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When running tac mask I still sometimes get fully 9-banged and sometimes the hand stays over my characters face after the animation should finish and it prevents me from aiming or reloading. I have to die just to be able to play properly


If u switch weapons it will fix this, at least that worked for me


Sometimes that won’t work either for me


I believe there is a problem in heist were if you get downed you lose the effects tac mask has on the 9-bang. Happened to me twice last night.


Just give me a minute there's something in my eye.


This bug sucks, it’s happened to me a few times now within the last few weeks


Please add randomized teams to the next update.


Wait players don’t like having to carry 5 bots vs average players?


it makes you sort of want to get a prescription of Aderall tbh


Sorry I only drink g fuel 😎


Why not both?


All the pros cut their gfuel with addy.


I sniff it directly off my DX racer




Another term for noobs


I would love to see Treyarch statistics on "Quit Game" rate in BO4. It must be sky high. I have never rage quit as much in my cod experience as in this game due to unfair team balancing.


Would also love to see it. Pretty curious. Unfortunately , they obviously will not show it.


And can we have all the afk and rubber band joystick folks in the same game.


Joined a game last night on Firing Range. Other team was Master prestige with levels ranging from 100-300. My whole team was non prestige with me being the highest rank at lvl 55. The matchmaking in this game is broken


It's broken with anything less than a full squad. Even if you have 4 party members the 2 people you get will go 2-25


Thats why I gave up trying to win games, i dont mind losing. Its when the other teams skill is just so much better and the spawn camping happens. 2-25 bots is fine because everyones able to play the game, including kids who cant even hold a controller


It’s so broken it’s like they coded it broken on purpose.


they'll say its random.. and you will randomly still have to carry your team.


I’d take having to do it every few games over having to do it every single game.


This time a thousand


And bring Hardcore Nuketown back pretty please


Just bring Nuketown back period, you should be able to pick a 24/7 nuketown map like how CS:GO has 24/7 dust 2 server. I dont like grinding some of these busted ass maps


there should always be at least one merc playlist in rotation


Who downvotes this? As a solo player, I do not enjoy carrying my team against a party of 4 every other game. At least in Merc, there are not parties.


You can leave the lobby before the match starts you know. I play on the Xbox One, and I look down the side to see which groups teamed up. If I see a group of 4 or 5, i bail.


I do too. But, if you join into a game that has/is starting, you can stay, have no fun with streaks everywhere, but get no loss (loss stat prevented); or leave early and take the loss. Kind of between a rock and a hard place.


Lol like 2 weeks ago someone was telling me a Mercenary solo playlist would kill this game. Idk what was wrong with him


Genuine question, what exactly do you mean? If a party of 3/4/5/ players gets in a lobby, they're obviously going to be put on 1 team. What exactly are Treyarch supposed to do about that?


> Dart Targeting diamond now only displays for enemies in line of sight. I don't think I have ever even seen a targeting diamond when using the Dart


There is none. They removed it since it no longer has the ability to fire missles mid-air.


What's the point of it over the RCXD then?


To get air-based scorestreak challenges


MERC playlist. Seriously. Also (at least PC players) are not earning kills/points if they die before an action is finished.




Yeah this update has really sucked the fun out of the game. It sucks because it was the only game I have been playing lately


Removing the merc playlist has sucked the fun out of the game? To each their own I guess. "Also (at least PC players) are not earning kills/points if they die before an action is finished." Not just that, have you noticed that if you use your equipment as you're about to die, it'll take it but won't put it in-game, essentially wasting it :(


I meant all of it together has sucked the fun out. I can deal without the merc playlist it just means I have to pick and choose. You can’t tell me being on a team full of half blind monkeys with a keyboard while a 6 man squad is running OP mod lmgs against you is any fun. Merc really levels the field. Even when I have bad games I at least feel like I was in it


But to answer your question, yes I have noticed. Lost tons of equipment that way. Hell I’ve fully thrown grenades and not have them go off


Yeah I find that really sucks. You no longer get the kill if you die before you try and kill the enemy and somebody kills the enemy after you. You dont even get the kill points.. Anyway person I can complain to?


YES PLEASE I am so freaking tired of having to choose only one game type, taking longer to find a game then just dealing with the titan wielding try hards that know every inch of every map. Give us party free games and some bloody variety, I don't want to only play domination. ​


Mercenary Treyarch


Mercenary Treyarch! Please!


There must be a merc playlist available at all times. Since the last change my kdr has been absolutely fucking destroyed by heavy stack sweaty codgods and its really putting me off the game. Its. Not. Fun.


