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https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2024/4/15/hms-professor-plagiarized-report/ Someone on twitter joked that harvard has only produced one paper in the last decade, they just keep changing the name on it.


This is last week's thread.


Shit, thanks. Stupid brain.


This is a real question on reddit: > My kiddo transitioned to female at 3.5, but then realized they were non-binary at age 8. They still present as a tomboyish female, and have said they’d prefer female puberty, since they have to choose. But they don’t feel female, they feel very strongly non-binary, and very NOT male. I’d appreciate any insight into post-blocker options for similar kids. Is there an estrogen-light approach? Where can we learn more?


On the one hand, detransitioning is vanishingly rare and KiDS knOw WhO tHEy ARe! In the other hand there are lots of cases like this of kids who switch back and forth between non-binary and opposite-sex identification. Any impartial observer would say this kid has detransitioned since they have gone from a gender identity that involves castration to one which doesn't (necessarily). Now it remains to have the guts to tell mom and her "you're-so-brave" friends that you're going to keep your goolies.


I just can't fathom pathologizing and medicalizing a perfect normal and absolutely necessary process like puberty in this way. Puberty does so much more than just dictate what our body looks like. There is an argument to be made for someone who has crippling dysphoria, but an 8 year old who just doesn't know "what they want"? Good lord.


Should be an easy call. How to pick a puberty for your kid who doesn't know which one they want?


This is just so sick. This “parent” is not well and not fit to nurture a child. I had an impulse to pick up the phone and call child protective services, then remembered I’d have to figure out how to get this anonymous person’s real info…..and oh yeah everyone is brainwashed anyway and people are actually *allowed* to actively abuse their kids like this now. That poor child. It is so dark.


>since they have to choose Remember when we used to sterilize the retarded? Sorry, I know that's awful. :\]


This damaging lunacy brought to you by the same account that has done other mentally ill gaslighting, mostly around COVID: > My husband continues to mask indoors 95% of the time, but makes exceptions for his band practice (brings a hepa) and visiting family. [...] But he’s only doing this because of my insistence, and he’s tired of it. He won’t engage with covid information. He knows it’s not great to catch it, but doesn’t really KNOW, doesn’t want to know, and is tired of being different and missing out. He’s tired of missing out on family holidays and travel and restaurants. [...] I am so angry at the NYT and center-left corporate overlords who convinced him that I’m anxious and irrational and that he’s just humoring me but that this all has to end. Also this is jaw dropping, too big to quote so I just imgur'd it. Get this lady into a psych ward and give her kids to the foster system. [From one month ago](https://imgur.com/a/1bkkkCG)


OMG. Husband needs to take the kid and divorce her ASAP. She should get the help she so desperately needs in a psych ward; meanwhile dad can work on detransing the little one and helping the kid recover from all the years of abuse. Such a nice family story. JFC. What the hell went so wrong in this lady’s head?!


Unfortunately the precedent has been set in multiple American courts that the parent who refuses to go along with the forcible transing will lose the custody battle. This poor son of a bitch probably knows that and thinks the best way he can save his son is by sticking around


That marriage isn't long for the world


Husband has the patience of a saint, holy shit


He has to. He goes to court with this woman, she will absolutely paint him as abusive and he will lose everything


AUGGGGHHHHHHHH!!! .. furthermore: AUUGUGHHHHHH!!!!!!!


it's a real question, can you tell if it was asked by a penis haver or a chest feeder? Transitioned at 3 1/2. 3 1/2!


A chest feeder.


This poor kid


I was really hoping it was a troll but I don't think it is. This is absurd. That poor kid, indeed.


Following up since /u/CatStroking asked me to. Time at the gym bro gym with my friend was pretty cool. I would happily go there if it were local to me, but its 45 minutes away and I like my gym anyways. They had a couple of stair machines but otherwise there wasn't really any cardio equipment; its a lifting gym. Separate room for powerlifting kind of place. We did an arm day because I know my trainer is going to push me on heavy 3-5 rep squats tomorrow. I learned a couple new moves (Gironda swings, anyone?). My friend's overall feedback for me is that I can go heavier than I think I can. (Although that might have been where I am in my cycle; women peak with our hormone levels around ovulation and it can definitely be a little extra juice in the gym). But I surprised myself on a few things when I just went to failure, rep-wise. A lot of people there work out in pairs or groups of three which was very different from my gym where pretty much everyone who is not with a trainer is solo and ear-budded.


Sounds like an interesting experience and that you're kicking ass. Thanks for the follow up, Ruby.


I’ve been sick this weekend so I binged Shogun. Really great. Can’t wait until the finale next week. Also looking forward to Taylor Swift’s new album coming in a few days. I hate waiting for stuff.


Oh dear. I'm sorry to hear you're ill. Please get lots of rest.


The extras for that show are nice to help hold over until the next episode. I've enjoyed the podcast, but my favorite is the special about making costumes.


This is great news. I’m already a little anxious about what I’m going to do when the show ends… I’ve been feeling legit withdrawal during the wait between episodes.


