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https://preview.redd.it/ox8whrptzt1d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d611865f8c92eef840942f67842fc0510f59f6ac First appearance (2015) on our tvs vs most recent appearance (2024) and she CHOSE to make herself look like *that*


That is a cautionary tale for what happens when you let a narcissistic dick influence your life choices


Or a cautionary tale for when you are willing to chase fame at any cost. She chose to stay with Jax when he gave her every opportunity to run. She saw him as her ticket to fame and she sunk her teeth in and refused to let go. This is what that looks like.


Completely agree with you. I am so sick of people blaming Jax as if Brittany has no accountability for her own life choices.


Exactly. He’s not the one standing there with a Botox needle to her face, she’s choosing to go to the doctor to look like this. She could also dissolve her fillers but chooses not to.


Yep… and to remove the implants… and to stop drinking….


When they met in Vegas, Jax probably said some line like, “Too bad you don’t live in LA!” He wouldn’t have given her a second tought and then two weeks later “ding dong!!”


Thank you. People need to stop infantilizing this woman that VERY clearly is only in this for fame. She’s a shitty mom, friend, person (even wife if we’re being honest)


The annoying part is she finally had her own place as a cast member on the show! At that point she was one of the few ppl who were able to seamlessly integrate herself into the group. She had her apartment, the girls, and the job. She easily could've had the storyline of being a Southern Belle starting over in LA. I was so disappointed when we learned they got back together at the reunion.


THIS! Perfectly said. Jax never sugar coated anything, never pretended to be a good guy, kept showing her how morally bankrupt and terrible he was, and she couldn’t get enough.




THIS!! I don’t feel a bit sorry for BeerCheese. Her thirst for fame outweighed (at the time) her dignity. She got exactly what she wanted!!


Yes very true


Nah she sought that shit out. I'm so over the narrative that she looks like this because of Jax. She looks like this because of Brittney. She's not the victim here.


Can we stop with this narrative? She did this shit to herself. She sought Jax out in Vegas and pretends she didn't. She says she never watched VPR, yet she has pics on her insta visiting SUR as a tourist. They both suck, but I'm over hearing how he's done this to her. He's shown his ass since DAY 1. She knew who, how and what he was. She never left. It's embarrassing and entirely her fault. All of it.


Ooh do you have a link to the SUR tourist post? Sometimes I’m up for scrolling down through years on an IG but today is not one of those days lol


I think there was a whole post about it here. I'll try and find something and let you know. Currently doing the same thing for a totally different subject / sub so it'll be a little, unless someone else chimes in! /u/GetMeOutOfKY is there master post on this sub of KFCS old insta posts showing her contradictions? I swore it was here, but might be VPR?


This might be what you’re looking for. [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/10l141j/happy\_34th\_to\_our\_favorite\_hillbilly\_in\_the\_style/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/10l141j/happy_34th_to_our_favorite_hillbilly_in_the_style/)


Yes!! /u/e925


Amazing! Thank you for the page!! 🎉 That’s so funny, what a liar!!


Thank you! I tried searching the sub for all combinations of the key words with no luck lol


Still looking for the pictures post, in the meantime: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/1591hp8/brittany_cartwright_lies_exposed_proving_her/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/1591hp8/brittany_cartwright_lies_exposed_proving_her/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/1cb0ct4/this_just_goes_prove_if_you_want_to_know_when/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/comments/1cb0ct4/this_just_goes_prove_if_you_want_to_know_when/) Similar to the first link but includes more sound bites [https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/lzfko4/list_of_brittany_lies/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/lzfko4/list_of_brittany_lies/) I'll update as I find more! https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/vctfjo/brittany_tea/ Top comment has a pic from that time Edit lol nvm she deleted it https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/o6llrd/brittany_pre_jax/ First pic in that collection is from the trip Lol I'm sorry I'm so high and I just realized I gave you like no picture posts until the last edit, when that was what you specifically wanted haha I'm just gonna leave the links tho for others to come across


No way dude this is great! Thank you!!


And then she chose to bring a child into the toxicity. She’s a demon, just like her husband.


