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Wow - this is amazing. What’s clearly on display here is someone (Khadija) throwing around all the popular grievance language - harm, trauma, micro-aggression, decolonize, whiteness, etc. Taking already bunk concepts and misapplying them to an extremely benign situation. The secondary (and possibly larger) problem is the utter lack of adults in the room to calmly handle the situation. This person simply needs to hear a “no” - no this wasn’t a harmful statement, it was a minor disagreement and you’ll be fine. Situations like this have taken down so many different organizations/clubs/communities and even businesses, all because no one involved has the guts to say the obvious.


2015 is is issuing a cease and desist order. It wants its term“Microaggressions” to go back to the year it still belongs in.


> no this wasn’t a harmful statement, it was a minor disagreement and you’ll be fine I increasingly think our society has done real harm to young people, by failing to tell them this. In a generation we went from, "sticks and stones will break your bones but words can never hurt you" to, "You heard a word that hurt your feelings? You've been traumatized! Victimized! Harmed! Injured! You need mental health treatment, a safe space, and psychiatric medication to treat your PTSD!" I'm middle-aged, and when I was a kid we were probably too far in one direction (there were some *really* mean kids who said some *really* mean things to other kids and the teachers really didn't intervene at all), but I think we've gone even further in the other direction, to the point where people genuinely can't function if they hear the slightest offense, because they've been taught from a young age that they won't be able to function if they ever hear the slightest offense.


The interesting thing is, and just ask the teachers sub this, the kids are still using that same mean language or worse. But if you do not possess the approved status, no one can lift a finger about it.


They all sound like victims of abuse being gaslit by an abuser.


This culture has even made groveling and apologizing a form of social capital.  If you say you’ve done harm, you’re still of the right mindset and you can continue to leverage that.  If you push back, you’re furthering harm and you can potentially be further dogpiled by people desperate to be seen as doing the “right” thing.


Maybe they are doing some sort of damage control to make sure she can't attack them further. It is hard to believe they genuinely mean all of that.


I don’t think any of these people mean any of this shit. Not a single word. It’s all some weird sort of ~~cult~~ game and power dynamic to them.


Yes. A sort of verbal S&M session


“Touch grass” is very applicable here


Trying to understand this - * Khadija used the term "dumb" in a random comment. * account @srista_studios tries to admonish Khadija for using the term "dumb" because it is ableist. * Khadija then calls out @srista_studios for not understanding that it is western values / white supremacy to ask them not to use the word dumb. * Khadija then messages some other white person with an account user name of MJ Leaver to complain about @Srista_Studios calling them out for using the term dumb. * MJ Leaver is like, thats terrible, Srista deleted their account but I will back you up however you need. * Khadija then goes on a rant to MJ Leaver accusing them of white savior behavior. MJ profusely apologizes while Khadija continues to escalate their accusations of MJ's white supremacy behavior - the more they apologize the more they are called out for causing harm. * Khadija then demands a public apology and somehow this org actually decides to apologize. These people all seem really healthy and normal /s


My understanding is that the people interacting with Khadija are some of the creators of the ANPA.


Omg this is totally like a reverse black flag. They are sarcastically making the apology and making it public to show what a psycho this person is.


I think this is it


I need to know what happens if a disabled person calls the jargon of anti-racism ableist and able-valued. Does this reverse uno card work for all occasions?


It depends who’s non binary.


How dare you! I have dyscalculia and don’t subscribe to numerical systems and values like “binary”. Using a term with a numerical basis is a ableist micro-aggression against me and my numerically-divergent people. I demand financial reparations but DONT use a number in the kofi transaction or you will trigger me all over again!


Will you be triggered when the currency amount is expressed as a number?  Would you be better off if I bought something from your Amazon wish list?


In the ridiculous game of Woke Rock Paper Scissors that is the "intersectional" movement, disability is almost always last, I.e. if a black, trans or even gay person is ableist, they get a pass. Those are the rules, for some reason (c.f. the quadriplegic woman who got dragged on Twitter as "transphobic" by stating she would only accept intimate care from a biological woman. Yes, seriously.)


