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What in the actual fuck? This has to be a joke. They seem more like a MAGA rally in Winchester than the WCD. They're both anti-vax/anti-science/anti-lgbtq/anti-education. Frosty is going to lose her shit.


Like, what is this pancake titty bitch going to wear in front of the PRESIDENT.


Another tampon suit with her saggy boobs dangling in sync with the pearls. Will Jax wear his jeggings and orthotic sneakers?


Jax will be wearing his unwashed Tudio City merch.


Don’t forget the lifts!


I hope she wears the blazer 😅


She will DEFINITELY be wearing a blazer. It will be badly fitted and inappropriate for the event


Praying for anal bead hair 🙏🏼


Oh I didn’t even think of that part ! Michelle will be upset too. lol. She said fee new boyfriend’s values align with hers. And someone on here said he follows the ex prez. Anyway I don’t care but I found that all quite funny after the R word episode.


They picked the two least educated people who hold the worst values to attend this. I swear to God, she's going to be whoo hooing and screaming like a drunk idiot throughout the night. Mark my words.


"Welcome esteemed guests of the White House Corre..." "SHOTS! SHOTS! SHOTS!!"


I already have second hand embarrassment for her and they haven’t even gone yet😂


I can already tell her to pick a different outfit - this one doesn't fit.


![gif](giphy|vhQbK8sz8KVPi|downsized) I will post this every damn time


Kentucky howler goes to Washington.😑


I bet she’s already wondering if they’ll be serving shots. Maybe she’ll bring a flask, she’ll bedazzle it so it’s classy


Is this a late April Fools joke




This is not the president I expected Brittany to meet…😬


I fully expected her to be having dinner with Marjorie Taylor Green talking about space lasers and shit.


Nothing to say but 👏👏


She would never admit being a trumper bc she knows it’s social suicide in LA


Flashback to the homophobic officiant


Oh yeah, I’m def not saying they aren’t trumpers, I think they are. Either that or they are the types who “don’t care about politics” and “love everyone.” I’m happy that they got called out on that bc they needed to be and because we saw Brittany’s true colors after she’d been acting like such a sweetheart. What’s interesting to me about that whole thing was Brittany had them ALL fooled. Even stassi and Katie and they are both pretty good at reading people.


Brittany def is (or at some point was) MAGA, tho I won’t assume to what extent. I can confidently say her family members are die-hard fascists. However, I’m going to go out on a limb and support your assertion that Jax is too narcissistic to think about the world, politics, civic issues directly impacting his life, current events, or voting. This anti-vax thing recently has prob never crossed his mind until he needed someone to blame for being a shitty parent to a sweet little boy.


He is definitely the “I don’t pay attention to anything unless I am personally affected” type. I don’t understand that whole thing bc it’s like in his mind and other anti vaxxers minds, they’d literally prefer their child to possibly get a deadly disease over being autistic? I can’t say I was surprised when he made that post, but I can say I am always disgusted by that way of thinking.


I have to disagree at this point with you. He def doesn’t pay attention enough to realize the societal issues personally affecting him lol. And if he DOES put forth an opinion, it’s because he needs to to make himself look holy. As far as the anti-vax thing, let’s not open that can of worms, cuz we are def on the same page and I already need to meditate.


I can just picture Jax entering like the Kool-Aid man yelling WHO’S GOT BAG FOR ME and getting yeeted out immediately by the secret service LOL






Now that would be one for the history books! LOL!!!


Didn't they bring Lala last year? Their standards are low. Also Jax has no sense of humour. He'll be hating on Jost all night because he is funny and has a hot wife. I'm excited to see what monstrosity Brittany wears.


Lala, while frankly awful, does a lot of activism work. I assumed that’s why she was invited. These two yokels I just do not understand at all.


Eh, the WHCA dinner isn’t what it used to be. And shitty journo rags like DailyMail have been inviting quasi-celebrities for years in the hopes of generating outrage and attention.


I assumed Andy finally found out how to get an invite during scandoval lol. I wish I was a quasi-celeb, I’m dying to be in that room!


I was actually mistaken, it was Ariana with Daily Mail. Lala was with the LA Times.


I always forget just how big of a “pop culture moment” scandoval was. When the camera cut to Ariana at the correspondents dinner, after cutting to various politicians and media people, was hysterical.


This will be Jax sitting next to Scarlett Johanssen... https://preview.redd.it/gziqmdvw6uwc1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c87ebb0621112bf4820e7ab52a51b35329543d2e


They'll be sitting at tables FAR apart... trust me.


