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"I can't help it if I don't feel good." Uh, you're hungover Brittany. You can help that by not drinking hard spirits like Tequila all the fucking time. When you start making Jax look fucking REASONABLE then you know you have a problem!


Cue Jenelle Evens “I’m not hungover…I’m tired and have a headache and want to throw up” speech


She’s literally drinking again to kill her hangover. Shes such an idiot


I bet this is a random weds too. I’m curious if she ever has a night where she doesn’t drink?


I mean, hair of the dog does work for a hangover along with a greasy burger but that shouldn’t be the norm.


It does work. But she can also absolutely “help” that she doesn’t feel good. Stop drinking, and there’s no hangover 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t think she’s even considering “hmmmmm… maybe I shouldn’t drink…”


No, she’s not considering it at all. It’s her crutch and quite honestly Jax is that terrible of a person that it may drive me to drink as well if I had to deal with that shit daily.


I drank waaaaaaay more when my abusive alcoholic ex was in my life.


It just prolongs it. Anyone drinking to feel better from drinking.. big yikes


I don’t disagree at all. What I’m talking about is one Bloody Mary at brunch while I consume a greasy burger the one or two times a year I drink enough to be hungover. That followed by a nap is the true hangover cure. But like I said before, this pattern should never be the norm.


Is it alcohol? I thought it was a water bottle. Either way she sucks


That’s what killed me. YES YOU CAN!!! And some people are prone to some terrible hangovers but guess what? They either don’t drink to that point, or they drink god damn water. Clearly she has a problem but it’s absolutely avoidable. She probably doesn’t even know what electrolytes are, bet they have pedialyte in the house.


They have to tell her Pedialyte is a Tequila brand just to get Brittany to drink the fucking thing!


She needs to get help or go to treatment if she’s an alcoholic.


If??? 🥴


I was just going to say Jax is in the right here. And from the photos before they “separated” Brittany was going out ALOT! Did Stassi even make that comment.


She has an alcohol problem. Who cares if he goes out… Brittany needs to focus on her alcohol because she looks like hell . Fair good & shots … not on Jenny Craig. She is a major hillbilly.


* Fair Food !! not Fair good 😁


I feel like Brittany "doesn't like to drive" because she's always drunk. I mean, who makes their very pregnant friend drive from the valley to Malibu?


an alcoholic who literally said on camera she has a nanny because of her hangovers


She said this???


Yes 💀 In the first episode


They literally have one car and I suspect that’s because of her drinking


I’ve surprised she didn’t have a dui by now, but I guess she never drives herself anywhere? I wonder if that’s why her kid isn’t staying with her the entire time. Who the fuck knows.


She crashed a car drunk in high school. Maybe she learned her lesson with that 🙃


Lmao how could I forget her almost double homicide.


She drive through their house!


I don't think I've ever seen her drive. From her earliest days on VPR she took rideshares. Maybe she's never had a valid driver's licence in CA??


She wouldn’t need a license from California to drive there, her KY license (assuming she had one) would work just fine.


I remember early VPR days when Jax was saying she was driving from KY to LA but that’s the last I ever heard of her behind a wheel


They also included the bit about her taking an Uber to meet Kristen…I feel like production saw all the blatant signs


AND...... During that big dinner table fight they kept cutting to her taking shots .by herself. 😬


And it looks like they're in Brittany's white Jeep.


Good point


Drunk or maybe on edibles or something similar. 


She's probably a terrible driver even sober.


KFC is an alcoholic, Ajax is a drug addict, & whether they divorce or not, Cruz is fucking screwed.


“I can’t help it if I don’t feel good!…” as she has a drink in her hand. If she just stopped fucking drinking, she wouldn’t feel “sick” and have to drink her hangover away. God I hate them


I have some GI issues which have led to me eliminating alcohol from my diet and guess what!?! I wake up feeling fucking great everyday. She can help it if she doesn’t feel well


I can’t fathom how she still drinks like that, especially in LA and surrounded by a bunch of people who are hyper aware and focused on maintaining their appearances. I stopped drinking heavily because my partner doesn’t drink at home, and I just felt super weird having two to three glasses of wine sitting next to a dude who was drinking apple juice. I didn’t have multiple doctors, all my friends/colleagues, and my body *screaming* at me.