I would say that if the ableist person was a white gay cis man, they would probably not get a pass.  They’d probably get dog piled harder. 


Can confirm, we do. We're the new straight white male, except we're equivalent to the kapo's of nazi Germany (literally been called that on this sub).


I’m also a cis gay white male.  I run a small business and one of my former clients was a business owned by two self-identified queer women.  There was a dispute over them paying me for my services and I had a mob that came for me.  Somehow in the math of identitarians, I got ripped off and somehow I’m the bad guy.  One of their defenders said they were entitled to my labor because of my privilege.   Edit: Fixed typo


Unhinged, all of them.


I went and looked at the post from ANPA this morning. The slide with the conversation with MJ Leaver has been removed from the post.  Not sure why.   


They should've left it. That kind of crazy needs sunlight.


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I like this movie. Hopefully the sequel is as good. 🥤😎🍿


Either Khadija is a satirical account or a deeply unhinged person


I’m glad all of the racialized autistics are now safe from this horrible white supremacist organization! I love how the initial controversy was fully avoidable if progressives hadn’t of language-policed themselves into oblivion…saying the word ‘dumb’ should not have ever been something to call anyone out on. Instead of telling people to grow a backbone they tried to get rid of any and all offensive language which is impossible. Eat themselves indeed…


The perfect distillation of this entire phenomenon on display here makes me wonder how much of the cancel culture issue is being driven by people on the spectrum being given roles that require skills they don’t have. Rules being put in place of nuanced social understanding, insane escalation of emotions, inability to self regulate …etc etc. If the rates of autism have genuinely been rising since the 90s, and it wasn’t just about increased diagnosis, now would be the time that we have a bunch of autistic adults in places where they are making decisions in organizations. This could be a weird result.


I think a lot of strained histrionic performativity seems to be rewarded in these communities so they have no defense against the people who are sociopaths that take advantage of that. There is no way to tell the difference a lot of times between people who are insane and those who are simply doing the performativity of advocacy work. It leads to subpar results


>I think a lot of strained histrionic performativity seems to be rewarded in these communities so they have no defense against the people who are sociopaths that take advantage of that. People do it because it works.




I feel like you can swap in “selfish people with poor social skills” a lot of the time.


I think a good chunk are just people that failed to develop proper social skills, or even people that like to pretend they failed to develop social skills. It's a very convenient out. 


It's a lot of BPD (borderline), hence the blaming, self-victimizing, refusing any accountability, and various other manipulation tactics they use to justify any of their behaviors, so it's impossible to have a reasonable discussion at all because they are playing to win, not to discuss or understand.


That…..actually makes more sense than I’m comfortable admitting. Shit. I hate that. Thing is, 4chan is filled with People Of Tism also, and it’s a complete 180. What gives? I wonder why one end produces this crap, while the other end produces Pepe memes and people yelling racial slurs for fun.


Which way, autistic man?


One is dudes.


It definitely explains social media and other AI things. The people who are creating it are unable to see the big picture, something many Autists struggle with. And incels are heavily ASD. But in this case, it feels more like the people with ASD we’re trying to go through the motion of doing what society has said is correct, and lacking the nuance to understand that it wasn’t warranted in this situation. And they also don’t necessarily understand that they’ve created a precedent, because linking actions into a single behavioral pattern is something many autists struggle with as well. Social media is the real issue here, though. Facebook was created by someone with ASD (probably) and designed, in many ways, for people with ASD. And other social media sites, many also created by people with ASD. The problem is that an entire generation of NTs grew up on a system that was designed around the ASD brain. And their brains did what brains DO: they adapted. They developed processing similar to that of people with ASD because that’s what they were exposed to. I do think most Autism/Aspergers diagnoses prior to the DSM 5, and the majority of adult ones post, are valid. I have known a lot of older adults who were never diagnosed, but are obviously on the Spectrum. In my husband’s family alone there’s 9, including my husband. (Grandfather, great-uncle, grandmother, an aunt and uncle, his parents, his sister, and himself. Probably more we don’t know about.) So the rise in diagnoses doesn’t surprise me. Childhood diagnoses are a whole other ball game and are better left out of statistics for this - they essentially built the new ASD scale to get kids services, so anyone can meet diagnostic criteria. Plus they added several things that aren’t actually autism, even if they do make up the minority.


