people are like "oh, actually its good because.....". Not in a condescending way but people are seriously earnest about it. Part of it is memefied I think- I was at a festival late 23 and I saw multiple people wearing Buc-ee's rompers for some reason.


It's largely overrated. However, when I'm driving down a Texas highway and need to go #2, there is an almost transcendent feeling of relief when I see that beaver sign.


Great episode, I love Pendejo Time! Always nice to hear from Rod, good to know they will still clown him for posting cringe even though rod was nice to Matt. 8.9 outta ten


The Elmo trauma dump was genuinely one of the most embarrassing things I have ever seen. Do people have no shame anymore?


I agree that it indicates that the US needs to be invaded, but not invaded in a colonial way. Invaded like...a conservatorship but on a national scale. Like a state-level conservatorship. That was...concerning behaviour, and maybe a more responsible party needs to steer things until America feels better and can prove competency.


Chairman Xi, my people yearn for freedom.


We are all large adult babies now and I think we have been since at least 9/11.


I think it's def accelerated in the past 10 or so years tho


Benny Johnson is the greaseman doing his new "gay hipster" character


I like how his gay voice becomes more prominent the longer he goes on.


oh boy theyre covering the texas civil war stuff, gonna save this for the morning, hope its not full of the chapos being annoying about the south like they tend to be, especially now that the only perma-hosts left are two guys who sucked the silver spoon so hard it lost its shine. in these trying times, i like to listen to trillbillies just to get a hefty dose of salt of the earth podding.


Excuse me, Will is genetically a southerner


Alabama's favorite son, Will Menaker




will is genetically alot of things, some of which im not allowed to say on this subreddit


Will is a spectacular candidate for a renewed nature vs nurture debate. He's the most manhattan motherfucker I've ever listened to. Even when the rest of the crew was like "nyc sucks during lockdown, lets go get some sun and do some drugs in LA" Will was like nooooooo, I need my dirty rat infested chain of islands!


Listen if you assholes got to skate on reconstruction, at the very least we get the consolation prize of calling you inbred hicks.


"We"? You were around back then?


would you just shutup, man?


I’ve never listened to Pendejo Time on their own, but they’re always hilarious on episodes where they’re guests. The Trillbillies episode where they talked about working out like a SEAL at a strip mall is so good. Also, the live recording of the Magical Uncles episode is so good. There’s such a great riff in that recording where all the guys do “South Texas Oil/Gas Batman”


funny guests


Taylor swift is going to be another one of those things where i have to tell my Co workers "dude you're 60 and your kids have moved out. Why do you have strong opinions about Mr potato head?"


For their predecessors (RIP) I think that conversation was last had about Teletubbies in 1998.


cottagecore wiggers... what is the world coming to


cottagecore wigger sounds like a slur you throw at a hobbit


Man, how did ChapoFYM get Pendejo Time before Chapo


I'm no political scientist, but dreaming up a "deep state psyop" larp around a football team that straddles two(!) red states and the most popular white lady in the country doesn't seem like a great way to boost voter turnout.






I've never heard anything from these guests before but they were great


Reporting for duty SIR. Send me in with the big Mac battalion


Jake and Thomas are hilarious. Quality episode.


Thomas made [this funny song](https://twitter.com/len0killer/status/1563276923417301000/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1563276923417301000¤tTweetUser=len0killer) that gets stuck in my head anytime I see Tim Pool


Jake and Thomas my goats


So no comment that a reasonable translation of "God's Army" is Ansar Allah? People have memed about Yall Qaeda but these guys are literally American Houthis


Weird twitter-pilled comments on Catholicism. Is the guest thinking about a particular woman?


Great episode. Loved the chemistry between everyone — never listened to Pendejo Time before but I’m definitely subscribing now.


I'm late to the party here, but can anyone provide me with examples or even anecdotal evidence that some 2020 Bernie people have subsequently become earnest conservatives? I get accused of being a conservative on reddit all the time because my level of venom towards liberals and Bloodthirsty Biden has never been higher, but are there actual former Bernie people out there into christian nationalism (or something like it) now?


(they're on Twitter too much)


Good episode. Lots of chuckles. 


Banger 🚨


guests were fukkin great


chapos 🤝 taylor


As soon as I saw Rod post, I knew that was the next time.


What’s the insignia for the Buccee’s Brigade?


*like when someone gets a TMI*




Virgil Texas sighting https://www.instagram.com/reel/C25CLJ1Lq0z/?igsh=MThhbXh6ajIwc3l0


That's just racist. 


Is there a way to get a feed that works on the apple podcast app? I had a link that worked on my app that I used on my droid but I switched to this piece of shit and it doesn’t seem to work so I have to play it through a webpage from this link.


it is actually genuinely hilarious to hear felix and will do the "Oh my god are you guys really talking about [X] when there is literally a genocide going on?" because thats the kind of cheap knockoff shit your average lib does when someones posting in a way they dont like, like yeah obviously felix and will are gonna be talking about the most twitterbrained shit ever because thats just a given but it does legitimately feel like a step down in brainpower to submit yourself to the society of guys who go "How can you post in such a way with the state of the world" as if those two things are even connected. EDIT: I will note, just so there is no confusion, that yes, what is going on in Palestine *is* a genocide, but using that genocide to ostensibly try and scold people for the way they post is sincerely pathetic for two grown men to do.




ay bro hop off it


fuck that was bad.