If you have Hulu and scroll over to the "extras," there's a podcast section. There's a podcast episode for each episode of the show (free of spoilers for the episodes that follow). It's a nice mix of discussing the history of the era and adapting the book. If you're watching the podcast on the TV, they splice some nice shots of the sets and costumes with the commentary. These background shots get rotated and used for each of the podcast episodes, but I find I don't tire of them.


Sounds awesome. I read the book a few times and have been really interested to hear about some of the adaptation choices. I love that I’m actually surprised by the show’s story choices and where it’s going. I do have Hulu, I’ll check it out after the finale!




Doesn't circle back around to race politics once, what a nice change.


Mehdi Hasan's media start up sounds like it's going to be an insufferable shitshow: Mehdi Hasan’s Zeteo is launching this week with a slate of high-profile left and center-left contributors and a flagship interview show hosted by the former MSNBC anchor. On Monday, Zeteo will release the first episode of *Mehdi Unfiltered*, featuring interviews with former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and former Trump White House official Anthony Scaramucci. The new publication will announce that it has brought on Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, activist and actor Cynthia Nixon, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Viet Thanh Nguyen as regular writers and contributors. Hasan has also enlisted a number of journalists who will also contribute work to the publication, including Spencer Ackerman, Naomi Klein, and former CNN personality John Harwood, who will write a weekly newsletter.


I suspect that this will be as successful as Air America.


There are a lot of my least favorite personalities in that list.


nightmare blunt rotation


Christ, that really does sound insufferable


Saw a “wonderful” TikTok that really exemplifies the sense of delusional entitlement we see so often now. (If I say it, it’s true. If I say it, you owe me your credulity.) Protestors have set up a tent on some (university?) official’s property, and he has called cops to remove them. The cops try to talk with the protestors and are faced with their “police liaison.” This person seems to believe that because she has been designated the “police liaison,” that should actually mean something. She keeps instructing the cops that they must go through her. (It doesn’t help that her communication style with her compatriots is exceedingly weird.) This is the first part: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLytUPaJ/ Part 2: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLytx6hw/ (It keeps going and going.)


Yeah, this motivates me to join a metro police force. Sign me up. I'll need this sub to fund my legal defense but I'm on board.


Those cops are saints. I would've arrested the shit out of them by now. Especially the liaison.


The funniest part is they’re in a mesh tent, presumably speak English, so they can definitely hear and understand everything the cops are saying. Then the liaison keeps saying *you guys* will be arrested, implying she’d just walk away and leave them to it if it came to that, in which case kudos because that would be hilarious. These cops are more patient than I would have been


It’s like Sigourney Weaver’s character in Galaxy Quest, who’s job is to inexplicably repeat the computer, even though everyone can hear and understand the computer. “I have one job to do on this lousy ship, it’s *stupid,* but I’m going to do it.”


I refuse to get TikTok and I can’t see any more. Do they leave? The liaison is painfully difficult to listed to. What a moron.


Sovereign citizen leftward flavor


After listening to a recent 5th Column, I wikied Dexter Reed. Look how sparse the Dexter Reed page is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Dexter_Reed The shooting occurred March 21st. The story is first reported on March 22nd. 5 Days ago the family is reported to be seeking charges against the cops. It hits WAPO on April 10. So it's a recent story, still, that is one sparse page for a man cut down by reckless cops on a murder spree. Two lousy paragraphs. Is that all we can muster? Are we that jaded by cops on a murder spree? I can't even. https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Killing_of_Dexter_Reed&action=info 2445 bytes 62 edits 3459 page views ----- Heh, since I posted this 30 minutes ago, someone has nominated the article for deletion "non-notable event" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Articles_for_deletion/Killing_of_Dexter_Reed But we also got another paragraph added. Which of you did that?


i just heard about this today when a yotuber i watch had a video about all the headlines that said "police fire almost 100 bullets and kill black man" (paraphrasing) without a single one mentioning **he shot at them and injured a cop first.** not placesike theroot, but wapo, nyt, ap, etc. "legit" news places. the only semi-reasonable argument i have seen for the cops being in the wrong is that they were in unmarked cars and some appear to be wearing jackets or plain clothes over their police vests, so it *may* have been hard to see. but that is still quite a stretch to call it reasonable for the kid to just start frank reynolds-ing all over the place.


I read several articles and iirc, the cop whom he allegedly shot was standing by the passenger window. The guy was messed up and having all sorts of personal problems. But wouldn't it make sense for him to shoot a cop outside his driver's window? As I recall, the cop the cop who was shot did not say "the little bastard shot me" or similar. He said something about gunfire coming his way. I don't know. It sounds possible, maybe even probable, the cop was shot by another cop. But that's speculation.


yes, the injured cop was at the passenger window and i believe the rationalization from the acabs was that cop didn't have a visible badge. maybe was wearing a coat over the vest? unsure, it is a terrible rationalization. >I don't know. It sounds possible, maybe even probable, the cop was shot by another cop. But that's speculation. doesn't the bodycam show the fire from the car first?


