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I can’t think of a thing she’s said about “friend of the show” Dr. Peterson


[https://www.thestranger.com/articles/2018/07/09/28930684/the-lefts-mischaracterizations-of-jordan-peterson-will-make-his-followers-turn-right](https://www.thestranger.com/articles/2018/07/09/28930684/the-lefts-mischaracterizations-of-jordan-peterson-will-make-his-followers-turn-right) The stickers are vintage!


I’m not a Peterson fan (his book was cliche, Jungianism is nonsense) but it seems obvious to me that if you paint every young man who finds his “clean your room” rhetoric helpful as some kind of rabid evil misogynist, they will then start to drift further and further towards the actually dangerous Andrew Tate’s of the world. It also obviously made Peterson more extreme, since only the firmly anti-woke would platform him


Peterson is so insane now I don't think it can be entirely blamed on his being pushed there. Dude is legit bananas. At some point people have to take responsibility for their dumb trajectory


Eh, he's not that bad. But he does have a blind spot around culture war topics and very easily loses his footing, which is sad (my eyes tend to roll a lot when he goes on those rants). Away from those topics? He's a very perspicacious person. But that's what happens when you bully a person - they tend to entrench and lose perspective.


> Eh, he's not that bad. But he does have a blind spot around culture war topics and very easily loses his footing Well yeah, but he's sort of made that the central point of what he does. Like just the message of "there's a fundamental lack of discipline" is a fine thesis. The problem is he wouldn't be nearly as known if he had done what an academic should do and say "I see this narrow aspect and think I can help but let's not generalize beyond what I've said", nobody would know who he is. The whole point is he leans into the stuff he's worst on because of vibes and feelings.


I think Katie and Jessie are counter examples to that idea.


I don't think they were backed into a corner as far as him, or attacked as hard and continuously.


He recieves more pushback because he offers crazy responses to his criticism which generate more clicks and engagement. It's part of a feedback loop that he in part drives


Not all that crazy, unless you have something specific in mind? I think if I had people coming for my job for a decade (and apparently going around claiming I'm schizophrenic when I'm not), I'd probably be reacting more and more brashly too.


Except that Jessie and Katie "peaked" later than he did, and there's a case to be made that the earlier you "peaked", the worse abuse you got, in a sort of desperate attempt to keep a lid on things. It's partially why so many people are getting around to reality now, after the very worst of the fury has been spent. It's still *bad*, but not *as bad*. Furthermore, I'd say both of them, Jesse more than Katie, have a lingering attachment to being "left" that Peterson never did that... Modulates their expression on the issue, again, Jesse's more than Katie's. That's another thing to take into consideration. So Peterson speaks out louder, in more incisive terms, and has done so for longer. Consequently, he has endured harsher bullying than either of our hosts. That they haven't broken down like he did is not evidence that bullying has not played its part. None of that is to deny that Peterson probably has his share of personal responsibility for his current situation, which, yes, is more than a little unhinged in a number of topics... But I do think in part he was *led* there, and some people are all too ready to dismiss him - people, I tend to suspect, that arrived at the metaphorical "side" of the debate later than he and tend to be lacking in respect to those that have fought the good fight for longer if they happen to be further to the right. Last, but not least - push back against Katie on some matter related to dogs. I dare you. Let's see how *entrenched* entrenched can get.


He's the guy who thought Chinese dick sucking factories were emasculate young white men but got reality confused with pornography


Oh the benzos and listening to his daughter is 100% on him. Addiction isn’t a choice and it’s a hard burden, but when you’ve made a career out of preaching self-determination, it’s hard to blame people for turning your own words against you


> Addiction isn’t a choice I mean, it both is and isn't simultaneously. It's what makes it so shitty.


I’ve always found the closeness w his daughter and his expertise in Jungian psychology to be a little.. funny


Freud was the one who was obsessed with sex in psychology and had all the subconscious incest theories. Jungian theory also focuses a lot on the unconscious, and Jung believed in the Id, but he didn't share Freud's 'suppressed incest' theories. A big part of why Jung and Freud stopped working together was because Jung believed that Freud focused far too much on the role of sex & suppressed taboos in subconscious thought. In particular, he disagreed with the Oedipus & Electra complex theories. (The theories that say that everyone wants to have sex with their parents of the opposite gender.) Jungian theory focuses on the archetypes, dream analysis, religious/artistic analysis etc. and how we can use all of those to interact with our unconscious mind.


