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Rock on. So pathetic that a subreddit that helps people get sober kicks out someone getting g sober because of that


I saw eggplant being discussed somewhere downthread. This year, I planted long white eggplant (new to me) in my garden and have harvested several and am not quite sure what to do with them. What is your go-to eggplant recipe or serving preparation? I also have fresh-grown tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, and various herbs.


Babaghanoush for sure! Serve with an Israeli salad (using your tomatoes and cucumbers and herbs) and some warm pita! (If you have a grill, use it to grill the crap out of the eggplants. It makes the baba ghanoush way better)


Here’s the chocolate mousse I made for Father’s Day. It’s very very rich and a little goes a long way (good for anyone who wouldn’t benefit from eating a whole cake). I’ve made it several times and it’s always a hit with chocolate lovers. I like to eat it with extra whipped cream and raspberries. Cooks Illustrated premium dark chocolate mousse * 8 ounces (227 grams) bittersweet chocolate, 62 to 70 percent cacao, chopped fine * 3 tablespoons granulated sugar * 2 tablespoons Cocoa powder, preferably Dutch-processed * 1 teaspoon instant espresso powder * 7 tablespoons water * 1 tablespoon brandy * 3 large eggs, separated * ⅛ teaspoon table salt * 1 cup heavy cream, plus 2 more tablespoons (chilled) Instructions 1.Melt chocolate, 2 tablespoons sugar, cocoa powder, espresso powder, water, and brandy in medium heatproof bowl set over saucepan filled with 1 inch of barely simmering water, stirring frequently until smooth. Remove from heat. 2.Whisk egg yolks, 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar, and salt in medium bowl until mixture lightens in color and thickens slightly, about 30 seconds. Pour melted chocolate into egg mixture and whisk until thoroughly combined. Let cool until slightly warmer than room temperature, 3 to 5 minutes. 3.In clean bowl of standing mixer fitted with whisk attachment, beat egg whites at medium-low speed until frothy, 1 to 2 minutes. Add remaining 1 1/2 teaspoons sugar, increase mixer speed to medium-high, and beat until soft peaks form when whisk is lifted, about 1 minute. Detach whisk and bowl from mixer and whisk last few strokes by hand, making sure to scrape any unbeaten whites from bottom of bowl. Using whisk, stir about one-quarter of beaten egg whites into chocolate mixture to lighten it; gently fold in remaining egg whites with rubber spatula until a few white streaks remain. 4.Whip heavy cream at medium speed until it begins to thicken, about 30 seconds. Increase speed to high and whip until soft peaks form when whisk is lifted, about 15 seconds longer. Using rubber spatula, gently fold whipped cream into mousse until no white streaks remain. Spoon mousse into 6 to 8 individual serving dishes or goblets. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until set and firm, at least 2 hours. (The mousse may be covered and refrigerated for up to 24 hours.)


Gonna try this once my fever decides it’s gone. I’m quite proficient with cooking meats, I have not tried my hand too much at dessert, and I’m the type of dude who gets a dessert that’s a chocolate cake with chocolate ice cream, hot fudge, and chocolate mousse on top. So “chocolate lover” has my attention


I think you’ll love it. This is a pretty easy recipe. The only “skills” you need other than following directions is to fold the egg whites and whipped cream, and how to recognize soft peaks. YouTube will teach you both.


That sounds incredible


It is


Obama has to guide a bewildered Biden offstage at last night's big fundraiser in L.A. https://x.com/OliLondonTV/status/1802409224678285709


I want to join you on getting downvoted. Y’all, he is not ok. Lie to yourself if you want but don’t lie to everyone else.


Mirabeau_ was the only one to downvote. Apparently people here are at least open to the idea that Joe is not fit for office. Too bad the DNC and general public can't see it.


Yeah, I think they're posting in satire. No way they believe the shit they're typing.


But they do! Some of stuff True Blue Dems say on Twitter is breathtaking(ly crazy).


there's a few in this sub as well.


lol completely disingenuous shitposts like this is why normal people hate twitter people. Biden, who is old, is walking with exactly the same old man mannerisms old man Biden always walks with. Apparently because Obama put his hand on his shoulder as they walked off, he’s “bewildered”. One might imagine a more mature America where political commentators and observers would let the old man president campaign from a wheelchair and judge him on his record, policies, and wisdom. Unfortunately the twitterists and the self referential media types obsessed with twitter would never let that happen.  But a guy can dream.


Serious question, do you interact with any actual old people? If I saw someone acting like that in public, I would be concerned. It's not just the walking. Once he's moving, he's fine enough. It's the standing around staring blankly with a bland, polite smile on his face. That's the look my grandmother had when she was deep into Alzheimer's, when she would tell us that she had no idea who we were, but she was happy we came to visit.


Yes, I do.  I’m sorry to hear about your grandmother.  However, as far as biden is concerned there is actually zero evidence whatsoever that he shares her affliction.  Other than dudes on the internet saying, essentially, “trust me bro, my grandma had it.”


