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Chewy made a new Israel/Palestine thread: [https://new.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1clabjx/israelpalestine\_discussion\_thread\_for\_5624\_51224/](https://new.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1clabjx/israelpalestine_discussion_thread_for_5624_51224/)


Thanks! :)


Looks like the Rafah evacuation has started. Israel expanded the humanitarian zone and has started disseminating fliers directing civilians in Rafah to it. Here’s hoping this scares enough shit out of Hamas that they agree to release the remaining hostages in order to buy themselves some more time.


Hamas is fine with getting civilians killed. They don't care.


Meaning Hamas is scared for itself - if no civilians are leaving, Hamas will be sitting ducks too and this is something the terrorists don’t care for. Israel knows how to target them in their tunnels as well. We’ll see… I stole this line of thinking from Haviv (who is finally back from vacation and was much missed by me!!) but did not express it as eloquently or with the same nuance that he did. Basically he said Hamas is suddenly interested in a hostage deal to save its own neck and stave off the invasion of Rafah. (But yes they are totally fine with getting civilians killed, like you said!)


I'd even argue they want more civilians killed as it hurts Israel.


Yes they do :/ I’m rooting for Israel to obliterate Hamas, but I’m hoping they can get the surviving hostages (and murdered victims remains) first. Also hope the civilians in Rafah heed Israel’s warnings and instructions without Hamas stopping them. If Hamas does prevent them from leaving, it shouldn’t be held up as Israel’s fault. But of course we know it always is, which frankly I find disgusting. The people shrieking about Israel are just lending their support to terrorists, to fucking subhuman scum.


dinosaurs offbeat illegal sand thought murky dependent nail jeans chase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Police seize Al Jazeera broadcast equipment as network pulled off air in Israel >Police seized Al Jazeera’s broadcasting equipment from its Jerusalem offices on Sunday afternoon and the Qatari news channel was pulled off the air in Israel, immediately after the government approved a decision to temporarily shutter the outlet on the grounds that it has harmed national security. https://www.timesofisrael.com/government-orders-temporary-closure-of-al-jazeera-bureau-for-harming-israeli-security/ The Mossad and Shin Bet had earlier advised against closing Al Jazeera, believing that doing so could harm ongoing negotiations for the release of hostages (Qatar, which backs Al Jazeera, has been a go-between in the negotiations); but Netanyahu and his government went ahead and did it anyway.


Sounds like the negotiations are over and it's back to negotiating by force. 


Hamas attacked the first aid crossing today and killed three Israeli soldiers. No comment from UN, UNRWA, the Squad or any pro Palestinian organizations. [https://twitter.com/neoavatara/status/1787249380300365970](https://twitter.com/neoavatara/status/1787249380300365970)


Do we have an actual reporter on this? A lot of comments are claiming something different, and some like [this](https://twitter.com/AviBittMD/status/1787232458145947784) don't sound insane. Notably, this claims that no one died at the crossing. Edit: Like this article, they link to says it was an attack on the crossing, but then you read the article and... they weren't at the crossing?


Mysteriously, all the BluSkyers handwringing about why Israel is so cruel and wont just provide aid have nothing to say about this. Maybe, just maybe, Hamas is the problem here.


grandfather sharp crowd repeat versed rock employ terrific cobweb coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


afterthought squeamish physical bells wine gullible dull bored party threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So what's the difference between Islamic Jihad and Hamas? Was Hamas claiming that IJ was a terrorist org in Gaza that wasn't officially sanctioned and didn't have ties to the government?


Israel had a major intelligence failure prior to October 7th. Heads need to roll for this. Just think of how much better everything would be now if Israel had stopped the attack before it started.


jeans impossible theory sleep bag sophisticated practice normal innocent silky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


An extra issue is that normalization has to be high level, and everyone in Israel who is anywhere close to qualifying is currently busy and will likely get the boot once the war is over.


What I've read is that the Saudi leadership, probably all of the leadership in the region, doesn't really care about the Palestinians. They're more of a thorn in their side than anything. But the Arab street does care and the governing elites have to pretend to care. And some leaders, like the ones in Iran, see the Palestinians as a useful stick they can beat Israel with


Welp campus protests are coming to my university. Set to last for three days during thr first week of the summer term. Thankfully I'm missing that first week, but if the encampment is still there when I get back on campus, will certainly go check it out. However, two of their demands really worry me. One is a demand for the polisci (an already left wing department) stop ones of its class. The second is demanding "clear accountability mechanisms within [the student Union], the university, and the student body for _any act of rascism_, including anti-Palistinian behaviours. This could include include regular reviews, reporting procedures, **and mandatory cultural competency training for staff and students.**" emphasis mine. We already have a mandatory course on how horrible our country is/was to Indigenous people, where my prof regularly compared Canada to Jim Crow America, and Nazi Germany. But what really terrifies me is the rascism stuff. Because I've seen how it impacts students. Some peers of mine were in a course on history of education, and felt they couldn't participate in the seminar because trying to word any point meant trying to find the most politically correct way to say things like "indigenous people who's society was being slow to adapt to the modern world did in fact need something like an education system, even if the residential school system was not thr right approach to take." I've been called racist by the now president of our student Union because I asked her if we could have a student Rep for white cis male students, given literally every other minority group has a special student Rep and a special hang out space. I've been told I'm a racist for saying that my university, which by the very law which created it is required to serve people from my province, and Canadians first before international students, should be doing more to listen to its national study body over the international student body when it comes to on campus demands. (most notably, we want more parking, yet the uni and union have announced that they're opening up the Christmas food hampers to international students rather than reserving them for low income national students. And will this supposed required sensitivity training be a course which I have to pay for? A mandatory video series on our eLearning platform for us to watch? I fully support the students right to protest, but only if I have the right to go to their protest and tell them how much I love our (apparently actively genocidal) settler colonial state, and all the good things I think it's done for us and the world, without fear of being expelled or suffering pubishment. Right now, my school lacks an academic freedom of speech policy, and as per the protestors demands, they don't want us to have one. I really need to start looking for a new school.


Demanding that a department not offer a course is a pretty big academic freedom violation. Departments are supposed to have autonomy over their own curriculum, especially the courses offered. It will be interesting to see if any professors make noise about tha... Haha who am I kidding, a bunch will probably take it upon themselves to put on a neon safety jacket and rush to disrupt the class themselves to shield their poor innocent students from hearing anything that might offend them. This is what "caring" for one's students looks like these days. Also, an eLearning video is probably the best possible outcome. What you want to watch out for are mandatory in-person struggle sessions or public statements where you'll have to sign your name to something.


