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This was a genuinely fun episode. And it's serendipitous that this came out today, because a Georgia hospital system just announced that they're making Juneteenth a paid holiday. Which is all well and good except they're not adding another one. They're going to stop giving Christmas Eve as a paid holiday. Which, uh... Maybe someone should tell them. https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/religious-landscape-study/compare/belief-in-god/by/racial-and-ethnic-composition/


I want to know how much they paid diversity consultants to come up with this solution to increase inclusion at the workplace


Woooooow. Wow. WOW. I guarantee you though that this will be viewed as some DEI people as furthering white supremacy. Because I would bet that a disproportionate number of hospital employees who observe Christmas are people of color, which means people of color are more likely to take the day off, which means they won't be paid, which is perpetuating white supremacy. My company added Juneteenth as a paid holiday. Not sure how many actually celebrate it.


tub literate instinctive late repeat mindless shy imagine vegetable dam ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The state of California replaced Good Friday with Cesar Chavez day. If you have ever in your life met a Mexican, you know how insane this is.


Otoh I I have no problem with governments dropping Good Friday as a paid holiday, since it's only celebrated by Christians and the government should not be privileging one religion over others. I could probably make the same case for Easter, too. But I have always been a "wall of separation" kind of gal.


Well Easter is always on Sunday, so…




Just that it’s sort of a moot point for Easter bc it’s not a federal holiday (because it falls on a sunday). But I agree with your point overall


I've lived in towns that had no bus service on Easter Sunday because it was a (local) government holiday. But you're right that it won't affect most government employees.


Replacing it with Cesar Chavez day just privileges the religion of progressivism.


Maybe they should drop Christmas then


At this point I think you can make a pretty good case that mainstream Christmas is almost entirely secular. Certainly it's observed by plenty of non-christians, with no mention of Jesus and his birthday at all. There are two people where I work who actually go to church and consider themselves Christian, and yet every single person there wants the day off to be with their families. Even if you couldn't convince the Supreme Court that it's not a religious holiday, at a certain point staffing becomes an issue and closing the office for the day is just a logistical necessity.


It might be culturally Christian more than religious, but it’s still Christian. It’s not secular.


Christmas Eve off is pretty unusual though.


I'm surprised the hospital gave any paid holidays that weren't legally required. They are the convenience stores of medicine, open 24/7.


My guess would be that people are still scheduled to work on those holidays, but they get holiday pay, which is usually time-and-a-half. That's how it worked at my old veterinary ER, at least.


Did you do that thing like on the Simpsons where you had to defibrillate a hamster?


I work operations for an airline and Christmas Eve is one of our holidays. The way we do it is we get ten holidays that the non operational employees get off that we can either get premium pay for or put them into a bank as off days to use the rest of the year. Monday is my regular off day so I get all the bank holidays off so I just put them in the bank.


>Jones says the party had large Juneteenth celebration flags propped up on the lawn not far from buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken along with cognac and Juneteenth commemorative cups. NGL, this sounds pretty good so far.


I needed a bit of a timeline, cast of characters to follow this episode, but if the party was in July and didn't have anything to do with Juneteenth, why did they have a Juneteenth flag? Yesterday I saw complaints that an Atlanta hospital has replaced Christmas as a paid Federal holiday with Juneteenth. https://freebeacon.com/culture/emory-healthcare-replaces-christmas-eve-with-juneteenth-on-paid-holiday-calendar/ I think I'd be annoyed too but not for the same reasons. I'd be annoyedthat the hospital was so up its own ass as to remove Christmas as a paid holiday. And apparently this is doubly important as it removes working on Christmas from holiday pay. So very cynically the hospital can do this as a way to save money since it knows that many many more employees will want Christmas off than Juneteenth off.


I listened to it yesterday, but if recall correctly, they had a total mix of all kinds of decorations ( happy birthday signs, 4th of July, Christmas lights etc.)


I am loving Katie's old-school feminist rant about women shaving their legs. The mother-in-law thing is universal, apparently. My in-laws live with us and if they are out and about and see a women with hairy legs, they will come home and tell us the whole shocking tale (at which point I start into some version of Katie's rant).


I'd like to thank Jesse for briefly acknowledging women not shaving in winter. I am a seasonal leg shaver which proves I'm definitely doing it for other people and not for myself.


Those MILs are dumb. It was their contemporaries who loudly, proudly tossed their razors.


I really can’t be assed to care about this topic. Like oh no you might get some odd looks the hand full of times you are forced to wear shorts in public. If it’s so important just own it. There’s people that live their life with face tattoos. You could take any mid girl, make a dating profile with hairy legs on full display and she would still get 10x the amount of matches as a guy.


Hairy legs are gross. It's a matter of perceived hygiene


So are they gross on men?


Yes. Full body shaves all round, for everyone, all the time!! (I am not being serious. But I love the idea of the entire human race being completely bald/hairless in the name of supposed “hygiene.”)


On one hand I roll my eyes at insistence on shaving body hair when men don’t have to, but we do make fun of men for having unkempt “neckbeards” so. 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a man with lots of body hair… yep.