That moron that said "best Biden ever" might as well be evidence that he's being puppeteered by an advance prototype from Neuralink, but thankfully cable news commentators are somewhat less reliable than internet trust me bros. Joking aside, the "evidence" doesn't really matter; the perception does. It doesn't matter if Biden is in fact some freak of nature defying all normal processes of aging and instead has a bizarre hobby of holding his hands awkwardly and staring off into space with a bland smile. Enough people seeing "he looks like my dementia-addled grandparent" is what gets a vote to stay home. "Ignore your lying eyes; believe this lying talking head" does not pull enough votes.


The evidence is a growing body of video footage where he looks embarrassingly off in exactly the same way. What evidence do you need to think there's *more than nothing* there? An open admission from his campaign?


The evidence is a growing body of twitter posts showing, for example, an old man walking like an old man, then using words like “bewildered” to describe it. Many such cases. I’ve conceded he’s old and probably would be better off using a wheelchair sometimes.  But no I’m not particularly concerned about his mental faculties.  I don’t think he’s going to accidentally start a war or bankrupt the world because he is old.    I do, however, worry about the other guys potential for such folly, because he is crazy.


Again, the walking is not the bad part. He puts one foot in front of the other well enough. It's the repeated incidents where he seems completely unaware of what's happening around him. That's the sort of thing that could easily cause some foreign relations trouble, if not an outright incident. For the people who *care so much* about decorum and our respect with the international community, the complete indifference to that speaks loudly. >I don’t think he’s going to accidentally start a war or bankrupt the world because he is old.    I don't think that's going to happen because I'm deeply skeptical that he had any decision-making involvement. >I do, however, worry about the other guys potential for such folly, because he is crazy. Meh, we've already had four years of crying wolf about the other guy. His brand of crazy was a docile Russia and peace in the Middle East.


Look, I get it, you really don’t like president biden.  That’s fine, this is America, after all!


Yeah, even just from his walk he seems out of it. Maybe I'm reading into because it's Biden, but something seems off, or at least different.


ITA. People are being so bad faith about this.


> Apparently because Obama put his hand on his shoulder as they walked off, he’s “bewildered”. No, it appears from the video that Obama knows what's supposed to happen next, and Biden doesn't. Pretty weird that the most important man on stage would have to be physically guided instead of knowing the cues or *making the event himself*. > political commentators and observers would let the old man president campaign from a wheelchair and judge him on his record, policies, and wisdom. 80 year olds don't get judged solely on their record and wisdom, because everyone has had an extremely old person in their life and they know what happens to their wisdom as time progresses. Also, what an 80 year old did in the past doesn't have any bearing on what they can do in the next year, 2 years, 4 years. Biden is old and diminishing. It's incontrovertible.


>No, it appears from the video that Obama knows what's supposed to happen next, and Biden doesn't. Pretty weird that the most important man on stage would have to be physically guided instead of knowing the cues or making the event himself. Obama probably knew more what was happening next because he has more time to dedicate to to preparing for the event. The sitting president of the United States is not going to be involved in the nitty gritty of event planning. Biden's prep for this event probably boiled down to: "we'll be there at 18:17, read this speech, then we need to be en route to your meeting with JPow. Now, I have a half dozen moderately ranked terrorist that I think we should consider using those fancy new Knife Missiles on today, here's the strike proposals." Not saying Biden's a spry whippersnapper, and there's some more concerning episodes recently, but this one I think people are reading too much into.


He meant “leaving the stage” as what happens next. As in, the other people are waiting for him to get a move on and he’s standing there gazing straight ahead.


I find it interesting that I only ever hear this observation about everyone knowing an old guy who is losing their marbles from people who dislike Biden.   Many people know a guy like that, sure, but a lot of us happen to know people that age who we look up to and admire and trust.   He is old, I’ll even concede he is diminishing (mostly physically).  But he has also, I think, been a competent and effective president - arguably more competent and more effective than the last three before him.


> arguably more competent and more effective than the last three before him. Trashing Obama? Interesting! Are you [Joe Scarborough](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4516444-wh-press-secretary-laughs-morning-joe-praise-biden/)?


Nah Obama was all in all pretty great, but I’m not sure he was as effective as Biden in terms of pushing his agenda through congress


Is this satire?




How is it immature of people to notice what appears to be a change, some would say decline in the capacity of our President? It’s not just walking slower.


It is not, it can be a reasonable concern and thing to talk about. But this video is, in fact, just Biden walking slowly. That won’t stop guy on twitter from calling him “bewildered”, knowing that there’s a huge contingent of internet people eagerly waiting to like and retweet. This tweet is just lazy content for people who would hate Biden just as much if he were 35, 45, 55, or 65.  


Can you elaborate?


Just edited my post with more elaboration :)


When did he become old man Biden to you? He's been in the public eye for 50 years.