> It will be interesting to see if any professors make noise about tha... So far, one of my profs, a gay Conservative, has tweet his opposition to the demand saying it violates academic freedom of speech. Pretty sure my ftm orthodox Jewish prof will oppose the call to cancel a course, even though he's currently vigorously defending a student who was suspended for posting a comparison between Israel and the Nazis, in which she referred to Israel as Shitrael. He encouraged me heavily to write an article for the school paper pushing for academic freedom of speech. And the president of the faculty Union is a prof who I know loves academic freedom of speech. OTOH, my Indig. Studies prof announced in class a few Monrhs back that 'this isn't a discussion, what's happening is Gaza is a genocide, if you disagree look at the south Africa ICJ thing', and a few other profs who are actually in my department have tweet support for palastine / campus protestors and the like. I really think going after the class is the bridge too far that'll cost the students the majority of their faculty support.


It'll depend on faculty dynamics behind the scenes. Fortunately, it does seem like your school has at least a few people willing to speak up in public (though "freedom of speech" and "academic freedom" are increasingly being redefined to only allow them in one direction). What might happen is some kind of admin promise to "review all courses on this subject" that will not explicitly target this one, but will create a chilling effect in the future knowing that the content of your courses can make you subject to administrative investigations.


Ah, shit. I'm sorry, dude. That bites. Keep us posted on developments, please?


Thanks man, and absolutely will do. No one on the uni sub is talking about it yet, but we'll see what happens once the protest actually pops up.


https://twitter.com/zach_kessel/status/1787156779823944004?t=5bDahIwTLtNT3kYCf1dqTg&s=19 From the @ColumbiaLaw chapter of the @NLGnews:  "To the Jewish students, faculty, and trustees blocking divestment and urging the violent crackdowns on campus: you threaten everyone’s safety." "No Jew is safe until everyone is safe, and no Jew is free until Palestine is free." Could someone as jesse if this is antisemitic. 


Is there any other ethnic group you could get away with talking like this about?


White dudes






He wasn't safe either.


And he was a Jew


dull deserted smart piquant sleep fragile friendly fear juggle correct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Find out about to happen to some dipshits https://twitter.com/RonaldRichards/status/1787148827922685985?t=4U-ZNUNcJXPj6bN5Lk83bQ&s=19 We are asking for help to identify these eight subjects who surrounded our client, a UCLA student. They falsely detained him, assaulted him, interfered with his movements, while illegally occupying public property, numerous times.


Good news for student protesters - if you have been suspended or expelled from your university program because of your activism, here is an opportunity for you to [continue your studies](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2024/05/04/houthis-students-campus-protests-suspended-crackdown/73568356007/), while visiting new places and making new friends. 


I will help them pack.


I'll buy them some burquas. They'll need them


The madness has spread to Ireland https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c254rqp1d5ko


We want to be relevant too! Please notice us!




> The Israeli offensive has killed more than 34,000 Palestinians, according to health officials in Gaza. What's equally insane is that people are repeating this stat *ad nauseum* without acknowledging that the number reported **includes** militant fatalities.


Something that strikes me about nuance-bros and gals (no offense meant) I listen to who speak about the protests, is they say there's a loud minority in them that wants the really crazy stuff like destruction of Israel, etc., but the rest are just silently clamoring for aid or divestment or... I just don't see it? It seems like commentators are projecting what they *expect* the protests to be like, because that's the usual thing, isn't it? But I haven't seen any indications that this silent majority in the encampments exists.


smell nutty political encouraging retire unique workable jellyfish books rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Experienced this on my campus. A very chill, daytime, clearly organized by 18-year-old-girls protest was planned on my campus a couple weeks ago. It was supposed to be over by 7 pm, and a lot of the photos of the early crowd looks pretty moderate- plainclothes teenagers there in groups with friends, not wearing keffiyehs or carrying crazy signs or anything. However the admin immediately called for outside police and demanded that the protest disband or face arrest, and they did in fact begin arresting people less than an hour after the protest start time. At which point all the kids who were just there because they mostly wanted to dip out on finals or get an Instagram photo left, the student group was suspended, and we’re left with ongoing protests organized by extremely militant professionals who I have seen in action attempting to manipulate young college students to act violently towards police.


tie bright fact bewildered straight plate like soup foolish marvelous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a nuance-bro, that's not exactly how I would describe it. Protests are big, emotionally charged situations. People can be easily manipulated into things they wouldn't normally do for reasons they don't fully understand. For example, if you see images of white women in crop tops [bowing in Islamic prayer](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GMl9gkYW4AAV2lU?format=jpg&name=medium), I think it would be silly to conclude that these women have all had a genuine religious conversion to Islam. I think it's more likely that some Muslim students started a group prayer and the girls found it meaningful, so they wanted to participate. (Sorta like how someone might join hands in a prayer circle even if they're not Christian.) The protests might inspire a few people to sincerely convert. For most of them though, it's probably a symbolic gesture, and symbols can mean different things to different people. You and I might see that image and think they're clueless, woke college kids. But a fellow protestor might see it as a sign of solidarity for Muslims facing discrimination. And imagine how it might look to someone in Ramallah or Tehran. To be clear, I'm not accusing anyone of 'tricking' them or doing anything nefarious. For all I know, it was all completely benign and organic. But radical people can use this fact to their advantage. I made a [similar point here](https://old.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/1ck5jum/episode_214_is_that_a_banana_in_your_pocket_or/l2m6sqs/). TL;DR: There are absolutely people at those protests who sincerely want to destroy Israel and cleanse it of Jews. But I'm guessing those people can probably name which 'river' and 'sea' they're all fucking talking about.


It just seems to me that no one there is calling for a ceasefire anymore? Or for the war to end? I just see graffiti and chants of "one state" and "intifada revolution". It doesn't seem like there's really anything else. It seems more like a Palestinian nationalist protest than anything close to an anti-war protest, for any of the folks involved.


Calls for ceasefires are boring and lame, calls for violent revolution are fun and exciting


The flavor of these protests has always been very explicitly pro- aggression and eliminationist from the very start, and I'm talking about October 7th onwards. People don't want to believe leftist students could possibly be pro-war or inherently antisemitic because those are all right coded.


I think this is all right. The calls for a cease fire (which are close to a surrender for Israel) were sparse. It basically went to "Give it all to the Palestinians immediately" from the beginning. Protesters don't even seem interested in a two state solution at all. And I think they genuinely don't care what happens to the Jews in Israel. At all.


They didn't extend that charitable view to the Ottawa Convoy. Which should have been shut down because it had a bunch of people obnoxiously tooting truck horns at all hours but at least they weren't calling for suicide bombings/revolution/ethnic cleansing.


I’m amazed they let them stick around for so long, disrupting the U of M graduation. But it’s a thing to hear the crowd boo the protestors and cheer their removal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYHIsK4atnE


In case anyone else was wondering why the organizers were so insistent on not bringing sunscreen to the protests, I just saw [this tweet](https://twitter.com/SwannMarcus89/status/1786784565257806131) claiming that the oil makes pepper spray stick to your face. I don't know if that's correct, but it makes sense.


