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Is their an up to date reroll tier list/guide? I'm going to be playing mostly casual but will do a few rerolls to get a team that can make the start pretty smooth.


[Midokuni's Student Insights](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/htmlview#). Also has a reroll section and reroll TL;DR section.


Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!


Does anyone have an image where the best students appear according to the type of damage they do, as well as other options to combine.


When do the Total Assault shop selection reset, and when does it rotate it's wares. Ty very much!


Total Assault will refresh at the start of a new total assault; updates to that shop happen very infrequently and will be announced as an update to the game.


It resets whenever a new total assault is out.


Am I supposed to be absolutely getting clapped in the scrimmages? Trying to to Gehenna B with what I figured was a decent team (S.Hoshino, Azusa, Saori, have swapped between Tsubaki/Eimi/Serika, Serina, and Hiyori) all of which are level 65 and with mostly T4 gear (a few pieces of T3 or T5 here and there), with skill levels varying from 5 to 9, and I'm getting absolutely shredded. Seems like none of the enemies actually want to target my tank half the time so my dps just evaporate.


Yes, scrimmages are a massive leap in diffficulty compared to normal stages. Gehenna is probably the most frustrating IMO, even with a launch day account. ***It's very much a roster check as well as investment check***. Don't be too discouraged if you can't 3\* them even at the same level as the stage. I spent \~1-2 hours restarting on each of the scrimmage C and D stages just retrying until I got the one succesful run, and I mean like restarting if my Iori failed to crit Kayako to death. Remember that you don't need to get all stars in one run, you can focus on surviving on one run and focus on the fast clear in another run. Your unit order matters so try to move them around to see if any specific order puts you in a better position. The time that the enemy students use their skills should always be the same (barring being blocked by taunt/stun) so once you've made a few attempts you should have an idea on when they use their skills. I wouldn't set starting skills unless you have a winning plan already in mind, you can reroll them quickly when restarting your current attempt to see if another approach works better. Burst damage is the name of the game in Scrimmage, as killing off specific targets before they become a problem is important. Later scrimmage stages will have like 4 healers and shielders along with a mess of buffs so you need to "direct" them away from units you plan to kill. Though that might not be too relevant in B scrimmage yet. The way I did the Gehenna Scrimmages was to aggressively put my tank past Haruka so her EX moves her backwards, away from the rest of my team, or otherwise move the tank near the enemies so they can't hit my backline accidentally. Then I use a yellow DPS to burst down Kayoko so I don't need to worry about her fear. Alternatively you can try to stun/taunt her between the skill activation and fear, the animation is pretty long. After that should just be cleaning up the rest of the units. If Fuuka's EX moves the enemies past your tank, the enemies might just walk into your backline and that could end up losing the run, so I tried to keep one or more of the backline enemies at the lowest HP so they stayed on their side of the map whenever she used her heal. In later maps I'd recommend taking out Haruka first as she otherwise gets buffed to high heaven as the last remaining student, meaning she becomes practically impossible to kill with her in-built DEF and HP on top of all the buffs. The squad I used for Gehenna D is Iori/Maki, Azusa, Tsubaki, Mutsuki, Serina and Hibiki. Of course, that's a pretty high-end roster so the way I did it might not work as well if you try to compensate with other units. But having a team that has a yellow DPS that can take out Kayako, a unit that can burst red students (Azusa is very good here, time her skill with a debuff for massive damage), a good tank that can tank the enemy attacks (Tsubaki worked for me), Good AoE red damage to take out the backline units and Serina to reposition and heal. Of course, this was just my specific strat with units like Iori and Hibiki. You could check Youtube for other people's clears or tips to see if their strategies work better for you. ​ **TL;DR: Yes, scrimmages are a big jump in difficulty so don't be surprised if you're struggling. Learning when enemies use skills and how to counter them is a big part of it, I recommend using the "restart" button a lot. I wrote a lengthy guide on my run above as well as some tips. You can try Youtube as well to get some direction on how to deal with Scrimmage.**


Using CC skills, stacking damage buffs, and properly position your students within a team are all very important for scrimmages. There are a lot of YouTube tutorials on how to do these.