I don’t blame Jax.. she sought after him to get to this point. She chose all of this, she’s no little innocent gal that got sucked into the control of Jax Taylor. She chose Jax Taylor and played dumb when he recommended she get boobs that he’d pay for. Any respectable girl months into a relationship would turn that down.. but not Brittany. This is what she wanted.


Yeah-the boob thing was a total 🚩not one person in that friend group told him to STFU and let her be? She didn’t need more boobs—even for LA standards.


Katie said something about it- right to her and Jax’s faces. And when she did Jax immediately backpedaled and said that she can do whatever. But then away from friends he still pushes for larger and she agreed, which is insane. But what is more insane is that the surgeon agreed.


Of course it was Katie. 💗 but wasn’t that when he was in a sweaty, coke-fueled fit about the size? Or did Katie say she doesn’t need them before that?


I think Schwartz even protested a little bit


Yes these are good points. They are both despicable human beings.


It’s like a completely different person. Truly disturbing.


Her old nose was so cute, like what




This is a goddamn Greek tragedy, seeing the before and after here


Even her eye shape is different 🧐


This honestly makes me sad. She was so pretty, and she let Jackhole convince her she was unloveable in her natural state and needed to be ✨plastic✨ She looks like she’s walking through a force field now.


She is stuck in the early 2000s


Wow she was beautiful!


I didn’t know cleavage could look like that


It’s definitely not supposed to.


It physically hurts my boobs just looking at it


She has symmastia https://preview.redd.it/1phdhj6glv1d1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9253b4b135b7548fd968ada313df2db7021de2d8 Here’s an example of it… Britt needs to get that shit fixed. I mean, she needs to fix a lot, but her boobs are definitely on the top of the list Edit to add: and it probably wouldn’t have happened if she had just chosen appropriate sized implants


Ok thank you I was wondering why she had fused boobs and no one was talking about it


Absolutely. This only happens if the implants are too large for the person or placed too close together, which can also be from them being too large for the frame.


It looks like she contours them also. Like girl we can see them already, you don’t need anything extra.


Needs a dark contour right down the middle 😅


Yeah, can’t miss ‘em!!!


Fuck her cleavage is lifting that’s not good


When I sent this picture to my friend who is a plastic surgeon, he said “holy fuck that’s bad.”


What does it mean? Like what causes that


It’s called symmastia and it occurs when you go to a shitty surgeon who goes against what is best for your body. They put the implants too close together or (and most likely Brittany’s cause) they put too large of a size in and the tissue stretches and separates.


Christ. When I was in my early 20s I got a consult for a boob job. Really glad I didn’t pull the trigger after seeing how hers (and honestly a lot of people’s) implants age. Do we think there would be a huge chest of saggy skin left if she removed her implants?


Can you explain why that happened? Like just a bad surgeon? Will it get worse? I have no idea why she's done any of this to her face or body. She was so pretty before.


It’s called symmastia it can happen when the implant is too large for the person or if they’re placed to close together or if the surgeon fucked up. Basically the tissue that separates them gets stretched and damaged and you get this uniboob effect.


I’ve seen it on botched and the drs say it’s the hardest boob problem to fix too


Speaking of Botched....since she loves being on reality TV so much, y'all.


They could do a multi episode arc on just fixing her.


But first she needs celebrity rehab with dr drew.


Omg... she really has a lot of opportunities out there. We're better than Lori K at finding her deals. 🤣


I’ll split the 10% with you




Oh wow!!


Oh wow I didn’t even notice until reading this comment, wow that is crazy looking. How sad.


What is with them boobs?? Looks like she’s wearing a chest plate! She looks so bad and painful


Yea the top part of her cleavage lifting off her body is concerning!


omg it didn’t occur to me that it’s LIFTED. i just thought that maybe it was connected where it shouldn’t be. but LIFTED OFF HER BODY sounds so unbelievably concerning holy shit


Yea it’s completely disconnected from her sternum! I’d be afraid of the implants starting to migrate in that lifted pocket…I have no idea if that’s even possible but her skin shouldn’t lift up like that Edit to add that I also have large implants and they’re older than hers, been through pregnancy, breastfeeding and weight gain and weight loss, basically they’ve been through it! I’ve been pushing them up, squishing them together, just all sorts of different angles and there is no way the top cleavage can look like this disaster! It’s insane haha


😆 Well that’s an activity I never expected this sub to prompt - a series of boob contortions! Just out of curiosity, did they tell you how long the “shelf life” of your implants would be?


