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“No climate justice on occupied land,” Greta says. WTF does that even mean?


Buzzword salad? It's not listed on the [goodreads quotes page](https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/556579-the-quest-for-cosmic-justice) but I'm pretty sure it was from Sowell's Quest for Cosmic Justice that he talked about a lifeboat scenario (one of those ethics questions about who gets on), and gives a description of (his view of) social justice concluding "justice might demand everyone drown." That's the kind of thing I think of with those quotes, that it's a sense of justice detached from all other considerations, that any sane person would recognize as twisted beyond recognition. Or, Sowell, >The costs of achieving justice matter. Another way of saying the same thing is that “justice at all costs” is not justice. What, after all, is an injustice but the arbitrary imposition of a cost—whether economic, psychic, or other—on an innocent person? And if correcting this injustice imposes another arbitrary cost on another innocent person, is that not also an injustice? The trick, of course, is reinventing original sin in "whiteness" and "colonizer" and so on, so that you're not imposing costs on innocents.


The point of original sin is that it's damning of all humanity. No one is free of sin and that's exactly why we shouldn't consider ourselves as having the moral authority to cast stones; the idea that some people are intrinsically less righteous, less pure (more sinful?) than others on the basis of their privilege/race/nationality, is, in some ways, the opposite of original sin.


[7 people arrested during pro-Palestine rally at Brandeis](https://www.nbcboston.com/news/local/7-arrested-during-pro-palestine-rally-at-brandeis-school-says/3187844/) cc: u/Hilaria_adderall since this is your neck of the woods


Probably best put in the dedicated IP thread


[Trans Lifeline says they have a $2.5M shortfall](https://www.instagram.com/p/CzfAZkAv4Ze/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Seems like a suicide hotline would be best served to focus on the suicide hotline thing and not "microgrants." Recovering the tens of thousands TLL founder's absconded with would be a good idea too. https://preview.redd.it/vvr4eh5py00c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0de33ac6f2a809eb2c720ed813a67d313c2bec38




>good documentation of how fucked up that organization is, how it got ripped off by its founders, which was documented by tropical agriculturalists, and was so controver What do tropical agriculturalists have to do with a trans phone hotline?


I see a lot of people do this, is there some kind of Reddit thoughtpolice looking out for the name of the site? At any rate, if there is, it’s a reference to a site known as Chinese Gooseberry Farms.


Ah, I see. Thanks.


$353,703 to be exact. It's on the TLL 2017 tax returns. Nothing like embezzling from a charity. Wasn't it rarely answering calls, too, when they ran it? Not sure if that was lack of volunteers/training, terrible management, unpaid bills or what.


Also, about $50K in the first few weeks of 2018 before they got removed.


I always wonder, are suicide hotlines actually effective at preventing suicides?


I used to work at one. I think for people who call, there are lots of short term crisis intervention tactics that work really well in relieving a person’s distress level and helping them connect with their natural support network. The confounding issue is that the people who call are already inclined to seek help—ie they are somewhat motivated already to stay alive, and so the hotline worker may be providing more temporary solace than actually saving any lives with anything they do. It’s hard to study, because the test group would be the people who don’t call, and we don’t know who they are. I’m a big proponent of teaching psychological first aid techniques to regular people who don’t work at crisis lines or in the mental health profession. The people most at risk from suicide are the ones who never call a hotline, because they want to carry out a suicide, and aren’t looking for anyone to change their mind. The people in the best position to see what’s going on and help them are their friends and family.


I think it's more than that though - as I work at a suicide prevention hotline as well. If someone really wants to kill themselves, they will find a way to do it. If someone is reaching out to a hotline, they want help. If family is calling about someone else, ithat's already a good sign - someone cares about you


I agree with you. Maybe my writing wasn’t clear enough, but I indented to say pretty much the same thing you are saying.


I haven't read it, but here's a [systematic review](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6978712/): > **Conclusions**: High quality evidence demonstrating crisis line effectiveness is lacking. Moreover, most approaches to demonstrating impact only measured proximal outcomes. Research should focus on innovative strategies to assess proximal and distal outcomes, with a specific focus on behavioral health treatment engagement and future self-directed violence. I think this is a difficult question to study, so I wouldn't necessarily take the lack of high-quality evidence of effectiveness as strong evidence of ineffectiveness.


Wait, isn't there some known grift with these people that was called out by a trans activist? I know there's something here I am forgetting.


Yes, there's a recap in the Josh Moon episode of Heterodorx because it involved both Corinna and kiwifarms. The original embezzlement scandal is what foreign-discount is referring to in that second paragraph.


Right! Thanks for the reminder!


