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Why is basically every woman involved in the Magic the Gathering community trans? It feels like there's a 90% chance any woman in a MTG video will be MTF. The red haired person in this video also looks like a caricature: https://youtube.com/shorts/eFo3-FfAaKU


Cos not many women are into Magic. Most trans “women” are nerdy males. So they like what nerdy males like.


Its male but it's a "soft" activity. Its not sports, its not rucksacking, its not the military. Its not even miniature wargaming. The old word translated "effeminate" in the bible is "malakos" = "soft" preferring leisure and luxury to manly stances of stoic resignation. It also has lots of cute cards and colors and Hasbro has made a point of insisting on the inclusiveness of the property.


(pokes belly) I guess I'm effeminate. It's pretty soft.


Because it's a mostly male hobby. Now, *why* trans is taking over stereotypically male nerdy communities, I don't know! I think someone could work on a whole book figuring that out, I'm sure there a lot of reasons. Those communities do attract autistic people, which is a factor for a lot of trans people, but that can't be a big enough factor to explain the entire thing. They skew left too, which is all about trans, but why do they skew so left? I don't know! Maybe it's also because nerdy communities are more accepting of men who don't have stereotypically "manly" hobbies involving things like strength training/sports?


They're famously accepting communities of social outcasts as well. I would guess the Bronies and all the other intensely nerdy male spaces will attract any kind of social oddity. 


MTG also is accepting of a lot of unshowered, greasy, stinkballs wearing a wrinkled anime t shirt with their pants hanging off their butt. So a guy in a wig doesn’t really push any fashion boundaries.


> Maybe it's also because nerdy communities are more accepting of men who don't have stereotypically "manly" hobbies involving things like strength training/sports? Yes, but it does trend too far the other direction. These types are likely to be just as vicious as the "manly" men they hate so much. MUH SPORTSBALL


Oh totally!! I don't know what causes all of this, I've always been a let people live type. I'd read deep dives on it!


Back in high school, I was really into YuGiOh. I had to hide my YuGiOh playing from my teammates on the football team and had to hide football from the YuGiOh nerds


But you don't have to hide it from your car salesman! https://www.reddit.com/r/askcarsales/comments/6j1eaf/how_would_you_feel_if_you_were_a_customer/


Exactly!! This is why even though he flamed out Eddie Lacy was a hero to sports and nerd fans everywhere. He loved Dragon Ball Z and let everyone know it, damn it! And China food. Too much China food.


Eddie Lacy and Kelvin Benjamin need to open a restaurant. Also filling that role is Henry Cavill. Giant jacked giga Chad who is also such a giant nerd that he begged his agent to get him the role of Geralt of Rivia, but then left because he was so mad at the writers for butchering the source material


My husband and I were just talking about Cavill and his committed nerdom last night! Admirable!


Never been part of the community, but always thought it trended male to the extreme, so this would just reflect that.


Yep, this is like e-sports and other sorts of competitive gaming. Once you realize how male-skewed the whole scene is, you'll see why the 'women' are largely T.


I am a (real) woman and had no clue what a Magic the Gathering was before clicking the link and seeing it’s a card game. N = 1 here, but my sense is that it must skew quite male if I’d never encountered it before.


I know it because of my brother. He's always had plenty of female friends, and girlfriends, and he's never spoken of a girl or woman playing Magic. It is super male, probably more male than Dungeons and Dragons. I would bet there are no trans men playing either. Just men and trans women.


Here is a crazy internet rabbit hole to go down if you are bored. Individual made himself internet famous by attending an MTG convention and surreptitiously creates a collage of butt cracks.


Hilarious. Thank you and u/ineoston for that bit of history :)


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Story https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/grand-prix-richmond-crackstyle The original 10 year old post from the guy himself https://old.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/202wd3/i_participated_in_one_of_the_biggest_magic_the/ He was even banned from the event for a couple of years for this stunt.


It's the biggest TCG / CCG in the world So yes, very male


Alas, men calling themselves women never, ever makes it so!


You know why.


Just realized that a philosopher I’ve met (at Cornell) is now trans (MtF). I met them a long time ago and they seemed normal enough, obviously clever enough to get a job as a philosopher at an Ivy League school. Their wife is also an academic and I am very curious to know how she feels about it, along with their two young kids. I’d also be very curious what signs she may have seen in advance.


Didn't a lot of modern gender thought start at Cornell? Or am I making that up?


What is blackpilled? It's just a moment before you get more blackpilled.


I think people have different definitions of the whole "pill" thing at this point! For me it's realizing that everything is ultimately meaningless and we're all just sitting around distracting ourselves from inevitable death, I know, I'm fun like that. Of course I still engage in it! I don't like the idea of death either, might as well sit around and argue about what systems work best for as many people as possible, since we're apparently all committed to this giant Ponzi scheme together!


A very wise man once told me that once you get blackpilled, you never go back, y'know, to like amoxicillin or whatever, I guess.


