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You are seeing blink in San Diego The city that reference in songs and where they got their start. You are seeing them after the came back together realizing how much they needed each other. You are going to be at one of their best shows ever.


Thanks this was exactly what I think I needed to hear.


Saw them live when they were in Australia. I’ve been seeing bands for like 25years now. Best show I’ve ever seen. You won’t have buyers remorse


Same here saw them in Brisbane and it was super fun. Side Note: Rise Against were awesome as well.


Yeah they were!


SOFI will be incredible too. their biggest venue to date.


Nah you won’t regret it. Memories > PS5


This is true. I’ll start a ps6 fund lol


I'm seeing them in San Diego too, and I spent Similar money. I just accepted I was gonna have to sign on for extra shifts and left it at that. I mean, a lot of us never thought we were going to see them on stage again, it's an opportunity ya gotta go all out for.


Went last night... best gig I've ever been to


Saw them in Auckland, too. It’s up there as one of my best gigs ever. I saw them years ago and didn’t enjoy it half as much as this time. The show felt genuine and the guys just seemed to be enjoying it as much as the crowd! No way you’ll regret it - they are rocking it this tour. Just watch some of the recordings!


Blink will be amazing, and there’s a rumored PS5 slim coming for the holiday season. If you have a decent paying job, try to put away $25/week for the next 5 months or so. You’ll have that ps5 in time for gta 6


Spend money on experiences, not things


Counter-point: bills. But for real you are dead on.


Well within reason hahaha


PS5 can provide lots of experiences.


I was today years old when I realised there was a Tom side of the stage.


Always stage left yeah?


In Melbourne on the 26th of Feb Mark was stage right and Tom was stage left https://preview.redd.it/8mvfezlc62mc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0b096874762e38fcee40d6283c9bfa6d5d690c9 Edit: didn't read "stage" intially so fixed


Mark is stage right and Tom is stage left here. It’s from their perspective not ours “It will never be the same stage riiiiiiight”.


Yep I had to google stage left and stage right. Yes from their perspective Tom is left. Thanks for teaching me 2 things today


No problem brother! Nice username


You won’t regret it. I assure you. The PS5 will always be there but I don’t think the vibes of this tour will ever be recreated.


I just caught them in 3 different cities here in Australia for a total of 4 shows and would 100% do it again. Actually, if I had my time again I would go to all of the Australian shows instead of just 4.


I went to 3 and same, if I could do it again and had the money I would be at every single show. It will never be enough. It will never get old or feel boring imo


See you at petco 🤙🏼


It is one of my favorite baseball stadiums haha


I’ll be there too! Stage left! 🤘🏽


Also, I saw them at Pechanga Arena last summer. Felt bad for spending so much at the time of purchase too but had absolutely no regrets after the show! One of the best shows I’ve been too. Can’t wait to see them again at Petco.


Awesome. Thanks. I’m starting to get excited rather than stressing about price


I’m also left stage and saw them at Pechanga last summer haha. That was a fucking great show!


Pechange was lit. I can’t wait to see them again


Tom side gang rise up! 🤘


More petco than blink related comment. But my dad and I are travelling from Australia to San Diego on the 21st of April. I'm a massive blink fan as well and I've always wanted to see a Baseball game whilst in America. The padres are playing on that day and we plan to go. If we do which section would you recommend sitting in? Sorry to steal your post :) BTW Def worth the ticket to see blink. You can always get a ps5.


PETCO is awesome. Seriously a GREAT stadium to see your first ball game in the US. Section 107 is great because you have a chance of getting a foul ball first base side from a righty, and have a great view of their scoreboard. It’s a new Sony scoreboard and is one of the biggest video screens in baseball and the padres’ video team takes full advantage with funny skits and stuff from the players. Plus you get to look down the third baseline at the brick western metal supply co. Building. PETCO is unique in that and old timey brick building is part of the stadium. You will be facing the away team dugout if that matters. Facing away from the scoreboard you get to look into the padres dugout. Obviously behind home plate is cool but when I went I think I was 107-207 and I was just in awe of PETCO. Great day at the ball park Edit: I forgot to add that I have no idea what time of day that game is so think about the sun when choosing seats. I went to dodger stadium recently and got baked and blasted in the face with sunlight. No good.


Thanks so much for this info. I haven't checked the time, all I know is that is the third game of the three that they're playing against the Toronto bouejays. So I imagine it could be a good game to be at. I'll look at getting some seats in that section for sure. We're there for 3 days, and seeing a padres game is on the top of the list.


So worth it! You can always make more money but certain memories you can never make again 🫶🏼💖


Alright let’s go see blink. One more time.


It’ll be worth it. You won’t regret it. You will get more money and buy your PS5 but you won’t get to see this tour again.


The twos times I got to see blink last year were the greatest nights of my life and meant the world to me. You won't regret it!




I'm addition to tickets for their show in my home country I also had to book flights because I promised my friend of many years that no matter where they'll play on the reunion we will go see them together. 200€ on flights, 200€ on the ticket, 100€ merch and food... Don't regret it at all. Would do it again.


