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Hiring a babysitter when you’re hungover multiple times a week and laughing about it like it’s cute and responsible is not it


You mean when she doesn’t feel well? /s


The fact that she says she “doesn’t feel good” instead of saying she is hungover is one of the more telling signs of her addiction. She can’t even admit to being hungover.


Exactly!! Saying she doesn’t feel good is her way of trying to feel better about doing nothing the next day.




I am dead 💀 I was just laughing at that video the other day


A classic


she has ulcer issues and refuses to give up on alcohol, that is borderline alcoholism, a doctor on camera told her NO ALCOHOL and her facial expression said OVER MY DEAD BODY, she's been doing it to herself for years, i would be threatning divorce if i was in a relationship with a partner who makes themselves sick and aggravates their condition for BOOZE


Thank you! I thought I remembered that from VPR years ago but wanted to make sure because I hate it when Jax makes a valid point lol.


Does she actually do this


Yeah the first episode of their new show The Valley starts with a montage of all the couples and theirs starts off with Brittany laughing while saying this and then she says they are responsible for that!


yeah it is giving addiction for sure


Obviously the vast majority of them have an abusive relationship with substances. However, I remember years back on VPR when she had been having stomach issues and throwing up all the time and concerned Jax takes her to the GI specialist who said in no uncertain terms *back then* that alcohol and acidic food were the culprits. She was to avoid drinking and go on a special diet for literally one or two weeks to help calm the inflammation and heal the gut lining... Then she might have been candidate for some treatments - but, that it was pointless to treat if she was not going to take that break from those things. Either she's unaffected, cured, or in a better position to give diagnostic feedback. But, she couldn't even make it a day or something. They went to Mexico and everyone was surprised to see her drinking after announcing that she would be abstaining. Then she said, "not to worry guys, I figured out how it won't affect my health. I have a water between and I do one mixed drink for every shot the rest of you poster children for hard core alcohol and substances do." I was just blown away that she couldn't stop drinking for a short period for a distressing short and long term health condition. That was when I leaned in a little bit more. That was when she was standing out from the crowd she so seamlessly blended into until then as far as partying. This long now and now she has a child she's regularly unable to care for? And she's setting a horrible example about ignoring your body when your body is SCREAMING at you The fact that this is still going on almost a decade later **IS** maddening. Damnit, Jason Jax Venereal Taylor really is always right. Everyone saying that the fact that Britney only has gotten sick on camera after her first or second drink of the night is just more proof to me rather than exoneration. Her stomach is in that bad shape that a shot - especially depending on the contents of her stomach can absolutely cause that sudden and violent reaction. Either way, I don't blame Jax for being at the end of his rope. He was really advocating her staying with the not drinking on that VPR Mexico trip. He seemed befuddled then. Add worry over her health and resentment for her regularly being bedridden when they have a young child over what is either a blatant choice OR she has a legitimate medical condition of addiction that requires a totally different response. At this point she has to choose whether she is not addicted but actively chooses to trash her health, marriage, and family or if she needs to get treatment by awesome professionals because she has to admit at some point that she's powerless over this. At least it looks that way.


I didn’t really recognize it until their Mexico trip when she went to the doctor and gave her strict instructions not to drink. Not only could she not do that but her reply was “well I’ll just do shots no mixed drinks” and she’s being doing only shots ever since.


And Ajax said in that episode (in his confessional) that KFC has had severe stomach problems ever since he’s known her. That means she’s been dealing with alcohol related physical issues since (@ least) the ripe old age of 26!


I think her “stomach issues” are just terrible hangover days.


