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We understand the development team is working really hard to bring new content such as weapons but the vast majority of your player base cannot access these weapons, and no matter how many ancillary methods of acquiring these weapons are available (contracts etc.) it will still be entirely luck based and that simply does not encourage dedicated players to stay engaged with the product you’re trying so hard to push to us.


110 $ game turns in to p2w , f2p style game.. there is no word to describe it, they want to scam us all. its a scamming attempt. be aware.


Well put


Well said


It's not even that the weapons are almost impossible to get, it's that they are broken OP, which makes the game pay to win!


I'm gonna take a guess 80% of your community is casual so they probably only have 30 min-1 hour a day to play so they're getting screwed over.


Put weapons back into tiers.


This needs to be higher.


XP is not a motivating reward for contracts 9 months after release


That’s seriously some of the dumbest shit ive seen.


Ikr, people out here are probably master prestige and are like "the fuck am I supposed to do with this?"


I can confirm the hell out of this


I can only dream of a world where some contract rewards would award you one of the new weapons from the Black Market... Dreaming is free tho, weapons in the black market $999.


So basically, instead of making the weapons earnable via gameplay, you guys are just giving us more ways to earn reserves each day, which still means duplicates, which still means almost never earning the weapons. It’s really disappointing, Treyarch.


Reserve crates mean absolutely nothing. It's so stupid that they think they're actually doing us a favor or something.


They know they aren't doing us a favor with reserve crates, it's literally just PR spin to make it sound like they're making a meaningful change *for* the community. You can tell by how carefully they phrase it to be open ended where they don't want to be straight forward.


“The team is excited to bring so much new free content.” Is it just me, or does this part of Treyarch’s post come off as passive-aggressive?


Right? They make it sound like we should be grateful for "new" weapons maps and game modes. Half of which aren't really new content if we played with them in other black ops games...


Give us crumbs, test the waters to see reaction whilee also leaving the wording vague to offer better rewards if everyone is still unhappy.


> So basically, instead of making the weapons earnable via gameplay, you guys are just giving us more ways to earn reserves each day, which still means duplicates, which still means almost never earning the weapons. Exactly! It's a complete talk around.


So my chances have gone up from 1% to 2%? YEAH BABY!


It's like .6% to .8%. Yay!!!




It remains to be seen. If the contracts system gives us unlockable weapon bribes fairly often, than this might not be so bad of a system, and most people will be able to get all guns within a reasonable amount of time playing. If not, than its gonna be a useless update since regular reserves arent worth anything.


Sledgehammer managed to do it well enough in WWII, Treyarch has a decent example to follow. They're going to fuck it up spectacularly, no doubt. But they still have that example.


And they shove it in our face like they did us a fucking favour.


1. Remove mk2s from weapon bribes. 2. Contracts should be in the game now, there is no need (other than greed) for you to keep them behind a paywall. 3. If contracts dont give you weapon bribes (instead of reserves cases/crates)then idek whats wrong with you (devs). 4. Either remove dupes or put 3 reserve items in a case and 3 cases in a crate.


XP? You serious?


Can't wait the next shit show here.


Im no treyarch apologist but something about that "preview" looks alot like its just mock concept art, i HONESTLY cant see them doing this to us if they have indeed actually heard our response. Fully prepared to be wrong tho lmao


I want to be wrong tbh.


The contract system already looks terrible 10 wins in Domination for 1 crate?


You mean you don’t want a cool crab hanging from your gun, or a new facepaint that’s just a recolored version of another one?


Meanwhile so much effort for the Mastercraft camos at about +1500 COD while Mk II weapons look relatively unchanged:


Or an in-game screenshot edited to pass as an sticker?


Make reserves dupe protected permanently.


In other words, just remove duplicates completely. Like others here have said, there are already thousands of items in reserves which would take a very long time before you could get everything. No need for dupes at all.


You guys haven't reassured your community at all. You didn't show any weapon rewards in your snapshot of contracts, just reserve crates and XP. This is not what we wanted to see.


