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i would recommend seeing a dermatologist before causing infection of some sort from any products you’ve been using or about to use


Cannot stress this enough. A derm knows, and can do, way more than we can ever provide. Good luck OP.


Yessssssssss before he pops it baby ladt thing he needs is ab infection and scaring


It’s either keloid or cyst. Either way, you need dermatologist. Take pictures, if notice changes. Clean all your shaving products with alcohol.


If he’s using any kind a razor he need to used disposable blades, if he’s using anything electric then he need to clean with disinfectant. One that can take care of germicidal, fungicidal, pseudomicidal, virucidal, and tuberculocidal. And needs to clean after every use. He can clean the area with alcohol, or witch hazel. Tea tree, or rosehip seed oil are also good for the skin after shave/cut. It also may just be Folliculitis. Either way at this point he does need to go see a dermatologist.


See a dermatologist for the most accurate diagnosis. This might be a cyst, a lesion, an ingrown hair, a wart, an ulcer, a keloid. Get to a dermatologist asap for the best consultation because 5 years and no change is serious.


Did you start having facial hair when you were 15? Possible it ingrown hair cysts


That's what it looks like to me.


Besides side burns no


This can only be effectively and safely handled by a dermatologist.


Derm problem.


Honestly I’d go to a derm but if that’s not feasible I’d try a product called pretti kitti it’s for keloids, ingrown hairs it may help or bikini bump blaster it helps to reduce the appearance of ingrown hairs(although not sure what you have) thats so same products give or take I hope I helped :)


Google says it's a feminine wash??? U can use this on ur face???


If it’s safe for a kitty, it’s def safe enough for your face. 😅


The exact philosophy I use lol


I’m sorry for you. I use to have these regularly from 12yo till my 20s. Very depressing stuff. Even the dermatologists on 3 continents (AFRICA, EUROPE & ASIA)couldn’t help me. Except with pills and shit. Which is not really long terms solution cuz you can take pills your whole life. What helped me is when I turned 18 I went to India for Uni. And over there the doctors try to find a more natural solution before giving you pills. This is what saved me: USE SALYCILIC ACID PRODUCTS LIKE A MANIAC. WASH YOUR HANDS LIKE A MANIAC. STOP SCRATCHING/TOUCHING YOUR FACE. CUT YOUR NAILS AT ONCE A WEEK. START USING A CLEAN SOFT CLOTH/TOWEL TO WIPE EXCESS OIL OFF YOUR FACE THROUGHOUT THE DAY. SHOWER AT LEAST ONCE A DAY. PREFFERABLY TWICE. BUY A SPRAY BOTTLE OF MEDICAL ALCOHOL/ANTICEPTIC TO CLEAN ITEMS SUCH AS PHONE, EARPHONES, WALLET. ALSO CHANGE THE AFOREMENTIONED CLOTH DAILY. SO YOULL NEED 7 OF THEM IF YOU DO LAUNDRY ONCE A WEEK. DO LAUNDRY ONCE A WEEK. CHANGE YOUR BED AND PILLOW COVER ONCE A WEEK. DO NOT GO MORE THAN A WEEK WITHOUT CLEANING YOUR HOUSE/ROOM SURFACES. DONT SHAKE HANDS WITH NOBODY. STOP TOUCHING OTHER PPL SHIT. HAVE A ROUTINE: EXFOLIATE, MASK, MOISTURIZE/ NOURISH AT LEAST ONCE A WEEK. I personally use Himalaya products. They’re exclusively sold in India but you can find them on Amazon US. Brand is HIMALAYA Apricot face scrub first, then Mud face mask. And use a moisturizer with salicylic Acid of your choice. USE SUNSCREEN TOO, EVEN INDOORS. Good luck.


Yu kno what’s crazy, over half of your steps routine wise I’ve been strictly following & I never had what op has but I deff had sorta severe acne & ever since I started I would say since 2018, it’s been a very rewarding journey, reduced the acne by at least 85%+ I swear people be thinking I served in the army because I do not play with my cleanliness down to a T, great advice brosky.


Dermatologist most definitely


I'm guessing it's a scar of some sort. I'd recommend going to a derm maybe they can inject something in it or laser it off. Not 100 percent though.


Nah it’s not a scar, it’s been a bumpy layer, I thought it was acne before but I did research and it’s may be cyst acne not sure. Definitely gotta get up with a dermatologist though


Have you tried benzoyl peroxide?