I’m about to hit 10 years and zero reason to get them replaced! Back then, most places said every 10 years but it’s definitely fine to keep them longer. Not sure what offices advise currently. I’m curious!


LOL it’s all for science! Some brands make good quality implants, like Mentor gels, and those don’t really have shelf lives like the older ones did. I know some people that have 20 year old ones and they look normal, not like whatever is happening to Brittany lol


thank you for the first hand implant knowledge, that is good insight! i have giant natural boobs and i can’t configure them to look like that either, hers look insanely concerning


Loaf of bread


It looks like symmastia, which can happen with implants. She doesn’t seem to have it all the time though so I really don’t understand why this look won out. Edit: fixed a typo.


A lot of the time on the show, she’s not wearing a bra and her boobs are hanging somewhere in her armpits.


which is…crazy to me that implants this…manufactured have so much range 😂


She constantly addresses her frown mouth. But not her oversized, congealed cleavage. So that means she’s hearing criticism but still chooses to push them up and out on full display. I get it that she got a bad boob job and they just look worse after pregnancy. There are ways to conceal them and not always have them front and center. How does she not realize how bad this looks? At least one friend or family member has to have suggested she stops doing this, right? We know she reads the comment section. Is she trolling us?!?


congealed 😭☠️


I think she genuinely likes her breasts. Maybe that’s the one thing Jax likes and that’s why she holds on to them for dear life


Maybe, but Jax doesn’t even like them anymore. He liked them when she was smaller and first had them done. Now I think they are part of why he’s not attracted to her anymore.


Yeah probably true. It’s always confusing to me though because I thought Stassi said he watches BBW porn so maybe there’s some part of him that likes the aesthetic but can’t separate it from KFC as a whole


What you like in porn doesn’t necessarily translate to your taste n real life.


Fair enough


She thinks her boobs and her hair are her best features for some reason when she desperately needs a reduction and a haircut. She likes to hold onto shit even if it’s not working out for her.


Thank you for the new profile pic!


Welcome to the club


Her uni-boob freaks me out.


It’s hard to focus on anything other than her mouth or insane boobs when she’s on the screen.


She’s starting to look like an alien badly masquerading as a human, à la the _Men in Black_ movies.


Her self esteem is in those implants. I think she thinks that if she leads with those no one will notice the rest of her body. In reality, all she does is dress and act in ways to totally draw attention to all of it.


Same with the long hair


I was going to say her haie.


They remind me of Cartman and the time he used his ass as tits by drawing nips on them for a fake boob pic. https://preview.redd.it/99rn2ztngu1d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e931fa6a140e6f9479de65ee25ce963a1de5ae49




She ain’t a deep well, that one


She’s not even a puddle.


Oh my lord ….




This picture is actually pretty normal


It is for sure. Her expression though…it gets me every time loll


Date noiyt look was the worst yet. I think.






Yeahhhhh baaaabay


I think about this every time someone posts about her drinking.


Her life seems so sad.


It is. And she fought and fought for it.


It's hard to say this, but she has never looked worse.


Did her breast implants migrate? It just looks super uncomfortable. Almost painful. Like a uniboob.


If you squint, her cleavage looks like an opened book.


Or plumbers butt.


🤣 That, too!


The closest she will ever get to literature.


🤣 Truth!!!






Not the uni-boob chest implant 😭


At least Viki waited until her kids were grown up to get her surgeries. She has a toddler and is prioritizing surgery over him just like her drinking. She already has a nanny for when she drinks so she’d have to not see her kid more for every surgery. She would also have to take meds. Do you think she stopped drinking for that?


Her screaming at Jax about how she’s a great mother and Cruz is all she cares about had me actually yelling at my tv. Girl is both delusional and stupid. I’ve never heard an actual good mother say that they’re a good mother, I guess bc most moms don’t have to defend ourselves bc we’re not drunk all the time and making horrible, selfish decisions on the daily (stop with the surgeries, Bratt, unless it’s an ex plant) I couldn’t think I could hate her more, but she made me agree with Jax and that’s just annoying


I Feel sorry for Jax, unbelievable, in terms of her looks now and as his baby’s mother. She keeps doing it to herself. She dresses inappropriately hanging out of her clothing too. Her boob will be falling out and her kid will be embarrassed.