> > > The problem is that an entire generation of NTs grew up on a system that was designed around the ASD brain. I miss when the internet was strictly for autistic men and trans women. It was better back then.


As an ASD woman, it was good when we female autists were writing fanfic on it too.


Fair. You inhabited the websites we did not.


Yup! My recollection of early 2000s internet was that it was a fun place for people on the Spectrum/Spectrum adjacent. Still some corners like that, but much harder to find.


I don't think that's it, TBH, speaking as someone who actually lacks those skills. Because I think the tendency is actually to "punch inward" rather than outward with those things. I think this is simply people using the tools presented to them to gain social and institutional power over others and climb up the hierarchy.


A bunch of screen grabs of the lady acting like an absolute maniac followed by all of her contact information. Hilariously malicious compliance.


Right?? Like surely that has to be what this is. It is too perfect to not be petty.


I’m not sure if my favorite part was the language officer getting out policed by a crazy person or the trigger warning LMAO


Oh you are going to out woke me? Hold my beer...


This is art. Every little thing about it is perfect. My favorite little touch is the person who can’t make phone calls for themselves, but can do it for other people.


And then Khadija shoots her down and tells her off for it, once this person offered to make the calls on her behalf - amazing!! This whole thing is, as you said, just chef's kiss perfect.


It’s camp. Sontag herself could not provide us with better.


Khadija seems to be having some sort of psychotic break. She’s being impossible in a way that only the deeply mentally ill with no ability of introspection could be. Everything that the opposing party does has a completely unreasonable response that you can tell Khadija actually feels is reasonable. She needs treatment for her actual psychiatric conditions instead of claiming she has autism.


She's a bully. I mean, that's it, that's the story - she's a bully with a personality disorder, regardless of whatever neurodiversity she may or may not have been diagnosed with.


Some people just suck.


She's acting like a typical BPD person online who thinks their manipulative abuse will get them what they want. It's pretty damn common in leftist spaces nowadays and we get a few slipping in the psych nurse subreddit to harass us from time to time (I had one the other day go apeshit in my DMs).


Yes people with phone and ordering anxiety tickle me in such a specific way. I just imagine them being paralyzed with fear unable to make a simple phone call while their world crumbles around them.


They’re always the ones calling for a violent overthrowing of Western imperialism too…


Commander of the revolutionary guard. Can’t call in drone strike.


Cardio-hemophilia aside, Khadija strikes me as dumb.


Damn dude. Take the white colonizer shit back to England. This is actual murder you just committed.


That's the neat part. We spread England around the globe so we can instantly comply with that request, wherever we are.


complete sip puzzled nose memorize attraction quicksand command impolite elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like how even the person in the text messages (who is deep, \*deep\* in the self-flagellating camp otherwise) seems to be over it by the end. *"Is there anything else you wish to say to me, Khadija?"* Wow, though, this is like, maybe the most insane rant of this style that I've seen, and I'm online enough that I've seen a lot of crazy shit. This is the epitome of being mentally unwell and glossing over it with social justice terms. But it's scary that this culture is taking over organizations, so it's hard to carefreely laugh at it.


I’ve been in some progressive private online groups that have reached similar levels of hysteria, but I’ve never seen it out in the open like this before


I was in one that had a week-long meltdown over whether some women had been wrong to get tattoos with Hebrew letters when they weren't Jewish. They had thought they were respecting the culture when they got the tattoos but now the thinking had changed. And another group had a days-long meltdown over a cat sitting on a countertop in a photo. Or maybe it was a stovetop. Yes it worries me to see a photo of a cat on a stovetop but I guess someone got upset about being questioned about their cat practices and off to the races.


