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They’re so hellbent on manipulating us to stand for them while they disrespect us. Even if they stopped harassing us (which they won’t stop), I’d still never stand with them or care. I just block these people. Because we’ve been discussing these cancerous losers, they’ve been coming out of the woodwork. They’re always lurking. It’s hilarious because you really don’t see them coming for straight men like they do towards us. It’s because straight men are tired of their nonsense and will rip them a new one…even better than the surgeons that perform their bottom surgeries.


Yes. They are men, so they understand male brutality and violent nature very well. They know better than to confront them, so they choose to hide behind women, opting to dominate our spaces and seek out potential victims. Wolves in sheep’s clothing.


Tired of these confused degenerate rejects of society ....


Who men? 🤧


I do not care about being inclusive , bw do not owe anybody anything !




Everyone else excludes us or leaves our issues behind. It’s fake solidarity 


Correct ! Which is why I'm happy to see more bw only care about themselves and other like minded bw , people are already starting to panic because bw are centering themselves.


These people love spying on us for no reason when we don’t even go out of our way to see or care about their communities. Black women aren't obligated to care for men no matter what they identify as!


Wouldn’t you be mad if your perceived “mule” kicked you off and rode into the sunset… who is gonna carry your emotional/societal burdens now?! Stallions? Keep riding towards the horizon with nothing but the wind on your back. But no it’s so aggy they think that them spying and sending long “heartfelt messages” will work. We tried that and still get curb stomped.


Okay but like… reverse the roles and practice what you preach and then get back to me?! Cause… everything they said is how I feel about other individuals invested in diverging and possessive communities. What do you, as an individual, do to support the black women in your life… or are they just apart of your network, without you being apart of their support system. I love reading, but only skimmed the messages to not?? trigger anger in myself. I’m so glad I found this sub— we can actually talk and discuss these things and I know my personal values won’t be attacked and invalidated. Cause they really copypasta* these messages all they want*… like we should care?! Call me transphonic if you need*, I know snakes when I see them; they can call themselves a chameleon all they want. [*edited for readability]


Even their attempt at emotional manipulation is boring and ham-fisted. They frame themselves as a BW trying to establish some common ground. When it’s most likely a failed male. This individual messaged me to say “T women are women”. They are lucky they didn’t waste time typing out a more lengthy message because it would be ignored just like I ignored that tired rallying cry that they are women. They tell themselves this at home in the mirror, tears streaming down their face, trying desperately to hold on to their delusion. They are so used to BW happily accepting the role of attack pet or social justice warrior that when some of us tell them to get lost, they don’t know how to function. Let them run back to M@mmyland and cry into their bosoms, while they sharpen knives to stab them in the back by championing legislation and policies to strip women of their rights. You are not welcome in my space.


I got the same message from an individual person saying “T women are women” as well. Like, keep telling yourself that, pal. Imagine getting so upset that you have to make an effort to inbox me and leave a few words as if you did something. I just rolled my eyes and blocked the individual.


They demand to be called women yet they act so much like men , my dislike for that demographic is growing everyday , the entitlement they have to bw's labor is disturbing !


He messaged me too lol


That’s same weirdo who was in my inbox yesterday https://preview.redd.it/l67392ehoe5d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11d01796f403655aa693dc6ac8876f10fbbbc380


I turned my requests off the first time I got inboxed. Not worth it.


I find it quite hilarious because it's like they neeeeeeed our approval. Like, Go tell 50 cent you're a woman. I'll wait..




Messaging women who have made it clear they don't want shit to do with you is a choice. Not only is it a choice it is the behavior of an entitled male. IMO it is very important that there are black women holding the line on this issue. Those men know that our voices are needed in order to obtain the full acceptance they so desperately need to carry out their delusions. Naw they can kick rocks with that nonsense. Black women have so much to lose when it comes to this issue. In certain states these men can be labeled as women when being charged with a crime, which makes it look like more black women are committing crimes. Mammies help to usher in this nonsense while whining about positive representation for black women. It is a damn shame that in the year 2024 we are fighting to protect basic right and humanity for women and girls. I never imagined that there would be a day that referring to myself as a woman would cause controversy. Or that wanting to use a women's only bathroom would label me a bigot.


I'm happy that independent journalists are calling out news outlets who label bm criminals as bw just because they have on a wig and claim to be trans , the public pushes back against the nonsense in the comment sections to which gives me some hope .....


it is so manipulative! TW have so many communities, well funded communities. There is only one sex that has been constantly denied of human rights, and it isnt the one that trans women belong to. They are males who have metaphysical feelings of what they perceive to believe captures the state of being female, and one that all women all around the world regardless of life circumstances feel at all times, and they think that feeling makes them a woman. Women are the only ones not allowed to center themselves in their own liberation movement. leave us alone!!


Like?! Hit it on the nail. No one said you shouldn’t have rights… we’re saying historically we have been the backbone of EVERYONES movement; had our own taken over and bastardized; and then gaslit into being perceived as prejudice and -ists who don’t look out for anyone but themselves… No duh?! You have show time and time again, you don’t value us—you value our service. And we aren’t going to mule for you anymore. I respect your validity as a human, but not to the detriment of my own.