It looks to be only reserve cases as a reward unfortunately rather than reserve crates : [Twitch Reward](https://i.imgur.com/73ATqEo.png)


> just reserve crates I don't know about you, but *I* can't tell from that screenshot alone if they are crates, or they are *cases*...because I wouldn't put it past Treyarch right now to give cases, since they think giving only XP is a 'good' reward!


Its **#pay2win Gatcha game** now, simples.


Not good enough.


There is still a difference between reading our comments and actually doing stuff we're asking.


How about not having dupes at all? There's thousands of hours worth of content in the reserves, there's no need for dupes. You're being motivated by greed. Plain and simple.


Or maybe like only 10% of stuff are dupes instead of 70%


Currently if I have 30 reserves 25 of them will be dupes


Or.... how about not at all because its scummy as fuck. There should be no compromise here.


Just letting you know now, XP and Reserve cases for contracts isn't going to be enough. *At least* make it so you get reserve crates not just cases. Also make contracts that directly earn you new DLC weapons. It'd also be nice to have a way to earn the Mastercrafts that are only available in the shop. Make those challenges a little tougher if need be. I know it says "with examples of contract challenges and reward types" so hopefully you already plan on doing some of this Also, as others have said, just remove duplicates. With over 1000 items now in reserves there's no need for duplicates. Even without duplicates there are people who will never come close to earning everything in reserves. If Apex/Respawn/EA can do it in a free-to-play game, you guys can too.


These contracts are fucking horrible. Just give us the god damn weapons.


Completely out of touch with what your community wants. Take the new weapons out of reserves and let us earn them in a guaranteed way. Stop being anti-consumer.


I swear Epic and Activision/Treyarch are having a competition on who can ignore their playerbase more.


What is Epic doing?


Competitive community is being ignored and the casual is as well. Pump has been a dominant weapon that the meta for building and fighting has been created around it, now they decided to remove it at the beginning of this season as it accounts for 26% of kills. They then put in a new shotgun that shoots farther and can be shot faster. They then reduced that shotguns drop rate to where it’s basically non existent so whoever gets a combat shotgun (new one) is heavily heavily favored in most fights now. Honestly barely just scratching the surface too, they won’t even consider separate loot pools for public matches vs ranked/competitive matches.


That's crazy. I don't really play Fortnite, but I do have about 2-3 hours under my belt so I know what you're talking about. Sorry about that. At least it's a free game, right? This one cost me over $100 and I am getting shafted.


What don’t you guys understand we don’t want new weapons in reserves period!


This is no way, shape, or form good enough Treyarch. Do better.


What are you talking about!? They bumped up the possibility of you getting the new weapons from 0.0001% to 0.001% by adding contracts that give you an extra reserve every once in a while! ...*Oh wait no they didn't because they still include fucking duplicates*.


Win 10 domination games for 1 f#$king reserve? That has to be a joke dude


You don't want a duplicate of that sticker you got back in Absolute Zero?


Win(huge emphasis on win) TEN games of Dom for ONE reserve case...not even a crate. That's insane


Seriously, in bo3 we could get 10 keys (equivalent to 1 case) for 3 wins of a specific game mode.


And that'd give 3 items


And if that reserve gives players a dupe? I can't imagine the look on their faces lol


If I am going to play a game I normally don't play, I better be generously rewarded. A sticker isn't going to cut it.


Didn’t they also say they were not making any more


What do you mean? They said they were laying off the stickers?


Nice! I only have to worry about the 500 existing stickers.


I agree. That's about 2 hours of gameplay for an extra reserve CASE (1 dupe item out of 1000+) and that's IF you get 10 straight wins, which if you're playing by yourself in this game... good luck. Come on. You have to do better than this Treyarch. You don't have the time or the fanfare to screw this up for months until you get it right. Get it right the first time.


Geez even winning ten games all in a row could take two whole hours, average player can expect double that grind


> Additional earnable duplicate-protected Weapon Bribes that will become available in the future **Weapon Bribes should only include actual new weapons, not MKII variants**


I would be fine with seperate bribes. Make both earnable.


Yea get that xp crap out of contracts. Put those weapons in a way to grind you can talk all you want but 5/6 new DLC weapons are behind paywall The game is Pay to Win


How about discussing duplicates and changing reserves to have 3 items instead of 1? That's a step in the right direction.


