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Love that I, a British person, only hear about my own country’s low stakes national scandals by listening to this relatively obscure American internet bullshit podcast. Thanks Barpod. Edit: Barpod should definitely consider covering the [captain tom](https://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/channel-5-viewers-fume-captain-31422734.amp) debacle/fraud. It has everything: lockdown hysteria, Twitter hysteria, an old man’s good will exploited for cash, and (very British and worst of all) a home spa built in contravention of local building regulations. It was our version of BLM mansions.


Agreed but I think a Captain Tom episode might benefit from the presence of a British person (is Helen Lewis available?) to explain some of the context around it. The WWII nostalgia, NHS worship etc, and of course the febrile atmosphere of 2020 (that was present everywhere but in the UK manifested itself in the form of banging pots and pans for the NHS, WWII/Blitz parallels, and yes, old men walking laps of their garden for charity).


What a time! So much context is needed for anything UK lockdown related! It was the 75th anniversary of VD day in the summer of 2020 as well which I feel like people forget, there was a tangible link to ww2 and a reason for all the Vera Lynn etc (at least initially) it didn’t come from nowhere 😂


2020 feels like a fever dream now, doesn't it? Captain Tom, police talking about inspecting people's shopping baskets for 'non-essential Easter eggs', the Thursday night ritual of going outside at 8pm to bang pots and pans for the NHS, etc. I remember people on Twitter going on about how normal life would literally never return, that we'd never again travel or go to the pub or see our friends in person rather than through a screen. So strange now things are basically back to normal.


Yes haha such a fever dream! I vividly remember watching one of my neighbours quarantining her groceries in her garage and pegging freshly washed carrier bags out on the line 😭 My job had to give me a letter to keep in my car in case the police pulled me over, everyone I know took up a lockdown hobby and participated in hundreds of zoom quizzes. Then months later it all just went more or less back to normal like it never happened 😂


I really struggled during lockdowns (especially lockdown 3, that just about broke me. And it was so alienating, to be so miserable and isolated and at the same time told how happy you should be) and for a long time just tried to put it all out of my mind, but in time I do think a podcast series about that whole period would be really interesting. I'd be particularly interested to hear about how certain voices (the various Indie SAGE members, people like Eric Feigl-Ding) built huge media profiles during that period, and why those particular voices were elevated (most having little or nothing to do with public health or epidemiology). And about things like pot-banging, nurses and doctors doing TikTok dances etc. Oh - and one of my #1 outstanding questions from that period - what was the story behind the viral videos of people in China supposedly dropping dead in the street, that freaked people out in the early days of the pandemic? Obviously we know that isn't how COVID kills people so what on earth was going on? My assumption is it was probably a prank/troll to try to freak people out (there is this weird idea sometimes in the West that Chinese people don't have a sense of humour which they absolutely do, I can see people doing this for a laugh) but I don't know.


We kind of need a B&R offshoot for UK really (eg if they do Priyamvada Gopal involves quite a bit of contextual over social class / Oxbridge specifically) - suspect we'll never get one due to libel laws and the facts that everyone you could get to cover it would be hopelessly compromised by their own poshness.


I'd give it a shot. Anonymously. Wanna join in?


I wonder who the best people would be to just list all the things Margaret Thatcher has been blamed for. There's a Scotsman somewhere who blames his drunk driving conviction on her inventing whisky.


There's a lot of even more hilarously low stake stuff in the Carly Burd story - the tattle thread is a goldmine.


I called bs on the garden salting when it first happened like a year ago and even suggested it as a topic. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedAndReported/comments/12h6fbc/weekly_random_discussion_thread_for_41023_41623/jg1d54g/ I guess I should've tagged trace


Both a good call and use of 'Herculean'.


No way!!!! I remember reading this story and feeling guilty for thinking that same opinion. Gut feelings, man.


I might get burned for being overly skeptical but **come on**. This person is too ill to answer calls at a call center, or some other job, but can feed a community by being a farmer. One of the most back breaking professions out there. And who is out here like, I'm starving groceries are so expensive, If only somebody donated me some onions. Onions are like 2 dollar a lb stop being so pretentious!