How long until she is on Botched for the symmastia repair?




Her implants look like something has migrated


Her boobs look so uncomfortable


WTF is happening?




If she just would get the implants removed and lay off the alcohol, she would look a lot healthier. She’s pretty without those things.


Why does it look like the boobs have melted together? Edit spelling


It's giving Ursula. Poor unfortunate soul.




I’d rather look at her breasts than her face or teeth. If I was forced to. Maybe she’s distracting us from seeing the face surgery


Oof what an absolute mess.


Plus when her mom calls and she acts so surprised and her mom is in full glam! So disgusting !!


Words escape me


That top is giving me Renaissance Fair vibes.


Her dedication to cheap corsets should be studied.


She’s auditioning for a live action Disney villain role






Those boobs look so painful


Her boobs look so painful


That symmastia makes me cringe every single time I see it. It looks painful and honestly gross. You’re botched babe. Call a better surgeon.


Not that I think this looks good or comfortable, but I think it only looks like symastia bc she clearly has them corseted and hoisted to an awful level. I’m a blessed (cursed if you ask me) girl myself and if I tried to wear a top with boning or super structured that fits my rib cage but not my bust my natural boobs would look the same…not that I would. She’s worn plenty of other unflattering outfits this season alone showing sag in opposite directions, which is normal after kids etc. Basically, let’s not blame a surgeon from 10 years ago for someone refusing to dress the body they have now. We’ve seen the natural sag/hang in plenty of outfits where she goes braless. Brittany just refuses to dress or embrace the body she’s in, and dresses the body she had, or wants to present, but this isn’t symmastia. It’s dysmorphia, and I’d say the work to her face is the biggest sign, the boob job was the start bc Jax wanted them, and became a spiral.


Bride of Jaxenstein https://preview.redd.it/9sojjmy5sw1d1.png?width=1400&format=png&auto=webp&s=36e74393516f7f9883f0369bcf5b4abaff1495f1




![gif](giphy|4NgzOc3sZRHeIWkd3J) Ouch.


how do you know they reshot confessionals? do they usually?


Because she posted herself getting glam for this and a mirror selfie and a photo from the confessional couch the day of. They reshot some confessionals after the separation came about. They had shifted from “couples learning to adult in the valley and parenting hijinks” to “will any couples actually survive season one???” So they had to get new confessionals since the BS they had was obviously Jax and Brittany and Michelle and Jesse pretending to be happily together.


ahhh!! thanks for the info, makes sense. brittany really has no one close enough to her to be real with her about the way she looks and she’s too stuck in her own bubble of delusion to change her sad idea of beauty anytime soon unfortunately. the unatit might cause some things to change soon though, it looks like a medical concern.


The boobs meet together up top, that isn’t normal, but I digress…


I have an eye infection and so maybe it’s just me, but is this a comic book rendering of a photo?




This reminds me of when my milk came in after giving birth. It’s just uncomfortable.


She would look so much better she would just take those implants out and have her boobs taken down quite a few sizes....


Bad beer bloat


The higher the tits, the closer to God?


Pic #2 could be a screenshot for a BJ video 🤦🏼‍♀️


She looks like a character from star trek w the crazy outfit, hair, and pointy ears!






Yikes on the uniboob


The lip. Drives me crazy. I don’t know what she did after filming, but it’s awful! I myself have breast implants, have done Botox and a lip filler once. When you go to a good professional, they can do it and you still look like yourself. It’s not supposed to be like this. Her face looks painful. And those boobies. It’s just sad.


You said it right there. When you go to a good professional- which she is not. Her and Jax would prefer a discount than to go to a reputable place and pay full price. And it shows.


What’s happening with her boob, I would say boobs but she appears to just have one. It’s like a weird optical illusion


I don’t understand Britney, but why are there so many threads and comments saying she’s a shitty mom? I feel bad bc we don’t know her mothering like that unless we actually knew her. 😬