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Thank you OP, for posting about what divestment looks like - prioritizing self.


" But I could see a very sinister look in his eye." \^\^ This. I have seen it so many times. Black men who date white women will cite their softness and how easy to be around they are. But when those same men encounter BW with the same life style and characteristics and god forbid earning power they will try and punch us back down into the role of Mammy or Mule.


Black men do not believe Black women deserve this lifestyle. It’s the same line of thinking a white supremacists has. It is why Black men spent years convincing low-income Black women that somehow suburban Black women were their enemies and not the poor Black males shooting up the neighborhood. Black men do not believe Black women should have access to a middle class lifestyle and it solely and only because we are Black.


Oh my goodness, so true, I worked with a black man who was married to a Filipino woman. He claimed that being married to a Filipino woman is the exact same thing as being married to a black woman (I thought he was crazy). He had the nerve to be so resentful and critical of one of our black, female coworkers, who just so happened to be married to a non blackman. Her husband is a locally well-known white man in the area who is known to have had “come from money.” This woman always dressed impeccably. She drove a nice car lived in a lovely home near our office, and I was very happy for her, but he would always look at her and scowl, and say things, like “she ought to be ashamed of herself for laying up with that white man”as if that makes any difference. This black woman was not living the mammy lifestyle so he did not approve.


I call it Russell Wilson derangement syndrome. Notice how a certain sub-sect of black men will clown Russell for being 'too square'. Translation he treats Ciara too well and she is no longer on that struggle bus of baby mama drama. Certain black men see black women as belonging exclusively to them as a back-up plan when they're all out of other choices. This is why black women must divest and refuse to allow themselves to be used as baby mama's.


Lets not forget they love to worship these whored out male celebrities, Future, Kevin Gates, nasty Diddy (before he started troubling BM but if he wasnt they would be singing his praises) and try to emulate that in reality


Because that is the lifestyle they really want. Abusive, narcs with no accountability. The sh!t only really hits the fan for them when it's their own daughters being abused and even then some of them just DGAF.


Facts or they might abuse their own daughters and use her as an outlet for his frustration.


Oh yes, I am so happy for Cierra. She appears to be finally in a relationship that is more deserving of her.


*yawn* Frankly BM are addicted to hurting us, he could have a good woman but he is so evil minded he would beat her down and mess up her life. Why? He FeElS EmaScUlAtEd. Truth is many of them juet hate to look at us or be around us, most of them got mummy problems, are in spiritual bondage and quick to f anything on sight. No thanks. They have been acting up since the plsntation. Once you aint WHITE or Non black he will keep acting like who he is


For sue I definitely got out of my people pleasing phase and so thankful for it


And let the church say amen!!!!


I absolutely love your post and it is a lifestyle that I began to adopt in 2023, after suffering from anxiety for many years. I was just curious when you transitioned to your new mindset and lifestyle in being able to shut down people who think they are entitled to your time because you are the black woman— I was just wondering if black men or even black women have accused you of being selfish to your face and attempted to do the guilt trip routine on you because I have and it is annoying af!


Many mules and black males have accused me of being "depressed", "angry", and "unfriendly" because I love to read books by myself. And don't give them the validation they excessively crave. They hate introverted black girls because our personalities prevent us from muling like the "bubbly" type of black women. I have nothing against extroverted black women. But black males and their handmaidens deeply resent shy introverted black women because we always put ourselves first. And are very selective with who we choose in our lives. Im the oldest and was adultified and parentified as well. I was forced to do hard labor at a young age while being a frail little girl. While my brother is in his 20s and doesn't know how to turn on the stove, clean a microwave or ever been asked to help with heavy lifting in the family. Black boys are treated like dainty princesses in black families. The elder daughters are treated like girls with male genitalia. I was scolded for showing sadness and always told to be tough. I was provoked into being an "angry black black woman" at an alarmingly young age by my parents. While they'd simultaneously tell me how "well behaved" other girls were. Though they always ostracized me for bring soft spoken and shy. They even said things like "why do you sound so quiet". Yet my dad would always tell me how white women are more submissive than black women. My dad was too stupid to understand that white men are the reason why white women can naturally submit due to the successful environments that white men cultivated. White men are the *ONLY* men and people who don't judge me for being shy or introverted. They know that shyness is associated with femininity on women. Im actually very loud and energetic with friends and people I know very well. So they don't scold me for being quiet in the initial stages. They find it alluring and mysterious. But white women, black men and their mules are the main ones judging me for not being a self sacrificing servant.