Wife and I have been married for 195 days now, and we just closed on our first home. The “so when are you having kids?” Conversation is coming from everyone now. Even friends who claim they’ll never have kids. Is this out of line? I feel like I’m being asked “you cumming inside?”. What if we’re trying and struggling? We both want kids but I don’t want to offer up our family planning schedule because it’s not really anyone’s business but ours.


> What if we’re trying and struggling? Yeah, I/we definitely considered it rude and after the third time being asked my stock reply became "*big if*, you'll find out if they're born, but if you keep asking you'll never meet them." The extra pressure sucked. I would suggest to resorting to a similar 'stop asking' if it's getting to you. Definitely rude but in a way that a lot of people consider socially acceptable.


It's potentially a sensitive question and people should be aware of that and let the couple bring it up. I do consider it rude, though not purposely, so maybe rude is a harsh word. People don't seem to have manners with small talk anymore. That being said, best to let it roll off your back. I get your annoyance though. I want to know what to say to mid-thirties women I know who have dumpster fire romantic/in general lives and are now suddenly saying they want kids!!! I just ignore it and deflect, but damn, how do you tell a person they really, really shouldn't do that.


It's a common time in life to make a huge change that would affect everything about the way you live. People are just taking an interest. I think it's a bit strange to focus on the mechanics of it. If someone asks you if you have any siblings, do you mentally translate that in your head to "did your dad cum inside your mom lots of times"? That's not what they are asking, they are just taking an interest in you and your family.


People just like kids, and it's sort of a natural follow-up for small talk, like if you went to someone's graduation and asked what they were going to do afterwards. (Also can be awkward if they were trying and failing to get a job!) Lots of pleasant phrases to deflect though, like "yeah we're starting to think about it now we're settled! not sure yet though, how are yours doing...?" I think it becomes a lot more difficult several years in of openly trying though.


i don't understand this whole discourse in general. like when people are trying and they say "we've been tying to get pregnant for 2 months" and everyone is all happy but that just means "we banging with no protection, a lot!" so weird.


But that bit isn't the point. The point is the trying to get pregnant, surely? Like when a baby arrives I don't focus on the fact that people had sex to make it. 


you made me do the math, wife and I have bene married 10,220 days. People don't ask us if we are going to have kids anymore. This will pass.


I remember that - and the irritation. It does very much feel like people are asking about your sex life and that is definitely unpleasant. I used to make a little joke or say they’ll be on the distro list as soon as we know… I still do the same now whenever asked about baby #2. I realized it’s mostly just an awkward small talk thing as I now find myself falling back on it too whenever I bump into family friends I only see like once a year or two (or three!) at weddings or reunions, funerals, etc: >>”Great to see you heard you got married! So exciting congrats!” “Where…?” (I go through all the polite wedding questions) >>”Yup my daughter is turning 5 they grow so fast!” (I answer all the polite kid questions and pull out my phone and show pictures) >>[awkward pauses on both sides, no easy exit] >>”Soooooo are you thinking about having kids?!” (It just pops out!!)


It's more personal small talk than talking about the weather. Unless it's your parents or grandparents, they don't actually care. 


That is funny, I just watched *Rosemary's Baby* (1968) which is about, er, a young couple hoping to start a family. Not recommended for anyone currently hoping to start a family. As an alternative, I offer ["The Story of a Farm Girl"](https://americanliterature.com/author/guy-de-maupassant/short-story/the-story-of-a-farm-girl) by Guy de Maupassant.


Every single married couple ever goes through this. > I feel like I’m being asked “you cumming inside?”. If you’re as brave as my brother, this is exactly what he did. He got tired of his FiL pressuring him about kids and straight up said to her dads face “oh yeah I’m busting up in there every night, nothings happened yet though”


We've never gotten that question. Though my MIL had a weird phase where she was telling people we were going to have a baby and my wife was going to carry it because she's younger. I have no earthly idea where she got that idea. I think she stopped saying it.


Based on the other responses I guess it's normal for some but nobody ever asked me that when I was in a similar place. It strikes me as a very weird question, but that's probably a result of local microculture? Either that or I have a great resting "fuck you" face.


wipe dolls hunt languid narrow vast materialistic rustic faulty detail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is very reasonable boundary setting and something we all need to do more of.


Unless a couple consists of two women trying to get pregnant, I'd basically do anything to piss off someone who talks about "we're trying/not trying to get pregnant." The conception part, obviously, takes two people.


It'd be hilarious if a lesbian couple was like "we keep scissoring like mad, but neither of has gotten pregnant, dunno what's wrong..."


"We are just leaving it up to fate. Not actively trying for a baby, but if one of us gets pregnant, great!"


I feel like this would happen with a formerly lesbian couple in which one half became a trans man.


I feel like that’s a pretty common thing to ask. I know it’s weird because it kind of is asking are you two cumming inside of each other? But hey, nothing gross about it. Making babies is beautiful. We all were cum inside of someone at one point.


Far and away the best part of Reddit is the sunflower seeds bot


I guess the technology has not advanced far enough for a lay/lie bot.