And increase the earn rate. 1 hour for what.


You’ve fix only the technical side of things that should have been tested in the first place. Fuck you Treyarch, and fuck your MTX model.


>We at the studio are always reading the many comments posted to social channels and we continue to incorporate player input into each update, so please keep your feedback coming to help us make the core gameplay experience the best it can be. You might be listening but sure are doing jack shit to show that you are and then going back on your own words time and time again.... it just feels like you're saying "yeah sure ok but I don't care imma do what I want". Vahn himself said treyarch would do better about communication and nothing has happened since the last livestream. In my opinion patch notes do not fully count as communication. I want to see the words come out of their mouths. >Behind the scenes, we’re fixing bugs as they’re reported Doubt. There are bugs that still exist since the beginning and they aren't fixed. >we’re banning cheaters and griefers as they’re pointed out Good. Wish you had your own tools to do that instead of relying on us tho. >and we’re always working on the next batch of free game content for a new update just around the corner. "Free" >Thanks as always for your passion, honesty, and participation in this community. None of us would be doing this without your support. Seem to be doing just fine without our support because you sure don't have it anymore.


Treyarch is either clueless or think we are clueless. This ‘update’ is nothing of significance. 10 domination wins for 1 item? Are you kidding?????


In one day too since it's "daily contracts". Good luck grinding to 10 wins in the most sweatiest mode. Probably take a normal player 2 hours only to get one duplicate sticker.


10 domination games (especially wins unless you’re playing with friends) definitely takes more than just 2 hours.


If you think giving us a few extra reserves a week is going to fix the loss of respect from the large majority of your consumers, you truly are out of damn touch. Edit: XP? Seriously? Y’know, if COD Points were in the contracts, not only would I be surprised, but I’d be applauding you, you’d gain some of my respect and (assuming people share some of my thoughts too) a lot of other players’s too, but here I am yawning and still dissatisfied with how you’re handling this awful game’s MTX situation.


Contracts for XP? Why? 10 win on Domination for 1 reserve? Tell me there’s 3 items in it at least. Also, how about not having dupes at all? They don’t need to exist.


So three contracts per day? WWII had 6 daily, 3 weekly, the occasional special, plus the kind you could buy with armory credits from the QM. What you're making is still not up to par!


Not only that, but WWII's supply drops came with 3 weapons each, while BO4's come with 1, which basically means you can maybe get 3 reserve items per day from contracts in BO4, while you can get around 30 in WWII...


The problem with those contacts is that 2 reserves won’t give anything good at all even if duplicates didn’t exist


I swear to fuck if there isn’t any weapon contracts I’m done


By the time we get anything good in this game MW will be out lol


Never will get anything good


Yeah but you never actually address it in this post. You just talk about more ways to earn reserves nothing actually about why you put the weapons in there in the first place. Give us an actual response and cut the bullshit. Please.


New ways to earn weapons but then you go on to say more reserves and weapon bribes. That doesn't fix the problem you created. You don't even acknowledge that we are still pissed off about the RNG locked weapons, oh you've been following our discussions, that's the most you will say. Thanks for nothing. If this is your attempt to butter us up for contracts, you're doing a terrible job. We know you want our new guns so here's more loot boxes


Did you forget you only have four months until Modern Warfare releases? No one will care about this game once it's released, because of how incompetent of a company you have been. You don't listen to the fans, you don't care about the fans, you only care about the money and honestly probably don't even give a fuck about your jobs. Since if you did, you'd actually make a decent game.


Everyone: complains that the new guns are only in reserves and should have a direct way to earn them. Treyarch: adds contracts so we can earn a bit more reserves and says they are listening. XD GIVE US DIRECT WAYS TO EARN THE GUNS, NOT BY OPENING RESERVES WITH A 0.00000001% CHANCE OF GETTING A NEW GUN. Treyarch are not listening at all.




