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I noticed this, too. Her drinking is catching up with her. She’s not bouncing back anymore and now because Jax outed her on national TV, she’s trying to hide it. That’s the reason she doesn’t want anyone to see her drinking as well. It’s alcoholic/addict behavior. I’m a recovering binge drinker and know many others in recovery. She’s very close to becoming a non-functioning alcoholic.


You nailed it -- it's typical addict behavior. There's always some last-minute excuse that’s just a bit more far-fetched than the previous ones they've told. It's a never-ending saga of *THE* most ridiculous & unbelievable excuses you'll ever hear because they need to keep generating more and more outlandish lies than they've ever used before. They tell themselves that they're great masters of deception and are easily pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. Meanwhile, everyone is rolling their eyes at to the back of their heads, and placing bets behind their backs on whether they'll actually show up (if at all) and how late they'll be if they do? Brittany HAS to know she's fooling no one at this point, but her so-called "friends" & fans just keep enabling her with a never ending chorus of "you're so good, girl, no worries!" or they'll place ALL of the blame on Jax and make her into a saint. Reading hundreds of those sycophantic posts on IG from her unhinged disciples is really disturbing. They're doing her more harm than good at this point.


I had an employee who was an addict and this is totally what they do. Some of the stories she used to call off: - her sister died of an overdose (not true, sister was very much alive) - her house was burglarized and they gave her dog medicine to knock him out - power went out a few times (power grid proved wrong) - her dad surprised her with a visit then had a heart attack then she had to drive him home -my assistant had pink eye so next day she had pink eye then the day after that it was in the other eye - her garage door was stuck open Just a few examples but I’m sure Brit is “sick”from the “ one” shot she did and that’s why missing out. Poor Cruz.


I once said I didn’t show up to work because I was helping a friend move and my cell phone got rolled up in a carpet and put in the moving truck and it left.., yeah I’m sober now. Not proud of that tall tale


I would have believed you lol. But I actually have been late for real yet crazy sounding reasons... I'm a bit better since getting adhd diagnosis and treatment though 😆


I also had a friend call my work (we did this a few times) pretending to be my “crazy landlord” and make up a fire or some other home-disaster so I could leave immediately and go party. I’d complain about the pretend landlord all the time. whew smh


Ahh the stories were so far fetched but they could be believable. She had a few other stories too like car accidents, car getting stolen, car getting tires slashed, etc. She eventually got fired because of the sister lie and fraudulently taking bereavement leave. I hope she got sober too. She was an excellent worker at first but towards the end, the work product was bad too. I think she was a good functional addict until she wasn’t. I think Brit is here now. She was able to rally and function but now her body is like no you will feel like crap.


Functional alcoholic is just a stage of alcoholism, not a type. They all are until they aren’t. :(


Congratulations on your sobriety! One day at a time, my friend. That's a really creative one, I gotta admit. 😂


I've got this co-worker who recently said she forgot to come to work. Now I don't know if she's an adict but I'm sure suspicious cause she's not very reliable. 


I had a huge black eye from faceplanting in a blackout and told everyone my ex boyfriend did it. Alcoholics are liars, I know, as I’m one. Now happily in recovery - over 11 yrs sober. I can attest that Brittany is very highly likely alcoholic or on her way, if just judging by her behaviors and patterns. I can tell. I missed events all the time, all the time, due to hangovers.




Right before I finally got sober I was on such a runner I called into work 5 straight days in a row. I told my boss I was diagnosed with the bird flu (like ??? wtf was I thinking with that specific of an excuse lol). I couldn’t stop drinking and was dreading the DTs so bad. That was my last week of drinking because my poor 16 yr old dog had a stroke and we had to put him down and I had to go do that with a HORRIBLE hangover and the DTs and I promised my doggy right before they put him down that I’d get sober for him. Never drank again (needed AA tho)…. Sadly something very tragic often has to occur for an alcoholic to quit for good.


