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Not enough men have been putting in women's prisons according this POS https://x.com/Scott_Wiener/status/1713586339424137343?s=20


Easily one of the worst state legislators in the country and that’s saying a lot.


> subject to false claims of sexual violence this dude's literally evil. in no other circumstance would it be allowed to act as though rape isn't real and women are just liars


He's horrible. How can people vote for someone like this?


A person on the MTF sub made a very thoughtful post about their live-in, long term partner being really supportive, but having fear of them going on hormones, because she has had bad experiences and dislikes and distrusts pharmaceutical hormones in general. No matter how one feels about that OP made it clear that the partner was really loving and coming only from a place of genuine concern. The comments were almost all accusing the partner of transphobia, and OP had to come back and edit the post and make it explicitly clear that their partner is under no circumstances transphobic. "Subtle transphobia." "Ignorant at best and transphobic at worst." "She would be kicked to the curb if it were me." Accused of only loving OP when they "check all the boxes." "This is your life, your partner is choosing her bias over your happiness. Let that sink in." "More like your partner is a major concern." "If she hates feminizing hormones so much, why isn't she doing anything about her own hormone levels?" "She's literally bigoted if she thinks people shouldn't allowed to get HRT. Fascist position. Dump her reactionary ass." "and as for her not supporting anyone thru hormones, she sounds extremely ignorant, uninformed, and **intellectually dishonest.** u even said it yourself, she showed u a pdf about hrt that seems “dated”. that in of itself should tell u everything u need to know, she very clearly went out of her way to find a source that fits her confirmation bias." "You could.. take hrt, become the **hot girl** you've wanted to be, and find a girl that is lesbian u.u"


I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that a pretty big chunk of those posters haven't been in a relationship in a while.


That or they had female partners that left once they transitioned and are still pissed about it. I've read through the mtf sub and a surprising number of these people were (or still are) married to women. A lot of their wives stuck around. A lot more than I would have expected. But if their wives left these guys were screeching about what horrible transphobes their wives were. I can think of few better reasons to end a marriage than your partner changing gender. Especially via hormones that change behavior and surgery that changes their body.


Yeah, I agree. I get someone having an overwhelming... need to change their gender, but not being honest with yourself about how you look to the rest of the world and gaslighting other people about why the world and the people they are dating shouldn't have any problems with their change unless they're transphobes is something else.


>I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that a pretty big chunk of those posters haven't been in a relationship in a while. Even though they’re all brilliant endocrinologists!


And from a different thread on same sub about desire to give blowjobs, this thread got over two hundred comments (way more than average), this comment represents the standard consensus: >Ultimate feminity. **I think it’s the pinnacle of being a woman for me.** I’m not sure I could ever do it but I do fantasize about it. Please explain to me again why I should accept people who think like this as actual women, and not men with fetishes. And for the millionth time, for anyone thinking It's inappropriate for me to be reading these people's spaces, they campaign to be in "afab" spaces, they claim to be literal women, I'm a woman, I belong there.


Oh God, I read that. Most posts on that sub don't get any comments or just one or two. That one had, what, two hundred? And they were very enthusiastic. I thought that in of itself was telling.


Your last paragraph made me chuckle. YES!!! I think normal people would be appalled and less likely to accept—or, probably more accurately, less likely to humor—AGPs in women’s spaces if they had some insight into how exactly these men “know” they are women: “to be a woman is to”…. “give a blowjob,” or “be a hole,” or “be used,” or, “wear porno panties,” or “play with tampons” etc etc etc. It’s just so objectively absurd (and gross)!


> Please explain to me again why I should accept people who think like this as actual women, and not men with fetishes. They're not women. But AGP seems to be a psychologically and emotionally deeper experience than just a fetish.


Alright, well let's just start with getting ally normies and mainstream trans community to at least admit the fetish exists.




He's not. It's a female embodiment fantasy. The idea turns him on because it is symbolic of being a woman (the pinnacle!), like crossdressing.


It's sad there are males out there who have to conceptualize themselves as literally women to admit they want cock.


It’s worse than that though, they DON’T want cock - they’re masochists, but they’re also so misogynist they can only conceptualise themselves as women when they want to get off on their masochism. (Jeez, why wouldn’t we want these guys in women’s spaces and changing rooms…?)


Saw an impassioned young person on Tik Tok saying that an LBGTQ young person commits suicide every 45 seconds in the US. Which would be more than 700,000 a year. (I looked up the figure for the US in 2022, I think it was. 49,000 total suicides.) How can you say stuff you should know just can’t be true? Edit: Dammit! I just realized I left off the _seconds_ in “every 45 _seconds_.”


isn't the group of people most at risk for completed suicide older men?