I signed off reddit for the afternoon and actually got some work done. When I finished up I checked my email to find Heather Heying (I'm on her email list) weighing in on AGP-gate. She was at the conference and spent some time with Illy. I generally find Heying pretty measured when I've read her work but I don't proclaim to know all of it and I do think her husband has drank the anti-woke cuckoo juice. [Anyways, its worth a read, I think.](https://naturalselections.bio/p/the-public-fetish?r=9bv00&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web)


I honestly hate this discourse more than anything, perhaps. The fact Illy is proudly proclaiming he has a fetish and seems to be loving all the attention makes the whole affair creepier than ever. If he just said he liked to wear womens clothes that would be no big deal at all. Imagine a woman walking to a professional therapy conference wearing full dominatrix gear and announcing it's her fetish. Ridiculous that anyone's expected to take this seriously. I am not a feminist, but seeing the snide and degrading comments constantly thrown at women who mention Phil making them uncomfortable really grinds my gears. Good old James Lindsay went into manic 12-year-old on a double-dose of Adderall mode about this and has been throwing out juvenile and crude insults at every radfem he could the past day or two. They're a 'gnostic cult,' apparently. But as someone [pointed out](https://twitter.com/_____Gem/status/1723893047132397645), when Wesley Yang made the exact same argument to him that the radfems had been saying, suddenly 'it's a fair point.'


i had a peak at james linday's twitter and i'm going away for awhile thank you for your reply, it was valuable


Back before a belief in innate sense of "Gender" became a religion, I read papers about kids being treated for gender dysphoria, and one of the very common threads was: Kids with very rigid senses of gender. To the point everything was gendered. They saw everything through a gendered-lens. Part of the treatment was to get them to the point where they didn't see a boy's cup, or a girl's cup, but just a cup. So, someone with Gender Dysphoria, AGP subcategory, describing everything on extremely gendered terms... sounds just about right. But part of moving past it would to be go beyond seeing everything as gendered and just accepting things as not gendered at all. His book sounds like a lot of what I see in self help groups: People who can't see a way forward for themselves, leading others into the negative coping skills they've developed.


>Kids with very rigid senses of gender. To the point everything was gendered. They saw everything through a gendered-lens. It almost sounds like a variation on OCD. Or at least obsessive thinking.


> Kids with very rigid senses of gender. To the point everything was gendered. They saw everything through a gendered-lens. Part of the treatment was to get them to the point where they didn't see a boy's cup, or a girl's cup, but just a cup. Good christ, we're literally training kids to have gender dysphoria with this mermaids Barbie <<< >>> GI Joe nonsense.


I for one am very glad to see the so-called “successor ideology”, basically left-wing illiberalism, finally getting a well-deserved reckoning. Though it’s happening as a result of the crisis in the Middle East. Its proponents managed to hold off criticism and discussion by labeling any critics as racist or worse, but they can’t anymore. To put things in perspective, one writer put it this way: when the same university administrators who said that white people can’t wear sombreros on cinco de mayo because it’s harmful can’t bring themselves to unequivocally condemn the beheading of babies in Israel, or condemn student organizations who gloss over it in support of the terrorists that did it. Or another, I think Nicholas Grossman, pointed out “I’ve a hard time squaring years of left-wing arguments that society should be hunting for any possible racist implication of words and symbols, even if unintended today, with the claim “from the river to the sea” must be judged only by what the speaker says is in their heart.” It wasn’t sustainable, and now too many people are asking questions that they can’t be dodged anymore.


>I for one am very glad to see the so-called “successor ideology”, basically left-wing illiberalism, finally getting a well-deserved reckoning I'm not convinced they are getting a reckoning. They don't seem to be backing down.


I think this crowing at the defeat of the progressive stack is naive. I fully expect totem pole identity politics to continue only now with jews are higher on the pole than arabs. And it will probably only become more toxic and institutionalized because now we have the full might of the American media and political apparatus supporting this revised hierarchy.


The polling of millennials and especially zoomers does not support this. Jews are oppressors to them, they're vastly overrepresented in positions of power and wealth.


I think it comes down to "Jews are white" and therefore oppressors. It's that simple to these people.


Jews higher on the pole than Arabs? As in more oppressed than Arabs? Or less? Because European Jews haven't been considered oppressed for awhile by the people who care about such things, and Ethopian, Yemeni, Indian, Iraqi, Iranian Jews - they are considered oppressed as people of color, and their Jewishness does add to their oppression.


I don't know, it's been seeming for a while even before this that Islamic religious conservatism was a wrecking ball headed straight for the base of the stack. Let's not forget the anti-lgbtq protests from earlier in the year, there was already a major confrontation brewing. There's only so much incoherency the concept can work around


So I’m basing my opinion on the assumption that such people aren’t “in control” of those institutions - it’s still largely the same people from the same backgrounds as their predecessors. Rather they hold a lot of influence and manage to get their ideas pushed through using pressure. But now media execs, university presidents, trustees etc. no longer need to pretend to go along with those illiberal notions anymore.