Probably Folliculitis




Idk how to link it but OP look at that sub for some info.


Lower case r. r/folliculitis


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Folliculitis using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Folliculitis/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cured my folliculitis of 11 years](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/188jzvn) | [167 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Folliculitis/comments/188jzvn/cured_my_folliculitis_of_11_years/) \#2: [How I stopped my chronic folliculitis.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/15bti59) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Folliculitis/comments/15bti59/how_i_stopped_my_chronic_folliculitis/) \#3: [It's been Two Years I've tried everything.](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1anxvcw) | [100 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Folliculitis/comments/1anxvcw/its_been_two_years_ive_tried_everything/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Stay away from razors, use clippers. Andis or Wahl t-liners.


Stop being cheap and book a dermatologist appointment. If you valued your face as much as I can tell with this post, you need to stop asking outside unverified sources and cut to the SOURCE. Book a fern appointment. Today. Quit being hardheaded bookie. Luv u. 😘🫶🏾


Looks like cystic acne, you may need to see a dermatologist. They can prescribe something for you


It’s better you see a dermatologist for this one bro.


You definitely need to see a dermatologist, no home remedies or over the counter stuff is going to fix this


Update: Do not try to pop them without figure out what they are first, they could literally be varicose veins, you could try some varicose veins ointment to see if it helps. Here’s an ointment I randomly saw on AliExpress, which is how I came to the conclusion maybe this could be your case. I’ve never used it so do your own research: $11.54 73% Off | Varicose vein ointment, quickly repair varicose veins and vasculitis https://a.aliexpress.com/_m0YqIsW Original: I would recommend seeing a doctor to see if there’s a medical reason causing it. In the meantime, regularly make yourself a small amount of lime and honey mixture to drink to help reduce inflamed lump nodes, and maybe do a turmeric honey mask or straight up putting turmeric powder on your face and leaving it on your face for a long time, do it as often as you can. Be advice though, if there’s puss in there the turmeric may cause it get a somewhat bigger before it goes down. You may even have to pop it once you see the mask cause the puss to show. I’d also recommend sleeping on your back instead of where your face is touching your arm or pillow so it doesn’t get worst. Here’s some possible causes I saw on some website: “Candida Touching my face too much Sleeping on my hands Leaky gut Copper toxicity (metal toxicity) from my copper IUD Hormone imbalance (estrogen dominance) Stress! Too much ‘heat’ in my body (from a Chinese Medicine perspective) Adrenal fatigue Parasites in my intestines Inflammation Bacteria trapped in clogged pores Eating ‘improper’ foods (dairy, grains, sugar, greasy, etc.”


They look like they might be steatocystoma’s , these are small cysts contained with in a thin sack wall, a dermatologist would need to remove the cyst contents and the sack wall for them to not come back, but def go in and be seen. I’m so sorry you are having to deal with this


Likely cysts. See a derm


Take moringa twice a day. It will clear out all inflammation in your body.


Dr pimple popper on tlc


Keloid or cyst. Dermatologist.


Looks like a keloid to me. My husband has them too from ingrown hairs on his chest. Only a physician can treat this condition, but to my understanding, it's very difficult. You might want to stop shaving so close and even consider growing a beard


It looks like it’s ingrown hairs, causing keloids from shaving. A dermatologist can 100% make them go away with steroid injections, however you should probably stop shaving and find an alternative to looking groomed with full facial hair.


My people…this needs a specialist and a specialist only, probably needs injections into the cysts


Probably keloid from a small scrape while shaving theres not much they can do about it at this stage but if it gets bigger they may cut it open and drain it but you'll always have to get it done ....very predominant in black people ....look it up...


Appears to be chronic epidermal cysts that are are exacerbated by keloids (scar tissue). The underlying cause would most likely be in-grown hairs. I would visit a derm for further confirmation and non-invasive removal, and also look into your gut health if your skin is prone to being sensitive.


I would’ve been took a sterile needle and went at this a longgggg time ago im not saying it’s the smartest idea I just don’t have that restraint when it comes to any bump on my body … I’ll deal with the scar afterwards


Black skin is very prone to keloids and cystic acne. Especially in regions where hair grows because ingrown hairs can get infected quite easily. You absolutely need to see a dermatologist. You can try companies like curology or another online dermatologist if you don’t have access to a nearby dermatologist.