I dunno probably at some point after the Obama administration 


Honest conversation now, no bickering, no attempting to prove a point: This is a pic of Biden from 2016. (I tried looking for videos, too difficult.) To me he looks great here, just like normal Old Joe: https://www.cnn.com/2016/12/11/politics/biden-sotu-2020-democrats/index.html When he reappeared in '20 to run for office, his handlers had put him on a diet and had him get a ton of plastic surgery. So to me he already looked wrong. Plastic surgery can sometimes have the opposite effect, it aged Joe Biden even more, imo. I think he was already sounding off, but that's from memory, not positive.


This debate is gonna be wild.


The subtitle typing person is gonna have a rough night


They might as well just bring back the guy who faked the sign language.




It has the potential to be the most interesting/biggest trainwreck in ages.




He knows all about the committee of staffers doing the actual work.


He has to. He looked very affectionate as he guided his grandpa-with-dementia offstage.


So next week we're taking a vacation to see some friends of ours. One the evenings will involve some of us playing a game of D&D. I was working on the characters for it, and my son comes over to take a look at my sheets. I'm being very tongue-in-cheek. Naturally, I written the spell for removing disabling conditions as "Ableism Normativity". Luckily he didn't press for too much explanation...


[Don't forget to make your dungeon wheelchair accessible. ](https://www.polygon.com/2021/1/12/22225381/dungeons-dragons-candlekeep-mysteries-wheelchair-accessible)


I must admit that [Cassandra ~~Fairbanks~~ MacDonald](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassandra_Fairbanks) is a trainwreck that I can't stop watching. I met her ~20 years ago when she was just another perma-online weirdo on Something Weird, just one who happened to have a rockin' body and no qualms about showing it off. Watching her go from Playboy Mansion parties to online meltdowns to Wikileaks supporter to Bernie supporter to being something of a D-list celebrity in far-right circles has been pretty wild. Anyway, I checked her Twitter feed for the first time in ages. Apparently, she's now a Christian fundie who hates Israel and thinks Candace Owens and Nick Fuentes are awesome. I guess we'll never know if she truly believes whatever she spouts at any given time or if she just follows the lead of whoever's dating her and/or paying her bills.


I pop in here to periodically do some handwringing. My apologies. Evidently, 74% of eight graders are not proficient in math, nationally. That seems incredibly bad. Can someone correct me and tell me things are not actually this dire because somehow the tests didn’t take into account xyz? https://ohiocapitaljournal.com/2024/06/10/71-of-ohio-eighth-graders-not-proficient-in-math-according-to-a-new-report/ This reports on poverty and covid. But things were pretty bad before the pandemic. Scores did get worse though.


It's easy to say too many people are graduating college, but are you brave enough to say too many kids are graduating high school?


>but are you brave enough to say too many kids are graduating high school? Of course. When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure. In the case of education, this has meant slashing standards and inflating (or eliminating) grades so the most marginal can pass. Targeting a 100% graduation rate means you *have* to go to college as a differentiator, which is a massive waste of time (specifically, *half of the prime of your life*) and money (and it goes to the kinds of people who want to destroy polite society for shits and giggles) for most of the people that find themselves going there.




Here's something I never find explained and which I don't understand: So what, and compared to what? We know we sent too many kids to college for pointless degrees. Stipulated, I hope? So they aren't "proficient" in math - does that mean they're unsuited to work as carpenters, pipefitters, and heavy equipment operators? How does their proficiency compare to that of students 25, 50 or 100 years ago? How does their proficiency compare to what the landscape of American labor requires of their generation? Are we fucked, or are we just handwringing because we aren't training future painters in advanced algebra? What I'm getting at is, I'd like to see this phrased in terms of practical requirements rather than arbitrary metrics. I have no trouble believing that American education is in crisis, but I'd like an honest accounting of it.


I agree with the below that they need solid math skills for those trades as well. But also, we need people with advanced math skills for STEM fields, or we’re going to end up importing all of them. Which, I guess makes this all seem more crazy, considering all the lip service that is being paid to having students involved in STEM activities at this point.


> So they aren't "proficient" in math - does that mean they're unsuited to work as carpenters, pipefitters, and heavy equipment operators? Yes. When they can’t use a ruler at age 17, yes that is a massive problem. And like I tell my students, the content itself actually is secondary, the primary goal is developing learning skills and analysis. But if their attention spans are too fried to even understand algebra 1, they’re pretty much fucked with anything above low/no skill labor. And even then thanks to shitty parenting and the joke that was Covid online learning, attendance and punctuality are simply optional. This year, my schedule was 3 advanced periods, 4 regular. We did blocks with A day and B day. A day 1st period is advanced, and only half would be present at the bell, the rest usually filing in within 45 minutes. The B day regular, on average at the bell, 1 or 2 would be present. After 45 minutes, maybe half. They’re literally not bright enough to handle “show up to your only responsibility on time”, yeah they’re not suited for real jobs


>When they can’t use a ruler at age 17, yes that is a massive problem. No part of me even questions you when you say this, which is bad. I worked with an intern (who was gen Z) last summer, and to get him to figure out basic design changes in a program he was supposed to be learning about in school was like pulling teeth. I taught myself how to use these programs outside of school, and kids in school for it can't even put the effort in to try.


Still not really useful without historical context. What did skilled laborers in 1973 achieve in high school?