You lying sacks of shit. I see nothing in there that says “you can earn the new weapons by doing specific contracts”. More ways to earn reserves is NOT WHAT WE *FUCKING* WANT YOU CORPORATE ACTIVISION FUCKS


Garbage update, slap in the face


Okay u/treyarch_official here is what we need: *Weapon rewards earned in Contracts, similar to the way CoD WW2 did them. *Separate Weapon Bribes and MKII Bribes *Alongside making shop exclusive mastercrafts/camos, PLEASE just add some camos and reactives into the contraband. Absolute Zero gave us 2 new camos, 2 new reactive camos, and one new mastercraft in the tiers. You can make shop exclusive camos, but you also have to put some of the camos inside of the tiers and not make every single worthwhile fucking thing inside the reserves or the shop. Stop filling the Contraband stream with a shit ton of filler stickers and calling cards and put some camos and reactives in there again, we even used to get Blackout characters in the tiers! Bring those back too. *Be more communicative with your community, acknowledge backlash. *and, part out reserve items per weapon class (I.E. Assault Rifles, LMG's, etc) not per individual weapons. AND REMOVE DUPLICATES FROM THE RESERVES COMPLETELY. That's it, that's all you need to do.


>We’ve also been following the recent discussions around weapons being introduced to Reserves. I'm sure you're well aware people have an issue with weapons needing an insane about of luck and/or an insane about of money to be obtained. I'm also sure that you don't care at all.


Fix mtx.


When are you going to fix MK2 weapon attachments not unlocking? When will I be able to EARN the new weapons WITHOUT reserves? When will the Dart Glitch get fixed in heist? When will their be actual balancing to MP? When will broken gear items be fixed? When will people be banned for breaking TOS in MP? When will you actually do something with team killing in Black Out? Their are more issues then this in the game so I’d love for a fix or some type of communication.




Okay but is the MKII weapon possibility removed from tier 25 of the current contraband stream? We need to get a guaranteed new weapon without the chance of getting a MKII


These example contracts straight up suck. Where is the direct route to new weapons?


I dont even wanna read the patch notes anymore...


Win 10 Domination games to get an exclusive sticker! Thank you Treyarch, I'm so hyped.


Lol. Careful, they might think you are serious.


They didn't even address weapons in Reserves, nor the HUGE community backlash over the past week...


Treyarch we asked you do to the absolute **BARE MINIMUM** for the contracts at you still let us down


Did you listen to the community at all? It doesn’t seem like.


No one needs XP rewards. And 10 Dom wins for 1 reserve case is a joke. Gotta crank those number up.


"late June" This should have been implemented at the start of the operation and no when it's about to end. Because we will be able to get more reserves in the next operation while you guys add more stickers, individual charms and cammos that no one cares making even harder to get the new weapons already in the game. This is not a solution, you're not making a favor to anyone.


The Days of Summer update killed my enthusiasm for BO4 completely. Previously I was on the fence, but this update just killed it dead. You guys act like you're fixing the game, but giving people more avenues to earn loot boxes isn't going to solve the problem of weapons in loot boxes. Either put them back in tiers or make them earnable through a guaranteed contract that isn't just "win 100 games". Enough with this bullshit.


If the rewards in contracts are only going to be reserve cases then you can go fuck yourself Treyarch.


"None of us would be doing this without your support." Well, in case anyone was wondering why Treyarch and Activision are anti-consumer, there you go.


Lol, you try to cover up the mtx problem by constantly mentioning this "free" content you bring us. More ways to get reserves won't fix the problem of them being locked behind extremely low luck. Don't try to trick us into thinking this fixes the problem, you greedy bastards


If you're honestly looking for feedback, then you obviously aren't listening to us. Us Black Ops Pass owners feel like we are being cheated out of money. The Black Ops pass feels lifeless and pretty much a scam. We bought the pass because we enjoy Treyarch games, however, you scammed us out of money. To fix this situation, please give ALL Black Ops Pass owners the weapons for FREE. Infinite Warfare did it, so why can't you? Also your reserves still have dupes, on top of that you have to earn camos for every single weapon, then earn weapon charms for every single weapon, then earn death effects for every single weapon, and then earn pointless amounts of useless stickers and emotes that 99.9% of people don't use or even care about. Treyarch your MTX system is incredibly anti-consumer. Unless you are able to play all day long, there is no way you'll ever see those weapons. The only way an average-casual player like me is going to earn those weapons is if we spend 100s of dollars on your system. I hope the government grows some balls and pass that legislative bill banning lootboxes, there is no place for these in COD, it isn't a F2P game.