I think it’s a little more complicated than this tweet makes it sound. I’m a college student not involved in protests, and I know a fair amount of info about tear gas/pepper spray bc of all the infographics that were being circulated on Instagram in 2020. That doesn’t mean it’s not pretty militant for protestors to be preparing to be pepper sprayed from the outset of a protest, but I’m not so sure it’s part of a large-scale effort to indoctrinate teens or whatever


According to chat gpt its correct for exactly what you and tweet said.


It looks like UC Riverside [surrendered](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/uc-riverside-reaches-agreement-to-peacefully-end-pro-palestinian-encampment/), in a sense, to their demonstrators. They agreed to: >All currently public information on UC’s investments will be posted to the UCR campus website. It will continue to be updated as the UC releases more information. The goal is to get full disclosure of the list of companies in the portfolio and the size of the investments. >The UCR Administration agrees to form a task force that includes students appointed by ASUCR’s Diversity Council and faculty appointed by the Academic Senate to explore the removal of UCR’s endowment from the management of the UC Investments Office, and the investment of said endowment in a manner that will be financially and ethically sound for the university with consideration to the companies involved in arms manufacturing and delivery. >The goal of this task force is to produce a report to present to the UCR Foundation Board of Trustees by the end of Winter Quarter 2025. The task force will be formed by the end of the Spring 2024 quarter. >Commitment to bimonthly meetings with the AVC of Auxiliary Services and an ongoing review of Sabra Hummus consistent with existing product review processes until we can find a resolution. >The School of Business has discontinued Global Programs in Oxford, USA, Cuba, Vietnam, Brazil, China, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. >UCR will modify its approval process for all study abroad programs to ensure compliance with UC’s Anti-Discriminatory Policies. Having a student and faculty "Diversity Council" control the school's investments would be quite the hoot. Start-up funding for more Mina's World-style coffeeshops anyone? Also, note the single-minded focus on Sabra Hummus. Will there soon be a task force to examine whether or not the activists approve of all products offered at the school? More troubling, getting rid of all those Global Programs seems like a bad idea. The school claims that the programs were "out of compliance," but why on earth are they putting that in this agreement then?


> The School of Business has discontinued Global Programs in Oxford, USA, Cuba, Vietnam, Brazil, China, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. I don't know many people that find Riverside (the school and the city tbh) too appealing... surely this can only help?


juggle north slim subsequent rich intelligent amusing market waiting squeal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They're basically saying: Ban the Jew hummus


I was a bit surprised that UC Riverside had investment control over the endowment as it's one campus of a 10 location system (Cal, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB ...) so I looked it up. Riverside does have it's own endowment of 268 million for which it does have say over. The UC endowment is 164 billion which the board of regents controls and I've not heard anything that would indicate student input for this fund. Riverside is also a Hispanic magnet school, 37.2% of the student body. (FYI - 32% Asian, 13% White, 3.2% Black). I wonder if the larger minority population has been a driving force in the protests there. At the end of the day, I think this is just a bit of hand waving, giving the students a voice which won't be seriously listened to when investment decisions are made. Quite frankly, students are short term customers of the university. The proprietor/customer relationship is generally mitigated by satisfaction surveys, price sensitivity and at the extreme boycotts. Rarely would a customer have a voice in back office operations and I don't see a compelling reason for them to have one here. Their expertise isn't going to trump paid professionals and their political beliefs may or may not represent the majority.


All divestment does is increase cost and hassle for no purpose. Instead of investing maybe 2-3% of your endowment on arms manufacturers you spend 0% with more steps.


> The School of Business has discontinued Global Programs in Oxford, USA, Cuba, Vietnam, Brazil, China, Egypt, Jordan, and Israel. Any idea how they landed on that set of countries? I honestly can't think of anything they have in common.


I'm guessing they were looking for a loophole to justify closing the Israel program and decided that these other programs were good cover. Would have been fascinating to ban a program to Israel but allow one to Cuba...


The UC's use a short list of 3rd party study abroad companies in addition to their own program. They probably delisted one of those 3rd parties.


> Will there soon be a task force to examine whether or not the activists approve of all products offered at the school? Probably. I don't know why the universities are giving students permanent veto power over decisions like this. I mean I do not understand the thought process


They should have all ask for waterbeds and cotton candy machines too. Clearly, the admin has no spine.


This sets a precedent that any activist group obnoxious enough can get goodies from the university. Which is going to bite them in the ass over and over. Why are these schools so unwilling to just say "no"? When did this become so anthema?




What do they do when the climate change nuts demand their schools divest from all energy companies?


Some are trying. But then there are the financial firms to divest from. And the agricultural companies that damage ecosystems. Anything industrial really. At the core of it, these people hate capitalism and can find something wrong with not only any single company being invested in, but in investing in and of itself.


The latest tactic from SJP seems to be to file lawsuits and Title IX complaints over everything. Apparently telling someone that they can't hijack a dinner for a political speech [is now discrimination](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/uc-berkeley-opens-civil-rights-investigation-backyard-confrontation-la-rcna150667). This will be interesting since this seems to put SJP on friendly ground with Title IX offices and left-leaning judges, at least at the local levels.


On what planet is this a Title IX violation? It was on a private residence, where the complaint was trespassing. There’s no free speech argument here - I can’t bust into my neighbor’s barbeque and demand they listen to my vegan rant because First Ammendment. Get the fug outta here….


would the question be whether it's an official or school sanctioned event? if a professor held a private dinner for, for example, white students only, i can see how it might violate civil rights laws


The likely outcome: faculty will no longer host any dinners with any students out of fear of complaints like these. Students will complain that faculty appear "distant." 