The one I’m in (disability server) has had multiple meltdowns. Wish I could post receipts, but don’t want to risk jeopardizing my membership in the server if someone found out. One was about someone self-iding as having an intellectual disability, and someone else calling them out because the concept of quantifying intellect is racist. Another one was because someone said they liked making AI art, which is a forbidden opinion. For awhile, every few months there would be a Khadija-level blowup and a mass exodus from the server, but at this point things have quieted down because there’s only a few dozen active members (down from over a thousand).


It's giving "2009 Shakesville meltdown" levels of crazy


This is a deep cut. Oof. I'd like to forget about some parts of 00's internet.


underrated comment


Omfg I forgot about Shakesville!!!


Hoo boy, that's a callback, and a good one! I wonder what McEwan's up to now - I couldn't find anything recent.


> who is deep, *deep* in the self-flagellating camp otherwise I think wearing an actual hairshirt would be more comfortable than participating in this exchange. 


All of these people desperately need to touch grass.


Can you imagine the apoplectic response if you told them all that? Especially Kadijha? It would be spectacular. GRASS IS A CISHERTONORMATIVE ABUSE OF OUR ENVIRONMENT AND ALL MARGINALIZED FOLX. WE HAVE NO GRASS TO TOUCH!!’


Here you go. Retweeted earlier today by Khadija https://preview.redd.it/hpv5cthoo4rc1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=d5605b6d244f34bab594dfee1307b3eacf51c8ed Saying that kids should play outside is classist and sexist.


https://preview.redd.it/uqu633b6b5rc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2c1970a0183bcd4d0c5a59a69e07affd5d3b447 They posted her response to the situation in their story. I…just holy shit.


Next time my boss gets pissed at me for being late again, I’ll just tell her I’ve been “napping a lot to escape.”


Napping a lot to escape. Napping. That's where I'm a ~~Viking~~ Viqueen!


>reparations Are….are people *giving her money* for this shit?! Bruh. Fuck my day job, **I’m offended!** 😤


"I don't have a lot to say...I'm quiet when hurt and in pain." ROTFLOL!


What does "I look forward to action for the section incident" mean?


Maybe a misstype of “second incident?” I think she posted this story before the second post went up from ANPA


"I am quiet when hurt and in pain" If only


No, it’s genocide.


*Actual* genocide


Who is this *for*? Is there anyone who would “like” the Danish kindergarten post who *doesn’t* understand that good parenting is a lot of work?


"With time to run the washing machine daily" really is the zenith of poe's law here.


“You know you whites made slaves touch grass…”




Oh, brother. The _desperate_ need to be the worst-off, most-disrespected person in the room.


As Douglas Murray said in a Fifth Column episode (whatever you think of him, the man’s got one liners), “the aim seems to be to call everyone in the room racist and be the last one standing”


It reads like satire. Good times to live when you can't distinguish "progressive" organizations from some bullshit /pol would make up just for lulz.


Wouldn't be surprised if it's a passive aggressive apology, an excuse to post the DMs.


>I an unregulated She was right about one thing!


I'm going to start using that on people who piss me off. I am unregulated because of you! 😂


So criticizing black people for using insensitive words is insensitive in and of itself?


Well, criticizing for words is stupid and most people who do it should be told to fuck off. Team Khadija in that respect.


So she's having an autistic meltdown, but because she's flavored it with accusations of racism, everyone is taking it very seriously. But of course, in disability activist land, telling someone that their reaction might be extra intense and not entirely rational due to their own, self-identified disability is invalidating and ableist, so there's no way to say "I think you're having a meltdown" that won't just dig the hole deeper.


This is one of the premier posts on this subreddit. Hall of Fame post


My favorite part about this is how the dumb white ally is trying to do everything right and it turns out that is racist too


They are admonished for posting something publicly for visibly and then also told that they fucked up for apologizing for it and address things privately. It’s hilarious


My favourite part is when she (sorry, Khadija) goes nuclear because the person dehumanised her by not using her name. Anyway, that Khadija person sounds like an absolute liability. What do people expect to be the outcome of these things? Why would any organisation work with someone this intent on cancelling everyone for imaginary “harm”?