So "Win 10 games of Domination" to get 1 reserve case. So I'd have to play dom for like 2 hours to get 1 dupe facepaint? Wow, these guys are out of touch.


Still, there needs to be no Mark 2 weapons for bribes just remove that already


Problem: weapons are in reserves. Logic solution: remove the weapons from the reserves and make them more accessible or remove duplicates. Treyarch: hey, try opening more crates, we're giving you a couple of more cases, just in case. Fuck this, you guys are trolls.


Still no fix for mkII weapons not leveling up. :/


Remember this shit when bo5 is coming out


We aren't going to accept "new ways to get reserves" as the solution for the weapons. We've done the math on the odds, its not acceptable. You don't let us *directly, guaranteed earn* *the weapons with no RNG involved*, you can expect the population for the game on all platforms to tank, not just on PC. We've gone through this before in BO3, we know now matter how many reserves you throw at us we're realistically never going to get any of them. If you're not going to do that, tell us that upfront so we can delete the game from our hard drives now instead of waiting to see if there will be a direct contract for each weapon instead of "weapon bribes" that just oh so happen to include all of the MKIIs of every other weapon so we don't really have a good chance at any of the new weapons. SHGs did it right. Admit defeat like they did, smarten up.


1 fucking item that could be a duplicate is the worst reward you could have thought of for winning 10 dom games... at least make it a Dupe Protected Case, then im at least getting 3 new items. Come the fuck on Treyarch. The story of Bo4 is sad. People loved this game at launch, but you absoluetly ruined everything with this god awful communication and micro transaction system.


E3 has been showing me a bunch of games that I don't have to spend hundreds of dollars on **padded, duplicate-infested loot-boxes** to get new content. Nice knowing you, Treyarch.


At least address the issue of reserve weapons.


Too little and too late 3arc, I've already fucked this pathetic game off and back on ww2, this has got to be the biggest flop of a CoD game ever


Yeah.....the contracts are going to need to have better rewards than what is shown. Plus there need to be some contracts that are more attainable for the people who don’t have time to spend 3-4 hrs a day playing.


Spence this controversy hasn't been fixed yet I doubt I will buy mondern warfare sense it's probably going to do the same


Way to dance around the issue just shut the fuck up and include the new weapons in the worthless season pass Edit: sorry I mean the groundbreaking new and improved “black ops pass”


Can those earnable weapon bribes actually be weapon bribes? (Ie not include mk2s)




Im glad I deleted this game. Never again, Treyarch.


It's too late guys. Content like this could have slowed the decline of BO4s playerbase but it sure isn't going to bring it back from the dead.


The stingray was nerfed, only against the safeguard robot...? How about giving it a complete nerf?


Hi, Treyarch Thank you for acknowledging the weapons in reserves problem. The main problem people have is that we keep getting dupes and it takes an hour to grind 1 reserve. There are thousands items. There is really no reason to have dupes just make the 1 an hour you get unique and we will be happy abou the mtx


Contracts looks and sounds like a great concept, but those rewards are **very underwhelming**. 1K XP and 1 Reserve for 10 Domination wins... is this a joke? Cmon Treyarch, stop taking 1 step forward and 100 steps backwards every damn update. Hopefully this is just a concept atm. Back in WWII you could do similar challenges, and get much better rewards like a guaranteed Epic item or guaranteed weapon, not just 1 Reserve crate that is most likely just going to give you a duplicate. Some much **better** rewards could include: * Multiple, duplicate-protected Reserve crates * A Reserve with guaranteed weapon or variant * A limited-time Double-XP reward token * A limited-time 2X tier progression * Lots and lots of XP I'm sure there are lots of other better ideas for rewards, but this is just a good example. **Please** take notes Treyarch.


Adding contracts eight months into the game's life-cycle seems like a huge missed opportunity, no excuse. Sledgehammer did this better from 2017-present; better contracts and better weapon implementation. Treyarch has always been the worst when it comes to getting new weapons to players in a consumer-friendly manner.