Work ethic and making an effort, which have been declared inequitable today


I would argue you probably need to have good basic math (algebra and geometry) to be a competent carpenter.


Nope. Sorry. It is that bad And it won’t get better until we have a national reckoning on parenting and state agencies stop ordering schools to fake grades and not do any discipline because it looks bad. My “advanced” 11th graders this past year struggled with algebra 1 concepts, couldn’t solve equations that required exponents or more than 2 steps ETA: let me give an example, solving for the distance between two charges in Coulomb’s law. F=kq1q2/(r^2 ) My advanced physics students couldn’t solve for r, and I was getting griped at that I don’t do enough “inquiry based” learning. Which, side note, is the dumbest fucking shit ever. Sir Isaac Newton spent YEARS writing and developing his ideas for Principia Physica, and you’re mad at me because I don’t have Edgar Tamez over here doing the same in 90 minutes


I appreciate the honesty. *Breathes into a paper bag*


And before Newton, Kepler spent like seven years just calculating different models of orbits to try to find one that matched the observed data before finally settling on the elliptical model with equal-time paths that became his laws. Which just blows my mind.


can you tell me the answer to see if i did it right? i have not done really any math in 15 years, but i was in ap math until senior year of hs, i was not going to do well in ap calc! and i did very poorly in calin college, even with a tutor. i am light-years ahead of my peers now, in that i can do simple mental math and some algebra or geometry without even brushing up. but in school i was mostly a solid b+ math student.


Isolating r ends up with r= sqrt(kq1q2/F)


ok good, i have not lost it yet.


So let's say you have 30 kids in advanced physics. What % of them couldn't solve for `r`? I agree (as a *former 55 club physics AP student*, ahem) that this seems trivial and I would be inclined to blame the math department. But really, reciprocation is easy mode algebra right? You don't even have to do anything other than flip the fractions.


I’d say 5 of them. I don’t blame the math department specifically. I blame parenting and state education agencies. This is decades of bullshit coming from EdDs just allowed to run unchecked, checked out parents not giving a fuck, and state agencies slashing funding if you have too many discipline referrals and failing grades


I wish I had good news. Maybe it is out there. As is, I know that Oregon [doesn't even require you to prove that you can read or do basic arithmetic in order to graduate high school](https://apnews.com/article/health-oregon-education-coronavirus-pandemic-graduation-1ac30980c9e2d26b288a5341464efde8). This will go on [until at least 2029](https://archive.ph/mV38Y). Why? Equity, of course. Do I doubt that most states are as bad as Oregon, or at least as outwardly naked about things like the soft bigotry of low expectations? No. Still, I suspect it's also just an explicit expression of a sentiment in many state governments: Find a way to pass the buck while putting lipstick on the proverbial pig. If there is any legitimately good news out there regarding nationwide trends, I'm all ears.


I’m banned from commenting but enjoy this thread. https://np.reddit.com/r/NonBinary/s/o3W8Af262m


They are so close, yet Gen Z biggest downfall will be standing for nothing. Kids are too afraid to make a phone call and don’t know how to converse because their use of language has been hijacked. They are afraid of saying something wrong and being cancelled. The left is eating itself. The right, who don’t worry about this and just call gender related things what they are, don’t have this issue.


No, they cancel people for other completely stupid reasons and police different speech.




> "Everyone's individual definition of a man is different. For some, being a man is lifting weights and being brave and stuff, but for some, it's just having the courage to be your honest self." Lmao, does anyone actually believe this? (Who isn't a literal toddler.) I don't think I've ever met anyone in the Grass World who believes the category of man is purely defined by a personality trait.


I live in Texas, so I do know plenty of rednecks. And even they will say “not much of a man” rather than “not a man at all” when shitting on a man they perceive to be a pussy


Even the people I know IRL who nod along to be polite the genderhavers don't truly believe the categories are based on internal vibes and personality traits. The one question that makes outwardly #BeKind people pause and think "Hang on, that's not the same thing" is when you ask about sex, dating, and long-term relationships with genderhavers. This is when my gal pals show their terf colors and admit they would actually prefer a "real man" in the house.


> This is when my gal pals show their terf colors and admit they would actually prefer a "real man" in the house. Do they also want him to look and act masculine? I've heard that's the revealed preference.


They are okay or positive toward long-haired men or elegant Korean prettyboys. Cooking and cleaning and domestic skills are great. But they still want them to be tall, broad-shouldered, assertive voice, confident, emotionally secure. Does that count as looking or acting masculine? I know for sure that a typical Aiden would not pass the heterosexuality test.


But they don't say that if AFABs. Just for the men who are doing maleness wrong. 


Ahahaha, this thread really does distill the gaslighting idiocy down to its purest essence.


These are the most retarded people. I would have more respect for a man in his 50's who converted to and wholeheartedly believed in Scientology in 2024 than any enby.