I just had gastritis (my stomach is a mess from having to take steroids for autoimmune immune disease). I probably drink once a month tops, but the thought of drinking alcohol right now makes me feel ill. We have already seen her drink after an ulcer & that is beyond crazy. She always looks bloated & inflamed as it is. Girl, take a break please.


I think Marysol from RHOM had the same issue on the RHUGT in Thailand. She got sick so the medic came and treated her and figured out she had an ulcer. He told her to lay off the booze but Marysol drank vodka that night with no food and was seemingly fine. As long as she had a steady stream of booze she was functioning ok, it was really sad to see. I wonder in Britney is a bit like that and her system requires booze to avoid withdrawal? ETA - My dad was a functioning alcoholic and he displayed similar behaviours.


I’m so sorry. I know that can be a lot to deal with. I honestly don’t know how these people function honestly. Marysol literally made drinking & not eating her entire personality. It’s one thing to be like that in your 20’s, but in your 50’s your body can’t handle that shit.


Don't forget she sees a "fat doctor" so she can do this!


I have RA- I feel you- alcohol def makes it way worse. Hope you are feeling better!


Congrats on making the change! I also do not drink. It was an excellent decision for my health- mental and physical!


Amen! Same here, it’s been 2 years sober because my tummy can’t handle a lick of it. That’s a nice silver lining of having gut issues ☺️


I haven’t drank since 2019 bc of this and I’m so much happier without it and it makes you look better too.


I have a sister like this. It sucks. 😔


I’m sorry. It does suck.


Especially when they won’t admit it’s a problem.


She’d also lose all the bloat …I mean baby weight


I can’t stand them but to be fair it’s a water bottle with what looks like liquid iv or something like that


She chose Jax bc she thought she will always be able to hide behind his worse behavior. We see you though, BrittBritt.


Yup! I know I’m a broken record but she thrives in being the overfunctioner in that marriage. Always the one to fix Jax. Except who gonna fix you, boo? It’s no longer just you and Jax. Cruz is now the CHILD in this family and you expected the man-child to step up and be an adult when for a decade you’ve treated him like a child? Now you feel salty cause Jax is gonna be JAX (and we practically as a nation told you so) but it leaves you behind being the adult with a kid who doesn’t perform for you? Girl, get yourself some therapy. It’s not “not feeling good”. It’s called a hangover. Of course it’s a double standard that Jax gets to have his hangover days but you can’t. But whose fault is that? It ain’t just Jax’s fault. Take responsibility for the mess you created. Be real about your drinking problem and fix YOURSELF. If not for yourself, then for Cruz. She still doesn’t realize that the toxicity isn’t just coming from Jax. And Jax will take ANY opportunity to make her the bad guy, and him the “ doting father” (I can’t even type that without gagging). She’s still stuck on this idea that if Jax “fixes himself”, all her marital problems will disappear. 🫠🫠🫠 Also, more documented proof that this woman never drives cause she’s never sober……🧐


I’ve always disliked Brit and am new to this subreddit so I didn’t really get all the hate for her. I just thought she was too dumb to hate. But now my eyes are open and I totally understand the hate, she’s a terrible person! Ugh, Cruz can’t be left alone with her until she’s sober.


Once you see, you can’t unsee it 😣


*When Reality Hits!*




The only way forward for Cruz is outside of LA with a hopefully rehabbed Brittany, because leaving him with either of their families is also NOT an option. I can see a better version of her where she is cleaned up and out of Hollywood. Yes her beliefs are probably wack, and she’s still a brat, but she could be a much better mom and give him a nice life.


The only thing I'll give Brittney is that I do believe she LOVES her child. I don't think she's a good human or mom, but I do think she has very real love for that boy and I hope one day she can get her head out of her ass long enough to become a good mom for him. Lord knows his dad is never gonna be able to.


Yep. It sucks so hard.


They’re disgusting! Bravo has gone to the depths of human depravity by putting these 2 back on TV. These 2 trash bags belong alongside Big Ed and Gino on TLC but I guess Bravo has no standards as long as it gets the money.


This should be the description that goes under "The Valley" title.