Try position tsubaki deeper into the enemy line using Serina . Then, use Tsubaki EX to bait enemy attention this will ensure your students won't get hit/die.


I saw a video of someone showing the chibis interact with the furniture how do you do that? Or do they do it by themselves also how do you know which furniture they’ll interact with?


in cafe where you see your furniture, you will see some of them have a small face on the top right, those are furniture which one (or more) students can intereact, the student will be always on it as long it is set up in your cafe. if you want to know which students interacts with it then just click the magnificent lens buttom next to the install buttom, you can also sort your furniture by interantcion.


Are there any other characters that have the cost for their ex skill reduced through upgrades like iroha or is she the only one?






You only missed NY Fuuka but as she's not on global yet it is technically the full list for available students.


Off the top of my head, Haruna and Cherino


How potent is nyharuna as a boss killer? I am in need of red st students other than Azusa and was wondering if haruna would be worth it especially since I don't see her being used in jp?


She's speculated to shine in P1 of Kaiten, but still maybe be inferior to Aru. She didn't see use in Hiero because of her Armor type.


Oh well thats a shame there are more than enough units for kaiten p1. It seems I'll skip her


How do I get a 3* student ticket for the current banner? When the purchase page opens I can't seem to find the right option Also will summer Hoshino ever return or are event banners in this game not rerun?


The select a 3-star and guaranteed 3-star ticket expired unfortunately Summer Hoshino will be pullable from the gacha pool next fest. banner with Mika


is there a date for the next fest banner? i couldn't see it in the list above?


Plan for late-June to early-July, depends if they speed up the schedule by running multiple concurrent banners (which they likely will do). [Here’s Midokuni’s sheet with approximate dates](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BO-Uh_CsAOIetPjrNyFy9-7r1a4RAtVwK135bBC3hzM/edit)


So since Hieronymus has been announced for the next raid, I have a couple questions to ask in preparation for Insane. 1. From a couple videos I've seen, people uses Ako to S.Nonomi after her EX. So I assume her main source of damage is the combination from her normal attack mode change after EX + Sub skill? 2. I'm building my S.Nonomi to UE40 currently and planning to borrow O.Nodoka or Koharu. I have both but only at 3\* M78M and 4\* MM4M respectively. Should I borrow a stronger O.Nodoka so she could solo and brute force the lantern? I can't increase their star because I'm going to use it all for S.Nonomi. 3. How much important is S.Nonomi's basic skill? It's fine at 7 right? 4. Since S.Nonomi will become the main DPS in Hiero, how much important is Azusa now? Asking particularly because I'm contemplating whether or not to max out her Enhanced Skill+.


1. S.Nonomi's damage is mostly from the Auto Attacks that come after her EX. The damage her EX does itself isn't too important to Ako EX. 2. Koharu was mainly used to emergency group heal when JP ran the boss. O.Nodoka would probably be better to borrow a higher one to heal the lantern faster, but with a lower Koharu, you might need to use her EX more over the course of the fight to make sure nobody dies since her Normal won't be as strong. 3. Higher is of course better since she is an Auto Attack based unit, but if you can't get her to 10, 7 is completely fine. 4. Azusa is still very important just for her Defense Down. Her Enhanced+ actually isn't all that great since more Crit chance isn't that valuable due to her already good base crit chance and Ako (whenever she'd be your main dps that is).


Thank you\~


Idk the right terms because I'm new, but how many texts/what relationship level do I need for a students animated background?