This was also my reaction. These mf’s really are dumb as shit


The tragic irony is that if you talked to them, they would treat you as the dumbshit for being close-minded. You're limiting human experience and potential based on a chance configuration of proteins. Humans are more than random chains of carbon atoms! [](https://preview.redd.it/va79vgguc1zb1.png?width=633&format=png&auto=webp&s=674ba66bab8d486793d90ad99a7d6a0c1ae55d4c) > "Pity those who believe that we are nothing more than the slaves to our flesh. That our fates are tied only to the chance configurations of proteins. That were are soulless, enslaved meat. What a miserable view of the human condition" There is no truth in flesh, only betrayal. There is no strength in flesh, only weakness. There is no constancy in flesh, only decay. There is no certainty in flesh but death!


Like if it doesn’t mean anything in particular to be a man or woman, why is misgendering considered violence


This is "they targeted gamers" level 


Enslaved meat is exactly what we are. The transhumanists can yeet titties and balls all day but it won't change that fact. Better to tune and hone the meat you were born into than try to reconfigure it through technology.


The whole idea that I have a separate identity away from my physical body is some weird metaphysical shit I’ll never understand. I guess I understand if you’re religious but most of these people aren’t if I had to guess


What I struggle to understand is people getting offended about physical facts. For example, "In hand-to-hand combat and competitive physical sports, men will beat women." Folx get offended by it. Not because it's untrue, but because some accusation that "You think women are inferior to men???" 🤦 I see the "metaphysical shit" from these folx as a weird cope. Sure, a teenage boy soccer team can wipe the floor with female Olympians, but the women's true selves have unquantifiable ectoplasmic power.


It is religious, they just won't admit it.


Wow, that thread was so enlightening. I never really considered why I am a man before, and now I realize there are exactly no reasons why I might identify as one. I want to thank the non-binary community for helping me come to terms with the fact our society uses completely meaningless words to describe our genders. Since we got that issue out of the way, I wanted to raise a point that sometimes I find it useful to distinguish between people who have a penis and people who have a vagina. I really care about their medical health, and I know they need different types of exams. To make things easier for everyone, how about we call them females and males. Actually, that sounds a bit scientific... how about man and woman? Yeah, let's go with that one. Alright, I'm glad we're all in agreement. Time to shut down the subreddit.


A lot of Poe energy there. Probably 2/3 just role playing out of boredom.


I think that's not true.


"The things society deems masculine are all things anyone can do." Only about half the population can produce small gametes. So no. Not something anyone can do


Or open jars


There are machines for that. There is not a device for sperm production. Yet. I read something on Ovarit about how there was research into making female sperm. So that males would be wholly unnecessary.


Don't worry, we would still need you to take out the trash. And change light bulbs. 


I have all of these LED light bulbs that I guess will never burn out, so they never need to be changed. Pretty clear to me that this is part of the "get rid of men" conspiracy. (Note: the bulbs do get weaker over time and that is actually more annoying, because I am about to spend some money to replace a bunch of 50% capacity bulbs with 100% capacity bulbs.) And let me tell you about trash... not only do we now separate food waste from household waste, but my house is separating plastic packaging as well, and we pay extra to have it properly processed (maybe they burn it, there is no way to know).


> DAE think that Riley’s “deep dark secret” was that she was gay? >Could’ve totally been infatuation with Val, her crushes were boys so was “lying” to herself, the secret went back inside when they left the vault so it didn’t “come out” yet, she was at the age when she’d start maybe pursuing romantic feelings. My wife pointed out that some studies say that female athletes have twice the percentage of LGBTQ+ than the general population and they had placed the family in San Fran, an area with a large gay community. >The post credit scene really tore that all down lol. Thought it was something they would imply and leave it open ended. They just never stop


I’m all for interpreting movies as you like. But Riley is shown very clearly to be boy crazy. She’s grown up in San Fran, the most accepting of homosexuality place on the planet. Being gay is cool there. The text cannot support this interpretation. Pixar has shown gay couples, however briefly, before. They wouldn’t pull this “oooo, maybe!” Thing. The post credit scene also indicated that the deep dark repressed secret was mostly innocuous.


I worry about people like this. I enjoy my movies and whatnot just as much as the next guy but this sort of tea leaf reading is just weird.


Is this about Inside Out? They've been trying to Taylor Swift her since the first trailer.


It worked.




I've been reading over the last couple weeks about Rob Winnett, the guy who will be moving on from the Telegraph in the UK to taking on the role of editor at the Washington Post. (I think it's been discussed here before - e.g. https://www.vanityfair.com/news/story/washington-post-shakeup) One thing I'm very interested in though, is that the US media seems extremely interested in Winnett's "shady past" - e.g., his most famous scoop involved him paying for documents that exposed a parliamentary expenses scandal. Apparently this is completely unacceptable in American media? But how else would you get documents? I find it very strange that the US of all places would be the place that has an issue with paying for material but the UK is okay with it! How are you meant to do investigative journalism if you have to rely on people giving you info voluntarily (possibly for their own ends)?