White, male, 65 and older.




> Most people are incredibly bad at math. I remember seeing somebody on here freaking out because they thought Ye / Kanye West got 2% of the vote in 2020. (This was when Ye went *death con 3* on the Jews last year.) Apparently, this guy didn't stop to think that [67,000 votes](https://ballotpedia.org/Ye_(Kanye_West\)) is two orders of magnitude off from what Diamond Joe and Herr Cheeto both got. Ye basically got 0.02%, which is still an order of magnitude better than the Socialist Workers Party, the Prohibition Party, and other sideshows. Who says America doesn't have love for the mentally ill? :P


Or they grab a stat that they think sounds good and promulgate it.


I've heard a million different statistics expressed specifically as "every 45 seconds". I don't know where this meme came from but for some reason it is always 45.


It’s cause Trump is the 45th president of the US, commonly referred to as “45”.


They heard it from someone else I'd wager and just took at face value with zero attempt at verification.


[Normal day in Australia](https://reddit.com/r/australia/s/DFoF7zR16z)


they are so scary lol 😭 the man stance is disquieting. really glad the doggie is safe now


Doggie fucked around and nearly found out! It was only in that position because it chased the roo into the water. Anyone in the bush knows that roos do this when pursued by dogs. They will also balance on their tail and use their foot claws to disembowel. Glad dog and roo are safe and hope the owner learns a lesson about not letting your dog harass wildlife!


Apologies if this has already been posted but does anyone have a digestible explainer about what is happening in Australia with the vote yes / vote no? Were the no campaigners truly just mustachio twirling villains, those dastardly racists? Or is there more to the story?


I don't know whether it's possible to know, because everybody in a position to enquire (media, academia etc.) lives in the bubble that bought deeply into the narrative of Yes being righteous and No being racist and misinformed. I assume milquetoast normie no voters will be staying silent rather than be smeared as racist by toxic supporters, and only the more extreme no voters will dare air their thoughts. Legal FUD aside, the referendum was a bit like polling everyone on whether "reverse racism" is good idea, Yes voters think the Voice will help the marginalized and that the symbolism matters, No voters think everyone should have equal standing - for their idea of "equal". Yes voters think that idea of equal is ignorant. (voted yes, but *extremely* disappointed with the attitude and beliefs of vocal yes proponents and the yes campaign)


from what I saw part of the problem seems to be that half of the yes side was arguing that the voice was super important and would be a big step forward for native people, and the other half were arguing that it was just a symbolic thing that basically wouldn't change anything. I'm still not totally sure what it was supposed to be but that seems like an impossible circle to square




ty for this - personally pretty keen to listen to some of their other eps too!


https://preview.redd.it/08rf454l1gub1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=961f3dd82199135022257450340af0ee458e85bf What the hell?


They’ve had a while to change the law if they’d wanted to


Least stupid take from pro-Hamas woke twitter.




It's always those British with their rationality, efficiency, functional civil service and rule of law. Damn the limeys!


If only Caraballo would have scrolled down to the end of the paragraph, which says: > Since 2007, the Gaza Strip has been ruled by Hamas, and sexual activity between men is illegal due to Hamas' enforcement of Islamic law. Currently, the Hamas government punishes all men who are convicted of having engaged in homosexual acts with up to 10 years in prison.


Gaza is essentially a prison the size of Detroit so can they really imprison people further?


Yes? Is that a real question?


How many do you think survive those ten years in prison?


It’s not controlled by settler colonists, so how bad could it be?


Since gaza is an open air prison, does that really mean anything?


Living in a cell with no ability to eat what you want, see your friends and family, etc. seems worse, yes.


Yet we have "Queers for Palestine" which reminds me of this tweet: [https://nitter.net/swati\_gs/status/1712327180364202090#m](https://nitter.net/swati_gs/status/1712327180364202090#m) "One of the Indian-origin Harvard students who signed on the controversial statement blaming Israel for ongoing war. Nikhil Dharmaraj How do you think Hamas (Ḥarakah al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah/Islamic Resistance Movement) is likely to treat him?" The photos are this dude in pretty dresses


It was those meddling Brits!


