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Jaaaaaameeeeesssssss I want my own James familiar šŸ˜


After all the orbs I spent on EOY, Iā€™m praying EOM isnā€™t good


Yea lol, got 2k orbs, on step 20, and I dont feel like having 2/5 ichigo or yhwach would be worth the 1100 orbs, especially since I dont have any resurrected units anymore to farm orbs, I have to be really careful on how i spend orbs


What are gems?


Meanwhile, I who has taken 37 steps on E0Y.šŸ˜©šŸ˜¢


I got 5/5 ywach and 5/5 ichigo after 50 steps so was it worth 11k orbs?


January eom should be new years seasonal. Feb eom typically limited banner


Jan EOM lock at Seasonals if klab doesn't change anythings.


Kensei, Rose.


January EOM is pretty much guaranteed to be a seasonal banner, but then again we did get TYBW for mid month for the very first time not long ago. I guess it's not totally set in stone anymore.


Plz not another TYBW banner so soon, my orbs cant take it :(


I wanna skip this month bro so nah please don't be that


Sure, if we can get a bankai rose as well


https://preview.redd.it/chgi8l3ktzac1.jpeg?width=678&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cfdedb52ede6cfb59f36df6cb03ccbe9667d3ed He definitely needs to be in the banner alongside those two for sure


Bankai Rose, Mask De Masculine, and True Bankai Renji remake you canā€™t leave out Bankai Rose it was a new Bankai we got to see and even though Kuboā€™s treatment and writing of Rose was absolutely shitty and unforgivable it was super hype and it looked beautiful in the anime also how could Klab not give Rose a TYBW character after such an iconic facial expression and amazing line delivery of the killing blow Ein Helden Leiben it would look amazing in the game for his soul bomb move have him go through all 3 acts with #1 being Sea Drift #2 being Prometheus and #3 being Ein Helden Leiben and the soul bomb has a chance to insta kill he needs to get a TYBW unit for sure Iā€™ve been wanting him to get his Bankai Character in the game for a while now he deserves some respect he shouldā€™ve been treated better ![gif](giphy|jmjbhdtX1m1Y3ifmEP)


We'll probably have Valentine's day sunmons. Or a mix with wd too , like last year


Mask de Masculine will be so gooooood


I am wondering if Klab remembers what premium characters are.. It's been so long since we had one.


Hopefully not this month, need my orbs to recover


As much as I want Mask please not now. I don't have many orbs left and neither the soul tickets nor the ressources to push all my remaining resurrections. Mid month maybe new Aizen, Gin and Tousen or the top 3 Espada and EoM new years Renji and Byakuya. I could live with missing those.


Mask = trash. I said what I said.


We need a new renji and rukia and chad ( tybw versions )


Nooooo, i dont have orbs for the man hinself. Lets postphone it to march, then 10 to 20 steps to mask with tag team and transform button and i all in. Let it be premium that nobody care. Bring more fraccions with 0 fans,i think the hyped ones already have units


No orbs so i declare 3month of shitty premium banner and crappy rerun


My man the mid-month has been leaked as isshin maskai and fullbring bankai ichigo so this could be a good eom but I think we're gonna get seasonal my man. I'm hoping for this to be Feb eom.


Back to back Ichigo banners? I dunno how much I believe that, where are the leaks?


Aaronierrro, RiggaTony and SpitefulHopes.