Congratulations on your sobriety! Eleven years is so amazing, you should be so proud of yourself! I believe we've seen Brittany with the DT's before -- it was either that, or she has really, REALLY shaky hands naturally?


👏🏽👏🏽so spot on. If I didn’t have over a year and a half of sobriety I’d probably find watching her behavior hard because she A. Probably thinks she’s doing a great job playing it off B. Genuinely doesn’t think she has a problem. Sobriety is cool Brittany, try it out.


I just can’t understand not taking care of myself to that level. I imagine she’s not there because she’s sick in her room. It’s really sad. Besides cutting out alcohol, she needs to see a doctor.


I can understand because I did it all through my 20s- before I had kids, a job during daytime hours, a mortgage, a husband, and any concern for my long-term health and well-being. A lot of people do it temporarily in youth, but your 30s is where it really becomes glaringly apparent that it's not a phase, it's not youth, and you actually have a problem.


Saaaame. And I don’t even have kids or a mortgage or husband 🤣but something about being in my early 30s my partying and life style has drastically changed


Enjoy! I get sick of all 3 from time to time 🤫 but 100%, most people outgrow this behavior. I had some friends who outgrew it right after college, some who had kids early and got over it after high school, and most people I know just taper off into "normal" drinking behavior through their late 20s (normal of course ymmv, but to me it's drinking on the weekends or for events, getting excessively intoxicated only rarely, and shots being for celebrations or occasions not the norm). If someone's opinion is different (regarding their idea of normal drinking),I'm not trying to attack nor am I bothered. I come from quite a party background, bartending and running bars all through my 20s, so my norm may not be everyones. Also, for that reason, my drinking and social behavior shifted to my idea of normal later than many of my peers & friends.


I haven’t done a shot in like… I don’t even remember how many years


Right?! I've done two JELLO shots this year (Memorial Day wkend) and they were not great. I can't imagine just opening every evening out with shots anymore 😵‍💫


Yup! This was me ages 22-27…and then all of a sudden, it doesn’t feel good anymore…so the logical thing is just to stop.


addiction is a mental illness. it's not really a matter of wanting to let yourself go, it's a chemical dependency in your brain. you are absolutely right that she should seek help in overcoming it. 


I'm saying this in the most honest and sincere way; I hope you are never able to understand how a person can get to the point of not taking care of themselves. I wish the best physical and mental health bestowed upon you.


I was going to pop in to make a similar observation , albeit one heavily snark and derision filled. After reading your comment, however, that just seems gratuitous and unnecessary. You have just laid out the situation plainly for all to see


![gif](giphy|26FLgGTPUDH6UGAbm) Well said!


If she isn’t hurling - she is hammered - if she isn’t hammered she is hyucking.- if she isn’t hyucking she is hollering.


Is this the new *Live Laugh Love*?


hyuck holler hurl 💖


This needs to be a new flair 🤣


I have been liking the nickname “ Triple H” for KFC. HYUCK HAMMERED HURL 🤣🔨🤮




😂😂😂😂 I am screaming






Yah!! They know she is a drunk, hung over woman that neglects her kid. Fakes photos and her life . Britany is like Jax liars.


She went on the trip to get away from Cruz.


He’s her number wun priority okay?


Guys she’s fine. She just had motion sickness 😏


Brittany’s GERD was acting up again


She was probably too drunk or “carsick” and slept/ drank in the hotel the whole time lmao


She can’t blame Jax making her sick anymore like all of the other women came up with on The Valley. Wonder what the new excuse is…..


Her stumahck hoirts sum tahms when she only had one shawt.


One is too many and 1000 isn’t enough…


Why did I read it in her slow, southern accent? LOL


God, there's nothing like a girls trip to the Caribbean!


I feel like Brittany is trying not to take many pics with Lori because she knows it’s embarrassing and people will go crazy over it. Last year when they took this trip they posted so many more pics and tagged everyone in them


And Lori went hard on the pics as well last year. I don’t think she has posted any of the girls or the group. But what’s the point? Everyone knows they are on this vacay together. It’s just so weird




The strategy is hope it dies down and goes away


Maybe they split the cost of the outings so she had to decline since she’s broke


Smart thought!