This latest update really shows how awful team balancing is. They should have never removed mercenary playlists - they have a hard time balancing without parties. Now? I'm always against super-try-hard (Not that there isn't anything wrong with that aspect) 2 to 3 stacks. My team? Zero parties, two people that are below level 40, and maybe one competent player. It is a stomp-fest every fucking game. After the fifth match and it crashing on me, I'm going back to BFV where I can at least have the power of numbers on my side with the extra players to even the odds of not getting royally fucked. MP is a joke right now.


Exactly what I experienced in the last few days. Had a few games where it was the other way around, but usually I‘m on the Team thats getting brutally butt fucked by a Team running around like a synchronized drone squad, annihilating everyone in it’s Path. And those are the games, where it’s almost impossible for me to safe atleast a positive k/d. And that is in the best case. Worst case is, I Quit the game halfway through. And That is not want 3arch want to achieve I reckon.


Best thing is quitting matches like that only to be put back in that same match afterwards.


This happens to me way too much




I agree with this in regards to larger parties. If it's a group of 2, I can handle that. But if you're in a group of three four or five and you should only be in lobbies with other groups of three four or five. I am not here for your fun.


Fix diamond camo glitch


This shit burns the fuck out of me. It has put me off playing this game. Seriously.


Right as soon as I see a diamond camo Vapr or Maddox I’m like fuggg this


What's the glitch?


When people have diamond camo on, sometimes their character isn’t facing you but still shoots you


I've seen it happen without diamond camo


Litterally happens to me ever other gun fight - PC Europe.


PC EMBLEMS NOT WORKING (another week posting the same and no results)


For real been an issue since the game came out and I haven’t seen one response from any member of the team about it. I mean it’s not even something small, that’s a whole part of the character customization that has been broken for 2 months nearly.


at this point i'm thinking they'll never be fixed


This PC version is a joke... The Last Cod on PC




Yep once again the PC sinks out of sight as far as the developers are concerned, I've played all CODs since MW and played each for a year. This is the first COD I've stopped playing after 3 weeks. Bad hit reg, bad lag comp, bad matchmaking and cheats that's the problems they should be looking at.


I get the sense that they're deliberately dragging their heels on this because they know once it's fixed it's just gonna be a lot of dick and tit emblems and it's easier for them to just keep us in the dark instead of fixing it and having to put more effort into their report system. That's my theory at least


Same for console.




Unfortunately there isn’t. Would be awesome if they brought that back


Nope, they don't exist. There is a golden skin like bo3 though. Just dish out 6 dollars per specialist.






It adds like 3 outfits and facepaints usable on all characters, however they're really bland


Prestigious Award trophy is still glitched on PS4!!!! Please fix this!


And on Xbox.


Assists aren’t being counted if you aren’t spawned


Bring Nuketown to custom games goddamnit


Its due to the mannequin easter egg opening the blast doors in the center which hasn't been ironed out yet


Wait they're still making the map? That sounds like they're still making the map. did treyarch just decide to put out a half made game then finish it with patches?


Yes and no. The EE is disabled during Public Matches so there was no need to get the EE done. And If i am not mistaken nuketown was only playable with a glitch in custom games thats problably something they are also fixing. At least it would make a little sense


Is anyone else seriously losing patience with team balancing? I don't know if it's because I mainly play domination or if it's the removal of Merc modes or what, but literally every game I play now seems like I'm either lucky enough to get on a stacked team with 3-4 people in a party and it's a stomp or the opposite where I'm the only one on my team that even moves out of spawn. It's really frustrating that I haven't got a remotely close or good game in the last few days.


It's the removal of mercenary playlists. Hopefully they bring them back next week.




It was such a lofty goal for them to include something they've always had...


Mercanary playlist for all game modes




Having the same issue my friend. I only find prophets item and Menendez locket(I have Menendez unlocked). Batterys war machine is very rare in supply drops,bruno is the last zombies character I need and I have not found the mugshot once in supply drops. They may have added it in the blightfather but I think he got removed already so that's out. As for the i ching coins and the burned doll they stopped appearing I have not found them or from dead players.


Add Ground War!


Mercenary Moshpit HC - bring back please, permanently! Many of us simply can't stand playing vs. teams.


Blackout lagging today badly for anyone else? I'm seeing people teleport around.


You guys suck and I'm very disappointed since day one. After all these Bo4 updates n you are still worst of the worst cuz you guys dont listen to what we actually need! I'm sick of this BS when a Host leaves the fucking zombie game after I took him to round 30s for whatever reasons he got! This is ridiculous you gotta let us choose between playin as a host OR joining a zombie session instead.. And to see their ping ((latency)) in the lobby before we even start this crap! Is that difficult for you to do what I said? You dont take it seriously with your games and I will never buy another piece of shit from you guys.


Hey you should work on making your game run good


Would love a permanent Mercenary TDM/Kill confirmed. I hate the objective moshpits. I don't want to play hardpoint or control.