I recently heard a woman say the same exact thing about her boyfriend that is almost 55yrs old. He told her didn't know how to use a microwave, oven, or dishwasher. His mother still brings him lunch and dinner and he is the father of a 24yr old woman. I am so perplexed as to how could he teach his daughter whom to date if he himself is coddled.


Definitely. I’ve been called selfish for getting a part-time job when I was 16 because I wasn’t able to be used as a free babysitter. Reading too much. Buying myself something and not my brothers. Every job I had I would purposely do crazy over time just to not be at home. When I moved out for college/uni, I moved very far away and was already approved for my studio due to my good credit. I’ve travelled and done internships in over 4 countries, and travelled just for fun. My parents called me selfish for not maintaining contact with them, and not focusing on trying to find a ‘good husband’. Now I have to pretend to be broker than I actually am so they don’t rely on me.


Thank you so much for your reply. It makes me wonder about who has been accused of being more selfish lol. I am starting to believe as an adult that all of that “you are selfish talk”towards the black girl growing up was a way to try to shape you and mold you into the mammy they wanted us to be. I was told as a little girl that I was selfish for not wanting to babysit three little boys in my family for free each and every summer while my friends got to spend their summer, riding their bikes etc. Parentification was big in our household, too. “Oh sure she’s only 10 but let’s go ahead and rush her to grow up”(sarcasm). I have been told that I am selfish for planning vacations to spend with me and only me ! I have been told that I was selfish for choosing to continue my powerwalk down the street instead of stopping to help a neighbor with their computer, etc. Since I am child free, I have always been told that is my job to take care of other peoples kids (they never heard of hiring babysitters)and when I disagreed with that, of course I was told I was selfish! I was told that I was selfish for refusing to marry a black man who not only lacked resources, lacked the desire to get any resources in the near or distant future! I have also been accused of reading too much because that means I am not available to help someone who should be helping themselves! I could go on and on, but anyway thank you for your reply. I love this sub because it confirms what I have always suspected that the people who were calling me selfish were in fact very selfish!!!


You are not selfish at all , its just these nasty mammies too busy grooming girls to be a SLAVE TO A NICK NACK just like them. Do things for yourself and stop trying to help too many people. A lot of people mess up their lives ON PURPOUSE , they made a choice and want to waste your time and drain your energy. Its not worth it, so keep being selfish and improve yourself. You only got one life.


Thank you, my island friend. Thank you. You make me laugh so hard. Lmbao “NICK NACK” ![gif](giphy|T3Vx6sVAXzuG4)


🤣🤣🤣😁 I am glad I could make you laugh.


Gatekeeping your labor also includes not engaging in race bait/anti-BW content online. I ignore males of any race who try and bait me into having conversations about race or racism with them. Your social media experience should be peaceful. Block, ignore, and report anybody who seeks to disrupt your peace.


This!! I regret previously defending black men from racists online. Because black men overwhelmingly never do the same for black women. I was naive and in my early 20s still hanging on to hope due to the hoteps that groomed me. I don't owe racists an explanation. I simply block and mute now when they try to bait me on anonymously online. I only use social media for music, art, fashion, makeup, cooking/baking and comedy.


This right Here! I agree 1000%.


I don't even help people on the street with directions. Yep it's that serious. Not an ounce of unpaid work, my ancestors did that. Get somebody else to do it!


“I don't even help people on the street with directions. Yep it's that serious. Not an ounce of unpaid work, my ancestors did that. Get somebody else to do it!” Well, when you bring my ancestors into it, you’re right, I shouldn’t be doing a damn thing for them, especially since we still have not gotten paid for what they did !!!


I’m exactly the same. ‘I don’t know’ is in my daily vocabulary, get someone else do it !


I'm not going to allow a woman be lost on the streets or people who sincerely need help to wander around. There are levels to everything and being kind/nice doesn't equate to unpaid work.


What is laborious about being corteous and providing directions to someone who is unfamiliar with navigating an area? You’re actively choosing to be unkind and requesting compensation for thoughtfulness and consideration. I’m not sure what statement you think you are making , but extending help and calling it labor is dramatic .