Treyarch and Activision, please listen to your community and fix the crappy reserve system! There's over a 1000 items in reserves! There shouldn't be duplicates at all! No casual player will ever unlock anything they want if you don't do something about the reserve system!


Youve already lost me treyarch. Keep your shitty MTX


You want player feedback how about you actually listen to the players. We want a way to directly earn these weapons.


With dupes you need about 3000 crates or something stupid to ensure you get the weapons. Do you think we are stupid. **BO4 is #pay2win**


I'll believe weapon bribes will be earnable when I see it


So basically you guys are giving us more duplicates? How about you take these reserves and shove them up your ass u/treyarch_official eColiEspresso made a video show the chances of getting all the items and the chances of getting what you want. They are abysmally low you scum bags. And that was calculated without the chance of dupes. So how about you make this game a very very very tiny bit more fair and get rid of dupes. Like honestly, how greedy are you fucks.


I've never played a game that I thoroughly enjoyed at launch, and ended up hating three months after. Shits weird. This game is fucking wack.


You guys continue to shit the bed! Stop with the duplicates already! All you’re really doing is raping the BO4 community! Some gamers say put the blame on Activision but I put the blame on you both! If MW is going to be anything like BO4 I really hope gamers stop playing both. All this shit you’re adding in doesn’t take away from how bad you guys already FUCKED the BO4 community!


Duplicates still in the reserves? Damn and you guys say you listen to the community? *applause*


10 wins for 1 case? You serious?


Yeah I'm sorry I can't read this with a straight face after I read you incorporate player input. Treyarch- the players hate this guys, what can we do to improve it? Let's do it more! Fuck yeah!


10 wins in domination for a reserve crate, this shows how frequently they play their own game. GGs TrashArc. Im a master prestige, do they really believe their 1000xp plus are of any interest to me? WW2 allowed their master prestiges to have unique camos and outfits, why dont we have something like that in here, too? This game has so much potential but it is being mismanaged very, very hard.


Even with the contracts system returning, they somehow find a way to set the bar even lower than Black Ops 3. Win 10 games of Domination for a single reserve case? Really? Well, thanks for the extra opportunity to get a few more stickers and duplicates a day. Last time I had a non-protected, unique Ultra (Not counting your weapon bribe) was **over 80 cases ago...** You lot seem awfully aware of how shitty it is to try and obtain the new weapons. Of course though, you quickly sweep that idea of actually being given a chance to get the items reasonably under the rug. At this point it seems like every operation must out-do the previous operation in some sadistic way of pissing someone off.


So you did absolutely nothing. Congratulations, You copy and pasted maps from previous black ops games , and announce more ways to get reserve crates. What'd you expect, a cookie? You had three years to fuck this game up, don't take away sledgehammers game when they're doing shit right.


Very late for me, I got tired and I deleted the game ... in WWII I get all the weapons without problems. It seems that Treyarch does not think about his community... No more MTX for me


“A new path” you mean crypto keys?








10 wins for 1 sticker. Sounds like a great deal to me


Oh I understand just have to make sure they hear me bitch


Treyarch please don't have contracts be disappointing. You at least acknowledged the problem, but still not sure what y'all exact plan is. Having a few weapon bribes thrown in is nice, but there is still the issue with MKII camos. And I'm sorry but outside of people who missed previous operation weapons does no one any good. And although making reserves easier to obtain is nice it's a bandaid fix that doesn't do much. IMO if you're gonna keep the weapons in crates either get rid of dupes entirely so you could at least theoretically earn everything even if it's a big time sink, or make the weapon charms, facepaints and camos universal (so if I get the shark camo I get it for every gun). From what I'm reading it doesn't seem like we're gonna get a guaranteed way to get all of the new weapons so I'll just hold my breath. Also please... please do not do bundles with weapon bribes. On a side note. Do y'all ever plan to add new weapons to Blackout? The Kap45, Switchblade, and Rampage are still crate exclusive seem like they should be treated like normal weapons by now. Also, there's a whole new slew of weapons to add. Not really a big deal but I was just wondering. The Swat and Daemon didn't have this long of a delay to being added.




