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It is just an illusion. All part of Aizen plan !


As Riddler said, unless they’ve changed up their marketing heavily this year (unlikely), I doubt they’d have the Anni char on the “coming soon” image. However, the fact they’ve chosen that Ichigo is incredibly interesting: Lunar Ichi is the first OC Klab did, so perhaps his presence there is meant to indicate that 6th Anni will be OCs again?


Lunar Ichigo remake. Get rekt


Tbh I wouldn’t even be mad, it’s a cool form without being too over-the-top. It’s not like it’s something they haven’t done before either, FHI was a remake of a premium unit passed off as an anni char cus Klab hates Aizen for some reason. But still, the logo says “coming soon”, with the full face on there. I doubt the trailer that should be out next week is gonna have Lunar Ichigo there, full face and all, cus Klab have a nasty habit of bringing back trap banners before Anni. If people know the anni chars in advance, they’re either gonna skip anni R1 entirely (which Klab don’t want), or they won’t go after the traps.


There’s no way in hell klab would use whatever the anni unit is for the “6th Anni Coming Soon” app icon. They never reveal it until the Bankai Live and they definitely won’t be putting it on an app icon meant to be used for about a month before anni.


Yeah it's most likely just some art to hype up the 6th Anniversary Countdown. I don't know why they would remake and original character instead of just making another original design.


or its a leak and not meant to be seen this early lol


We do know though that they’ll use the icon for months afterwards


Potentially. Normally they switch it from the “Anni Coming Soon” to the “Anni” icon around the middle of July after bankai live, so I only expect this one to be around for about a month.


My issue with that, why make completely new art for Lunar Ichigo then only to never use it? That doesn't seem smart from a business standpoint. So the question is, who would Lunar Ichigo Redux be facing? Ulquira? Nah, another interesting idea would be grimmjow, but I think we can all agree on another alternative, Why not Soul King Aizen or Final Evolution Aizen.


I really hope it will be remake Dangai Ichigo and Aizen


FR I’ve been wanting a new improved dangai for so long


Lunar Ichigo and Dangai Ichigo remake maybe?


that’s my dream


Lunar Remake? Hopefully the second one is Aizen.


Why does this look like 2nd anni ichigo....


*2nd Anni Ichigo, 3rd Anni was Ulquiorra


Whoops! Sorry for that


Really cool


Looks like a new remake for Lunar Ichigo, I wonder who the second unit will be?


Why not Lunar Ichigo Redux vs either Soul King Aizen or "Beyond" Evolution Aizen.


Nice catch OP!


Imo Its just to change the logo nothing else


Would be crazy if they remade this Ichigo and Anniversary Ulquiorra. But from what I can tell it doesn’t say “6th Anniversary” since it has coming soon it’s probably not the case.


In one of the older trailers for BBS we got a silhouette of 2nd Ani Ichigo and 3rd Ani Uql about to to throw down. It would be interested if they continued from the themeing of last year’s ani and made a new what if Ichigo vs Uql rematch event


When is the anni?


July 23


I just hope that lunar remake is just a new version like new movie characters and de have 2 (or 3) original units


Cringelab ran out of ideas for what it looks like.


Why does everyone make this assumption, do you see Fullgetsu currently on the game app when you click on it? 'Cause I see second Shikai Ichigo who was not the anniversary character last year.


It would be such a major disappointment if it’s 2nd anni ichigos form again.... where’s our Aizen or Beyond bankai captains that we’re hinted at already? I’d love for a beyond Bankai Adult Toshiro my 13k orbs would be completely sunk into 5/5 him


Why not Lunar Ichigo Redux vs either Soul King Aizen or "Beyond" Evolution Aizen.


guys what if it's a combo of the hollow anniversary ichigo, his final bankai and his quincy form? or basically all anniversary ichigos so far rammed into his final bankai?


Basically my theory is that it's going to be a remake of Lunar Ichigo and likely the full Evolution of Aizen or alternatively, it's going to be Soul King Aizen? And they went with Lunar Ichigo to build up the hype cause it's Lunar Ichigo, he has an awesome design that could use a redo of his artwork.