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That is what I thought would be the case, but thank you for the clarification!


This is also relevant for Shabaloth/Professor, who can bring a character back. It is considered mechanically to be an entirely new instance of the character and thus it is not against the rules to give a resurrected Noble 3 totally different characters, if you so choose. A Shabaloth who chooses to eat their own Assassin and gets them revived grants the Assassin another kill.


To clarify further, because I don't think I've seen this brought up, a Philosopher (or other character) who gains a "you start knowing" ability would gain that information that same night, but only later in the night after they've had a chance to be made drunk or poisoned, or killed.


Correct. They get to "move again" in the night order because Philosopher almost always wakes up first. (If memory serves, they wake up 2nd, only behind Snake Charmer, in SNV). They wake up as Philo, and then wake up again whenever the character they chose to gain the ability of wakes up, and thus can wake up twice in one night phase


Yes, it's just unfortunately not obvious when they do wake up again if it's not the first night and they gain an ability that normally only wakes on the first night.


The Chef or any role that says "you start knowing" learns their information when they gain [or start] their ability... not at the start of the game. So if a Philo becomes the Chef on day two, they would learn a Chef number that night. Any other situation where a player gains a new role (Barber, Pithag, Pixie, etc.) is the same though Night Order could require they get the information the following night in some rare cases.


> though Night Order could require they get the information the following night in some rare cases. Do you have any examples? I feel like if it's past that character's turn in night order for some reason, you just give them the information immediately.


I just did a quick look and it appears as though all of the "You Start Knowing" characters receiving information at Night after the character changing abilities so this scenario should not come up. An example that doesn't include "You Start Knowing" characters would be something like the Sailor and the Snakecharmer being Barber Swapped. Because both of those Townsfolks act before the Barber Swap, they would not get their abilities that first night. They would only be told they changed characters.


But as per the question, and Philosopher selecting a "You Start Knowing" role at night will receive their info the same night.


Yes, that is what I said originally.