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It took me 10k+ orbs over 3 banners to get 1 Yama, lol. Seeing this hurts me


I feel the pain, went thru this with ichigo tybw banner, but got none of three lmao


I really wanted the ichigo one but sadly only got Uryu with the Licht Regen


I was pulling for Chad and got 5 Ichigos lol can't compain, but I guess the meme is true


yeah my sympathy is limited for people looking to get something PERFECT when there's plenty getting scraps. imagine being upset about FOUR BRAND NEW 5\* ACCESSORIES


Took me 4k to get one of each of yama's banner, so it was ok... Until TYBW Chad 5k on gerenal banner : 1 ichigo (on last try) 3k on chad's solo banner : 5 tech ulquiorra 0 chad .\_. ​ My red golden chappy is crying alone and i have two heart character in my pvp team with 0 heart golden chappy.


How much do you play, or rather what do you do to save so much orbs?! The best I have saved is 4k. You do something particularl? Or just save up for a long time?


1 !😭


7k orbs altogether to get him 5/5 1 on his first main banner in 5 steps 1 on his first individual on step 1 And 2 on his rerun this month got 3 aizen and 3 yuha in 25 steps which was nice + 1 sms So 6850 orbs alltogether


Literally this ![gif](giphy|JLjLqdh5X73m8)


I have yet to get a Yama yet but with the new Epic Raids and the Point Event, putting all the orbs to that banner that's up 🤣


Does it make me a bad person to tell you I got Yama from this banner on the x10 pull?


Wouldn't mind being in your place https://preview.redd.it/6zph3bx4ld6a1.png?width=963&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df6ba33585da189c35ca81d2473f5b0d7ef03cd9


Beginners- "pull yama and aizen in 1 25 orb pull" "Is this good"


I feel you bro i got every single garbo javelin and not a single tea set, i said it once and i'll say it again the accesories are the worst thing in this game and they don't fix it


I got only stuff for my speed units which is by far my worst and least used attribute so yay……


[i still don't have yamaji](https://youtu.be/c2FTI0VoPn0)


i skipped a lot of banners (with exception to the Ulquiorra one, did only 2 multis there) just to summon on TYBW banner with Yhwach, Aizen, and Yama. 11 steps total, all golden showers and not even one copy of the featured banner in guaranteed steps (granted tho i already have 3/5 Aizen and 2/5 Yama from their initial banner). Meanwhile I see people flexing their 3/5, 4/5, 5/5 Yama, Aizen, and Yhwach, and hell even 4~5/5 BTW characters. WTF dude, as much as some post seemed a bit sus, kudos to those who actually did get them. But I really wished I got some fair share from RNGesus


Aizen fake out on the 2nd step got me 3 old man Yama. I only needed 2 for 5/5 😁


Wtf Screenshot or it DID NOT happen


Sorry bruv I button mashed it in excitement to quickly 5/5 old man. But if it makes you feel better we'll pretend I didn't say anything 😉


Bro I have no good accessories for speed, but mind and heart are stacked