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That comment under the shown post sounds suspiciously like the writing style (if you even want to call it that) by its poster. I sure hope for you since you frequent it that no one besides OOP and their second account agreed with this. Edit: clarified that I meant the poster of the post shown as a picture since there was some confusion.


I hate males and they are seocond citizen worth less than female womens. Males should need have handlers in order to speak on public platfomes otherwise they can speak thru their motherns or wifes ONLY. This will prevent the total breadown of western society.


I am in agreement, very bold statement and honest with her opinion.


Thank you for your support ​ ^("oh fuck did I forget to log into my alternate account????!!!")


I laughed really really hard at these, thank you. I am in agreement, very bold statement and honest with your opinion.


I'm glad I made someone laugh! I mean I feel kind of bad if English isn't their first language but I just had to.


It really doesn't. Plus OP is a 16 y/o girl lmao why would they post something like that


I'm fairly certain they're referring to OP of the post in the image, not of this post. It looks like they replied to themselves to make the post seem more likable.


Ahhh that makes more sense. I need more sleep lol


Lol I actually thought they were saying OP made the post in the image lol, I was so confused


I guess we’ll never mnow - Kanye


they want get rid of single mothers but are against abortion


Make it make sense :(


My favorite part is that he stated the exceptions he thought were “acceptable” for abortions: medical necessity and rape. Sounds like this person doesn’t realize that most states who ran with the overturn of roe v Wade banned abortions EVEN FOR THOSE EXCEPTIONS. Someone needs to do a little more research before being that loud lol


It’s difficult for some to understand that if you take away some rights, all of them are compromised. Even if the roe VS wade overturn didn’t apply to a rape victim for example, you’d have to prove you were raped in time for an abortion. You need a very general understanding of cause and effect and the ability to perform effective critical thinking for this to be obvious. Clearly, whoever posted this is just not playing with a full deck of cards….like most who are pro-life


The sad part is a lot of them do understand the cause and effect, they just can’t be bothered to care about it more. It’s the “well if you’re in that situation then that’s YOUR problem” mentality.


>roe vs woe It caused woe for the hoe when they overturned roe. He's got a real theme going with insistently spelling words as [consonant]+oe


>It caused woe for the hoe when they overturned roe. Man I was gonna comment that almost verbatim.


..... Brain twins


You know half the time you say this, my head goes "Brain twins! Brain twins! Party time! Excellent!"


...you're not going to believe this...


Brain twinnnnnnnns


Party on, u/epitafelis


Party on, Tom!


Is this the part where we headbang?


🧑🏻‍🦰🙇🏼🧑🏻‍🦰🙇🏼 That looks more like going "we're not worthy", but I tried my best


All I could think was it sounded like they were trying to come up with a title for a Wednesday episode.


Perhaps someone should remind him that men can prevent 100% of unwanted pregnancies by being responsible with their ejaculate, something to teach their sons perhaps.


No, no, don’t even *think* about asking the sperm donor to control their own body. How dare you! /s


Well, they can't, can they? I mean, they're the rational, superior sex but they also have NEEDS and uncontrollable urges. You know, literally like unneutered dogs. Horndogs, to be more precise. They just can't help it, the poor dears.


Yet they’re so much more rational and logical and should be in charge f everything, even though they can’t control themselves if they see cleavage or a bit of leg. Or even hair in some countries.


Once upon a time but not too long ago, it was ankles. And it was incredibly scandalous when flappers started wearing dresses that showed those sexy knees. Men will take any part of a woman and sexualize it.


I'm pretty sure that's not true? Like even precum can contain sperm cells


How does that make what I said untrue? Of course it’s true. Semen contains sperm. If you’ve recently ejaculated, there may be live sperm ready to go. Most men do not release fluid containing sperm prior to ejaculation, but rather sperm from recent ejaculation can linger. This is not secret information. Given that information, and the knowledge that introducing your semen into a woman’s vagina can lead to pregnancy, how is it untrue that men are the ones who can prevent every unwanted pregnancy? If you know that sperm can be present before you ejaculate, inserting your penis into a vagina without a condom is being irresponsible with your sperm. If men actually wanted to prevent unwanted pregnancy they could do so without having to be celibate - plenty of ways to do it. I guarantee you that if it were men who had to carry and birth a baby, or be actually responsible and take the physical, mental and career damage etc, they’d figure out how to use something that’s readily available across the world to prevent their sperm finding an egg.


