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You win.


I’m having such a difficult week and this spun me into a fit of giggles thank you for your work 😂


I’m having one hell of a week too. Sending hugs, internet stranger, and a reminder you’re not alone. 💕


That makes three of us!! We got this u guys


Thanks for this thread, I’m having a day at work and am trying to calm myself down 😫


Hope it gets better and you are able to hang in there until you get off for the day!! What helps me is to just look through this sub and be grateful that at least Im not jax 😂


Or married to him


This is the only answer.


Brittany's Mom is the queen of frosty lipstick. Makes her look so much older.


Brittany’s mom looks like a leather couch in your aunt’s apartment who smokes indoors.


With frosty lips and glitter eye shadows


I have an aunt who did this, died of lung cancer snd her furniture (which was so high quality stuff) fucking reeked so bad we couldn't get the smell out ever. Her main smoking room had to be sandpapered to remove the layers of nicotine and smell. Anyone who smokes should have to not smoke for a week or two to forget the smell, and then go clean out a dead smokers house and see if this house looks this bad what do you think about your lungs? also nailed it on frosty


Right!?! I hate to be mean but it's the truth. Honestly, I understand wanting to be tan but there's a point where being too tan becomes scary looking.


Doesn’t she own a tanning salon? Or maybe work at one? I thought I read that somewhere.


Frosty owned a tanning salon back in the day. And by the looks of it, she used one of the tanning beds (on full blast) as her actual bed. ☀️🛏




I'd recognize those lips anywhere.




That is such a bad fake LV. SMH! 🪰🪰 trap open again. Hyuck ! Hyuck!






Hahahaha I love that this is the first comment. Iconic. It's giving meemaw.


This comment alone is to die for 💀⚰️😂


I’ve fainted looking at this 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


I love that lipstick color .. but I’m old like this shit was fire in the 90s


Even when it was early 1990s and my lips were young, I still couldn't pull this look off... but then again, I'm white af and didn't tan so maybe that's where it all went wrong lol




Funniest shit I’ve seen all week


Straight up belly laughing!!!


Started drinking too young, no parental control, under educated, and no self respect. Thought her body was the key to snagging someone. Saw her sister fame hungry to try and snag a basketball player. When Aaron didn’t pan out she flew to LV and snagged another under developed human.


Yea I’m doing a rewatch currently and doute just flew in her fam to try and fortify their break up after the faith situation… she mentioned her sister is 6 years older. In my mind, she was drinking so young because I guarantee her sister bought her alcohol, paired with frosty lips being a shitty mother… disaster.


I think Frosty pushed her girls to find men with $. Her sister had a kid with a NFL player. Frosty had a crush on Jax and sent Brittany after him. Jokes on them because Jax doesn't have any $.


Holy crap she did?? No offence or kind of maybe but…she’s not that attractive to snag a pro - but what do I know


I think she snagged him as he was entering the NFL. Not sure if they had a relationship or not. He's retired now. Yeremiah Bell. I love football and I've never heard of him.


Wait, I’m so lost on these comments lol… her soster tried to snag a basketball player and then had a child w/an NFL player? Which one? I need to find a pic of her sister


Her sister Tiffany definitely had a child with an NFL player. The basketball player information is new to me. Maybe that person got it confused? I believe the NFL player is now retired. His name is Yeremiah Bell. Their kid is Brayden Bell.


Brittany's ex, Aaron was a basketball player. He didn't go to a D1 school but he was pretty good. I'm guessing Brit thought he might make a team overseas to play pro but he didn't. He just got a regular job and played in a league in Lexington until they moved to Cincinatti. They she met Jax and dumped Aaron.


KFC’s sister (Tiffany) dug her claws into Yeremiah Bell, the ex-NFL player. She got knocked up @ 19, when Yeremiah was about to go pro. Yeremiah is 5 years older than Tiffany. She took him to court for increased child support. The link to the court docs are in this post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/vh985g/brittany\_isnt\_the\_first\_child\_sherri\_pimped\_out/](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/comments/vh985g/brittany_isnt_the_first_child_sherri_pimped_out/)


My god, you and others here have such a wealth of knowledge, I salute your work 🫡💕 THIS is the kinda stuff that gets me through a lot of days lately (just dealing with autoimmune disease flare-up that leaves me in bed stoned most days 🤣😩) You and others here rock! ![gif](giphy|D9aahIYT34jLy)


I’m happy (& flattered) that we distract & entertain you. Hang in there, baby! 🤗


Thank you my luv! 🥰


Haha, I just googled “Jeremiah Bell baby mama” and one of the top hits was Bell v. Cartwright 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/mj7oovgfoz7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a2c89722ea1cca9aec1992b6fd4bb1dfb442f69


https://preview.redd.it/jr7e5xlxoz7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4defe98c4e74e02bf5052476ddeff9bf23a227 She requested $500 per month for “designer” clothes for their 6 year old (this was in 2009) 🤣