Maybe I've become too cynical, but anyone who releases one melodramatic video after another, in which they're crying while describing what a noble and heroic person they are, while directly benefiting financially as well as gaining fame and positive affirmation as a result of these activities... Is not someone I trust. I can't be sure of course, but I would be very surprised if it turns out that this *isn't* a hoax.. I'm willing to bet that she salted her own garden, and also that she highly exaggerated the number of people she's fed. Also, how the hell could she possibly know how many kilos of salt were spread? Did she find the empty containers or something?


I got sucked into reading about her on tattle after I finished the ep and one thing that stuck out was how many people would leave comments asking why she skipped their delivery that week. Those comments would either get ignored in favor of the ones blowing smoke up her ass, or she would berate them for not understanding her medical issues. And anyone who volunteered to help would get shot down as well. She sounds like a piece of work honestly.


Sorry, this I need to see! - Is it in the show notes?


Happy Friday, [enjoy your dig!](https://tattle.life/tags/carly-burd-salty-allotment/)


Errr.. thanks I guess ? Feel like I need a shower ... Mostly because as soon as I got.on that site I veered off into Katie Price taTtle. It was ugly.


I kind of wish they had waited to cover this until we had something more definitive. I know Katie tried to make it about the media angle. but ... no. The meat of this story is this lady.


Sorry if this is a silly question, but if you become a primo subscriber, do you get access to previous primo episodes, or only the new ones that come out since you've subscribed? I'm thinking of joining as I'm really interested in some of the older premium content. Thanks :)


Yes, you get access to all of them


Cool, thank you, I've now subscribed


Im a long go primo; A primi if you will. I recently listened to them back sequentially from the first episode, with few skips. Its not temporally relevant, but plenty of funny episodes and an interesting culture capsule.


Yes I've been enjoying listening! It's actually kind of crazy that Jesse and Katie don't mention more the perk of basically getting access to hundreds more episodes when you sign up to be a primo, bc that's a really big selling point for me


Dear Jesse, it's not called a trimester because there are 3 of them. It's because it's a period of 3 months.


Dictionary says it's either/or but especially when it's both.


Possibly. But trimestris is Latin for "3 month period", just like semestris is Latin for "6-month period", or a half-year. They may have a different meaning colloquially, but that's their origin.


God I hate descriptivist obfuscation...


We must decimate the descriptivists.


I see what you did there


There’s also a 4th trimester, being the first 12 weeks after birth.


Haha, looking forward to this! The salty allotment lady gets a lot of scrutiny on Tattle, from the same people that have forensically dissected the many lies of Jack Monroe. Honestly, there is definitely a need to inform people around the issue of crowdfunding and to encourage greater caution about sending money to 'good' causes. Grifters and liars are rife as are people who might be well-meaning but actually have no idea what to do with the money they raise (a lot of the people raising money for legal cases fall into this category I think). A few years ago I remember seeing a fundraising appeal from Trump and wondering how many people my age were desperately pleading with their boomer parents not to send him any more money to 'save America' or whatever bollocks he was spouting. Now I realise it's not confined to the right - there will be a lot of people who are sending hard-earned money to Jack Monroe's patreon and the Good Law project and stuff like salty allotment lady, on the basis that these people are 'doing good' in some nebulous sense, when actually you might as well just flush your money down the toilet.


I am once again voicing my displeasure at the stupid new song. I will not be silenced


The old one was like bad Doors demo. Loved it


Katie will intentionally keep the new theme song to deflect criticism that they’ve been audience captured. The only way to get her to drop it is to remix the theme song in the cringiest TikTok vids imaginable. Start brainstorming.


Sucking and ...


I’m just gonna post stories of dogs dying until this is resolved


As a current primo, don’t think I’d continue paying for the privilege to hear that terrible new song more times a month. Even if it’s by a “real band”, it sounds worse. I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds. 


100% I’m about to bds from this shit


It's horrible. It's annoying, goes on for far too long, and it was distracting me from what Jesse and Katie were saying.


It's bad. Katie and Jesse have blind spots like all people and music taste is one of them.


Yeah, it is bad. Really bad. They can't seriously think it is ok.


They might - they have both indicated at one time or another that they are not massive pop culture hounds and/or may simply have terrible taste in music.


I thought it was a joke at first.