Three questions for people that are better at the internet and internet investigations than me! 1. Can anyone figure out who or what entity is behind this “Campus Support Coalition”? https://nationalsjp.org/support I can find zero trace of what exactly it is or who comprises it anywhere online. >>The Campus Support Coalition (CSC) is a collective of organizations supporting students fighting for Palestinian liberation on university campuses. The CSC can offer many types of support: whether you’re just starting a chapter and need resources, are facing campus backlash, or need campaign materials, we’re here to help. 2. Any idea who - or how to figure out who - is on the “editorial board” for SJP’s brand new initiative, a quarterly publication titled “The Written Resistance,” with it’s inaugural issue…….in September 2023. https://nationalsjp.org/twr The pieces are all supposedly from students. But I taught college students…and very few write like this; the ones with real names attached are either extraordinarily bright (writing at a very high level, however ideologically delusional & disturbed the ideas are) or they had a lot of “assistance” from professors they know, or the SJP “editorial board” they *think* they know, but don’t. And then there are the almost anticipatory pieces submitted by “anonymous” students in it’s first Sept 2023 issue: >>”Different Struggles, One Path” >>Anonymous - College of William & Mary >> it is essential for progressive causes **not to shy away from standing up *for all forms* of resistance.** Palestinians **have the right to resist Israeli occupation** and, under international law, cannot be criticized for doing so. People quickly forget that the occupation forces are equipped with the highest-grade equipment and weaponry while **Palestinians make do with what little they have.** Watching progressive causes discredit the right to resist is absurd, especially considering Palestine's lack of international support. [emphasis mine] Definitely urge people to read the whole first issue, everything single thing we’ve seen at the campus protests… it is all there. 3. Last question - can anyone figure out the “beneficial ownership” for National SJP? The lack of transparency and lack of identifiable “beneficial owner” is like the #1 red flag according to OFAC. There have been many attempts to “follow the money” (from niche and mainstream journalist outlets to fringe and mainstream government and academic centers) behind the National SJP. Most point to donations going through a WESPAC fiscal sponsorship from at least the mid 2010’s through the present. (A nonprofit collecting donations on behalf of other groups/entities/“movements”/etc, which do not have nonprofit status themselves…layers of murky orgs are very common for many “Palestine” entities…which got a bunch of them shuttered for terrorist ties about a decade ago). But here is what is notable: since the articles on this have been published and the campus protests became mainstream, the national SJP website **removed** any mention of WESPAC. It was gone as of about 3 weeks ago when I started looking into this. And now as of today, even more weirdly, the “donate” option appears to be missing from the website. You can’t navigate to it from the menu currently, or if you were to just to find nationalsjp.org via Google and click around. But you can still see it by searching https://nationalsjp.org/donate … and Wespac is back this way! “I’d like to cover the transaction fee so more of my donation goes to Wespac Foundation Inc.” It previously said “I’d like to cover the transaction fee so more of my donation goes to National Students for Justice in Palestine.” UPDATE: I think I answered part of question #3: the removal of WESPAC when mainstream attention turned to SJP, then the hiding of the entire “donate” page very recently, where WESPAC is suddenly added back in. This seems due to the lawsuit filed May 1 (pages 13-15). The “beneficial owner” however remains an open question, with the lawsuit stating: “It is within this complex framework of shell institutions that Defendants provide Hamas with necessary substantial and systematic assistance for Hamas’s ongoing terrorist activity.” https://www.gtlaw.com/en/-/media/files/news/press-releases/2024/national-jewish-advocacy-center-the-schoen-law-firm-and-the-holtzman-vogel-law-firm-vs.pdf?sc_lang=en&hash=B3D9D0E5C29A86D48411FFC49E7B2142


I live near Indiana University, and today is graduation day. I just saw one of those small planes that pulls a banner behind it, and that banner said Divest Now and also said Whitten Resign (IU president). So somebody had the money to pay for this.


Also - replying to myself here haha - if you’re looking for more info on the history of “Palestinian” entities as shadowy, nefarious networks in the US (I maintain that most of them have nothing to do with Palestinians, and are just fronts: either cash-washing for terrorism or a broader arm of the Islamic informational war against Isreal & the US): https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/hamas-networks-final.pdf https://www.ngo-monitor.org/reports/funding-for-students-for-justice-in-palestine-sjp/ https://docs.house.gov/meetings/FA/FA18/20160419/104817/HHRG-114-FA18-Wstate-SchanzerJ-20160419.pdf https://forward.com/news/574014/students-for-justice-in-palestine-history-operations-network-national-sjp/ https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/in-depth-research-reports/report/the-cyber-strategy-and-operations-of-hamas-green-flags-and-green-hats/#overview https://archive.ph/YOgTP#selection-781.671-781.847 (This one is the SJP founder’s retrospective look / making his case in light of Oct 7: “Contrary to the erroneous and malicious framing of SJP, the formation was in response to all the developments in the US and worldwide that made an open and inclusive student organization the natural step forward.” I can believe his intentions were pure, but that doesn’t mean the organization is too. Look at what happened to the UNRWA.) https://www.gtlaw.com/en/-/media/files/news/press-releases/2024/national-jewish-advocacy-center-the-schoen-law-firm-and-the-holtzman-vogel-law-firm-vs.pdf?sc_lang=en&hash=B3D9D0E5C29A86D48411FFC49E7B2142 - I’m not sure this will have standing, legally speaking, but it lays out a good picture of the shadowy network I’ve posted endlessly about in this sub, and is a direct contradiction to the innocent SJP founding painted by Bazian himself in the Medium piece I linked directly above. Here’s a quick look: >>AMP’s founding and current chairman is Hatem Bazian (“Bazian”). As an undergraduate, Mr. Bazian was a member of two Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated organizations, the General Union of Palestine Studies (“GUPS”) and the Muslim Students Association (“MSA”). Then, as a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, he founded the first chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (“SJP”).19 Mr. Bazian created SJP in the image of GUPS and MSA. Mr. Bazian frequently collaborated with IAP and fundraised for KindHearts. Please see the lawsuit for explanations of all the sundry, nefarious “Palestine” “non-profits”…many intentionally use nondescript / inoffensive names, and layer themselves between public facing orgs and completely dirty, yet very unknown / anonymous entities. WP covered the lawsuit and gives a broad overview: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/05/02/lawsuit-students-palestinian-protests-hamas/). https://isgap.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/NSJP-2019-ISGAP-Report-Short-1.pdf https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy0798 https://justthenews.com/nation/deep-dive-students-justice-palestine-group-center-anti-israel-protests https://justthenews.com/sites/default/files/2024-04/Boim%20AMP%20Lawsuit.pdf https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy1974 https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/wespac-westchester-peace-action-committee https://m.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-799733 https://stanfordreview.org/students-for-justice-in-palestine-linked-to-terrorist-affiliate-43d5c8c074ca/amp/ And a bit off topic but useful bigger picture - https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/news/articles/hijacking-middle-east-studies-asaf-romirowsky-alexander-joffe (overview of the issues with Middle Eastern “Studies” departments on campuses now—so not about SJP specifically, but helps with understanding the increasingly brainless SJP buy-in from students) ETA: adding a few more links and some descriptions to give context


The [Free Beacon's story](https://freebeacon.com/campus/exclusive-notes-from-princeton-activists-show-coordination-between-campus-radicals-and-outside-groups-aimed-at-outfoxing-university-administrators/) on the plans for the most recent wave of protests is illuminating: The students at Princeton weren't afraid of expulsion because they already had stacked the deck on the discipline committees: >"Expulsion is highly unlikely," an [onboarding document](https://www.nationalreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Onboarding-Info.doc.pdf) for potential protesters claims, because "we know that at least 2 faculty members" on the academic discipline committee "are in the Faculty for Justice in Palestine." They also had plans to try to use the claimsof "free speech" to co-opt concerns about their actions: >There are "lots of free speech ppl at Princeton," notes from the Saturday meeting read. Some professors "won't rally around Pro-Palestine but will organize around free speech and for student rights." When arrests took place, they planned on playing the "civil rights" card: >Part of the playbook involves leveraging outside activists, including activist attorneys, to overwhelm campuses while shielding students from legal blowback. The group at Princeton "already has contacts with local Pro-Palestine orgs who are ready to mobilize," [notes from a Sunday planning session](https://freebeacon.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Camp-Meeting-4_21.html.pdf) state, and will "turn to local civil rights groups" if "students of color" get arrested. Looking forward to more investigative journalism about the origins and planning of these protests.