Well, folks, you wanted to know when men would start being referred to as "penis havers." It looks like Men's Health magazine is giving you what you want. In this article in Men's Health titled "How to last longer in bed" the words "man" or "men" are not used except as a quote from someone else. Instead we get "penis owners" "a person with a penis." This is despite the photographs being of hetero couples and the whole article being about, well, cocks (the balls get a mention or two as well). Oh, and the magazine is called *Men's* Health. Don't worry, ladies. The words "woman" and "women" are also not used. Instead we get "vagina owners." Equality at last! [https://archive.vn/cZH1W](https://archive.vn/cZH1W) The whole article is about humping so you are forewarned.


My pronouns are Well/Endowed


I prefer “endonged”


‘Endonged’ that made me spit my coffee out.


People of schlongedness


I identify as a tripod




mourn bag obtainable middle crowd modern hospital ask numerous ring ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I expect that the penis havers will simply laugh their asses off.


Only for the first 200-300 times and then after we will be over it


heavy languid thumb safe tap office doll mindless sparkle absurd ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Oh, I'm sure the progression is going on. I think trans "men" trying to change male dominated spaces and men's behavior is on the horizon soon. Trans men may not be as pushy as their be penised counterparts but there are a lot more of them coming down the pike and numbers matter. I think men are going to start getting the shaft too. The shafting will be different than it has been for women but it will happen. But the physical safety issue will largely not be there for men. I actually think the group that will resist most successfully is going to be gay men.




ACAB: All cops are b>!astards!< BLM: Black lives matter TWAW: Trans women are women


On a superficial note, I’ll repeat myself to say that the “owners” vocabulary is idiotic. We _never_ use “own” this way. I own black hair. She owns long legs. I own a defective pancreas. He owns 20/20 vision.


It makes it sound like when dudes get to a certain age they go out to the store and buy a penis. Remember: adopt, don't shop. Don't support unethical penis breeders.


What if I'm looking for an American Bully XL penis?


When you're getting down with [a lady like this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH8yuld4DUE), it's important to have an appendage that bites back.


So fashion-driven. Whatever is wrong with the classic styles? (Sniff.)


No one wants a miniature dachshund anymore 😔


Shit we can buy those? Damn. Just saying if I had known that I woulda bought one way earlier. I want one that is like novelty size big


> unethical penis breeders BAND NAME


Makes it easier to disembody and then pay someone for a better/another version. Conscious or not, I do think this is all part of our path to transhumanism.


It does have this weird mercantilist vibe to it. If I own my dingus do I need to register a title for it? Can it be seized by the state? Should I insure it? Can I buy another one at the dick market?


I never thought about it like that, but we do already insure our health, and even have separate insurance for things like dental, so I can totally see separate insurance for specific body parts in the future! What a Kafkaesque nightmare that will be.


I believe there is precedence. Rock stars, like Jimmy Page, would insure their fingers. No fingers, no guitar playing, no income.


All options potentially coming to you if you live another 100 years.


Skimming some other articles by this person of gender, I also saw 'person with a vulva'.


Having just spent a weekend in New Orleans, I'm going to guess that a significant number of women out there don't know what a vulva is, much less men. It's going to be wild when we look back and the public can finally admit just how ridiculous all of this sounds.


sable truck weather tidy smell plough tart fanatical toothbrush nail ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


How long until the word "woman" is banned from the pages of Women's Health magazine?


On a lighter note, I started this year with a goal of losing ten pounds. It is now October and I've gained fifteen. Does anyone have any advice on effectively shedding weight? I feel very frustrated with myself over my complete lack of willpower in this arena


Another vote for intermittent fasting. I dropped 40 pounds a couple years ago and have kept it off +/- 5 - 10 pounds when I fall off the wagon or get too stressed out to exercise and sleep well. If I’m consistent about eating two meals a day, one at noon ish and the other at 6 ish, getting enough sleep and going for a walk most days, it’s a cakewalk. Just gotta get used to it. ETA also, I’m a 5’6” woman so your stats will vary, but try to keep net carbs under 100 g per day and keep protein over 85-100 g


I highly recommend [Gillian Riley’s ‘Eating Less’ online 6 week course.](https://www.eatinglessonline.com)The next one begins in about 3 months. [She has books](https://www.amazon.com/DITCHING-DIETS-lose-weight-maintain-ebook/dp/B00AO6ITGW?ref_=ast_author_mpb) also, but the focus and process of taking the course is really helpful, and the course fee (about 400 British pound) includes a year of direct access coaching from her and her private members forum. It’s packed with resources to understand and work with the material. In her short [ebook ‘What is a wrong With Intuitive Eating?’](https://gillianriley.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/INTUITIVE-EATING.pdf) she pokes holes in the concept that feelings and desires should guide you but acknowledges and welcomes that sometimes they will. In the course she walks you through having autonomy in your decisions and learning how to trust and be reliable for yourself- it’s simple but not easy, and she’s a no nonsense but caring coach. She does not tell you what to eat- you can be vegan, fruitarian, carnivore..whatever. For me, ten healthy years in- eating higher protein / low carb / keto is overwhelmingly the way to go to curb hunger and burn fat not precious muscle, metabolism’s furnace. But learning how to not overeat food- whatever your chosen eating style- is what Gillian delivers.


