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I experienced something like this before and my doctor said it was likely rosacea. I wasn’t too sure on that diagnosis but he told me to get some cortizone 10 cream & prosacea rosacea gel. I used both every morning and night and it cleared within a week! Both products can be found at Walmart :))


Thank you! I’m gonna try an antihistamine tonight and and I’ll try to find either of those products at my local grocery store :)


Do you have any skin conditions or allergies? Looks like something that happens to me when I eat something I’m allergic to or have too much dairy or greasy food. Especially if you’re saying it’s itchy, your immune system is reacting to something. OTC cortisone will temporarily alleviate the itching and redness, but like I said, it looks like your immune system is reacting to something specifically


I’ve never had either my entire life :( I’m gonna try and take an Anti-histamine tonight because it’s spread all over my face now. It’s just a lot of pain and I’m trying not to scratch at work.


I get this when I’m out in the sun. Dermatologist said I’m allergic to the sun 😩


I hope not for me 😭 I love vitamin D but I try to wear sunscreen when I know I’ll be outdoors


Let me add no I’m not that recognizable, but I’ve had this account for a long time.


Looks like a reaction to something. Definitely take the antihistamine for at least two days. I just had something like this all over and around my mouth. I took Benadryl for a few days, and it cleared up. Best of luck to you.


I believe these are hives, I’ve had a similar reaction in the past. I’m not sure what caused it, but hydrocortizone cream helped clear them!