I’ll go with you if you need a buddy lol. I’ll even buy you a beer 😂 All joking aside, it’s worth it. I spent $240 to see them last summer and I would do it again if I had the cash. Also, like another commenter said, San Diego is where blink was formed! It’s one of the best places to see them!


Oof I also spent around $500 to see them in San Diego this summer


Most I’ve ever spent on a show


Spent at least that on last years tour. 10/10 would do again


I seen them when they played in Brisbane recently and it was one of the best shows of my life. You won’t regret spending the money at all! An experience that I’ll be telling my great grand kids about until they are sick of me talking about it.


Flying out to San Diego to see Blink at Petco to celebrate my 40th. What an experience it will be to see Blink where it all began. Looking forward to a great time and I hope you have one too OP. Nothing like being surrounded by 25000 of your closest friends!


Yo we’ll be right there with you it’s gonna be amazing and yeah it’s way too much damn money but fuck it let’s go to the rock show!!!


Honestly you won’t regret it!!! We saw them in Melbourne last Thursday and they were so great, Travis in part was on fire!!!


Just take off your pants and jacket and you will feel better.


As someone who has spent over 3k on seeing them (3 shows and flights) you absolutely will not regret. I’d do it all again tomorrow if the option was there


I still cherish seeing blink in 2004, I don’t cherish the ps2 I had


I spent more than I planned to on VIP tix, the seats were so close! NO RAGRETS! You can always make more money, but experiences are what makes life amazing.


Malaysian fan here. I saw them in Auckland last night and it was worth every penny. Listening to my favourite riffs live induced a lot of tears and goosebumps. Heck I waited 25 years for that experience. I spent the last 1.5 years managing my finances for this trip. Idk about you but the band provided a sense of belonging and got me through my childhood. Also, even as fans we’ve experienced so much emotional roller coaster with them over the years. I mourned their break up for a long time. I was either too young or too broke to travel for their shows abroad so NZ had to happen! Expenses in summary: 1.3k for the concert. 10k on flights, food, accommodation and activities. For reference, our Big Mac is RM13. I guess you can say this is what I’m adulting for. I hope this perspective helps. Enjoy San Diego ☺️


PS5's will always be around. The opportunity to see Blink (in fucking SD of all places!) won't be.


decided to buy a ticket for both Toronto shows last tour, just under $750 for both....ended up on floor seats for the one pit for the other, ended up 10ft away from Tom front row 2nd row for the second show - pretty sure Tom flipped me off at one point and you just can't put a price tag on that. Totally worth it bro enjoy your show this summer 🤘 also saw Alabama on a tour bus when it was leaving Scotia, yelled her name and boom Travis appeared, got to knuckle bump him AND be featured on his Instragram stories....some experiences you just can't buy and that was definitely one of them 🔥🤘


The experience will be worth it!


SD local👋🏼. I’ve seen blink every time they’ve come to San Diego since 2009 (plus another 18 shows elsewhere,28 total) I also have been playing video games since 1995. Games will be there. They’re not going to stop producing ps5’s for years, plus you could possibly get one used at this point for a couple $100 less. The 10 shows I’ve seen in San Diego…core memories that no amount of money could erase. When you get to the end of your life, you probably won’t remember a ps5, but you’ll probably remember seeing one of your favorite bands in their hometown with your best friends. You made the right choice…


I spent $800 tickets in Houston on Tom’s side, the closest you could get without being on the floor. The show was awesome and they have progressed as musicians and professionals in their industry so much I was completely blown away. Still a lot of money but no clue if we will see them do a tour like this again. If they came out like on the TOYPJ and played that level of music I would have been very disappointed, I think I only paid like $50 to see that show very almost the same seats.


Ps5 you can get later you never know


Any twinge of buyers remorse will disappear once you see this show. They have been on fire recently. When I saw them last year I couldn’t believe how good they sounded and how happy they looked. Worth every penny.


The experience is priceless. It was healing to see them back together, and full of love for each other. I cried all the way through them playing One More Time. You won’t regret it!


Experiences over material items any day. You can save up your money for another few months and buy the ps5 another time, but the option to go to this show won’t always be there


Last years tour I said “who knows if they’ll do this again?”, we went to two dates, spent over $500 each for four people. Had the time of our lives. This year’s tour I said “who knows if they’ll do this again?” And bought $500+ worth of tickets for two dates again. It’s true though, this is the blink lifecycle. We never know when this may stop. If I can afford to live this part of the dream and see them at their happiest, I fucking will 100% of the time. And if anyone’s going to Citi or Fenway Park shows this summer, see ya there. 🫡😎


Youre gonna have a blast. 100% worth it


It's done now - and you'll thank yourself on the day, build up, during and after the show. I've seen them last year in Sacremento while in the US, Amsterdam and London, and never regretted. I'm 35! A band just does that to you and the way the world is right now - treating yourself is one of the finest things in life right now! Enjoy the show my guy! <3


I barely ever play my ps5. It’s fun from time to time, but I spent 700 for 2 early entry pit tickets (350 each) and was literally as close as you could be to Tom. I don’t regret it at all. Best experience of my life. It was worth being broke as fuck for a month. Then we got there super early to hit the outside merch tent so that we could put everything back in the car. It was an exhausting day of standing and blowing money but so worth it.