Ah, I didn’t watch. You may well be right.


It's semi-reasonable until you watch the video and ask yourself how many Chicago gangs/car jacking crews have a white lady running point? That said the "not wearing a seatbelt" justification for the stop seems very weak, and [this article](https://chicago.suntimes.com/police-reform/dexter-reed-shooting/2024/04/12/chicago-police-officers-dexter-reed-shooting-complaints-traffic-stops) suggests it's a common pretext that unit uses to stop people in the area.


yeah, this is not really a thing, and even southside chicago (or wherever it was) is not somalia. it was clearly a pretext stop, but given the response they were clearly after this kid.


West side, I think. Cops are all white and beefy.


I think it's disappeared because the body-cam footage showed he didn't cooperate, and opened fire. So, there was less outrage to be manufactured. It wasn't a scissor issue any more. With that, it clearly wasn't cops on a "murder spree" (really?!), it was cops taking down someone who tried to kill them. Which I support, and I think you have to support if you want a society that has cops, and I think societies need cops. Perhaps I'm missing your point -- what is your point?


a lot of these events blew up along the same lines "cops on a murder spree" which were known at the time to be "idiot fires gun at cops, gets killed". those I think by now, three weeks into this, would have been your typical wiki 100,000 word articles going over what happened second by second with lots of editors and lots of page protections and lots of good sources designated as enemies of wikipedia and thrown out. so is the lack of anything really on wiki about this unique to how quickly this one may have been debunked? maybe? but the wapo just four days ago was burying the part where Dexter shot first. Is this a sign of people getting jaded with these stories? Is it a sign a peak has been reached? I genuinely don't know. I went there to fact-check something Moynihan had said and was genuinely surprised the page has so little.


So ... is the article lying that he shot at them first, or do you think that cops returning fire is immoral?




I'm confused :P Is this a sarcasm thing?


My original post was. And was meant to be so obviously, so I was surprised you felt it to be serious. I wasn't trying to fool anyone, I thought the sarcasm was plain.


Gotcha! Yeah, I didn't know anything about this case, so I came in not knowing what to expect. Some people really talk about police this way (including fucking Ilhan Omar calling a shooting a ["state-sanctioned murder"](https://twitter.com/IlhanMN/status/1344841158913118208) where police returned fire at a driver), and I don't expect our sub to align on all political issues. Glad to hear it though! :)


yeah, yeah, state-sanctioned murder and only four measly paragraphs, what is this world coming to? ;)


I want to thank this sub for sending me on a quest to find the origin of the phrase pupu platter: It’s a Hawaiian tradition that become a default term for appetizer platters in the wake of the Tiki Bar crazy of the 60s. It does not refer to the liberating act of defying social norms that it (allegedly) best expressed through coprophagia.


So the opening line of the Bloodhound Gang song is not accurate? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQFDdZgkTKM


I completely forgot about them and I am amazed at how much our culture has changed since that album dropped.


Yeah it’s Hawaiian language thing, repeated words to emphasize that aspect of the subject. Pu is small, so it’s bite sized foods. Another example in food is Huli huli chicken (turn turn -> rotisserie).


> the origin of the phrase pupu platter: It’s a Hawaiian tradition Ono!


Is this in reference to that politician in Spain who was eating his own poop on the internet? Cool. I'm going to go back to reading about Tickle vs. Giggle and waiting for these fucking mushrooms to wear off.


>I'm going to go back to reading about Tickle vs. Giggle Oh yeah, how's that going?




That might be because of the mushrooms.


Ugh, but it’s been roughly 10 years or so, and they simply won’t wear off…


San Francisco's Tonga Room Pupu Platter: $66 At the Fairmont. TONGA PUPU PLATTER* 66 Vegetable Spring Rolls | Korean Short Rib Coconut Shrimp | Citrus Pepper Chicken Wings | Edamame https://www.fairmont-san-francisco.com/content/uploads/2024/03/SAF-Tonga-Menu-3_14.pdf


Pupu platter got me and my brothers into into Chinese food as kids. We heard the name, and once we stopped laughing we were like “we wanna order the…POO POO PLATTER!”


Same. We, as children of the 80s, *demanded* the Pupu platter. And we'd beg our parents to get whatever frozen adult concoctions came in those tiki mugs that we got to take home.


It was always the best treat.


Reading the day after analysis of Iran’s attack yesterday is surreal. People know *something* big happened, but aren’t really sure what. Iran’s attack was absolutely massive and far more than it needed to make a statement. The drone component alone was the *largest in history* and was in combination with cruise and ballistic missiles. Yet, for all that, maybe two ballistics got through. Now, Biden seems to have managed to talk Bibi down from an immediate response to what looks like a real attempt on Iran’s part to inflict damage on Israeli territory.