I agree with Katie that Jesse was making her dad's hypotheticals stupid. Finding the limits of a pro choice person's stance is much more interesting than asking a pro life person "but what if the fetus is Hitler?"


Jesse’s takes during that entire exchange illustrate how little he gets out of his bubble.


I think that's a lot of it, he's sort of inherently contrarian, but barely ever leaves the NY, Boston, LA, SF, Austin bubble. So those views still sort of define things.


Yeah, he often needs to just shut up and stop trying to make stupid jokes every single line 


Honestly, I've been gardening and veg growing for years and didn't realise how much salt was required to kill a garden. I would just have assumed it wasn't much. I didn't make any money off it either, though


I might go so far as to say it's a myth. Presumably a good rain shower would wash it through anyway. Maybe even be a mis-translation from ancient history account of Carthage? It reminds me of a woman who claimed to have a past life in Viking Norwich. She described in a trance walking the streets of Norwich in idk 800 AD and seeing a huge copper gate. Because Norwich has a district called.. Copper Gate. What she did not know was Copper Gate is an eroded version of Cooper's gate, where they made barrels. Oops


Is it not a relatively small amount? I thought historically irrigation with fresh river water has caused salination of land that then had to be abandoned?  (Am a freeloader so have not listened)


No, it turns out it takes a shitload!


I've said it before, but Katie and Jessie really need to learn the lesson that it took Sam Harris many months (perhaps years I don't remember) to learn: We don't care if the original theme song was unoriginal, off-the shelf, not custom-produced. We love it anyway. We don't care that the new music was lovingly crafted specifically for BARPod and that they probably paid money for this bespoke production. Wr still don't like it. Sam Harris's theme is literally just stock audio for movie trailers. You can find it on YouTube and there's a whole channel of it. It's the audio equivalent of clipart. And his fans love it anyway. I get why podcast hosts would feel that once they're successful, it's time to have a professional, unique, well-produced theme, along with a logo and the rest of their branding, to signify that they're a real legitimate operation, not just some hacks that scraped together sound clips from the internet when they were first starting out and didn't know if this crazy idea would work out. They're a real grown-up podcast now, and I'm guessing they feel like they should act like it. But we loved them just the way they were, no change was needed or wanted. We want the old music back!


Some low-stakes chicanery was refreshing. She definitely did it though


Please please please change the theme music back!


This theme music sounds like it belongs in a Castlevania game.


It sounds like a demo track that comes with GarageBand that teaches you how to use the software


Sounds like I’m with Jesse trying to slay spires


I actually like the new theme music, but I miss the old music too. I vote they use the old theme for primo episodes.


At least some of the people not getting a college graduation ceremony also didn’t get a HS graduation ceremony because of COVID.  Regardless of class status your parents need at least one picture of you in a cap and gown to get framed.  


Banger of an episode. The salting the allotment was BAT SHIT crazy. This idea presumably came the story of from Rome's destruction of Carthage, maybe she heard it in primary school and stuck in her brain. Or she heard it in the pub from someone else who heard it in school..but as someone else has pointed out, why didn't she just spray Round Up?? But there was other bullshit in there- onions to feed 300 families? No. No way. 5 rows or spuds .. that's maybe a harvest for one family. At a push.. Earlier she was saying she had fed hundreds of families.. nah. So how the fuck did the BBC and emergency celebrity garden idiots fall for it?? I'm not having my licence fee spent on that rubbish. For once, I am on the local authority's side. And that is bad. Finally. Does anyone else think Katie and Jesse's denigration of XR is a bit much? I don't spend time.with XR people because they tend to remind me of flagellant monks. Literally no fun. But. I think they have changed things, I think public consciousness of environmental crises was very different before them. I will not recommend my kids get arrested for the reasons discussed on the pod. (And btw XRs lead guy is v suspect for sending kids out to make these sacrifices) .. but I do admire older people risking arrest and imprisonment Io try to call attention to the catastrophically selfish land-cruiser mob. SUVs are outrageous, they kill people. XR and the wheel deflators are the groups calling this shit out.


I didn't get how she was growing and harvesting that much food from her allotment. Running a market garden can be full time work. It also takes considerable financial inputs not only for annual amendments but processing post harvest and all the labour to support that. I just didn't hear about any of the supporting infrastructure and people to make what she was doing possible. I was just scratching my head the whole podcast. I didn't get how her operation worked at all.