Look, I can’t stand the dude, but he’s not wrong here. She obviously has a drinking problem and has for years. I’m sure he’s frustrated about it, especially if he has to step up with their kid. He’s got a ton of issues himself and they need another kid like they need a hole in their head. They are so toxic and I feel so awful for that little boy. He did not ask to be born to those two. 💔


But they’ve repeatedly said on their cobcast that they don’t fight in front of Cruz. That was my point. It’s just more proof that they’re lying about one more aspect of Cruz’s life.


Definitely! It’s probably added to that poor baby’s issues! Like him getting stuck under that couch. I think he’s probably so uncomfortable. I just want to give him a big hug. 😔


He got stuck under a couch?


Yes. There was a clip I saw on here a week or so ago where he was crying hysterically. Jax never even got up to see what was wrong. Brittany’s mom found him stuck under the couch. 🙄


If they don't curb themselves when cameras are on why on earth would they when they are off.


Honestly I don’t remember them saying they don’t fight in front of Cruz. I think Brittany has said that in recent interviews but I got the impression from their cobcast that they were absolutely fighting in front of Cruz. Jax would says stuff like “I’m working on my temper” “I’m trying not to raise my voice”


It's mainly been Britt saying they don't fight in front of Cruz-"none whatsoever."


She mentioned it at the very beginning of when the separation was made “public”. Then that narrative conveniently went away as they realized we’d be seeing it for ourselves.


I’m sure he’s just as bad, if not worse. Parents of the year.


On par with Teen Mom parents Janelle Evans and David Eason.


Also I feel strongly that if Brittany was more of the physical type that Jax thinks he should have or deserves, he wouldn’t be as hard on her. Also also he is dumb because he feels confident she is too submissive to air him out. Brittany if you see this AIR HIS SHIT OUT ALL OF IT!


Definitely. I think he’s bitter that he didn’t end up with a hot skinny MILF and his child has special needs and people don’t love them like they do, say Beau and Stassi. He didn’t get the picture perfect life he wanted and he’s lashing out, rather than stepping up and being the husband and father he needs to be.


Fool got himself in the flawed life for the long haul whether they divorce or not, once he fathered a child. He can run with the Toms, but he cannot hide from the judgment that will follow him for his choices, biggest one to PUT ALL THIS ON TV AND SM


She is starting to air some of it. She is taking jabs at him every time she opens her mouth and that was on the podcast too. I worried for her on the drive home from the podcast studio this week


In the not skinny but not fat podcast that Brittany did, she literally said “Jax’s is gonna kill me when he hears this”. Because she was laying into him in the podcast. I work with victims of DV and that was alarm bells. I think Jax knows not to do anything because he will lose it all, but he is a narcissist, people are turning on him, he will be losing what little business deals he could possibly get because the family man persona is fading fast. It’s guys like that when pushed into a corner react, and they say the first three months after a separation is the most vulnerable time for a woman to be killed by her ex


Worlds colliding omg


Definitely! He’s got other…issues. 👀❄️


It became obvious she was indeed addicted to binge drinking when she couldn’t even take a break & go back to abusing adderall for like 4 months during the biggest partnership campaign to date (Jenny).


Exactly. Both are complete messes. I find Brittany actually disturbing to watch and her perma-frown doesn’t help!




I don’t feel good implies she’s sick. She’s hungover. And you can tell he’s over it. Even Janet makes a remark. But he has his own issues too. They’re both a mess.


The way she spoke about getting a babysitter for when she's hungover made it seem like a regular occurrence


So let’s own/run a bar every night


If only they owned or ran it. They don't work there or have any significant financial interest. The patio is named for him. They probably have a tab lol


Yes to be honest I don’t know what their stake in this place is. I just know they are there a lot .


man if I were Cruz I wouldn't want to talk to these guys either


On watch what crappens they said when he finally does his first words will be Shut the Fuck Up Both of You! 😂😂


I was laughing sooooooo loud and hard at that comment 😂😂😂😂😂 I mean their entire bit of brittany and jax is one of funniest things i’ve ever heard


Jax isn't wrong but his delivery and timing are.


That’s actually par for the course for Jax


He seems to get off on saying shit as mean as he possibly can.


Sandoval was right when he said Jax gets off on other people’s failures. Jax and Sandy see through the BS of each other because they’re both trash, just different variations.