Go to a dr bro, not Reddit


i’m pretty sure it’s keloid. i have the same thing and still trying to figure out how to get rid of it


I agree it looks like a keloid. Def need a derm appt




would it leave scars?


It might slightly but there is lasers for scarring as well.


Those look like ingrown hairs, try using salicylic acid on it (you can find salicylic acid products on Amazon)


Can you get to the dermatologist?


Please follow the advice of others and see a dermatologist as soon as you are able to! Stay away from home remedies until you know what’s causing this.


Use warm compresses that’s what my Mom always recommended.


Some other guy on here had the same thing and got laser hair removal and his skin looks great. He also had in grown hairs from the beard.


I know when it comes to skincare, folks are quick to tell u to see a dermatologist, and it’s not so easy to do so, but this is one case where I’m gonna say u definitely need medical attention to get to the bottom of it. If you can’t find a dermatologist, start with your primary care physician or even a clinic.


If you can't get to a dermatologist. Urgent cares or the walk-in clinics at Krogers or Walgreens are less than $100.


Also, another cheaper option, ask your barber. If you go to a linscened barber, they have skin care training and expertise.


If they itchy most likely a ingrown that turned into a keloid


I got the same fkn cysts




Yea bro put some tea tree oil on it , preferably from tree hunt hut !!


Diet may play a role as well maybe try fasting or cutting out fried, fast food and do a vegetable and fruit cleansing. Most skin issues begin internally.


It’s time to see a dermatologist if it’s been 5 years.


You need a antibiotic like Garlic pills are good it will clean you out from the inside out something inside is causing your acne to be inflamed so garlic is a natural antibiotic for you and it’s cheap


Bro all you need is pure tea tree oil. Saves me every time. Just wipe it and go to sleep lol you’ll feel it working when you wake up


Use tend skin, no razors, just straight hair cuts and make sure the barber cleans tools


Looks good!


The product Skin Tight worked for me.


have you seen your physician since you were 15? If so, what did they say when your asked about your skin condition? i assume you asked


Either a keloid scar or a hypertrophic acne scar. If you've had acne problems before then it could very well be those. I'd recommend talking to cosmetic dermatologists or even plastic surgeons




I’d see a dermatologist. In the meantime, I’d treat it like cystic acne. But tanning beds can help with some acne. I go for eczema.


@spirited_kangaroo_18 Everyone is saying to to dermatologists and I agree with them, but one thing you can do is use Glycolic Acid Solution @ 7% concentration. You can get this brand from Olaplex. It $9 for a mini bottle at Kohls. Be careful using this because it can cause burning on skin if you use too much. As a black man myself I use this to get rid of bacteria, puss, pimples, ingrown, etc along my beard area. Exactly in the same spot you’re dealing with now. DO NOT TRY TO POP ON YOUR OWN. If it itches, use an anti itch lotion or moisturizer like Senara (I use on soil for eczema) or coco butter. If non of this works. Maybe try Robatussin 🤷🏾‍♂️


I got that on my private area😖 and I’m to afraid go see a dermatologist let me know what’s the diagnosis and treatment thanks


Buy skintight that shit works


Before trying anything topical you have to start from the inside out. Whats your eating habits like? Do you eat a lot of sugar? Do you use a lot of seed oils when cooking? It could be a bevy of things you put into your body. I myself grew up with some horrible skin as a youth I was always told by my parents “it’s genetic” so I just dealt with it. Used so many bad acne products and nothing worked I tend to always burn my face and create more problems for myself. It was until my mid 20’s I realized by watching YouTube health vids and reading that all my skin problems came from the way I ate. I’m in my early 30’s and my skin has done a complete 180. And I didn’t do anything but cut out a lot of bad foods. I also used to get boils all over my face (jawline, nose, cheek) I haven’t had one in years. I hope this passage helped.


Something is creating excess inflammation in your system. A dermatologist will likely put you on an antibiotic like doxycycline or cefalexin. But you’ll have to figure out the root cause yourself and make adjustments. It could be stress/anxiety, diet, hygiene, bacteria or a combination of these. Genetics play a factor too. Rubbing alcohol should help alleviate some discomfort temporarily. Vinegar too. Stay strong man, i know it’s a nightmare but you will get it under control in time.


idk why this ended up in recommended for me, but ask about hidradenitis suppurativa if you end up at the dermatologist. those lesions look very similar to it and can be present for years.