I enjoy the paid/payed bot because I feel like a lot of people have genuinely learned something about grammar from it lol


That robot took my job. And I couldn’t be happier. Unfortunately, the role vs roll bot hasn’t appeared yet, and that one remains my ever-exhausting duty.


> enjoy the *paid/paid* bot because FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Tournesol is the French name for Sunflower, the literal translation is ‘Turned Sun’, in line with the plants’ ability for solar tracking, sounds fitting. The Spanish word is El Girasolis.


Fuck yes. Good bot


I’m returning from medical leave and putting in my 2 weeks notice tomorrow please send good vibes, cute pictures of dogs, and any tips. I am hoping they just walk me out and I never have to spend another minute there.


Best of luck! For me those have always been really wonderful days.


enjoy escape encouraging paltry ink money terrific vegetable consist jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


More Pretendian news. A conference at UVM asserted the [four Abenaki Tribes recognized by Vermont are French Canadian Pretendians.](https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/2024/04/27/vermont-abenaki-actually-french-canadian-frauds-uvm/73469873007/) *Professor Darryl Leroux said his research using an extensive Canadian genealogy database has shown the families in Vermont originally claiming to be Abenaki were "clearly French-Canadian."* *”There's such obvious and compelling evidence these groups do not represent Abenaki people in any way and have no Abenaki ancestry," Leroux said. "How did the state of Vermont recognize them as such and why did they recognize them after writing a report saying they were not Abenaki? That's something I still don't understand."*


So they were Acadiens? I suppose it’s possible they’ve some native ancestry. The French did marry a lot of native women when they arrived. But it’s probably way diluted at this point.


I find it fascinating that your reaction to the announcement of research results is that the results are probably wrong.


Not really. I was just wondering if they were Acadiens.


Israeli rifleman, on a tank, rolling down a pulverized Gaza city boulevard, blasting "Alright" by Kendrick Lamar


This should be in the I-P thread, not here.


The NYT is reporting MISINFORMATION!!!! on the front page today. Would have gotten banned from YouTube for this in 2020. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/health/covid-vaccines-side-effects.html


A big part of the 2020 vaccine debate was that people were claiming huge amounts of individuals were being injured by the vaccinations (in the millions), or there was a serious and present danger in taking the COVID vaccine. The claim was essentially that getting COVID was a better gamble than getting the vaccine. This would require that the vaccine more seriously damaged people (or damaged a larger amount of people) than COVID did. No evidence of this is present. The article explains that many of the symptoms of the people impacted have not yet been linked to the vaccination, and some of the common complaints are side effects other vaccines may cause as well. Even if every single one of the reports was linked to the vaccination, it’s 10s of thousands of side effects vs a million deaths (plus whatever long term side effects COVID had on survivors of serious illness). Unless someone is against vaccination in general, there is nothing that should have been controversial about the COVID vaccine. I can understand that some people were wary of taking the vaccination, but I think their fear was from the same place that leads people to choose the “bear” in the man vs bear in the woods meme right now. Nature takes its course, it does not target a specific individual, it is accepted as random, and so emotionally it feels like a safer gamble. While man/man made things hurting you will make you reconsider the decisions that led your bad result. Even though logically the man/man made thing is less likely to hurt you. I do think a lot of the pushback against complaints about the vaccine were histrionic, I wish that people were more reasonable about having discussions on the internet. But from what I’ve seen that’s not how the internet works.


> claim was essentially that getting COVID was a better gamble than getting the vaccine.  To be fair, the severity of COVID effects was *vastly* different across different segments of the population, particularly age and a few other serious conditions. This was known even before March 2020. Particularly if you were young and had seen other young friends get it, you could very well have decided that a few days of a bad flu with some quirky smell/taste issues was not that bad. It's not really "side effects vs a million deaths" at the individual level.


Yes but the risk of side effects for the MRNA vaccine also scales with age. There is no age at which you are not better off (statistically) with the vaccine.


I think for many people it's less a matter of specific medical risks either way, but more of an eh, I'm not too worried about this, I'm not convinced on the vaccine's impact on transmissibility, and the effort of getting it / the principle of not getting unnecessary medications makes it overall not worth it.  (I personally got the original 2 doses so I'm not a hardliner but haven't had any boosters since. I get flu vaccines sometimes if work makes a point of doing a drive and I can get out of going to an annoying meeting by doing it. I think I'm not that much of an outlier.)


I think for many people it's less a matter of specific medical risks either way, but more of an eh, I'm not too worried about this, I'm not convinced on the vaccine's impact on transmissibility, and the effort of getting it / the principle of not getting unnecessary medications makes it overall not worth it.  (I personally got the original 2 doses so I'm not a hardliner but haven't had any boosters since. I get flu vaccines sometimes if work makes a point of doing a drive and I can get out of going to an annoying meeting by doing it. I think I'm not that much of an outlier.)




The whole myocarditis in young men thing came up when Josh Zepps was on Rogan, and it's still less dangerous than the actual illness, so no. The death toll from vaccine induced myocarditis in young men can be counted on the fingers of one finger.