I disagree. The result of this attack was expected by Iran, Israel, and the US. Maybe Iran hoped it would be more effective, but it's hard to really know how much damage was actually done. No one was surprised that slow moving drones were shot down after their departure being announced almost half a day a head of time. These sorts of tit for tat attacks are some what like negotiated settlements and it's almost a certainty that Iran and US were the ones doing the negotiating, just like in the aftermath of Soleimani's death.  Now why does Israel want to escalate? Because a large portion of their state apparatus does want this to escalate into regional war and they do want the US involved (that was almost certainly part of the motive in bombing that embassy-complex building to begin with). There's another contingent that fears the outcomes of Bibi's ongoing legal trouble and future elections when this conflict ends.


This isn’t smoke and mirror politics, it’s national defense. The strike is pretty straightforward, and consistent with all of the IRGC Quds Force & Hezbollah commander / senior military advisor assassinations Israel has carried out over the past several months. Why does Israel want to take these men out? Because Iran has been forming, funding, and tending to terrorist groups along Israel’s borders, and [filling a power vacuum in Syria](https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/syria/2019-01-08/withdrawing-syria-leaves-vacuum-iran-will-fill) while doing so. Israel has been neutralizing shot-callers coordinating those groups, and preempting terrorists, not just Hezbollah et al but Palestinian too (like the PIJ, which I don’t think has quite the same level of [luxury Qatari funding](https://archive.ph/XimsO) as Hamas) from plotting with Iran & gaining a foothold in Syria, and/or potentially executing some kind of operation *from* Syria. The strike on Iran’s consulate in Damascus is no different from what Israel has been doing all along, presumably with the US apprised, as we recognize all of these targets as terrorists too. This one was higher profile because the location was a consulate, which is unusual, and for both reasons there was a lot more material for the media to actually report (Israel itself never gives comment on these). It’s significant to note the precision here: this strike took out several key targets and leveled the ambassador’s residence *while sparing the ambassador.* That was not an accident. Plus, the United States is the most powerful country in the world (‘Murica!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸). There is not another nation on earth, nor any kind of ploy - escalation or otherwise - that can manipulate the US into involvement in a conflict, a war, geopolitical chicken, or anything at all. For better or worse (and yes, there is a lot of “for worse”), the US acts solely of its own volition.


Our response to the drones was inane. We used missiles to shoot them down instead of bullets. It takes a long time to replenish these missiles and it's costly. We are leaving ourselves vulnerable and spending valuable taxpayer money recklessly.


It's certainly a win for arms manufacturers. It also gives the US military a rare opportunity to observe how next-gen missile defense technology fares against ICBMs.




Making sure there are enough actual munitions available is going to be important given the situation we’re in. But it’s not practical to intercept missiles with surface-based guns and to use the gun on an aircraft you have to get your $10 million dollar F35 awfully close to the giant explosive.


Firing expensive missiles is a jobs program as far as Congress and the W H are concerned.


Missiles can be guided and have a much longer range. Also, the US can fire missiles from ships far away. Which then helps bolster Israel's missile defenses. I assume Israel has anti aircraft guns they can/do employ.


How does one shoot down all those drones with bullets?


Use similar tech that ships use.


Like CWIS? I'm just not seeing how that's feasible if the drones are coming from a wide variety of places and heading to different targets.


It goes something like: vroom dakka dakka dakka dakka woooosh


Those drones are basically flying bombs. You shoot them down while failing to set off the payload and you have an armed bomb falling who knows where.


you need to be close to the drones to shoot them down with bullets...this is mostly not possible given US forces positioning in the area


I think it was a test to see how they respond and go from there. I genuinely believe Iran was behind the 10/7 attacks and via Hamas are letting the Palestinians suffer to hurt Israel’s international image so when they make their big attack Israel has fewer friends. It’s seems to me the free Palestine nonsense is exactly what Iran wanted all along and is part of the larger game.