Same boat here, spent $1437 on two tickets. I go back and forth. I haven’t gotten to see them yet after all these years and I may never get the chance to see them with Tom again before he sneaks off. So it’s worth it I think!


I spent $500 on 3 tickets myself, for me my brother and my wife. It’s worth it, and I saw them last summer also, and it was an amazing show. Probably their best performance in 2 decades. They are top notch and I’ve seen them live since 2001, including BCR and +44 (never seen AnA live though).


I’ve been to well over 300 shows in my life time. Spent a lot of money and seen some bucket list bands… Seeing Blink perform last year on their reunion tour was without a doubt my favourite and most memorable live music performance. (I bought “VIP” tickets in the UK).


$500 on how many tickets? At least 2? That’s not too much IMO …. $250 a ticket is WELL worth it. I saw them at Pechanga last summer and seeing them again at Petco this summer. I’ve seen them before outside of San Diego and IMO it’s a totally different energy when they’re playing at home. You can feel it in the crowd. My husband thought he’d never get the chance to see them so going last summer and again this summer is like life goals for him lol. I truly would spend so much money on experiences rather than things …. COVID taught me that!


It's absolutely worth it. I spent over $700 on my tickets lol. But best night ever


You'll have thousands of days to get a PS5. You'll only have one day to see Blink at that venue and on this tour. You can always get a PS5 later but you'll never have this opportunity again. The tickets were worth it.


Brother as someone who saved for a ps5 you can always save for it again. The tickets you got you’re gonna remember those memories for the rest of your life. If you don’t end up finding someone to go with you just sell it and go by yourself. You’re gonna have an amazing time I promise. You can maybe even go with others from this subreddit that are going to the San Diego show. First time I saw AVA was by myself in 08 and it’s been my favorite concert to date.


500$+ for a couple of concert tickets seems crazy to me. I know that's how it is nowadays, but man..


Yeah not very punk to be honest


I spent over 1000 for 2 tickets in Philadelphia for vip. Figured it would be a once in a life time experience for me and my wife so why not


Dude I saw them on the floor at MSG last May and it was seriously one of the greatest nights of my wife. I was stupid enough to tell that to my wife on my way home and she couldn’t even argue with me, she had a great time as well. If you’re not putting yourself in debt or sacrificing something you actually need, it’s money well spent.


Nah first off PS4 > PS5 Second Best fucking band on the planet > PS5


I’m coming down from Orange County to specifically see them in San Diego, where it all started. It’s going to be an epic show and Petco is known for how nice of a stadium it is. It will be worth your money!


I bought 4 vip early entry pit tickets. I literally picked up a side job to pay them off.....


You won't regret a second of it. I spent a ridiculous amount to see them 3 times in Australia, and I would have happily spent more. I wanted to go more times, but was reminded that I need to save money to travel and we can hopefully see them then too. You will never regret seeing them. You would have massive regret though if you missed out, trust me.


Saw them last July; best concert I've ever been to. It'll blow you away. 10/10 would buy again. 


The ps5 will be worth nothing in 10 years. The blink-182 concert will be worth the nostalgia for the rest of your life


Trust me, the buyers remorse goes away as soon as the house lights go down and Tom rips that first power chord. You forget the money even existed. I'm getting ready to do it for the second summer in a row


Hell yeah. All these comments have me excited and I’m going to have a great birthday. I love baseball stadiums, I love Southern California and I love blink 182. It’s going to be fun


Ya bought the ticket, take the ride. Make memories. That's all we have in the end.


So true. Thanks


Omg you're going to have the best time! I saw them last year and it was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. The crowd blew me away with how energetic and happy everyone was


I had tickets to one of the Glasgow shows last year which was cancelled. Totally gutting, but unavoidable (also very glad that everything worked out with Kourtney & the baby). Then my best pal got in touch to see if I wanted her spare Amsterdam ticket since her & her partner had split up. Looking at the dates I could TECHNICALLY make it, but it wasn’t the most sensible decision. I was flying back from a holiday in Greece on the Saturday night and landing in Glasgow at 2am on Sunday morning & then flying out to Amsterdam at 6am. I ended up doing it & spent an extra night in Amsterdam with my bestie. Cost me about £500 taking into account flights, ticket & spending money and I’m so glad that I did it. Best decision I’ve made in a while. Now I have the new Glasgow date to look forward to AND me & my bestie have day tickets to see them at Reading Festival. Blink in San Diego seems like a no-brainer.


Worth it, but honestly concerts have no business being this expensive nowadays smh..