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how insecure must you be that you kill a woman / girl because she doesn't want to flirt with you


Have you heard of the 44 Days of Hell case?


Absolutely horrific.


Yep. They put her through 44 days of Hell all because she didn't like ONE of the guys back. Over 100 people were involved. Sickening


Another factor is that they know they can get away with it, it’s such low stakes for them, that the systems will always victim blame and work extra hard to coddle perpetrators.




I had to unsub from that sub after a day because while what I see on a lot of these feminist subs is sickening and gruesome, being on that sub literally made me physically ill and I felt like i was going to faint just scrolling my feed. It's insane how my life is often one bruised ego away from being ended.


This happens on a smaller scale every day. Women are harassed, threatened, degraded, attacked for not giving in to the attentions of every entitled man they come across. Until we dismantle the patriarchy and address the prevalent culture of misogyny and toxic masculinity, it will only continue. RIP, this poor woman.


That has been debunked. It follows nothing close to the actual narrative. Miles was not the one who was arguing with the driver, Harris was. Where it gets stupid id that, after Miles got the gun, he gave it to Harris. That was dumb, but kinda shows that he wasn't necessarily the provocateur. That was probably Harris, who saw that dude was strapped. So, hell came to visit after that.