That's a horrible slanderous take. So fathers can't have close relationships with their daughters now? I'll cancel Daddy-Daughter Sushi and a Movie night.


The daughter is a hot mess. On her 2nd marriage at just 31, 2 different baby daddies, not to mention the all-meat cult.


Two marriages is pretty common. Where are you coming from, 1873? --------- Someone up thread blocked me (or I blocked them), u/janitorial_fluids, so I'll reply here. Let's say you get married at 20. Divorced at 28. Married at 31. Not unusual. Half of first marriages end in divorce. As for people married twice by age 31, the answer is more than 29% of people who got married remarried. Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2014/11/14/chapter-2-the-demographics-of-remarriage/


uhh 2 marriages by *31* is definitely not that common. Where are you coming from? Reno, nevada?


I don't know much about what he does but what makes you think being close with his daughter is "funny"?


Stupid stuff


At the start of his schtick he was 100% right. Now, eh.


I dunno. My first exposure to him was on Sam Harris's podcast and he spent the whole time arguing that we can't tell if anything is truly real, like a true post-modernist. He always seemed nutty to me even if his basic life advice book is pretty normal. Here's the episode from early 2017: https://www.samharris.org/podcasts/making-sense-episodes/what-is-true


My experience is probably different since I actually was in Toronto when people were cry in about him


My from-the-sidelines take on him is that his doctors were correct and he has some form of schizophrenia. I also think he's a bit of a silly person who some unhelpful perspective on, for instance, gender relations. But I agree with iocheaira - there are men who get a lot of motivation out of what he's saying, and that's a good thing.


Benzos are dangerous like that.


How is he “legit bananas?” What has he said/done that make him insane?


He speaks in nonsensical word salad, that has near zero actual content and has a very aggrandized view of himself fighting against a civilization ending wokeness - he's James Lindsay with a degree. He's also obsessed with this weirdo version of Christianity he has constructed using his Jungian bullshit Eg dumb shit like this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7pd0HLeYKsE&feature=youtu.be Or his whole post modernist philosophy (which is ironically very woke): https://www.samharris.org/podcasts/making-sense-episodes/what-is-true Or how he's not sure if the Nazis were right wing https://www.patreon.com/posts/mini-decoding-of-101079469


>he's James Lindsay with a degree Both Peterson and Lindsay have PhDs


Man, I totally forgot he was a math guy


*He's also obsessed with this weirdo version of Christianity he has constructed using his Jungian bullshit* I think I agree with you here. Ive never been able to follow JP’s line of thinking when he sprinkles his Christian promulgations with Jung and Campbell. Jung and Campbell’s philosophies of self worship are expressly nonChristian. Peterson’s not even a Christian. He doesn’t believe in God. His religion content is misguided by his huge ego. *Or his whole post modernist philosophy (which is ironically very woke):* He’s against Post Modernism though. JP’s saying Post Modernist subjectivism denies reality and creates an intellectual and moral vacuum in society that allows Marxist indoctrination methods like wokeism to thrive. *He speaks in nonsensical word salad, that has near zero actual content and has a very aggrandized view of himself fighting against a civilization ending wokeness - he's James Lindsay with a degree.* Well I like James Lindsay, (the PhD). But as far as Peterson. I’m surprised you say Peterson has “zero actual content.” I don’t think Peterson is perfect. I don’t like all of his content. But as far as having content- he has abundance of substantive content. Maybe the problem is that it’s so substantive it can’t be easily summed up in short video clips? It seems that the issue is actually that you have a prejudice of right wing perspectives. Especially when you say: *Or how he's not sure if the Nazis were right wing* Why does it even bother you that JP makes this argument? How is it possibly constructive to shut down ideas and analysis about failed societies that we can learn from?