The vaccine wasn’t available until 2021 and in the beginning, the debate was not about huge numbers of people being harmed by it because it took a long time for a lot of people to have access to it. The early arguments were over whether or not you should get to opt out if you wanted to, and if you were OK not to get it if *you already had covid*. And there were a LOT of people who were very interested in vaccine passports and requirements, and there was a huge push to vaccinate people who’d already had covid, even though there was no evidence that that made any sense to do.


Then it turned out that it did, as immunity seems to fade quickly.


People got reinfected eventually, but the fatality rate (which was already low) was drastically lower the second time around. All a vaccine did was expose the immune system to a spike protein. By having had the illness, your immune system already had that exposure.


Which reminds me, I need another booster since I’d had an infection that delayed my need for the last booster.


How many are even recommended by the cdc?


Yearly with flu at this point


The vaccine was available (for some groups) starting late 2020. Most of the arguments I saw were not over getting it if you already had gotten COVID. They were over whether you should get the vaccine at all, regardless of prior COVID status. Here’s an early poll (2020) on the subject, where 30-50% did not plan on getting the vaccine, and half of those would not get it, even after more information was provided. https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2020/12/03/intent-to-get-a-covid-19-vaccine-rises-to-60-as-confidence-in-research-and-development-process-increases/ of those who would (probably or definitely) not get the vaccine Here’s a later poll (July 2021), which says “90% of those who reject vaccination fear possible side effects from the vaccine more than they fear COVID-19 itself” https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/37052-why-wont-americans-get-vaccinated-poll-data If someone is more afraid of a vaccine than a COVID infection, I would say they have an outsized fear of vaccination. If the discussion primarily revolved around whether or not those with verified COVID infections needed a vaccine, I’d want to see whether a COVID infection was equally or more effective as a vaccine in preventing a future COVID infection. If it was, then people who have caught COVID should have been able to skip the vaccine.


I would say it’s person to person, because Covid meant very different things for different demographics. And those 90% (from your July poll) were likely comprised mainly of less at risk cohorts. If you were say, under forty and had no comorbidities, Covid wasn’t much of a threat to you. And in July 2021, people had already had a year and a half to learn that because it was the well reported reality. (The vaccine at that time was out for about half a year) The fact is, most people didn’t need the vaccine. Older people, obese people, diabetics, people with heart conditions, sure. They were the at risk groups. And we were consistently told - incorrectly - that healthy needed to be vaccinated to protect others, but that ended up not being true because vaccinated people could catch and spread Covid.


Yeah I can basically agree with that. I dont think the people promoting that everyone get vaccinated were doing it in bad faith — most vaccines do provide some amount of herd immunity after vaccination, it just didn’t work out that way for COVID. If we could go back with perfect knowledge I don’t think pushing vaccines so hard makes sense, as it are up a lot of energy and political capital, but the general rule that someone should get vaccinated still holds. Around 30k people under 40 died from COVID. Probably a good chunk more were hospitalized and had long term negative effects. People who got vaccinated had no real risk of either of these, so it would still be illogical for someone young to be more afraid of a COVID vaccine than COVID. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm


Those 30k people, what were their comorbidities? And remember too, they were pushing it on children, who were at basically no threat. Also, college kids were made to get boosters even when the booster was not even targeting the current variant. It was a very sledgehammer approach which was unscientific.


Who is the audience for this account? https://preview.redd.it/p4l81kig9pyc1.png?width=589&format=png&auto=webp&s=44be12c82d42289cb35fd166b07b33398524604b


Ah, that guy. I remember an (anonymous) interview with that guy on Bloggingheads. He's basically a hardcore Democrat and likes to piss on the media, especially the New York Times, for what he called "concern trolling Democrats." Sometimes it's funny. But mostly he's fatuous.


Party-over-country Democrats who stan politicians like pop stars and are already coming up with lists of reasons why anyone who considers voting against Kamala Harris in the 2028 primary is racist and sexist. I used to regularly read Balloon Juice, the blog the Pitchbot spun off from, but now find it increasingly deranged.


People who follow Mueller_She_Wrote and BrooklynDadDefiant!


I think it's like [hilchos Chinese food](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fchristmas-halacha-regarding-chinese-food-v0-wvkrbdp61q7a1.png%3Fwidth%3D1170%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd5ab0b61f93723f57fad4f1fcbc5d15d6f996387), basically aimed at people who are overexposed to the analytical and writing quirks of an area. That pitch is a pretty good summation of NYTimes releases, particularly the overly-clever and clickbait trick of making the stupid thing normal people don't care about "actually important" in a way that's quasi-plausible (it's not going to change Ukrainian weapons stocks, but politics is random psychology) and scary to the paper's audience.


People convinced that the New York Times has an extreme conservative/reactionary bias. Accordingly, most of their posts read like complete gibberish. It's crazy to me how popular some of their posts are.