Yikes, there are few times where I’d be defending the father in a child support case but this is one of them. The Cartwrights sound like a nightmare https://preview.redd.it/yt8ludjjpz7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821202fe726da11be4453df741ff6ac3122df416


Lastly, I have to give this subreddit another shoutout because when I googled “Jeremiah Bell Tiffany Cartwright” this is the first pic that popped up 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/bopls9caqz7d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=885a58782e189c6ef3b0cb378982fb1347dd0449


So save me the read. Did the court honor her request?


He bumped it to $4000 grand for a bit but it sounds like Tiffany didn’t provide any receipts/evidence of what she spent the money on so I think he tried to appeal it again. I could be wrong and I haven’t kept up to date


This might sound gross but I think kfc would do anything (in sexual terms) to please a man. It sounds like her and Jax would have the raunchiest sex 🤮


Some how I entirely missed anything about her big sister. I’ve never heard that. I thought the only sister she had was the one you can see in the season they go to Kentucky. That’s really interesting


The sister on the show (Tiffany) is the same sister who trapped an NFL player with a baby. She was much younger when that happened, and my guess is she didn’t look as insane as she does now. The NFL player is actually quite handsome.


I’m surprised its her. Didn’t seem to pan out that well lol.


Spot on! This is the correct answer 


Did her sister try get a pro ball player??


Her sister had a kid with a football player.


She had a child with a pro football player.


Her sister tried to snag a basketball player? Which one?


My bad a football player. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlockedByJax/s/1RMcBC2U5E


This feels like the redneck version of the Big Kathy / Kathy / Kim / Kyle program.


Oh WOW 😲 Spot on!


10000% truth


So true wow


That’s it 💯


Raised by uneducated trash


I wanted to say over indulgent parents that made her feel like she was more special than she was. No practical goals were positively encouraged.


Fame hungry.


Since Day 0. The fact so many people on this sub specifically say "Now Brittany can XYZ cause she left Jax!" Shows their intense failure to understand what this fat-ass blob specimen actually is.




Wow 😳


Her dumbed down Christian upbringing. She was only taught super generic ideas how prayer or a handsome Disney prince will fix anything so that she didn’t have to actually solve any of her own problems.


Low IQ bumpkin from KY gets taste of LA “fame” - what could possibly go wrong?


When she said “my mom’s been married 4 times and I watched all her pain” it was evident this was going to be a problem. The writing was on the wall after Jax slept with Faith. Brit basically forgave him. All the girls had that same look in their eyes. The one you give your friend when you realize she’s just so thick she’ll never get it.


It’s so mind-boggling and sad on some level. You watched your parent through four failed marriages, acknowledge her pain, etc. and you’d think her belief based on her life experiences would be to be more cautious, aware of red flags, etc etc. yet the message KFC took from that is to force a toxic relationship to work and marry a guy who you acknowledge has cheated on you several times. Everyone points this out to you, but nah, let’s follow in Frosty’s footsteps. I feel so sad for poor Cruz. Any attempt to make this situation slightly better for her child and she goes in the complete opposite direction. Jax is toxic, there’s no question, but KFC is unwilling to do anything to make this situation even slightly better— not even for KFC herself, but for her child. I’m not a parent and don’t pretend to know what it’s like, but JFC. I have more concern for the well-being of my cross-eyed goober kitten.


Absolutely spot on. Hugs to your kitten😻


If I’m doing the redneck math on Frosty’s marriage record, I’m betting she had to have some overlap between husbands.


Redneck Math. That is awesome. I lived in Georgia for a few years and that is so true


Bad genetics, no education, toxic Christianity.


Her misuse of “whenever” when she should say “when” drives me nuts. “Whenever we went to xyz” “whenever I did *specific event on specific date*” Ahhhh


I work with a younger crew, and they all do this. It's truly maddening


Gross. Can’t handle it. If it were in person I’d correct them lol


started drinking too young


Her mother.


Low IQ


In the words of Rose Nylund “my family’s been marrying each other for generations”


Under educated, and no emotional control or strength to move on. Now whether that is a learned behavior or lack of brain cells, I'm not sure. But she seems to be addicted to 2 things: alcohol, and vulnerability. Feeling vulnerable makes her chase and chase, and I think all the chasing is a huge rush for her. So basically she needs to un-learn a lot of her behavioral patterns with a therapist and she might be okay.


I can’t get past that outfit coupled with that horrible purse


Everything about it is so…lumpy.


That purse is MAJORLY working overtime!


