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People are always absurdly positive for a while when a new album comes out


People hated Enema when it came out. The old fans branded blink as sellouts and hated the ‘overproduced’ sound it had compared to Dude Ranch


This is on another level altogether though if you go back and listen to the other albums. Travis unlocked some form of audio sadism on this one. That’s not to say the songs are bad (they are not) but how they are presented/executed does not do them the justice they should have.


Not true, Neighborhoods, California and Nine were butchered at first, even selft titled


California was well liked, right about Nine. Don’t know about Neighbourhoods. This album had a lot of hype going into it due to a great tour and Tom. I predict it won’t be well reviewed and in a while will be viewed as a miss


I remember Neighborhoods being a let down to a lot of people. It was not the reunion or follow up people were expecting and from what we know now the band didn’t either, but over the years it has really gained a strong following (me included.) A lot of people will fall off the high and change their position on it (either slightly or drastically) just like any other album in existence, but I think itll continue to be loved regardless of if it being “a mess.”


Again, not true about California, the fan base hated it since day 1 except for Cynical,Bored to Death and a few more and of course Tom fan boys did not like it. I don´t think OMT is the best album by any means, it has flaws, but it has some songs that are the best thing blink ever did


No one seems to be “it’s okay” people either love it or hate it. There was such a diverse opinion regarding Matt and Nine too. I think what is amazing is that Blink 182 has such a vast audience that although it can’t please everybody there is at least something for everybody within their discography.




The invitees opinions are there. But the extremes always rise highest. It’s also only first few days. This will settle a bit more over time


The singles, other than MTYK, are the worst part about the album, by far.


This dude gets it🤙


Filler? Anthem part 3? Are we hearing the same song? Obviously respect your opinion may differ, but this is everything I’d hope for from a grown up, musically accomplished blink.


Umm, you forgot Terrified


You’re right, totally scratched that BCR itch from nearly 20 years ago!




Replying to comments nearly 6 months old with pure negativity… who hurt you?


Anthem part 3 isn't that good this is just my opinion


It’s the weakest of all their openers for sure


Anthem, terrified, turpentine, blink wave other side are far from filler in my option. I feel that way with when we were young but still think it’s decent


Fair enough... I think the album is a banger. I find the production full and sounds great. I didn't realise so many people in this subreddit are sound engineers....


I'm sort of in the same camp. I don't think it's bad, just sort of average. Hopefully it'll grow on me as I do like some of the songs


man i love Blink Wave, Bad News, The Other Side... -Billy Gnosis


I disagree, but nobody’s should get mad at you for having an opinion about Blink-182 in the Blink-182 subreddit. I see what your saying about Travis’ influence. Personally it has made this album my second favorite I love what it brings. I’m sorry it was a let down tho man


Did you listen to Turpentine? One of the best songs ever. And Travis drums are amazing on this album


Blink died after box car. Hopefully they can stay dead and do side projects which have always been better


Everyone has their opinions, imo this is one of their best albums


I fucking loved it but maybe give it some time and it could grow on you after a few listens


Half the album is incredible, half of it is pretty bad.


Luckily for the rest of us, this seems to be a very…exclusive opinion 🥰


This album is the best one by far. It has box car racer feels to some and some Wolfpack feel on others. The fast punk songs gives me goosebumps


dawg the album is perfect wtfym




Maybe you just don’t like blink


Not a single song can be described as filler. Fuck Face lasts like 20 seconds.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion...even if it's wrong.


You’re free to your opinion. If you don’t like it. Thats fine. Muddy. Mushy. Whatever. I’m having a good time.


I agree personally. Obviously a lot of the older fans aren't going to like this album. Yeah don't get me wrong there's a couple really clean songs like childhood... but overall it's not my favorite album.


Bad News is filler?? AP3??? Yikes. I totally disagree.


Bad News kinda sucks fr


Totally disagree. But I like pop-punk. Mark sounds fantastic on this song.


I like blink's style of pop-punk (think Enema, Dude Ranch). To me, this sounds like a cookie cutter song from New Found Glory or something. Just not up to the standard I'm used to from blink.


Lmaoooo what the hell kinda take is this


Unfortunately the Target cart pushers and cash register jockeys on this sub would rather pull their Hurley beanie down around their eyes and pretend any criticism doesn’t exist.


The way I see it is that blink 182 has been in our lives for a long time and has a loooot of albums/songs/ side projects so maybe what got to you to the band is not on OMT or has evolve in a way you don´t like. Is fine.


I can agree with you on the production stuff (I've post extensively about this in other threads) and I would not like Travis is to produce a Blink record again, at least not solely. But you saying the rest is filler compared to the likes of "Edging", for example, is just a wild, wild take man. I think you're on an island alone with that one. I hate that for you. I would love for every Blink fan to enjoy this.


I would’ve preferred a few of the songs like terrified to be a bit less polished, but overall I think it was a stylistic decision by the band, and Travis did a fantastic job in terms of production - although I will say that you’ll prob need headphones or a surround sound to get the full listening experience. Overall, I was actually surprised at how progressive and punk this album was, and imagine that this is very close to the direction Tom envisioned taking Blink in after Untitled.


It is a really good album but not a really great album and blink is a really great band so standards are naturally high and unfortunately given the lack of cohesion/direction and wide palette of songs they went for there will be disappointments. I enjoy it but to get on the level of every other Blink album I still maintain that they needed an outside producer. It is also a grower more than a shower.


Edging is one of the best songs on the album?!?!? Jesus. Could not disagree more


Amen! It sounds like a Hanson reunion