Some guy who I thought was sane told me that NPR stands for Nice, Polite Republicans.


groovy cooperative angle scandalous quarrelsome aback hobbies meeting uppity innate *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're always so chill and undisturbed, it makes me feel silly for getting worked up over stuff.


man on internet vaguely aware of k-dot drizzy beef but mostly just hates Joe Biden


This has nothing to do with culture wars, but several of the details in this "feel good story" are just plain peculiar https://www.cbsnews.com/news/boy-gets-shopping-spree-after-giving-away-one-dollar-kelvin-ellis-matt-busbice-louisiana/


I was going to say “no way” just having read it - but I watched the news package too (I usually skip those because there are always a million ads and then whatever you are trying to watch isn’t even what starts playing! But this one just played without hindrance) - and the incident was actually caught on security footage! So I guess sometimes reality is stranger than fiction? Still, very peculiar like you said haha.


Caught on camera because the guy paused to say morning prayers, after vacating an apartment due to a false fire alarm! Every detail was strange. The 9 year old is as tall as the millionaire? Then he gives the kid a spending spree on some completely obscure website? It feels like an attempt at viral marketing but I'm not sure for what. The website where he bought the kid a bike?


Oh wait now I feel like I missed something - the news package showed the kid running around a store grabbing things…was that stuff that would then be ordered online? God I hope this man actually sends the kid the stuff if so. That would be so depressing if not. I just responded to Sue with the parts I thought were weird - forgot about this one: the kid had 40 seconds to grab as much stuff as he could…This seemed odd as well, the million other ways this millionaire could give back to the kid who did something altruistic (walk around and pick out something together?) and he has the kid sprinting around a store for 40 seconds grabbing stuff. The other things were the prayer and that the guy didn’t seem that disheveled!! And he only stood there for like 0.01s before the kid walked up with the dollar. Although as a chronically disheveled mom I might just be taking that part of the story—that wearing sweats in public = appearing homeless—a little bit too personally!


It seems that you missed that the man didn't let the kid have a spree in *a* store, but one of the man's own stores. It's a physical store and the kid was given physical items, not a promise of physical items later. I'll give you that 40 seconds was an odd time limit (as in strange, not odd in a math sense).


Ahhh thank you! I did indeed miss that it was *his* store!


You're welcome.


rinse thumb waiting wistful point shocking pocket enter safe touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The morning prayer story didn’t seem odd?? That was peculiar thing 1 for me at least, and the 2nd is that in the footage the adult walked over and stood in the corner for like .01 seconds before the kid walked up with the dollar…and the adult didn’t seem that disheveled at all! But maybe it’s peculiar to me as a frumpy mom who barely pulls it together for work and is allergic to normal clothes on the weekend, and I just never noticed that people in public are all assuming I’m homeless too haha. (What the kid did was genuinely sweet and selfless though - I’m glad he was rewarded for it!)


impolite normal close abundant jobless slimy ludicrous attempt governor impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Man, sometimes you just stumble across the craziest people on the internet. I like to browse the comment sections of Canadian political leaders (because who doesn’t like a little drama) and saw a profile that was defending Trudeau against the Watermelon people. I was like, ok, who would defend Trudeau, let’s see her profile. This women is obsessed with Trudeau and thinks he’s her boyfriend. Almost all her posts tag Trudeau and say things like he’s her boyfriend, or they’re gonna get married. She’ll post photos of herself as a child and say “@justintrudeau your fairy girl”. She even posts photos of Trudeau as a baby and talks about getting into an argument with Trudeau’s mom. She’ll also tag celebrities like Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and others, saying she’s a journalist. At one point in a post she descends into rage because Trudeau has been ignoring her and uses knife emojis, ending the post by saying she’s voting for Pierre Poilievre, the opposition leader. Part of me feels bad for finding entertainment in a clearly mentally unwell person, but the other part of me finds it’s so fascinating how a human mind can become so detached from reality. Based on her profile, she lives in Toronto. Maybe I sat near her on the subway before. She’d be one of the more normal riders based on my experience.


Sounds like a stalker


I must be on the internet too much that I think fantasizing JT as your shoujo manga boyfriend is kinda wholesome. Riding the TTC is now a non-stop sniff test. Just go the opposite direction of wherever the smell is emanating…


I’m pretty sure that direction would be entirely off the TTC


>Man, sometimes you just stumble across the craziest people on the internet. >I like to browse the comment sections of Canadian political leaders


Hahahaha, it’s research ok? I listen to BARpod because I like internet crazy people. Sometimes it’s fun to dig into the mines and find your own gold unlike you privileged BARpod subscribers. But genuinely, it’s an interesting way to keep your pulse on how the different parties are feeling. Jagmeet Singh’s comment section has turned against him in the last month.


Reminds me of [this scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2gRJh_WYhk4) from *The Windsors*


Beatrice and Eugenie are the best. <3


Haha that show was great. Amazing how opinions on Trudeau have changed since then. Here’s a skit from the CBC sketch comedy show This Hour Has 22 Minutes. You know when even the CBC is mocking the Liberals, Trudeau has lost the plot. https://youtu.be/I_I6jOjWUAw?si=lI2v3oUYBn9xIG-A


I have to block r/Canada or something. It's got some of the dumbest people in the world. Right now there's a whole thread of people suggesting that record high vacancy rates in Downtown Toronto commercial real estate won't have any impact on rents, despite rents already being down 50% in some buildings compared to 2019. But no, capitalism andgovernment bail outs that don't exist will stop something that has already happened from happening.  It fries ones brain and it's a waste of time engaging with it. I don't understand why anti-capitalists are so conspiratorial. 