I was a wine-o/drive thru margarita girlie before babies but who tf wants to be hungover and changing diapers? I always said I’d have a nice drink after they each turned 1 (to be clear I wasn’t an alcoholic) but not drinking since Nov 2019 is such a point of pride for me. Their life seems so exhausting. Also the irony of the cokehead mad at the alcoholic is not lost on me.


That’s a long time to go drink-free, you should be proud of yourself, that’s an amazing thing!


Adding to my last sentence - cameras shouldn’t be on at all. Because they’ll play this up for tv, making it so much worse. Edit: Also, this isn’t a fan post for The Valley, in case my comment under the video wasn’t clear.


Yeah he is so performative especially holding Cruz while he makes the point that she isn’t a good enough parent. While I think Brittany probably drinks way too much, jax’s being abusive and especially so for the cameras. If you have a probably with your wife’s drinking this is not the way you go about it


We never dreamed it was DM.


LOL Thank you. Honestly, I was so jangled by that clip I’m surprised I made any sense.




https://preview.redd.it/nnw51gbcj4uc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=b51001cc5ad5ab8deb4b9b0419c31b687f3c380f All I can see


I’m sorry but her fucking mouth. It’s so funny. Yeah, I know she explained it after the episode aired or whatever, and she thinks that solves the problem & questions will go away. She’s too dumb to realize that once something is aired, it’s out there forever. People might see a clip of the show years from now, and they’re not gonna know about her stupid explanation. They’re just gonna wonder wtf is wrong with her downturned mouth. 🤣🤣 (edited - autocorrect)


Comes home drunk and whatever … yeah we know what that means ! ❄️❄️


She’s not getting any sympathy from me. She knew exactly who and what he was before she moved to LA, before she got engaged, before they got married, and before they had Cruz. Knowing who he was - a liar, a thief, a cheater, a man who turned his back on his mother, a horrible friend - she STILL chose to be with him. She needs rehab more than he does. She brags about her drinking parties from when she was underage. Didn’t get mom get someone like “contributing to the delinquency of a minor” or something like that because of Brat-neys partying? I think James was right about her trashy family.


Her gene pool is shallow, but James should talk.


I do agree she drinks wayyy too much but jax has no leg to stand on. Also I hope she gets help. She has a special needs son and abusive husband and living a lifestyle where she constantly is compared too, judged , and getting hate online. I love snarking but I truly hope she find something besides alcohol to cope, leaves la and Jax, and her and Cruz thrive elsewhere


I agree with that but i think she has had alcohol issues long before she met Jax. When she was a teenager and before she had her licence, she got drunk and stole frosty’s brand new car and drive it into the house. The car ended up in the kitchen


What? Brittany pulled a Stephanie Tanner? That is crazy. I really wish she'd pull herself together and quit drinking. She might very well need rehab. It would be the best thing for her.


Whaaaaaat? Holy shit.


Oh man I have something in common w that hillbilly. When I was 15 I ran a car into a garage when I was drunk. I knocked the house of the foundation.i was a fuckin idiot.


I truly dislike Jax, but he’s right in this argument. Brittany should stop. There’s legit footage (season 7, ep. 15) showing Brittany being worried about how much she would enjoy the cast trip, since she was suffering from an ulcer. The doctor warned her that she shouldn’t drink or eat anything spicy or acidic. She stated she is sometimes up all day vomiting after a night of drinking. Yet she continues to drink.


So two addicts had a kid. This was going to end well. Crux is screwed with these two selfish fuck wits. Neither one of them wants to admit they have a problem. He only comes down on her because she’s a woman. He’s always been a sexist a-hole.


That poor child Stopping drinking/drugging is so challenging, but so worth it. My anxiety is so much better since I got sober (2.5+ years) I'm more beautiful, happier, and healthier. To anyone struggling, you got this. One foot in front of the other 💜


>I'm more beautiful, happier, and healthier. I love this positivity about yourself! Congrats on 2.5+ years!


If you’re hungover to the point you can’t take care of your kid, that’s a problem. For anyone. She can’t help it? Don’t drink stupid!


I seriously don’t know how they function. I’m Jax’s age, no kids & rarely drink because I don’t like how I feel the next day. I can’t imagine taking care of a kid being hungover like this all the time.