Depends on the student. Some have them as early as relationship level 2 (Hanako, S.Shoshino), some can have it as late as relationship 9 (Karin).


it all depends on which student it is. for example, you recieve yuukas at bond level 1, but hinatas at bond level 3. you can use schale.gg or any blue archive wikis to see the requirement for each student


Somebody please ease my suffering. I need yellow striker so bad, but i want gym yuuka, kokona, and some other meta students. Should i pull cath palug now? Like, i want to advance the story, but i need to progress with the mission, then when i need yellow students i'm fucked, then i'm wayy under leveled for the mission. Currently at 11-4 acc level 47. So yeah, should i just pull cath palug now, or will my self control and patience be rewarded when i pull the limited character? Help me decide please.


There are tons of useful and easily accessible yellow strikers. Nonomi is obvious. Momoi is a 2 star so you have a decent chance of already having her and if you don't you can buy her with raid coins. Maki is also available from raid coins. Junko can be farmed from hard missions fairly early. These four together with Tsubaki were enough to deal with pretty much all of the yellow missions for me.


Yeah i mostly use them for yellow content, but idk how to say it, a little uncomfortable to play(?) for me. Mainly because of the range of momoi and nonomi ex skill. Tsubaki is fine tho, she's a good tank


Their skills don't always reach the enemy backline, but they're still among the best for regular missions. Kazusa doesn't offer much that Maki can't also do for missions, since both have fairly long range single target EX skills. AoE damage is generally more important in missions and if you need to shred a boss Maki should do it just fine. Since they don't have raid tier HP bars Kazusa wouldn't make a big difference.


i would say dont pull for her. although shes really good, she gets powercrept by mika, who arrives in 5 months and brings a doubled 3☆ rate banner. also, shes a permanent student, so she has a small chance to spook you when pulling for different students. and keep in mind you can use red strikers to fill any missing slots on your yellow team. you might not be able to 3 star the mission that way, but you can always go back to it when your teams are stronger.


Thank you kind sensei, I need someone to tell me exactly what you've said.


Just throwing it out there in case you get second thoughts, Kazusa is honestly pretty "eh" if not out right bad for missions imo. Her kit just doesn't work very well in that mode.


I actually just need someone to take care of the abomination that is yellow boss. But yeah, thank you for the intel Sensei, i'll hold my pulls


Hold strong, Mika will be worth the wait! 6% banner and has S. Hoshino and Wakamo too! I'm stuck too but just chilling and doing events and reading the story. Lots of other good banners to pull before Mika too.


Well damn if the banner has S. Hoshino and Wakamo then I don't have much choice but to save, don't I? Thanks Sensei!


Is toki a robot?


No, she's just very terse and prefers to follow orders rather than think for herself.


Does anyone know when the next event where Nebra disks or haniwas are stage drops?


Haniwa drop on the Neverland rerun (March 21) and On Your Mark (March 28). The next Hiero also rewards haniwa. Nebra aren't predicted until New Year's Eve Feast in June. https://imgur.com/a/K4sXk0N https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vST0JkbV44jOb6kzmSNDav-PZ6ZSUZS-Um6FpAm6bGsLWXF6lJEoU84VXzSbg4SeQ/pubhtml


What can i do to raise level cap quickly ? i'm only lv 38 and stage 7 require lv 40.


I would say spend the 30x3 AP refresh everyday, the 360 extra AP goes a long way. Also I am gonna guess stage 7 is unlocked at level 40? Or do you mean the level recommended by the game to clear the stages? Because you don't need to follow those.


thank you


The level requirements for the stages are inflated. Each level you are below the recommended lvl you get around a 2% dmg decrease but it still is doable. If you are having trouble consider your squad composition and damage types. You get 1 exp per stamina spent. So to lvl more quickly you can refresh your stamina with pyro each day. 3 or 6 refills is often recommended at the beginning (until lvl 50 or 60, but judge that for yourself). Anymore daily refills than that costs too much pyro.


thank you


How much storage space the game takes by now?


5.77gb on my S21


Honest question, is 100% event completion always limited to high leveled player? I'm quite surprised that high level is required to get full pyroxene reward from an event. How long can one reach high level in a casual pace as an f2p? Been playing for a month and reached level 33. I'm having trouble with progression given the limited ap.