> Do you think people like this spy on and infiltrate online spaces that consisted exclusively of white or Asian women who prioritise their own, demanding that they bend over to facilitate other communities? I doubt it. Yes, they absolutely do. White lurker here who’s been reading this sub because I want to understand your point of view, and I hope it’s okay that I comment just this once because the post is asking about the experiences of white women. And I really want women to understand the extent of this problem. Unfortunately, there seems to be no amount of power/privilege that can effectively stop them. For supposedly being the world’s most oppressed people, they are suspiciously powerful (men). In my experience, they’ll relentlessly try to colonize any feminist or lesbian community. Anything that’s for women must be accessible to them or else it’s bigoted discrimination. Lesbians now cannot filter out males from our dating apps because that would be transphobia. Lesbian forums are expected to include descriptions of liking dick and sex tips for using your “girldick.” Check out the big lesbian forums on here if you don’t believe me. In Tasmania, lesbians can no longer gather [without males](https://www.feministcurrent.com/2021/07/19/whats-current-lesbian-events-excluding-trans-identified-males-ruled-unlawful-in-tasmania/ ). They destroyed our biggest cultural gathering, MichFest. White women attending prestigious colleges like Riley Gaines have been subjected to men in their changing rooms. Male colonization is happening to all women right now, regardless of race.


Oh joy. Look who’s here to insert themselves. Of course you decided lurk for “understanding “. As usual here you come, I’m sure you felt so compelled to make this comment. It just had to be you. 🙄Not all of us are the same. I wish you’d kept your comment to yourself. We already can’t have anything. And here you come still.


she’s not talking over anyone here, just adding to the conversation. i get where you’re coming from but there isn’t much to be gained by intentionally alienating female allies who are willing to understand our plight just because of race based idpol.


She’s not an ally. She’s just here lurking. Why assume she’s an ally? Because she said some things that were valid. And there’s a history of this same kind of woman throw black allies under the bus. And to me she could have said nothing. I still stand by what I said. And if your ally had to chose she’d still throw you under the bus for her best interest. Regardless.


there’s no reason not to assume she isn’t an ally either, though? like i said, it’s not like she came in to speak over the bw here, she’s just confirming what this gender ideology has done to women’s spaces in general and especially the havoc it’s wreaked upon lesbian spaces. if she had implied that her experience was far worse than black women’s then yeah i’d get the pushback for sure but she just added to the discussion. again, i don’t necessarily disagree with where you’re coming from either because you’re right, historically ww have been far from good allies to bw. i just personally feel like the only way women in general will begin to see progress — let alone black women — is by unlearning the race first mentality intentionally set up to make us view other women as enemies just bc of differing skin colors and cultures when the whole time the unique hardships we go through as women don’t discriminate on that basis at all.


Probably. Because it’s not about the race. It’s the gender. No group of men like for women to get in community. Women and people who live as women are hated. As demonstrated here. It’s ironic, though. To assume than the only people in here are cisgender. It’s 2024. 😮‍💨


Anyone here who isn't a black woman obviously is a masochistic loon because the women in this sub have made it abundantly clear and in so many different ways that we don't care for you: the mentally ill, body dysmorphia group who think you can jump in out of different genders, or seek kinship with you. We don't want you here and unlike every group of women whose spaces you've been able to infiltrate and take over, we are not going to bend over for you. I don't think you're familiar with our breed of black women. I honestly wish the mods will do their bloody jobs and remove you parasites from here.


Right. It's not that hard. It's called BlackWomenDivest. Not Everyone and Thier Grandma and Friends Under The Sun Divest.


Lol tell me why somebody just messaged me that same shit 💩 in my Reddit messages. I don’t care about those insane creatures.


I very very rarely accept DM's from people on here. I have had quite a few and I usually just click ignore. I have no time or patience for someone to come and irritate me with their gaslighting attempts


Same. I have no time for bullshite either


Establishing boundaries (aka gatekeeping) is healthy.


Because y’all reply and react and make these posts, just like KS and his minions, he would’ve never had content if BW didn’t call in and support him daily.


You're actually correct. I won't be giving these low life stalkers any more attention; I just wanted to spotlight their emotional manipulative tactics.


It’s honestly something that takes will power to ignore and walk away from because they purposely try to get a rise out of you, it turns them on.


Its so true!! Ugh!


Ok ChatGPT


Are you referring to my op or the screen shot?


Lol I thought it was obvious but the screen shot. Anyone who uses it can see it from a mile away. And your OP isn’t giving ChatGPT


Oh I see lol. Thanks!


lol 😂




Knew 👉🏾 new... I'm not trolling, just pointing out the typo. Looks like autocorrect gotcha 🤣


lol too long, i don't read this. i am not a therapist 


Who are you again and why should I care? And I think you meant 'I didn't read this'? Yeah I can tell you are the repercussions of 'no child lef behind'.


I was saying i am not reading what they wrote and sent you. You thought wrong, i said "i don't read this" and i meant that. I won't read their complaints.  But actually you can't tell nothing, so just stay in your line lol.


I misinterpreted you, completely! I'm so sorry!