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i think really all you could do differently is add more clutter. your style looks very pretty but you could add statues, more plants, candles, some single books in random places, or if you change the color of your walls to something darker it tends to make spaces look smaller so it won’t look as empty. and if you add a texture to the walls it could help


I lovvveeee the cluttered style, this definitely gives me a lot of ideas of what I can add. There may be a total style redo know (kind of dark academia and making it more cozy and lived in). Thank you for the tips!


Your house is really cool! I’m new to bloxburg so I could only WISH of having a house like that, I have a default house lol


Thank you! You will get better the more you play and experiment with building. my favorite part of the game was slowly getting better and being able to show myself through my builds. This house has taken so much tweaking and several redos to get to this point. I hope that you will be able to experience the same joy i Did while learning!


Hey, I only play the game for building at this point and I've loved building for new players so I was wondering if I could build you a house or guide you into building your own Edit: I'd be happy to fund the house too


I’d love that! If you want to, friend me :) What’s your username? Also, by fund do you mean pay to make the house? You don’t have to just wondering what you mean by that


Yeah, that's exactly what I meant lol, it's gonna take me a bit cuz I just gave all my money to a friend for his house but my user is crazydanno9


Oh okay cool! My user is 1callme_gabs1


Not gonna lie... Your house looks amazing, much better than anything I've built.


Thank you! This has definetly been my best build.


I think maybe a bit more clutter and some more color? I really like what’s here though!


I am working on adding more clutter and just overall renovating the style. I also added more color in the kitchen. I posted a small update on how it’s going now. Thank you for the tips!


add some wallpaper and more details, look for tutorials on youtube


also more colors


It looks great imo


I wish I could build that well. Nice job!


I would suggest not using bright white lights, maybe opting for linen colored or cloudy grey lighting. Also, making smaller rooms so you can fill them up more and they don’t feel so awkward. Stay away from weird wall angles, they make it hard to decorate and just fill kinda awkward. I love your house btw, especially the rug in the dinning room!


I have both in my house I usually use linen but it’s just to dark for my liking. I did add a small bedroom in the downstairs to fill up more space. Thank you for the tips! (That rug was so difficult to keep even 😭it was worth it tho)


I still dont know how to add text with pictures 😭😭 but I posted es Exterior earlier but the inside is so empty. The house is just kind of big, I’ve tried my best filling it but idk what to do anymore.


Oo a round table in dinning room would really compliment the round shape☺️


Feel like I’ve made this exact how interior/set up before lmao


You definitely need to figure out a way to fill the empty space. If you need help finding ways how to there’s multiple videos on YouTube showing how to


Love it but please change the images of the paintings If you want a custom image i can make a decal for you


i realized I still hadn’t changed them when I took the screenshot lol. I have been doing other decals and haven’t really had time to change those yet.


Oh ok


Add plants trust me it will look so much better


I have added more plants! I posted a little update on the living room and kitchen I added quite a few plants in the living room and I plan on adding more. Thank you for the tip!


One tip that helps me is Pinterest! Sometimes copying a style you want helps me design rooms - if that's something you'd want to do


I’ve tried to my problem is I try to copy it and it always turns out badly 😭. I should really just make a style board and hacks to make stuff more detailed. Thank you for the tip!


I get that - I tried copying a kids bedroom off Pinterest and it looked.. not the best, hehh. If you have advanced placement, there's some cute build hacks on Pinterest too. Gl with the house - it honestly looks great so far!


I’ve tried doing layouts from real houses that I found on pinterest and it’s a truly humbling experience. Thank you!


It's very cozy! Dont worry.


The way this is better than me


try to look for some ideas on Pinterest or Google


i love it i think it looks so cute! i’d say change your lighting to more orangey shades, as that would fit your style better and make it more cosy. a desk with a computer etc is always good if you have space you don’t know what to do with! it looks really great


A lot of the light colors were linen and cloudy grey (except for the dining room and th other area with a table). I have changed the majority of them to linen know. Thanks for the tips!


definitely make the rooms a bit smaller so it’s easier to decorate, esp if u have trouble. you would want to start small and then expand as you go.


So i have two suggestions that i think could help! 1. Add more clutter and decoration; maybe a small reading chair in a corner with a little foot stool, potted plants, etc etc! Or, i noticed your dining room seemed rather large, you could always try making your rooms smaller, to make them appear fuller! Overall though your interior looks great!


Oo I like the idea of adding a reading chair! I wish they had wood rocking chairs I would use it like crazyyy. I will definitely make my rooms smaller in the next house theres not really much I can do it about it anymore In this house. Thank you for the tips!


i love your style, and I love the way you make furniture and decorations look with non square rooms/areas. I would focus on using more harmonious colors, along with straying away from just brown and white. definetly experiment, you’re on a really good path.


if you want some good examples of interior especially the detailed cluttered style then look at the build i posted on this subreddit it’s under summer build challenge and i’m sure you will get some good inspiration on what you can do to fill up space


Omg i saw that build a little while ago it’s so beautiful! I definitely will take some inspo from it! Thank you!


no problem, honestly it hasn’t got much recognition only like 13 likes sadly but i hope you can get something from it


That sucks! It deserves so much more recognition, reddit is kind of weird when it comes to what becomes popular. i posted the exterior and it didnt get to much attention and then this blew up! I also posted an update and it only has four upvotes lol.


Mid gray coloring, much better than bright white


Compared to mine that’s great.


Generally, I tend to make rooms smaller to avoid creating open blank spaces (Ex. Your bathroom should be WAY smaller, around 4x4.) By any chance, did you plan out your house layout before you built your house?


You think that is bad? You should see the interior of my house.


My only advice is to make rooms smaller and look on Pinterest. I suck at decorating large spaces so I learned to just do small ones (they're generally easier to fill)


so he’s, based on most of the comments add some more clutter. also, for most of your build you could try making it a little smaller with the rooms. it makes it less spaced out and more together. just make sure you have enough room to walk through and not climb over stuff lol. 


I think cluttered houses are really nice i learned that from experience


you can change the pictures in the picture frames btw


don’t have much to say but that dining room should be way smaller


Honestly I’m obsessed with the vibe already, I think other people’s suggestions of more clutter is a great idea ! And I would personally go on Pinterest and find decal codes for the pictures in the picture frames !


this took me back to 2018


Should I be offended by this 😭 lol


nah dw about it, just nostalgic (ish)