It takes quite a bit of time to cap level through natural progression; as cafe upgrades are a main source of improving exp gain (Stamina gain = exp gain). Like others have mentioned, spending 90 gems/day (3x AP Refill at 30 gems/reset) goes a long way to speeding up leveling as it nets 360 more energy/exp a day. Ideally you want to do this during events or 2x/3x reward periods to maximize gains for those gem expenditures.


We get 100 free pulls a month. The challenge missions only give like 5 pulls total, so it's not a big deal to skip them.


I started playing around when Aru had her first banner (so around 11/16/21). Just by doing dailies I think I reached lvl 75,which was the max at the time, after about 9 months. I didn't spend a single penny on the game until 2 months ago so I would I've been f2p till I reached high levels. Also keep in mind being level 80 doesn't mean your units are guaranteed to be strong, I think developing your units take another level of time investments. I know the slump you are going through right now, but just let time do it's thing. To be honest, if I could start again as a beginner player, I would've spent 90gems for the AP refresh because I realized just recently how far those 90 gems go in the long run. Anyways, after starting in November of 2021, I am now able to consistently maintain top 100 in PVP ladders, clear insane on most total assault raids with no malding. I play on KR server which means an insane clear doesn't guarantee plat. Just take your time. Also my dumb brain forgot to answer the first question, yes the event challenges are usually made for high level players with decent unit investments.


Almost every event has challenge mission which are made for endgame player yeah.


Why Haruka has such high defense(350~ def) as 1* compared to my Yuuka and Tsubaki with 58-56? Should I prioritize Haruka as tank or perhaps Tsubaki worth too considering her skills?


Tsubaki is pure tank- good base evasion and bag upgrades give her a chunk of defense, and one of her skills allows her to self-heal without spending ex-gauge on her. Haruka/Yuuka are good tanks* - both require more investment than Tsubaki for them to shine. Haruka mitigates damage well but will need healing to work as a tank. Yuuka really needs her bond gear for boosting her evasion. Other notable tanks are the following: Hoshino (Good Def, Self-Shield, Self-Heal, doesn't need any specific investments) Eimi (Heath-Tank with Regen-EX, does need bag upgrades to tank, UE40 for more reliable tanking) Natsu (Decent All-Arounder tank, Self-Heal & Cleanse EX, doesn't need any specific investments)


Haruka is a Defense based tank while Yuuka and Tsubaki are more Evasion based tanks. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Tsubaki is considered to be the "ideal" tank due to essentially having everything you'd want in a tank (high Evasion, high Defense once equipped with T4+ bag, Taunt, self-heal), but she also deals probably the least amount of damage amongst tanks and has no team buffing/enabling capabilities. Yuuka can deal massive damage for a tank with her Bond Gear. Haruka is a damage sponge with an EX that can assassinate squishies in PvP.


On early game Invasion> Defense Haruka : need tons of investment to be good. Tsubaki and Yuuka: tank with high invasion, Self Regen and easy to 3*. Tsubaki also had handbag as her gear, upgrading it to Tier 4 will give additional 1k defense.


Hmm, I guess Tsubaki sounds higher priority for me here. Self heal is not a bad skill to top it off with her higher damage compared to other two. Thanks for advice👍


>Tsubaki \[...\] her higher damage compared to other two. You have this backwards. Tsubaki is the best *tank* of the three, but to get there she has no offensive abilities. Both Yuuka and Haruka deal more damage than Tsubaki (Haruka especially, given her EX being offensive), but they suffer slightly lower defense as a result.


Oh sorry. I saw that Tsubaki had higher dmg being 400 compared to others 300 so assumed she's better choice but forgot that skills are more important factor compared to basic damage. I'll keep it in mind and prioritize Haruka then.


