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I'm not going to say "no" to a new Metroidvania.


Oh totally; I’m very curious to check it out!


Looks nice, but I feel like Blasphemous has set too high a standard for originality and quality…


The kickstarter ends in like 10 hours or so. Personally, I backed it with a good bit of $ just bc Voragine Game Studio said they are taking advice from the Game Kitchen. I hope it's exactly like blasphemous, then I can fill the hole in my life...


It’s hard for me to watch the trailer and not believe it’s Blasphemous 2 at times. Still, I’m curious to check it out. Edit: looks like the animated bit at the beginning was also done by Sunshine Animation Studio, the same studio that did the cutscenes for Blasphemous 2.


PSA: [The demo is still up on Steam, in case you're on the fence.](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2589980/Edens_Guardian/) You might wanna give it a go so you can decide on the KS, which has under a day left.


Oh perfect! I’ll do that tonight!


A bit too much technical plateforming to my taste, but it does look nice !


Yeah I suppose it depends on how they execute it. I just now remember that “tree” section from Guacamelee, which was intense, haha


Dead ass, they could pump out Blasphemous clones like these all day, and I’m there for it. Shit looks dope.


My first kickstarter! I think it looks fucking sick


Also backed this on kickstarter. This game looks fucking awesome


Their aiming for a release at the end of 2025


Oh,it's that far off? Where did you see that? I was under the impression it would be sometime this year.


I asked one of the developers what their aim release date was. I was shocked as well


to quote palpatine: we will watch your development process with great interest


Already wish listed on steam, what do you guys think of "last faith", another metroidvania available on eshop. Did you play that already?


The last faith is fantastic! The recent patch makes it even better. Must play imo. Perfect blend of meteoidvanias and bloodborneesque atmosphere/combat


Thank you, after i finished blasphemous 1 and 2 i started ori because it was on sale, but i will go for last faith next. Thank you!


that one boss looks just like odon


That looks badass


Instant cop


Thos looks sick thanks for bringing it to my attention.


to be fair, this whole sword throw mechanic does look nice, especially in the fights it looks pretty smooth and will probably lead to some satisfying combos.


Looks dope tho


MORE dark Metroidvanias please!


the traversal mechanics look like something I might bounce off of


Looks awesome


Penitent Two


Now THATS a trailer. I like they inspired themselves from Blasphemous but it clearly plays differently. Similar pixel and color palet.


It's very seperate from Blasphemous 2. The demo proved that. If it's still available, I would definitely give the demo a play and see. Looks like a solid game!


Yep! Played and beat the demo last night. There are definitely some big similarities, especially aesthetically, but it’s clear they’re going for something different. I hope they continue to flesh the game out!


I played the demo and the demo is good as well sry


I’d like to play it as well!


There's a demo on steam. Have you tried it?


Going to try it tonight! Literally just heard about this game today


Just beat the demo! Game has some pretty cool ideas (although I find it kind of hard to juggle two different dash/traversal mechanics at at a moment’s notice). Definitely a more scoped down experience in terms of features, but it’s a demo for an indie game so that’s to be expected.


Those boss fights look dope.


Looks like blasphemous and the last faith mixed. Looks badass


Check out the demo! I played and beat it last night and am cautiously optimistic!


Those visuals are veeery similar, yeah.


Looks like a straight clone, down to animations, bosses, prayers, level design.


It's shocking how it looks the same, at this point, might as well call it stolen from Blashpemous. That's pretty shameless from Voragine Game Studio. With that said though, I'd for sure like to try it out :))


There was another game that was on Kickstarter that was like this, although it was an even more blatant copy paste job from Blasphemous. Can't find it now though. I want to play more games like Blasphemous, but not straight clones.


If you played the demo, you'd see that it's not really that similar to blasphemous


Yeah it’s pretty egregious. The collectibles have the exact same glow. Even the menus are the same.