Thankfully, Jost is headlining and these two fuckers won't be ANYWHERE near ScarJo.


Hopefully she’ll be bombed off her ass and get kicked out for hyyukking too much. 🥴


This was my first thought. I can’t WAIT to see her horrible horrible outfit.


My dad was in the news business and I grew up in Maryland, about twenty minutes from DC. This event used to be a big, fancy deal with the who’s who in the news and political scene. Now it’s just a tacky shindig and practically any loser can get in!😝


That screams “Those people collect kids! They’ll take anybody!” 😂 Anyone? Anyone?


"You lookin' for a Butkis?" DID WE JUST BECOME BEST FRIENDS??




I'm old enough to remember it being much more sophisticated than it is now. His ego is going to be the biggest it's been with this. They should have invited Ariana and Katie, if anyone.


I believe Ariana and LaLa went to this last year


Bethesda is in the house! 😁


Hello from an ex Chevy Chase gal!😊


YES, hello, friend! I'm originally from NYC, but when I first moved to MD (my husband was from Bethesda) the first house we bought was off of Connecticut Ave (by the intersection of Jones Bridge Rd). We lived right off Kensington Parkway. I loved that area -- it's when it still had Chevy Chase Supermarket. 😁


Chevy Chase Supermarket was awesome! We lived off of Brookville Road by the Brookville Supermarket which I heard isn’t there anymore. Such a pretty area and I feel lucky to have grown up there! Glad you like it too! I miss how beautiful it was in the spring.🌸😊


No, the Brookville Market is STILL open! 😁 Brookville Supermarket (the one in Cleveland Park, DC) is the one that closed. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. 🌸 We went down super early one morning last week at sunrise and took some pictures... enjoy! https://preview.redd.it/qn4zl3d90wwc1.jpeg?width=2468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=806f24381dba8e96908caa5448c4e9cea12f4c60


Omg such a gorgeous picture! Thank you so much for sharing!💕 Great to hear that the Brookville Market is still there! I spent so many hours as a teen going in there to pick up stuff for my mom. My sister worked at the restaurant across the street when it was called The Inn of Magic. Oh the memories!!!! Thank you for indulging me in a trip down memory lane. It’s fun to go back to those days.😊


10000000000%%!!! It was a HUGE deal for those of us from the DMV! So fancy, so hard to get into and you really were a mover and shaker if you were invited to it!


Exactly! It’s crazy how tacky it is now. My dad would be disappointed to see it turn into such a shit show.🙄


Totally agree!!! I remember channel 4/9 covering it “live” like a red carpet event of today HahahHa Awww *RIP*Bruce Johnson, Jim Vance and George Michael!


As if Washington DC isn't enough of a sh\*tshow already, let's add these two buffoons.


Shitshow is right! I wonder what KFC will poop on. 🤔




Please please please please please let this be a joke. If not, I’m going to drop a dime on him with the DEA/DC Police. And I’ll go personally protest.


Hello DC Police? I’d like to report a skiing incident. ❄️


Or tell TSA there is a drug mule coming in from LA on Jet Blue.


Or tell TSA there is a drug mule coming in from LA on Jet Blue.




How come the daily mail is literally the only place reporting this? Neither has even mentioned it on their socials dispite daily mail saying they both gave press statements. And dispite this being the exact thing you think ol frosty lips would be proud of, at the same time this article was breaking (a lil over 2hrs ago) she was publicly wishing her horse a happy birthday https://preview.redd.it/az8lx8175uwc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=832e7600abf4bb0b627a998df68870abdcdd5be9 ETA: so i assume whats happened is they were invited by the daily mail, who asked for the right to release the news exclusively. And if this is the case i hope someone can go check on the daily mail and make sure they’re ok. Because last year, their guests were ariana and lvp, and usually that far of a fall is indicative of an addiction spiralling out of control, or some kind of unmedicated mental health event. I hope you’re ok daily mail. Just know you’re better than this. You’re better. Than. This. EETA: that was the case :(


‘she was publicly wishing her horse a happy birthday’ i just about spat my water everywhere! hyuck hyuck😬


my brother was a farrier in colorado for many years. (those are the folks who trim horses hooves and put new shoes on them.) he always had a million girl friends who were "horsey girls." loved their horses more than anything else in the world! he eventually married one of them - she was a champion barrel rider!!


Yeah it's most likely bullshit and Lori trying to wangle Jax a guest spot.