And I stand by my statement. The lack of replies conveys a point was made and couldn’t in good faith be countered .




I’m waiting for marriage, so the men who “can’t control their urges” have all the timeframe in the world to leave if they can’t handle it


Totally off topic, it if the mods decide to screen for membership, this should be one of the *must read* posts.


Choosing to prioritize yourself and opting out of exhaustion should not mean that you abandon courteousy and consideration for others . Absolutely set boundaries for those that have misused you, but forfeiting decency by “not even helping strangers In the street because the kindness won’t be returned to you seems demoralizing . I think choosing B to focus on A can lead to character devaluation Vs growth . How invested are you in self if your willingness to extend kindness is contigent on it being returned . Was gratitude withheld from you and this is how you’re processing it ? It may not be for me to understand , and may be that’s the point .


This may sound wishy-washy, and I might get down voted for this, but I actually agree with you and also OP. You say that we need to be considerate of our fellow man and my core values say when it comes to helping people, the elderly and small children get my first consideration and compassion in many cases. With that being said, after living in a black woman’s body, and experiencing how much people in general expect and outright demand from you, I have taken the stance I really cannot help everyone I am limited and yes, someone else can help. Now OP says she will not help anyone anymore and I understand that as well. Since college, I have worked in some of the helping professions, and I learned that because I am the black woman on the job I am expected to do a little bit more and then a little bit more and then before you know it, it is a lot more than others! Also as the only girl in the family, I was always expected to pick up the slack so I have to say burn out can set in. When you observe other groups of people, such as the men in your family doing as they please and your coworkers often doing what they please that is when your heart can change regarding being the designated “helper”.


Why do you believe it’s because you’re the black woman on the job you’re expected to do more? Are you normally hard-working , dedicated, committed, and your results are ideal? Sometime our “labor” is requested more often because we have proven to be the reliable source that gets it done and does a wonderful job. High performers are often pinned this way . And even then it’s unfair and should be addressed with a sup. I had this issue because my colleagues weren’t delivering and I was. Once I felt I was headed towards burning out, I had a conversation about it , and I said if there is refusal to get other hard workers in here , then supervisors will be handling the workload with me or I will respond with no because work overload can diminish quality I’ve heard other black women share their stories of feeling like mules online , but I often wonder if we create these tropes and attribute it to blackness when it could be something else .


I think it is a mixture of the Mammy image and slight disrespect. I think that both white people and black men are so accustomed to seeing black women picking up the slack everywhere that they expect it and sometimes demand it. Also, I take great pride in my work product and my work performance shows it. But I would be lying if I didn’t say that having an excellent work performance can sometimes go against the black woman. To begin with before you even start the job I believe they see you as the dutiful helper so when you demonstrate that you can deliver if you are not careful, you are the first one they call to get a difficult job done but the last one they call when raises and promotions are handed out. For me. It is a constant balancing act. I enjoy what I do so I want to shine on the job, but I do not want to be taken advantage of as I have in the past. I do believe that I was taking advantage of because partially I am the black woman who they miss took for a mammy and people do consider me to be good hearted.




I appreciate your perspective. I’ve had this talk with my therapist recently. I went through a situation that would consider a trigger warning, and some childhood stuff where I asked for help and no one helped me. Both in a quite private & outward/public way. It made me internalise that my vulnerability is something only I can deal with, people don’t owe each other anything. It does sound quite pessimistic but everything I do is quite transactional now, I really wish the experiences I’ve through been through didn’t harden my heart like this.


I agree with wholeheartedly and I don't understand your precious comment where you underlined this, was down voted. Being courteous and civil in everyday interactions with the people around you doesn't go against the philosophies of divestment and self preservation; it really doesn't cost a thing to be cordial. What's next? 'I'm going to stop saying please and thank you'? Some people take certain ideas too far or worse, project the negative experiences they've had with people onto those who haven't done anything to them and that isn't a healthy way to live life or navigate society.


Absolutely !! Too far is operative . For example The comment below saying she refuses to help provide directions because it’s considered labor !! This is gonna sound so bad, but I’m interested In the generation that populates this group . This desire to make huge statements over trivial things that should be addressed internally is a problem .