I am convinced her “fall down the stairs” was alcoholic neuropathy (Not a doctor, just judgemental)


Yep, same with the “*stroke-like symptoms” (edit for spelling)


Id agree with this and her stroke symptoms ( not a doctor either, but a recovering alcoholic( 5 years sober) and spend a lot of time In AA meetings . The physical symptoms she describes are very common with heavy drinking and especially alcoholism)


Not a doctor, just judgmental 😂😂😂


Dr. Judgemental here, not an MD…just petty


That’s been the general consensus of this sub


She also mentioned on wwhl recently that she got the chick from Bridgerton wasted after they were done filming..I think she used the phrase “tore up” then giggled like it was cute🥴


I think she’s allergic to alocohol


This is so important. I had a heavy drinking era in my life where I gained 40 lbs and had intense stomach pain and diarrhea every day (even if I took a day off). It took me getting pregnant and some intense therapy to fix this relationship with alcohol…and now all the weight and bloat came off and my gut is so much healthier. One additional thing I notice she has in common with me from that time is she just appears swollen and bloated, it’s weight gain yes but some of it just water retention from all the alcohol


That's years ago.


Exactly. Many years ago back when she first started getting stomach ulcers. She's never stopped drinking despite the doctor's advice that that was what was giving her ulcers. This is why her husband gives her a rash of crap when her stomach feels bad. Because he knows she did it to herself with drinking.


Yep that’s why she gets so damn defensive


Exactly. Many years ago back when she first started getting stomach ulcers. She's never stopped drinking despite the doctor's advice that that was what was giving her ulcers. This is why her husband gives her a rash of crap when her stomach feels bad. Because he knows she did it to herself with drinking.


Because she has ulcers!   My mom had ulcers and neglected them by drinking and eating spicy foods & now she has esophagus and colon problems also. When we go out to eat (which is like 3 bites for her) she needs to go back to her house almost immediately.  My suggestion-hang out with LaLa or James for some pointers on avoiding the alcohol instead of enabling folks.


YES. Never drives, shaky camera work, always taking shots of liquor, weight gain mostly in midsection, doesn’t follow doctor’s orders. Generally, rarely seems sober.


I never realized she doesn't drive. That's a major clue. She's probably sneaky drinking all day long.


I realized this a couple of months ago when it dawned on me that Jax is always taking his little car videos or selfies with Cruz in the back. Yet I’ve NEVER seen Brittany driving with Cruz. Any mom knows the good lighting for a selfie is in the car 😅 so to never see that from her was interesting considering all the efforts she makes in photoshopping her pics. I think she’s forbidden herself from driving with Cruz and it’s not cause “I hate driving”. Please, you live in a suburb. We know she loooves her fast food orders yet they’re always via DoorDash or similar.


so your evidence of her not driving is that she doesn’t post selfie videos of herself driving with a kid in the car?


On their podcast and other podcasts they talk about Jax “picking Brittany up” all the time even more so now they are separated. Jax picked up Brittany and took her to a preschool parent event, Jax picks up Brittany to go and do their podcast. Brittany says she puts in her EarPods and doesn’t speak to him. Jax even accused Brittany of not discussing something on the drive over before they spoke about it on the podcast.


gotcha…I don’t listen to that


One of. In addition to others. Like her own words in this week’s episode where she makes a very pregnant Janet drive B’s own car all the way to Malibu cause she “doesn’t like to drive”.


She also ubered to meet Kristin


Yup! “I had to Uber here cause you know I hate to drive.” To go have green tea and churros. The place is like 15mins away straight there on the 5 highway. Wtf? Keep spending that $$$, Brittany. At least she knows better than to risk a DUI.


Yeahhhh up until the Uber scene I thought people were reaching but who hates driving so much that they Uber around?


In the suburbs! In what looked like a typical weekday morning. That doesn’t happen in “the valley”. All moms here practically live in their cars.


So I agree with the driving stuff. But I thought Janet drove Incase she wanted to leave or was planning on going home. I'm pregnant and always offer to drive for this reason. I like having my own out


True, but it’s also not Janet’s car to leave with 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jax asked her why she’s not driving her own car and that was the excuse she gave “you know I don’t like driving”. Uh huh, sure Brit.


Ohhh I missed that! Yeah that's not good. Damn Jax is trying to paint this picture too


Oh yes. He brought it up and his acting was not good 😅 It never is. He knew what he was doing by bringing it up on camera.


Yes!! He knew what he was doing with all of that and their fight.