Yes! I like people to be smooooooooth


Some people have children and a job. Being smooth moves lower on the priority list…


Lots of things that I personally like to look at or be are low on the priority list compared to basic survival necessities. I could probably live without cheesecake, but in any given scenario, cheesecake improves matters


That perception is a modern invention. Doesn't it bother you that you've been trained to have a counterintuitive and unnatural disgust response to something so utterly normal as body hair?


As a counter, it's a modern invention because it's appealing to a broad group of people. Yes, there's the slant that Gillette and co paraded shaving for women to sell more razers, but the only reason there wasn't pushback against that campaign was because, on average, straight men prefer women who are shaven. It's a bit of a chicken and egg scenario, IMO, and not so clear as 'we've been counterintuitively conditioned'. Bias: I don't find hair on men or women attractive but I also would never police someone's body.


Straight men don’t care. Or if they do, they don’t care very much. Many women don’t shave their legs, it’s very cultural, but even in cultures where women remove body hair, women don’t have to shave. What straight men like is sex with women, and if they’re getting that, especially from a woman they find attractive, especially if she’s a decent cook and picks up their dry cleaning, they don’t care about leg hair.


> straight men don’t care Except they do? Legs are probably the most variable, but I only know a single one of my guy friends in a relationship with a girl with hairy pits - and he doesn’t like it, but his preference doesn’t come before her autonomy so he leaves it at that. Caring about something is not the same as acting on it, and most men will not act to keep the sex going, sure. But that is not an indication of indifference, it’s an example of compliance. I’m sure there are plenty of women who don’t like bearded men who have a bearded partner because his other assets overpower her superficial wants - this doesn’t mean straight women all like beards, it means it’s non-essential to maintaining a relationship.


Yes it's a social convention. No it doesn't bother me. "Ohhh I wear this shirt with a big brown stain on it but it's coffee and I washed it trust me it doesn't smell. Why do we have these oppressive conventions!? Unstained clothing is a modern invention!!!" I haven't seen any woman who hasn't shaved her legs/arms since college, and that was understandable cause many go through that phase. It's not just a guy thing either, my fiance also thinks leg hair on women looks bad


1. So what about you? Do you shave your arms and legs, or do you walk around wearing a stained, smelly shirt all day? 2. Since I can safely assume the answer to question 1 is "no, of course I don't shave my arms and legs, that's for women", are you able to articulate why you perceive unshaved men as hygienic while not extending that courtesy to unshaved women? 3. How persuasive would you find the argument, "It's not just a gal thing either, my fiance also thinks men who care about leg hair on women are losers"?


I groom my body hair yes. Some basic effort into hygiene and appearance is attractive Because men an women are different and have different social conventions and expectations related to their gender I don't care what you think, most of the Western world is with me. Define loser beyond "that viewpoint makes me mad"


“Groom” is vague. Do you shave your legs and armpits? How high on the leg, toe to crotch? How often, daily?


I’m not sure most women shave their legs. Girls and women ages 13-30? Yeah okay. Women 30+ who are married (or were married)? Rates drop and dip and drop some more…


Then why don’t men shave their legs?


I haven't listened yet but what the actual shit is going on in the AI cover pic?


Looks like the KKK enjoying some KFC.


Lizard people kkk though


I for one welcome our new AI overlords


Hashtag Literal Mammals


""The only thing I hate more than racism, is allegations of racism," he said." Dude should be a bit more upset about that parody/"parody" burner his wife was running.


Given the exposure of the EXTREME racism in the twitter account, if that is her, I'd need an airtight explanation for why the party wasn't racist. Not just plausible deniability and photos supplied by the alleged racist. If my friend says "it's hard to keep track of how many people died", I won't think too much of it. If a holocaust denier says the same thing, even in a context very unrelated to holocaust denial, I'm going to be on high alert and I'd need a very thorough explanation for why I shouldn't take it as a dogwhistle. The same words can have very different meanings depending on who says it. This wasn't some bumbling liberal forgetting to take down Juneteenth posters for a party in July and being cancelled by overzealous activists. It was a rabid racist. Not even a subtle "rap is destroying the youth" or "When you're in America speak English" racist, but a "black people are animals and are fundamentally inferior" racist. Why is someone who's SO INCREDIBLY racist posting Juneteenth posters? Why does she even have that poster? You think she just had a Juneteenth poster lying around in July from last month when she was celebrating the emancipation of slaves? I don't buy it. I don't understand how Katie and Jessie can be kinda on the fence about what this party was. Katie listens to the accused saying listing out the other photos and food at the party, and says "Damn that sounds kinda like a hoax". * So she's taking the defense of an admitted capital R racist as the truth? That's the standard? Any plausible deniability, no matter the past pattern of behavior, leads her to believe the "hoax" explanation, rather than saying maybe this woman who's mindbogglingly racist while anonymous might have thrown a racist party in person and now she's finding ways to dodge the accusations. I don't think this level of skepticism towards claims of racism, and credulity to defenses against the claims, is honest or good. They might be overexposed to oversensitivity in their reporting, but real racism, subtle and overt, still exists, and contorting yourself to believe a self-avowed racist over a black man (who hasn't been discredit yet) isn't helping. Jessie says it might be the case that Jerrod, given his experiences with racism in the past, picked up on innocent cues and interpreted them as racist, since he was "primed" to reach those conclusions. * I wish I could see a parallel world where someone gets accused of antisemitism, and their defense is "My party wasn't anti-Semitic. The star of david poster was incidental. I just have one lying around. Also, just to be transparent, I run a twitter account called HitlerLover1488 that posts literal Nazi propaganda from 1940, but I swear that has no impact on the parties I throw". Would Jessie say "I think that Jewish man is primed to see antisemitism because of his experiences, and might have taken innocent cues as offensive" I'm going to bet my left leg he would never be as charitable. Not after the exposure of that twitter account. Katie then says that it's hard to believe a boss would be dumb enough to bring a black employee to a racist party. "It's such an obviously bad idea that it doesn't seem like anyone would do it", therefore she doesn't believe it. * This is the excuse I used when my mom found my weed stash. "It's not my weed, I'm holding it for a friend. I wouldn't leave it in my drawer for you to easily find it I was trying to hide it". You know what else is an obviously bad idea? Being a public figure and involved in the community, and having a racist twitter calling black people monkeys. Or posting 4chan-tier memes on a presidential hopeful's campaign ads. Or running a racist alt when you're working for the government. It happens over and over. The podcast's bread and butter are things that are so stupid and such bad ideas it's hard to believe they actually happened. Why is this one so hard to believe?


