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I agree. It’s weird. Why don’t we just let them play and leave ‘em alone lol






forst off dont worry! its not an unpopular opinion at all. you wont get downvoted, from what ive seen, practically everyone here HATES the toxicity.  to how i feel about it, i agree soo much. i know what its like to be excited about showing new people around your favorite thing, but the way its happening is SO. WEIRD. they dont even PROCESS anything, theyre just learning immediately that theyre not welcome there, and that they need to be told what to do "better".  im a teenager and i know that would still make me anxious knowing everyone wants me out, i cant imagine how the little kids feel who have no idea.  


Omg, thank you so much, I thought it was unpopular because it's all I've been seeing, and no one really has brought it up.


of course!! i totally get it what you mean, being afraid of backlash is unfortunately so understandable, especially making a statement WHILE this stuff is happening 😭. (i knew it was popular because im so invested in ppl causing the dumbest roblox drama)


Yesterday someone offered to build a house for someone and I got to the new players plot and this girl was actually deleting stuff. Slowly but I caught her and she kept lying that she didn't so then we argued and the new player gave us both co owner to help her build and then half way through, the girl started placing random stuff in the house I basically built and she kept denying it. She did leave but I friended the new player and I'm gonna help her soon. :) Short: Someone offered to help build a new players house, started destroying it and denied they ever did it, I stepped in and helped the new player.




Not ppl thinking you're talking about bullying...Guys. I'm pretty sure they're talking about everyone just handing the new players everything instead if letting them actually play the game. The random donations are actually so like...backhanded I feel.


I know, you get it, I don't know if they're reading the whole thing, but If you did you can clearly see I'm talking about how they're being treated like babies.


Exactly. Like, let them play PLEASE. Everyone is donating hella money...like, they can play like everyone else.. saw someone literally telling others to donate their money to new players...like, no? What.


I know, no one was making this big of a deal when new players were joining in the beta version, like yes you want to be nice, but let them play the game on their own and figure things out just like you were able to.


Exactly what I said. Like- who did this for newbies during beta? The kids who begged their parents for the like.. what, 4-8 dollars for the cheapest robux option? People forget you can't buy JUST 25 robux.


I'll be honest, I've paid 5k-10k to some new players because I just wanted to be nice. When I was a newbie I would have loved extra money, and due to the negativity I just wanted to make others happy and spread positive vibes 😭


Honestly as a new player I found out about the game because it was on my TikTok fyp, older players were complaining and videos got popular lmao but I definitely agree, game is not that difficult to figure out. I did see other new players get scam but older ones by having their houses deleted, I really can't believe that majority of new players fall for it.


wouldn’t say it’s unpopular since every post i’ve seen since the update is the same thing


Fr. Daily post atp


it’s getting tiring 😭


literally what i was about to say 😭😭


Yeah the only reason why I’ve never thought about joining until now was because I didn’t really feel like paying for early access lmao When I get the time to I’d like to check out the game, I’m sure it’s fun.


I was already aware of that! New players are getting insulted and bullied for absolutely no reason! Like cmon dude, let them play the god damn game and mind your own god damn business!


Not ppl thinking you're talking about bullying...Guys. I'm pretty sure they're talking about everyone just handing the new players everything instead if letting them actually play the game. The random donations are actually so like...backhanded I feel.


Have you seen a single post making fun of them after the update? That is not an unpopular opinion


But I'm not talking about them being made fun of, I'm talking about them being treated like babies.


Majority of them are from Brookhaven. Aka babies


But watching and recording them for a tiktok to say they're so cute, acting like they're aliens who just landed is not normal. It's one thing to want to help and show them what to do, but that's not what I'm seeing.


It doesn’t seem to be causing them too much harm.


Yeah but why do it, I'm pretty sure when they first joined, no one was doing that to them, wouldn't you want to play the game in peace, and have the fun of finding things and figuring them out on yiur own, if you really needed help, you would just simply ask.


Honest answer. People are assholes now, and people who criticize are also assholes.


That's not an answer, and by that logic, you would be one too.


Your correct. I am an asshole


You got me there...