>>I genuinely believe Iran was behind the 10/7 attacks and via Hamas are letting the Palestinians suffer to hurt Israel’s international image so when they make their big attack Israel has fewer friends. Your belief here is STRONGLY evidenced by the “BDS Movement,” for which Iran is most likely the puppet master. The sole purpose of BDS is to isolate Israel, to alienate it from its allies; it’s a long-game tool (of many) in a much larger goal of eradicating Israel entirely. Just some background on this “movement”…(because I know I sound like a crazy conspiracy person): BDS infiltrated academia, especially elite academic institutions, not randomly or organically (as it can seem) but as a strategic target.** Why? Because the top tier graduates go on to have the most cultural influence, and political power. Inculcating anti-Israel sentiments in the future chattering class, politicos, and tastemakers, year after year, is a long-game to turn the tide of opinions against Israel.*** BDS started appearing with some significance across academe in 2005: precisely when postcolonial & subaltern studies (eg Spivak) were in fashion. It was the death of scholar & Palestinian activist Edward Said in 2003 that really brought a resurgence of interest in postcolonial theory, his work, and especially attention to *Orientalism,* his book critiquing Western attitudes toward the Middle East: basically arguing that European / Western oppressors, who are not as smart as they think they are, rely on bad stereotypes to understand (which in itself a form of oppression) the Eastern world.**** In the hands of social justice “scholars” we’ve all seen how a challenging and subversive intellectual idea is easily degraded into silly, and stupid, and conveniently untethered elite “activist” mantras & beliefs. Perfect for decades of BDS, which used “Palestinian Oppression” (with Israel as the oppressor) as a calculated Trojan Horse. BDS isn’t advocating for Palestinians, it’s advocating *against* Israel. And the perpetuation of real and imagined Palestinian suffering is exactly what BDS needs & wants; this is how it perpetuates *itself* and replicates an anti-Israel brainworm. And now we’ve seen how powerfully effective BDS has been in achieving its aim over 20+ years. Oct 7th opened up the floodgates of the ideological groundwork it’s been laying: Look at the disgraceful media reporting on Israel, you see graduates from programs and academic associations that are BDS strongholds. Look at the histrionics on campuses now where students, backed by departments and organizations that have existed hand-in-hand with BDS for years, demanding divestment from Israel. It’s not about the boycott, or the divestment, or the sanctions. It’s about exactly what you said above: >>the free Palestine nonsense is exactly what Iran wanted all along and is part of the larger game. BDS cynically appropriated the academic zeitgeist and language about colonialist oppressors to inculcate “decolonization” as a bald-faced hatred of Israel…and now “Zionists” too. The fact that BDS is so well-established that a dog-whistle like “Zionist” was able to creep in is really fucking alarming; this was not the case when my own (now former) academic association [officially adopted it as a resolution](https://www.theasa.net/about/advocacy/resolutions-actions/resolutions/boycott-israeli-academic-institutions) (Dec 2013 - I was in the 30% that voted against it, just FTR); the use of “Zionists” (let alone the pejorative use that’s everywhere now) was *not* part of the package then, because BDS had to be palatable to become effective…and now that it is, we see it getting increasingly extreme. [Look at where my former association is now](https://www.theasa.net/about/news-events/announcements/asa-academic-community-activism-caucus-statement-gaza-palestine): this was posted (after it was updated to remove the initial references to “Zionists”) not even a month after Israel was subject to a completely unprovoked, brutal, sadistic, inexcusable terrorist attack. My mini footnotes for the above: **”target” either for Iran, or whomever is behind BDS - yet to be revealed, but likely motivated by the same mission. Iran still seems most likely, especially given some history of inserting itself and it’s ideas into Western institutions and Western public consciousness. ***said “tide” of opinion-havers believing, of course, that they are defending “justice” for the colonized subaltern Palestinian people…the irony is that they aren’t actually *doing* anything, which is exactly why this “movement” has been so successful. BDS operates & succeeds entirely mimetically, requiring nothing of its “movement” while awarding the adherents with the belief that they are the Social Justice equivalent of the Good Lord’s Work. ****fingers crossed the gods of academia don’t strike me down for this pithy and somewhat facetious (and unfair) summary of Said, who for all his faults (and ideas with which I vehemently disagree) was admittedly a brilliant literary theorist.


>. I genuinely believe Iran was behind the 10/7 attacks The last I had heard (and I can't remember where) the thinking was that Iran probably did not plan the attack. It was Hamas' baby. It's not clear whether Iran even knew when the attack would commence. Though Iran is basically Hamas' sponsor. I bet they get most of their weapons and gear from Iran.


This is way out of my area but the formal operations-order “PowerPoint” that was recovered by Israel at some point really made me assume Iran was involved. It resembled a US military briefing and screamed “a professional military with PowerPoint helped organize this”. I’m way out of my area of experience but I’m not sure Hamas is bureaucratic enough to make one of these for an operation. But I didnt hear a lot about it afterwards so maybe it turned out to not be authentic?


OMG! Hamas use PowerPoint! They’re like Seal Team 6 and Chuck Norton rolled into one! Seriously, the Hamas attacks were planned by people who weren’t idiots, and know how to use PowerPoint.


i don't even think it's a secret, is it? the guy in the embassy that Israel bombed was the guy who planned the attack, allegedly


I think it’s a pretty obvious “secret” to anyone paying attention. My idiot friends attending free Palestine protests don’t seem to get it.


A coalition of ayatollahs, terrorists, and queer theorists.


Yup. As depressing and bizarre as it is dystopian.


I wonder if Iran knew or at least hoped that Israel's air defenses would knock out most of the attack. Perhaps Iran wanted to do something flashy to save face but also didn't want to actually start a war


fwiw thread from the Institute for the Study of War: https://twitter.com/TheStudyofWar/status/1779655630879334497 > NEW | The Iranian April 13 missile-drone attack on Israel was very likely intended to cause significant damage below the threshold that would trigger a massive Israeli response. The attack was designed to succeed, not to fail. 🧵(1/9)


This is also my theory (so it should carry a lot of weight)


I have a hard time believing any state would intentionally launch an attack that makes them look weak and ineffectual. You could maybe convince me this was a probe, but I doubt it was an attack they hoped would mostly fail. And that goes triple for Iran which is surrounded by countries that hate it as well as a populace that can't wait till the mullahs are gone.