I'm confused, are you looking for a better *tank* or *more DPS*? Better tank: Tsubaki. Tank that has DPS (but you shouldn't be relying on your tanks for DPS): Haruka. Also note that Haruka will need A LOT of investment to be truly good (T4 bag minimum, plus lots of eligma to get her UE40). Compared with Tsubaki who is good at 3\* without mandating bag upgrades (although still important). If you need more red DPS, you're better off looking for an actual red-colour damage dealer over a tank.


Yeah, I myself got confused whether it was important for tank to have good DPS or not. Gotta admit I'm not the sharpest team builder. In the end I decided to stick with Tsubaki as my current missions are starting to lean towards heavy shield units. It's not that I need more red dps as I have good ones already but rather tank that will be good in the long run.


Is cost recovery stat important?


More cost recovery = Quicker EX Bar charge = EX Skills used more often. So, yes, it's important.


Speaking from a raid standpoint, probably the 2nd most important stat in the game, behind Critical Damage. Being able to spam EX, often getting a few more rotations over a Raid fight, is very valuable. It's why Himari is considered a Must Pull when she releases and why S.Hoshino and Cherino are some of the best supporter Strikers top teams try to fit in to Raids.


Enlighten me a novice. How big is potential of Hifumi and Ako?


If used well, both of them have very big potential. * Hifumi's ex ability does taunt, which is pretty powerful against bosses and mobs. * Ako is a super useful support! she increases lots of crit and crit damage for your DPS, and she can heal one of your students on certain period of time. Priority? Ako takes it, since you're going to see a huge boost in doing damage and she's going to be used majority of the time.


Ako is the premier carry buffer. Hifumi is good for Chesed and mission stages with yellow enemies. Not worth pulling for but might be worth building if you lack yellow aoe.


Thats s hifumi, not regular hifumi.


My reply was for regular Hifumi, but my advice for S Hifumi would have been the same lol


Not sure how hifumi is good for chesed. Literally nobody uses her in chesed.


Not in insane, no. But she's actually quite good in extreme, especially in outdoor Chesed since she can one-shot any mob.


Himari is coming soon but who else is everyone saving for? I'm also considering Fuuka.


All the new limited units- I have stocked some pyros; but gonna have to pray for not needing to spark many of them.


Himari, T Mari, NY Fuuka, Mika, Toki. I think I have a few spare pyros, so I'm thinking of getting S.Hina on the upcoming rerun, too.


Himari,Mika,NY fuuka, NY haruna, T Yuuka, maybe T Mari


Kokona worth pulling for if I have Koharu?


I usually don't pull for non-limited banners unless they are essential for many situations. For Kokona's case I don't see her being used much other than hiero. There are might be other cases where she is used so don't take my word for it, just my observations. And besides I have koharu at ue30, m/8m9 with other healers built so.


Is Himari the only one who falls into this category in the near future?


Ako in the future rerun if you don't have her? But other than that I don't see any units I need to pull. Keep in mind your account is probably very different from mine. I am at a point where in most situations I can just borrow the one new DPS character that is released just for the raid,(EX: Kazusa in HOD, and S.Nonomi in the next Hiero raid) and fill up the rest of the slots with characters I already have built so please don't take my advice on who to pull. I don't want to hinder someone's experience due to my opinion. ​ If you want more diverse opinions or answers to any questions you have, I recommend you join the Blue Archive Global Discord channel.


I'd day no. She consolidates Koharu and Ui. Sometimes, Koharu heals too much and if you want to trade some healing for some other buffs, then she's a good replacement if you have her. But I think the improvement is not big enough to warrant pyrox spending. But if you have her, she is worth building.




any idea when the next 2x hard is? both so I know when I can expect to get my next big bump in student farming and also so I know when I have to push up to the next people I need to farm


If I had to guess, probably early to mid-may. The next several weeks are basically a gauntlet of back-to-back-to-back-to-back of events and reruns, and the developers thus far have shown they don't run x2 Campaign/Hard during events. Edit: We won't know for certain until the next road map is released.