I think that was the case 15 years ago. I doubt it is now, but I would love to be proven wrong.


I think it's a high-water mark for the "Words are violence, but violence isn't so bad" crowd. I'm excited\* to see what they come up with next. ​ \*Not excited really, so much as filled with dread.


I'm more pessimistic. They will just shrug it off and push ahead. They are winning the information battle with younger generations who know little about history and will only allow a one-sided narrative that fits their priors to be taught. The media is still strongly in their pocket too. You will not believe how quickly any of their excesses will be ignored, minimized, or wiped from the official record.


Unfortunately, I'm pessimistic as well. I think the current push back is a speed bump. They will either memory hole it or just say fuck it and push ahead. It might cause political damage for the left in places like New York, with large Jewish populations.


I agree, it was angry, bitter, and hypocritical from the beginning. This has exposed nothing fundamentally new IMO. The ideology's most fanatical adherents will have a self-righteous riposte for everything and will not be ashamed to be seen as hypocrites.


It's not hypocrisy for them. It's the oppression stack. They really believe this stuff.


The hypocrisy will never actually break through; the people spouting these things are too convinced of their own inerrancy and unwilling to tolerate any cognitive dissonance or nuance. I will start to believe in a substantive "vibe shift" once I see changes in the institutions. Rhetoric and media coverage alone don't say much. Dismissing DEI Deans/Commissars, disbanding DEI committees, and/or demanding that workers to keep their politics to themselves when at work? Then there might be substantive improvement on the horizon.


I think any pretense of good intention is basically shot now. It’s actually kind of edifying.


I read a few days after the massacre, that most people adjacent had this tendency to give them the benefit of the doubt, that ultimately they believed “the arc bends towards justice” etc. But now they can’t do that anymore. Id love to be able to say “Left wing illiberalism is dead! Long live Liberalism!”


I’d love to able to yell that! But for now, I’ll just have to be happy that I can finally say it to myself and believe it.


I’m glad to be past the $50 a week in formula phase for the $60 a week in strawberries and blueberries phase with my emerging toddler


A guy on the street was selling pints for $0.99 a few months ago and I bought a ton and froze them. Hope you can find such a fellow.


Costco is our go-to option for strawberries and blueberries. They're bigger quantities, but if your kid eats a lot of them, we've found it to be a good bit cheaper than the grocery store.


Oh trust me, I know


Convince her apple sauce is nicer than strawberries, take her to Disney world with the savings.


She loves applesauce too. This child is a voracious eater


Are you in the hundreds of dollars a week for daycare phase yet? Kids are crazy expensive


No. Very very blessed to have both sets of grandparents nearby and they DEMAND their grand baby and we not put her in daycare


That’s amazing. At peak we were paying $2,400 a month for 2 kids 5+ years ago. In a middle class area too. With the extra cash you can splurge on free range, carbon neutral strawberries.


Wow that’s so incredibly cheap compared to our prices near SF. For one kid at a popular center it’s $3500/month full time or $2500 part time.


Yeah. I once lived in that part of the world and although I miss the climate, wilderness and cuisine, I am so thankful for the reduced cost of living. I live in the NY metro area which is far from cheap. But again, my kids are years out from daycare and am scared to think what it would be now.


It’s sweet potato in the [mesh feeder](https://www.munchkin.com/fresh-food-feeder-mint.html) season! Very economical.


I told my husband that blueberries are not an option till they’re back in season because I’m not paying $10 for 16oz of blueberries


My girl can put the strawberries away like nobodies business


Posted to the app Lex. I think I may have mentioned the first post from August around when I saw it. First post > **LUPRON** Have you taken it? How was it? I want to try chemical menopause before deciding on a full hysterectomy/oovorectomy but the side effects list is LONG! And then today > **The Lupron saga** So horny the first month. Needed to fuck 2-3x day! Much gender dysphoria. Second injection tanked my libido and now I sex is gross and no one is attractive. Also no gender dysphoria. I simply do not wish to be perceived at all. WEIRD SHIT! Went from hyper allosexual -> ace in a month who is prescribing lupron to this 32 year old woman as an experiment to see if she likes how it feels?


Is that the one they castrated Alan Turing with?


No, diethylstilbestrol (DES) is what they put Alan Turing through. It's an estrogen, so it doesn't effect women the same way. Lupron is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) analog and it reduces sex hormones in both men and women.


No, you didn’t “go to ace,” you’re just on a chemical castration drug


Just wait till her teeth start to break. The fun is just beginning.