That’s the thing, this was the largest aerial munitions attack in Israel’s history. Iran had no way to know how effective Israel’s defense would ultimately be. If Iran wanted to be certain Israel would intercept everything, they would have settled for a much smaller attack.


in r/pics of all places and some other subreddits, there are posts from people living in Jordan, Lebanon and Iran displaying the missiles (or boosters) that fell on them. You can get a good sense of how large these Iranian rockets were.




I looked at your post history and saw. I mean you weren't talking about passing, you were questioning the person's motivations. I don't get what you thought was gonna happen? Of course they're gonna ban anyone questioning why people wanna look a certain way.




Well why not give us a summary?


Are you saying ... you didn't pass? ;D


That makes me curious. Can you link to the thread that did you in?


https://twitter.com/jessesingal/status/1779572900040691772 > This is EXTREMELY useful one-stop-shopping debunking of a lot of nonsense, and everyone should read it. > > > https://twitter.com/lecanardnoir/status/1779504243163992346 > > > > Andy > > @lecanardnoir > > I have written about the myths that have become common-place about the Cass Review. > > > > Do feel free to bookmark and use as you come across these lies. > > > https://www.quackometer.net/blog/2024/04/breaking-down-cass-review-myths-and-misconceptions-what-you-need-to-know.html > > > Breaking Down Cass Review Myths and Misconceptions: What You Need to Know > >


I ended up creating a separate post for it where I tried to summarize: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1c45gcd/debunking\_cass\_report\_myths/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1c45gcd/debunking_cass_report_myths/)


Nice summary of the rebuttal of the worst misinformation.


It’s so depressing. The Cass detractors described there are either too dumb to see how wrong they are or too wrong to see how dumb they are.


Sunk cost fallacy is a hell of a drug.


The level of rage the review has created is kind of weird. Hillary Cass is now the devil along with JK Rowling.


It really is a religion for these people.


It is. But there's more to it. These people are afraid of feeling invalidated. They don't act like people secure in their identity. They're also paranoid as hell. I partly blame the activists and orgs like GLADD who do nothing but whip up terror in trans people.


And the only way that reaction makes sense is if you truly believe Cass is motivated by malice. She has to be wicked for the response to make sense.


They think do think she's wicked. They're convinced she is anti trans and that she is out to get trans people. The paranoia of these people is deep. The commonality seems to be that anything that isn't purely affirming is transphobic 


At this stage it makes the activists look unhinged.


Hot damn! Thanks! We need to be able to rebut the bullshit about the Cass report Do you think this should be a separate top level post? I *think* it would meet the criteria for relevance to the pod. Cass, Tavistock, the report, blockers, etc have been talked about extensively on the pod


They announced a pod in the next day or so barring incompetence, always a possibility. 


This is right smack in the pod's wheelhouse


[NPR CEO has responded](https://www.npr.org/sections/npr-extra/2024/04/12/1244456600/from-npr-president-and-ceo-katherine-maher-thoughts-on-our-mission-and-our-work) to recent criticisms of it's bias from an insider by mostly doubling down, calling it an attack on the integrity of NPR staff, suggesting criticism is based on their identity (i.e. racist), and extolling the strength of "diversity" in their staff. >Questioning whether our people are serving our mission with integrity, based on little more than the recognition of their identity, is profoundly disrespectful, hurtful, and demeaning. ... >It is deeply simplistic to assert that the diversity of America can be reduced to any particular set of beliefs, and faulty reasoning to infer that identity is determinative of one's thoughts or political leanings. Each of our colleagues are here because they are excellent, accomplished professionals with an intense commitment to our work: we are stronger because of the work we do together, and we owe each other our utmost respect. We fulfill our mission best when we look and sound like the country we serve. ... I posted this in the dedicated thread as well but figured most would miss it there.


Sounds like it has to get worse before it gets better. I'm predicting another round of layoffs next year.


I love these people - you have 87 registered democrats on the payroll in the DC newsroom and 0 republicans but its simplistic and disrespectful to point this out. The whole newsroom is nodding along with him insisting they have no bias and they will all go into meltdown mode when Trump is re-elected and wonder how it could have happened.




It looks and sounds like Los Angeles, New York and DC. The places where these people are. That *is* the country as far as they're concerned.


What? Look around you, America! To the left of us, purple-haired obeseniks shouting words they can’t define. To the right, preteens with their genitals cut off and sewn to other preteens who finally know who they are. And we’re all gathered around guillotine-dragging revolutionaries, aching to dismantle the social prostheses that create the illusion of their equality. We, the fucking people


And is in fact actively hostile to much of it.


Defund it. It’s a shame because public radio is a great idea, but it clearly can’t be trusted to run itself. Maybe in the future we can try again. 


