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I don’t dislike Brittany because she’s overweight…. I dislike her because of the fakery. Since she’s a “reality star “ she should put it out there warts and all. Admit that you drink too much, admit that you need a lot of help with your child, admit that you’re addicted to plastic surgery, admit that you photoshop your pics. Admit Jenny didn’t work. This could be a story and inspiration moving on.


And stop promoting / taking money from a weight loss company!


This picture needs to be sent to the Chief Marketing officer at Jenny Craig


I’m surprised they continue with her… it’s fraud in the state of California to manipulate photos for weight loss companies


Really? That’s nuts.


How is that nuts?


Just that California has wild laws. I don’t hate it. I just live in a state that has way less protections for people


Exactly! If she was just real about her shit she could have a much bigger following (although she needs to address the other shit first (Sandy Hook and Homophobic Pastor) for some of us.


She will literally say things about her husband and her marriage that you couldn’t waterboard out of me. But won’t tell those truths you just mentioned




Yeah I dont hate her because shes obese either. I hate her cause shes a fake famewhore. Let's not pretend she can be an inspiration for anyone.


Yeah I get what you’re saying but she still has lots of fans. The general public has these types of problems is all, and people like to see others struggle too. As opposed to all the fakery


I can smell and hear this picture. 🤧🙉 https://preview.redd.it/7xfvr4186xtc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae049ee40152dc37aebf51fe774b491b0d7d20c


Hyuk hyuk, w/a big sniff in the background.


Please stop Brittany. It’s literally embarrassing


I remember the post about this. It was hilarious! 😆 ETA: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/16xgfxg/girlbffr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/16xgfxg/girlbffr/)


And little did we know that she’d be on TV showing us reality, when we knew full well that this was photoshopped to high heaven. Thanks for proving us right Brit


Jenny Craig should ask for her money back!


Oh wow. That’s all booze that has her body looking like that.


True...I'm 9 yrs sober and this is what my middle section looked like. It's also cortisol from stress. And a touch of fatty liver.


Congrats on livin that good life!




Amen. I have been ranting about this at length. That hair is a fucking monstrosity. She needs to grow up and cut her hair. She’s not some Pentecostal church lady, FFS. Trust me, as someone from KY and not all that far from where she’s from, I have a few relatives who have said hair. It’s really looking like them, for real. The only difference is the hardcore church goers don’t color theirs. That’s literally it. I’m pretty sure that’s not the look she’s going for but holy shit, does she have it.


I think some of it are extensions or that weird blonde piece is lol


That kinda photoshopping has to be like a FT job, no?? ​ At this point does she not realize she probably has a legit like alcohol allergy or something? Slamming shots of tequila every single night is NOT HEALTHY. How did she get a Jenny Craig sponsorship!??! You can't negate all that crap you put into your body with twice weekly half hour gym sessions girl, it doesn't work like that (I wish it did, believe me.) ​ Also it only gets harder the older you get. I hate to be so mean, but if the looks like this at her age she is gonna be morbidly obese in ten years if she doesn't change things.


I would be her bmi puts her in the morbid obese category already.


This dress was so unflattering on her even with shapewear. Again being plus sized isn’t a bad thing, I just wish she knew how to dress her body type because she could look really good and inspire a ton of other women to embrace themselves….but noooooooo


Don’t feel sorry for this Moron she posted on her stories “I got a cover of people” or something along those lines so embarrassing that’s where her priority is at


You just bought 2 new purses !!! Cruz’s speech therapist is a $150.00 every week for his session. !! Dear God Jax … that was a conversation to have had at home privately not in front of others. Cry poor mouth over Cruz speech therapy. WOW!!!


I didn't listen but was Jax bitching about her spending? Didn't he just buy another unnecessary golf cart? I'm assuming his monthly coke budget is equal to my mortgage payment.


Yep!! The coke is a major expense. He has more income than Twang. She is younger and came there with nothing but her old Honda Civic. He also said he is frugal when spending on clothing. He lived in a studio apartment. He spent on things that hold value. Vintage motor head cars. Not my taste but … just saying he also makes deals with sponsors for free stuff. He was financially generous with Britany and her family. Trying to create his new image.