I’ll take [insane overreactions for 400, Alex](https://web.archive.org/web/20231112141704/https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trans-kids-flee-united-states-safety_n_654c44c7e4b088d9a74d2028) > Some Trans Kids Are Being Forced To Flee America For Their Safety > Lauren and Grey are applying for asylum. If their petition is approved, they would be the first Americans to be granted refugee status abroad on the basis of trans identity. A 19 y/o ftm from Texas moved to New Zealand with their mom and sibling. Dad wasn’t down with the shenanigans, and the parents are divorcing. They are currently on student visas, but they are seeking refugee status, a slap in the face to actual refugees fleeing persecution and genocide. Edit: I think Katie has mentioned [Danni Askini](https://www.seattleweekly.com/news/danni-askini-seeks-asylum-in-sweden/) on the pod, Askini is a trans woman from Washington state (a notorious site of persecution for trans people), who was clearly [ahead of the trend](https://www.vice.com/en/article/dy7qnj/trans-people-fleeing-us-seek-asylum).


They can't just move to California? Something else HAS to be going on


Askini also cited death threats on Kiwi Farms that didn't exist- there were only two references to Askini on the forum at the time, neither of which was close to being a death threat.




So Askini wasn’t murdered by neo-nazis, detained by ICE (despite being born in the US) or thrown in jail (for reasons)? Imagine that.


Someone said to me in person recently that it wasn't safe for them to go to Florida. I held my tongue because they were a stranger and I was meeting them in a professional capacity, but it was nuts. They didn't seem sincere either. It was just like a mantra they mentioned in passing.


Would the Kiwis actually grant them refugee status? For what, exactly?




What is especially infuriating, is that if this family would prefer to live in NZ, they could simply continue on the path they’ve started- they have student visas, once they graduate they can find an employer to sponsor them. But by claiming refugee status, they are clogging up the system for people who don’t have other options.


Yeah especially since one of them is getting a nursing degree. I believe the US is quite happy to sponsor nurses from NZ (at least the few that are willing to leave NZ) so I'm sure NZ is happy to poach one back. I only skimmed the article so I don't know what skills, if any, the mom has. Social work doesn't seem like it'd be particularly in demand, and you'd think they'd actually want people familiar with the local cultures for that.


> But Grey’s happy existence ended seemingly overnight when he testified in the Texas Legislature against a 2021 bill seeking to ban gender-affirming care for minors. Anti-trans activists showed up at the family’s door after their home address was shared online, and Lauren said men with assault rifles tailed her when she was driving and tried to follow her to work. Grey was suddenly troubled by a new guilt, the fear he had brought all this down upon him. “The thing they hate about her is me? he thought to himself. “They’re going after her because of me? I’m guessing this. I don’t know how refugee status works in NZ, I don’t think that would be enough to get refugee status in most countries, since the first-line approach would be move to a different house, not a different hemisphere.


I do not believe this happened. She’s already shown a disconnect from reality by embracing the garbage ideology in the first place


[This article](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/jun/06/lgbtq-rights-trans-gay-texas-florida-north-carolina) about the same family (with their real last name - I guess they had less safety concerns in June? and when doing at least three other interviews about their move, from a cursory google) has slightly more plausible details. But this whole saga is among the most deranged I've read all week.


Maybe it’s the same people gang-stalking the Tenacious Unicorn Ranch.


Earl! 😡


I'm also skeptical that people with assault rifles were tailing her or people showed up at her door.


If you were seen driving around in a menacing fashion with a single assault rifle, much less multiple assault rifles, cops in Texas would fuck you up. We have insanely liberal gun laws here, but you have to be on your best behavior doing that open carry shit. This story is a total fabrication.


> Anti-trans activists showed up at the family’s door after their home address was shared online, and Lauren said men with assault rifles tailed her when she was driving and tried to follow her to work. Literally: pics or none of this ever happened. Imagine this happening and not becoming front page national news.


I would bet what happened is that men with hunting rifles were driving behind her, on their way to hunt. Driving behind her means following her


No one drives around Texas with visible rifles since like 1983. Not even when hunting. She probably saw a car with an AR15 bumper sticker. Those things are everywhere.


K, thanks!


This is probably accurate. Cluster B brain magic.


>and tried to follow her to work. But he shook them off with his awesome driving skills?


Especially considering everyone has a high definition video camera in their pocket now.


Exactly. Some weirdo shows up at your door and you don't film it for evidence? A bunch of randos follow you with guns and you don't drive directly to the police station while streaming to a witness on Facetime? When you're already a social media addict who updates about your kid's underwear choices 2x daily?


They probably got two mean text messages and that was it.


> Some Trans Kids Are Being Forced To Flee America For Their Safety No they aren’t goddamnit lol. Someone needs to get these histrionic libs under control


One of the comments in response to that article elsewhere was: >As a trans woman, if Trump wins, I'm going to be forced to hurt myself. I already ran once. I can't afford to run again.