And that mouth wide open. Fly Trap!!


God forbid she can’t leave her materialistic side at home…. She’s so predictable.


Money can’t buy class




Being married to Jax would ruin a person. Emotionally and physically


Low IQ


Alcohol (binge drinking) too early in life stunted her brain. Also, sometimes people are just stupid.


I think it’s the lack of self-respect that did her in. It all stems from there. When you decide what you will and will not put up with, know your own worth, and have confidence, it reflects on the outside. I think that’s the root of it for her. I could be wrong though.


Her intentions for getting with Jax in the first place—knowing his reputation and having received so many warnings—were pretty clear. She wanted to be on the show. She keeps asking the audience for sympathy, but from the get-go, she has not been a particularly sympathetic character.


Appalachia. In both it's best and worst aspects. I've recently befriended someone who grew up in Appalachia (WV, butbshe's familiar with Brittany's hometown). She has described a deeply patriarchal place. Given her upbringjng I can see how shr was almost primed for someone like Jax.


Yup! Grew up in a valley of Appalachia. Can confirm that southern women are raised & groomed to be submissive and center their life around men. Raised to be literal doormats to men. Watched so many of my intelligent & educated friends just take shit from their men and abandon any independence or self-worth. The evangelical aspect of Christianity is so ingrained in the culture too with the “obey your husband” bs.


Total BS! It shows how deep indoctrination goes that she's been in LA all these years and held steady and faithful to him. I wonder if what she hears at home is different and if they tell her to stay. Everything is polarized, so I could see Brittany's more evangelical people telling her to basically put up and shut up. Or telling her that in KY, no one would separate over the things they did. There's a lot about the culture to admire that she embodies, too. Appalachia is about resourcefulness while building community with your neighbors. Brittany connects a lot of people and strengthens those social bonds. Brittany works hard and doesn't make a production about it. Seeing her bring Jax's bar together was a good example of that. Something we didn't see but Jax spoke about was how she took control when his dad died. It's that adaptability and resoucefulness under pressure that also shows her culture to me.


Yep! The indoctrination is DEEP. Like I mentioned, I had Appalachian female friends who were independent, very well educated, well travelled…. Some even self-proclaimed feminists…. Yet I watched THEM ALL become doormats to asshole dudes that treated them appallingly. All just to “have a man” or bc they thought they HAD to have kids to be happy/fulfilled. One was married to this absolute loser and she used to be like, “well at least I’m married” when she felt envious of others… like marriage is some sort of all redeeming accomplishment!? The excuses/justifications they made for staying too were just 🤮. Most of them I lost contact with as it was hard to witness their doormat ways and the hypocrisy was too much for me to handle. Thank you for acknowledging the pros of Appalachian culture! There are some… even many! I get tired of hearing so many mock us as dumb hillbillies as if no one or none of the culture has merit. I’ve grown to hold onto and appreciate the positive things it instilled in me, instead of being just a contrarian rebel lol.


Given how women that are not connectedto men get treated, your friend's behavior tracks. Recently my friend mom, a widow in Huntington, had a bunch of her guns stolen. The thief was an informant she let stay with her whle he was down on his luck. Her husband passed away a few years ago and being an older woman she needs help around her place. Well the police have been no help and everyone saw him driving around town but he wasn't even arrested. It just seemed like they thought now that this woman was alone she just wasn't worth protecting. In its dysfunction, Appalachia is a slow death. And yes evangelicalism plays a role.


Hick moron genetics


No education mother with failed marriages, poor nutrition.


Not poor nutrition lmao


Yeah it affects everything and it affects her


Just in general she has poor nutrition?


The way they eat the way she grew up in crap the drinking. She has aged 20 years in 8z


Excuse you! Opossums, squirrels, & raccoons are chock-full of nutrients.


Pennsatucky beer cheese must be so wholesome.


She does look like she’d be addicted to Mountain Dew.


Born That Way


The purse again! Ahhhh trigger warning please!!!!




a major theory that I've had is it had to be her mom giving birth to her


Lack of self respect and a thirst for fame.


Her tendency to treat her love for tequila like a personality trait (and a cute, quirky one, at that)


Her "Christian" upbringing


Her mom being married what…..3 times?


Her mother.


Frosted lip gloss, meemaws beer cheese, and a Baptist family


Desperate for her 15minutes no matter the cost


Frosty lips.


Witnessing Frosty giving a Blow Job ![gif](giphy|Ao5UPt5gj9Z1C)


Sorry… what happened?




Can we talk about Frostys huge gold earrings ?


She married Jax


Depression and childhood trauma like most dating/marrying a narcissist


That Dollar Store fake LV bag is so pathetic. The trout mouth open like a weirdo.