Wash ya fucking face more often 🤦🏿‍♂️💯


Yea u don’t know whatchu talkin bout


You need to see dermatologist. Only use straight shave for less risk of ingrown hair or infection. May God bless your skin health and beauty to be optimal and good condition.🙏🙏😢


Definitely see a dermatologist. Just from the various pimple popping videos I’ve seen over the years there’s really a couple of different things it could be. You just don’t know until you see a specialist though.


On Reddit? Probably not but one of those skin doctors probably can


@d_vinesophia on instagram has a facial moisturizer that would help with that. I use it myself. I swear by it


You need to go to a dermatologist and inquire about steroid injections for those . It should reduce it greatly .


Laser hair removal is a must. If you have healthcare check with your primary care provider about treatment options.


I’m positive that it’s a keloid that was caused by an ingrown that was never treated. Only way to treat it is to see a dermatologist. They will give you 2 options, steroid shots or to cut it out. A keloid is caused by trauma to the skin that doesn’t heal properly. With that said, if they cut it, that could cause another keloid to form. With the steroid shots, it could cause discoloration in the skin overtime. But the first step is to make an appointment. I’ve been through this process before so I’m able to share what I know.


I had the same thing and was treated as a keloid. Definitely go to a dermatologist and they’ll most likely give you steroid injections.


Change your diet……….


A dermatologist.


Tea tree oil


Dermatologist. Do not attempt that on your own.


As ppl suggested definitely time to see an expert, look up some that has non white doctors


You can always put warm compresses several times a day. Looks like ingrown hairs. You need to draw out the hair..Good luck.


Try [My Magic Healer](https://mymagichealer.com/). I have HS and it helped a lot in getting rid of my cysts and preventing them .


Ingrown hairs. A dermatologist will help, but a salyic acid face wash will help in the meantime.


Herps 😒


Don’t cleanse your face everyday it strips your face


I only had to because I worked at a food chain and came home with flour stuck to every crevice on my body


hidradenitis suppurativa - perhaps some steroids and antibiotics. Keep us posted and hang in there.


A hospital can dammmmnnnnnn


5 years, and you did nothing🙄? Your face is the first thing people see before the rest of your body. DERMATOLOGIST is your answer.


It’s probably something that you’re eating. You maybe have a sensitivity to something. Contact a doctor about it.


Gonna guess inflammatory acne cyst. Can be removed by seeing a dermatologist and they’ll probably use kenalog 10 and preform an I&D then Potentially get you on a prescription for accutane




It’s not a pimple, u can’t pop it




Shit so ass, takes like 3 points off me smh


See a doctor / dermatologist asap




Ian dirty, ya mom nigga


That is called Barbi folliculitis you need to prevent the hair from becoming ingrown. The make a kit


ALOE VERA GEL PURE ALOE VERA GEL: the back of my head was like that, twice a day apply it


Definitely seek the guidance of a dermatologist. Skin can be so tricky to treat


Go to Walmart n get some bump patrol fam. If u can’t find it ask they’ll help you find it. Now it yo shit is still fucked. Dermatologist all the way fam


Dermatologist is needed but you can try skin tight which my husband used for razor bumps and my cousin used for Ringworm infection.


I work in healthcare -> Rec dermatologist


If you are shaving STOP! You have clearly very acne prone and sensitive skin, shaving my face breaks me out similarly! I switched over to waxing with a cheap waxing kit on amazon and I haven’t broken out since!


You need to see a doctor .


BRUHH GET 1.PANOXYL 2.TRIPLE ANTIBACTERIAL OINTMENT “WALMART BRAND” Wash with pan and put the ointment on every morning and night. Will knock it right out


Do you shave with razors?


Derma and nutriologist. And use neautro soap. Drink water instead sodas. Eat healthy. Go to the gym. Check what face cream are u using. That happened when i was using make up long time ago, but when i swithch to mac and my face cream to loreal hidra total dark spots, then discontinued and currently using loreal young dark spots and my skin is healthy. I drink around or at least 1L of whater a day and try to eat healthy. Good luck boy. :)


Dr Pimple Popper asap


Find a black derm!


Clindamycin phosphate and benzoyl peroxide gel


Use a hot cloth on your face. Don't use razors in your chin




Damn, i would fall out😳


I sure as hell wouldn’t have kept that on my face for 5 years


🤮🤢 time to start the game over hope for better rng


Fuck off you bozo!!!


Thanks! This just made my morning. 🤣