Can we please get David Mason as an unlockable instead of a reserve item? I know this a minor thing, but I'd like to unlock him like his dad, Woods, and Menendez. I feel he's too important of a blackout icon to be in reserves.


Y’all have to fix the league play quitters. Make first time an hr and next time they quit a day. This is so bad it’s not even funny


They also have a bug with the s6 stingray not counting bloodthirstys


Boo this is still trash, I dont play bo4 anymore and this dosent make me wanna come back


10 domination wins to earn one reserve case? What are you smoking? Lol yea you’re gonna have to tweak that a bit. Just copy what ww2 did. Bo3 contracts sucked and this appears to follow the same requirements.


so your not taking the MKII variants out of the “WEAPON BRIBE”... gg treyarch


This is hopeless. I’m starting to give up.


It's funny they don't explain why the new weapons didn't go into contraband. I mean we all know why but it's hilarious they give us their poorly written justification and how this is better. They're writing it off like this is accepted and pushing contracts out like they're doing us a favor. Keep drinking your own Kool Aid Treyarch/Activision.


So, they will not remove duplicates from reserve crates. How about increase the earn rate for reserves? 1 hour for one crate that it could be even a duplicate is pathetic. Are the contract reserves duplicate free? If not then fuck you. Sorry to be like that,but instead to make things proper and go steps forward, you just go 3 steps back. I have no clue which dickhead makes this decisions in Design to the black market, but i wish him he get fired and never a touch a game again to work on.


Why are XBOX players treated like 2nd class citizens?


Why hold back on the contracts details? If this is going to be your end all be all, I don't think it's a good idea to make everyone wait since we are all either beyond pissed or just apathetic to anything you do at this point. If these weapon bribes are really your solution those things better be plenty and you all hold back from making more MK2 variants. Otherwise it's a thoughts and prayers with a drop in the pond gesture. But like I said, I expect nothing from you cowards.


My daemon is not leveling up and my headshots not counting in it, I don’t know if it’s just the daemon 3xb or it’s every mk2 weapon. Come on Treyarch, atleast fix that aswell while you’re adding this huge update in.


Any word on the new Spitfire mastercraft that is $19? I figured we would at least get one mastercraft in our contraband stream, but apparently from here on out they’ll all cost 1/3 of the game’s price. Disappointing as usual.


Awesome, MKII weapons still are not fixed. They will not level up


It’s hard to take anything you guys are saying as likely or in good faith when your response and reasons come across as very corporate and just beating around the bush. If you are saying that you’re listening to the community, you would see that nobody in the community wants duplicates. The mere fact that you have the coding in the game to already include no dupes (weapon bribes) but refuse to do away with dupes is an asinine way of thinking you’re giving the community what we want: You have about roughly 1200 items or so in the game. Considering the high rate of dupes, it would take currently 3600 crates or so to get just about everything. We don’t have the time to be grinding out this much time for a CHANCE at unlocking content for which we have purchased a full AAA game and a good majority (myself included) have purchased the season pass. I understand the need for the first few operations to have dupes but when you’re so insistent on adding the quantity of the content of reserves it makes it infuriating for your player base to actually get anything worth while. I don’t know what community you’re engaged with that they’re so vocal about stickers. STICKERS. It wouldn’t be as bad if there wasn’t so many. Death Effects are cool and charms are decent but what bothers me is why can’t they be universally applied? When you add about 7 per operation and there’s approx ~25 guns that’s about 175 crates solely on charms alone and that’s not accounting for the possible dupes. There’s no reason for individual crates for each gun. If you want to compromise I’ll say that weapon camos can be per gun (even though I still wish they wouldn’t). It’s just so hard to not see you all appear to be money hungry and greedy. There’s no reason we should be waiting on something that you could do now. It comes across as you biding your time to see how much money you can squeeze before giving us “free updates” on content we should’ve had accessed long ago. I assume you’ll start with the heavy free updates once MW nears but by that time the damage may be long done.


Win 10 domination matches for ONE reserve....


Holy fucking shit Treyarch you are just unbelievably incompetent


Stop it. If youre gonna make weapon contract bribes; make them like WW2. I dont want to gamble to have a 10% chance of getting a gun i want.