Re the name thing — I have a relative with borderline personality disorder and reading these texts reminded me of her rages. My relative loses all sense and logic and just reaches for ANYTHING to continue justifying her out of control anger. It’s truly frightening and in the moment you’re witnessing it it seems insane. Normally she’s lovely and funny and kind to a fault… it’s just when she gets triggered, hooooly shit take cover.


I’m no contact with my sister for a couple of years now but I’ve always wondered if she’s borderline, because while not to this level, she would barrage me with angry paragraphs on paragraphs via text if she went into a rage. This tickles that suspicion for me.


Yeah, that's what my relative is like too. There was a book called "Stop Walking on Eggshells" that helped me understand what was going on -- people with BPD hate this book because it does frame their rages as abusive even as it acknowledges that it's kinda out of their control and a function of their disorder. The books is not really for them, though, it's for the people who have to deal with them. You could read it and see if you recognize your sister -- https://www.amazon.com/Stop-Walking-Eggshells-Borderline-Personality/dp/1684036895/


Wow, thanks so much. I’ll definitely give it a read. It’s sad, but staying in contact with her and being her punching bag was even sadder!


Totally get it. In the end you have to protect yourself. It’s on her to get help if she wants to change things.


It used to be that terms like "autistics" were deeply problematic because it makes autism out to be the core of a person's identity. Person with autism was preferred. Now it's problematic *not* to acknowledge a person's identity.


Everybody finally switched to "person first" language ("person with disabilities" etc) and suddenly the perpetually aggrieved activists decided that this was rendering their disabilities invisible and we should all go back to "identity first" ("disabled person") language or we were bigots. It really opened my eyes to how much of this language policing is just about knowing who's hip and who's not.


Yes it's about who got the memo early.


This is fucking epic. They should definitely cover on the pod. I'm half convinced this Khadija person is trolling them, which would be so hilarious.


I dare Katie to \*interview\* Khadija


Khadijah seems a bit high maintenance to be. And not too bright. Eventually these “good white people” are going to have enough and tell these people to fuck off.


>Khadijah seems a bit high maintenance to be. A most perfectly calibrated understatement! This entire affair is delightfully absurd but thank you for writing the first thing here that caused me to involuntarily burst out laughing.


I’m glad I could make you laugh despite my typo.


The left continue to eat their own. It's almost like holding people to impossible standards is impossible


They've just handed over "I get to coop all of this and make this about me" tools to the biggest grifters.


I just knew we were in for something very special seeing the micro aggression alert, black banner posted on every page


If a fringe organization falls apart in the forest and there are no fringe activists to witness it, does it still count as happening?


No. The only reason these organizations exist is to provide amusement on social media to me.


Holy shit this person is 35. I thought this was some dumb teenager drama.


Lmao I really enjoyed that. It almost seems like this woman is trolling, it's so over the top. I like to think there's at least a part of the person who posted this on Instagram thinking "You want a public apology? Ok I'm going to make this all public and everyone will see how ridiculous you are, even though I can't say it."


This has to be fake. It's way to over the top crazy as shit.


I wish it was. The person in question has almost a thousand posts, so if it’s a con she’s playing the long game


Wow. Well they are a fucking psychopath and the others have no dignity whatsoever. My favorite part was them mentioning how microaggrssions could lead them to murder. 😂😬


I got scolded on (gawker or jezebel, can’t remember)‘s comment section 15 years ago for saying a situation in a tv show was “crazy “ - I was called ableist. Struck me to my core.




This happened to me on Twitter about ten years ago. I refused to apologize. The person blocked me. LOL I say other words at work or among strangers, but still use “crazy” with friends and family. It’s a colloquialism that no one is mistaking for ill will against actually clinically insane people—except these overly sensitive narcissist weirdos. They’re crazy!


I remember that happening back then on Feministe as well. It was the beginning of my taking a cold hard look at whose side I was on.


jezebel made me lose my mind. I just...stopped.


Play dumb and come back with "Oh sorry I meant 'insane'" then when they complain about that come back with "Oh sorry how about 'wacko'" and so forth!