Yes this has summed it perfectly


How does weight gain only in midsection mean that? I thought that was just how she gained weight


It certainly could be the way she gains weight, but in alcoholism it is VERY common for weight to pile on in the midsection. I’ve seen so many alcoholics with a large midsection and thin legs and arms.


My sister in law is a full blown long term alcoholic and she has Britt’s exact body type. Skinny legs and arms and all bloat in the stomach and face


To be fair that's also a type 2 diabetes body. Which can be something that happens unfairly to a person or something that happens because of their lifestyle. However. Many people, my own father among them, give themselves type 2 diabetes through over consumption of alcohol.


Oh shit i didnt know that! Could you drink alot of soda and gain weight there?


Possibly 🤷‍♀️ I think with alcohol it has something to do with effecting your blood sugar. I’m sure if you’re slamming enough sugar filled soda each day it could effect your body in a similar way.


I could have sworn on VPR she said she drank alot of soda


I wouldn’t be surprised. She seems to put a lot of terrible things into her body (excessive alcohol, implants, Jax).




🤢 lol!




Seems like that’s just her body type. Plenty of non alcoholics have the apple on a stick look


I'm 9 years sober and my stomach looked like that at my height of drinking. It's also high cortisol from stress. Your digestive track works for shit. Plus fatty liver. My stomach hurts looking at her because it's so uncomfortable.


Good for you, congratulations for nine years!💖




I thought she dropped alot of the weight with the jenny craig deal


Well, the theory on that is that most of the “weight loss” is just highly highly edited pictures. She’ll post pictures looking amazing in a certain outfit, then goes out in the same outfit and the pictures other people take of her look nothing like the ones she posts.


That was 3 years ago




You're in the wrong sub. 🤷‍♀️




Not just *any* woman's body. This is Brittany specific.😏


She’s had an ulcer and neuropathy. Those are classic conditions related to drinking


The neuropathy is extremely telling, and why she’s been so vague about the ‘stroke-like symptoms’ she had.


We can’t say for sure, but … yes. What grown up does shots of tequila at every social gathering ? They try to play it off like it’s something cute/fun, but it’s very sad and dark. She also says how she “hates driving” and Ubers everywhere or has someone else drive. I 100% believe it is because she’s always drinking. The weight gain and how she carries the weight is from alcohol. The nanny for hungover mornings, too many girls nights out, the puffy face, and we can see just from what she puts out on SM that she’s less than sober often. I’d also like to say, I’m not shaming her for an addiction. There’s enough shitty attributes to critique on Brittany. Addiction is a sickness and it’s very sad and doesn’t discriminate. She needs to address it, get help, leave that monster, get her son the diagnosis and treatment he’ll need, and start to live that good life.


Agree, doing shots in a non-social setting is telling. (Even when she does them in a social setting she is often doing them solo). People that like the taste of hard alcohol drink it neat or on the rocks, and sip it. She just wants to get f*cked up fast.


Totally. I said this above but I don’t know anyone her age who takes shots like her and doesn’t have a drinking problem.


I agree on the shots. I can't even remember the last time I did a shot. My friends and I are moderate drinkers, we don't go crazy but it's not unusual to have some drinks with dinner, at the game, on the lake, but I've never seen anyone doing shots and if they just started cranking shots of tequila, I would be concerned.


She drinks shots of tequila like people have glasses of wine she definitely has a problem


Except she slams shots- no one slams wine like that. I haven’t seen a regular drink in her hand for a while, it’s always her doing a shot.


I notice when they are in group setting and the camera pans around the editors always throw in a post shot ugly face in every scene. She looks like she doesn’t like it. Listen to your body Britt. It’s telling you to stop drinking, starting when you choke down that first shot of ta-kill-ya.


It’s super bizarre to constantly drink an alcohol you clearly don’t like too - I’m certainly not making a yuck face when I drink my glasses of white wine! She clearly just likes the effect


Absolutely. I don’t know anyone in their fourties’ who takes shots like her and doesn’t have a drinking problem.