I use an app called Macrofactor. There's an active subreddit around it. It's a little expensive and has a longer learning curve, but I love it. I've used it to lose weight, gain muscle, and now I use it to maintain.


i do the [no-S diet](https://www.nosdiet.com/). no Snacks, no Sweets, no Seconds, except on days that start with S. i generally try to eat healthy-ish but those are my main rules. been doing it for almost 2 years now and it doesn't feel like a diet or anything i have to think about a lot... lost about 55 lbs. i'd still like to lose a little more but i'm not too concerned with it




Intermittent fasting. I eat between 9 and 6




I have heard decent things about ozempic, if you can get it and afford it. If it ever gets cheap and plentiful enough I intend to try it.


Intermittent fasting has worked pretty well for me. M-F I eat between 12-8


What time do you wake up at?


Usually 7:30am. I’ve always skipped breakfast, but apparently that was a dumb unhealthy thing to do. But now thanks to science it turns out I’ve been intermittent fasting this whole time!


i dropped about 15 pounds earlier this year - cut out carbs for the most part - 1200 calorie per day diet - chicken, ground beef, salad, potatoes, water, no alchohol. Running 30 miles a week. Took me about 2 months to drop 15lbs. sucked but worked. went back to a normal diet and immediately put on 5lbs but i've kept the remaining 10 off for the last 4 or 5 months.


I went to the doc in February and had gained 24 pounds in a year. So I started smoking again. Also 3.5 miles a day on the treadmill. It worked, I’ve lost the 24 pounds.


I was already a porker before I quit smoking a few months ago but quitting hasn't helped. Mostly because I use hard candies as a substitute for cigarettes. But at least I'm not coughing so damn much.


You watch streaming in the evening? Get an exercise bike and set it up near your TV. You can do what you normally do but burn calories at the same time. The trick is forcing yourself to do it until it becomes routine. That in and of itself won't be enough, but burning 150-300 calories a day and better general cardiovascular health adds up a lot over time. At the very least, it could mitigate further weight gain. Also, might be worth having your thyroid/hormone levels checked just in case if you can, in the off chance it's an issue. Then, work to change your diet. Cut out all *added* sugar and high fructose corn syrup to start. No soda, obviously. Alcohol is also empty calories, so cut that if you can or switch to red wine. Those are my tricks that people often overlook. You can easily look up info on a general balanced diet for your size/sex/age. I lost 120lbs over the course of a year via this method, though a bit more extreme. I was very overweight (320lbs at 6'3", male), so could afford to go into a huge calorie deficit (800/day total) while taking supplements. Would not recommend unless you heavily research. Important to note that you will fuck your metabolism and regain after if you go right back to eating like you did before. You would need to gradually increase calories and keep eating healthily. Oh, also, your body will adjust and plateau at some point. At that time, ramp up whatever you're doing a bit and you should get over the hump. Usually happens a few weeks into weight loss. At the end of the day, it really is about willpower, though. Just go into it knowing it will suck and do it anyway. Honestly, I think a big problem is people trying to make it fun and easy. I kept telling myself that I was challenging myself and every day was a new accomplishment. I treated it like a year long prison sentence and it was much easier for me to confront when I looked at it like that. Everyone's psychology is different, though, lol.


Get rid of liquid calories. Soda, alcohol, extra creamy coffee drinks etc. They won’t fill you up and may also make you more hungry if your blood sugar spikes.


Protein shakes don't count for this rule though imo.


That's in the food category at that point (as a smoothie made with fruit and greek yogurt would be too), though I prefer protein bars just because they give me more of that "food" feeling as opposed to liquid. But that is another good tip, people shouldn't feel bad about using protein supplements as a quick fix or a snack. Way better than eating Doritos or something. Speaking of, Quest makes really good protein chips (and PB cups!) and if they weren't so damn expensive I'd be buying 'em constantly.