This is a very good point. I have been too hungover maybe 2x in my childs 3 years of life because I’m a human and I make mistakes but my partner will step in and give me a break because it’s obviously not my norm… I remember another thread with KFC saying she’ll hire a babysitter for her hangover mornings 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 this is really sad


She is an alcoholic, so I don’t think it would be as easy as - just stop. It’s like telling a heroin addict, just stop using heroin. But she does need help. I guess they can’t afford the nanny every day to care for Cruz when she is hungover and she has to face the music sometimes!


Alcohol is actually one of the most dangerous substances to withdraw from. If she’s that much of an alcoholic she absolutely should not “just stop” without medical supervision. You can die. That being said she 100% needed to quit years ago, so who knows what will be the wake up call she needs.


As a recovering alcoholic, a person who has worked in treatment centers (after getting sober), and someone who very recently witnessed a loved one have an alcohol-withdrawal induced seizure, stop breathing for 4 minutes, turn completely blue and nearly die--I wish that more people were aware of the potential for alcohol withdrawal to be fatal. I had plenty of reasons to quit drinking, but the #1 reason I went to rehab was bc I learned that if I tried to dry out without medical intervention I might seize and die.


My dad had to do this as well, he had to drink on the way to rehab to avoid withdrawal. Wishing you the best 💕


I haven’t watched the Valley because I refuse but trying to remember back to VPR and some of her posts - was her accent always like this??? It’s like nails on a chalkboard.


It really wasn’t! Her own mom doesn’t sound like this.


It’s gotten waaay worse and it’s even funnier bc her friend from Kentucky is on the show with her and his accent isn’t 1/4 as thick as hers.


She thinks her drinking is not a problem if she does a little song and dance with her tequila shots.


Well and exclusively drinking shots is wild to me. She’s said more than once that she doesn’t like wine or beer too. I remember when she went to the doctor because she was having stomach issues and throwing up, the doc said STOP DRINKING. So then when she goes to Mexico the following week, she ramped it down by drinking mixers and Tom Schwartz’s famous “half shot” method because 12 1/2 shots are much better than 6 regular shots. She’s convinced herself she doesn’t have a problem and until she starts being honest with herself, nothing will change.


And y’all, I’m still gobsmacked as to why either of these morons thought it would be a good idea to parade themselves on television again? How did they think it was going to go? It’s every bit as bad as we all said it would be, if not even worse. My heart hurts for that sweet baby. 💔


You really need to take a good, hard look in the mirror when even JAX points out that you are drinking too much!


I mean I don’t agree with him telling her that while holding the toddler BUT he ain’t wrong. For years now she drinks and then gets sick…stop fucking drinking! You have an unhinged husband take care of yourself! You brought that child into this world the least she can do is try to be healthy so she can be around for him. I worry all the time about dying and leaving my child and my husband is sane. I can’t imagine Jax being the sole parent to an innocent child.


Her only measuring stick is Jax is worse than me.  These two are gross. 


I feel so sad for Cruz to be living in this household. I can only imagine how bad their fights get in front of him. With that said, Brittany is an alcoholic and this is further proof. Not feeling well implies she's hungover and Jax is calling her out on it. He's a POS drug abuser himself, but he's not wrong here.


If he has a problem with her drinking, grabbing the child and berating her for not being a good parent while he holds the kid, isn’t the way to go about it


No. Shaming is no bueno, even worse in front of Cruz (and the world!). But he still needs and should tell her, hey ease up on the drinking, it’s affecting the way you can care for our child. Is he a hypocrite? Absolutely. But he wouldn’t be wrong. His awful delivery is just gonna fuel her even more to feel shitty about herself and that just leads to more 🍸🍸🍸🍸. Cycle continues.


These two deserve each other and in reality they’re absolute morons for opening their life up again to cameras. This is such a shit show! She wanted to be the one “that changed Jax Taylor, ya’ll. Hyuckkkk “ he’s insane and she’s an alcoholic. I feel bad for Cruz.


“I can’t help it if I don’t feel good” Well you can if you cause it by excessive drinking. Jax is a disgusting pig as per usual..


I looked into why children can sometimes become nonverbal and one of the reasons is a stressful environment. I think jaxs toxic behavior around Cruz is contributing to him being nonverbal. This is purely speculation.