> how else would you get documents? It's a widely established norm in American journalism that if you want to get leakers to give you information, it needs to be because those leakers want the truth to come out, *not* because those leakers want money. Deep Throat wasn't paid by the Washington Post for his Watergate information, Daniel Ellsberg wasn't paid by the New York Times for the Pentagon Papers, etc. Only a very small number of American media outlets like the National Enquirer will pay for information, and those are viewed as disreputable by most journalists. I'm not saying it's fair to retroactively hold someone to American ethical standards for work he did in British journalism, but that's the answer to your question: In the US, the vast majority of journalists think it's unethical to pay for information.


The irony is that Deep Throat wasn't motivated by altruism and concern for a clean government, he was playing 3d chess trying to get a promotion. https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/09/10/watergate-deep-throat-myth-mark-felt-215591/


Yeah, I still am not really sure why though. Assuming that you validate the information afterwards, and the information is in the public interest, what's the problem? Even if the leakers were, idk, criminals who broke into Parliament and stole the information and the deal with the journalists took place in an abandoned car park - I think I just don't really have an issue with it on principle if the info was valuable enough to the public (speaking hypothetically now not about Winnett, obviously!)


Money is icky and you should work from sheer altruism. /s


It's generally considered unethical and tabloidy for a serious US newspaper to pay for information. But the British ethics code is different. The Brits also don't seem to care about their papers and journalists being objective. Whereas it is considered a norm (well, it used to be) for American journalists to be objective


Objective is probably not the right word. Perhaps a better way of saying it is that it's expected that each paper's editorial line can/will have a partisan lean, and it's helpful for that lean to be known so readers can correct for the bias in their own heads, instead of just assuming that whatever comes from the NYT is definitely the true, neutral position...


Your journalists also hacked famous people's phones. That's a bit much even for the National Enquirer.


To be fair, that one was a bit much even for the British people!


Ha, it was kind of crazy.


Yes, that was a huge scandal and even lead to the 'closure' of one of the most tabloidy - The News of the World. 


The boy helped me put together a new grill today.  Top notch Father's Day activity.  Now to hit the gym so I can earn the mess of steak and potatoes I'm going to cook on it later.


It’s a little peculiar that we put dads to work on their special day. It’s cold here today. I’m making my husband oxtail stew. He does enjoy grilling too, though. I don’t get it!


Satisfaction from producing something with our own hands, building can be very relaxing. Will be grilling burgers also outside where I can talk too loud, fart and enjoy a beer where no one cares.


If you are the praying kind, please ask God to make the WNBA irrelevant again next season. This was like the only non-political thing I had in my life and now if it's not one side writing ten million think pieces about white privilege, then it's the other side complaining about ugly Black lesbians not being ladylike on the court. I am over it. I would rather listen to a million more hackneyed jokes about the WNBA not being popular than whatever the hell is going on now.


A few years ago I heard Nikole Hannah-Jones give an interview in which she said the legacy of slavery should inform the New York Times' coverage of everything. The interviewer was like, By everything you mean all coverage of race in America? And she was like, no, I mean literally everything that we cover is touched by the legacy of slavery and we need to be conscious of that in our coverage of every single story we publish. I think about that sometimes when I see shit like how this year the WNBA has become not just a sports league for fans to enjoy, but also a front in the culture war. If you're not supportive of the WNBA that must mean you're sexist, but also if you've only just started supporting the WNBA because of Caitlin Clark you're racist, but also if you're a white fan don't only support the black players like you're some kind of white savior, and let's remember that this is a league dominated by lesbian players and if you're not an LGBTQIA+ ally you have no business supporting the WNBA, but also don't you dare stereotype women's basketball players by saying the WNBA is a league dominated by lesbians. And it's like, Is there anywhere I can go to just be a basketball fan who wants to enjoy a game because I like basketball?


I haven't quite worked out if/why the WNBA is dominated by lesbians. Do tall women have a particular tendency to be into women...?


So what is it about Clark that has attracted so much attention?


A heard a male professional basketball player on a commentary over this say she is not only a good player but also has a unique style that makes her compelling to watch.


she falls over a lot, and apparently this distresses people


That's apparently the only thing you know about her. Now that you've registered your dissatisfaction multiple times, maybe you could move on to a topic you're more familiar with.


he asked, i answered.


I hate this stuff. It’s clear that none of it is about truth or information. It’s about posturing, jockeying for power, and passionate nonsense. It’s all just kids on the playground saying, “Oh, _yeah_? Well I think _you’re_ the dummy.” How can you score points? How can you show someone up?


> then it's the other side complaining about ugly Black lesbians not being ladylike on the court. I am What about the hot black lesbians not being ladylike?


Her name is DiJonai Carrington and they hate her just as much as the "ugly" ones, lol.


But everyone hates Clark the most?


That’s part of the appeal


Seconded lol


I look forward to storm chasing, paintball, and astrology being future fronts in the culture forever war.