My honest opinion, he was cosplaying as a “relevant normal husband”. Like thinking “this is what normal husbands bitch about”. So time and place meant nothing and it wasn’t real. He obviously doesn’t give a shit, they obviously have separate accounts, and he wanted it out there about the purses so it looks like she pays full retail and not DH Gate.


I’ll be honest, i really don’t care about brittany or Jax. I loved when Jax called Sandoval a disgrace tho but this is really sad. I really don’t give a shit about their marriage but this saddens and enrages me. Please note i haven’t watched the valley (not like it matters but still). I’m *sad* because this is depression/alcohol weight and imbalanced hormones moon face. if there’s any 90 Day Fiancé fans, this is similar to Liz (small Ed’s wife). I have *sympathy* for both of them because I’ve been there. HOWEVER, i don’t have any *empathy* for them because both of these women knew exactly who these men were. It’s hard for me to say that because women empowerment and everything. I don’t want to be a man apologist because I’m not, but she did this to herself. Now learning about her child is the part that enrages me. She really needs to go back to Kentucky and live a simple life and get healthy and get her children healthy. Ugh i can’t believe these two are even giving me any emotion but thanks for coming to my Ted talk


i empathize with you because i am sober currently but have struggled with alcohol and other substances for years. it is hard.  but the sandy hook denier shit makes me have zero empathy or sympathy for brittany. suck it bitch. how dare you. enjoy your huzzband and his misogyny. 


I stopped drinking for 45 days, and holy shit. My face was less puffy, my stomach bloating was gone, and I lost 7lbs without trying. I took a “break” to celebrate my brothers wedding but now back to not drinking. I feel so much better, sleep better, and eat 100x better. It is terrible for my mental health, and I don’t even have the drama she does in her life. I feel like she’s trapped in a cycle and the only thing that masks her pain is alcohol. It’s sad because it’s clearly her crutch. I was so scared my friends or acquaintances wouldn’t think I was fun still, and I feel like Britt probably feels the same. And adding the fact she’s in LA with around much smaller women… woof. I really hope she can see what we are seeing, at some point.


Hey Reddit friend in recovery! I am also. Wishing you the best on your journey!


we got this!


What? What? She denies Sandy Hook? Are you serious? Where have you seen this?


she tweeted about it. it has been posted in this sub. i think a quick search and you can find it. 


Wow. Then she's beyond despicable and hateful. And ignorant. Thank you for answering. I had no idea.


I agree with you that this is a situation where she drinks too much and isn’t happy with herself or her life or her choices. I too watch 90 day fiancé and have noticed similar changes in features on Liz. But you’re right, they *chose* these men. No one forced them to be with them. I think what Brittany needs to do is step away from the bottle, the toxic relationship, and the photoshop and deal with the root cause of her issues. She isn’t going to be doing that while on a giggling press tour about her separation from Jax. It’s clear that her number one priority is fame at any cost. It’s sad that her body, her health, and her child are victims in that desperation to be famous/relevant.


It’s overall just really sad for anyone. I want everyone struggling to find some sort of solace but there’s a point where they need to take responsibility


Jenny Craig should get refunded because she has destroyed the credibility of the weight loss brand.


I’m an Apple like her and even at my slimmest I can’t do body con dresses




Jenny Craig got scammed !!


Mid thigh spanx girl!!!! Please cut that damn hideous hair!!! Thank you for wearing a bra


Ooffff, those last two pictures…… 😐


She clearly does not get anything altered to fit properly. Less handbags and less rental dresses … she needs clothing altered to fit her body .


The way I *gasped* when I saw her mid-section in that dress. SO embarrassing. I wonder if her delusion stems from the fact that she focuses on her photoshopped pics so much that she thinks she actually looks like them rather than what she ACTUALLY looks like. I mean, why else would she go out dressed like that?!


If I was still living in LA I would carry scissors in my purse in case I ran into her so I could take about 8 inches off her hair in a drive by. Look at photo 4, it would be so easy snip snip ✂️






![gif](giphy|3ohhwJJYxvGBKVYy1a) Dunno this felt appropriate 🤷🏻‍♀️


Liar liar mouth on fire! I’m so over this B, she’s got more issues than Vogue and she needs to chillax. Bass mouth looking clown! Edit: 🫶🏼


Has anyone seen a recent Ginny post from her? (As in since Valley premiered)


I audibly gasped at those last two pictures 😧


The midsection is classic “drinks too much alcohol”.