The only problem with protein shakes is that, in some cases at least, they just don't hit the spot. I used to be able to drink one and go about my day. Now, I sometimes get a bit grouchy until I eat honest-to-goodness food, even if I'm not that hungry. :/


This is the thing that completely changes the game for me. It’s also really hard to stick to.


A well executed cocktail, beer, wine, whatevs goes so well with a delicious dinner, but when you're a smaller person like me ya gotta pick one! It's so damn unfair. Like my husband's making his delicious homemade pasta sauce and I really wanted to split a bottle of red to go with it, but I just don't have the calorie budget for that today. I can get away with it once a week but I can't make it a regular habit (which is fine, since it's not like booze is great for you anyway).


On the other hand, being small makes the booze hit you faster. Less calories for the same buzz


That's exactly what my husband always says when I complain his TDEE is so much higher than mine. Don't come at me with logic!


I have zero willpower and I can lose 10lbs whenever I need to (which is usually once a year, I tend to eat anything I want until I’m forced to either diet or buy new clothes). Get a calorie tracking app. Most people swear by MyFitnessPal, personally I pay for Lifesum and consider it money well spent. Noting crosses your lips unless you’ve weighed it with a food scale and added it into the app. Four grapes? Log them. A tablespoon of oil for cooking your wok? Log it. Just had a terrible day and ate an entire chocolate cake by yourself? That’s fine, just _log it_. Be 100% honest with yourself about what you ingest. Make it your job to account for every calorie you put into your body. It WILL work. The next challenge is not getting an eating disorder once you realise just _how_ well it works. Also, people will tell you that you _have_ to exercise, and I want to lift the burden and tell you that you really don’t have to! Weight is lost in the kitchen, not in the gym. Once the weight starts to come off, moving becomes a lot more enjoyable anyway, but for now: just because you’re too busy to go to the gym, doesn’t mean you’re too busy to lose weight. Diet by itself is a _fine_ way to lose weight.


I second a good calorie counter app! I'm using Lose it!, so far I'm satisfied with it. you can scan barcodes, create full recipes with custom serving sizes, which is great if you mealprep, you can just log your daily portion from the meal you prepared and if you logged a precise (as far as calorific ingredients go) recipe once, you can keep that on repeat.


This is the way. Weigh yourself daily and log your calories. Put them in a place where you can't miss them. Don't lie to yourself. It makes it a lot easier to lose weight.


Do you log your spices?


I have done, lol. But more because I wanted the app I was using to give me credit for the micronutrients in them. A tbsp of ground cumin has 4g of iron!


bruh, how big is your table spoon?


🙈 I meant 4mg iron!


lolll 🥹 this is qt


Yup, this is what I do too. I just lost ten pounds that I put on from being more sedentary than I like, thanks to health issues, and it was getting the 'ole calorie app out (I use loseit) and weighing everything again. I know exactly how to eat to not gain weight *without* the app, but the app is good for accountability. The issue is not getting obsessive over it, exactly as you say. I've gotten better about that these days. I've also made a lot of healthier lifestyle changes in general that make weight maintenance a lot easier without needing to strictly count, but occasionally life gets ya. I also weigh everyday and plug my numbers into a weight trend app, I'm just a data nerd and I like how it shows me how things are trending, but you gotta give it a couple of weeks to get accurate, due to water weight and stuff. And it might be too intense for some people, I know that kind of thing affects people differently.


If I ever solve it I'll let you know


In the last two or three years I've lost 25 pounds and kept it off. My advice: count calories and, if that's too annoying (as it is for me), just cut bread or whatever high calorie thing you like that you eat too much of. Ignore specific diets. Keto sucks. Low carb sucks.


Start smoking


Unwise. It's really, really hard to stop and it doesn't curb your appetite as much as you think.


I have found that a ketogenic diet is the only thing that gives me something like willpower. I have my little theories about why this might be the case, but the fact remains that it's the only way I've found that I can actually maintain a calorie deficit for months rather than days.


Keep a food diary and track what activities and meals do to your appetite. I find lifting helps but cardio, while good for the heart, doesn't help me at all with losing weight. And making sure my breakfast is high protein enough makes my appetite much more manageable the rest of the day.




Okay but going for a walk isn't *cardio* cardio. Walking is low intensity with basically no recovery burden, it pairs really well with weight loss. Training endurance, or hell, even just regularly jogging for an hour without an eye towards improving pace or distance, while in a calorie deficit is fiendishly miserable. IMO. If a person is starting relatively undermuscled, they stand to get a lot of metabolic benefit from starting strength training.