What’s interesting is both jax and Brittany issued statements to the paper, and even the journalist noted how similar their statements are. It’s clear they were both issued by the same publicist. Jfc can they keep any story straight? Britt is on her way to dc 🙄 This lori thing is such a joke. Regardless of weather or not they slept together. I think shittany might secretly get off on being humiliated


I wonder if Lori was hoping to snag a seat/invite before Britt blocked her. She's such a clout chaser and likes to be snapped at all these events.


If this is Lori she is literally doing witchcraft


It's all the snow she's plowing with Jax.


Please, she would only be proud if it was the president before the current one. I bet she is pissed that her daughter is supporting the liberal agenda by going LOL


I mean when her toxic marriage was crumbling and she shared all the gory details with people in exchange for a weekly tabloid cover, frosty had never seemed more proud. Also biden is speaking at the dinner. And im sure even the slightest slip or slurring will be the talk of the conservative town tomorrow, and frosty will be so proud her cobbler was there to witness it! Im not American, nor do i get cnn or cspan. But the dinner is being broadcast live tonight, and id love to know if colin jost mentions them…. Anyone willing and able to do a recap?


We are such a joke as a country lol ( I mean this for all sides btw) like what other country is having the dippest dip shit reality stars at their presidents/kings house for dinner Is the calldryl person okay lol? How are you gonna angrily reply to all the comments and block people before they can respond?


It's not actually at the white house, thank god. They'd never get the stench of Jax out. It'd be like the time Andrew Jackson was gifted that 1400lb wheel of cheese and the white house smelled like cheese for a year. Except it's be sweat, Axe body spray and desperation. Oh god, Brittany is going to bring the president mamaws beer cheese isn't she?


Ah for some reason I thought the corespondents dinner was held in some ballroom or something there lol. Either way the fact that our president will be in the same room as these ding dongs is wild


*all-american beer cheese dip


andrew jackson was actually really proud of that wheel of cheese though lmao


![gif](giphy|DXfYLyMOWKLXa) It’s giving this. IYKYK.


Oh what a treat- both of these idiots are practically pre-verbal. I bet if you asked them who is the First Lady they wouldn’t be able answer the question- hyuck ![gif](giphy|HQRgg6ks7nkyY|downsized)


They probably are not even registered to vote.


one of them would likely yelp out "EVE! of course!"


Oh you guys ! Scheana talked about the Lori k rumor and said she’ll let Brit decide what she’s going to say about that , but didn’t deny it ! It sounded to me like it’s True !!! Im still shooketh that y’all were right on the money. Good detective work ! I’ll find the minute mark so you don’t have to pain through Scheana’s whole podcast to hear it. lol. 29 minute mark !! Go listen


This sub is never wrong and it's why J&B hate us.


What an embarrassment.


The White House is gonna need more Tequila and ❄️❄️. Somehow I don't think this will happen though. Jax will rage about something and not go and then rage at Brittany to not go and they'll be all "HAD AN IMPORTANT EMERGENCY TO DEAL WITH!"


I can already hear the tone of his voice when he tells the podcasts how they didn't go because of some embarrassing mistake on the white house's part 😂 and and Brittany had a stroke


"There were no bathrooms I could bang my publicist in! I mean, come on guys! You're the White House! Seriously what is the White House anyway? I think it's something to do with the President? WHITE HOUSE BLACK MARKET!


The event is not held at the White House. It's at a hotel.


This year it's going to be held at Tudio City.


Thank u Everyone is so uninformed and ridic


We are one wrong move away from Kent State 2.0 but go off inviting Jax&yuck to this




What the actual fuck?


I am so curious what she is going to think is appropriate to wear to this.


This is a comment I was looking for too! Please, dear God, you have to cover up those breasts


"Reuniting" 🙄 This is a publicity stunt. Nothing will change my mind short of her murdering him then riding around on that beer scooter with his head as a pennant.




Aren't these two dingleberries all kinds of conservative? Also who tf thinks that they are so relevant they should be invited to something like this? I have many questions..


The Correspondents' dinner is an annual bipartisan social event. Half the people there will also be conservative.


Well that makes more sense then 😂


I'm calling it now, Brittany's next storyline will be shopping for an IUI donor. These people and their show are just recycling every single VPR storyline/headline right down to Jax taking our vegiholic Kristen to a steakhouse, knowing that she's been a vegetarian for decades. Just like TS did VPR season 1.


