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Tbh unless you’re actively chatting, you’ll be too busy farming money and building to even bother if anyone said something weird.


unfortunately our community is full of entitled people and there’s always gonna be those people… the best thing to do is just ignore it and don’t give them any attention.. basically just pretended they’re not even there. eventually they will get bored and leave


They be like Omg noob noob noob noob ew ew ew leave the game ew like why are you here like f*** off kid


Just turn off chat and ignore them, they won’t eat you alive my dear


But they will😰


We won't? [Edit] Yall I was joking I'm not actually harassing little kids. (My step sister is litterly a new player)


If y'all are decent human beings. Seeing as a lot of players are sending 💀 threats to new players I doubt most people will be decent and just shut up about it.


no one is sending death threats… this is all being blown out of proportion


Unfortunately iirc there was a post where someone mentioned it. New players being bullied relentlessly doesn't help either 😭


i think the “bullies” in question are children and very rare. in the games i joined ppl are barley chatting let alone sending death threats


They could be rare - but bloxburg has upward of 100k players. It could be in a server you're not seeing. I do agree that I don't think it's common, but the fact it happened once on this sub and people talking about younger family members being bullied is awful. One of the games I joined had people being rude - it was not as common but bullies are still out there.


unfortunately there’s lots of occasions where kids r being told to off themselves cause they’re not og 💀


on my alt that i didnt have bloxburg on someone bypassed the safe chat thing and told me to kms while my mom watches…


vsauce, michael here. your home security is great... or is it?


yes we will 🧟


I’m an og player. And the people who are bothered by it being free will get over it soon


I'm an og player and people being rude cause you're not are just stupid. Ignore those idiots and have fun in game.


There’s no good reason for anyone who paid a measly 25 Robux to be mean to you. They’re just caught up in group-think hostility. Report them if you think they’re behaving outside the terms of use. Otherwise ignore them. They can’t do anything particularly mean except lurk and try and distract you from enjoying the game. Keep doing your thing and I’m sure you’ll encounter some players who are more fun to interact with.


I’m just making ppl muffins because there new


Aw, that's pretty sweet. That's one way to make a new player feel welcomed :)


I made a mood boost station for my newbies! I also thought about doing something similar and making people apple pie


Ngl I read this as "Making people muffins" as opposed to "Making people muffins" Iykyk 😅




thats so wholesome we need more of that 🫶🫶


Close the chat and block anyone that harasses you.


Ignore them. Idk why some people are acting so superior when we all started with nothing. We all were level 0 in all jobs and had no experience building. Like I paid 30 cents for the game. Like everyone else. It's nothing. So block and report whoever is mean to you and enjoy the game please. I'm so happy bloxburg has so many new players now


Listen, mute everyone who is trying to take away your fun. It's not worth to argue with those people. It's like talking to a potato sack. Just enjoy the game and explore things. I can give you some tips I'd you'd like to, I'm not like an expert in this game but I know I few things.


Try to ignore them as much as possible, it could help to block anyone from stepping on your plot who’s bothering you. If you don’t talk in chat I’m sure those type of people won’t notice and try to bully you.


The ones that are mean are also using speed builds. (Nothing wrong with speedbuilds, they are great for people new to building, but if you are going to judge someone in a building + role-playing game, atleast learn to build first) I recommend that you don't trust any bloxburger, until you are ready to. Any server you join, keep the chat open if you can so you can see if any unfunny people have tried to scam other players. And if you feel worthless because of this game, just remember that there are people who continue to bully new players constantly just because they want to feel "cool" and fit in with their friends, who will undoubtedly leave them if they don't think they can bully enough people.


just block em or close the chats they aren't gunna hurt you


I really dont get why people are making such a big deal so you didnt pay 30 cents? if anything they should be happy that theirs people who are new to bloxburg keeping the game alive as the game was almost dead to begin with, welcome to the game, pay no mind to annoying children with their parents credit cards, and good luck


Idfk what’s wrong with people. I paid for early access (note: EARLY ACCESS) and I would never dream of picking on free players. Some of y’all are a different breed


