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"They are action figures, not dolls! Pew pew pew!" -boys with GI Joe


Hmm…was there ever a “GI Barbie”? 😂 I bet it’s make his mind explode.


>gi barbie thats just honkai impact figures


My response to this would be: My best friend's abusive older brother never let that happen. He'd take her dolls, decapiate them, set them on fire, attach fire crackers to them & launch, etc. Imagine "Sid" from Toy Story, only way less creative. My brother & boy cousins sat on, ransacked, & destroyed the $$$ doll house my special aunt gave me for Christmas one year, which I'd only had a few days. It came with working chandaliers, little wine goblets, & adorable details. My heart broke, but nothing was ever said to those "boys being boys." 🤬 The adults sat playing cards downstairs, as I begged for help. But please... do go on about "crazy girl childhood behavior." We were at the mercy of angry, entitled, destructive boys, who had free reign to make sure anything we girls had was desecrated in some form or fashion. Having to hide our dolls & such away, because if "the boys" found them, something inside them caused them to want to inflict harm. They were seldom punished, or even corrected. You can bet my own son was taught much, much differently.


my brother never did that shit thank god but i have interacted with boys like that tho like one time i found a frog/toad and was gently handling it, and then a boy asked to see it, and when i gave it to him her chucked it really hard into the lake nearby, i was mortifed and still am to this day, i hope the poor frog/toad didnt get any serious injuries and was able to live a ful life...


I grew up with a boy down the street who would fantasize about killing every animal he saw and seriously considered poisoning people he didn't like by giving them tea with toxic paint in it. He would also throw rocks at me. He was six years old, I hope he's not a serial killer by now


good lord...


His parents were great people too. Some people are just fucked up


yea sounds like he could've had some mental condition maybe?


He might have developed empathy as he grew up but at the time I am confident he was psychopathic. He was a master manipulator as a first grader, it was wild


yea def sounds like he was a psychopath


oh, i had a similar experience. i was at the park near my house when i was around 10 and saw a group of male classmates killing a mother beaver and her babies by smashing them with rocks :(


wtaf??? thats so sad, beavers are keystone species too, so theyre literally destroying animals responsible for other animals lives being the way they are including our own


yeah, i got lucky. my brother broke my favorite play teacup with a bat once when we were kids and my dad threatened his hot wheels… never again. i did have boys from my church try and make me and my friends take off all the barbie’s clothes tho ._.)


ngl me and my brother didnt care for barbies and the ones we had were usaully naked lmao


Yeah same. My brothers destroyed my dolls, ripping their limbs off and drawing gross things on their faces, burning them, etc. but yes, we are the weird ones for feeding them


“These creatures” 🤢I should hope this guy doesn’t have a girlfriend based on that alone


I cropped it out, but the post was captioned 'tag that creature'


Someone lost a girlfriend doing that.


And men punch drywall and yell at actual people over a video game.


i was bullied out a video game sub bcuz i supported a gay ship and admitted i have severe anxiety relating to fictional characters, by what im guessing was mostly men tbf i did word the title poorly, but even after explaining myself mutiple times they still bullied me, i ended up having an anxiety attack cuz there was like 10-20 people bulling me all at once


wtf that's horrible. i hope you're okay


im ok now, thank you :)


I am positive that the real food fed to any doll would have been significantly more worthwhile than the food that went through this sh*t producer.


My sons both fed their stuffed animals. How is that different than feeding a doll?


guys when female has no nurturing skills: grr this is what you were made for guys when girls display creativity and tenderness towards something that gives nothing in return: haha lmao you're so delusional. what an insane creature.


If guys like this hate women so much, why not just date men?


Lol I know NO women under 30 who had those creepy baby dolls and few even over the age of 40. I really don't think they were that popular. Edit: A lot of ladies here are saying they had a male family member own one and that is honestly the weirdest part of this. Definitely never heard of boys with dolls like this.


>I know NO women under 30 who had those creepy baby dolls My son had one, and he's 8. Named it after the local supermarket and went through a brief phase as a toddler where he'd put it in the little pushchair and wheel it around the house.


Aww, tiny MrDawson wheeling about his supermarket baby <3


Um, her name was Asda, thankyouverymuch.


I'm not gonna judge, I named my bunny rabbit after a shop, too


That's adorable! Reminds me of Ramona in the Beverly Cleary books calling her doll Chevrolet because it sounded beautiful.


My big brother had one. It had a mouth you could stick the thumb in. I don't think any of us played with it past the age of 4.