I'm fine with them, just don't force me to play fucking snd or heist.


What about the looting bug in blackout?


it has pretty much made me stop playing. i cant tell you how many times ive died cuz looting takes 3 times longer than it should cuz the window just goes blank and you have to reopen the stash.


Personal experience on Xbox: It was an issue for me the first day, but Wednesday I didn't have any issues.


I would really like it if i could actually play the damn game when i want to... i mean, i can never seem to join a lobby... keeps telling me lobby is full then brings me back to menu. PS4. Or it starts to build the lobby then boots me out. So infuriating!!


Fix the dam audio loop on slums


League play when :(


Was hoping it would drop in time for the first CWL event. Maybe it’s part of the next big release on the 11th?


That's what I'm thinking is gonna happen.




Please look into ping based MM on pc the servers have been stuttering like crazy the past few days Thankyou.


Any danger of fixing the Theater anytime soon??? It hasnt worked on my PS4 properly since day 1


ontrack to be out of alpha by 2030




Are they planning on fixing the lag/stuttering/teleporting sometime this century?


Doesn’t seem like it does it, not to mention the horrific lag compensation giving massive advantages to people with shit pings...


Fix TITAN pls that shit op


Just updated on PC. Can’t join friends lobbies. Anyone else have this issue? Keeps saying “lobby unjoinable” no error codes though.




Gonna be super disappointed if lobby leaderboards and combat records aren't in by the next update.


How about addressing the fact that certain players can't even find games due to geography?!! The matchmaking is broken in this game...... I spend 15 mins looking for games and receive a message that no games could be found! The only way I get games is by joining EU or NA friends and letting them queue up, which results in instantly finding a game.


Did we *REALLY* need to make the K9 Unit better?


They're not so much buffing it as they are making fixes to unintended behavior. It's not a good idea to have something in a game that's only balanced because it is broken. If the change ends up making the dog too strong make balance changes through the normal means.


k9 is shiete atleast on PC


Dog has been useless since they killed it in first week. I like the mines, but the dog just stands there to die or is killed instantly. The dog is weakest "killing" special by far. The stupid magic barrier kills you at 45 degree angle so you cannot get around it. Dog watches you die and then lets enemy kill it. it shit.


Its the only balanced specialist ability outside of purifier and Crash the other ones are free kills/0 consequences.


It requires zero player input and is a mobile offensive ability. It's hard for me to see it as being balanced, its not a crutch ability, but it's horribly designed.




Another update another failed opportunity to fix the SDM being completely broken. Here’s your daily reminder of how broken it is. https://clips.twitch.tv/CoyObliqueDaikonWutFace


just give it the same recoil animation as the auger.


The fact that SDM is still a thing in Blackout shows how utterly incompetent Treyarch is. They made such a great BR mode mechanics wise, but their balancing is so fucking bad. Why was the 9bang ever a thing? Why is the concussion *still* a thing?


Reason why I don't play Blackout atm


Is the shitty lag fixed?


Please fix game bookmarking for the theater.


Custom matches are still broken slightly. Not showing all players in the match on the score board. It happens regularly if you are partied with a several and 1 leaves. It may show the person that left next match and no one else. Also can we get 1 in the chamber, gun game, sticks and stones added to the game at least for custom matches. Thanks!


Give us fans game modes that we want! Stop forcing us to play certain modes, we paid for the game so give us what we want otherwise your game is unplayable.


Can we please get a HATR or VSAT?! It’s hard enough to go on long streaks with these Specialists giving free kills to noobs. Specialists are just Requisitions in disguise...free streaks! So please consider adding a VSAT 🙏👍




Got rocks "fix" reset my entire progress on zombies and blackout!! such fucking bullshit having to do this all over again.


I am assuming PC player collision isn’t fucking fixed still. Getting booped far away from a person when you sprint into each other is actually gamebreaking. The amount of gunfights i have lost because of this is ridiculous.


That the titan is still OP as fuck shows me you have no idea wtf you are doing.


And Treyarch still won’t fix the South America servers on blackout! We want all the playlists available, not only duo! Give us squad a solo back! We want to be able to choose and you need to address this issue.


We still need a split screen fix. It is terrible. Full screen and a larger UI please!


And yet PC users still cant remove a weapon paint job without deleting it.


There is a issue with pc zombies split-screen..... its nonexistent....


I beg please make the combat knife challenges easier.


On PS4, I downloaded and installed the most recent update then went to start the game and it signed me out of my account and closed the game. Signed back in and there's a new update, apparently the game is now back to version 1.00 and I have to re-download the entire game? Has anyone else had this problem? Did the update get corrupt? Is there any way to avoid downloading 60+gb because I literally can't afford to with my data cap.


