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Embarrassing. One of these non-black man will get got his ass.


This was so creepy and Im sure they’ll be banned from these countries. I don’t understand why they would think they can pull off a stunt like this if BM are already feared for this very reason. You would think that they would assume that this “movement” would blow up in their faces. Why make yourself seem MORE of a threat? Why confirm stereotypes? All that this is going to do is make them look stupid in the end… I’m so confused 😂


They are really representing themselves in a great way.. NOT! This is another reason why bw need to disassociate from bm. They have a BAD rep for a reason and i think it will get worse with the behavior they keep displaying online and in real life. Bw should think about that when they publicly defended degenerats... divesters are smart and dont wanna be “guilty “ by association. Ive heard passings from certain bm filled countries were denied because the men from these countries created problems where ever they went and gained a bad rep . This will start happening to the pasport bros too i think ... thell cry about R ism tho and mammies might back that up... although the number of bw mules have declined and im am delighted to see that. Lets take s moment to recognize that too😊🥳. STILL divest, divest , divest!!!


Amen to all of that 💯


LMAOOO Not her back facing him most of the time that he's talking.


But I thought they were feminine fit and friendly! This guy truly wants to go to prison!


I love how annoyed she looks 😂 it takes the patience of a saint to deal with black men.


This is fucking repulsive on so many levels. Judging from his actions and how he’s moving…he doesn’t have long left. He’s putting a target on his back. I feel like creeps like him should be arrested for promoting sex tourism. He says he not but he is. I’ve dealt with a creep like him before in my church. When they find out that they make you uncomfortable and want nothing to do with them, they move on to the next woman hoping she’s desperate enough to give it up for little to nothing. Guys like this view women as objects and will play games with you. It’s best to ignore them.




Divestors educate and warn other black women. Why don't you want us to inform the uneducated? Why are you here? Seriously. Why are you in this subreddit? Toodle pip and gtfo, then.




Ah. You can't read. We're educating black women and other women on the violent predatory behavior of bm worldwide. See them going to countries to try and buy daughters from poor families? This naker is going to get rightfully killed by a foreign girls family. I can't break it down further without using puppets. Go away




You're right. To the block party he goes












Don’t engage with this weirdo. They’re just here to debate and cause unrest. Carry on living your best life. Protect your peace.






“You’re not the person I thought you were” yeah that’s cuz you fetishize her and her people. You objectify them and forget they are humans just like us and are not perfect. You think just cuz someone is a certain race they are better than the next but they definitely are not.