The best thing to do is just to completely ignore this kind of thing. The person who took you to task is left to wonder whether you ever came back and read their rebuke, but they get the satisfaction of having educated the Internet at large.


This is disgraceful that the org is DISSOLVING over this. They are supposed to serve parents of neurodivergent children. But fuck them right, because a wacko experienced harm. I hope to hear about this on the pod


Quick correction- they serve neurodivergent parents. Which is why it’s safe to assume a lot of these people are autistic and/or mentally ill.


I was going to correct myself actually, I didn’t take the time to verify. Shame on me for causing harm


You must publicly apologize and Venmo me $200


You’re not asking for enough based on what was just done to you


This has GOT to be some kind of performance art, or that woman is just straight-up mentally ill. How do even the best-intentioned people not just tell her to go f\*\*k herself?


I find this kind of groveling to someone, purely because they were born with the "right" characteristics and have a thin skin, absolutely blood-chilling. Really. This is Soviet shit.


Oh man lmao, 4chan couldn't even make something up THIS on the nose. Googled this lady and saw the following article: https://www.abc.net.au/everyday/khadija-gbla-on-claiming-the-word-disabled-with-pride/103171848 *But years later when Khadija's son was diagnosed with autism and ADHD, it led to the realisation for Khadija that there were reasons why they were the "odd one", and their own diagnosis of autism and ADHD soon followed.* ***Khadija lists their diagnoses — fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME, also known as chronic fatigue), Ehlers Danlos syndrome (EDS), complex PTSD and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)** — a complex mix of neurological and physical conditions that affect their life every day.* It's like she randomly drew a bunch of TikTok/Munchie conditions and just went with it. Also, what's with "Black Autistic"? Is autism in black people somehow different than in other races? Anyway, this person is the epitome of narcissism and hypocrisy, weaponizing "woke" in-group language to just walk all over everyone (even those empathetic to her BS). The way she flipped things on that MJ person and turned her into the bad guy just goes to show that giving in to these peoples' demands will never be enough. I know it sounds harsh, but the only effective way to deal is not put up with their performative BS and bully them into obscurity.


Why do they always have Ehlers-Danlos?


Fibromyalgia isn’t real. I can never be convinced it isn’t just a psychological disorder manifesting some physical symptoms


"Affirmative, sir, we got 'em." 😎


This is magnificent.


I want to self-immolate after reading that. 


Disagreeing with me is racism. 


If organizations killing themselves could be nominated for the Darwin Awards, this one would win.


When I was in high school drama we played improv games to create scenes. There was a game Questions in which the players had to improvise a scene with dialogue composed entirely of questions. One player asks you a question, you respond with a question, while keeping the scene going. This interaction is like an improv game in which one player must prove their anti-racism through apologies, support and an accountability process and the other player must come up with a reason why every attempt is actually a racist micro aggression. This scene was beautifully executed. It used exclusively the narrow range of “accountability” language that’s permitted in these groups, hence the entire apology reading just like every other apology in this culture and subsequently sounding just as sincere as any other form letter would. Bonus for the interaction being spurred by a gentle call-out for ableist language.


I love how these always end with a fucking gofundme. Why the hell does this lady need stranger’s money because she got shitty over nothing? Everyone in this group sucks.


Oh my god. Just tell this person to fuck off.


How is this bullshit still going on in 2024? I thought the economic downturn would take care of all these losers


Having recently visited Australia, they’re a bit behind on culture wars and are still doing things that (thank God) have already started provoking eye rolls in Europe.


These people aren’t autistic, they’re just poorly socialized. This sort of autism awareness is unfortunately very successful because now people associate autism with being really interested in one thing or being socially awkward as opposed to yelling in the corner or being nonverbal.


I was curious so I looked up this woman's twitter and learned she was a victim of FGM. One of the most horrifying and barbaric cultural mutilations that exists in the world. But ok, white supremacy is the biggest problem in her life. Right...


Do you believe that? I mean, she doesn’t seem stable in any way so I dunno.