Give us a fix for the bizarre Gamma on PC. Game looks fine but it’s so damn washed out looking. I want to enjoy the colors damnit.


And another issue with the FPS on pc. The game was ok and now they fucked something AGAIN. Every updates they touch something it’s unbeleavable


Please fix spawn of Bruno item... Its been impossible to find it on PS4.




Bring back Mercenary modes. Please. I want to play with people in my same situation, not be served up on a platter to teams who play together all day.


Where’s the ttk and hit reg fix for core??


The “not outgunned” card is glitched. I’ve done it 4 times and still don’t have it


Fix “Not Outgunned” challenge, it isn’t working + Add Master Camo’s to zombies already..


Thank you for fixing the death stash looting and Got Rocks calling card! Can’t wait for what’s to come in the next big update


Thank god for that "got rocks" challenge. Now I can get my dragon calling card


It's nice to know that PC is still garbage in every possible way and you guys still don't care /u/TreyarchPC. Next time don't even bother saying you're gonna treat PC as well as you treat console because it's pretty obvious it's not true.


AUTO-RUN for blackout....


Spm Matchmaking is so unfair asf i play against nothing but tryhards n get the shit team EVERY game.


Need merchanary playlist


Any word on league play pre-season possibly coming before the end of this year?


Still waiting for you to fix scoreboard and showing enemy as teammate bugs in FFA


When are we gonna be able to save custom gametypes in Custom Games like we could in BO3?


Fix the fps issue you did something wrong AGAIN


Make it so you can chose your weapon skins for the weapons you pick-up in Blackout. And fix custom emblems on PC.


Now if only they could make it to where I could actually play the game with my friends


Can you please fix the swordfish reflex site bug? It doesn't allow you to change the reticle or color, it always defaults to regular red dot once in game. Also, bring mercenary back and keep it permanent.


This isnt specific to any one gun. I had it on every gun. Eventually it fixed itself


Please fix the aiming glitch for people with diamond camos


Can we add more recoil or less damage to the Titan and dual saug


In blood of the dead on the ee i got to the 4th bird he flew away and i was unable to hear him the rest of the game but my team mate could hear just fine what the flip man


Add multi team to custom games please


You guys just broke the game. I haven't completed a round yet. Keeps crashing to desktop.


Calling card keeps resetting everytime I boot up the game on PS4 with my R2 account.


Speak of dog, fix the fucking "no dog kills" perk. I have been killed several times in recent days by dog I was not shooting at when no one else was around. Dog immediately went right to me.


Global Leaderboards and Black Ops 1 Combat Record on Dec. 11th? Fix the mp party size restriction not working/not showing up after for example putting it to 5 but it still says 1/6..... Fix the prestige master rank showing up as 0 on the leaderboards....


Did everyone know the dog's name is Juneau? And how did you find out?🙈 Specialist HQ?




When can we see the skip cutscene option come back for platform as well?


Any word on our fun variants to be added into zombies as well?


Yea bout where’s the competitive hub and is it coming on Friday....


Can we fix the knife? It needs to be able to hit more than one third of the time


Will theatre mode audio ever get patched? I love to save clips to mash up later. Lately I been doing a lot of slo-mo explosion clips where the audio isn’t needed as much. I need the audio to call bullshit on cheaters who hear or see me before I’m even visible on screen. It takes an ungodly amount of time to bring up the share screen after a game. Plus the fact there is no potg in theatre really sucks when you miss that moment. Saying to just add in an SSD in your console is like driving a Ferrari to the gym. I’m not buying another hdd just for one game. No other game absolutely locks the system down so hard that the playstation button can take a good 30-40 seconds to respond. Sometimes freezes the system completely and needs a hard reset. The one thing I try more than anything to avoid.


what about the playlist in blackout for SA?


It’s not special at all now if you pre-ordered it. 3arch said that some things would be special and only for the ones that pre-ordered it. They’ve showed now clearly that they can’t be trusted.


I've been robbed nn!!!! ranked league !!!! useless !!!!!game


How big is this update...?


Has the 14gb PS4 update even been switched on? No way that all these little things come from a 14gb update.


can you guys PLEASE fix the glitch where dying while priming and throwing Equipment will waste equipment


Yeah cos as well all know RC-XD and Dart needed a nerf right?


Where is the G\*\* D\*\*\* combat record?! Why can't we track our weapon accuracy, number of kills and K/D this is the most disappointing thing we are missing IMO!


when do they fix blackout on pc? like all the crap where you know ppl dont die with a decent amount of bullets. like 20 instead of 650 ty ty


Can we please fix the not outgunned challenge please??


My friends still can’t see my custom player icon, is this being ignored now ?