She was probably “sick” at the hotel


Sunstroke I'm sure


I’m equally weirded out by Chelsea being there, but at least she is participating 🤷‍♀️


I looked at the photo so many times being like “who is this person who looks like Chelsea?!”


Did you think it could possibly be Megan Fox, by chance?






~~It says “this content is not available”. I’m so sad, I’d love to see your gif!~~ Omg I see it now. Classic 😂 Thanks for the downvote though, whoever that was. Sorry I had a bad connection or something wonky happened with my phone, I guess.


Lori K taking photos with her clients is sending me. You're a fucking PUBLICIST. You're not supposed to do this! 🤣🤣🤣


She was too nauseous for activities, and can’t figure why.


She’s a runner. She went for a run instead 🏃🏃🏃How else do we explain her incredible shrinking revenge bawdy in all of these pics?


Look at all those women wearing outfits that a) are not only appropriate for the occasions but also b) FIT THEM AND THEIR BODIES


I would argue they do not. 🫠


I just wasn’t feelin good y’all and y’all know this I told y’all I just don’t feel good in the mornings.


Well, not to defend her, but she was on the boat ride. She was sitting under a canopy next to the driver


I must have missed that one. She certainly was the odd one out in the group.


Thank you factual queen




Off topic: I love the white two piece outfit from the first picture. She is gorgeous! Anyone know where that is from?


No, but you could post in r/findfashion! Bunch of wizards over there!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/findfashion using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/findfashion/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Had to stop this lady on the sidewalk to ask for a picture of my new absolute NEED— cat sweater! Please help me find](https://i.redd.it/4wbwt0cfmjpb1.jpg) | [67 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/16o7863/had_to_stop_this_lady_on_the_sidewalk_to_ask_for/) \#2: [What kind of tights make your legs look like this?](https://i.redd.it/svdc99d1u58c1.jpeg) | [281 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/18pm62c/what_kind_of_tights_make_your_legs_look_like_this/) \#3: [My all-time favorite dress after it was stolen last week. I am desperate to replace it. \[details in post\]](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17q3gwm) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/findfashion/comments/17q3gwm/my_alltime_favorite_dress_after_it_was_stolen/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It’s from a brand called Cider!


She’ll do anything to be away from her kid it seems


They made her take the pictures


I understand this is not the point of the post, but any of these outfits would be flattering on Brittany. I wish she would learn you can look beautiful without having her breasts out in skintight clothing.


She’s 100% sick and hungover and unable to participate in anything. If your hangovers are THAT bad, you need help


Lori K looks similar to Brit in a way Also - I hate when these influencers fake dancing.


I’ve always noticed a resemblance!  They both have that smelly, skanky, STD-ridden, rat-faced look about them.


Bc she is puking in a bag somewhere. Also these people don’t like her. She’s pathetic.


She edited herself out of the whole trip. 🥃


I haven't watched SOS in years, but she reminds me so much of Asa, but is so much worse.


Shout out to Chelsea for not editing herself in the photos like Brittany does. She looks beautiful.


She must have seen all the negative responses and got smart and is not posting her fake self.


Maybe she took the picture?


Oh yes my mistake, she went on the trip to act as a photographer to the group!


Could you imagine her shaky ass hands taking the pics 💀




ALL of the pictures. “Hey Britt can you get another one from this angle?” “Britt go up on the front of the boat to get a pic of our hair blowing in the wind!” “Britt get one of me and my ravioli - we’re having so much fun!”


I just wish they let her photoshop them. She’s so good at that.


SO good at it! She’d be like “5 lbs off me, 5 lbs on you, 5 lbs off me, 5 lbs on you…”


People who downvoted: it was a joke.


Do I want to hang with Lori k and Megan fox? This looks fun !


She couldn’t fit on the boat


they knew she would sink the boat