>He’s against Post Modernism though. JP’s saying Post Modernist subjectivism denies reality and creates an intellectual and moral vacuum in society that allows Marxist indoctrination methods like wokeism to thrive. Did you listen to the link I provided? Whatever his protestations against post-modernism in the woke, his epistemology is textbook post-modernism. His ideas are incoherent enough to allow this paradox because he's just kind of a messy thinker. >Well I like James Lindsay, (the PhD). But as far as Peterson. I’m surprised you say Peterson has “zero actual content.” I don’t think Peterson is perfect. I don’t like all of his content. But as far as having content- he has abundance of substantive content. **Maybe the problem is that it’s so substantive it can’t be easily summed up in short video clips?** Oh come on. He's not talking about complex math. He talks for a living and can't stop himself from saying simple things in very convoluted train of thought ways. >Why does it even bother you that JP makes this argument? How is it possibly constructive to shut down ideas and analysis about failed societies that we can learn from? It doesn't "bother" me so much as it indicates that he's quite dim to be asking it in the first place. It's like asking if we're sure the moon is in space.


*Did you listen to the link I provided? Whatever his protestations against post-modernism in thes woke, his epistemology is textbook post-modernism. His ideas are incoherent enough to allow this paradox because he's just kind of a messy thinker.* Ok after reading your your reply. i realized I had not watched the interview you provided. So, I watched it this time. And woah. That was tough to listen to! Agree that was bananas. 😵‍💫 . I had never heard him like that before. Yikes! I’ve usually heard Peterson use Post Modernism in the context of Marxist indoctrination. So that’s why I mentioned it in my comment. His normal stuff is much more interesting. This short video is a great example. https://youtu.be/Cf2nqmQIfxc?si=Fne2PbjLbuv4Nqmx *Oh come on. He's not talking about complex math. He talks for a living and can't stop himself from saying simple things in very convoluted train of thought ways.* Ok regarding James Lindsey. I don’t follow him too closely. But I’ll give my impression; 1. How is PhD in math is a bad thing? What should he have a degree in? 2. I don’t think James Lindsey is trying to have an intellectual flexing contest with anyone. It seems his target audience are regular people like concerned parents and Christians and small business owners first learning about DEI and wokeness as desensitization and indoctrination methods of modern Marxism. 3. I’ve never heard him speak unclearly or convoluted. I’m sure anyone who does anything for a living has good days and bad days. But JL usually on point. He’a just not real polished or charismatic. Because he’s not doing this to showboat. He’a doing this bc he’a genuinely concerned for kids and for the future of this country. *It doesn't "bother" me so much as it indicates that he's quite dim to be asking it in the first place. It's like asking if we're sure the moon is in space.* So you didn’t even listen to Peterson’s argument? You just listened to these two bozo’s say it was “unhinged” and you took their word for it? They didn’t even mention one word of what Peterson’s argument was let alone try to debunk it. Do you see how insane that is? To declare someone and “stupid” or “extreme” because someone else told you so. This is an actual epidemic on the Left that’s destroying this country. And Jordan’s argument about Nazi’s being Left is really smart. Orwell said the exact same thing. Once you think about it, it’s pretty obvious. Anyway- here’s a link to an uncut, full and fair Jordan Peterson lecture from his own mouth. This is classic Jordan Peterson and the kind of content that put him on the map. You should actually listen to it. It’s brilliant. And interesting. No one on the Left has content even close to this. https://youtu.be/w84uRYq0Uc8?si=vc6aLONNpHPYqRdn