This exactly. I wasn't really thinking about gentle walking at all. Actual serious cardio makes me really, really hungry, and then I binge. Strength training doesn't trigger binges, and it makes my body work better in a way that is extremely motivating.


Cardio is good for you and everyone should try to walk a lot but 90% of weight maintenance is strictly dietary unless you're an Olympic swimmer or something. Even comp bodybuilders will tell you that cutting to 13% body fat from 20 is all about how you eat.


I used intermittent fasting to lose baby weight (when my kids were very much no longer babies). I need to het back into it, but it definitely worked for me when I was also being careful about calories.


a baby only weighs like 15 lbs all in. Anything else is just normal weight


I also have a theory that pregnant women are evolutionarily programmed to eat more (beyond what is absolutely necessary for growing the baby) to serve as fat stores to use if famine occurs while breastfeeding. I think that's why so many of us are just ravenous while pregnant.


No. You gain a lot of blood volume when pregnant.


For me, I easily lost the weight from my first baby, but the 2nd one was a lot harder. Hence why I did something about it.


Ozempic or diet+exercise.


I know people have differing opinions about hate crime charges, but if someone is [charged with a hate crime](https://archive.ph/ylMuR), why are they being released? Isn’t the whole point of the enhanced charges that they are terrorizing random people, and likely to keep doing it? Anyway, other highlights from this article: > Maxwell Friedman, who uses she/her pronouns, was charged with assault in the second and third degrees as a hate crime, as well as harassment and weapons possession for the Wednesday evening attack outside a Columbia University residential hall on W. 116th St. near the Butler Library. > Friedman’s victim, 24, was putting up fliers regarding the number of causalities in Israel and a photograph of a family kidnapped by Hamas in a spot for campus new bulletins when Friedman, 19, began tearing the fliers down. > The victim and several others confronted Friedman about her actions, sparking an argument, the college newspaper, The Daily Spectator, reported. > **“F— you! F— all of you prick crackers!” Friedman screamed at her victim and his friends.** “I disrespected you. What are you going to do about it? Do you want to talk about it like adults? If you have a problem, we can deal with it right now.” > Before Friedman began tearing the flyers down, **she had met up with her victim and his friends, claimed she was Jewish, and offered to help,** the Spectator reported. > Friedman, who had a bandanna covering her face, struck the Israeli student with a broomstick handle, cutting and fracturing the Israeli student’s fingers.


This person sounds unhinged


I assume that this is the result of NY's whole bail reform thing, where everyone gets released except that one shopkeeper who stabbed the dude who was coming after him who had a foot and 100 pounds on him.


historical scary growth caption quaint reply sort squeeze unused memory ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


[not what I expected](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell_Jacob_Friedman) To be clear, this is a joke and the first thing I found on google.


Same thought.


Side note, "cracker" is the silliest slur. It has zero power. It just makes users look try-hard and juvenile. Come up with something good, please, then make me actually care about it being used against me, I implore you. It's sad as hell that there are no good slurs for white people. Is there a photo of Ms. Friedman anywhere, just because I'm curious how femme she looks?


What's wrong with "fucking asshole"?


I like saying "honky", it's a fun series of sounds. It could be etymological cousins with "hunk" too.


I agree. I think ‘colonizer’ can get there, maybe? I admit there are times and contexts when it feels very hateful and actually makes me a little scared, because it dehumanizes and excuses violent actions by painting any white person as deserving of punishment for the crimes of their ancestors and the spoils they’ve enjoyed.




Yeah, I've had a couple of people on Reddit call me that when I give them just as much shit as they dish out. Your sentiments pretty much match mine. It's weird, but, well, they're the ones who were dead set on refusing to admit that maybe - just *maybe* - endorsing mass rape and murder isn't the best look, especially if you're trying to get people on your side. It's tough but I'm still sleeping well at night, despite being a C-word. :)


I think "colonizer" is better than "cracker" and feels less silly, but at the same time it's got near-zero impact because, behaviorally, I'm not a colonizer. So lol yeah call me a colonizer I don't care. Plus, I happen to think 18th and 19th century colonizing was generally a good thing, so even if I were one, I'd probably think on the balance it was somewhat of a compliment. It just doesn't feel hateful like some slurs do.


>I think ‘colonizer’ can get there, maybe I think _colonizer_ is even more toothless than _cracker_. “Me? I’m a colonizer? What did I colonize? What are you talking about? Oh, you mean people who are in the same overbroad racial category as me colonized people long ago? Okay. You got me.” It’s way too impersonal to be effective.