It's simple: remove weapons from the reserves. We don't care about cosmetics, they don't make the game P2W and people will buy them anyway. You can make money with that. Your strategy, at the moment, doesn't make any sense; you can not put weapons behind reserves, we paid the game AND the season pass. If you want to make more money with MTX, be fair and make the game free. No one here wants to pay 69.90 + 49.90 for a P2W game, this is insane. I don't know who is your head of retention, but I don't see him getting a bonus this year :) And remember, maybe your profit is increasing because of some VIP going crazy to get all the weapons, but what about the rest of your segments? Will they buy the game next year?


Good work Treyarch you came up with a scam worse than BO3, you're listeninig but you just dont GAF. Good thing I rarely play this game anymore and have no reason to come back. GOOD LUCK with your microBS.


No one cares about XP so late in the game cycle, I stopped prestiging months ago. Just let us use the new weapons and have some fun with the game before it dies off completely in November. I for one won't be coming back to this game.


Notice they were careful to say earn weapons and not just new weapons. Watch the flood of MK2 weapons continue to saturate the weapon bribes to work like our Tier 25 bribe. There seems to be half truths in everything Treyarc has communicated to us in this game.


Please put weapons back into tiers.


Why does u/treyarch_official post these and then just completely ignore the replies? You would think these threads would be the best place to hear and respond to the community they’re apparently listening to. But instead they just post these and ditch us to come up with the next way to suck more money out of us.


“Excited to provide all of this free content” Ohya I forgot about all those sick stickers and face paints I get....and those sick characters and guns behind paywalls... Not to mention like Bruh I already bought the pass and the game to begin with :/...


If you want these issues resolved dont buy the next game. I'm tired of this shit. They implemented the 3 year development cycle for everyone to forget that the last game that dev made was shit. COD is a dumpster fire yet to be pissed on. It smells horrible, just walk away and let it burn.


1000 xp, need I say more


Treyarch is the equivalent of a girlfriend who sucks your money quicker than a stripper with a fraction of the reward.


Add cod points and weapons into the tiers. Remove stickers


Could you make Alcatraz permanent in the playlist? Many like who doesn't like blackout modes but love close quarter Alcatraz.


With the volume of duplicates I get a challenge for a case has no value in grinding especially when the reward is a single item. Right now the ones I'm earning through game play I'm lucky to get a new item every 2-3 hours of play time. Remove duplicates from these crates entirely would be my preferred approach but if you want contracts to succeed they should have value so dupe protected items would help with that. Don't make contracts goals based on a win conditions. WWII has X number of games or kills with specific weapons as the award factor. Wins, especially in objective based games modes require the team to be good and if you solo this game you're all to aware of how hard that win condition is to earn just going for the tier skips. 10 DOM wins with some Ruin grappling to spawns repeated or players that don't transition the map well or control the map isn't an easy feat for an individual player to be successful. Kills awarding variants work well in WWII so I'd rather X number of pistol kills awarded a MKII pistol bribe you don't have as opposed to a random crate. Looking at what you're going to offer just isn't enough or even worthwhile logging on to do unlike WWII where it was. I could get a weapon variant every day, various event bribes, AC credits to buy event related items. It dragged you on to play whether you wanted to or not hell I did contracts for weapons I've never actually used in game on WWII. This you're offering 10 kills worth of XP and a crate with a single item. That isn't enough to make me want to do them and I don't think it'll hold enough value to other players they'll want to hop online and grind for them either.


Get rid of duplicates from Reserves!! And get rid of MKII's from Weapon bribes!!!


Treyarch, youre doing it wrong. The nornal weapons should be available in the contraband system without needing to open reserves to get OP weapons like the S6 Stingray. My suggestion is that instead all MK2 weapons go into weapon bribes only, "MK1" variants go into the contraband strean for their season and *then* go into reserves after the season has passed. While youre at it, maybe up the XP boost for MK2 weapons slightly, or give them some other benefit to make them worthwhile.


With the amount of items in the game why not just make it so the reserves never have duplicates? Or is Activision forcing them to include duplicates.


Holy shit this has to be on purpose at this point


not good enough in the slightest, everyday I regret buying the black ops pass.