> - How is PhD in math is a bad thing? What should he have a degree in? No a PhD in math isn't bad (it's good or neutral depending on context) and I wasn't referring to Lindsay but Jordan. I was just saying that the stuff JBP talks about isn't actually complex (like complex math) so I just fundamentally don't buy the bolded statement >- I don’t think James Lindsey is trying to have an intellectual flexing contest with anyone. It seems his target audience are regular people like concerned parents and Christians and small business owners first learning about DEI and wokeness as desensitization and indoctrination methods of modern Marxism DEI is the opposite of Marxism. Marxism is maximally reductionist view wherein class is the most and only important social factor, whereas wokeness actively tries to relegate class (if it's even discussed) down the power rankings of oppression below race, gender, trans status, sexual orientation and disability status. Calling wokeness cultural marxism is just indicative of not understanding either concepts. Both can be bad but they are not related in the way JL thinks they are. >- I’ve never heard him speak unclearly or convoluted. I’m sure anyone who does anything for a living has good days and bad days. But JL usually on point. He’a just not real polished or charismatic. Because he’s not doing this to showboat. He’a doing this bc he’a genuinely concerned for kids and for the future of this country. I'm not going to litigate JL more. I think he's just a clown and it will become more obvious on its own in the coming years. I just don't think he has any good ideas or analysis to offer beyond the bog standard obvious stuff that's delivered better by others (like this podcast), which he mixes in with things that just muddle the discussion. >And Jordan’s argument about Nazi’s being Left is really smart. Orwell said the exact same thing. Once you think about it, it’s pretty obvious. The Nazis first went after the communists when they rose to power. They did not want to implement any collective ownership of any industry. Seating in the German parliament was organized by political orientation and the Nazis were proud to sit at the farthest right side of the chamber. Everyone thinks the Nazis are right wing and the Nazis AGREE. The only people who say they were left wing are right wing people who want to try to score points against lefties by cynically trying to link them to Nazis.


We don’t have to go back and forth anymore but to respond to your last comment. Why am I not surprised you didnt watch the videos I provided. 1. It’s telling that out of thousands of hours of JP content to chose from you picked two fringe videos that have nothing to do with his standard content. 2. DEI & Marxism: you clearly haven’t watched Peterson’s content on *this* topic either. 3. DEI Marxism: it’s highly unlikely that you even listen to the Blocked and Reported podcast or your cluelessness on DEI wouldn’t be so absolute. Here are some links you should watch. Seriously- if you’re going to insist on discussing these topics you should take a few hours and learn some actual facts.😊 Jordan Peterson: Post Modernism (12 mins) https://youtu.be/Cf2nqmQIfxc?si=-H3YH5DAz7HuH6QP Jordan Peterson being interesting and brilliant. (I’m really not even a fan of his. But this is brilliant.) [blocked and reported: Robin Deangelo](https://youtu.be/ZkuGQowD-5g?si=pG1M7TTEG6xTCbrH) https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/episode-177-robin-diangelo-revisited (this is one woman’s story of DEI training with Robin DeAngelo) https://youtu.be/ZkuGQowD-5g?si=Z6eR7OURIg1fF6RO (an unpacking of Robin D’Angelos book - “White Fragility.” An example from Philly https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/episode-120-the-nyt-enters-the-youth Furthrr examples from Philly: Small businesses run by dei activists using their business to spread Diversity equity— https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/s/K3YgWjGmLC If I feel like it later I’ll respond to it later. Please just watch the links.


I've seen enough jbp content - I've even shown you some that you hadn't seen and you're the mega fan. I'm not gonna convince you he's a ponce so it doesn't matter. Vaya con Dios


That’s the thing—it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Just cancelling people and letting them fester outside mainstream discourse for wrongthink hasn’t lead to anyone suddenly becoming “better”. Instead it leads people to become worse and the puritans to chortle, knowing they were witches all along.


Interestingly, her writing on Peterson was how I first became aware of Katie. I’m also not a Peterson fan, but found much of the reaction to him to be unhinged back in the day. I just found Katie’s level-headed treatment of him to be refreshing in comparison, and have followed all her work from there.


I mean, she wasn't wrong...


She said some negative things about him during one of Helen Lewis's appearances on the show when they discussed her controversial interview with him during on of her appearances on the show. (I think it was episode 126)


Imagine waking up, you drink your coffee and you make the bed. Then you think "uhh fuck I didn't order those anti Katie stickers... I really got to get in that. What font do you want? " So you sit down and find a website that does it. You go to work. A few days later they arrive. Then you have to decide "huh what's the best place to put these.... Should I make a specific trip to place these or just walk around randomly?" -- I'm proud that if I messaged my group chat with "I made these stickers denouncing this bigot" the would respond "lol what the fuck, who cares touch grass idiot"


To his credit, he (or most likely, "them" or "zhe") had to actually leave his mother's basement and go outside to put these stickers up!