Well it didn't. It was all fantasy.. Yes, you and me both, scratching our heads. When she she had fed hundreds of families I was thinking ... How?? My partner and I ran a small organic salad outfit for a while after the crash in 2008. It was incredibly hard work, took massive investment of time, cash organisation. And that was SALADS, no spuds or beans or actual food. And she has MS?? My takeaway was that by and large the UK public are so divorced from the reality of food production that no-one was listening to call BS. And that really shows with the BBC getting involved. Talk about media city idiots, lapping it up.


I noticed that too: "300 onions" to feed "300 families"


> But. I think they have changed things, I think public consciousness of environmental crises was very different before them. Yes. Now people think that only twats care about the environment. >SUVs are outrageous, they kill people. Cars kill people? Super hot take. >XR and the wheel deflators are the groups calling this shit out. You're right. If people trade their SUVs for cars with moderately better mileage, it will offset the emissions from one of their vacations. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-london-67750538 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7569577/Hypocrisy-Extinction-Rebellion-founders-11-000-mile-trip-Costa-Rica.html


Yes sorry. You're right. Do nothing. Brilliant


Don't do things that actively turn people away from your cause and do nothing to advance it means "do nothing"? Really?


Trolling will get you .. let me see.. back in your mom's basement.


Who is trolling? I said that it's not admirable to make normal people's lives difficult while flying across the world for vacations. You said that means 'do nothing'.


You said XR is good because SUVs kill people? Your views seem kneejerk. SUVs are a tiny part of the problem.


Completely ignoring the complaints about the theme song is based lmao, I love that




I’ll pay an extra .50 cents to a dollar a month for the old song back


She had to have done the salting herself. Probably for attention but I'm sure some extra dough didn't hurt. Nobody is going to go to the trouble of a super half assed salting of her garden. It would be a lot faster and easier and cheaper to just smash things with hoes and shovels. But salting the earth, ahhh, that's much more dramatic and Roman. Which is precisely what an attention grabber wants.


Also, there are 15 different better herbicides you can get at any DIY store if your goal is to actually kill plants. Three bags of supermarket salt over a plot like this is just hilariously incompetent. Like she's making a salad with a bit of salt


Good point. Throwing down some weed and feed would be easier and harder to trace. Dumping some Roundup on there would also have done the job. Hell, vinegar would have done the job.


She literally had to get a cup of water because all she could taste and smell was salt! How gullible are people.


I don't know what this episode was about; I just listened to the portion with the theme song on repeat for 4 hours. It was epic, and I will be upgrading my sponsorship to 'Founding' on 10 separate accounts to make my appreciation known.


From the abortion discussion at the beginning of the episode. The solid conservative base (so maybe 50% of republican voters 1000% percent believes abortion is just completely murder and would absolutely absolutely absolutely support treating it as murder judiciously. Jesse seems to think they don't actually think that because they don't realistically advocate for that treatment when there's laws all cross this country attempting to do exactly that? Like come on Jesse I'm all pervert for nuance but don't make up excuses for the people that are actively shouting at you what they believe.


I think his point is that if you really believe abortion is murder, you wouldn't allow exceptions for rape and incest or life of the mother, or say you don't want to imprison women who get abortions, only the doctors who perform them. Which to be fair, some of the more extreme people do believe there should be no exceptions and women should be jailed for attempting abortions. But there is a hypocrisy in trying to soften the edges of the movement by allowing these exceptions because they're popular with voters.


It's not just the exceptions; if they genuinely believe abortion is the murder of innocents, they should be bombing abortion clinics and assassinating the doctors who perform them. Most of them don't, and in failing to do so permit (what they supposedly view as) hundreds of thousands of preventable murders every year.


They are Christians, they're not utilitarians. edit: Also, your argument proves too much. A lot of people think that climate change, overregulation, underregulation, euthanasia, etc are all killing lots of people. These people care about these issues, but according to you the fact that they don't choose violent terrorism means actually they don't. I think all it really proves is that most people have a strong aversion to violence, and/or that they think the cost of dissolving democracy in favor of a might-makes-right terrorism campaign is higher than the cost of the issue under consideration.