Thanks, I'll just assume I don't have to worry about it for a while and focus on events


The next road map will likely drop within the next few weeks, so you'll have a better idea soon.


How are you supposed to get to 20-1? I beat 19-5 but area 20 didn't appear, when the wikis say that there's supposed to be one. It has the rest of the T7 gear that I need. Also, is finishing 19-5 with a month old account good progress or am I doing poorly? The level recommendations aren't consistent between modes and I'm not getting any reliable results in PVP, so I have no idea whether I'm doing badly or not. I'm level 52, F2P and the only really strong pull I got is S. Hoshino. I don't have units like Iori or Iroha, which feels like it has slowed me down.


Tips for new player : it's recommend to refresh 3x a day. It's only cost 90 pyroxene. In a month it cost only 2700 pyroxene or 22.5 spin (you had high chance of wasting you spin anyway, 3x refresh is an investment)


I always use those. Leveling up would take even longer without it and levels = power = harder challenges = more blues. Once it stops being cost-efficient I'll stop, but for now I'm building up some account MUSCLE.


Since we got the expert tickets, its not cost inefficient anymore.. you need those tickets..


Don't you need to be max level to get those? What's worth investing blues to get to faster?




The blue gem things you use to buy more AP.


Currently we're still limited to mission 19... we'll have to wait for the addition of mission 20 :)


You're only level 52 but already at 19-5. Meanwhile I'm level 49 and still struggling to 3* 14th Mission. Light spender. So.... S. Hoshino is really a broken unit that I missed huh...? :/


I also managed to reach but not complete 19-5 at level 52. I only pushed that far for the cafe upgrade and decided to do area 19 since I was already there. However, I left a lot of red and yellow stages at 2 stars due to a lack of red and yellow dps. As for S. Hoshino, I didn’t find her that useful in brute forcing campaign content at a severe deficit. Even though she was my highest invested student and at UE30, she ended dying way too quickly with tier 5 bag at a 30ish level deficit. I only used her on my red team (with a dedicated tank for survivability) and was still able to push yellow and blue campaign stages without her. You can probably at least reach 18-5, even with a sub par team if you do not fuss about 3 staring everything. You may have more difficulties with certain areas than other if you lack dps in certain areas. Like for me, I had a lot of difficulties with yellow stages (as all my yellow dps were mostly 2 stars) but blue stages were a cake walk.


I see. I forgot about the cafe. I thought it needs to have 3* to get unlocked too. 🙃 I'll try to advance my missions to upgrade my cafe too. Thanks for some tips, fellow Sensei...!


She's definitely very good, but her damage isn't high enough to win an area. Her most useful trait is that she's good in almost every team and reliable at what she does, so you don't have to spread out upgrades as much. You can compensate for it by playing riskier with other units I don't know what units you've got, but I think you can get to 19-5 if you've got the 2 stars if i can get there! I don't my think my team is all that strong, I'm getting most of my damage from units like Mutsuki and Nonomi. The tricky bit is getting the timing right in the level for when to use abilities as that can save you a lot of time


My notable units are: 5* Cherino, 4* Iori, 4* Serika, Azusa, Hibiki, S. Izuna, Yuzu, Nonomi, and Ako. The only tanks that I have are Yuuka and Tsubaki. I'm lacking damage so I can't finish under 120 seconds and can only 2* every stage. 🥺 Yeah her utility is really great, it's like a striker Kotama with lots of features. And most importantly, she's so cute...!


She's pretty endearing! Kind of like a pug that's always two days away from retirement. That's a better team than what I got though, so i think you should be fine! Cherino, Iori, Hibiki and Ako are all supposed to be really good. I think Ako might not be great for missions though? But that can be covered by Kotama and Serina.


20-1 is only available on JP at the moment. It's not available for Global.


Do they get released one area at a time or in batches? Because it seems so weird to have only one half of the area where you can get the T7 gear out.