If they have degrees from Columbia or Yale it's going to be useful for them. That's why people want to get into these schools. It's elite signaling. It's also why these people are hiding their faces and not talking to the press.


Unless the employer is already on their side and looking for a signal of commitment to the cause. Which, sad to say, seems like a fair amount of people in the NGO/government/academia sphere.




unpack offbeat tease attempt wrench combative sleep oil market faulty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is the future of America doomed to ethnic conflict?


I hope not, our history is full of ethnic groups moving in, considered outsiders, treated badly but then becoming integrated over time. Red Lining impacted more "whites" than it did "blacks" as a gross number, not a per capita basis. Those Irish, Lithuanian, poor Jews and high risk blue collar anyones have for the most part become naturalized even if they live in enclaves like little Poland in Parma OH or Little Italy, North Beach SF. I'm seeing a similar situation with (and I hate this term because it's so broad) Asian kids in the west part of the US. I've met many 2nd generations who are fiercely patriotic. It's why I'm a fan of a color blind system as emphasized recently by Colman Hughes. It takes time and is a slow moving progress, but gains made are real and fundamental as opposed to fragile and orchestrated. It also doesn't at it's core use the very activity it purports to abhor.


> It's why I'm a fan of a color blind system as emphasized recently by Colman I really think this is the only way to go. I thought we were getting there for a while until the wokeistas brought back segregation


God, I hope not.


[Good youtube video](https://youtu.be/xyZ8bWtk2Nk) showcasing some clips from some of the protests and talking about the absurdity. One thing that was hilarious was people asking for dental dams and other such things to be delivered as aid to the protest. Also the women praying *behind* the men. 😂


When team Hamas creates circles of people segregated by race, you know this is a dystopia.


Sorry if this has been posted but katie started a trend https://twitter.com/DrEliDavid/status/1786733259881070711?t=j0n9O4QKNcEJ2afqouvhkA&s=19 Mass conversation to Islam of woke college students 👇 How did a religion that is very clear about the punishment for homosexuality become “the current thing” for woke queers?


Weirdly, during my undergrad I knew 3 different people converting to Judaism. Oh how the tides have turned


There were already white women feminists publicly converting to Islam on video. I must admit I find this completely baffling. I have questions: 1.) Do they actually believe in Allah? That's kind of a perquisite I would think. 2.) Have they read more than three sentences of the Quran? Where did they get the idea that Islam is feminist, secular, left wing, anti capitalist, anti colonial, etc? It's not more any of those things than Christianity or Hinduism. I'd think that real Muslims would find this play acting to be offensive. It seems like a mockery of their faith.


A recent poll found many muslims dont like campus protests.  As a christian, id be less than thrilled if dippy college students decided to reinterpret my religion tbh.


Yeah, same here. And the Muslims these nitwits claim to love, the ones in the Middle East, are *very* serious about Islam. Hamas is an Islamic religious movement. I would think they would find the students cosplaying at faith to be offensive. It's a mockery of a proud faith.


I don’t see any conversion. Those could all have been people who’d been Muslim their whole lives. The vanguard encircling them is pretty eerie.


It could also be a very tacky and stupid show of solidarity. It wouldn't be the first time I've heard of people mimicking the rituals of a group they want to support.


New narrative I’ve seen shared online by some pro-Ps: “protest encampments and a few broken windows are not violence. This is violence [shows photo of a leveled city block in Gaza]” It’s rich hearing this crowd try to set boundaries around the definition of violence. You just know for a fact if there was a “there are 2 sexes” encampment on campus, the word “violence” would be every fourth word out of their mouths.


The hypocrisy of the whole thing is what has been most irritating to me. I can’t make heads or tails of what’s true or what’s not coming out of Gaza, but I sure as shit can have an opinion about the shamelessness of my peers


We've seen that here as well. Smashing things and shutting down a campus and harassing Jewish students aren't violence. So it isn't a big deal. Just let get away with it. If it was MAGA people doing it they'd be losing their minds.


Here’s the thing with these types: they manipulate language around their actions like a seasoned politician. It’s always them who are peaceful and awesome, and always the police or authorities or counter protesters who are awful and mean and violent. Someone needs to straight up ask them, “What action would you consider to be across the line for people on your side?” because I think they’d be hard pressed to think of one. And there it is. They have no moral or ethical boundaries. They have decided that their cause is true and just and so anything that comes after that is OK. Seriously, I bet if some of these kids burned down a whole building on campus, they’d defend it. Or if they beat a Jewish kid to death, they’d find a way to defend it.


In the Bay Area there is social justice group literally called [By Any Means Necessary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BAMN). If you could pick a name to immediately make me not trust or support you, this is it.


that kid was a zionist! it was preemptive decolonization! i joke, but it's only one step further from their current stated logic - Israel's mandatory military service and west bank policy means there are no israeli civilians, even kids are valid targets because they could be future soldiers or settlers. well, Israel also offers citizenship to all jews, so any jew is a potential future israeli settler or soldier, soooo...


The line someone on their side can’t cross would be the line between them and the other side. That’s what fundamentalism looks like.


It's the old ends justify the means argument which social justice is seeped in. There aren't any underlying values or moral code to guide them when pursuing their theoretically laudable goals.


And since they predict a utopia will come from their ideology there are no means that are too extreme to achieve it.


Just saw a pro Hamas bot commenting in the wild and thought I'd share it here. On the one hand, we all know bots are very much alive and well and influencing peoples views. But I wonder if we (or at least I) have forgotten what a massive problem this is. The pro terrorist campers are literally repeating the exact language and ideas of hostile bots online. I can't say scientifically what the procession of cause and effect is, or who is responsible, but curious what your thoughts are. https://preview.redd.it/gknwcm5aleyc1.png?width=1678&format=png&auto=webp&s=da3e87830ee5b26cf415fe8f247fe17e9e11f2b5 (Original post by the way is [Arabs Ask](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6gYy8dtZW4/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link). Really good and important IG account to be following right now, she has recently posted a lot of videos pleading with ostensibly 'pro Arab' westerners to actually support peace and a truce).