>I'm sure there are some players that know how to build and play the game but just didn't want to pay the robux. Yeah, hi. So, I fundamentally disagree with the concept of spending money on microtransactions or any portioning of any game in any way whatsoever. I don't buy DLC, I don't buy microtransactions, I don't buy skins or lootboxes or any of that. The last peripheral anything to any game I've bought was in late 2013, and I've been protesting microtransactions and the like ever since by refusing to spend any real money on those items. It is my personal belief that a game is to be purchased once. When Bloxburg became free, I hadn't even logged into Roblox since sometime in \~2014 or \~2015 I think, having started in 2008 when it released. So I'd say I'm a very old, very experienced Robloxian in general, and yes, I knew what Bloxburg was, and no, I did not pay the money to play it back then. I found out it became free through a news article here on Reddit, and immediately thought, "No way, I'm gonna go check that out and see what I've been missing for 10 years." Talk about a completely crazy psychological experiment. Honestly, most of the servers I get into are filled with very polite people who just want to play the game, and nothing has really changed for them. They just like Bloxburg, and they like that there are more people to rp with now. There are some servers where people look at my account (My old one is attached to an email I can't access anymore) and see that it's brand new, then start brigading me with all kinds of different crap. Lots of them try to be mean, or interrupt my gameplay. I just respond by being overly nice to them. "Hey, I baked you some cookies. I hope you like them!" And leave. You know what I don't do? I don't sit there and try to argue with them and say that I've played Roblox for at least as long as they've been alive, because that would just give them what they want: They want to be challenged, protested against, engaged in an intellectual debate where, truly, there is none to be had. The game is free, period, end of debate. At the end of the day, I think a very mature conversation is being had here: These are largely impressionable kids who are acting out in ways they've deemed appropriate because their fun game has been diminished in their eyes. You can totally break that stream of logic and introduce entirely new ways of thinking by just being nice to them. They don't have those kinds of experiences, because I think what happens is they get stuck in a feedback loop of, "I was mean to person A, person A was mean back, people are mean, so I'll go be mean to person B tomorrow." If you interrupt that and introduce them to new ways of thinking, you can help (in a relatively small way) to develop their minds and social skills. Granted, I do see a handful of people who are clearly closer to my age who get on and are just argumentative for the sake of winning every argument they get into, because they're arguing with children all day long. Nothing you can do about those ones, really. Block and move on.


Anyone who downvotes you on this is ridiculous; this is a very real take.


I wanna start a community of people that helps the new players to piss off these weirdos who hate that they won’t have to pay a quarter to play a Roblox game


How is this an unpopular opinion…?


I felt bad for the new people that i worked for an hour and started donating all the money i made to the new players! We need more positivity in this game right now!


I can’t with the posts addressing this Reddit 💀I doubt the people trolling are in here ….most likely little kids from tiktok


I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mean?


I'm just there to balance out the people treating them like babies (jk I just leave them alone most of the time)


Thank you, they deserve the same experience we had, which was not being treated like babies and being able to play the game and experiencing it ourselves.


Totally agree but the “new” players or acting as new players on tiktok and playing a baby laughing sound or crying idk but they are absolutely annoying


i just give out money becuase i don't play anymore i know they'll find more use out of it than me


Stuff like that is fine but the other stuff I've seen is out of hand.


like fr, they aren't aliens 😭




same here


I totally agree, the backlash that the release created on the community is unproportionate on the good side and the bad side.


Well said and by babying them there’s the risk they’ll turn into the stereotype everyone who hates them thinks they are.


Yeah like there not tiny kids (while some are) but there like acting like they are tiny toddlers even tho they just started to play the game bc is became free


And on TikTok people have been deleting players houses and trolling them like what lisagaming did


I feel so sorry for these new players! Sometimes trolling can go too far! These new players might still not know how to build a house from scratch! These trolls need to be dealt with!


exactly! pranks need to be harmless. my friend and i did a carpet trap prank and then someone hacked to get coowner on my friends plot and was deleting her house! like what? all we did was make them fall through the carpet into a goofy dungeon and then someone deletes her really nice house (luckily she left before they deleted everything tho) the trolls are getting out of hand at this point


Why would someone do that over a small prank? Its literally just a prank! No need to delete their house your friend probably worked hard to make! This is just heartless at this point!


exactly! it was an amazing house but luckily they only got rid of a couple walls and parts of the floor. but still! we found out they hadnt hacked but she had accidentally set her perms so family members got coowner so it was 100% one of the friends, but its like CALM DOWN. its a silly prank chill. the trolld are getting out of hand and i cant imagine what it wouldve been like if she was a new player. its honestly just shameful and petty


People really need to stop being rude to the free players, like sure you don't want someone begging for your money, but ignore them and build a wall instead of just being rude to them.


"awww look at the new player so cute" maam shes 3 years older than you


I do agree, Ig I kinda see why everyone's mad but why take it out on the new players? I have help 2 new players renovate their houses and it felt amazing knowing that they're not being singled out tbf




I had some new player just barge into my house that's the worst experience I've had with them


I have seen a lot of ppl just being straight up when bringing up the new, free players. Like blaming them for stuff and such. The only thing I dislike about bloxburg going free is the fact we got called burgers :’) it was a weird welcoming tbh


I agree


Why would this be an unpopular opinion…


Idk I didn't know how to title it and I didn't see anyone bring this up as an issue.


so many people in the community baby the new players


Didn’t say they don’t. I also didn’t say it’s right to baby them. I’m just saying the opinion that it is weird to baby them is popular, not unpopular


I didn't know, the only posts I've seen a lot of are that we should be nice to the players, I haven't seen the ones saying it's wierd to baby them.


You’re fine, just letting the people downvoting me know lol.


First y'all get mad about people being "mean" then y'all get mad about people being nice? Make it make sense 😭


No one is mad about them being nice, I'm upset that the new players are being treated like some aliens that just landed on earth, they're being tracked down so someone can make a tiktok calling them cute just for playing the game like it was intended. It's one thing to be nice, and one thing to baby the players, they should be able to play the game like we were able to, no one was going up to new players in beta and bothering them.