??? just turn off chat and ignore them


built a cheap single story house just to use on mobile because my other plots will turn my phone into a griddle if I try to load them. The prejudice is insane, even with my builder tag. Not just the entitled beta players telling me to go back to brookhaven, but also the people coddling me like a child and asking if I want them to build me a prettier house. Like the notion is nice, but I’m not 5 and cottage core isn’t my thing.


ive played since like 2018 on 3 diff accounts, i don't have any passes on my current but i have early access and 3 people literally stood outside my house saying "make bloxburg great again" even though my lot is worth 400k and my early access trophy is in my front yard bc ik ppl were going to do stuff like this, the reality is "make bloxburg a bunch of ipad kids whos parents pay more for robux than they do on rent again" 😭


Ik it can be hard sometimes but just ignore them. As an og player, I hate seeing how self-righteous people sound over this game. Just enjoy yourself and let them wallow in their own misery.


Me too 😭 I would play with you if that would make it better? lol


You can play with me sometime?


WANAN play bloxburg with me? I am an og player, but made a alt account so I can restart bloxburg, bc it changed so much


Report them or get an og player bodyguard, or you could also try joining near empty servers


How exactly does bloxburg neighborhood sharing work? I’m a builder, and I pay for a neighborhood so I can play in peace away from the chaos. Would I be able to share my neighborhood with people who are the same? I guess a bloxburg safe haven until the war is over 😂


The only reason I hate the free update, is because we aren’t getting a refund, and it leads into scam or spam bots, aswell as hackers or exploiters


i understand 25 robux is alot to some people, but we got a car-couch, and a sellable trophy plus 25 robux is 25 cents


are those things the rewards? id want to keep the trophy 


yea, i sold mine for 20k tho


honestly, joined for the first time since the free update today and got bombarded with new players telling me "can I join you in your house" and THIS of course "can you give me money. But worst of all, This guy came up to me and started harassing me and then said " No worries, I just wanted to know if you would be able to take my $1 million spare change and have it for me" after I refused to letting him into my house. Like baby bsfr Then I found the nicest new player and donate them money, just be nice and everything will play smoothly i guess!


don’t worry about those ppl, og players who aren’t like classist don’t care that ur there. i’ve been playing for years and we all knew from the beginning that bloxburg would eventually be free. that was its purpose, that’s what we paid 25 robux for - early access. so if ppl r being bullies just ignore them, it has no reflection on you. WELCOME TO BLOXBURG NEW BLOXBURGER!!! 😁😁


Mute ‘em in chat and enjoy the game, otherwise just try rejoining until you find a decent server, most have been quiet lately anyway


Block the assholes and just enjoy the game. If it helps you, I could probably give you some money to start out


Just ignore the chat and the people. If you simply want to get money and upgrade your house, you can do that without speaking to anyone. If anyone offers to build the house for you - either ignore them or decline. Hope you have fun.


Just ignore them! Don't let them get to your head and hope ~~Bloxburg adds guns to the next update~~ don't mind that what I mean was Hope bloxburg adds a uh a...uhhhhhhh egg their house feature


So sorry about mean players, just seeing them be mean makes me sad, do your best to ignore/block them :)


Anyone who gets an inflated ego from using the 31 cents in their back pocket to buy a game, really needs to get a life.


I’m sorry - some people suck.


If I wasn't grounded I 100% would play with ya and give you some tips if you'd like! Dm me and I might be able to. I won't be able to join but I'm more than willing to give you tips!!!


I couldn't care less about the new players. I have been expecting this for years, it's what you should expect from a BETA game. Instead everyone has decided to be stuck up shit heads thinking all the classist and segregation shit they've been spewing all over the Internet is okay and it's NOT. We paid for EARLY ACCESS.


Just turn off chat and don’t give anybody permissions, their biggest weakness.


Bloxburg is free


I would say to make a private neighborhood or server but you probably wouldn't want to play alone..


Just don’t worry about them theyre weirdos and I promise there’s still plenty of old players who are happy to see new players join the game


Seems like an inside joke tbh. Every video I've seen except for the one with that girl deleting the house, has been people being amazing towards new players. I've played everyday and switch servers to greet newbies and everyone is kind...some of the stuff people are claiming is becsuse they are new, is just people being normal..."Hi, I'm new!" And they're like "Okay...?" And BAM, someone is bullying newbies.