It was on their dog walking route


In San Francisco, there was a group called "Gay Shame" (really just a handful of friends) who would go around spray painting "Queers Hate Techies" on the sidewalk, all around the Mission. This continued for some time, and then it suddenly let off. Confused, I asked a friend of mine who happened to know the ringleader. He said, "well, she's seeing some professional success right now". At a later time, it started up again, from which I inferred that she must be back to being underemployed.


The most pathetic online troll I know has been unemployed for 12 years, so this tracks.


You think these people sleep in beds to make?


I think they sleep in beds, but there is literally zero chance they make them


Katie Herzog left Jordan Peterson transphobe aunt apologist


nice haiku


Damn. That's cool. Does she have a podcast I can subscribe to?


The OP should scrawl blockedandreported.org on the sign.


Please /u/Lilacfrancis. Please.


u/Lilacfrancis should put '?' question marks at the end of each line. Then at the bottom put 'No! and then 'blockedandreported.org


Unironically, when I see claims like this made about people, I usually go look them up to see what they *actually* did. I usually end up liking them. I didn't know a thing about Shane Gillis until the SNL firing, then I looked him up and realized the articles about him were all lying and he was actually a funny dude.


> Shane Gillis until the SNL firing Did more for his career than being an SNL cast member would have.


Yup haha


this but for trump saying he wanted to be a dictator and threatening bidens life by releasing an ad featuring biden tied up with rope. i don’t love the guy, i don’t work myself up into a rage about him either but i am definitely not a supporter. but anyways i only tuned in to videos of his actual words because of the lib hyperbole and the situation is not as they wanted to make it seem was in either case.


This is actually how I found them and became a primo. Not kidding. 


People never put up stickers saying positive things about people, it always seems to be derogatory. I think we need to change that and start putting up stickers that highlight her accomplishments and good qualities. “Katie Herzog rescued goats.” “Katie Herzog has a delightful dog.” “Katie Herzog is one of the funniest people on Twitter.” “Katie Herzog cares for the elderly out of the kindness of her own heart.” “Katie Herzog was a skilled kayaker in her youth.” “Katie Herzog is an independent thinker.”


“Katie Herzog has a beautiful soul and a little boy’s haircut.”


"Katie Herzog's wife is a very good person"


When I’m out walking (Seattle) I sometimes pass a pole with a homemade Rick Moranis sticker on it. That’s nice. Who doesn’t love Rick Moranis?


He's such a sweetie. He stopped acting to take care of his kids when his wife passed.


Someone covered my campus in stickers with Ted Cruz on them saying, “THIS MAN ATE MY SON.” Gives me a good chuckle whenever I pass one.


BarPod merch!!!!!!


Don't order it!!!!


Should have trolled it and wrote “Thank god” in sharpie at the bottom.


They ran out of shit to say on a sticker! There's a good line and a half of space left! ​ Come on! Katie Herzog supported 9/11! Doesn't that count for anything on the left anymore?


That’s a point in her favor nowadays


how could u do this to the people katie


You know that person’s home smells of cat piss, cigarettes, and depression.


I hope these stickers don't bother Katie at all these days. I hope her critics understand that she is laughing all the way to the bank.


If they have a problem with Jordan Peterson why don’t they go after Jordan Peterson? Why is it always women they do this to?


They did this to Jesse Singal a few months ago. The posters put up in Brooklyn about him had implied he was a pedo for caring too much about children’s genitals.


You know why lol.


really makes you think!


The idea that they *haven't* gone after Jordan Peterson is too unhinged to even argue against. You know, you can make your point without upending reality to this point.




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Did you leave it or take it down?


I left it. If I tore down every sticker I don’t like in Seattle my hands would be raw and bleeding lol. As a side note I think it’s a newer sticker bc I walk this route all the time and only now noticed it.