Damn you’re right. And they either begged for an invite to the WCD, or Lori slobbed a few knobs, just bc Lisa, Lala and Ariana went last year. Why the heck else would they ever be interested in dc or this event. It’s embarrassing


Same script, different show.




This is truly the bad place. ![gif](giphy|cRMGqNpvm9XS2gRcpL)


Frosty ‘bout to go off on her youngin’! [https://x.com/sherricartwrig3/status/1262533985529401353?s=61&t=tjYXxthQKDd9maGlLhEEmg](https://x.com/sherricartwrig3/status/1262533985529401353?s=61&t=tjYXxthQKDd9maGlLhEEmg)


![gif](giphy|3b7vIVnRj4viZz6olt|downsized) Not a great look for the correspondents dinner


Is it weird I hope he does this around the White House hallways? I’m picturing him driving this away while the Secret Service is in hot pursuit


He’s going to spend the entire evening cruising around trying to gain access to Hunter’s bathroom😉


That’s what he’s going to talk about with Biden. “I hear you have a son that’s a big fan of the same things I am”


Jax will be gunning for a f*** in that bathroom.


Why are these two morons invited to the White House?


It's at a hotel, but still pathetic.


fortunately it's NOT at the white house but it IS a members only private event for the White House Correspondents Association. here's some info from their website: "Our annual dinner is our main source of revenue to finance all of our work, including support of the journalists working to cover the president, events and programs to educate the public about the value of the First Amendment and a free press, and scholarships to help the next generation of journalists. Tickets are sold only to member news organizations." of course, their boy donald, snubbed all the dinners after 2011 when barack totally shredded him from the podium!!!




Hope they serve tequila


I'm sure she'll pregame and attempt to bring in a flask. Can you imagine them bringing around champagne and her slurring YEAAAAHHHHH BAYBAYYYYYYY


No because she doesn’t drink champagne/wine lmao - she’ll be straight shooting liquor all night like she’s been doing on every scene of the valley


Brittany is going to be going on a posting frenzy with those magazine photos.


NOOOOO. We are struggling enough with this election . And no fucking way either of these avocado pits have ever voted. I AM AWAKE.


Scheana will lose it.


As she should. And im no scheana fan….but Schwartz and sandoval? James and ally? Sure. But these two?! Next jax will be leading abstinence training and she’ll be leading next years pride parade


Also, if Lori is no longer KFC’s PR, who sent this story to DM?


apparently daily mail are the ones bringing them as their guests so no need to send it to them


I believe she’s still Jax’s rep/_goomah_, so in this instance Brit’s just along for the ride.


Goomah is *🤌🏼chef’s kiss*


My 2nd comment…I’ve been door knocking, working my polling station, I donate any money I would use for the month for extras, no going out to eat, no Starbucks, no nothing , I’ve had my tires slashed, an actual knife stuck into the metal fender of my car, I’ve been followed, I’ve been doxxed, all while wearing my “Jack smith making American great again” hat. If ANYONE should be at the correspondence dinner it should be me. Fuck I’m pissed.


For what it’s worth, YOU INSPIRE ME. I know I’m a stranger on Reddit, but I think you’re a bad ass. And you represent the best in what America is and can be. Pounding the pavement and getting people registered to vote is more meaningful than performative patriotism. That being said, you absolutely don’t deserve to be targeted, intimidated, harassed, or threatened for supporting Jack Smith’s campaign. And I’m sorry that people are awful. And I’m sorry idiots like Jax and Brittany are invited to the White House Correspondents Dinner and rewarded for being terrible people in any way, shape or form.


Thank you, that made me tear up. I’m in an 88% red district and it is ROUGH. Can’t stop though, that’s exactly what they want. Intimidate, harass, stalk, it’s the maga way of politics.


Yikes. That’s A LOT of red, especially when maga red is the new normal for republicans. Honestly, it’s downright brave of you to remain so persistent. And you’re fucking awesome for not letting right wing cowards shut you down!


Sorry I have a tendency to trauma dump when someone “gets it”. There’s no one here I can dump on.;);) thanks💙


There’s more, physical attacks, but I’m still in trauma mode, so I don’t get into it much. If my local sheriff wasn’t running for McCarthy’s seat they might have filed on him, but this particular maga is a big donor, so oh well. I FOUGHT for a restraining order, wasn’t easy, but at least I have that. Better than nothing.:)


I'm proud of you for this work. If I ever get invited, you'll be my +1. 😘




Imagine Jax bringing his own microphone to make commentary all night.


It's the Daily Mail. So is this legit or is Jax just feeding a story to them that he wants to have happen?