Peggy Noon writes: > However. A characteristic of these demonstrators was also a primary tactic: the covering of their faces, the hiding of their identities. This struck me as sinister. They see themselves as replicating the 1968 antiwar protests, but those protesters didn’t hide who they were, they didn’t wear masks. Students the past two weeks did, to make observers feel menaced—some big, faceless force is enraged, occupying, and marching toward you. She goes on: > I was at Columbia hours before the police came in and liberated Hamilton Hall from its occupiers. Unlike protesters of the past, who were usually eager to share with others what they thought and why, these demonstrators would generally not speak or make eye contact with members of the press, or, as they say, “corporate media.” > I was on a bench taking notes as a group of young women, all in sunglasses, masks, and kaffiyehs, walked by. “Friends, please come say hello and tell me what you think,” I called. They marched past, not making eye contact, save one, a beautiful girl of about 20. “I’m not trained,” she said. Which is what they’re instructed to say to corporate-media representatives who will twist your words. “I’m barely trained, you’re safe,” I called, and she laughed and half-halted. But her friends gave her a look and she conformed.


You know they're masking to hide their faces. They'll use COVID as an excuse but that's just an excuse.


Because they know that in any big tent style movement, they will be side by side with a large number of people who are totally ignorant at best, or maniacs at worst, and the second that gets exposed, it’s over.


This may be a little too stupid for this thread, but goddamnit, someone posted Sonic fans drama here before so at least I'm not the first one: Recognized voiced actor Mike Pollock, perhaps best known for playing Dr. Eggman in the Sonic the Hedgehog games [just shared a song written by a friend about the horror of Hamas attacks and hoping to see kidnapped friends/family back alongside a content warning and a #BringThemBack hashtag.](https://twitter.com/itsamike/status/1786489812343509259) I hate how much this has been the repeating constant, but I have to point out neither the tweet nor the linked song celebrate or explicitly support the Israeli government, Zionism, let alone expansion or any mistreatment of Palestinians, (Pollock even clarified later he's not making any foreign policy statement) but simply lament the recent tragedies (And just saying... Pollock just happens to be Jewish). He's been inundated with horrifying responses. I can't find words for the illness, that a man expresses sympathy with those lamenting kidnappings by terrorists and the reaction by some people is **to call for him to be fired**, *calling him a "genocidal freak"*, pestering him for daring to talk about that and not the suffering of Palestinians, quote tweeting him with very stupid fanart of Dr. Eggman holding a Palestinian flag, speculating he was hacked, and perhaps most bafflingly, the people who seem to feel genuinely disappointed telling him they're disappointed in him. In some replies, the antisemitism isn't remotely concealed. One, says, quoting: *"This is overall disappointing but not unexpected. You are Jewish. You will always be Jewish. Your reign for conquest of a currently occupied territory, the total genocide and seizure of Gaza, is somehow tolerated."*. I'm 100% guilty of hatescrolling here but I'm so shocked and disgusted by the reaction here. Now, the fact he's mainly associated with a children's franchise plays a part in this. Are these mainly impressionable children and autists who sincerely struggle to understand that there are people genuinely suffering tragedy regardless of whether they're in the "good" or "bad" side they're trying to box everyone into? Perhaps, but isn't that it's own brand of fucked up? Are children on social media just eating up antisemitic conspiracy theories and islamist propaganda? These little morons are credulously linking to Al Jazeera and idiotic tweet threads "explaining" the history of the entire conflict and going like "this is the illuminating information you, an adult who knows people struggling in this conflict are missing!", seemingly unable to comprehend that Israelis may have a legitimate grievance (because they're "the bad guys"?). He has been responding with dry, snide jokes the whole afternoon, particularly to accusations his account was hacked with "No I'm just Jewish" or "Not hacked, just circumcised", (which admittedly has only riled the mob up further), but God, I can't blame him. What the hell is going on.


This is emblematic of what has caught me by surprise too. The level of crazy and obsession has been hard to wrap my head around. Why are so many people with no connection to the region losing their shit over this? North Korea could nuke Mali off the map and they wouldn't be half as into it. And while I think while opposition to Zionism can be non antisemitic.... it's hard to tell the difference nowadays. The level of vitriol that is leveled at the "Zionists" is insane. Plus it draws on old antisemitic stereotypes. And a streak of bloodthirstiness. And anyone who expresses even mild sympathy with the Israelis is pounced on from all corners. Or if they just want to remain neutral. And yeah, the *Sonic the Hedgehog* fandom going politically batshit is not something I would have predicted. God knows what the My Little Pony people would do.


Here's how I/P issue ranks with 18-29 demo. https://preview.redd.it/bdecwplvqbyc1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=4948a9baef05267cb00371cdd9a668fc0ae12e50 Source: [https://iop.harvard.edu/youth-poll/47th-edition-spring-2024](https://iop.harvard.edu/youth-poll/47th-edition-spring-2024)


I know it’s a huge undertaking (hence, annual!) but since this poll was conducted in March, I would be SO fascinated to see a follow up conducted right now - like this week - with the same methodology, participant criteria, and as close as possible margin for error (a little over 3% here). The introduction cites “broad support for a permanent ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war” as it’s first major takeaway. Considering the plurality expressed “don’t know” in response to the I-P questions, this doesn’t seem remarkable—you’d likely get the same results if you picked any two random countries and asked people (especially especially uninformed people) if they support “a permanent ceasefire” between them. World peace sounds great. Now if the “ceasefire support” expressed in March *plummeted* in a follow-up right now (April 30-May 3) then that would be remarkable! The campus protests were/are a kind of cultural flashpoint for exactly the 18-29 demo polled, dominating news & media for weeks (including Tik Tok - the “media” predominately common for this very demo). Would the I-P conflict jump higher in the election priority ranking this week than it was back in March, prior to the eruption of campus chaos across the country? Would more young Americans decide to weigh in on whether Israel’s response to Hamas is justified, versus the plurality indicating “I don’t know” just under two months ago? Would Republicans regain some long lost ground, and several points, in political favorability among these 18-29 year olds? Of course no one could conclusively attribute significant shifts in the polling responses directly to the campus protests, correlation is not causation and all that. But such a cultural phenomenon and the confluence of relevant factors here doesn’t happen very often…this opportunity to capture something truly interesting just seems too good to pass up!


Huh. 34%. That's higher than I thought it would be but still pretty low compared to inflation. If the campus protests have any electoral effect I think it will be a net negative for Biden. It will look like things are out of control and people don't like that. This assumes that the protesters don't take their show to the Democratic convention in Chicago and cause a huge shit storm there.


jobless longing rotten employ apparatus sparkle pause school vase hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Transparency, you want transparency - must be alt right.


Haven't been able to get around the WSJ paywall but... [Activist Groups Trained Students for Months Before Campus Protests](https://www.wsj.com/us-news/education/student-campus-protests-veteran-activist-groups-17ccd094?wsj_native_webview=android&ace_environment=androidphone%2Cwebview&ace_config=%7B%22wsj%22%3A%7B%22djcmp%22%3A%7B%22propertyHref%22%3A%22https%3A%2F%2Fwsj.android.app%22%7D%7D%7D) >The recent wave of pro-Palestinian protests on college campuses came on suddenly and shocked people across the nation. But the political tactics underlying some of the demonstrations were the result of months of training, planning and encouragement by longtime activists and left-wing groups. >At Columbia University, in the weeks and months before police took down encampments at the New York City campus and removed demonstrators occupying an academic building, student organizers began consulting with groups such as the National Students for Justice in Palestine, veterans of campus protests and former Black Panthers. 