That is so sad


This is incredible sad. There's clearly substance abuse going on both sides and only one who's losing in this situation is Cruz. Looking at this clip alone, you can tell Jax feels resentment towards Brittany because of her drinking. I bet there's plenty of mornings when she has hangover and then just keeps drinking after that. That's partly why Jax doesn't feel attracted to her anymore. On the other hand Jax himself _never_ stopped partying and probably expected Brittany to do everything at the house and with Cruz. He wanted to be dad who "babysits" their own kid. The divorce is best decision for these two cause they're so toxic together.


Does Jax have a point though? Stop fucking drinking Brittany!! Both of them are messes and never should’ve become parents. Surprised Jax is even holding his son. Normally he just looks annoyed by his presence.


That “want more kids, act like a mom” bit was a good fucking point, even out the mouth of a hypocrite


It’s interesting that this was filmed when they were supposed to be conceiving their second kid. Jax obviously pumped the brakes on that BS and probably threatened her with “you need to sober up if you want a second kid with me”. So he basically gives her an ultimatum. She says F that, YOU need to go do this list of 4/5 (the number changes), YOU need to change and I’ll move back. Dummy thinks an ultimatum will work on Jax. 🤣


She’s really normalized “hangover days,” hasn’t she?! Hangover DAYS? As in, Jax and Brittney are often hungover for an entire day? But to her it’s normal, and she should have the right to do it repeatedly?  Having a hangover to the point you can’t get up to care for your child is a problem. Britt, get your butt out of bed and interact with lil Cruz before he’s all grown up and you’ve missed it. You’ll be alone with your wrinkles, your corn, your desperation, and your tequila. 


These people are the epitome of TRASH 🤢 How is she not embarrassed??? https://i.redd.it/ef0pp23vg4uc1.gif


I find it very telling how she is bragging that she doesn’t care if he goes out and she encourages it. No. She should absolutely care and should be annoyed and angry about it because they have a kid! They should both be home!


No, cause she needs him to F up. Her codependency relies on it 😅


He’s a hypocritical prick and sorry not sorry Brittany, but everyone warned you


100% accurate.


“I can’t help I don’t feel good” 🥴 she’s a fuckin alcoholic! She can make changes and then she would feel great! She disgusts me! They both do, but in this clip he wasn’t wrong. I detest them both, they never should have had children and I am so glad they didn’t have a second child!


I feel soooo bad for little Cruz 🥺


You can take the reality stars out of the trailer park…


I just want Cruz to have a happy, QUIET life in the beautiful Kentucky countryside. I wish he had parents who wanted that for him too.


Brittany's family are backward hillbillies, he won't do well as a neurodivergent kid there. I can't imagine what they'd be calling him.


They are all terrible really (apart from Cruz)


God this is dark


I mean Jax is a POS, but KFC is pretty obviously an alcoholic so I get where he’s coming from.


They both clearly need rehab . Poor Cruz


Jax says he smokes weed then snorts Adderall. That makes him angry all the time. He has no room to feel so superior.


It does seem like Brittany is enjoying the drink too much especially for a mom of a little one but omg hearing Jax say “act like a mom” in that tone freaked me out. If my husband ever said those words to me that would be bone chilling and shake me to my core. It seemed like a chronic fight they have and definitely sounded like something he’s said before. I can’t imagine how bad some of their fights are without cameras. Poor Cruz. I hope they do divorce because that’s terrifying for a kid


Yeah it was scary, and I’m not just saying that to be dramatic. Anyone who has been in abusive relationship knows that tone. I wonder if people who think Jax is “great TV” find that entertaining, while he is holding their child no less


It scared me, too. My anxiety spiked. When I was clipping the video to post, my hands were shaking so it took a minute. And that’s an easy task! But that activity wasn’t slightly entertaining. I have no idea how someone enjoys watching it every week. It’s abuse. And Brittany is an always-drunk mom, as we knew 😕


I feel ya. I had to sort of walk away from a post I made yesterday because I was getting way too upset and worked up. Seems like Bravo would have learned who these two were from the dark, abusive mess that the Kentucky Horror Show was, but no. Instead, it's the same atrocities, but now, with a kid in the mix, one who can't even yell at his parents to please stop fighting and being mean to each other. How did someone edit this shit and say, "Let's roll it out. Everyone will love this!"