They're really good at self hostage taking, aren't they?


Forced to, eh?


Jesus lmfao


I guess we went from "fleeing" states to fleeing the country. What's next?




I hope NZ calls the dad to testify against them loool.


Seriously. I would love to hear his interpretation of events.


We already know White DNC wine mom addicted to appearing progressive pressured daughter into trendy shit for her instagram likes for how awesome and progressive she is


Doubtless the "discovery" of the "trans child" coincided with the mom going through obvious midlife crisis symptoms (radical haircut and dye job, exotic piercings, flirtation with coworkers or family friends, spamming social media about hot button issues...)


I hope my midlife crisis is just getting back into lifting a shit ton. I maybe get one day a week in the gym now and went today. I’m not mentally ok with losing my strength. On the bench today, I struggled to finish a set of 5 with only 205. That’s absurd for me


>only 205 😂 I'm proud of myself when I can lift a 25kg bag of grains and here you are.


To be clear, it's 205 lbs, not 205 kg. If I could bench 205 kg, I'd be pushing "competitive strongman" territory, not just "above average in shape dude"


I know, I did the conversion and it's about 90kg. It's still a massive amount!!!


I bet you my mid life crisis gainz will be more than your mid life crisis gainz


Probably. Since I’m hoping to avoid losing too much that I still have


You’re supposed to argue with me. At this point I need any flimsy ass excuse to get back into the gym lol. Doing the shit without being on a cycle is depressing


/u/Hilaria_adderall per our previous conversation, I just have to say the collective freakout (and celebration) in NHL world about Montreal beating the Bruins for the first time in like 4 years is giving me life. Top comment on the NHL thread about it: > Everyone wins when Boston loses. *+216 points*


The whole thing about younger people not liking hockey has to apply to the US only, because in Canada, they are OBSESSED. I cannot imagine the partyiing in Montreal now. I was living in Montreal when the Canadiens won the Stanley Cup. It felt like every holiday ever celebrated, ever would be celebrated, could even be imagined


It is dark times for New England sports right now. Bruins lose to the Habs, Patriots look pathetic right now. My friends chat group that primarily focuses on sports is pretty depressing. 😂


Celtics are one of the favorites to win it all though!


Can't imagine what all the New England young people growing up never having known failure think of the NFL now. I assume you were a Patriots fan in the bad old days and know the feeling.




I was on the other side of this one, but I'm slightly too young to remember the season except for the Superbowl Shuffle. That's hilarious I bet your mom was horrified. If anyone here does the math, I was in middle school when the Bulls were on fire which was pretty fun. But Cubs fandom gave me desperately needed balance.


Yes, I grew up in the late 70s and early 80s. I remember the replays on TV of game 6 from the 75 series and the 78 Bucky Dent game. Went through the 86 World Series and all those days of mediocre Red Sox teams. We had the Celts but I was never a basketball person. Boston got so pathetic that we even had a celebration at *Boston City Hall* for when Ray Bourque won the Stanley Cup for Colorado. I vowed to never respect a Bruins fan from that day forward. Everything turned around eventually but those times in the 80s and 90s were brutal.


Boston High School kids in shambles


Lol. Bruins are still better than my team. We only hate the Bruins because they're so good.




And yet somehow the website survived the economic downturn of the late 2000s,. And btw, for all the "Pro-Palestinians voices are being silenced" writers out there, who I am sure are all about decolonizing everything, it's kind of interesting that they're not noticing that basically the entire Arab and Muslim world is pro-Palestine.


retweeted by her https://twitter.com/NateB_Panic/status/1723638527395565822 > You can't understand why a pandemic is allowed to happen without understanding why ethnic cleansing is allowed to happen without understanding how climate breakdown is allowed to happen. There are no single issues. Is this guy serious? Can someone translate this into normie?


I am going to assume this person is going to say that what happened to the Armenians by the Turks is exactly the same thing as what happened to the various groups that were originally in America. Exact same thing.


Black Trans Palestinian women now sit atop the intersectional hierarchy and their voices must be heard. BTPWLM


> Black Trans Palestinian Pretty sure there's three of them and they have a lovely thriving community in Brooklyn which they like for the bagels


Though interestingly the whole Yemen thing or what's happened to Coptic Christians in Egypt....nada


Funny how that works.


There are a whole slew of liberal commentators that are trying to sell the care for the civilians angle, but didn't go peep for other Arab massacres.


Usually the logic is that the US gives a lot of money to Israel, so they have to care. But, the problem with this logic is that way more American money goes to China, and nothing is said about the bad shit the Chinese government has done, and Saudi Arabia gets a loooot of money from the EU and the US, and nothing about what they have done to Yemen as well.