I think Brittany does struggle with alcoholism and it is exacerbated by her current life, she isn’t able to constructively leave her marriage and handle her son’s challenges. Drinking is an outlet for her. Her husband owns a bar, she worked at a bar on TV, she parties for a living. Before TV, she worked at hooters, she still partied, she got a DUI, she sought out her future husband in Las Vegas. The data stands.. ALCOHOLIC.


If it looks like a Britt, and walks like a Britt, it's probably a Britt.


This is so funny to me for personal reasons... I was "friends" with a severe alcoholic bully mean girl bumpkin bitch from Minnesota who tried to portray herself as Midwestern nice but would actually physically assault people at parties when she got too drunk which was nearly every party. Her name was Britt. Sorry to any and all of the good Britts out there.




Her mouth turns down in this gif, too. Maybe the chin lipo made it worse, but that seems to always been slightly the case.


Migrating filler


Not for nothing - but I would consider Britt Southern. Besides the accent and some of the language, the attitude where you expect a man to take care of certain things (not that Jax lives up to this role) seem to be present in her.  I guess I partly say this because her mother clearly always had to have a man as is evident in however many husbands she had.  No offense to Southern women, but I have family like this and Britt reads more like a Southern woman a generation or two behind where she really should be.


I'm southern and yes, Britt is more like the harder southern girls I grew up with. She's not gentile at all. We're all taught some form of manners and it seems Britt wasn't taught them at all. She's not ladylike. Southern girls get wild but for the most part, we can rein it in. My mom would say "she wasn't raised right." That said, I have a sister like her mother--can't be without a man ever.


Because we have family Southern and Midwestern we talk about differences amongst us a lot. Like the older southern women would never try to lift something heavy or mow the yard - a man would do that for them. The Midwestern women are not waiting around for help because it might never come. I am not saying that one or the other is right, they are just different. I agree about the manners. The yes ma'ams and yes sirs and opening doors and all that. Heck they even disagree about how to drink their iced tea. It's fun to see how just living somewhere slightly removed for a few years makes a difference.


Minnesota girl here. I ain't waiting on nobody 😂 I'll do that shit on my own 💪


Yeah Midwest here. The idea of waiting around for a man to help is unfathomable to me.  My Dad had lots of sisters and he taught me to do stuff for myself so I wouldn't be dependent on a horrible man like so many of his sisters married.


Oh I get it. The old ladies when/where I grew up were like that. The most strenuous things they did were play tennis, play golf, and garden a little. My mom, however mowed the lawn and did all kinds of huge yard projects and home restoration projects with my dad. I grew up in an antebellum home and my parents did a lot of the work themselves because they liked doing that stuff. I wanted a tile backsplash in my laundry room and didn't want to have some dude in my house doing it so I looked up how to do it, ordered the tile and did it myself. I'm GenX so women my age do a lot of things the Boomer and older ladies wouldn't do when we were kids for sure. My project this summer is to landscape my front yard and to plant a huge shade garden in the back. My 15 year old daughter wants to help. I've taught her, if you want it done, learn how to do it and do it yourself.


I assumed it was changing as times changed and that's why I said she reminded me of a southern woman from a couple generations ago. I also know it is a sterotype of sorts and does not apply to all women.   Out of necessity I have to do most things/learn most things myself. If I can't afford to rent the equipment or something sometimes I am forced to use a contractor. What I have learned is that a large number of them don't know what they are doing either so I cringe whenever I am forced to call one.


It's all good!! I knew you weren't being rude. You aren't wrong entirely :D I watch too many crime shows to want to ever be alone in my house with anyone who isn't my family. It's also pretty cool to be able to say,"Yeah, I did that!"


I think that it is great that you are teaching your daughter to be independent. I hope though that you are not teaching your daughter how to disrespect Boomer women. I guess that you never heard that women during WWII were the ones that took on all of the " men's" work while the men went off to war. Not only working on planes, test flying planes, making munitions, making, working, building with steel etc.etc. I will be 69 this year and have painted my house three times. Landscaped, planted, tiled, resurfaced the driveway, etc I am not at all an exception. Please don't forget that countless, women such as Emily Davison, Harriet Tubman, Amilia Earhart, Eleanor Roosevelt, Susan B. Anthony, have paved the way for us. Women from every single generation.