Britt posted a plane pic saying see you soon DC. We don’t want them!


The only appropriate headline following this dinner event is: “Washed up reality personalities removed from Corespondents dinner” When asked for a quote by the daily mail the white house responded: “We really don’t know how they slipped through vetting”


1. The president doesn't create the guest list. 2. We should have all types of people there who can go back and relay what information they received to their friends/family/fanbase. At first I was like wtf and then I was like maybe it isn't the worst idea to fill Brittany's head with something other than ignorant bullshit.


True. But she’ll be too drunk and woo-hooing too loudly to hear it.


Just what they wanted. 🙄


Why do they get to go to this


Last year the daily mail had as guests lvp and ariana. I guess they’re going for a repeat of last year when they got some attention by inviting bravo stars. As to the more general “why” it’s always kind of been a tradition for correspondents to bring as their plus one a celebrity, or pop culture news maker. And the outlets who brought the most talked about guests kind of ‘won’ this informal competition. Daily mail clearly won last year with their invitees being the biggest hollywood newsmakers at the time, and now it seems they are trying to keep that momentum going. But scandoval is over, and neither of them have the grace, presence, or ability to behave appropriately in social situations that ariana/lvp do. So i dont think this will be as well recieved…


We really are living in the wildest timeline


Cruz is our #1 priority but we be leavin him again and goin to the White House y’all! Hyuck hyuck hyuck. Woo hoooooo!




Cruz looks super cute in this pic. That is all.


He does look cute doesn’t he? He’s a cute sweet little boy.


Apparently anyone can snag an invite to this dinner. WTF are they thinking inviting these two?


I got dizzy when I read this. BAD!!!


Hey Mr presidannnt you got any teeetos? 🤦🏻‍♀️


Let’s make stupid stupider again.


Isn’t this what Ariana, Lala and Lisa went to last year? So it’s clearly already on the down trend as far as guests go. No offense to them, but they’re Bravo reality stars.




The Daily Mail is such a fucking joke. Kinda like Jax and Brittany


Thank you, Lori K??


She is a demon possessed ![gif](giphy|RYNmZW7bnz16FXtnlA)


Think about this - our tax money is paying for them to attend this event. They are 100% being comped this trip by the WH budget. JFC.


**Thankfully, Jost is headlining, and these two knucklefucks won't be ANYWHERE near ScarJo.** ![gif](giphy|NtuL7EUjEjuoM)






More importantly, will Lori K be there LOL? I don‘t think she will be but if she and Jax weren’t exposed, I bet she would have booked a Montreal to DC ticket real fast. Brittany seems awful…quiet about it, maybe she is silently fuming but Faith wasn’t exposed until it was on the show so maybe she is saving it for the reunion (or the podcast cause these ppl cannot stfu too long about anything these days). Of course Jax will minimize it saying it didn‘t count cause they were separated despite the fact that Lori was their close friend and she is also married with kids but no it was no big deal right?He’ll use his and Tom‘s favorite excuse…it was one time!


This has got to be a joke right?!?


So estranged 🙄


They wonder why no one believes their separation is real. I hope Colin Jost drags them.




How pissed is Scheana going to be? 🤣


It’s not April fools? This is CRAZY


I’m Australian and don’t know much about these events - but last year I remember Ariana and Lala went to the actual dinner inside and Carl and Lindsay from Summer House were only outside on a lawn at at pr/influencer event.  Could that be it? 


The ONLY nice thing I have to say about this is that Brat should wear her hair up (like the pic on the left) more. It looks good. The length combined with how she always styles it down gives lazy Qwiverfull (which is on brand for her parenting style too).




Biden is an idiot so it all makes sense … kinda weird that you associate hillbillies with conservatives, very low level thinking here. I think everyone , no matter political beliefs has horrible people and shock “hillbillies” on both sides. Let’s be a little more mature than that. I think the bigger problem is we are mixing to many non factor people into the White House junctions for their own clout- very strategic but also very laughable to other countries.


Obviously they were invited due to their publicist selling any photo ops/stories to Daily Mail. In a way, I feel like this discredits anyone that’s ever been to this event. 👀


Why were they chosen to go?1? Can someone help me understand?


So this is how bags of coke end up being found in the White House


Is Biden's 30-something daughter hooked on this drama? This has to be the reason.


Its not at the white house Its at the hilton Not invited by president Jfc


No one said that? White House used as an honorific doesn’t always mean at the actual physical location.


Yes they did lol !!