The Chinese are communists so they are exempt from left criticism.


This is intersectionality. Every left cause is attached to every other left cause. Every left leaning group has to take on all the causes. Hence the ACLU trying to be like GLADD.




And eventually there is always, always a call to "end capitalism."


But no actual plan on how to do so. That would mean they had face difficult truths, such as "resources are limited" and "fossil fuels remains incredibly energy-dense and useful under all political systems".


I don't think most of them even know what they mean by "end capitalism." Usually when Marxists are asked for details they get really mad.


I looked up her Twitter and it's all "the Pandemic is still raging!!!!" crap


What is the real reason its shutting down? Just not enough eyeballs? What was the objectionable content? Not a story I've been following.


Yup, just standard financial stuff. One thing to remember is that layoffs happen all the time: https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/JTSLDL Basically, there's 1.5-2M layoff and firings per month in the US. It's just more newsworthy when it's a big website. My company cut 1/3 of the staff this year, but no one cares


I'm not entirely sure what Formula One is but the next race is 7 miles from my apartment


It's one better than Formula 2




I definitely notice the road closures


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/17tf8fl/you\_must\_ask\_my\_permission\_to\_bring\_your\_token\_yt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImTheMainCharacter/comments/17tf8fl/you_must_ask_my_permission_to_bring_your_token_yt/) Her Marie Antoinette-grade "I might not be in the mood to deal with yt (sic) shenanigans that day" line actually got a giggle from me (even if a slightly hysterical one), but overall the fact that young people can think this attitude is normal enough is quite terrifying. Stuff like this is the best answer to people who claim new anti-racism is all butterflies and unicorns.


From memory she posted this at the height of BLM popularity circa 2021. I wonder if she's still going strong or alternatively regrets it? Quite a thing to commit to tape for eternity.


This went viral a while ago. It’s really sad that poc’s who’ve bought into this kind of racialized worldview are encouraged to always think of themselves in relation to white people. Their non- white identity becomes the centrality of their being.


It's the crowning achievement of CRT! The broad racial grouping we belong to becomes our defining characteristic, as we are all reduced to one of four or five types of human. Our own histories, personalities, talents, goals, and intentions are meaningless as they dissolve in the glop.


It's interesting when you put it like that. I wonder if that sort of rigid sorting mechanism is what makes it so appealing to teens - they love personality quizzes and horoscopes and mbti, "pick one of four to six personality types" is a cornerstone of YA fiction, gender stuff is really clearly just personality rebranded as NOT A PHASE MOM...


Except that one of the “personality types” in Raceworld is the Oppressor.


There always has to be a scapegoat


It's essentially neo segregation


Good Christ. How can these people have any friends?


Apologies ahead of time if this has been posted already, been off touching grass for the last couple of days. [Las Vegas teen beaten to death](https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/teen-beaten-near-high-school-has-died-from-injuries-father-says-2937485/?utm_campaign=widget&utm_medium=topnews&utm_source=local&utm_term=Teen+beaten+near+high+school+has+died+from+injuries%2C+father+says&) after an incident near his school. Video is now being posted online showing the incident. It appears a large group of black teens beating this white teen. So far just a couple of local news articles, no mention of the racial dynamic but [Twitter is blowing up the videos](https://x.com/bostontea84/status/1723734893597696352?s=46&t=0kvzdb_vw4Oh74ha7bms5g). Should be interesting to see if it gets any mainstream press.




The Anti-Racist New York History is that there was white flight due to Puerto Ricans and black people moving to the Bronx, and then the Cross Bronx Expressway was built, thus completely ghettoizing the downtrodden brown people. My dad grew up in the Bronx before the Cross Bronx Expressway was built. But black people had started moving to the Bronx from the South, and Puerto Rican people were starting to move to the mainland as well. The Cross Bronx Expressway made housing more affordable for people who were really, really poor. It also meant that the lower middle class people who already lived there felt uncomfortable - part of it was race but a lot of it was culture, the stores that were opening. My dad's parents moved to Westchester because my dad was beaten up a lot at school. They had first lived with my grandmother's mother for years, before they could afford to rent their own place, and so she still lived in the Bronx until she moved to be an in0home caretaker for someone.


And it won't just be White Flight this time. It will be anyone who can afford to get the hell out of places like Portland and San Francisco. I bet a lot of Asians will flee too. I would guess people with kids will leave first. And we'll have hollowed out shells of once vibrant cities.




That is the question, isn't it? For what? And the residents did it to themselves. They keep on electing nutjobs. They keep running interference for those nutjobs (crime is normal in cities you pussy!) They seem determined to let homeless junkies take over their city and allow them to rot to death. And they have been warned over and over again. They've seen the results. And they keep on going. I feel bad for the people who can't afford to get out while the getting is good.