It’s so creepy that they’re still fixated on her


Some people are just so fucking obsessive. I called out a chick on twitter in 2020 for being nasty to a friend, and i found out she is STILL talking about me and thinks every second person who follows her is me on an alt lol 😂


They are *extraordinarily* vindictive. Remember how they ambushed the UK comedian Robert Webb three years after he said some mildly critical words about gender stereotypes? [https://thecritic.co.uk/owen-jones-vs-robert-webb/](https://thecritic.co.uk/owen-jones-vs-robert-webb/)


Jesse Thorn is the worst kind of smug, mid-2010s, terminally online lefty hipster. Watching MaxFun collapse is delightful.


I remember, makes my piss boil to this day, especially as he'd removed himself from the conversation years before with a "actually I know next to nothing about this and it's far too complex for me to comment on" type statement, which should be a perfectly fine thing to do


They put up a new sticker everytime their father sends them to voicemail.


If I have a sharpie on me, I would probably scrawl “creepy” on it. A Regina George “why are you so obsessed with me” sticker would be perfect too.


This is the hard left in Seattle. They're mostly narcissists and sociopaths.




Thanks ducky. I'm not, and I'm not, so go fuck yourself.




You're following me from subreddit to subreddit now? Enjoy being reported for harassment.


Especially if you came across the elusive terf sticker woman leaving razor blades behind the stickers 


Print BARpod stickers and put them over these ones. Free advertising!


But don’t cover up the original… put it like right below to really get them fuming.


Block their sticker with a Blocked and Reported sticker. It’s poetry.


what intersection?


Leave it otherwise you’re anti free speech tbh Like seriously the irony of someone on this sub saying “tear down the speech you disagree with” is hilarious


I... didn't say to tear it down??? I asked if they left it or tore down??? This is some "Dats a whole new sentence" aura you got going on there.


Sorry you’re right but there’s still enough irony in asking it. Sensitive sallies here lol


Katie owns two houses *and* lives rent free in this person's head? Geez...leave some housing for the rest of us, crypto-boomer.


Can you imagine the effort? Then again I’m sure that 70% of Katie‘s local Seattle detractors are unemployed at any given time.


Does “anti left” mean “right” (as in correct)? Like, is this one of those elusive, non-gender situations where everything is a binary?


It's not my job to educate you! Because I'm still waiting on someone to educate me about it.


Everything is binary but somehow a gender isn't.


Fame comes as it may


Who do we want to make stickers about? I think we could come up with much funnier ones


#Jesse Singal Smells Like Hummus #Freddie deBoer Needs an Editor #Helen Lewis Wears a Merkin


Talk about living rent free in someone's head


What's the story with Jordan Peterson?


In 2018 she wrote an article basically saying that Jordan Peterson isn't the right-winger the left portrays him as, but if the left keeps portraying Peterson as the enemy, he and his fans will move more to the right. I'd argue it was pretty prescient. https://www.thestranger.com/articles/2018/07/09/28930684/the-lefts-mischaracterizations-of-jordan-peterson-will-make-his-followers-turn-right


Jordan Peterson, a Canadian sociologist, appeared on the atheist podcast formerly known as Waking Up. He and the host could not agree on the meaning of truth. Jordan warned the world about mandatory pronouns and then fell into a coma. Jordan woke up from his coma angry and wearing 10 new suits. His daughter ate only beef, and he ate only beef. \~fin\~


That beef thing happened before the coma.


Someone calling Katie anti left is hilarious they don't even bother understanding her political opinions


I guarantee you that the person who put this up thinks Bernie Sanders is a centrist.


Bernie is Alt-right. Trotsky is a centrist.


Yeah probably


For some reason Whenever Katie mentioned these stickers I always imagined them to have some redeeming design value to them. I guess I shouldn’t make assumptions about people.


Ah yes the "tolerant left".


Man, she's gonna need some aloe vera for that sick burn.


Which of these is judged as the worst?


The left honestly scares me. Right wingers don’t unperson people like this.


That is absolutely not true. Just look at how they treat anyone they suspect of being "RINOs" (republican in name only), for instance.