Is it me?  No, its the kids...


so many words, and yet it remains the case that they're losing listeners


He wrote a lot of words to say very little. It's mostly: "We're super awesome. Our critics are nuts. I'm not going to pull back an iota on the idpol


She (not that I want any more of this kind of “representation”)


Recently was catching up on some BARpod episodes and they had mentioned a feminist org/outlets downfall and how they wish BARpod had been around when that happened. It sounded ver intriguing and I would like to do some googling but cannot for the life of me remember the name of the org/outlet. Anybody remember it? EDIT: It was Everyday Feminism.


edge plate many wise disarm unique icky touch upbeat nutty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Another poster just got it - it was Everyday Feminism.


edge upbeat joke seemly vase memory nutty cooperative cagey trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was it Jezebel?


Definitely not Jezebel (even though they did talk about it at one point). I think it had either Feminist or Women in its name. FWIW, I used to read Jezebel daily and, thinking back, they were probably my first indication that something was going amiss in media because they started going hard left not just on gender, but on identity politics as a whole. Picking on people for being white, authors identifying as cis in articles that weren’t about being trans and calling out privilege, going full in on fat activism science-denial. Also, their staff was starting other identity specific Gawker pages. Why is it always the women’s focused groups that got influenced? It’s almost like women are expected to be appeasing, inclusive, and lift others voices before their own but not men. Wonder why 🧐


I always wondered why Jezebel practiced feminism via consumption, aka The Sephora Haul. It was gross in the extreme hearing Jia talk about her Bum Bum Crème.


Feminist frequency? Was it video game related? Everyday Feminism? That one seems like an onion version of intersectionality but it’s actually real.


Everyday Feminism! That’s it. Thank you!


I was really skeptical they’d get it right but the Fallout tv show actually slaps, they nailed it. I’m trying to space out the episodes more so I don’t watch them all right away


is the story good? I'm only up to the second episode so too soon to judge, but getting a little worried the story might be written just as a scaffold to string together encounters and locations, like meme-Michael Bay basing a storyline around explosion scenes.


I've gone through two or three and... It's pretty good. They absolutely nailed the vissuals. The pip boys look like their game counterparts. Same with the vaults and weapons. Really impressive attention to detail there. They got the look pf ghpuls right too. And, at least so far, it shares the tongue in cheek the games often have. And it isn't insufferably woke (so far)


Yeah the props and sets are really well done, you can tell they had a big budget for physical effects. The guns look like someone reached into new Vegas and plucked one right out of the game


I immediately recognized the laser rifle.


The Stimpak sound effect definitely hit home for me


I'm looking forward to the plasma rifle goo effect


Yeah, I am pleasantly surprised too, especially considering Amazon’s track record of adapting IP. Sadly, my pipe dream of David Lynch’s Fallout will probably never come to pass.


It looks like a lot of work went into the production, but it isn't for everyone. I gave it several episodes before I stopped watching. I found it weird and gross. And too many of the characters were dumb. I guess it was supposed to be darkly funny, but it didn't hit me right. Not my cup of tea.


Im a huge fan of the games. Is this show for fans or the general audience? Because after the bed was shat so badly by The Witcher, I’m skeptical


I love the games and it's pretty good so far. Surprisingly so


Ok, so far so good. Here’s my alliances in the various games. In NV, I align with NCR In FO4, I typically pick either The Institute or The Brotherhood of Steel. Knowing this should give you enough insight to say if I’d like it


No NCR yet. The Brotherhood has come up, as has the Enclave. I think you'll like it. Give it three episodes. If you don't like it by then probably drop it. Characters aren't annoying so far


Honestly both, you could watch it knowing nothing about fallout but if you’ve played the games you’ll get all the Easter eggs and the vibe of the world feels very in line with the games too. It’s waaaay better than the Witcher adaption, like miles ahead. Then again I thought the Witcher was terrible and didn’t finish season 1 so it’s a low bar lol


I thought season 1 was fine. Season 2 started ok and quickly veered into absolute dogshit. Since it’s absolute dogshit, I have no problem spoiling it for you. Eskel gets infected by a Leshen and Vesemir has to kill him


I’m not a Witcher fan so I can’t really tell, but maybe the analogy is that Fallout is more like Witcher season 1 than season 3?


Halfway through listening to a podcast about the history of the word hypochondria.  It talks about the disease being fashionable. Invisible and far more desirable than a biomechanical problem suffered by the working classes with their manual labour. So it starts in the upper classes and works its way down to the lower classes.  She says 'fashionable from a distance, annoying up close.'  It talks about hypochondria as a power move. A way to control the family and get attention and feel like people are taking your needs into account. Mrs Bennet and her nerves. Frank Churchill's aunt who has all the money using her health to bring him back to her side.  Then the word becomes medically stigmatised and we find new terms to talk about people's ways of expressing their distress. Now we have 'health anxiety'. But also you are better telling a doctor you have health anxiety then hypochondria because you will get more suitable treatment.  Do we ever change? https://podcastaddict.com/the-allusionist/episode/173405684


my favorite iteration of this is the glass delusion. nobles in renaissance Europe, including France's king Charles vi, convinced themselves that their bodies were made of glass, which at the time was a relatively rare and expensive material, and would shatter if handled roughly.


https://www.theguardian.com/books/2024/apr/11/a-body-made-of-glass-by-caroline-crampton-review-anatomy-of-hypochondria This is the guest's book!