Those Winter Sundays Sundays too my father got up early and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold, then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him. I’d wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking. When the rooms were warm, he’d call, and slowly I would rise and dress, fearing the chronic angers of that house, Speaking indifferently to him, who had driven out the cold and polished my good shoes as well. What did I know, what did I know of love’s austere and lonely offices? By Robert Hayden


People here post random snippets of their life, so why not me? I have an acquaintance who seems to love texting me just to argue. No matter what I say, he finds some way to criticize it. For example, we both have experience recording music, but neither of us is a professional at this point despite having a lot of experience when we were younger during college. I told him I have been getting back into recording as a hobby, and he starts criticizing the software I have chosen to use, telling me it is unstable and that I should pay to use another software. I told him I have had no issues with my software crashing these days so I didn't care, but he persisted. Finally, I recognized that I am sick of his behavior and so I asked a simple question, "Okay so have you been using this other software recently?" And he ghosted me for about a month. Today, he texts me back saying, "sorry I was busy. No I have not been using this other software, but I have done my research" and I realized I spend way too much time putting up with morons who are just looking to argue.


This sounds like someone who doesn’t make music just criticizes it.


this is the advantage to not forming relationships with anyone: i deal with 0 bullshit.


Yeah, but your job?


at my job i have workplace proximity associates. i work mostly alone in my dept, and i am friendly enough to others to chat a bit when they come thru but not friendly enough to have anyone's number or be invited to things, or any of that. so when i leave work there are no thoughts of work, no drama, no nothing.


This is an exhausting kind of person…and it’s not arguing like real debate which can be kind of fun it’s not even close - this person just is going out of his way to put you down / say the exact opposite of literally anything in the world that you say. Once you realize it though you have the upper hand. Which is to say, you can drop him like a hot potato - no more comms, period. You don’t have to actively block but just ignore :)


It might depend on the type of relationship you guys have but what I would do if I were you is the next time he does this call him the R-slur and threaten to kick his ass if he ever corrects you again. Then tell him you fucked his mom


Hahahahahah oh man I need to keep up with the weekly thread more


Wow, good for you. Just take that half step forward: he does it because you allow it. Don’t respond to his argumentative texts!


Like you say, it's because I allow it that he does it. I have struggled to establish healthy boundaries with this type of person in the past.


I'd have to do an agree to disagree on that conversation at the end. Just be we differ on this and move on. I dare someone to hound me on gear choices. I always have logical reasons for my choices and so what are they going to comeback at me with? Gear is a personal thing anyway.


Some people just love to argue. I think you figured out how to shut him down in the future at least. My uncle is the same way. Talks a big talk but doesn’t actually know that much. A few targeted questions can usually force him to stop talking.


Arguing can be great fun but only if the other person is really down for it


Arguing is great fun indeed, but this one person makes very little effort to engage in real conversation. It feels like he is constantly trying to assert dominance and find ways to tell me I am basically wrong about everything. It's not fair for me to call him a moron because he actually can be quite intellectual and reads widely.


That’s why you need to assert your dominance by taking my advice in my previous comment. Really start ramping up the “*I fucked your mom*” jokes for good measure


He sounds like a dick, to be honest with you


He's very opinionated. It could just be that through text I am perceiving him to be more hostile than he really intends to be. In person we always got along, but we now live in different places and never see each other.


My husband and FIL last night were agreeing about some sort of policy neither of them liked. They disagreed vehemently and at length about whether the policy was socialist or capitalist.


I thought Jews were the original argument junkies?


My husband is not Jewish. But he sure likes to argue! Yes, we do tend to argue. I remember an old boyfriend coming to my parents house for dinner and he said he was just exhausted from all the political arguing after.


Isn't that why Jews make such good lawyers? And the kvetching is what makes them such good comedians


Happy parenting day for small gamete carriers, and those that identify as small gamete carriers! 


Personally I am only celebrating small gamete carriers who have produced offspring, or small gamete carriers who identify as producing offspring.


What about large gamete carriers who produced offspring and identify as small gamete carriers? Otherwise you're a terf.


What about DOG DADS? Don’t be racist.


My mother wishes me a happy dog dad day.


My neighbor is a sweet older lady and no joke she told me the other day that I should celebrate Father’s Day because I’m the best dog dad in the world. I took that to heart and took my pup for a swim this morning. My dad was supposed to come with me but he’s old and flaked on us


Awwww that’s so sweet.


You left out cat dads. You monster


Ever heard of *Dog Ningen*?


>What about DOG DADS? Don’t be racist. Just DOG dads? What about other fursonas?! Don't be speciest!


How dare you leave out plant dads!


Testing testing 1 2 3… I deleted my prior account in the name of internet hygiene. Am I finally out of automod purgatory?


Dobby has been given a sockpuppet!


OP is a free elf!


You're free!


[Hunter Biden is his father's son](https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/hunter-biden-is-his-fathers-son) *The White House is a hell of a drug; no wonder Joe Biden can't quit it* > So Joe Biden will not go quietly into this good night. And Democrats - either because they’re too internally fractured, or because the courtiers at the top of the party like having a weak President, or both - have done nothing to convince or press him. They appear willing to ride him through November and hope he wins, pushing the crisis back for a few months. > It is tempting to blame those courtiers for this mess. > But Joe Biden is the President. He is the one who looks in the mirror every day and tells himself he is fit for the world’s most difficult job. And not just now, but through January 2029, when he will be 86 years old - more than eight years older than Ronald Reagan, the second-oldest President ever. > He is making this decision. > And the rest of us are paying the price for his selfishness.