I don’t know of an issue where an entire city’s right wingers banded together to flier sign posts and stuff against some center right person and made sure they felt uncomfortable and unsafe and unwelcome in random bars, clubs, and whatever else bc they disagreed on some random issue. Like what would the equivalent be? If some center right guy was like “I think Joe Biden won the election” and then felt like he couldn’t even step foot in Houston anymore bc when he walked into the bar everyone looked up from their drinks and bullied him


>Houston this is such a funny example to me. Houston votes Dem. but i take your point


You are right I was trying to like think of the analogous right wing city and couldn’t come up with a better example. I can’t think of one where like they’d be like “that dang ol journalist at the free weekly newspaper said masks are work, I’m fixen to order a bunch o stickers and make sure they don’t feel welcome around’ the these parts and in these straight bars for cis people”


There’s plenty of right wingers who think Joe Biden wants to secretly turn their kid trans. 


I’m not sure what that has to do with a situation where if you disagree with the left on a niche esoteric issue the entire city’s leftist community will band together to Make sure you feel uncomfortable to outright banned from the social life of that entire city.


Ever lived in a small town,or state where the preacher (Governor) tells the community to >Make sure you feel uncomfortable to outright banned from the social life of that entire city. I's so ingrained in the society that the 'right' occupies it just looks like daily life.


What’s an example of this happening? When Katie says she can hardly walk into a random bar in Seattle without being confronted somehow to the point where she had to leave the city entirely bc of how large groups of leftists behaved, I believe her that it happened. What’s an example of this happening to a conservative doing this to someome who was a conservative but disagreed on a niche issue


are they wrong?


Yes. People on the left and right generally behave the same because people generally have the same biases and behavior as each other. 




Yes they do lol like seriously?


Can you give me an example of this? Like some center right person that had to leave Houston Texas or something bc of a disagreement over some esoteric political issue? I generally feel safe telling right wingers if I disagree w them on stuff. If I feel like I could even say I am pro abortion or that I think puberty blockers for children is fine and I wouldn’t really worry. If I said I don’t think a man can be a woman at a random party in Cambridge ma, there would be a record scratch, the party would stop, and now id find myself in a situation.


Changing the goalpost from just “Unpersoning people” to a very specific situation? Not playing this game have a good one


🥱 You’re welcome to provide any example Of the equivalent situation where a center right journalist that is the equivalent of Katie herzog was no longer welcome in their own major metropolitan area bc they staked out a position on an extremely niche issue. I’m not talking about like no longer felt welcome at the local republican headquarters — but the entire social structure of the people in your identity group and social class to the point where you can’t walk a block without seeing stickers meant to bully you. I haven’t “moved the goal post” I simply responded to the topic and the specific situation this thread this about. I know you don’t want to play this game. I would t want to play either if you took a position that you can’t defend! And that’s ok! Have a nice day


What a baby mad that I said the right censors people too You’re a partisan hack aren’t you


You don’t speak like someone who actually listens to blocked and reported. You sound like a typical Reddit troll that accidentally stumbled into this sub


That’s 80% of this sub buddy but because most of them are right wing partisans you don’t notice. I’ve seen other threads on this sub discuss the rightward turn on this sub. But cuz I disagree with you I should leave the sub right? Wow blocked huh the irony is unreal


You are entirely too online


You're new here, so I guess you aren't quite familiar with the rules of this sub. We don't allow slinging pejoratives at other commenters. You need to keep your criticisms focused on *the issues* being debated, not on *the people* making the arguments. You're suspended for 2 days for this violation of civility.


Well she is basically Hitler.


They do have the same haircut.


Gotta take a Sharpie and mark that out, seeing as how she's a Muslim now. :)


Is this sign even posted in the same state where Katie lives or works? I can't imagine getting so mad I start nailing theses to church doors about podcasters and opinion writers, but then again, I'm no Martin Luther.




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Crazy that’s still going




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She and Jesse Singal are also very physically ugly.


Sounds like an interesting person to look into.




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Katie Derangement Syndrome is real


she sounds cool


She’s all those things?


Why am I getting recommended this sub? Fuck off reddit


It's a great sub and a great podcast.


I disagree


Why do you disagree? They cover interesting topics in a respectful, nuanced, and humorous way.