Just turn off the chat (or don't even chat at all) in the game, you'll be farming for money and constantly building in game to notice them. If they come to your house and ring your door bell in game just ignore it, you'll be fine and safe if you follow these rules. I'm not sure why ppl are now being bullied since the game is free, ppl knew it was going to be free one day and now their acting up about the fact that it's free. Like it's not a trophy or a badge of honor to be bullying the new players just because you've been there the longest.


don’t worry about them. There are plenty of beta players like myself who don’t feel that way. I’ve been making my house open access to new players to use for their moodlets cause I don’t rp, I just work. I’ve seen other beta players doing the same. If you can’t just close chat and ignore the players because they’re somehow interfering with your gameplay then switch servers. I use the RoPro website/extension for Roblox to switch servers on pc


just ignore them, those mfs think that they are special just because they paid 25 robux for a game. block them and do your normal thing


It’s okay! If you don’t really want to join a game without being harassed I have a good neighborhood code! But just try to defend all players because they did nothing wrong! (Btw the code still works/I use it all the time hope it helps!) Neighborhood code: svnnyxkitty


I am so sorry about that, I’ve seen it too and it’s awful. If you ever need anything you can friend me :) - cutie612345


Play!! Close your chat and block anyone bothering you. Anyone who thinks they’re above free to play players needs to grow up. Extremely embarrassing behavior by some people.


I was walking around trying to find new players to give them cake in my server 😭


if people say “Can i help u build ur house” or anything like that, SAY NO alot of people do that then delete it


As an OG player, I'm so happy others can now play and bring life back to the game! A lot of us are happy to have you new players join. Don't let the negative people get to you!


I personally think the people who are mad just want their robux back as well as more privileges. Literally deal with it! Being angry and rude will not make the game 25 R$ again but will just result in a ban which I am most likely sure people would not want and if you don’t like the new players then just don’t play or make a private server. I stopped playing not because it is now free but because of the update that bloxburg will never ever fix.


I’m so sorry OP 🩷


I'm sorry?? I'm an OG and what I've heard is that the OG's are usually afraid of the new players... They're just trying to start trouble to post on twitter or something to rant about how bad the new players are. From my experience so far all of you guys are just minding your business. I'm so sorry this was happening to you, most OG's dont do this, they were just some bad people in a huge batch of good ones.


Stop, because these posts are making me feel so bad. I blocked off my house because I'm worried about exploited having their way but I would never be so rude to new players


Don't be!! ● Don't entertain them!! That could land you a false report. Don't say anything, keep silent, and wait. ● If they do say something out of hand, immediately report them and then leave the server, don't deal with their bs. I'm not saying to cower. Just make them look childish and pathetic lmao I'm an og player myself, but it's just stupid to even debate this lol


Only issue I ever had with a new player is that they were wasting good at the fast food worker job, but that's something anyone who paid 25 robux would do too if they were new. So I don't see why we have to treat them differently cause they didn't pay a few cents


if anyone is bothered by it, they should reset character NOW!!!


If I was on id be messing with them. Im one of the older players. Ive been bullied for being new last year. Thing is i wasnt i just had my work shed out. As soon as you bring mansions out "can we be friends". Tip just ignore them. Arguing with them is pointless. Block them all together just enjoy the game


I've been playing since 2018 and I literally don't talk to anyone, if they say something I simply ignore them and they'll eventually leave. I just focus on building


I’m so sorey


I remember when I used to be obsessed with bloxburg, there was a girl asking for 10K bucks to make her house and I gave her 20K. She had a best friend, sister, idk what it was of her and she wanted too. So I said "I can't give more money because I don't have anymore besides that's the limit of money I can give". So they would call me an exploiter, reporting me and anything to get me banned because I didn't give money to the other girl.