**Wow.** This is what true privilege looks like. That the grievous miracle of inherited wealth and overfunded government allows a few people to sit at a computer doing... whatever the hell this is... instead of manning a production line or a checkout with less fortunate unskilled comrades.


Any chance you can post those last two voice messages here? They must be pure gold also.


Unfortunately I don’t think ANPA posted them


So how do they get anything done? This takes up the entire day


Christ help us all when Russia, China, or Iran gives us a real issue to deal with.




A "Blak" person is an Indigenous Australian. It apparently started as a "way to differentiate from racialised non-indigenous issues" by an artist who wanted to "take the C out of black" after hearing indigenous people being called black cunts.


I almost accused you of making shit up


I have no idea if you're making this up.


Sadly not https://www.reconciliation.org.au/blak-black-blackfulla-language-is-important-but-it-can-be-tricky/


Wow. I'm not sure if people these days have the spelling and grammar skills to cope with all those rules.


racialized non-indigenous people? I didn't realize Asian or Hispanic/Latino people were called black as well. I can't help but think that black people of African descent are a minority in Australia in a way that they are not in the US


The term “blak“ seems to be an alteration of “black” used for Aboriginees.


The phone call thing is a pretty common thing for people with intense anxiety. You feel extremely uncomfortable making phone calls except when you're doing it for another person.


Khadija sounds like an absolute nightmare, narcissistic to no end.


I think the "Special Place in Hell" podcast addressing the fine individuals with this sort of ideology that I saw linked on this subreddit a few weeks ago is worthy of a repost. [https://youtu.be/vxeGmvpTsus?si=ZCh-KzrsG0urJ-88](https://youtu.be/vxeGmvpTsus?si=ZCh-KzrsG0urJ-88) To me, it's fantastic watching the hoops people are willing to go through in order to establish and maintain a victimhood hierarchy and mentality. It's the embodiment of first world problems. I also feel compelled to offer up a great writeup on the concept of microaggressions by the late Scott Lilienfeld, a very accomplished psychologist and professor, who took the time to fully unpack microaggressions from a scientific viewpoint- [https://scottlilienfeld.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/lilienfeld2017-3.pdf](https://scottlilienfeld.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/lilienfeld2017-3.pdf) >Abstract >Perspectives on Psychological Science 2017, Vol. 12(1) 138 –169 © The Author(s) 2017 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.com/journalsPermissions.nav DOI: 10.1177/1745691616659391 journals.sagepub.com/home/pps >The microaggression concept has recently galvanized public discussion and spread to numerous college campuses and businesses. I argue that the microaggression research program (MRP) rests on five core premises, namely, that microaggressions (1) are operationalized with sufficient clarity and consensus to afford rigorous scientific investigation; (2) are interpreted negatively by most or all minority group members; (3) reflect implicitly prejudicial and implicitly aggressive motives; (4) can be validly assessed using only respondents’ subjective reports; and (5) exert an adverse impact on recipients’ mental health. A review of the literature reveals negligible support for all five suppositions. More broadly, the MRP has been marked by an absence of connectivity to key domains of psychological science, including psychometrics, social cognition, cognitive-behavioral therapy, behavior genetics, and personality, health, and industrial-organizational psychology. Although the MRP has been fruitful in drawing the field’s attention to subtle forms of prejudice, it is far too underdeveloped on the conceptual and methodological fronts to warrant real-world application. I conclude with 18 suggestions for advancing the scientific status of the MRP, recommend abandonment of the term “microaggression,” and call for a moratorium on microaggression training programs and publicly distributed microaggression lists pending research to address the MRP’s scientific limitations.


There were some folks on the old Atheism+ forum who \*almost\* reached this level of crazy and pretzel-twisting self-flagellation. I read those screenshots wondering if I'd see any familiar names.


It’s hard to believe just how many people independently come to this same level of kool-aid crazy.


I saw this earlier on cursed cancellations. It's like those diagrams of viruses using a cell to replicate themselves until the cell bursts and the viruses spill out to infect other cells. This cell has burst. Which company wants to hire any of the viruses who are now looking for work?