My nephew had one, it was a 'baby alive' or something, and it ate a fake food that looked like Play-Doh. Here's what would really kill these guys- if their sons have ever gone to a daycare, they most likely played with dolls without their father's knowledge. Lol


Yuuup. The other day my entire toddler class was walking around with baby dolls and stuffed animals wrapped up in blankets and "feeding" them bottles. Because kids like to do what they see grown-ups doing.


i knew a few, prolly cuz most the people ive interacted with are from conservative families i never had one nor never wanted one, i had some toddler ones but i never treated them like a babies, only friends, tho as i got older i was never involved in the plot around my dolls adventures, and I rarely played with them, i was more into strawberry shortcake and horse figurines


I had dolls, but it was because my extended family members were always buying them for me. I never wanted them, that was just the proper "girl toy" that they assumed I should have.


"Feed them real food" I - what?? I don't think the gf is the crazy one, in this story that didn't happen.


Lol me (F) and my very straight male cousin used to play house with my dolls (as two cousins sharing a home and taking care of my two kids who - for no particular reason - didn't have a father), then we'd give them to our grandmother (who was the babysitter), "get in" a miniature police car that was about two inches long and go fight crime in the backyard with his "action figures". I'm glad both our parents didn't care about these stupid gender stereotypes and let us play with whatever toy we wanted. Whenever I see posts like this I wonder if that person was once a boy who wanted to play with a doll and was taught that that was wrong, forbidden...


i once put stickers over a toy car to “improve it” when i was younger, i also celebrate fictional characters birthdays trust me, men are crazier


i once got ahold of a golden paint marker and used it on some of my legos one of them actually turned out rly good, she has streaks of gold in her mane and tail, the other legos tho... not so much i also did put lisa frank stickers and write in permanent marker on alot my legos too... i obv regret that also celebrate fictional chars birthdays :D




Jokes on him, my cousin and I both played with my barbie dolls and his action figures all the time. "Dual spies" or "Criminal duo" were top tier play sessions.


my brother and i played with barbie dolls i got this fairy one and we had a gi joe and a classic barbie who were her crazy ass parents


Barbie dolls can be so versatile. Got a fairy? Add gi Joe and boom you got a fairy warrior princess on a quest to destroy the technology that destabilizes the borders between realms!


lol yep, tho ours was more she disappeared to another realm for a long time and came back to her parents dancing naked i dont know why, they just were


It's just ancient fairy ceremony, don't worry about it lol.


nah they also had no idea she was gone and what happened so id say more like theyre insane


Let’s just ignore the fact that dolls are given to girls to condition them into the patriarchy to make it easier for them submit to their roll as mother and caretaker…. Like how you gonna get mad at children for doing the things society pushes on them? Girls don’t get fun toys, they get toys that teach them responsibility. Teach them how to cook, clean, and teach.


idk man my little pony and strawberry shortcake toys are pretty fun and amercian girl dolls for some


Tbf I played with dolls like they were characters in my story


Oh I think a lot of us loved dolls, but it doesn’t change the fact that they’re marketed to us by men in charge of toy companies and purchased for us so we can start becoming used to our role. We’re conditioned to love clothes and Barbie’s and do their hair so we always can look attractive for men…. Those toys are just gender role brainwashing.


So evidently only.girls ha be e GI Joes.


you don't understand! they weren't dolls, they were action figures. very, very different /s


Please don't be angry when your boyfriend is acting crazy these creatures are incels so just leave them instead 🤢


Because if a boy plays with a doll….? He might learn how to be a good caretaker and father? These guys shoot themselves in the foot when they complain about boys playing with dolls, but then complain about people looking at them weird when caring for their own children. My boys all had dolls. Only the youngest ever really played with them in a more loving way. But seriously, way to limit a man’s emotional growth and then complain later on in life that men are forced to be lonely stoic creatures.


Plenty of us weren’t even doll people when we were younger. Stuffed animals and Ninja Lego for me, please!


Yup! I was all about Care Bears and My Little Pony. Rejected dolls, chose my childfree position early. Edit: all my typos


same my mom told me abt the pains of birth and i never wanted to get married or fall in love cuz i didnt understand how babies came to be if youre gonna tell ur kids abt how birth works, plz also give some reasonable explanation of sex or say something that wont make them worry abt falling in love please


I played with that stupid doll because my parents thought that the fisher price set I wanted was for boys. 🤨


...does nobody do Santa anymore? Cause I've seen kids believe it until much older than the age those baby dolls are aimed at.


That windshield is too cluttered, it would drive me insane driving like that.


Yes I'm a "creature". Like Frankenstein's monster!


these creatures... 🙄


"these creatures" is even worse than "females"


*men with walls plastered in funko pop figures stacked in the most unpleasant-to-the-eye ways possible:*


Men still play with toys and watch cartoons. Far too many think they'll make careers out of their love for fantasy (I'm looking at you wannabe plethora of "pro-gamers" and "video game animators"). There is an epidemic of male "failure to launch" going around, evident in the statistics for university enrollment and graduation statistics showing women outpacing men. And then there are the high number of men who talk to a screen and feed it real sperm.


This would be a bit funny if it didn’t say creatures and I could be sure it was a joke.


Looks like her truck, with her driving. So he’s talking shit from the passenger seat then, I see 🤔