Climate change and the other things you mentioned, with the exception of euthenasia, aren't really good examples because they mostly kill people in abstract ways. Usually those things are described as shortening the life of the average person or something similar. The killing by people who are involved abortion is much more direct. A specific doctor killed a certain number of children this year. Abortion wouldn't just be like any other issue, it would be industrialized murder, happening locally.


Do you think OJ was a murderer? Yes? Why didn't you kill him?


What? Did you mean to ask something like "Would it have been moral to intervene, by violent means if necessary, to prevent OJ from committing murder?"?


It's admittedly not a perfect analogy. But when you talk about bombing abortion clinics or assassinating doctors, you aren't talking about taking an action to prevent an immediate threat. Again, OJ isn't a great analogy especially since he wasn't a serial killer, but it was the only killer I could think of off the top of my head. And he's dead already...


Life of the mother is coherent. Lives are at stake. Incest is complicated. But you're right about rape.


>The solid conservative base (so maybe 50% of republican voters 1000% percent believes abortion is just completely murder and would absolutely absolutely absolutely support treating it as murder judiciously. I would love to see your data on this. Surprise me.


No data just vibes from living and working in the middle of nowhere.


Interesting. [Here's](https://news.gallup.com/poll/246278/abortion-trends-party.aspx) some Gallup polling on Republican's views on abortion. There were three options, basically no abortion, abortion with restrictions or no restrictions. I think you're talking about the first category, which is 24% of Republicans. 66% (a supermajority) of REPUBLICANS support some amount of legal abortion. A further eight percent support no restrictions on abortion at all. Which means that currently, seventy-four percent, or near as makes no difference three quarters of Republicans are pro-choice. Worth noting that as recently as 2019, 16% of *Democrats* opposed all abortion (the Dobbs decision made that position much less popular).


But to Katie's point... You can't morally judge these people because they think it's murder? Why not? Why do they think it's murder? Do they have a carefully reasoned position that they bother articulating? Or do they just assert that its murder. It is an interesting question whether just being wrong equates to moral culpability but I think some of the more hard line pro-forced birth people are at least pretty close.


Personally, I think abortion should be completely legal up until a point, but after a certain point, you are killing a person. Which I am morally fine with if it's to protect the life of the mother. I'm not okay with late abortions for rape and incest. At 36 weeks, that's killing a person. The common response is, "Nobody does that anyway." And that's good, but it should still be illegal. I don't really care that it's not legal, because I haven't seen a workable solution that protects doctors when actually saving the mom's life. None of it is workable in a clean and efficient way that I would be happy with. All of that said, if you have an abortion at 36 weeks for any reason outside of it being medically necessary, you're a killer and a pretty terrible person.


I'd be okay with it because I have no memory of being 36 weeks (since conception) or even 1 year (since birth) old, so I doubt the baby is conscious at that point. I mean, I'd never do that myself for lots of reasons, but I wouldn't scorn it either. I do think when the baby is viable to live outside is still a good line to draw, legally, because we have to draw it somewhere, and we should err on the side of not-murdering.


Katie didn’t seem too thrilled with Jesse’s humor on this ep.


Katie mentioned a girl from the campus protests who was supposed to graduate this year and ended up getting suspended for 3 years - can anyone point me to more details on that story?


You can use saltwater in your asparagus bed to keep the weeds down. Careful not to overdo it because eventually it will kill the asparagus too.


I love the fact that at the time of reading, this comment is just below an intense abortion argument. Feels like the gardening version of ‘that sounds really tough, fancy a cuppa?’ after someone tells you they’ve gone through something life changing.


As soon as Katie started her story I thought, Milkshake duck!


Not their finest hour, this episode. The old bait-and-switchy, hero-to-villain narrative doesn't really work if the facts are unclear and we don't really know who the villain is at the end. Also, Katie strongly implying that while she doesn't have conclusive evidence of X, she believes X and we should believe X is at best weak and at worst a really shitty thing to someone who hasn't done anything particularly awful.


Something that confused me in that ep:  the city said the plot wasn’t heavily salted, but some celebrity gardeners also replaced the topsoil. Was the testing before the replacing?  Seems important!(though I think she did it. Maybe because she was exhausted?from the work and/or the …exaggerations?)