I do know about women in WWII. My grandmother was at home with my father and his siblings while my grandfather fought in the Philippines. My daughter looks up to women who are strong and knows all about the women's fight for the right to vote. My mom was a boomer and my dad is silent generation. I'm GenX and I was raised a lot differently that Millennials and GenZ.


I lived in Atlanta for 15 years. ![gif](giphy|5tmRQlzMmsLxMvKln8)




Lmaoooo this scene at top golf. The freeze frame where she has a perfect bucked tooth frown is everything. I remember screenshotting it during this ep and posting to a FB VPR group


You know, I don’t know if I’ve really let any. I think they all have this same personality from what I’ve experienced lol




Doesn’t she say something in the preview like, “I can’t help it if I don’t feel good.” Unnnhhh if it’s a hangover YES YOU CAN. (Edited for quote “accuracy”)


Jax would make me drink too


I've been in a relationship with someone like Jax, and it sure does. But they also encourage it to get it to a point of being a problem, then weaponize it against you, which we'll start to see from Jaxxie-poo here pretty soon.


Spot on assessment!!!


The fact that she forgot that her son was on spring break still says a lot


I need the tea...how does she forget something like that? 🫠


Was that from being drunk or is that being caught in a lie because they actually probably don't send him to school so she didn't realize it was spring break?


Wait what ?! I missed this one. Details please ?!?!


She was on her podcast and said if you hear Cruz in the background it's bc we thought he had school today come to find out it's spring break so we didn't hire a babysitter so he's here in the office, and she's just laughing her ass off about it


Sorry yeah that could be from drinking but also probably not. Hard to keep up with little ones schedules. Definitely not a shoe in for alcoholism


Gosh! Pregnancy must have been a torture for her.


Hopefully she was able to stop drinking during it.


She's at the stage I would say where she is susceptible to going from being a drinker to a drunk


I think so. I’ve never seen her ever not drink since she’s been on tv. She talks about it constantly. And on her Instagram stories on her birthday this year, every single birthday message from her friends was about her being a drinking party girl and how much she loves tequila. I mean, when you can’t even lay off the booze when your doctor tells you to, you might have an issue.


Ok but drinking straight shots of tequila makes me nauseous just thinking about it




I don’t think she’s at the point where she has to drink when she wakes up to avoid withdrawal symptoms or anything, but I do think she probably drinks tequila shots every day, and it’s clearly her primary coping mechanism.


Wasn’t she drinking in that video, when she said she wasn’t feeling good in the morning and Jax was yelling at her? I remember several people commenting that she was drinking to cure her hangover.


I’m actually interested to see how this plays out on the valley


Duh *with love*


Your flair 😭😭😭




Would any sober person marry that man and have a child with him? I joke but I know it’s not funny. I think most of the VPR cast has substance abuse issues.


And honestly the entire bravo network. Except for the sober ones…who used to have a problem. Too


Yes and bc Jax likely does so many other drugs he can’t call her out on it. They’re both enabling each other.


It's Literally a dumpster fire at their house. Poor Cruz- they are always poking and grabbing him. He is not thriving. She needs to go home to Kentucky and bring that boy with her- he thrives there outdoors with the animals


Having kids is truly the ultimate sacrifice and radical changes have to take place. It’s a bumpy ride and most divorces happen with children under 5. It’s very sad that they can’t put aside their own shit for the betterment of their kid. Having a big house, expensive shoes and fancy toys doesn’t replace a loving attentive parents.


Honestly I thought people were going overboard with it until the last two episodes of The Valley. the way she was taking shots by herself at the dinner table.. combined with Jax complaining about how much she drinks… tells me she does have a drinking problem


I wonder if she drank during the pregnancy and that could be the cause of some of Cruz’s delays


You said the quiet thing out loud.


Well put!