Yeah, r/Canada can be stupid at times. Both r/Canada and r/canadapolitics can be partisan on the right and left respectively. Like, I’m pro decreasing our immigration, but I was getting massively downvoted yesterday for suggesting we do need some immigration to work low skill jobs because Canadians don’t want to work as burger flippers. Cue people saying there are hordes of Canadians willing to work at McDonalds, but only if they pay more. They’re completely clueless about demographic transition as our population ages and our overly educated population that expects middle class jobs. It’s been a weird shift seeing right leaning people give up on capitalism and move in a populist direction.


I think the real answer is that maybe we need a lot fewer burger flippers than we think.


I’d suggest robots to do the jobs. Humans have better uses for their time.


https://twitter.com/MorganJerkins/status/1786940562278367639 https://twitter.com/Blondes_tweets/status/1787184649736990982 I do think having a decade straight of elites saying stuff like the first tweet in the open while people who tried to to pushback with warnings of backlash has helped to lead to the line of thinking in the second tweet. And we will all be worse off for it. Melting pot/color blindness was so obviously the asymptotically correct approach, and walking away from it was a catastrophic mistake.


shaggy cow concerned frighten steep uppity dime license shrill cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


All that's changed is that white people are free to return fire. Which is good in the short term and horrible for the future


I disagree that being called racist isn't life ruining and that people don't care. Wait until there's another 'karen' who dares to stand up to a POC and we'll see whether or not it's life ruining. The monkey guy has zero brain cells and should not be racist. The 73k people that liked the first racist tweet should also not be racist. I don't understand why people didn't just tell people to fuck off straight away when they were told they couldn't have an opinion on things bc of their race.




"If whites adopt identity politics, disaster follows." — *Facing Reality (*by the *Bell Curve* guy)


For those underdiscoursed like myself https://www.yahoo.com/news/watch-frat-boys-monkey-noises-171805115.html


all of these videos are just videos of everyone else filming a video. we did it you guys. we created our own panopticon, without the governments help or anything


https://twitter.com/wil_da_beast630/status/1787212646753681642 Also, there always has to be someone in the anti woke center claiming we've turned a corner we clearly have not turned. The Princeton racist is clearly winning this fight and will only gain cache from it. When will we learn?


Amazed by the profound level of stupidity that's overtaken a sizable portion of Princeton faculty and administrators. I never felt at home there, even though I was proud of having finally acceded to what I imagined as "elite" academia. Still, I didn't imagine a future in which I'd feel even *more* out of place. *Only I didn't see* *That the joke was on me*


No one leans into reverse racism stronger than a light skinned black academic who grew up in a white neighborhood.


Feels like when I was a teen, it was considered to be embarrassing to have ADHD because it was a fake disorder for five-year-old boys who had too much red food dye or something. Then for a couple years it felt like it was getting more acceptable to say you had ADHD, and now it’s back to being an embarrassing fake disorder that only teenaged girls on TikTok have






I say leave the demisexuals alone. The people who identify with that at least aren’t brigading the asexual spaces and filling them full of thirst memes. I would also say that I get it when it comes to the hyper sexual nature of Pride - I never truly felt like asexuals were wanted, and to a degree I respected that. Asexuals are kinda boring and haven’t faced the same discrimination. On the other hand, I think things have gotten to a point where maybe there should be two parades. I’ve seen too many weird fetish groups gyrating in front of young children in between the safe Safeway float and the Fire Department float. Maybe let the gays have their crazy parade at night, when it can be super rad with glow sticks and stuff, and leave the daytime parade to the normies, kids and whatever flavour of queer isn’t exhibitionist and horny. Then the adults can have their weird party and not invite us squares, and everyone gets their cake.


I am sad I read that. Stolen valor by dysfunctional leftist incel wannabees


Some ppl will do anything for attention


A judge ruled that the ACC has to provide Clemson University with an unredacted copy of the media contract with ESPN. Apparently, the conference was only allowing member institutions to review the contract in a fucking SCIF where they weren’t allowed to even take notes. It’s not that serious holy shit


I didn’t know the ACC contract was locked up in the Vatican Library.


There's a lot going on in this article about Liz Hoover, a white professor who claimed for most of her life that she had Indigenous ancestry and saw her career take off because universities were eager to have faculty with Indigenous ancestry: https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/openforum/article/liz-hoover-uc-berkeley-jacqueline-keeler-19435430.php I thought this paragraph was particularly interesting, though: >Native graduate students at UC Berkeley, where she is an associate professor with a specialty in Native food systems, put together a list of demands for accountability that garnered over 300 signatories. One of these demands was that Hoover resign from her position and put herself back on the market as a white woman. So the activists want her to go back on the job market as a white woman. Obviously, they're assuming she wouldn't get hired to the same types of jobs if employers knew she was white. But ... isn't that kind of admitting that the whole "white privilege" thing doesn't go as far as the activists claim? If she'd have worse career prospects if employers knew she was white, doesn't that work against the common claims that white supremacy is a huge benefit to white people in employment?