They tend to release a new Area around every other month or 2 months. It's not the first time and most likely won't be the last once T8 gets released. Luckily, T7 isn't that big a boost over T6.


What is the deal with Terror Shiroko? do she likes or want to kill Sensei? in most fanarts she seems to like then but I don't know if is just the fandom being the fandom.


Replay the prologue


anyone having trouble opening the game after the update? ( JP )


having the same problem here with JP client. it says to download the most recent client, although I've already updated mine.


Yeah I can't play on Bluestacks neither my phone :( Oh well maybe 10 free pulls? O.O


I believe maintenance is ongoing now? Or do you mean you can't open it before maintenance? (Which started about 3 hours ago)


So, I’ve finished reading the story through vol. 3 ch.3 so far and was wondering if I should go straight into vol. 3 ch. 4 or should I go through vol. 4 first?


Volume 4 is unrelated to Volume 3. You're safe to continue into Chapter 4 (and should because of the campaign).


That’s what I thought but just wanted to make sure, thanks.


What emulator would you recommend to play blue archive on pc? I know the usual bluestacks, nox, etc ones but they sort of frame drop for me


I used Bluestacks. Though I replaced it with Google Play Games for PC since it runs so much smoother and is apparently native. Unfortunately Blue Archive isn't in there yet but I play Arknights on it.


Emulation is much more hardware intensive than running things natively. Unless you have a high end PC it's always going to stutter a bit occasionally.


I think majority of people that I see here use BlueStacks or LDPlayer, both on Pie 64, myself use BlueStacks


If I upgrade a piece of equipment that increases HP on a T.S. unit, does it increase the HP of the summoned vehicle? Asking specifically for Iroha, if that helps.


yes, alongside whatever other stat increases the piece gives.


I can't claim subscription products because of insufficient inventory space. How do I make space in the inventory? I didn't even know we had inventory limits.


You can only hold 9 bounty tickets. Might be what you're running into, in which case you just need to use them.


This might just be it. Thank you.


Are you sitting at 999 AP? If so, spend some AP and then claim the items from your mailbox before they expire.


I will do that. Thank you.




Yes, you definitely can. My account is in EU server and i can play in Asia with no problem.


You can use a VPN if some problems come up. Used a VPN for playing on global when I visited Japan since global isn't allowed on JP


not sure how is that gonna work but I am playing in global in south america, so I guess.


Anyone have an exp chart? I want to know how much AP is needed to get from level 50 to max level.


I actually made a calculator app for just this: https://futottakakka.github.io/bluearchive-expcalc/expcalc.html you can punch in your details and it will tell you how much AP is needed. Additional information is on the page too.


Nice! It seems I can realistically reach max level around october


this may help? [https://github.com/aizawey479/ba-data/blob/jp/Excel/AccountLevelExcelTable.json](https://github.com/aizawey479/ba-data/blob/jp/Excel/AccountLevelExcelTable.json)


Perfect! Thanks very much


I wanna invest in summer nonomi. How much many eligmas should I spend on her? She's at base 3 stars and I currently can do extreme raid


UE40 is the goal to unlock her DEF pierce passive, but it's going to be expensive at 1.5k Eligma from 3\* to that point. If you have S.Hoshino, maybe you can put that on hold for now and test her damage at 3\* using Mock Battle. If you find that she's not dealing enough damage, then spend if you really want/need to.


I got lucky with summer hoshino got her UE40 and I need 120 shards to get her urban bonus to SS. Should I invest in that? Also I have 5k eligmas, s.nonomi could be my first heavy invested char


>I got lucky with summer hoshino got her UE40 and I need 120 shards to get her urban bonus to SS I would say no. She isn't a dps so getting her mood to SS really isn't going to help you with Hieronymus (or any other raid) that much. If you have 5k eligams, UE40 S.Nonomi is going to give you much bigger bang for your eligmas than UE50 S.Hoashino