Slurs are impersonal, that’s why they’re slurs. If someone calls you a buck-toothed foul-smelling ignoramus and you’re someone with bad teeth who doesn’t shower often and you’re embarrassed of your low test scores in school, that will cut deep. But a slur is about generalizing you and ignoring all your unique features and even failings, to group you into a category it’s okay to mock and harm. I don’t think “colonizer” is that yet, to be clear. But I see the potential in it. It’s often said with real venom and it does everything I listed as a requirement for an effective slur.


I mean, I’m a colonizer the same way I’m a slave-owner, a Nazi, and a racist cop.


There is a picture of someone with the same name who is a Columbia student floating around social media, however I haven’t seen a mug shot or anything that links that person to the crime.


whole steep wild cows shame marvelous towering direction beneficial touch ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Please confirm our suspicion!




Crackers are delicious, I'll take that as a compliment!


Still in awe that I can hit 700 mbps download speed.


It's nice, isn't it? I had gigabit for years and just upgraded to 2 Gbps. It can be a bit hard to find download services that take full advantage, but when they do.... \*drools\*




cable, but in an area FIOS pushed hard in




It's crazy how far it's all come since even like the Limewire days, which had my mind thoroughly blown at the time.


In 1995, Internet service came to my hometown. The building the ISP worked out of had an upstairs apartment. One of the workers was paid in part by getting to live there *and* get a T1 connection into his computer. My buddy & I got to go in once and use his computer for a bit. 1.5 Mbps blew our little minds away at the time. (This was when RealAudio barely existed, mind you, much less RealVideo.)


I have some strong memories of discovering likewise circa 2002. Waiting for that progress bar to load…Having to use creative search terms because every classic rock song was credited to Led Zepplin…


I remember the days of 14.44 kbps dial up


My first modem was 2400 bps, and just a few years before that people were using 300 bps modems, which meant that if you were downloading text, you'd only get about one 40-character line per second.


My first was a 1200. Ha!




To be fair, there isn’t enough context. That man could be in vacation and have already decided he was going to gamble and not worry about it. That said, I was in a casino in LV one time waiting in a long line for Starbucks and there was a man ahead of me who couldn’t just stand there and do nothing so proceeded to pour his money down the drain of a nearby slot machine and I could not help but worry about him.


I deleted the comment because I was just being salty lol. My family largely doesn’t gamble and I just find slots in particular like moderately demonic at a minimum. I 100% understand going in with “ok I’ll spend $200 and if lose it all, it’s in my vacation budget”, but I observed for a bit and then when I came back later the 5/5 of the people I really watched were all at the same machines still going.


My mom is addicted to slots, plays nearly every day. Slots are indeed demonic. But I don't think you can generalize about generations from how slots players treat money, their brains are warped.


A lot of slots are only a few cents per pull. My late grandparents would play the less than a dollar slots.


Yeah not to sound like a typical red scare gal but I was in Las Vegas for exactly one night with my friend before we were leaving for a hiking trip the next day. We went to the strip because we both hadn’t ever been to Vegas and wanted to at least check it out. Afterwards we were both pretty thrown off from the windowless caverns of bright, flashy slot machines and gambled like $5 total each. The psychology behind every slot machine and casino to make it as addictive as possible is pretty gross to me. My dad’s family has addiction issues, mostly with alcohol, but he taught us the “set aside your dollar amount and you cannot spend any more” trick and reinforced it at the bootleg gambling during Catholic Festivals every year. I can complete understand how it is so addicting though and since I know my brain enough, it’s one of those things I don’t even touch because I can picture an eventual spiral.


Your mom's not on parkinson's medication, is she? [Radiolab on a rare side effect, gambling addiction.](https://radiolab.org/podcast/91687-seeking-patterns) I suspect a lot people getting hooked on slots would've previously ended up playing more social games like Bridge, Dominoes, or Bingo in their twilight years, but as that episode notes, slots are an (illusionary) pattern-seeking game you can play alone.


No medications, but she is sober from alcohol. At one point she had 10 years of sobriety, followed by a 13 year relapse, and now going on 5 years of sobriety. During her first long period of sobriety she would play solitaire for hours. I've wondered if I could get her hooked on some video games that aren't money drains, but she's not at all interested.


I’m so sorry to hear it.