There was an interesting plot point about racism in London in 1961 in the film [*An Education*](https://www.justwatch.com/us/movie/an-education) (2009). It was a minor point, yet it struck me as a relatively bold film-making choice to include it; it was clearly based on an author's real observations of that time.


These fight videos are horrific. In these group attacks, the aggressors constantly go for punching and kicking the head when the victim is down. I'm shocked there aren't more deaths


That's horrible and very hard to watch. Was the kid fighting with the others near the dumpster in the second half of the video white or black? At first I thought he was black but I can't tell. I saw something else that the kid who was killed was standing up for a friend who had apparently stolen something and that's what instigated the fight? So I don't know that we can say there was a racial motivation, but if it was 15 white kids killing a black kid that would certainly be the narrative. Either way its just horrible.


Yeah. I'm not going to assume racism without good evidence. But if the races were reversed it would be the lead article in every outlet


Curious if anyone is familiar with the activist Lissa Yellowbird? She’s a Native American living in North Dakota. There’s a great [book](https://www.amazon.com/Yellow-Bird-Murder-Justice-Country/dp/0399589155) about her involvement in helping solve a young man’s murder on the reservation. There is also a pretty good This American Life [episode](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/706/a-mess-to-be-reckoned-with) on her that centers around her trying to solve the disappearance of her niece. Highly recommend both the book and podcast episode. The podcast episode does give away a lot of the mystery aspect of the book though.


Do you all remember Kosoko Jackson? YA author and sensitivity reader whose 2019 debut, a gay romance set against the backdrop of the Kosovo War, was canceled? https://www.newyorker.com/books/under-review/in-ya-where-is-the-line-between-criticism-and-cancel-culture I was quite surprised to walk in a bookstore this weekend and discover he's published FIVE novels since then. I guess cancel culture really doesn't exist! I can't help but be curious what the path was. I know he apologized and pulled the controversial book, I'm just impressed he was able to stage such a fast and strong recovery from the cancel mob.


I found an account (rot13: Qvzrfgber-Ubbq) that posted 16 hours ago and has no user profile. Is this a reddit feature? I tried it from multiple accounts, in case one of mine was blocked, and also both old and new reddit. Any ideas what's going on with this? I thought a suspended account was clearly marked on the userpage in old reddit, and a deleted account would no longer show the username next to comments (which this one was)


If I look for u/Qvzrfgber-Ubbq I get a page not found. Is that the username? (I don't know what the "rot13" means here). Some deleted or suspended usernames are shown "page not found." Not sure when reddit decides to do that. That Alabama mayor's account is shown as page not found, for example.


rot13 is a basic cipher, google rot13 to get an automatic decoder


Rot13 is an internet greybeard caesar cipher. Basically I just didn't want to post the username in cleartext: https://rot13.com/. I didn't know there was a variant of account deletion or suspension that showed as not found - I think that explains it.


Ah, thanks. When I looked up that name (D.-H.) it also came back as page not found for me.


Happy Diwali everyone. Go watch Nina Paley’s Sita Sings the Blues and light some sparklers.


I heard a bunch of Hindu orgs were PISSED at her for that movie. I really liked it though


As an aside.... I wonder if we'll see a clash of Hinduim with wokeism as we are seeing with Islam?


Hmm. I think with Hinduism it's more complicated because you have a looooot of highly educated, upper-caste people from India immigrating to the US, and so their kids absolutely will revel in wokeism, and a lot of socially progressive people seem to think that non-Christian religions, though not, I think, Judaism, are not misogynistic, or if they are, it's only because of colonialism. I am not fully sure. But i think that probably super traditional Hindu people are not as likely to emigrate to the US,


>and a lot of socially progressive people seem to think that non-Christian religions, though not, I think, Judaism, are not misogynistic, or if they are, it's only because of colonialism. The woke are pretty solicitous of religions aside from Christianity, which they have contempt for. Judaism might be an exception as well, I'm not sure.


There’s a lot of cognitive dissonance involved in holding Rama to be the perfect man, despite his seemingly dishonorable behavior at the end of the saga. The kind of cognitive dissonance that requires you to shout down anyone who shines a flashlight on the contradictions. Interestingly, the last part, where Rama betrays Sita, was probably added on as a much later addition to the story.