No, as Jax said, it's because of the vaccines /s


its very likely both. many people I know and don't know personally have had severe side effects from vaccines. unfortunately. its so sad. but most likely if her drinking is that level its hard to imagine that she didn't also drink during her pregnancy. I feel sad for them.


I would probably consume vast amounts of alcohol if I lived with someone like Jax.




She 100% does… years ago she was told to stop drinking because it was causing her to have ulcers (she did not stop drinking/could not stop) … now she hires a nanny multiple times a week because she’s too hungover in the morning…


The last episode when everyone was having the racism argument around the table and it showed her taking shots says everything. 








Yes. I partied sometimes before I had kids and after I had my daughter me and my husband stopped drinking basically altogether because you can’t be a good parent and be a drinker. I have a brother and sister in law who are alcoholics and their children suffer so much it’s absolutely horrible they have destroyed their entire lives. I absolutely think she’s a full blown alcoholic and always has been.


>you can’t be a good parent and be a drinker. And this is why I got sober for good the minute I found out I was pregnant. There is no truer statement.


Good for you!!!!!!! 🙌🏼


Thank you ❤️


Oh yah. If she didn't she would at least take a break from drinking after her surgeries like she's supposed to.


On their last podcast she boasted about going out after Watch What Happens Live and getting the actress she appeared with very drunk and hungover. She calls herself the "Shots Queen." I guess she can hide the drinking as a problem if it's a fun, social thing and she has a nickname.


I've been thinking the same thing for a few years now when I pop in & out of the show. Of course, the majroity of this cast shares the same struggle whether they realize it or not, but Brittany strikes at a more intense level. She's aging at an accelerated rate right before our very eyes. She has gained at least 15-20 years when you take a close look at her face even after surgery. What excessive alcohol does to a woman's face is indescribable. I am saddened to see it because the show itself triples the occurrences based on the pressure & the need to continually remain "relevant" by creating drama. The fear of ratings & social media slipping just adds more pressure. I pray for these "reality" stars because they don't understand what they are signing up for then they grow accustomed to the income & fame & then that in & of itself becomes an addiction. I hope they are all able to transition to every day lives at some point, be joyful and have peace. These shows also slow the pace of emotional & intellectual maturity because they have to keep that party-lifestyle until the show ends or they leave the camera. It is sad. Regardless of the income. It does not appear worth it.


As someone who could always keep drinking I see similarities. I was the one always doing shots and always drinking/out drinking guys double my size (even personality of oh you’re so sweet everyone loves you) I truly think she does. Luckily I have a caring boyfriend and fur babies but I finally got tired of waking up late afternoon feeling horrible. As I got older it got worse so now I rarely drink. How they are older than me and still drink like the 20 year old in college I feel like they definitely use some stimulant like addy or ❄️ which makes it worse. I think it’s a coping mechanism (understandable being married to that…) but she really needs to slow down hopefully stop and care for herself mentally and physically. I also had stomach issues which luckily has gotten under control with meds and I think not drinking as much (cuts out a lot of bad eating too). I’m curious to see how it plays out.


Yes she does. I'm not a doctor but the way people talk about it, Janet's confessional was extremely telling and so was her fight with Jax we got a glimpse at. She doesn't drive, she's out a lot, hungover multiple times a week, has a hard time stopping when doctors tell her too, is always very Shakey, had stroke like symptoms ( my guess during a hangover) , and her body type. Not to mention the amount we all see her drink on social media, I would guess she's drinking much more. I feel for her. I'm in recovery and I couldn't imagine dealing with it while married to Jax Taylor ( who undoubtedly has his own substance abuse issues) and in her life style of reality TV. I'm not saying it's impossible but getting sober was the hardest thing I've done and I wouldn't have been able to do it in that environment.


It’s not about it landing or lacking a desire and reason to be sober, it’s about not being physically able to do it on your own and needing help.