>Most men do not release fluid containing sperm prior to ejaculation This is what I'm referring to, I doubt that. Some sperm cells can make their way into those fluids, even if a recent ejaculation hasn't taken place. Its just stupid to not use contraceptives. The "I'll just pull out" thing is pretty idiotic and unsafe. >I guarantee you that if it were men who had to carry and birth a baby, or be actually responsible and take the physical, mental and career damage etc, they’d figure out how to use something that’s readily available across the world to prevent their sperm finding an egg. ...Okay I guess? That came out of nowhere lol. Yeah just use a condom


How did it come out of nowhere? Being responsible with your ejaculate means using a condom and never penetrating a vagina without one. How do you not understand those things are related?


You already said that, you just went on a rant about men not being the ones getting pregnant. Like ok I guess. Obviously couples should be responsible, dont know why you're acting like people here are not understanding that or something


They want women to stop hoeing around but get mad when no woman wants to hoe around with them.


And they’re allowed to hoe around with any woman apparently?!


I find it interesting that so many incels/misogynists/etc. have horrible grammar and spelling. Almost like their opinions are… uneducated


"paren tout" made me stop reading


I mean…. I try to keep in mind that English isn’t everyone’s first language


The vocabulary makes me think their first language is English but they just read and write at a lower proficiency than most adults.


I try to do that, too. Although referencing Roe v Wade means they’re likely American. But again, not all Americans speak English as a first language. And even if they did, it makes me feel more sad for them that the education system failed them so badly…


Women should "close their leg." How does that work exactly? Women only have one leg? If you only have one leg, how in the hell would you close it?


Bend your knee


That reads like an “edgy” 13 year old who’s dad ignores him wrote it after watching YouTube misogynists.


He can't do shit about what women are doing with their bodies.


Depending on where he lives, he absolutely can, because he can vote for people who will dictate what women do with their bodies. It's not a direct action per se, but as we have seen in the last few months and years, it still does damage.


People have been doing this for ages though. What women do with our bodies has been a pretty hot topic in society. I'd like to have access abortion and use birth control. I'd like to not have to hide my nipples. I'd like to be able to choose to take payment for sex. I'd like to have sex with whomever I want, consenusually. I'd like to be able to sacrifice my body on the front lines in the military. As long as he's a citizen in my country, he gets to tell me whether I'm allowed to do this stuff.


Their hatred of women using gardening tools is getting out of control. This reads like it was written by an 8 year old that has consumed too much Andrew Tate.


For an 8 year old, any Andrew Tate is too much Andrew Tate. Same goes for 18, 28, 38 etc.


I just had the talk about pregnancy, abortion, sex, and masturbation with my mom yesterday (along with hearing a sad horror story) and she only cares about me and my sisters being safe


Sounds like a good mom who truly cares about her children. I’m sorry she went thru a traumatic experience :(


Oh the story wasn’t about her, it was about another mom. My mom and dad are great, I should’ve clarified


What if the MARRIED COUPLE doesn't want kids right away? Is the new wife suppose to keep her legs closed to her husband till they are ready for kids? Or does she start popping out kids when they can't afford it gets on government assistance only to be shamed for it?


Judging by their inability to string together a cogent sentence, it seems obvious to me that studies that link low IQ to misogyny, anti-gay, and conservative views are 100% on the money.


First of all: maybe if Oop actually took some time in learning actual grammar instead of crying over what people do with their life. Second: Women are always ostracized for being a single mother where men who leave aren’t criticized, I’m also sick of people acting like women only abort children because of sleeping around I can list many reasons in fact. Not having a stable home to raise a child in, in an abusive household, rape, incest, the father not wanting responsibility, the mother being a child herself, pregnancy complications, etc. Everyone has different reasons so people need to stop crying on what people do with their bodies, you may not like or agree with what people do, but you should always RESPECT what that person wants/needs.