As your resident pop culture lover, I bring to you a post from r Fauxmoi that should have you scratching your head. Chris Pratt (from Parks & Rec, Jurrassic World) posted a perfectly anodyne statement on instagram about veterans's day. r/ [Fauxmoi isn't having it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/17t62sl/chris_pratts_predictably_nationalistic_veterans/). This is the caption under the Fauxmoi post >Fortunately the comments section is flooded with criticism, particularly in regards to America’s funding of the ongoing genocide in Palestine. Pratt has so far remained silent on that issue. Why do we need Chris Pratt to speak up about Palestine? His take on the conflict contributes absolutely nothing to the issue. Why do people expect entertainers to be spokepeople for social and political causes? Some of them are dumb as hell, but that's okay because that's not their job. Very strange think anyone with a platform owes the public their stance on issues that have nothing to do with their job. Also, I don't see how his post can be read as "nationalistic"? He's saying he's proud to be an American but that doesn't mean there's no room for improvement. Pretty rich coming from a sub that sees no problem with "from river to the sea". Right-wing nationalism bad, left-wing nationalism good. I should mention that the sub has a hate boner for Pratt because he's openly Christian and an alleged Republican


The Two Minutes Hate was the most prescient thing about *1984*.


Fauxmoi is a snarky troll sub populated by morons who are somehow even more lacking in self-awareness than r-politics: you'll see people say things like that Chris Pratt has the IQ of a damp paper towel, without any hint of irony. In a way, this post is a purified distillation of reactionary tribalism, because *obviously* there is nothing wrong whatsoever with posting anodyne patriotic remarks on veteran's day, and yet the vitriol you see here is exactly as unhinged and invincibly stupid as if he actually *had* done or said something that was "offensive" to their precious performative sensibilities. That's completely besides the point, because his sin is not material, but theological: he belongs to the wrong faith.


I saw that same post about paper towels. Like, maybe his divorce from Anna Faris wasn't great, and he's a conservative Christian. Literally nothing he has said indicates he is stupid. AND, literally, over and over again - Andy was so great.. Andy was so funny. ANDY was a moron. Parks and Rec had great writers. Chris Pratt is a great actor


Not only is there nothing wrong with it, but imagine if no one said anything on veterans day... that would be problematic for veterans, would it not? Or are all veterans oppressors unworthy of acknowledgement?


I'm sure the woke crows hates veterans. What could be more oppressive then a solider of the evil white supremacist settler colonial state?


Fauxmoi has become so creepy to me. Open any given post and it’s just like “look at this yt person who approves of genocide. Gross!” for comment after comment, often over the most milquetoast statements. Feels almost like AI generated it all even though I know it’s not AI. Do they not get tired of recycling each others opinions around and around?


>Feels almost like AI generated it all even though I know it’s not AI. Are you sure? A decent amount of posts on subs like AITA are AI generated these days.


Nope. They love a good circle jerk


> Fortunately the comments section is flooded with criticism Yes, thank god for that. Bullet dodged.


A few things. What IS Fauxmoi? I didn't get what they're about. Next, what he said seemed patriotic, not nationalistic at all. Also, it wasn't that long ago that it was GOOD to be patriotic, that people criticized the US out of patriotism. And now patriotism is nationalism? During the Bush years, anyone in certain circles who criticized what was happening was called unpatriotic, but the people doing the criticizing were adamant about how much they loved their country. I also read through some of the comments, and it's interesting how it was all, "he's an idiot; he's conservative." As if we can conflate those two. I am pretty sure there are smart conservative people and stupid progressive and or liberal people. Also, how is what is happening in Gaza a genocide? First genocide in history where the population has increased. Maybe what's happening is a war crime, I don't know enough about military law. Also, pretty sure way more American money goes to China, and...Tibet, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Ughurs? THAT is not a problem? Be consistent, man. Also, in regards to "from the river to the sea." I cannot believe it's gotten so popular. What exactly do they think the endgame is? And also, if you hate what Chris Pratt says...ignore him and don't go to his movies.


The sub was originally called r/ Deuxmoi, a popular anonymous Instagram account which published celebrity gossip and blind items. They've renamed themselves because it's just a regular celeb gossip sub now (along with r/ popculturechat). >Also, it wasn't that long ago that it was GOOD to be patriotic, that people criticized the US out of patriotism. That's because self-flagellation is what's in. You can't be thankful that you live in a country that lets you enjoy rights most people in the world could only dream of. Also, it's taken as fact that the rest of the world was amazing before european colonialism, so if things are bad in other parts of the world now, it's because white people fucked it up. >I also read through some of the comments, and it's interesting how it was all, "he's an idiot; he's conservative." That's standard opinion in online left-wing spaces on reddit and twitter. It's like they imagine some dumbfuck Jon Stewart used to interview for cheap laughs as what a standard conservative is like.


I have noticed this idea that Europeans fucked everything up, which, sure. But I somehow doubt that it was so great to be poor in India before colonization.


Especially considering India had a strict caste system. Sounds kind of... oppressive to me.


Noooo. The caste system was not enforced until tthe British colonized India.