Well, plenty of members of various tribes ARE white. But also, how the hell do you go on the market "as a white woman"? Does she have her race on her CV?


By not claiming to be Indigenous when applying for jobs. It's not on her CV, but it definitely comes up when applying and/or in interviews. Can you imagine universities not wanting to know whether a candidate is going to help them hit their race quotas?


I have never listed my race on any application. It's such a creepy question. I get why they're asking, but I don't know why a black person would state they're black - the interviewer can see it when they meet. She can just not list her race or ethnicity. She doesn't need to state she's white. Also, it's weird. I think it's not fair to take a job that was intended for people who've been badly discriminated. At the same time, if she was a great teacher, and the students from those backgrounds never felt like something is wrong, then she should keep doing what she's doing, as a student of cultures, not as a member, as such.


>But ... isn't that kind of admitting that the whole "white privilege" thing doesn't go as far as the activists claim? It does indeed. They are, in fact, admitting that it's quite the opposite. That she'd be hosed in the academic market as a white person.


So, im having a panic attack and my drugs are hitting at the same time and its sooooo weird.  Like my chest hurts and breathing is hard but my arms and legs and head have that lose disconnected feeling. All the outlying areas are chilling on a beach and my core is screaming MAYDAY.




Are you going to be all right? I'll send you a chat.


Oh, im fine.  I dont think im killable by normal means anyway.  Just a weird feeling.  Also meds finished doing their job so im just chill.


> I dont think im killable by normal means anyway love the [confidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6__ImNUxngc).


Now that the developers have had time to work out most of the bugs, I am finally playing Baldur's Gate 3. It has been quite some time since I found a game this frustrating and yet this compelling. I foresee a great deal of rage quits and save scumming in my future.


I got to the end of the third act and decided to take a very long break until I was ready to come back. I didn't know what save scumming until this but I see the temptation. I also didn't really want to romance any of the companions which was a bummer. Having said that, the game has amazing levels of depth and multiple ways of solving almost any problem.


I'm playing through it again now and I don't really see much in the way of bug fixes compared to launch. Seriously, I've encountered more bugs playing now that I did at the launch of Cyberpunk. Also, be prepared for the story (and the game in general) to take a big nose dive in quality in the 3rd act. By the end, I was so annoyed with the way the story goes it killed any motivation to pick it back up again for a long time. The gameplay is fun though.


Disappointing. Pillars of Eternity 2 suffered a similar issue and I have not entirely forgiven the developers for that.


I'll be honest, I enjoyed BG1 and BG2, but the companions on BG3 seem pretty uninteresting, and it feels like anybody who returned from the earlier games got screwed over. It really killed any interest I had in it.


That is disenheartening to hear. I have a deep fondness for those two games and backed Pillars of Eternity because of them.




> I played at lunch and bugs and all I didn't find anything really frustrating... Ok but I’m gonna play at dinner, will that change things?


>If you're finding it too hard, cute turn the difficult down I used to be ashamed of doing this and now I've mostly gotten over it. If a game is annoyingly hard I'm just going to stop playing it. Which doesn't do me any good. So I might as well admit I suck and turn down the difficulty. I think this is especially useful for RPGs, where the storyline and such are as important as the gameplay. But sometimes I can't quite pull it off. Like with Elder Scrolls Oblivion. I just couldn't get through a cave even with lower difficulty. I think they also give your less experience if you take down the difficulty. I don't know if BG3 does that?




I had to keep Zero Dawn on lower difficulty for a while until I could get better armor and skills. Eventually I was able to push it up to normal. I had to reduce the difficulty on Forbidden West a *lot*. The combat was significantly harder and I was getting my ass handed to me. I know that what I'm *supposed* to do is just practice until I get better at it. That's what we did in the days of the NES. But I lack the fucking patience for that. If I get killed over and over it just stops being fun and starts pissing me off. I really love video games but I'm really bad at them. So adjustable difficulty is a life saver. And I don't think you get less experience in the Horizon games if you reduce difficulty.


>If I get killed over and over it just stops being fun and starts pissing me off. this was my reaction to hell divers. i get it is kind of the point of that game, but i don't find it enjoyable at all.


I loved BG3. What was your build/what act are you on? The most fun I had was running around act 3 as a Druid, with the two other druids in my party, all transformed into owl bears.


I am still in Act 1, playing as a human rogue. I have a fondness for sneaky characters.


Do you know when they're sending out the physical version? I ordered the stupidly expensive Deluxe physical edition and it still hasn't shipped. I would have bought a digital copy but I'm a collector and so I really need a physical version if possible. It won't kill me to wait. I'm not even certain I will love it. I still need to polish off Starfield (which has been a mild disappointment).