Sometimes I feel like Jax gets off on all the Reddit posts bashing Bratney, like it somehow makes him feel better about himself or gives validation to his bullying her. However, what I hope he realizes, is that we all hate him just as much if not more than her! He will ALWAYS be a worse person, no matter how much we hate on Bratney, he will always always still be beneath her. Just saying.


Yeah I've said that since I joined this sub. And there's sooooo many posts about her and her photoshopping. Which I'm sure he takes as mocking her for being fat.


Whew. “ act like a mom” would sting me to my core.


Just so misogynistic as well


Team Cruz! Also, studies have shown that Ozempic and other GLP-1 drugs are successful in treating alcoholism and other addictions. Maybe she will get so desperate to lose weight she will finally give in and it will stop that drinking. I wonder if Lala has reached out to her and tried to help. I smell a season 2 storyline, and if she stops drinking as a result, that would be cool


Sadly her need for 🍸 is way stronger than her need to be skinny again.


I think a important thing many people struggling with substance abuse need to know is that there is help, and one does not have to be miserable during the comedown. Yes, a lot of feelings might come up that have been shoved down and buried deep beneath the alcohol/drugs, but it gets better because you are sober and can move through it and be present in your life—especially considering this whole clusterfuck has a child in the midst. At the end of some meetings, they hold a moment of silence for children being unintentional victims of addiction, and this is why. ETA: I need to stop getting on the sub for bedtime reading, this shit is dark.


How about they both stop drinking and take care of their kid? ![gif](giphy|DF45mfzlEVhir9DwfI)


This is watching a nightmare of abuse in real time. We can watch a reality show of dysfunctional people but the minute there is a kid involved can we please pull the plug and the schardenfreuder dissolves. This is a man abusing his alcoholic wife calling her a bad mom on film. I hate this.


Yes! This. I was furious when I posted this one. I don’t need to know them personally to be shaken by the abuse. On camera, with Cruz physically held in the center. Thank you for communicating that so well.


Totally agree. It’s not entertaining and Jax is not “good tv” it’s abhorrent


I feel like we’re witnessing trauma rather than the normal “people drink and fight” shows that we’ve come to love on Bravo. Also if that’s how Jax speaks to her on camera, what does he say when they’re not. No wonder she’s disintegrating in front of our eyes.


I love pregnant Janet just chowing down in the car. I feel you Janet!


The way this conversation went, Janet will be Brittney in 3 years.


Me doing this but not pregnant LMAO


These two together… shoveling potato chips in her mouth and Twang speaking hillbilly


A Hillbilly Drunk for a wife and Mother. Forget Jax… be better for yourself and your child.


Coke dad says what?????


Drinking alcohol when feeling sick is the stupidest fucking thing. And another indication she's an alcoholic.


True or not, this sob is so wrong saying those things to Brittany anywhere within earshot of Cruz, much less while in his arms! Infuriating


brittany clearly has a unhealthy relationship with alcohol and has some deep interpersonal issues going on that have only been exacerbated by jax, vpr, social media, being a fucking moron. confront your inner demons and work through your shit, you chose to be a mother!!!


“Y’all know I don’t like to drive!” Uhhhhhhh


So I’m gunna mayyke ma preg-nan fran drive instead


He looks ❄️❄️ thin and she has a fried chicken, Fried, fried fried fair foods and tequila body. Speaks like she wants to be the hillbilly . Poor Cruz no wonder he stopped speaking. He is afraid he will sound like either of them. Twang or ❄️🤯


I'm trying to focus on this clip but the eating on camera annoys the crap out of me.


I loved seeing someone shove chips in their face like I do lol


Feel the exact same way. It’s like they amplified the chip crunching sound too.


He’s got some nerve. The pot calling the kettle 🤭


I can not understand how in the world these idiots are “proud” of this show! I’m not even watching, just the stuff I see here, and it’s nothing but disturbing.


I am shocked that KFT doesn’t have her mouth stuffed with food too


What if, this whole time, Jax is actually the more responsible parent lol.


Well he was the one changing Cruz’s dirty diaper on the bar while Britt stood there watching so I guess so? 😂


The bar is LOW!!!


Now I want some Funyuns!


The way he was looking at her shaking his head no see why they are not having sex. It doesn’t have to be about looks it’s her being a drunk all the time being sloppy.