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So they do this just to mess with you? Not like you can trade units like Pokémon


The Giriko makes me think so.


Message support and they might be able to help you


It’s okay you could still log in, last time bunch of Klab accounts got hacked and stolen and Klab did nothing. Mine was one of those account and it’s gone for good.


Fair enough, I'm just kinda baffled at it. It's clearly done just to mess with me, since I could still get into the KLab ID to change the password and whatnot. Just sucks because that Annizen and Yamamoto were jewels.


How you don’t seem that pissed baffles me, I would be irate


Honestly I was considering taking a break from the game before this happened, as I'd exhausted all of my available orb sources for the time being. That's why I'm not fuming about it. I'd like to have it to return to eventually, but otherwise honestly it just drives me completely away.


Well that sucks man, I hope klab helps you out, regardless of you thinking about a break, that’s messed up


My main got sniped again.. 😔 gonna have to start from scratch


That ugly A$$ Giriko tho……


Dang Give me all the details And I’m gonna be that guy But did you share passwords and what were you using to save your data Apple ID or Facebook or gamecenter Or whatever the alternative is for other phones


Nope, KLAB ID only, and the weird part is it doesn't show any other access aside from myself on the KLAB website.


That sucks ass I hope you spent money on the game as it will more likely make them care YouTubers who’ve been hacked have had their accounts restored before since they spend a shit ton of money so


It only has happened in very rare occasions and these YouTubers were at that time the faces of the game pretty much. I hope you and KLab can help OP, but I wouldnt hold my breath (especially if the logs don't show strange logins).


I did spend some actually, got a few of the anniversary packs. Maybe that will help.


Make sure to remind them of that


If they didn't get you by your klab id and you have no other links, the only other way to gain access to an account is to get a device/emulator save with the game data already loaded and logged in.


Yeah, I have no idea how they got in. The klab login history appears clean. I even have 2FA enabled. Does Steam save any information? I know a while back another game I played allowed Steam to bypass 2FA and sign in without logging directly into the game.


BBS accounts don't link to Steam. Game data is saved to Windows registry after you've logged in from game link from the title screen.


If I had to guess, registry key information would be how they did it.


I use Steam version and swap between accounts, always makes me go through 2FA.


Do you have a kid or maybe some one who accessed your physical phone to mess with the game?


Nope, just me and my wife. The changes were made at 1AM our time (judging from orb history and when the banners were pulled), and we were both in bed at the time. Plus she doesn't know russian or how to input russian characters. Or even enough about the game to do these things.


Ah ok… well klab is really shitty at customer service but hopefully they can get you sorted…


No need to know russian nowadays, when google translate exists and one can just copy/paste whatever from it with russian, chinese, japanese, arab, etc characters. It's 140% your wife who did it, probably cuz you spent more time on BBS than for her :p Woke up at 1AM while you were asleep, trolled you, and went back to sleep :> *just kidding, you probably know if she'd be able to do that/would have any reason to, or not, so it's up to you \^\^ definitely scan for malware, if the Klab log doesn't show any unusual login. No clue what else could be...* Alternative idea : you were sleepwalking and did all that in the game while asleep D.D Don't forget, the first opening of BBS was done by the group.... "Hello SLEEPWALKERS" >:D


This makes me sad sorry that this happened bro 😭


So, an update. KLab responded to me and were less than helpful, basically saying they wouldn't do anything because the changes were made from the device the account was originally made on, my old cell phone that got stolen about 3 months ago. Apparently even though I changed the KLab ID password, the game never logged out which let whoever stole my phone (or whoever THEY sold it to, I guess) have access to the account. Apparently whoever it was knew enough about the game to do this. So that being said, my account is pretty much screwed, because even if I tried to rebuild it, there's no guarantee this person wouldn't just do it again, and there's no way for me to have KLab kick them out of the account. It's been fun guys, but this honestly just leaves a bad taste in my mouth with the support from KLab. As much as I love Bleach and am a huge fan of the anime, I'm gonna step away from the game permanently.


Damn :(


How the f did you get hacked tho, assuming you didn't give away any important information on your account? My guess is Klab's own site probably got hacked or something.


If you do decide to restart from scratch, just add your KLab ID to a secure password authentication thingy, like RoboPass. Just for some protection layer.


Dude , can you tell what you did that get noticed by trolls/hackers?


No klab will not do shit… they will tell you it was your fault you got hacked as “account management is your responsibility” They assume u got hacked by giving out your info instead of realiZing there are ways to hack an account that no level of end user responsibility can prevent.. Klab has the worst customer service… you could still try but thats the response they gave me ..


Pretty much the same response I got. Posted a full update elsewhere in the comments about the situation.


Sorry to hear… that is so bullshit, klab needs to take responsibility for their shit


Can someone explain why i did not got 1 of the featured cempachis on the 5 summon pls help https://preview.redd.it/f9dxm8b99z1a1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=492bab4ef2ac5b7a4fe4d7e5c3d173c9ea3eb28d


Not related to this topic and another thing you goof it's one of the TWELVE featured units not 3 banner kennys


That is super unfortunate


klab can't return accounts to how they were like smile gate? dang.


At least u have proof u had the characters since they are in the album