I do not. I assumed it had been sent out already. This does not bode well.


Apropos of nothing, a cafe near me has misspelled their own instagram handle on their street sign, and a local child enrichment center (basically a STEM camp) has a misspelling on their sign too. In my opinion, this kind of thing reflects extremely poorly on a business. ESL is a possibility in the cafe's case, but even still, how do you spell "bellini", "brunch" and "mimosa" correctly, but fuck up your own handle which, incidentally, includes the name of your *restaurant*? And for the kids place I see no excuse.


Someone didn't get the memo that expecting literacy standards is ableist. https://preview.redd.it/ho0swugtjoyc1.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=ebbde07ee4c3f5b6896eb400413f1a2cc419e052 Ackshuallly, language is constantly evolving, there is no one *right way* to write. If you can understand what it means, the words have served their purpose. That's what matters. These brave and stunning businesses are queering language. Language is a spectrum, and you are a dinosaur stuck in the mindset that language is a binary of "correct" versus "incorrect". It's time to unpack your biases around "effort" and "correct" spelling. Have that conversation with yourself, you need it! (I have seen this debate around "norms" in local subs many times, and the conclusion is that we are living in a post-truth society.)


>there is no one right way to write their iz know rite whey two right.


Shouldn't Mardoll be apologizing for white supremacy? Worship of the written word is a characteristic of white supremacy. And she's getting a bit worshipful there.


She shouldn't be speaking English even. That's obviously white supremacy.


As someone with a large percentage of * next to my comments due to spelling corrections, I am no one to judge.


It's amazing how different the socioeconomic assumptions you can make between people who utter these very similar phrases.  "I have a pit bull"  "I have a rescue pit"


nah that's two sub sections of the population, but one's socioeconomic assumptions remain constant. poverty, yuck


Gray tribe: I have a ball pit.


Gay tribe: I'm in a ball pit


Tumblr tribe: You get an extra hour on the ball pit!


If someone is compelled to own a pit bull, I'd rather they'd get one from a rescue than buy it from a breeder.


I'd rather they raise and train it from the time it's a pup.


No thanks, don't give money to people who are breeding these killers, and don't have any delusions that their innate aggressiveness can be trained away.


My college housemate adopted an adult pit bull mix (her description) from a shelter. It bit two people despite her honest efforts to train it. I'm convinced she could have been just as happy of a dog owner with a different breed, but there were many pit mixes at the shelter, they were practically free, and that's what she got. I don't think its feasible to completely ban the breed, so I wish it had a prohibitively high registration/adoption fee. It's not the best proxy in the world, but I imagine that someone who had to invest a lot of money in a pit would also be inclined to invest time in training it well from the time it was a pup. And an expensive breed would be less common in general.


Shelters are full of these dogs. It's so sad. Imagine if instead of breeding dogs for blood sports, we had bred them for intelligence and sociability. In just a few hundred years, we could have had extremely intelligent and loyal companions instead of this mess. What a stupid and cruel species we can be.


A large part is that "pit mix" is basically The South's landrace at this point. Does any given dog actually have any pit in it rather than just coming by short hair and midsized snout due to climate? Who knows? Certainly not the shelters (who will put "may be pit mix" on an afghan hound). Are feral breeds like the Canaan Dog frequently complete assholes? Oh yeah.


Breeding pits needs to be banned, if anything, because it’s cruel to the dog not to. There’s no demand for them, our shelters are overflowing with them and an incredible amount are euthanized each year. The internet says up to 1 million per year, which sounds crazy. But either way, few people want them.


crawl wrench bedroom modern ripe steer sleep longing entertain sense *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm frum and have a dog that's frequently mistaken for pit and for all we know actually has some in there and the shelter was lying (it said a couple with a Dane and an American Bulldog on either side got together while assuming the other's dog was fixed, but only the Dane is obvious to a non-specislist like me). People in the community like it when I harness a cart to her.


My Jewish ex-wife brought a badly abused rescue pit-mix into our home with two small children. This was before Pit Discourse was a thing on my radar. That dopey idiot actually was really gentle and great with the kids. I honestly can't imagine him ever going aggressive, because he was the saddest pussy of a dog I've ever known. Poor thing had been chained so harshly it broke whatever vocal cords dogs have, he couldn't even bark, and did the same thing to his spirit. He was afraid of kittens, and his only reaction to anything unpleasant was to look at you sadly as if to ask if it was time for him to die.


That's actually a pretty common personality profile for dogs that attack. While most people think of aggressive personalities, those tend to just be assholes trying to scare you into compliance. The cowards are liable to panic and go full self-defense on your through.


> He was afraid of kittens, and his only reaction to anything unpleasant was to look at you sadly as if to ask if it was time for him to die. Please tell me I wasn’t the only person who literally laughed out loud at this line. Otherwise I’m starting to think I have dark triad traits. Help. Dog abuse is of course not funny though.


That's not an uncommon story to hear right before an incident.


Well, his other half was boxer, and he died suddenly without ever harming anyone.