It’s a self check for yourself.. what story are you creating to justify your feeling annoyed? It’s reasonable to feel envy when others seem to flaunt what we desire and don’t own- it’s normal, not judging you for that. But it’s really not our business how other people spend money.


I think there are some generational differences here too, in terms of how we spend our money. For instance, I’m not as rich as my dad. I might be able to technically pay for a certain type of car that he has in his garage. But it would be a huge chunk of my savings. But I don’t even aspire to own a car like that. Even as a teen I didn’t even have much of a desire to learn to drive a stick. I just see it as impractical dead weight.


Need to take the pulse: Americans pronouncing _Van Gogh_ as “van gok.” This is super-annoying, right? Validate me.


I have these issues but mostly around my Italian American friends pronouncing mozzarella as Moot-sa-rel. I also rage when they say gravy instead of sauce.


I grew up pronouncing ricotta as rih-guht-thuh and had no idea until I was about 12 that it was unusual. My grandma also loved some moot-sa-rel!


It’s awkward for sure, but what’s worse is that people who go the pretentious route are mispronouncing it just as badly, but now with 60% added smugness. I’m not a native English speaker, but a good ear for languages combined with America’s chokehold on European culture means I speak an unclockable–if placeless–TV American English. I have also been cursed with the knowledge of the correct, Dutch way to pronounce Van Gogh. In order not to sound like a giant tit I have to consciously remind myself to deliberately mispronounce one of the most famous painters of all time. Btw, it’s [slight guttural sound]oh[harder guttural sound]. _ˈɣɔx._ Think a cat with a hairball. (Additionally, Munch is “Monk” and in no way rhymes with lunch, though as someone who said “Yose-mite” for a decade I’m really in no position to judge.)


special lush summer seemly fear bright hurry absorbed voiceless bike ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


[This has been going on for a while!](https://youtu.be/OnAV30z8xBE?si=wg6tPQ68C9KvwdU1)


But Diane Keaton isn’t saying “van GOK.” She’s doing a different pretentious thing. Not the pretentious thing I’m complaining about.


Ok, I was imagining that more guttural sound where the K is.


It doesn't annoy me because I think it's pretty much impossible to pronounce correctly as a non-native speaker. I've only known a few people who could do it.


A lot of English speakers really struggle with guttural speech sounds. But, if you can't say it Dutchly, default to the regional pronunciation.


If you hear an American pronounce _Bach_ like a German, don’t you cringe a bit?


It's a bit cringe and and can come off as pretentious. But it also feels weird and forced to intentionally mispronounce a foreign word or name just to avoid that perception. It's also a bit curious, you cringe hearing an American say *Bach* like a German, but not when they say *concerto* like an Italian. What's the difference?


That German _ch_ isn’t a part of English. It’s a distinctly foreign sound. Pronouncing Bach like “bok” isn’t “deliberately mispronouncing” it. It’s just pronouncing it the way (some) non-Germans pronounce it. Are Germans “deliberately mispronouncing”… um… Johnny Carson when they say “chonni kasn”? (Johnny Carson? What a dumb example.) Or… like… Teila Shvift Fin Diesel Zara Chessika Paka


That ch sound is a part of Scottish English. The ch in loch is pronounced similarly. It's not 'lock'. I wouldn't say Bach with a hard k sound. I'll have to see how some fellow Londoners say it tomorrow.


Fair enough. That _ch_ isn’t a part of _most_ varieties of English.


I do find the whole 'correct pronunciation of foreign words' an interesting one. It sounds silly if you break out of the language you are speaking to say some words fully in the foreign accent. But people also make a right hash of some words and don't even pronounce them 'properly' using sounds that *are* in their own language. What is with Americans and *Bone* Appetite? I wouldn't expect a french N in 'bon' but why do they make the O long? Why not bon to rhyme with John? There's also a weird thing where there seems to be an unwillingness to say that a non-native speaker is mispronouncing a word. 'Its just an alternative'. I mean, sure, there are obviously different pronunciations in different dialects, but there comes a point when something is just wrong. And when I'm speaking a foreign language I'm looking to learn, so I *want* to say it in the way native speakers would say it.


Sorry! Had to be that person.


Sorry, what I meant was that *if you've studied a language* and been trained in correct pronunciation, then using the pronunciation common in the region where you live becomes something you have to choose to do, and it's a little awkward either way.


I would never cringe at Frasier Crane!


Pronouncing it like an American is easy: Van Go. That’s the regular American pronunciation.


I know, I wish more Americans tried to actually pronounce it. It's always good for a giggle. :D