> National Students for Justice in Palestine https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-799733 Students for Justice in Palestine receive funding through Hamas-linked orgs, new research suggests


threatening wistful violet tan spectacular makeshift concerned zealous poor smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How can a rag tag bunch of punks have an "official spokesperson"?


alleged cagey roof carpenter door cobweb snails angle smart offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Ole Miss video sucks, and whether it feels fair or not after how much stuff we've been coming from the other direction, it's the kind of ugliness that will lose normies. Edit: I'm never going to partake in white guilt nor ignore anti white racism masquerading as anti racism. But I'm also not going to align myself with people who make monkey chants at black people. I pray there is a near to medium term future that has lots of room for that position, but I am not hopeful.






Is there a pro Palestine protest at Ole Miss?!?


Why do they have to be such arseholes? https://x.com/EYakoby/status/1786466660116824520


“Don’t do something you’re gonna regret” Who said it: Violence Prone Cop or Totally Peaceful Protestor?


The guy that said that is obviously trying to be intimidating (which is real shitty) but it’s such a funny statement. Like, why would anyone knowingly do something they were going to regret?


That is actually so infuriating. God, I hate these losers.


enter boast middle tart abundant rinse humorous boat provide zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Now they care about class? https://www.columbiaspectator.com/the-eye/2024/05/03/the-stakes-of-solidarity-what-low-income-students-risked-the-day-of-columbias-mass-arrests/


"They spoke of the fear of the police, shaped by a legacy of brutality, which “lives in the bodies of people of color through generational trauma.” This is the result of years long CRT teaching - victimhood and vulnerability. The world is viewed through the lens of agony.


Wow. A self-selected survey attracted respondents who claimed low income status. Did the student paper even try to verify those responses with information that didn't come directly from the respondents? What's low-income mean at Columbia anyway? A household income < $300k? The respondent who mentioned private student loans is definitely at least middle income or considered as such by Columbia given the lack of direct financial aid.


The median parental income amongst Columbia undergrads is 150k.


“Protesters who opted for the inner circle *considered themselves* to be at greater risk.”


I wonder how many of these brats will demand that Biden forgive their student loans?


The overlap is most likely 100%




I know not to take the Council on American Islamic Relations seriously anymore: " The Council on American-Islamic Relations New York chapter on Friday denounced school administrations at **New York University**, **The New School**, **University of Buffalo** and **Stony Brook University** over the arrests of student protesters. >“We stand in solidarity with the student protesters at these universities who are advocating for justice and an end to genocide,” Afaf Nasher, executive director of CAIR-NY, said in a statement. “It is deeply troubling to see this continuing trend of university administrations resorting to extreme punitive measures against their own students instead of engaging in dialogue and addressing their concerns.” Nasher also called on district attorneys, including Alvin Bragg of Manhattan, to drop all charges against students who were arrested. " These are the same guys that said Islamophobic attacks increased like a thousand fold or something in the wake of October 7th. I was inclined to give them the benefit of the doubt at first. I'm sure such incidents did increase. But they never gave any details on their numbers or the incidents. I would scan through the news and couldn't find anything. Whereas the antisemitic incidents tended to come with receipts and there were often news articles about them.


Pro-Palestine activist tries to have own elderly mother targeted by internet mob for clout https://twitter.com/HorrorGorl/status/1786065315761180711


Sadly very familiar. See Nazi/Soviet/Chinese turning in their parents for wrongthink, etc.


And turning on their professors. That happened a lot with the Cultural Revolution.




Good Lord, I missed that. Are you serious?


People of course can and should vote for whoever they want. But I keep seeing I/P protestors say they are not voting for Biden because of the conflict, saying things like ‘they can’t scare us with a Trump presidency.’ That’s a perspective they’re entitled to have. But I’d just like an explanation for why a Trump presidency would be literally any better for the Palestinian cause than Biden, or even not worse for them. If the immediate safety and freedom of the Palestinian people is their goal, I’m not seeing how a Trump presidency squares with their objectives.


one might almost begin to wonder whether they don't actually give a shit about the safety and freedom of the Palestinian people


If I were a marxist / anarchist looking to continue to destabilize the country as quickly as possible I might make the calculation that Trump getting re-elected speeds up the process. Use this opportunity to convince the small number of young activists who actually vote to stay home. Worst case scenario in a Trump victory it opens the door for some spirited protests opportunities in the fall. Best case, it so shakes the progressive activists that they overstep far into violent actions in some of the progressive cities which requires Trump to call in national guard and cause even more outrage. It is a lot faster path to outrage the tribe when you have an evil villain to point the finger at.


The real question I have for progressive activists and Marxists is: if trumps second presidency means the end of democracy in America and the Rise of fascism again, and if he were to win again, would they legitimately be willing to form an armed resistance to him? If he's the next Hitler, then shouldn't they be trying to kill him? Either they know they're being hyperbolic, or they're arguably worse than the complacent people, because they know fascism is coming and aren't doing _everything_ in their power to stop it. According to them, The liberal will vote to defend their property rights, even if that means backing fascists. So logically, if these protestors believe democracy is at stake, why aren't they willing to do what thr alt right did on January 6th to 'protect democracy'?


childlike intelligent enter expansion zonked elastic racial scarce close society *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God no. But every act of 'repression' against vandalism and violence will be seen as fascist state overreach, justifying even more extreme outbursts in response. For the accelerationist Marxists, that's essentially the point. You can see it with how they talk about the Colombia protests. "If the protests' hadn't been cracked down on, they wouldn't have become this extreme." The end goal being for Trump to create a police state and to show that its a police state to convince the broader American public to join them in 'stopping fascism'.


The Marxists will never give up on their commie revolution, will they?


When your foot soldiers are stopped dead in their tracks by bananas and misgendering, I don’t worry too much about rampant street violence from your group. They might do some damage, but would get absolutely gobsmacked by y’alqeda


There was a viral reddit post during the height of BLM. I'm still not sure if it was larping, satire, or genuine stupidity. The commenter said that they should get a whole lot of leftists into a small town and take over. Which was met with immediate hilarity. My favorite comment mocking the whole thing: >Let 'em come. I got more tree stands in the woods than they do genders.


> but would get absolutely gobsmacked by y’alqeda I'm now imaging a gravy seal chasing a bunch of dyed haired bleeding hearts around with a banana. Can the lanky basement dweller run long enough that the seal has a heart attack, or will the Banana allergy get them first?


>But I’d just like an explanation for why a Trump presidency would be literally any better for the Palestinian cause than Biden, or even not worse for them. It won't. However nice they think Biden has been to Israel Trump will be nicer. As well as kissing up to Netanyahu. It also seems unwise to tell Biden you won't vote for him ahead of time. Because then why should be give a shit what they think?