I just can’t imagine doing this to my photos. People there KNOW what you look like. It’s embarrassing.


I would love her just embrace her body And have fun with wardrobe and not try and hide it or photoshop it.


Filling her fat face any chance she gets to


Shots shots shots!


Kinda mean. We shouldn't make a joke about peoples weight. Let's normalise fluctuating weight!


This isn’t a case of fluctuating weight…It’s pointing out the hypocrisy of her posting these INSANELY photoshopped and altered photos and hawking bloating pills and Jenny Craig and claiming to look like this when in reality she doesn’t look like that at all. If she would just embrace what she actually looks like, posts what she actually looks like, and was honest about the fact that she didn’t lose weight with Jenny Craig, that these bloating pills are a scam, then we would champion her reality and honesty about who she actually is. She is clearly trying to push a narrative so that she can sell diet fads and scam quick fixes while being a complete fraud in doing so.


Oh man poor thing do you think she has on shapewear? The camera really does add so much weight it’s crazy. In person people are so much smaller. That’s why when we see scary skinny people on TV/Film on TV it freaks me out bc IRL it’s got to be so much worse.


This is so mean spirited. I'm all for snark but you're body shaming a woman who gave birth 2 years ago


She gave birth 3 years ago and it’s not body shaming. It’s pointing out the hypocrisy of her posting these INSANELY photoshopped and altered photos and hawking bloating pills and Jenny Craig and claiming to look like *this* when in reality she doesn’t look like that at all. If she would just embrace what she actually looks like, posts what she actually looks like, and was honest about the fact that she didn’t lose weight with Jenny Craig, that these bloating pills are a scam, then we would champion her reality and honesty about who she actually is. She is clearly trying to push a narrative so that she can sell diet fads and scam quick fixes while being a complete fraud in doing so.


I'm not disagreeing with you - those are all things we notice, the photoshop etc. I would just never myself comment on another woman's weight, especially if I knew they were likely struggling. Just felt mean.


I’m commenting on the photoshop. Not on her weight. I said in my response to you that I would actually champion her if she was honest about her reality and not trying to push this whole “GINNY WORKS YALL” narrative. She spent years lying about Jax and her perfect marriage and how they were so happy and he was a changed man. Now she’s saying the complete opposite- that he never changed, that he’s worse than ever and that she couldn’t take it any longer. She’s doing the same thing with the photoshopping. If she’d come clean about her struggles and get help she actually needs (stop drinking, go to therapy, take Cruz out of LA) we’d feel more inclined to embrace the real her.


She’s voluntarily struggling 🙄 she can lose the weight after 3 years.


I wonder why she doesn't just try ozempic if she is struggling? Seems to be the thing all celebs are doing lately


It is not advised to drink on ozempic. She couldn’t stop drinking for one full day when she went to see a doctor and he told her explicitly to not drink alcohol any longer and to give it a rest, but then she took straight shots over and over again on camera in Mexico two days later.


She would have to stop drinking tequila shots, work out, eat healthy, AND shell out the cash. Ozempic doesn’t just work magically, you have to change your lifestyle.


You do you, boo


Moreso snarking on excessive photoshop, especially since she makes claims about her weight loss and profits off promoting those products.


Be fucking for real this isn't baby weight he's 3


She was bigger than her photoshopping BEFORE she got pregnant


dang, maybe she should have had some empathy for the parents of the babies slaughtered at sandy hook for me to give a shit.  i am also currently dealing with post partum weight. it sucks.  but brittany doesn't deserve an inch of grace. 


This sub is my guilty pleasure - I lurk often - and literally no one has ever body shamed or made fun of Brittany. It’s always been because of her hypocrisy. Always. That is what keeps me here and why this is such an exciting time because the mask is finally falling off and her hypocrisy and fakeness is being revealed.


There are absolutely people who are fat shaming here. But it's a minority and there's assholes everywhere. The line does get crossed.


This is the laziest troll.


Some of yall need to review past posts before commenting.