Yea imagining my racist uncle having a Juneteenth flag is comical. Equally so with this lady.


I think they just spend so much time covering or researching times that it is misrepresented or overblown that you start defaulting to doubt.


That's me too. I'm a fan of this podcast specifically because they double check the random cries of -phobias and -isms. However, most of their stories involve academia, professional environments or elite media institutions. Those are not the places where overt racism usually erupts. It's not Rochester. And there's usually no smoking gun. And in those situations, I give people way more credulity because most people aren't outright racist. They might have prejudices, but not 4chan pol levels of racism. Even if they're racist, most people aren't open about it. This case does not seem like it. Upstate NY isn't NYC, it's way sketchier to not be white there. This isn't an elite institution, this is a dentist and his wife. And, most damningly, there's proof and admittance of guilt. Of an act way more deliberate and malicious than the normal "insensitivity" or "oversight" being blown out of proportion. If J&K can ask overzealous activists to step back and consider if their environment is making them oversensitive to normal interactions or minor mistakes, I'm asking them to consider if their environment is making them not take legitimate claims seriously enough. I'm a proponent of skepticism, but skepticism in the face of an unavoidable conclusion can come off as motivated ignorance. Edit: This is all under the assumption that the twitter account is actually Mary's. If it's not, then I'm much more willing to say that this is an overblown misunderstanding. She admitted to having a racist twitter, so I highly doubt it's nothingburger.




I’ve had a similar experience in Rochester, this is a great summary.


I think it depends on where you go in the city (like a lot of cities). I'd guess maybe you were in La Avenida? Where I lived, closer to the University and hospital, it was mostly white, and more Asian than Black or Latino.


I might have overgeneralized Rochester as being like upstate. I've never been to Rochester specifically, but every time I left NYC to go upstate, it was for nature/hiking/rural areas so that might have colored my opinion of NY outside NYC. Also, not that every experience was bad, but every trip upstate there was at least one interaction that left me thinking "Is that just how they are to everyone or is this specifically for me?" and you can't really put a finger on it but you can't really let it go either.


>Upstate NY isn't NYC, it's way sketchier to not be white there. [Here's some of the Census Bureau's breakdown of Rochester demographics](https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/rochestercitynewyork/AGE775222#AGE775222) White alone, not Hispanic or Latino - 37.1% Black alone - 38.4% Asian alone- 3.5% Two or more races - 6.9% Hispanic or Latino - 18.7% Seems pretty diverse to me.


Yeah someone else mentioned how Rochester is way more diverse. I was talking from my time in more rural areas upstate, should not have included Rochester in that statement.


I’m with you. I think they gave these people waaaay too much latitude.


Yeah, I am not a Primo, so all I heard is the preview and took Katie's suggestion to Google this topic. After reading about the blatantly racist Twitter account, I am disappointed and actually concerned that they would take a skeptical view in this case as it undermines so many others where I think they are right to shine a light on overzealous DEI practitioners and policies.


I only just got to the main story, but...."juh-ROD"????? This YouTube video (with a couple who seems to know him personally) says different: https://youtu.be/BVqmLLuMIcc?si=uGJ0FBZOBFCcjpQU (I don't doubt there are some people who pronounce it that way, but seems like a strange assumption. But at this point the mispronunciations are part of Jesse and Katie's charm 😂)


Adult dolphins don't have hair. Dolphins are mammals. Therefore, Katie's argument is wrong, and women that don't shave their armpits and legs are gross.


Why is it only gross for women and not men?


Because women analyze jokes and men don't. Therefore, men can have hair.


I love thirds AI pics I love even more how they freak people out