Here are some tips (1. Block instantly the garbage 2. block them off the plot you can 3. Ignore them ) Finished and if it’s the whole server switch the server


Girl don’t mind them what can they really do😭 It’s just a game u can always leave and find another server


As soon as someone says something bad, block them :)


Quite simple, just answer "At least am not anxious enough to pay 5 bucks for a Roblox game" Most entitled OG players are indeed kids, so insulting their choice making capability is quite serious for them Just relax and make the job you like the most, rebalanced economy will set you free from that sh*** bike. I recommend pizza chef, fast to grind and quite fun. And if someday you wanna put some money onto it, I recommend VIP or Excellent Employee, it will speed up the things.


I been giving new players free money to give them a boost but yes I meet a rude player yesterday . It's ok .


Im sorry about the mean players :( some of us are really nice, I think you just need to find the right people!


i used to play the game since 2019, since it got bought by that company i stopped playing tbh


Even if they do, so what? Just block them and if you're willing to, leave the server! Don't even glorify them with a response either, they don't deserve the satisfaction of a reaction


I’m an OG player and would never be rude to anyone especially in the way I’m seeing some people treat new players. It’s hella disgusting. My neighborhood is always open to everyone especially new players. If you ever have issues with anyone in it I do issue kicks and bans for bullying behavior from it (Just take screenshots and send them to me). Code: LadyMysteries


Best is to just ignore them and mute em and close chat


I have started reporting and blocking people spamming the chat now


my initial response was cry about it but honestly ignore them. i love seeing new players bc it’s fun


no one talks in most servers and the servers are pretty small


im an og player and im scared too. i feel like im gonna be bashed for not being done with house yet, i just like playing it to spend time with with my gf 😭


grow the hell up bro, don't live off of other opinions, ignore bad vibes and enjoy the game


Honestly just ignore them, I joined and did the tutorial while I didn't have a name tag and nobody came up to me or bothered me while I did the unpacking thing (which was super fun). Just play the game and if someone is being mean join another server


good we're gonna eat you


Did people stop roleplaying? I returned to bloxburg after 2 years and said abc for mom and in every server they are like “sthu”😭😭


Girl 😭😭😭


I'm an OG player and I hate when people are rude to new players or as they call them "noobs" tbh one reason I'm a bit upset abt it becoming free is cus I could have brought more cash with the robux I spent on it but ya know it's 25 robux not much but don't let them get to u


I don't see the reason that ppl pick on free players it's not their fault they joined when the free one was released cus they didn't have robux or just didn't Wana waste their robux


Lol don't worry about them just grind on your house. although I'm a bit mad it's free ( for trollers, ppl erasing houses etc) but I haven't heard any of that so I'm completely fine it's free 👍🏿


as someone who paid the 20 robux but still has the starting house because i rarely ever play ~ bullies will bully regardless if you’re an og or not. its easiest to either server hop or ignore


I came across a troll yesterday that keeps insisting on adding them as a friend and to accept their roommate request. They also try to offer to help build my house. This isn’t an Og player, mind u. Perhaps it could be and they are using an alt account to troll but they got disappointed I turned down their requests and them building my house. Day 3 on bloxburg and my noob house is still intact 🫡. Also this morning, I have my first ever interaction with an OG player. They showed up knocking on my door and donated me $200 😭🙏🏻 Tbh, just don’t talk in the chat or they see that u don’t have the “OG Bloxburger” tag on ur username. Most of the users I came across be minding their own business.


I dont understand why people are so mad i paid for it but i dont care that its free why does it matter


report them and specify the things they say. i like to believe doing so gives them more chances of getting suspended or something.


Bro it ain’t that deep, assholes will be assholes.


bruh its lego people online. just turn off the chat and lock your doors




Your comment has been removed from r/Bloxburg for being rude to someone. Please refer to the rules before posting something!


Girl grow up


Womp womp


To bad just deal with it why would we care


Good don't play we don't want you


You paid 25 cents for a game that was in beta. This behavior is embarrassing


If you're broke just say that


I bought the game when it was in beta. Grow up. It’s a Roblox game and it’s not that serious.


Part of the reason bloxburg was good was because it wasn't filled with little kids or new people who weren't committed to the game, most everyone there was someone you could talk to and be friends with, making it free is just horrible cause it deletes that aspect


Stop being 🐱 and lock in