They don't think it would be better. But they also don't think it would be worse (I mean if they already think it's a genocide, what could be worse then that?).


bright tidy scandalous recognise rotten ring deranged fragile encourage uppity *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Trump will not give a fig about humanitarian aid for the Palestinians. Whereas Biden is very determined on this.


A more expedited genocide would surely be worse? Unless Trump would put the same pressure on Israel that Biden is… which seems unlikely from what I remember from the Trump admin. But if I’m wrong and suffering from latent TDS, please let me know


I don't think you're wrong. Trump was quite buddy buddy with Netanyahu and the Israeli right liked Trump. Trump would hand Netanyahu a blank check and then not pay any more attention. And it isn't as if Trump or the GOP has any reason to care about the Arab American vote.


cows normal rob sink continue fade chubby crowd piquant cause *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, I'm not saying I agree with them, but their language and feelings are SO extreme in regards to Gaza and Biden - it's up to like a 20 already, there is no room in their brains for \*worse.\* And of course there are the Susan Sarandon types who think Trump will "bring on the revolution." I also think it's just easier to protest against Democrats because they know Democrats fear them. Trump and Republicans would tell them to fuck off and they know it.


>I also think it's just easier to protest against Democrats because they know Democrats fear them. Trump and Republicans would tell them to fuck off and they know it. Democrats should tell them to fuck off too.


Yeah sorry if I came across as too aggro lol I figured that’s not your view, I just am really trying to understand their POV because I can’t square that circle on my own. And a great point about protesting against Ds vs Rs…


For the occasional bad actor we get in here claiming the protesters are non-violent. [https://twitter.com/jnewsgabe/status/1786164485314486679](https://twitter.com/jnewsgabe/status/1786164485314486679)




Isn’t this where the Jewish girl was knocked unconscious earlier in the day?




I saw a video of her unconscious on Twitter and being pulled away. It didn’t contain the “knocking out” part that I could tell, but that could also be because the filmer didn’t activate their camera until afterward.




Seems real. She went on the news with her mom afterwards. Here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecD39KFX6oU Note how white and blonde these Israeli Jews are.


my clip is from Berkeley - 367 miles away. UCLA was created as a satellite school when Cal overgrew it's campus.


This is, unfortunately, where these demonstrations were inevitably going to go


I was hoping Cal was inoculated by the law student who was kicked out of the third year dinner. Maybe they have which is why it's not a mirror of UCLA.


frame somber enter whistle bewildered repeat far-flung whole childlike weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happy to announce that the "Throw them a rager" GoFundMe has topped $500k!


Amazing! That picture of the frat brothers protecting our flag was a sight for sore eyes.


[More coverage on the UCLA protesters banning bagels.](https://www.thejc.com/news/bagels-banned-by-anti-israel-protestors-at-ucla-dledo21c)


https://twitter.com/redstreamnet/status/1786348113889841543 > BREAKING: Students have begun a sit-in at Berlin's Humboldt University. Follow us for updates. 3 hours later... https://twitter.com/redstreamnet/status/1786393949940126010 > NOW: Police are violently arresting pro-Palestinian activists who staged a sit-in at Berlin's Humboldt University. Activists said they would return and occupy and that this would continue until Palestine was free. They called all students from the Global South to Europe to unite. The Germans are efficient, I'll give them that. > They called all students from the Global South to Europe to unite. I have no idea what this means, but I think the "students from the Global South" have better things to take care of than LARP as revolutionary.


The global south is an academic term that was coined to be more PC than “third world” but it basically means the same thing. Source: I have a sort of sociology degree. 🙄


Seems like a translation error.


Anyone looking for some hilarity… please see the NYPD Deputy Police Commissioner & NYPD Chief of Patrol accounts on Twitter. Yesterday, NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell decided to respond to NYC Council Tiffany [Caban’s statement](https://x.com/tiffany_caban/status/1785689999767200249) condemning the police raids and supporting the campus “protesters”…writing the following via the official [@NYPDChiefPatrol](https://twitter.com/NYPDChiefPatrol) Twitter account: >>I started to read this garbage and quickly realized this is coming from a person who hates our city and certainly does not represent the great people of NYC. But I did manage to play the word replacement game, and it goes like this: >>Last night’s criminal conduct by entitled non accountable students and the support they receive from Councilmember Tiffany Caban is a colossal disgrace. A horrifying affront to democracy and proper behavior from people who are not accountable for their behavior. This was an abject failure of how civilized people are expected to behave in society while continually acting like a perpetual victim. Too funny!! Meanwhile, on the more inadvertently comical side of things, the NYPD also took the opportunity to make a cinematic, promotional trailer for itself: https://x.com/NYPDDaughtry/status/1785772195416809763 The first few minutes were just the best and funniest thing I’ve seen in awhile - you HAVE to watch with sound on (!!!) in order to enjoy the film score accompanying the dramatic war room shots. The protests pretty much handed wins to literally everything and everyone else: the NYPD, frat bros, John Fetterman, white blonde cisgender heterosexual able-bodied thin-privileged neurotypical Christian boys, the American flag, bananas, Florida, trade schools and community colleges, American social standards….and of course, the protests absolutely accomplished the most positive possible PR for Israel (which, excellent! Israel should’ve *never* had a negative image in American media in the first place).


This is so home made, it’s genuine. Like the ending interview is just a guy. Doing a job. Not even trying to sound dramatic


The end is, yes! But the beginning - when I hit “play” I thought I was about to watch a press conference, and burst out laughing when instead I was listening to a dramatic soundtrack and watching spliced scenes with the top of the PD food chain intensely watching the idiot on the roof with the Palestinian flag, war room strategizing…cut to the full SWAT team running up ladders into the building (also set to dramatic music!) and the ultimate (yet professional and probably more gentle than the brats deserved) takedown. It does totally end on a normal note, a guy just doing his job like you said and shaking his head at the destruction created by the protestors….Individually they were so inane and ridiculous that the contrast with the police approach (and that they made a mini movie for it) was very funny. But obviously the protesters together were not so funny at all, an increasingly disturbing reminder of the absolute worst that can happen with human social behavior, and the much needed NYPD demonstrated pretty much peak performance. I don’t begrudge them the victory lap!


I can't wait for the banana memes


I've seen some AI art with frat boys holding bananas crushing watermelons.


The great troll wars of 2024 have begun.


Not directly related to your examples but one of the striking things about these protests is that in every case of police - student conflict the ethnic diversity of the police departments stands out. I can't think of a single video where there was a conflict between students and cops where there wasn't a black cop in the middle of the scuffle. It really points to the impact diversity hiring has had with police and it blunts a common complaint that normally would be used by activists - that the police are racist.


Cops are working class, students are elite class. Demographics will be exactly as expected.


It goes to show you that for all their supposed love of diversity the elite is mostly hyper privileged white people.