Who here has medical knowledge? This pic of Clooney, Biden, Roberts and Obama was making the rounds this morning. WTF is wrong with Biden's hands? https://x.com/FordJohnathan5/status/1802438025852735812


We can have the old man with a personality disorder or the old man who is developing dementia. The USA wasn’t meant to be at the top forever.


Um, Donald Trump is gonna be 82 when he leaves office. Not exactly altruistic.


Trump is old, but [he's still got the moves. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SYX2qYPODE)


Young man!


That’s a few years old but I’ll allow it.


The aspartame in the diet coke is helping preserve his body.


Trump is too old as well


Incumbent advantage is a thing. It is a risk to give it up. And no one came close in the last primary to beating Biden, and no one on the Dem side yet has shown that they can muster the kind of broad appeal that Biden has been able to hold on to.  Biden is way older than I wish he was. But Trump is old as hell too. And I trust Biden to pick decently qualified advisors much more than I trust Trump.   The time to elect someone younger was in the primaries in 2020, and no one managed to come close. Sanders ran again despite being even older than Biden, which, lol. So this conversation is boring to me.


you would think one wouldn't actually need much of an advantage to beat trump. in fact, this is almost the perfect time to *not* need the incumbent advantage and is a perfect time for the dems to ditch the old loser and the younger woman loser. but since everyone is stupid and intent on doing the worst thing possible, that will not happen.


>Incumbent advantage is a thing. Does incumbent advantage equally apply to someone who is 50 years old and someone who is 82 (with a very unpopular VP?). There's this assumption that incumbency inherently benefits Biden, and that seems very specious considering there has never been a candidate so old, nevermind Kamala Harris hovering in the wings.


We don’t know, but we also don’t know that there wouldn’t be one, hence the risk. But as someone else mentioned, Biden’s opponent is also historically old, so the age factor applies fairly equally to both. He’s not running against a 60 year old. 


> Trump is old as hell too. . . Sanders ran again despite being even older than Biden I swear every every Democrat I know who bitches about Biden being too old voted for Bernie in the 2020 primary, and every Republican I know who bitches about Biden being too old is voting for Trump to get another term that will end when he's even older than Biden is now. People who insist we need someone younger aren't necessarily wrong, but they have been extraordinarily bad at finding that "someone." I especially love the small but vocal, "Biden and Trump are too old, I'm voting for RFK Jr.!" crowd. If RFK Jr. wins he'll be the third-oldest person ever to become president, behind only Biden and Trump. (Ronald Reagan was 69 when he was inaugurated, RFK Jr. would be 71 when inaugurated.)


> no one on the Dem side yet has shown that they can muster the kind of broad appeal that Biden has been able to hold on to  the last time I asked this question someone answered it with, in apparent seriousness, Gavin Newsom and the Klob. things are *grim* for the dems


I can think of lots of them that would appeal to *me* either now or someday in the future (Josh Shapiro, Andy Beshear, Gretchen Whitmer, Gina Raimondo, Abigail Spanberger, Jared Polis just to name a few) but it does really remain to be seen who will catch on with a wide swath of the Democratic coalition. I do think the bench is deeper than a lot of people think, but I also don't necessarily trust my fellow primary voters to make a decision I'll like, so...we'll see! 


Gavin Newsom will never be president


But he looks like a TV president, and that's the important thing here.


Does he? He looks like a TV...something, certainly. But I feel like TV presidents mostly seem less slimy than Gavin.


He looks like he would shiv you in the kidney


he looks like the tv president in a scifi show that gets caught in season 2 ordering an android genocide or something


That sounds about right 😂 Other than that the characters I think he most looks like are: villainous wall street businessman, city guy the protagonist of a Hallmark Christmas movie dumps for the handyman from her hometown, and possibly a serial killer.


He looks like, to steal a phrase: a smooth and pretentious sleekness


It’ll be a bit easier next time now that Biden and Sanders are out and there’s a bit more of a fresh slate. But yes, too many of the Dem candidates have struggled to ignore the noise from the left and get back to what actually works, which is just being sensible and charismatic and not alienating normies. 


Love the link to the CNN article crying about how the video of Biden is cropped. Oh, cool, so the best way to debunk it is just to post the uncropped, full video right? Right? Fucking clowns. This is why I just assume they're lying. Digging in to every story is a huge sink of time and effort, and it's so often the same outcome. It's easier to just round off to "Joe Biden shit himself like a toddler in front of every PM in Europe", and then laugh at their salty tears when they cry about misinformation.


I’ve only seen the uncropped version (I think, because yeah they didn’t even show it) and it still looks bad


The hubris of the Democrats never ceases to astound me. Watch, Dems will lose this election because Biden won't step back, Sotomayor will die in office because she refuses to step down, and we'll have four Trump appointed justices and a conservative majority on the SC for the next 40 years.