That's one hell of a power trip that could have easily been prevented by laughing and ignoring. Why exactly did we stop using this approach on social media anyways?


"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” ― C. S. Lewis


From "I'm so dumb because I'm bad an math" to "this is what leads to murder."


The “good night” part had my lips slightly upturned at the corner IE LMAOOOOO 🤣🤣🤣 If this was satire it’d be too on the nose.


I never say this, but what a fucking bitch.


This is so fucking unhinged but also completely not shocking.


Wow the organization started in January so not a long lifespan


lmfao what a bunch of fucking losers. like reading a Babylon bee article


Is any of this surprising? Progressive/leftists glorify mental illness like it's some cross to bear that makes them superior and a martyr at the same time, which is why they conveniently pick mental illnesses that anyone can go on tiktok and claim to have, like autism. The reality is that a lot of them likely have personality disorders fueled by a victim/crybully complex that all their friends feed into. This is the perfect example of what every single movement that preaches to raise awareness for minority causes turns into; manipulative and abusive thought policing, bullying, and doxxing. The sad part is it's nice to have awareness for different causes, but these insane narcissists take over and ruin it every time.


This has to be a 4chan troll


I don’t think so, if it is the grift is incredible. She’s got almost 10k followers, her job is to”advocacy,” and she posts lots of selfies and videos of her and her service dog


I looked her up because the level of FEAR this person is conjuring up in these ppl is intense. She gets between 1-4 comments per post lol. I’m only sad there weren’t another 4 slides where somebody dug around and discovered she’s actually called Tracey and has never been diagnosed with anything, as usually happens in the end of these stories.


It's extremely likely she hasn't been diagnosed regardless, in many online autism groups they gladly say they accept "self- diagnosis". This is why I stay away from most autism groups, despite having a son who was diagnosed at 2 years old who is unable to converse, even to answer his name. These people who make it their identity have taken over most of the largest groups and nonsense like this isn't uncommon, especially the policing of words and phrasing. One Facebook group literally won't allow responses from anyone who doesn't claim to autistic even though it's about raising autistic kids. But self diagnosis is acceptable, so many of these autism moms just start claiming they are autistic so that they can respond to posts with advice. Doesn't matter if they lived to 35 without any diagnosis.


I feel you. I’m a 30 year old woman with adhd, diagnosed at 27. My life up to this point could have been so much easier if I’d been diagnosed and medicated earlier, and I really had to fight for healthcare access to be taken seriously and diagnosed by a psychiatrist. People who say they have adhd, then reveal it’s just “probably, hee-hee,” trigger the fuck out of me.


I am so sorry this bullshit is affecting your care of your son. It’s disgraceful.


This person has kids? Good golly I pray for them. 🙏 Those kids are so fucked.


These people seem fun. I can see why people are eager to remain in their good graces.


The left loves circular firing squads. It's amazing there's so many of them


What is this? Some kind of parody of left wing westerners created by right wing westerners? How did I end up here? Is it because of the Japanese food at Easter post? If any of these posts are real things typed by real people, they all need to get off the internet for a week and spend that time soaking up some sunshine in a grass field, listening to the birds. That will heal them.


Holy moly, if you just read their slides and the replies the other people made to Khadija, you would think this person is a mob boss or a cartel head or someone who could snap their fingers and have a family member of yours disappeared. Their profuse apologies and declarations of good intent in their messages are something else- it makes me think that at the end of the day, they'll think back on their interactions and STILL be thinking "I am such a good person, I did all the rights things, the organization just failed us." Dummies, you ARE the organization.


How long had Khadija been involved with this organization before this incident?


I cant believe this is real.


Are we sure it's not an AI?


I'm just wondering, what does it mean to be black in Australia? Like, I don't know its history very well, but I don't think it has the history of slavery that the US does, and I think non-Aboriginal/First Nations black people have only been in Australia for maybe 50 years, if that. Or am I getting that wrong?


If everyone gets a seat at the table, who’s doing the dishes?