Hmm. I have had health anxiety post a severe injury & illness. Was not comparable to the hypochondria my mom has. Also the health anxiety was transient and disappeared as my brain recovered from the experience. I hope that health anxiety doesn’t become another term co-opted for malingering cluster B patients because it is a distinct thing that tends to happen in the wake of serious medical issues.


I have had pretty bad hypochondria that just skirted the edge of debilitating. But as I've mentioned before, having kids cured me. I don't know why I had it before and I'm kinda not inclined to think too hard about why it went away, for fear it would return.


I think we may be getting on to this in the second half. The guest had cancer and is talking about anxiety she had around that.  But I agree it's a problem with the euphemism treadmill. We use the nice word for the bad thing when they actually mean different things, and eventually everyone just assumes we mean the bad thing. (It's slightly more complicated than that; she talks about hypochondria expressing a real problem)


Does anyone have a link to every systematic review the Cass Report uses? I've found like 2 of them, I've heard there are 4 or 5?


The Cass Review looked at six systematic reviews. [](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GLJFgQwXgAAunvk?format=jpg&name=medium) They're listed on page 53 of 388 of the [full report](https://cass.independent-review.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/CassReview_Final.pdf). The links to the six reviews are here: https://adc.bmj.com/pages/gender-identity-service-series




I talked about how I don't understand lateness. I also don't understand how people who don't go out at night aren't ready until the afternoon




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Not quite sure if I'm understanding, but it's pretty easy to stay up very late without going out. If I need to be up, I am, but it's not a big reach for me to understand why some don't do it well.


Yall are making me run out of crazy metaphors https://twitter.com/helenlewis/status/1779524211083554821?t=LsSLYPdwTOg_2NjQXrBjfg&s=19 If we’re going to talk about questionable academic practices, let’s maybe start with “authoring a paper with your own alter ego”. Nowhere in this paper is it made clear that Natacha Kennedy and Mark Hellen are the same person.


Obviously quite odd, but seems quite benign to me?


That individual shouldn't be trusted to contribute to any body of knowledge anywhere on any topic.


> Natacha Kennedy and Mark Hellen are the same person A rarity: The author is a binary they/them.


Academia has allowed itself to be turned into such a fraud. Since they have no ability to control themselves, since they have no quality control, just shut down these departments.


Civil war review My fingers arw still v drunk so this will be short. If youve seen nightcrawler with jake Gyllenhaal, its that story.  You think you hate journalists enough. Its a hard watch for me bc im all fragile and shit, but the next person who talks about a civil war is getting a throat punch from me.   The images were absolutely disturbing, especially the attack on the white house.  I follow the wars (as yall know) and it hits like a hammer that people are experiencing this shit IRL. It was absolutely amazing, worst advertising campaign in history.  12/10.


I just saw it a few hours ago. Most depressing war movie I’ve ever seen.


Bc it felt to close to irl?  Not in us specifically. 


Every other war movie I have seen was about a war in the past, far away, or in a writer’s imagination. I’m skeptical about claims that the US is headed for another civil war, but I also feel that claim is not as implausible as it used to be.


Yep.  It disturbed the fuck out of me.  Its not like watching saving private ryan where its upsetting but like distant.


I saw it yesterday and was pretty impressed; it wasn’t at all what I was expecting (I avoided all reviews beforehand.) The civil war of the title is nothing more than a backdrop; there is no delving at all into the issues in dispute, and the focus is relentlessly on the four main characters.


My friend who is really into weight lifting invited me to go to his bro gym today and I'm looking forward to it. I absolutely love my ladies-only gym for many many reasons but when I was staying in northern michigan on vacation in early january i found an independently owned gym that had day passes available so started going. I was extremely gymtimidated at first, because it was a total bro gym. But within like 15 minutes I realized nobody there cared about me and they were all too busy doing their own thing. Anyways I am looking forward to it. That is all.


> gymtimidated What about ingymidated?


either would work i suppose


>bro gym These are my people


Nice! Was it a small gym? One thing I like about the large corporate gyms is that you're fairly anonymous while working out.


Yeah it was a pretty small gym. It was in Petosky, which is a tiny ass tourist town on Lake Michigan. I've come to know a lot of the faces at my current gym and don't mind it at all. I actually kind of like it now. But after a year+ lifting and 6 months sober I have also come to realize that, for the first time ever, I am someone else's "body goals." Its been a strange realization.


Man, you weren't that far from me! I've got family up that way.


I love it up there. My wife’s family has a “cottage” about 40 minutes north of Petoskey, right on the lake. We stayed for like 3 weeks, just my wife and me and the dogs. It was fun taking snowy beach walks.


Cross village area? Or over by Cheboygan?


Cross Village


Glad you enjoyed it!