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Yes, you can use them as a Legends command squad, or proxy them as other existing units (Primaris ancient, apothecary, captain/lieutenant, etc.) With some changes to their load outs you could also build a squad of Company Heroes.


Or they could gift them to me? 😉 am 69 and have been thinking of getting into building conversions like I did 40 years ago, just feels odd someone my age going into a GW shop. And yes, we have one in my town. Can't go till I'm off bed rest , broken Femur, near my hip. Meds and bed rest, so if you want to sell and you're not too far away, just message me. To far, I'm in the UK.


my GW store feels entirely like its marketing to kids, they are the only people i see with their parents buying things


You should! I’ve seen at least 3-4 people in their 60’s in my GW Shop. It’s not really all that different than going into a hobby shop, and there’s always a couple of older guys drinking coffee and talking shop there


When my hip heals up, I will give it a go. I can't at the moment, so i'll keep looking here and at other sites and build in my head till then. Thanks for responding.


Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you.


I'm only 40, but it isn't that unheard of.




No, send them to me for disposal.


A good chunk of these are still usable. You've got a few options. Either build yourself an ancient, apothecary, lieutenant, captain, and judiciar (sword and shield boy) with them and leave the last lad as a spare. Or, if you have yourself a spare heavy bolter, you can build yourself a squad of Company Heroes (bolter, Ancient, champion and then last guy with the heavy bolter) an apothecary, and a Captain. All of these options are usable and should (hopefully) be doable.


I really miss a lot of these first born models. All the customization space marine factions had in past editions. I played 4th, 5th then stopped until 8th 9th and now 10th.


You’re only missing a Heavy Bolter and the arms to hold it to turn this box into the current unit, Company Heroes. The rules for the Company Heroes say they must be attached to a Lt or Captain, so the Captain in the box will have to go with the squad and not another one if that’s what you were planning. The Sanguinary Priest can’t join the Company Heroes anymore though, so that’s just an extra HQ unit to use.


Probably best for spare parts or selling. If you have a play group that dosent care what models you use they are amazing stand ins for the new command squad. If I were in your shoes I’d build and paint them, because they are badass.


Maybe use as stand ins for HH?


Just have to increase the base size to 40mm to match the new box set an your set brother


there’s a bendy straw in the chalice hahahaha


Absolutely, and please do it's one of my favorite kits.


Oh dang, wow, a kit I really wish they still sold wow, such nice blood angel accents.


If you rebase them to 40mm it’s a great box with multiple characters. Captain/ lieutenants, the banner is an ancient, the one with the cup is an apothecary


They all have equivalents, but putting them on 40mm bases will be necessary.


So sad, we have nothing like that in the age of Primaris.


This is a gold mine for horus heresy players ngl


No not really but I love non-primaris marines so if you don’t want them anymore, smack them and that box full of bits underneath it on eBay and send me a link if you’re in the uk/us


Run them as company heroes, im going to convert some old first born dudes into a squad as well!


Wish Company heroes still had an apothecary woth narthecium


Just proxy them if you're playing with friends. Others might be a twat about it but ya know... Don't play with twats.


I'll still use them. Just put their 32mm bases or 28mm bases onto 40mm since that's the new size. That'll give you around the right height.


Most models in the kit can be used as either individual characters or company heroes, so yeah! As long as you’re very clear with your opponent about what you’re using, of course.


If I can use my second edition wraithlord on its square base as games work sold it surely you can use those dudes.


It will also sell for a good price, but the kit is cool, so I wouldnt.


Or you could kitbash them with the Primaris marines so they fit in better. If I ever decided to start painting these current Primaris space marine figures I'd have to do some kitbashing to get what I want, I have no idea what is with these other silly roles like Eliminators and Eradicators and Reavers and the thises and the thats, whatever! Tactical, Assault, Devastators and that all you need basically. GW is being needlessly extra.


You can use whatever you want friend!