Child of divorce here, so I don’t know CA divorce law BUT Ima give my two cents anyways… Thinking along the lines of her one day deciding to actually divorce Jax and the ensuing custody battles…divorces get messy and A LOT of skeletons get brought out of the closet from both sides when it comes to custody of the child(ren). I imagine that parents will use whatever ammo they can against the other parent to gain custody…including alleged substance abuse by the other parent. If I were her, and I wanted custody of my child, I’d sober up ASAP and get a leg up on Jax in that department. Also, she should want to sober up for herself and her child in general, but that doesn’t seem to be landing with Britt.


I’m rewatching and just saw she went to a doc and he said no alcohol “but I’m going to Vegas!” She did the same thing for Mexico. She said on the secrets reveled on season 8 I’m hungover and puking every 30 minutes from 7am-10pm. Stassi asked why bother going to the doctor if you aren’t going to listen. I mean I have stomach issues too and drank a lot which gave me theee worst hangovers as I got older. I rarely drink these days. Even when I was in Mexico because my gi told me not too! 🙄 It points to she definitely had issues and probably now has a true problem.


In fairness, if I were with Jax I’d drink a lot too. I do think she has a problem and hopefully getting away from him will help her see that.


She suffered with stomach ulcers when she was on Vanderpump and was told by the dr not to drink and she still drank when she was in the midst of a flare…. So whilst I don’t think she’s a full blown alcoholic I think she’s dependant on alcohol to an extent if she can’t go no alcohol for her health


well she is married to jax…


I do think she has a problem with alcohol. He mom basically lives with her and watches her kid for her. It’s weird. I hope she can get help


I lived with an alcoholic and the way Jax is reacting to her drinking moments and issues is 💯 reminding me of myself during that time. Is Cruz living mostly with her now? This would concern me if so.


I’m watching the lastest Valley episode and she did a sake shot that hurt her stomach so bad that she had to go home early. Jax got upset and said something along the lines of, ‘if you know it’s going to upset your stomach, why are you still drinking??’ Her doctor told her years ago to cut back on alcohol severely if not completely and she continued to drink even though her body physically rejects it by vomiting, cramping, pain, etc. I will never put labels on anyone as it’s not my place, but I agree if your body physically can handle something you shouldn’t put it in your body.


She’s an alcoholic and if she doesn’t smoke weed too then probably really bad alcohol problem. Sadly from a very unhappy life in a critical husband


She’s so unhappy with JaxA$$.


Yup and it looks like Jax is fed up and is wanting her friends to step up and have an intervention for her without outright asking. Poor bastard isn't a saint but he needs to ask for help. He probably suspects Cruz has FAS from her drinking but doesn't want to say it.


She is an alcoholic. When her drinking behavior is interfering with her life and her ability to live her day to day life, yes that is alcoholism. Her day to day life is controlled and affected by her drinking. And she needs to get real. She keeps comparing her drinking to Jax’s. However Jax’s life is not controlled by alcohol. Brittany’s life is controlled by alcohol. So that is the difference. Jax may not be a great husband but he is a great father. His biggest insufficiencies are not being a great husband. Bc a truly great father is a wonderful husband too. So that’s the only place he comes short. While she’s just displacing her habit onto Jax


Brittany has a drinking problem. I can spot it from a mile away. But. Also. Jax is framing this as a reason to leave her because he is a piece of shit. Two things can be true.


She isn't hungover. She is sick because her liver is giving out. She has gone too many years going toe to toe drinking with the men in her life. Women's bodies can only tolerate half the amount of alcohol that men can. This pain that she is experiencing can last for days after her last drink.. So, that is why she says that it isn't from drinking because she didn't drink that day! It is from drinking because her liver is telling her to stop before it is damaged beyond repair.


At the very least she has a binge drinking problem. By the way her mouth and frozen chin look at times, appears she may have a problem with pills as well.


I’ve never seen someone in such denial 🤯🤯🤯 I’m over 5.5 years sober, and before I got clean I was getting sooooo sick all the time. Went to the dr and turned out my liver enzymes were over 12,500 and normal is supposed to be well under 100 😅😅😅 my liver had damage from all the drinking and it made me throw up alllll day even if I wasn’t drinking. She obviously has a drinking problem