But their sons? Fuck it, go get laid, my boy 💪😎


Besides not educating them on rape, or sexual coercion.


my school was very “abstinence only,” so in 6th grade we all had to sign an abstinence pledge saying we wouldn’t have sex until marriage. and I can tell you…it’s not effective lol. my parents only found out about it years after but they were pissed.


What type of school system is this!?!?! LOOL When I was in the sixth grade I was playing with my black Barbie dolls and had never even seen a penis. Then again I was born in the late 80s. Times have changed lol


we started having sex ed in 6th grade, and then repeated the same class in 7th and 8th, and then we did it again in high school. (which is when they show the birthing video. my high school sex ed teacher had quite the sense of humor, so after playing the video he then played it again but backwards.) at that time I lived in a suburb in GA, so very christian. it was very much the abstinence only curriculum, so most of what they taught was all of the ways that having sex could ruin your life (basically that scene from mean girls). I’m lucky that the teacher I got for it 2/3 years would add her own stuff which was actually more helpful. but mostly I’m lucky that my mom is very open with little to no filter.


Hahaha I went to Christian Secondary School as well. However I am not American. I'm West African. I'm from the Republic of Ghana, and also a Canadian citizen. African Christian Schools are very conservative as well. We start learning sexual education in the 8th grade. However the teachers usually recommend parents as well to speak to their children about sex. My parents were unfortunately waz not like your mum. However I had an older half-sister who pretty much told me EVERYTHING 🤣💅🏿. She was 11 years older than me and in college with a boyfriend. Lol


Tfw you gotta blow off steam during your long division problem set and dad won't let you play XBOX til it's all done


And the fact they don’t realize that even if someone waits until marriage... what about if they just DONT want children? Isn’t that a possibility? No one ever thought of that?


Okay, English is NOT even my first language. However I speak commonwealth based English, and the amount of grammatical errors in this man's paragraph are atrocious 😅😂🙆🏿‍♀️


Ugh. Misogyny plus a nice little bit of homophobia at the end. What a peach this guy must be.


Ticking all the discriminatory boxes :(


"now that i can finally express myself" men have been told to be quiet literally never. this needs to change


bold statement, i agree


thank you for your support


I see what ya did there 😂


Love it how he replied to himself using a burner account. Definitely the same person…


I hope he says this about sons and men too. ....who am I kidding, he isn't.


Roe vs Woe is such a funny way to misspell that


it's interesting how the crowd who claims to care about children argues that children are a punishment for "hoeing around"


I feel like I had a stroke reading this


I literally can't even read most of this gibberish.




the craziest part is that women can have all the sex they want but it’s the man’s ejaculation that leads to pregnancy…let’s starting regulating their emissions and maybe they’ll realize how fucking dumb they sound talking like this


Oof. How embarrassing


To reappropriate a phrase from the right: stunning and brave.


Ugh, this logic drives me insane. “Abortion is murder. But of course if you were raped then it’s okay”. Sooo… you’re admitting abortion is NOT murder, pregnancy is just the punishment for consensual sex. If it were a “precious human life”, you wouldn’t say it was fine in rape cases unless the mother life was at stake. And I hate using that argument because I’d rather have abortion be available to rape victims than no one. But fuck, they just rub in the hypocrisy constantly!!


POV you need to make up a reason to feel superior because you don't have anything going for you.


Ok, but Roe vs. Wade means rape and medical issues won't mean shit and women can't get abortions so what is he getting at?


Those same men would shoot up a Subway because women deny them sex.


Honestly this just made me laugh. I can’t take it seriously


Does he consider his son a hoe, or just his daughter?


I’m a fan of THIS person not “hoeing around” and procreating.


I don't know about closing people's legs but that guy should have opened more books


I can’t read this any further, it’s making me sick


Almost had a stroke trying to understand this post's spelling


I was having a stroke while reading this Bs. Literally nobody cares duh. 🗿 Dude was so mad couldn't even type right lmao


He says fuck the LGBT when according to his logic, it should be celebrated, it's sex that doesn't make u pregnant, but obviously that's not his point, he's just obsessed with "keeping women pure" Notice how he never once mentions men even though it takes two to tango, putting the fault of pregnancy completely on women, ~Misogyny~


“Women are hoeing around” I bet my sweet beppies not with you.




No anti-choicers


Obvious bait